Production and catch of fish in Serbia increases from year to year, while in the world it reached its peak at the beginning of this century. Serbia has all the favorable natural and economic conditions for further development of fishing. Out of total production, that is, annual fish catch in Serbia, the greatest part is sold by organized purchase, lower part is exported, and the reminder goes to the market through retail. It is well known that food consumption, therefore fish consumption, depends on several factors such as the production level, retail price, consumers purchasing power and their eating habits. Therefore, when analyzing the tendency of production and consumption of fish in Serbia, it is important to investigate the influence of production, price and purchasing power of consumers on it. In order to investigate the set objective, there were used corresponding quantitative data obtained by Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia. On the basis of the original data, there were determined certain parameters, which were used as variables for calculation of correlational-regressive and maginal analysis for determining the elasticity of demand and consummation of fish per capita in Serbia. Production and catch of fish in Serbia tended to increase during the observed period, with annual growth rate of 17.4%. Beside the fact that annual growth rate is 4.8%, fish consumption per capita in Serbia is still quite small (X=4.89kg), what is a consequence of population habit to consume predominantly meat. In our study we have found out that fish consumption in Serbia mostly depend on fish production per capita (rxy=0.6364), as well as on groos (rxy=0.6045) and net (rxy=0.5969) earnings. Also, it is determined that consumption elasticity has the highest growth in regard to fish production per capita. Proizvodnja i ulov ribe u Srbiji raste iz godine u godinu, dok je u svetu dostigao svoj maksimum početkom ovog veka. Srbija ima povoljne prirodne i privredne uslove za dalji razvoj domaćeg ribarstva. Od ukupne proizvodnje odnosno godišnjeg ulova ribe u Srbiji najveći deo se organizovano otkupi, manji deo se izveze, a ostalo ide u promet putem maloprodaje na pijacama. Poznato je da potrošnja namirnica za ishranu ljudi, pa time i ribe, zavisi od nivoa proizvodnje, maloprodajne cene, kupovne moći potrošača i navika potrošača. Stoga, prilikom analiziranja tendencije kretanja proizvodnje i potrošnje ribe u Srbiji, veoma je značajno ispitati uticaj proizvodnje, cena i kupovne moći potrošača na potrošnju ribe u našoj zemlji. Za ispitivanje postavljenog cilja korišćeni su odgovarajući kvantitativni podaci koje vodi Statistički zavod Srbije. Na osnovu izvornih podataka utvrđeni su određeni parametri koji su poslužili kao varijable za izračunavanje korelaciono-regresione i marginalne analize za utvrđivanje elasticiteta tražnje i potrošnje ribe po stanovniku u Srbiji. Proizvodnja i ulov ribe u Srbiji beleži tendenciju rasta tokom posmatranog perioda sa godišnjom stopom rasta od 17,4%. Pored toga što ima godišnju stopu rasta od 4,8%, potrošnje ribe po stanovniku u našoj zemlji je dosta mala (X=4,89kg) i posledica je navike potrošača da više troše meso domaćih životinja. U našim istraživanjima utvrdili smo da potrošnja ribe u Srbiji u najvećoj meri zavisi od proizvodnje ribe po stanovniku (rxy=0,6364), kao i od bruto (rxy= 0,6045) i neto zarada (rxy=0,5969), a ujedno je utvrđeno da elastičnost potrošnje najveći rast ima u odnosu na proizvodnju ribe po stanovniku.