126 results on '"Douglas, MR"'
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2. Lawson Criterion for Ignition Exceeded in an Inertial Fusion Experiment
- Author
Abu-Shawareb, H, Acree, R, Adams, P, Adams, J, Addis, B, Aden, R, Adrian, P, Afeyan, BB, Aggleton, M, Aghaian, L, Aguirre, A, Aikens, D, Akre, J, Albert, F, Albrecht, M, Albright, BJ, Albritton, J, Alcala, J, Alday, C, Alessi, DA, Alexander, N, Alfonso, J, Alfonso, N, Alger, E, Ali, SJ, Ali, ZA, Alley, WE, Amala, P, Amendt, PA, Amick, P, Ammula, S, Amorin, C, Ampleford, DJ, Anderson, RW, Anklam, T, Antipa, N, Appelbe, B, Aracne-Ruddle, C, Araya, E, Arend, M, Arnold, P, Arnold, T, Asay, J, Atherton, LJ, Atkinson, D, Atkinson, R, Auerbach, JM, Austin, B, Auyang, L, Awwal, AS, Ayers, J, Ayers, S, Ayers, T, Azevedo, S, Bachmann, B, Back, CA, Bae, J, Bailey, DS, Bailey, J, Baisden, T, Baker, KL, Baldis, H, Barber, D, Barberis, M, Barker, D, Barnes, A, Barnes, CW, Barrios, MA, Barty, C, Bass, I, Batha, SH, Baxamusa, SH, Bazan, G, Beagle, JK, Beale, R, Beck, BR, Beck, JB, Bedzyk, M, Beeler, RG, Behrendt, W, Belk, L, Bell, P, Belyaev, M, Benage, JF, Bennett, G, Benedetti, LR, Benedict, LX, Berger, R, Bernat, T, Bernstein, LA, Berry, B, Bertolini, L, Besenbruch, G, Betcher, J, Bettenhausen, R, Betti, R, Bezzerides, B, Bhandarkar, SD, Bickel, R, Biener, J, Biesiada, T, Bigelow, K, Bigelow-Granillo, J, Bigman, V, Bionta, RM, Birge, NW, Bitter, M, Black, AC, Bleile, R, Bleuel, DL, Bliss, E, Blue, B, Boehly, T, Boehm, K, Boley, CD, Bonanno, R, Bond, EJ, Bond, T, Bonino, MJ, Borden, M, Bourgade, J-L, Bousquet, J, Bowers, J, Bowers, M, Boyd, R, Bozek, A, Bradley, DK, Bradley, KS, Bradley, PA, Bradley, L, Brannon, L, Brantley, PS, Braun, D, Braun, T, Brienza-Larsen, K, Briggs, TM, Britten, J, Brooks, ED, Browning, D, Bruhn, MW, Brunner, TA, Bruns, H, Brunton, G, Bryant, B, Buczek, T, Bude, J, Buitano, L, Burkhart, S, Burmark, J, Burnham, A, Burr, R, Busby, LE, Butlin, B, Cabeltis, R, Cable, M, Cabot, WH, Cagadas, B, Caggiano, J, Cahayag, R, Caldwell, SE, Calkins, S, Callahan, DA, Calleja-Aguirre, J, Camara, L, Camp, D, Campbell, EM, Campbell, JH, Carey, B, Carey, R, Carlisle, K, Carlson, L, Carman, L, Carmichael, J, Carpenter, A, Carr, C, Carrera, JA, Casavant, D, Casey, A, Casey, DT, Castillo, A, Castillo, E, Castor, JI, Castro, C, Caughey, W, Cavitt, R, Celeste, J, Celliers, PM, Cerjan, C, Chandler, G, Chang, B, Chang, C, Chang, J, Chang, L, Chapman, R, Chapman, T, Chase, L, Chen, H, Chen, K, Chen, L-Y, Cheng, B, Chittenden, J, Choate, C, Chou, J, Chrien, RE, Chrisp, M, Christensen, K, Christensen, M, Christopherson, AR, Chung, M, Church, JA, Clark, A, Clark, DS, Clark, K, Clark, R, Claus, L, Cline, B, Cline, JA, Cobble, JA, Cochrane, K, Cohen, B, Cohen, S, Collette, MR, Collins, G, Collins, LA, Collins, TJB, Conder, A, Conrad, B, Conyers, M, Cook, AW, Cook, D, Cook, R, Cooley, JC, Cooper, G, Cope, T, Copeland, SR, Coppari, F, Cortez, J, Cox, J, Crandall, DH, Crane, J, Craxton, RS, Cray, M, Crilly, A, Crippen, JW, Cross, D, Cuneo, M, Cuotts, G, Czajka, CE, Czechowicz, D, Daly, T, Danforth, P, Darbee, R, Darlington, B, Datte, P, Dauffy, L, Davalos, G, Davidovits, S, Davis, P, Davis, J, Dawson, S, Day, RD, Day, TH, Dayton, M, Deck, C, Decker, C, Deeney, C, DeFriend, KA, Deis, G, Delamater, ND, Delettrez, JA, Demaret, R, Demos, S, Dempsey, SM, Desjardin, R, Desjardins, T, Desjarlais, MP, Dewald, EL, DeYoreo, J, Diaz, S, Dimonte, G, Dittrich, TR, Divol, L, Dixit, SN, Dixon, J, Dodd, ES, Dolan, D, Donovan, A, Donovan, M, Döppner, T, Dorrer, C, Dorsano, N, Douglas, MR, Dow, D, Downie, J, Downing, E, Dozieres, M, Draggoo, V, Drake, D, Drake, RP, Drake, T, Dreifuerst, G, DuBois, DF, DuBois, PF, Dunham, G, Dylla-Spears, R, Dymoke-Bradshaw, AKL, Dzenitis, B, Ebbers, C, Eckart, M, Eddinger, S, Eder, D, Edgell, D, Edwards, MJ, Efthimion, P, Eggert, JH, Ehrlich, B, Ehrmann, P, Elhadj, S, Ellerbee, C, Elliott, NS, Ellison, CL, Elsner, F, Emerich, M, Engelhorn, K, England, T, English, E, Epperson, P, Epstein, R, Erbert, G, Erickson, MA, Erskine, DJ, Erlandson, A, Espinosa, RJ, Estes, C, Estabrook, KG, Evans, S, Fabyan, A, Fair, J, Fallejo, R, Farmer, N, Farmer, WA, Farrell, M, Fatherley, VE, Fedorov, M, Feigenbaum, E, Feit, M, Ferguson, W, Fernandez, JC, Fernandez-Panella, A, Fess, S, Field, JE, Filip, CV, Fincke, JR, Finn, T, Finnegan, SM, Finucane, RG, Fischer, M, Fisher, A, Fisher, J, Fishler, B, Fittinghoff, D, Fitzsimmons, P, Flegel, M, Flippo, KA, Florio, J, Folta, J, Folta, P, Foreman, LR, Forrest, C, Forsman, A, Fooks, J, Foord, M, Fortner, R, Fournier, K, Fratanduono, DE, Frazier, N, Frazier, T, Frederick, C, Freeman, MS, Frenje, J, Frey, D, Frieders, G, Friedrich, S, Froula, DH, Fry, J, Fuller, T, Gaffney, J, Gales, S, Le Galloudec, B, Le Galloudec, KK, Gambhir, A, Gao, L, Garbett, WJ, Garcia, A, Gates, C, Gaut, E, Gauthier, P, Gavin, Z, Gaylord, J, Geissel, M, Génin, F, Georgeson, J, Geppert-Kleinrath, H, Geppert-Kleinrath, V, Gharibyan, N, Gibson, J, Gibson, C, Giraldez, E, Glebov, V, Glendinning, SG, Glenn, S, Glenzer, SH, Goade, S, Gobby, PL, Goldman, SR, Golick, B, Gomez, M, Goncharov, V, Goodin, D, Grabowski, P, Grafil, E, Graham, P, Grandy, J, Grasz, E, Graziani, F, Greenman, G, Greenough, JA, Greenwood, A, Gregori, G, Green, T, Griego, JR, Grim, GP, Grondalski, J, Gross, S, Guckian, J, Guler, N, Gunney, B, Guss, G, Haan, S, Hackbarth, J, Hackel, L, Hackel, R, Haefner, C, Hagmann, C, Hahn, KD, Hahn, S, Haid, BJ, Haines, BM, Hall, BM, Hall, C, Hall, GN, Hamamoto, M, Hamel, S, Hamilton, CE, Hammel, BA, Hammer, JH, Hampton, G, Hamza, A, Handler, A, Hansen, S, Hanson, D, Haque, R, Harding, D, Harding, E, Hares, JD, Harris, DB, Harte, JA, Hartouni, EP, Hatarik, R, Hatchett, S, Hauer, AA, Havre, M, Hawley, R, Hayes, J, Hayes, S, Hayes-Sterbenz, A, Haynam, CA, Haynes, DA, Headley, D, Heal, A, Heebner, JE, Heerey, S, Heestand, GM, Heeter, R, Hein, N, Heinbockel, C, Hendricks, C, Henesian, M, Heninger, J, Henrikson, J, Henry, EA, Herbold, EB, Hermann, MR, Hermes, G, Hernandez, JE, Hernandez, VJ, Herrmann, MC, Herrmann, HW, Herrera, OD, Hewett, D, Hibbard, R, Hicks, DG, Hill, D, Hill, K, Hilsabeck, T, Hinkel, DE, Ho, DD, Ho, VK, Hoffer, JK, Hoffman, NM, Hohenberger, M, Hohensee, M, Hoke, W, Holdener, D, Holdener, F, Holder, JP, Holko, B, Holunga, D, Holzrichter, JF, Honig, J, Hoover, D, Hopkins, D, Berzak Hopkins, L, Hoppe, M, Hoppe, ML, Horner, J, Hornung, R, Horsfield, CJ, Horvath, J, Hotaling, D, House, R, Howell, L, Hsing, WW, Hu, SX, Huang, H, Huckins, J, Hui, H, Humbird, KD, Hund, J, Hunt, J, Hurricane, OA, Hutton, M, Huynh, KH-K, Inandan, L, Iglesias, C, Igumenshchev, IV, Izumi, N, Jackson, M, Jackson, J, Jacobs, SD, James, G, Jancaitis, K, Jarboe, J, Jarrott, LC, Jasion, D, Jaquez, J, Jeet, J, Jenei, AE, Jensen, J, Jimenez, J, Jimenez, R, Jobe, D, Johal, Z, Johns, HM, Johnson, D, Johnson, MA, Gatu Johnson, M, Johnson, RJ, Johnson, S, Johnson, SA, Johnson, T, Jones, K, Jones, O, Jones, M, Jorge, R, Jorgenson, HJ, Julian, M, Jun, BI, Jungquist, R, Kaae, J, Kabadi, N, Kaczala, D, Kalantar, D, Kangas, K, Karasiev, VV, Karasik, M, Karpenko, V, Kasarky, A, Kasper, K, Kauffman, R, Kaufman, MI, Keane, C, Keaty, L, Kegelmeyer, L, Keiter, PA, Kellett, PA, Kellogg, J, Kelly, JH, Kemic, S, Kemp, AJ, Kemp, GE, Kerbel, GD, Kershaw, D, Kerr, SM, Kessler, TJ, Key, MH, Khan, SF, Khater, H, Kiikka, C, Kilkenny, J, Kim, Y, Kim, Y-J, Kimko, J, Kimmel, M, Kindel, JM, King, J, Kirkwood, RK, Klaus, L, Klem, D, Kline, JL, Klingmann, J, Kluth, G, Knapp, P, Knauer, J, Knipping, J, Knudson, M, Kobs, D, Koch, J, Kohut, T, Kong, C, Koning, JM, Koning, P, Konior, S, Kornblum, H, Kot, LB, Kozioziemski, B, Kozlowski, M, Kozlowski, PM, Krammen, J, Krasheninnikova, NS, Kraus, B, Krauser, W, Kress, JD, Kritcher, AL, Krieger, E, Kroll, JJ, Kruer, WL, Kruse, MKG, Kucheyev, S, Kumbera, M, Kumpan, S, Kunimune, J, Kustowski, B, Kwan, TJT, Kyrala, GA, Laffite, S, Lafon, M, LaFortune, K, Lahmann, B, Lairson, B, Landen, OL, Langenbrunner, J, Lagin, L, Land, T, Lane, M, Laney, D, Langdon, AB, Langer, SH, Langro, A, Lanier, NE, Lanier, TE, Larson, D, Lasinski, BF, Lassle, D, LaTray, D, Lau, G, Lau, N, Laumann, C, Laurence, A, Laurence, TA, Lawson, J, Le, HP, Leach, RR, Leal, L, Leatherland, A, LeChien, K, Lechleiter, B, Lee, A, Lee, M, Lee, T, Leeper, RJ, Lefebvre, E, Leidinger, J-P, LeMire, B, Lemke, RW, Lemos, NC, Le Pape, S, Lerche, R, Lerner, S, Letts, S, Levedahl, K, Lewis, T, Li, CK, Li, H, Li, J, Liao, W, Liao, ZM, Liedahl, D, Liebman, J, Lindford, G, Lindman, EL, Lindl, JD, Loey, H, London, RA, Long, F, Loomis, EN, Lopez, FE, Lopez, H, Losbanos, E, Loucks, S, Lowe-Webb, R, Lundgren, E, Ludwigsen, AP, Luo, R, Lusk, J, Lyons, R, Ma, T, Macallop, Y, MacDonald, MJ, MacGowan, BJ, Mack, JM, Mackinnon, AJ, MacLaren, SA, MacPhee, AG, Magelssen, GR, Magoon, J, Malone, RM, Malsbury, T, Managan, R, Mancini, R, Manes, K, Maney, D, Manha, D, Mannion, OM, Manuel, AM, Mapoles, E, Mara, G, Marcotte, T, Marin, E, Marinak, MM, Mariscal, C, Mariscal, DA, Mariscal, EF, Marley, EV, Marozas, JA, Marquez, R, Marshall, CD, Marshall, FJ, Marshall, M, Marshall, S, Marticorena, J, Martinez, D, Maslennikov, I, Mason, D, Mason, RJ, Masse, L, Massey, W, Masson-Laborde, P-E, Masters, ND, Mathisen, D, Mathison, E, Matone, J, Matthews, MJ, Mattoon, C, Mattsson, TR, Matzen, K, Mauche, CW, Mauldin, M, McAbee, T, McBurney, M, Mccarville, T, McCrory, RL, McEvoy, AM, McGuffey, C, Mcinnis, M, McKenty, P, McKinley, MS, McLeod, JB, McPherson, A, Mcquillan, B, Meamber, M, Meaney, KD, Meezan, NB, Meissner, R, Mehlhorn, TA, Mehta, NC, Menapace, J, Merrill, FE, Merritt, BT, Merritt, EC, Meyerhofer, DD, Mezyk, S, Mich, RJ, Michel, PA, Milam, D, Miller, C, Miller, D, Miller, DS, Miller, E, Miller, EK, Miller, J, Miller, M, Miller, PE, Miller, T, Miller, W, Miller-Kamm, V, Millot, M, Milovich, JL, Minner, P, Miquel, J-L, Mitchell, S, Molvig, K, Montesanti, RC, Montgomery, DS, Monticelli, M, Montoya, A, Moody, JD, Moore, AS, Moore, E, Moran, M, Moreno, JC, Moreno, K, Morgan, BE, Morrow, T, Morton, JW, Moses, E, Moy, K, Muir, R, Murillo, MS, Murray, JE, Murray, JR, Munro, DH, Murphy, TJ, Munteanu, FM, Nafziger, J, Nagayama, T, Nagel, SR, Nast, R, Negres, RA, Nelson, A, Nelson, D, Nelson, J, Nelson, S, Nemethy, S, Neumayer, P, Newman, K, Newton, M, Nguyen, H, Di Nicola, J-MG, Di Nicola, P, Niemann, C, Nikroo, A, Nilson, PM, Nobile, A, Noorai, V, Nora, R, Norton, M, Nostrand, M, Note, V, Novell, S, Nowak, PF, Nunez, A, Nyholm, RA, O'Brien, M, Oceguera, A, Oertel, JA, Okui, J, Olejniczak, B, Oliveira, J, Olsen, P, Olson, B, Olson, K, Olson, RE, Opachich, YP, Orsi, N, Orth, CD, Owen, M, Padalino, S, Padilla, E, Paguio, R, Paguio, S, Paisner, J, Pajoom, S, Pak, A, Palaniyappan, S, Palma, K, Pannell, T, Papp, F, Paras, D, Parham, T, Park, H-S, Pasternak, A, Patankar, S, Patel, MV, Patel, PK, Patterson, R, Patterson, S, Paul, B, Paul, M, Pauli, E, Pearce, OT, Pearcy, J, Pedrotti, B, Peer, A, Pelz, LJ, Penetrante, B, Penner, J, Perez, A, Perkins, LJ, Pernice, E, Perry, TS, Person, S, Petersen, D, Petersen, T, Peterson, DL, Peterson, EB, Peterson, JE, Peterson, JL, Peterson, K, Peterson, RR, Petrasso, RD, Philippe, F, Phipps, TJ, Piceno, E, Ping, Y, Pickworth, L, Pino, J, Plummer, R, Pollack, GD, Pollaine, SM, Pollock, BB, Ponce, D, Ponce, J, Pontelandolfo, J, Porter, JL, Post, J, Poujade, O, Powell, C, Powell, H, Power, G, Pozulp, M, Prantil, M, Prasad, M, Pratuch, S, Price, S, Primdahl, K, Prisbrey, S, Procassini, R, Pruyne, A, Pudliner, B, Qiu, SR, Quan, K, Quinn, M, Quintenz, J, Radha, PB, Rainer, F, Ralph, JE, Raman, KS, Raman, R, Rambo, P, Rana, S, Randewich, A, Rardin, D, Ratledge, M, Ravelo, N, Ravizza, F, Rayce, M, Raymond, A, Raymond, B, Reed, B, Reed, C, Regan, S, Reichelt, B, Reis, V, Reisdorf, S, Rekow, V, Remington, BA, Rendon, A, Requieron, W, Rever, M, Reynolds, H, Reynolds, J, Rhodes, J, Rhodes, M, Richardson, MC, Rice, B, Rice, NG, Rieben, R, Rigatti, A, Riggs, S, Rinderknecht, HG, Ring, K, Riordan, B, Riquier, R, Rivers, C, Roberts, D, Roberts, V, Robertson, G, Robey, HF, Robles, J, Rocha, P, Rochau, G, Rodriguez, J, Rodriguez, S, Rosen, M, Rosenberg, M, Ross, G, Ross, JS, Ross, P, Rouse, J, Rovang, D, Rubenchik, AM, Rubery, MS, Ruiz, CL, Rushford, M, Russ, B, Rygg, JR, Ryujin, BS, Sacks, RA, Sacks, RF, Saito, K, Salmon, T, Salmonson, JD, Sanchez, J, Samuelson, S, Sanchez, M, Sangster, C, Saroyan, A, Sater, J, Satsangi, A, Sauers, S, Saunders, R, Sauppe, JP, Sawicki, R, Sayre, D, Scanlan, M, Schaffers, K, Schappert, GT, Schiaffino, S, Schlossberg, DJ, Schmidt, DW, Schmitt, MJ, Schneider, DHG, Schneider, MB, Schneider, R, Schoff, M, Schollmeier, M, Schölmerich, M, Schroeder, CR, Schrauth, SE, Scott, HA, Scott, I, Scott, JM, Scott, RHH, Scullard, CR, Sedillo, T, Seguin, FH, Seka, W, Senecal, J, Sepke, SM, Seppala, L, Sequoia, K, Severyn, J, Sevier, JM, Sewell, N, Seznec, S, Shah, RC, Shamlian, J, Shaughnessy, D, Shaw, M, Shaw, R, Shearer, C, Shelton, R, Shen, N, Sherlock, MW, Shestakov, AI, Shi, EL, Shin, SJ, Shingleton, N, Shmayda, W, Shor, M, Shoup, M, Shuldberg, C, Siegel, L, Silva, FJ, Simakov, AN, Sims, BT, Sinars, D, Singh, P, Sio, H, Skulina, K, Skupsky, S, Slutz, S, Sluyter, M, Smalyuk, VA, Smauley, D, Smeltser, RM, Smith, C, Smith, I, Smith, J, Smith, L, Smith, R, Sohn, R, Sommer, S, Sorce, C, Sorem, M, Soures, JM, Spaeth, ML, Spears, BK, Speas, S, Speck, D, Speck, R, Spears, J, Spinka, T, Springer, PT, Stadermann, M, Stahl, B, Stahoviak, J, Stanton, LG, Steele, R, Steele, W, Steinman, D, Stemke, R, Stephens, R, Sterbenz, S, Sterne, P, Stevens, D, Stevers, J, Still, CB, Stoeckl, C, Stoeffl, W, Stolken, JS, Stolz, C, Storm, E, Stone, G, Stoupin, S, Stout, E, Stowers, I, Strauser, R, Streckart, H, Streit, J, Strozzi, DJ, Suratwala, T, Sutcliffe, G, Suter, LJ, Sutton, SB, Svidzinski, V, Swadling, G, Sweet, W, Szoke, A, Tabak, M, Takagi, M, Tambazidis, A, Tang, V, Taranowski, M, Taylor, LA, Telford, S, Theobald, W, Thi, M, Thomas, A, Thomas, CA, Thomas, I, Thomas, R, Thompson, IJ, Thongstisubskul, A, Thorsness, CB, Tietbohl, G, Tipton, RE, Tobin, M, Tomlin, N, Tommasini, R, Toreja, AJ, Torres, J, Town, RPJ, Townsend, S, Trenholme, J, Trivelpiece, A, Trosseille, C, Truax, H, Trummer, D, Trummer, S, Truong, T, Tubbs, D, Tubman, ER, Tunnell, T, Turnbull, D, Turner, RE, Ulitsky, M, Upadhye, R, Vaher, JL, VanArsdall, P, VanBlarcom, D, Vandenboomgaerde, M, VanQuinlan, R, Van Wonterghem, BM, Varnum, WS, Velikovich, AL, Vella, A, Verdon, CP, Vermillion, B, Vernon, S, Vesey, R, Vickers, J, Vignes, RM, Visosky, M, Vocke, J, Volegov, PL, Vonhof, S, Von Rotz, R, Vu, HX, Vu, M, Wall, D, Wall, J, Wallace, R, Wallin, B, Walmer, D, Walsh, CA, Walters, CF, Waltz, C, Wan, A, Wang, A, Wang, Y, Wark, JS, Warner, BE, Watson, J, Watt, RG, Watts, P, Weaver, J, Weaver, RP, Weaver, S, Weber, CR, Weber, P, Weber, SV, Wegner, P, Welday, B, Welser-Sherrill, L, Weiss, K, Widmann, K, Wheeler, GF, Whistler, W, White, RK, Whitley, HD, Whitman, P, Wickett, ME, Widmayer, C, Wiedwald, J, Wilcox, R, Wilcox, S, Wild, C, Wilde, BH, Wilde, CH, Wilhelmsen, K, Wilke, MD, Wilkens, H, Wilkins, P, Wilks, SC, Williams, EA, Williams, GJ, Williams, W, Williams, WH, Wilson, DC, Wilson, B, Wilson, E, Wilson, R, Winters, S, Wisoff, J, Wittman, M, Wolfe, J, Wong, A, Wong, KW, Wong, L, Wong, N, Wood, R, Woodhouse, D, Woodruff, J, Woods, DT, Woods, S, Woodworth, BN, Wooten, E, Wootton, A, Work, K, Workman, JB, Wright, J, Wu, M, Wuest, C, Wysocki, FJ, Xu, H, Yamaguchi, M, Yang, B, Yang, ST, Yatabe, J, Yeamans, CB, Yee, BC, Yi, SA, Yin, L, Young, B, Young, CS, Young, CV, Young, P, Youngblood, K, Zacharias, R, Zagaris, G, Zaitseva, N, Zaka, F, Ze, F, Zeiger, B, Zika, M, Zimmerman, GB, Zobrist, T, Zuegel, JD, Zylstra, AB, Indirect Drive ICF Collaboration, Collaboration, Indirect Drive ICF, AWE Plc, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and U.S Department of Energy
- Subjects
General Physics ,02 Physical Sciences ,General Physics and Astronomy ,Indirect Drive ICF Collaboration ,01 Mathematical Sciences ,09 Engineering - Abstract
For more than half a century, researchers around the world have been engaged in attempts to achieve fusion ignition as a proof of principle of various fusion concepts. Following the Lawson criterion, an ignited plasma is one where the fusion heating power is high enough to overcome all the physical processes that cool the fusion plasma, creating a positive thermodynamic feedback loop with rapidly increasing temperature. In inertially confined fusion, ignition is a state where the fusion plasma can begin "burn propagation" into surrounding cold fuel, enabling the possibility of high energy gain. While "scientific breakeven" (i.e., unity target gain) has not yet been achieved (here target gain is 0.72, 1.37 MJ of fusion for 1.92 MJ of laser energy), this Letter reports the first controlled fusion experiment, using laser indirect drive, on the National Ignition Facility to produce capsule gain (here 5.8) and reach ignition by nine different formulations of the Lawson criterion.
- Published
- 2022
3. XII. Observations on some Species of the Genera Tetrao and Ortyx, natives of North America; with Descriptions of Four new Species of the former, and Two of the latter Gems
- Author
Douglas, Mr David and BioStor
- Published
- 1829
4. Geometric morphometric analyses define riverine and lacustrine species flocks of Himalayan snowtrout (Cyprinidae: Schizothorax) in Nepal
- Author
Regmi, B, primary, Douglas, MR, additional, Edds, DR, additional, and Douglas, ME, additional
- Published
- 2021
- Full Text
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5. The RepRap 3-D Printer Revolution in STEM Education
- Author
Irwin, John, Pearce, Joshua M., Anzalone, Gerald, Douglas, Mr, Oppliger, E, Pearce, Joshua, and Michigan Technological University (MTU)
- Subjects
[INFO.EIAH] Computer Science [cs]/Technology for Human Learning ,[SHS.EDU]Humanities and Social Sciences/Education ,[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/Education ,ComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATION ,[INFO.EIAH]Computer Science [cs]/Technology for Human Learning - Abstract
International audience; STEM is an acronym for science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields of study meant to improve U.S. competitiveness by guiding curriculum and influencing education policy. STEM education begins with K-12 educators, who are struggling with how to implement the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) that now place explicit emphasis on the relationship of engineering to science. The NGSS guidelines suggest that science curriculum should have activities with an iterative process involving; defining the problem, developing possible solutions, and optimizing design solutions. The advancements in both open source 3D printing hardware and related open source software has started a revolution in the availability of rapid prototyping technologies to a far larger audience than just practicing engineers and research scientists.
- Published
- 2014
6. Free Space Optical Communications Link Budget Estimation
- Author
Stotts, Larry B., primary, Kolodzy, Paul, additional, Pike, Alan, additional, Graves, Mr. Buzz, additional, Daugherty, Dave, additional, and Douglas, Mr. Jeff, additional
- Published
- 2010
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7. A case study of a preceptorship programme in an acute NHS Trust -- using the European Foundation for Quality Management tool to support clinical practice development.
- Author
Leigh JA, Douglas CH, Lee K, and Douglas MR
- Abstract
AIMS: To discuss the results of the evaluation, assessment and effectiveness of the trust-wide clinical practice development of a preceptorship programme for newly qualified nurses at Salford Royal Hospitals NHS Trust. To apply the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) model as a tool for monitoring and assessing the performance of the programme. BACKGROUND: Newly qualified nurses need support and preparation for their working role in their first recruitment. A preceptorship programme, developed around a quality-monitoring framework, was introduced to address this need at Salford Royal, an acute NHS Trust. METHOD: The generic EFQM model was adapted to the specific case of the preceptorship programme. A questionnaire survey was undertaken to obtain evidence to assess how the EFQM tool was applied in the context of the preceptorship programme. Pre- and post-programme questionnaires were sent to preceptees and post-programme questionnaires to respective ward managers. FINDINGS: Following introduction of the preceptorship programme, recruitment and retention of newly qualified nurses have increased, with preceptees self-reporting increased levels of confidence. Use of the EFQM tool has provided the information that managers and departments require. Anecdotal evidence to date suggests that barriers are being broken down. Utilization of the framework has also identified areas of practice that need to change. CONCLUSIONS: This paper demonstrates how use of a generic tool such as EFQM can provide systematic and evaluative information for nursing. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2005
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8. Patient-friendly hospital environments: exploring the patients' perspective.
- Author
Douglas CH and Douglas MR
- Abstract
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the perceptions and attitudes of patients to the built environments of NHS Trust hospitals, in order to inform design excellence so as to make future hospitals places and spaces responsive to patient needs. DESIGN: An exploratory study of patients perceptions based on qualitative semi-structured personal interviews. SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: Fifty one-to-one interviews held with hospital in-patients across the four directorates of surgery, medicine, care of the elderly and maternity at Salford Royal Hospitals NHS Trust, Salford, UK. RESULTS: The research found that there was much similarity in the priorities, issues and concerns raised by patients in each of the four directorates. Patients perceived the built environment of the hospital as a supportive environment. Their accounts in each area pointed to the significance of the factors that immediately impacted on them and their families. Patients identified having a need for personal space, a homely welcoming atmosphere, a supportive environment, good physical design, access to external areas and provision of facilities for recreation and leisure. Responses suggest that patient attitudes and perceptions to the built environment of hospital facilities relates to whether the hospital provides a welcoming homely space for themselves and their visitors that promotes health and wellbeing. CONCLUSIONS: The findings have important implications for capital development teams, clinical staff, managers and NHS Estates personnel. Although the study has immediate relevance for Salford Royal Hospitals Trust, findings and recommendations reported provide NHS Estates and other relevant stakeholders with evidence-based knowledge and understanding of patients' perceptions and expectations of and preferences for particular facilities and estates provision in NHS hospitals. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2004
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9. Cost effectiveness analysis of a smoke alarm giveaway program in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
- Author
Haddix AC, Mallonee S, Waxweiler R, and Douglas MR
- Abstract
OBJECTIVE: To estimate the cost effectiveness of the Lifesavers Residential Fire and Injury Prevention Program (LRFIPP), a smoke alarm giveaway program. SETTING: In 1990, the LRFIPP distributed over 10,000 smoke alarms in an area of Oklahoma City at high risk for residential fire injuries. The program also included fire prevention education and battery replacement components. METHODS: A cost effectiveness analysis was conducted from the societal and health care systems perspectives. The study compared program costs with the total costs of medical treatment and productivity losses averted over a five year period. Fatal and non-fatal residential fire related injuries prevented were estimated from surveillance data. Medical costs were obtained from chart reviews of patients with fire related injuries that occurred during the pre-intervention period. RESULTS: During the five years post-intervention, it is estimated that the LRFIPP prevented 20 fatal and 24 non-fatal injuries. From the societal perspective, the total discounted cost of the program was $531,000. Total discounted net savings exceeded $15 million. From the health care system perspective, the total discounted net savings were almost $1 million and would have a net saving even if program effectiveness was reduced by 64%. CONCLUSIONS: The program was effective in reducing fatal and non-fatal residential fire related injuries and was cost saving. Similar programs in other high risk areas would be good investments even if program effectiveness was lower than that achieved by the LRFIPP. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2001
- Author
Douglas, Mr. W. S., primary
- Published
- 1948
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11. Fixing All Moduli in a Simple F-Theory Compactification
- Author
Shamit Kachru, Bogdan Florea, Michael R. Douglas, Frederik Denef, Antonella Grassi, Denef, F, Douglas, MR, Florea, B, Grassi, A, and Kachru, S
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Theory ,F-theory, Calabi--Yau, fluxes, D3-instantons, gauge dynamics, branes, string, moduli ,Physics ,Particle physics ,Instanton ,Compactification (physics) ,010308 nuclear & particles physics ,General Mathematics ,General Physics and Astronomy ,FOS: Physical sciences ,Supersymmetry ,String theory ,01 natural sciences ,Moduli space ,Moduli ,F-theory ,Theoretical physics ,High Energy Physics::Theory ,Mathematics::Algebraic Geometry ,High Energy Physics - Theory (hep-th) ,Orientifold ,0103 physical sciences ,010306 general physics ,Mathematics::Symplectic Geometry - Abstract
We discuss a simple example of an F-theory compactification on a Calabi-Yau fourfold where background fluxes, together with nonperturbative effects from Euclidean D3 instantons and gauge dynamics on D7 branes, allow us to fix all closed and open string moduli. We explicitly check that the known higher order corrections to the potential, which we neglect in our leading approximation, only shift the results by a small amount. In our exploration of the model, we encounter interesting new phenomena, including examples of transitions where D7 branes absorb O3 planes, while changing topology to preserve the net D3 charge., Comment: 68 pages, 19 figures; v2: references added
- Published
- 2005
12. Reducing DNA extraction costs through factorial design for the DNAdvance Kit.
- Author
Neal CJ, Zbinden ZD, Douglas ME, and Douglas MR
- Subjects
- Animals, Deer genetics, DNA isolation & purification, DNA genetics
- Abstract
Objective: Extracting DNA is essential in wildlife genetic studies, and numerous methods are available. However, the process is costly and time-consuming for non-model organisms, including most wildlife species. Therefore, we optimized a cost-efficient protocol to extract DNA from the muscle tissue of White-tailed Deer using the DNAdvance kit (Beckman Coulter), a magnetic-bead-based approach. We devised a 3 × 3 factorial design using combinations of tissue mass (10 mg, 50 mg, or 100 mg) and reaction volume (25%, 33%, and 50% of the manufacturer's recommended volumes). DNA was extracted for N = 81 tissue sub-samples (9 replicates/treatment)., Results: Our target yield was 500 ng of genomic DNA per sample, sufficient for population genetic assessments. A combination of 50 mg tissue and 25% reaction volume yielded enough DNA at the lowest cost. The factorial design revealed that varying tissue mass and reagent volume significantly affected extracted DNA yield. Our study demonstrates that sufficient DNA can be extracted at 75% lower costs than the manufacturer's standard protocol. Other researchers can directly use our modified DNAdvance protocol to perform cost-effective DNA extractions., Competing Interests: Declarations. Ethics approval: The animal tissue used in this study was collected through a voluntary statewide CWD testing program facilitated by the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission following the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service tissue and hair sample protocol. Human ethics and consent to participate: Not applicable. Consent for publication: Not applicable. Competing interests: The authors declare no competing interests., (© 2024. The Author(s).)
- Published
- 2024
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13. Heightened Epstein-Barr virus immunity and potential cross-reactivities in multiple sclerosis.
- Author
Thomas OG, Haigh TA, Croom-Carter D, Leese A, Van Wijck Y, Douglas MR, Rickinson A, Brooks JM, and Taylor GS
- Subjects
- Humans, Female, Male, Adult, Middle Aged, Cross Reactions immunology, Multiple Sclerosis immunology, Multiple Sclerosis virology, T-Lymphocytes immunology, Multiple Sclerosis, Relapsing-Remitting immunology, Multiple Sclerosis, Relapsing-Remitting virology, Antigens, Viral immunology, Viral Load, Infectious Mononucleosis immunology, Infectious Mononucleosis virology, Epstein-Barr Virus Nuclear Antigens immunology, Immunoglobulin G immunology, Herpesvirus 4, Human immunology, Epstein-Barr Virus Infections immunology, Epstein-Barr Virus Infections virology, Antibodies, Viral immunology
- Abstract
Background: Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a likely prerequisite for multiple sclerosis (MS) but the underlying mechanisms are unknown. We investigated antibody and T cell responses to EBV in persons with MS (pwMS), healthy EBV-seropositive controls (HC) and post-infectious mononucleosis (POST-IM) individuals up to 6 months after disease resolution. The ability of EBV-specific T cell responses to target antigens from the central nervous system (CNS) was also investigated., Methods: Untreated persons with relapsing-remitting MS, POST-IM individuals and HC were, as far as possible, matched for gender, age and HLA-DRB1*15:01. EBV load was determined by qPCR, and IgG responses to key EBV antigens were determined by ELISA, immunofluorescence and Western blot, and tetanus toxoid antibody responses by multiplex bead array. EBV-specific T cell responses were determined ex vivo by intracellular cytokine staining (ICS) and cross-reactivity of in vitro-expanded responses probed against 9 novel Modified Vaccinia Ankara (MVA) viruses expressing candidate CNS autoantigens., Results: EBV load in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) was unchanged in pwMS compared to HC. Serologically, while tetanus toxoid responses were unchanged between groups, IgG responses to EBNA1 and virus capsid antigen (VCA) were significantly elevated (EBNA1 p = 0.0079, VCA p = 0.0298) but, importantly, IgG responses to EBNA2 and the EBNA3 family antigens were also more frequently detected in pwMS (EBNA2 p = 0.042 and EBNA3 p = 0.005). In ex vivo assays, T cell responses to autologous EBV-transformed B cells and to EBNA1 were largely unchanged numerically, but significantly increased IL-2 production was observed in response to certain stimuli in pwMS. EBV-specific polyclonal T cell lines from both MS and HC showed high levels of autoantigen recognition by ICS, and several neuronal proteins emerged as common targets including MOG, MBP, PLP and MOBP., Discussion: Elevated serum EBV-specific antibody responses in the MS group were found to extend beyond EBNA1, suggesting a larger dysregulation of EBV-specific antibody responses than previously recognised. Differences in T cell responses to EBV were more difficult to discern, however stimulating EBV-expanded polyclonal T cell lines with 9 candidate CNS autoantigens revealed a high level of autoreactivity and indicate a far-reaching ability of the virus-induced T cell compartment to damage the CNS., Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist., (Copyright: © 2024 Thomas et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.)
- Published
- 2024
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14. Achievement of Target Gain Larger than Unity in an Inertial Fusion Experiment.
- Author
Abu-Shawareb H, Acree R, Adams P, Adams J, Addis B, Aden R, Adrian P, Afeyan BB, Aggleton M, Aghaian L, Aguirre A, Aikens D, Akre J, Albert F, Albrecht M, Albright BJ, Albritton J, Alcala J, Alday C, Alessi DA, Alexander N, Alfonso J, Alfonso N, Alger E, Ali SJ, Ali ZA, Allen A, Alley WE, Amala P, Amendt PA, Amick P, Ammula S, Amorin C, Ampleford DJ, Anderson RW, Anklam T, Antipa N, Appelbe B, Aracne-Ruddle C, Araya E, Archuleta TN, Arend M, Arnold P, Arnold T, Arsenlis A, Asay J, Atherton LJ, Atkinson D, Atkinson R, Auerbach JM, Austin B, Auyang L, Awwal AAS, Aybar N, Ayers J, Ayers S, Ayers T, Azevedo S, Bachmann B, Back CA, Bae J, Bailey DS, Bailey J, Baisden T, Baker KL, Baldis H, Barber D, Barberis M, Barker D, Barnes A, Barnes CW, Barrios MA, Barty C, Bass I, Batha SH, Baxamusa SH, Bazan G, Beagle JK, Beale R, Beck BR, Beck JB, Bedzyk M, Beeler RG, Beeler RG, Behrendt W, Belk L, Bell P, Belyaev M, Benage JF, Bennett G, Benedetti LR, Benedict LX, Berger RL, Bernat T, Bernstein LA, Berry B, Bertolini L, Besenbruch G, Betcher J, Bettenhausen R, Betti R, Bezzerides B, Bhandarkar SD, Bickel R, Biener J, Biesiada T, Bigelow K, Bigelow-Granillo J, Bigman V, Bionta RM, Birge NW, Bitter M, Black AC, Bleile R, Bleuel DL, Bliss E, Bliss E, Blue B, Boehly T, Boehm K, Boley CD, Bonanno R, Bond EJ, Bond T, Bonino MJ, Borden M, Bourgade JL, Bousquet J, Bowers J, Bowers M, Boyd R, Boyle D, Bozek A, Bradley DK, Bradley KS, Bradley PA, Bradley L, Brannon L, Brantley PS, Braun D, Braun T, Brienza-Larsen K, Briggs R, Briggs TM, Britten J, Brooks ED, Browning D, Bruhn MW, Brunner TA, Bruns H, Brunton G, Bryant B, Buczek T, Bude J, Buitano L, Burkhart S, Burmark J, Burnham A, Burr R, Busby LE, Butlin B, Cabeltis R, Cable M, Cabot WH, Cagadas B, Caggiano J, Cahayag R, Caldwell SE, Calkins S, Callahan DA, Calleja-Aguirre J, Camara L, Camp D, Campbell EM, Campbell JH, Carey B, Carey R, Carlisle K, Carlson L, Carman L, Carmichael J, Carpenter A, Carr C, Carrera JA, Casavant D, Casey A, Casey DT, Castillo A, Castillo E, Castor JI, Castro C, Caughey W, Cavitt R, Celeste J, Celliers PM, Cerjan C, Chandler G, Chang B, Chang C, Chang J, Chang L, Chapman R, Chapman TD, Chase L, Chen H, Chen H, Chen K, Chen LY, Cheng B, Chittenden J, Choate C, Chou J, Chrien RE, Chrisp M, Christensen K, Christensen M, Christiansen NS, Christopherson AR, Chung M, Church JA, Clark A, Clark DS, Clark K, Clark R, Claus L, Cline B, Cline JA, Cobble JA, Cochrane K, Cohen B, Cohen S, Collette MR, Collins GW, Collins LA, Collins TJB, Conder A, Conrad B, Conyers M, Cook AW, Cook D, Cook R, Cooley JC, Cooper G, Cope T, Copeland SR, Coppari F, Cortez J, Cox J, Crandall DH, Crane J, Craxton RS, Cray M, Crilly A, Crippen JW, Cross D, Cuneo M, Cuotts G, Czajka CE, Czechowicz D, Daly T, Danforth P, Danly C, Darbee R, Darlington B, Datte P, Dauffy L, Davalos G, Davidovits S, Davis P, Davis J, Dawson S, Day RD, Day TH, Dayton M, Deck C, Decker C, Deeney C, DeFriend KA, Deis G, Delamater ND, Delettrez JA, Demaret R, Demos S, Dempsey SM, Desjardin R, Desjardins T, Desjarlais MP, Dewald EL, DeYoreo J, Diaz S, Dimonte G, Dittrich TR, Divol L, Dixit SN, Dixon J, Do A, Dodd ES, Dolan D, Donovan A, Donovan M, Döppner T, Dorrer C, Dorsano N, Douglas MR, Dow D, Downie J, Downing E, Dozieres M, Draggoo V, Drake D, Drake RP, Drake T, Dreifuerst G, Drury O, DuBois DF, DuBois PF, Dunham G, Durocher M, Dylla-Spears R, Dymoke-Bradshaw AKL, Dzenitis B, Ebbers C, Eckart M, Eddinger S, Eder D, Edgell D, Edwards MJ, Efthimion P, Eggert JH, Ehrlich B, Ehrmann P, Elhadj S, Ellerbee C, Elliott NS, Ellison CL, Elsner F, Emerich M, Engelhorn K, England T, English E, Epperson P, Epstein R, Erbert G, Erickson MA, Erskine DJ, Erlandson A, Espinosa RJ, Estes C, Estabrook KG, Evans S, Fabyan A, Fair J, Fallejo R, Farmer N, Farmer WA, Farrell M, Fatherley VE, Fedorov M, Feigenbaum E, Fehrenbach T, Feit M, Felker B, Ferguson W, Fernandez JC, Fernandez-Panella A, Fess S, Field JE, Filip CV, Fincke JR, Finn T, Finnegan SM, Finucane RG, Fischer M, Fisher A, Fisher J, Fishler B, Fittinghoff D, Fitzsimmons P, Flegel M, Flippo KA, Florio J, Folta J, Folta P, Foreman LR, Forrest C, Forsman A, Fooks J, Foord M, Fortner R, Fournier K, Fratanduono DE, Frazier N, Frazier T, Frederick C, Freeman MS, Frenje J, Frey D, Frieders G, Friedrich S, Froula DH, Fry J, Fuller T, Gaffney J, Gales S, Le Galloudec B, Le Galloudec KK, Gambhir A, Gao L, Garbett WJ, Garcia A, Gates C, Gaut E, Gauthier P, Gavin Z, Gaylord J, Geddes CGR, Geissel M, Génin F, Georgeson J, Geppert-Kleinrath H, Geppert-Kleinrath V, Gharibyan N, Gibson J, Gibson C, Giraldez E, Glebov V, Glendinning SG, Glenn S, Glenzer SH, Goade S, Gobby PL, Goldman SR, Golick B, Gomez M, Goncharov V, Goodin D, Grabowski P, Grafil E, Graham P, Grandy J, Grasz E, Graziani FR, Greenman G, Greenough JA, Greenwood A, Gregori G, Green T, Griego JR, Grim GP, Grondalski J, Gross S, Guckian J, Guler N, Gunney B, Guss G, Haan S, Hackbarth J, Hackel L, Hackel R, Haefner C, Hagmann C, Hahn KD, Hahn S, Haid BJ, Haines BM, Hall BM, Hall C, Hall GN, Hamamoto M, Hamel S, Hamilton CE, Hammel BA, Hammer JH, Hampton G, Hamza A, Handler A, Hansen S, Hanson D, Haque R, Harding D, Harding E, Hares JD, Harris DB, Harte JA, Hartouni EP, Hatarik R, Hatchett S, Hauer AA, Havre M, Hawley R, Hayes J, Hayes J, Hayes S, Hayes-Sterbenz A, Haynam CA, Haynes DA, Headley D, Heal A, Heebner JE, Heerey S, Heestand GM, Heeter R, Hein N, Heinbockel C, Hendricks C, Henesian M, Heninger J, Henrikson J, Henry EA, Herbold EB, Hermann MR, Hermes G, Hernandez JE, Hernandez VJ, Herrmann MC, Herrmann HW, Herrera OD, Hewett D, Hibbard R, Hicks DG, Higginson DP, Hill D, Hill K, Hilsabeck T, Hinkel DE, Ho DD, Ho VK, Hoffer JK, Hoffman NM, Hohenberger M, Hohensee M, Hoke W, Holdener D, Holdener F, Holder JP, Holko B, Holunga D, Holzrichter JF, Honig J, Hoover D, Hopkins D, Berzak Hopkins LF, Hoppe M, Hoppe ML, Horner J, Hornung R, Horsfield CJ, Horvath J, Hotaling D, House R, Howell L, Hsing WW, Hu SX, Huang H, Huckins J, Hui H, Humbird KD, Hund J, Hunt J, Hurricane OA, Hutton M, Huynh KH, Inandan L, Iglesias C, Igumenshchev IV, Ivanovich I, Izumi N, Jackson M, Jackson J, Jacobs SD, James G, Jancaitis K, Jarboe J, Jarrott LC, Jasion D, Jaquez J, Jeet J, Jenei AE, Jensen J, Jimenez J, Jimenez R, Jobe D, Johal Z, Johns HM, Johnson D, Johnson MA, Gatu Johnson M, Johnson RJ, Johnson S, Johnson SA, Johnson T, Jones K, Jones O, Jones M, Jorge R, Jorgenson HJ, Julian M, Jun BI, Jungquist R, Kaae J, Kabadi N, Kaczala D, Kalantar D, Kangas K, Karasiev VV, Karasik M, Karpenko V, Kasarky A, Kasper K, Kauffman R, Kaufman MI, Keane C, Keaty L, Kegelmeyer L, Keiter PA, Kellett PA, Kellogg J, Kelly JH, Kemic S, Kemp AJ, Kemp GE, Kerbel GD, Kershaw D, Kerr SM, Kessler TJ, Key MH, Khan SF, Khater H, Kiikka C, Kilkenny J, Kim Y, Kim YJ, Kimko J, Kimmel M, Kindel JM, King J, Kirkwood RK, Klaus L, Klem D, Kline JL, Klingmann J, Kluth G, Knapp P, Knauer J, Knipping J, Knudson M, Kobs D, Koch J, Kohut T, Kong C, Koning JM, Koning P, Konior S, Kornblum H, Kot LB, Kozioziemski B, Kozlowski M, Kozlowski PM, Krammen J, Krasheninnikova NS, Krauland CM, Kraus B, Krauser W, Kress JD, Kritcher AL, Krieger E, Kroll JJ, Kruer WL, Kruse MKG, Kucheyev S, Kumbera M, Kumpan S, Kunimune J, Kur E, Kustowski B, Kwan TJT, Kyrala GA, Laffite S, Lafon M, LaFortune K, Lagin L, Lahmann B, Lairson B, Landen OL, Land T, Lane M, Laney D, Langdon AB, Langenbrunner J, Langer SH, Langro A, Lanier NE, Lanier TE, Larson D, Lasinski BF, Lassle D, LaTray D, Lau G, Lau N, Laumann C, Laurence A, Laurence TA, Lawson J, Le HP, Leach RR, Leal L, Leatherland A, LeChien K, Lechleiter B, Lee A, Lee M, Lee T, Leeper RJ, Lefebvre E, Leidinger JP, LeMire B, Lemke RW, Lemos NC, Le Pape S, Lerche R, Lerner S, Letts S, Levedahl K, Lewis T, Li CK, Li H, Li J, Liao W, Liao ZM, Liedahl D, Liebman J, Lindford G, Lindman EL, Lindl JD, Loey H, London RA, Long F, Loomis EN, Lopez FE, Lopez H, Losbanos E, Loucks S, Lowe-Webb R, Lundgren E, Ludwigsen AP, Luo R, Lusk J, Lyons R, Ma T, Macallop Y, MacDonald MJ, MacGowan BJ, Mack JM, Mackinnon AJ, MacLaren SA, MacPhee AG, Magelssen GR, Magoon J, Malone RM, Malsbury T, Managan R, Mancini R, Manes K, Maney D, Manha D, Mannion OM, Manuel AM, Manuel MJ, Mapoles E, Mara G, Marcotte T, Marin E, Marinak MM, Mariscal DA, Mariscal EF, Marley EV, Marozas JA, Marquez R, Marshall CD, Marshall FJ, Marshall M, Marshall S, Marticorena J, Martinez JI, Martinez D, Maslennikov I, Mason D, Mason RJ, Masse L, Massey W, Masson-Laborde PE, Masters ND, Mathisen D, Mathison E, Matone J, Matthews MJ, Mattoon C, Mattsson TR, Matzen K, Mauche CW, Mauldin M, McAbee T, McBurney M, Mccarville T, McCrory RL, McEvoy AM, McGuffey C, Mcinnis M, McKenty P, McKinley MS, McLeod JB, McPherson A, Mcquillan B, Meamber M, Meaney KD, Meezan NB, Meissner R, Mehlhorn TA, Mehta NC, Menapace J, Merrill FE, Merritt BT, Merritt EC, Meyerhofer DD, Mezyk S, Mich RJ, Michel PA, Milam D, Miller C, Miller D, Miller DS, Miller E, Miller EK, Miller J, Miller M, Miller PE, Miller T, Miller W, Miller-Kamm V, Millot M, Milovich JL, Minner P, Miquel JL, Mitchell S, Molvig K, Montesanti RC, Montgomery DS, Monticelli M, Montoya A, Moody JD, Moore AS, Moore E, Moran M, Moreno JC, Moreno K, Morgan BE, Morrow T, Morton JW, Moses E, Moy K, Muir R, Murillo MS, Murray JE, Murray JR, Munro DH, Murphy TJ, Munteanu FM, Nafziger J, Nagayama T, Nagel SR, Nast R, Negres RA, Nelson A, Nelson D, Nelson J, Nelson S, Nemethy S, Neumayer P, Newman K, Newton M, Nguyen H, Di Nicola JG, Di Nicola P, Niemann C, Nikroo A, Nilson PM, Nobile A, Noorai V, Nora RC, Norton M, Nostrand M, Note V, Novell S, Nowak PF, Nunez A, Nyholm RA, O'Brien M, Oceguera A, Oertel JA, Oesterle AL, Okui J, Olejniczak B, Oliveira J, Olsen P, Olson B, Olson K, Olson RE, Opachich YP, Orsi N, Orth CD, Owen M, Padalino S, Padilla E, Paguio R, Paguio S, Paisner J, Pajoom S, Pak A, Palaniyappan S, Palma K, Pannell T, Papp F, Paras D, Parham T, Park HS, Pasternak A, Patankar S, Patel MV, Patel PK, Patterson R, Patterson S, Paul B, Paul M, Pauli E, Pearce OT, Pearcy J, Pedretti A, Pedrotti B, Peer A, Pelz LJ, Penetrante B, Penner J, Perez A, Perkins LJ, Pernice E, Perry TS, Person S, Petersen D, Petersen T, Peterson DL, Peterson EB, Peterson JE, Peterson JL, Peterson K, Peterson RR, Petrasso RD, Philippe F, Phillion D, Phipps TJ, Piceno E, Pickworth L, Ping Y, Pino J, Piston K, Plummer R, Pollack GD, Pollaine SM, Pollock BB, Ponce D, Ponce J, Pontelandolfo J, Porter JL, Post J, Poujade O, Powell C, Powell H, Power G, Pozulp M, Prantil M, Prasad M, Pratuch S, Price S, Primdahl K, Prisbrey S, Procassini R, Pruyne A, Pudliner B, Qiu SR, Quan K, Quinn M, Quintenz J, Radha PB, Rainer F, Ralph JE, Raman KS, Raman R, Rambo PW, Rana S, Randewich A, Rardin D, Ratledge M, Ravelo N, Ravizza F, Rayce M, Raymond A, Raymond B, Reed B, Reed C, Regan S, Reichelt B, Reis V, Reisdorf S, Rekow V, Remington BA, Rendon A, Requieron W, Rever M, Reynolds H, Reynolds J, Rhodes J, Rhodes M, Richardson MC, Rice B, Rice NG, Rieben R, Rigatti A, Riggs S, Rinderknecht HG, Ring K, Riordan B, Riquier R, Rivers C, Roberts D, Roberts V, Robertson G, Robey HF, Robles J, Rocha P, Rochau G, Rodriguez J, Rodriguez S, Rosen MD, Rosenberg M, Ross G, Ross JS, Ross P, Rouse J, Rovang D, Rubenchik AM, Rubery MS, Ruiz CL, Rushford M, Russ B, Rygg JR, Ryujin BS, Sacks RA, Sacks RF, Saito K, Salmon T, Salmonson JD, Sanchez J, Samuelson S, Sanchez M, Sangster C, Saroyan A, Sater J, Satsangi A, Sauers S, Saunders R, Sauppe JP, Sawicki R, Sayre D, Scanlan M, Schaffers K, Schappert GT, Schiaffino S, Schlossberg DJ, Schmidt DW, Schmit PF, Smidt JM, Schneider DHG, Schneider MB, Schneider R, Schoff M, Schollmeier M, Schroeder CR, Schrauth SE, Scott HA, Scott I, Scott JM, Scott RHH, Scullard CR, Sedillo T, Seguin FH, Seka W, Senecal J, Sepke SM, Seppala L, Sequoia K, Severyn J, Sevier JM, Sewell N, Seznec S, Shah RC, Shamlian J, Shaughnessy D, Shaw M, Shaw R, Shearer C, Shelton R, Shen N, Sherlock MW, Shestakov AI, Shi EL, Shin SJ, Shingleton N, Shmayda W, Shor M, Shoup M, Shuldberg C, Siegel L, Silva FJ, Simakov AN, Sims BT, Sinars D, Singh P, Sio H, Skulina K, Skupsky S, Slutz S, Sluyter M, Smalyuk VA, Smauley D, Smeltser RM, Smith C, Smith I, Smith J, Smith L, Smith R, Smith R, Schölmerich M, Sohn R, Sommer S, Sorce C, Sorem M, Soures JM, Spaeth ML, Spears BK, Speas S, Speck D, Speck R, Spears J, Spinka T, Springer PT, Stadermann M, Stahl B, Stahoviak J, Stanley J, Stanton LG, Steele R, Steele W, Steinman D, Stemke R, Stephens R, Sterbenz S, Sterne P, Stevens D, Stevers J, Still CH, Stoeckl C, Stoeffl W, Stolken JS, Stolz C, Storm E, Stone G, Stoupin S, Stout E, Stowers I, Strauser R, Streckart H, Streit J, Strozzi DJ, Stutz J, Summers L, Suratwala T, Sutcliffe G, Suter LJ, Sutton SB, Svidzinski V, Swadling G, Sweet W, Szoke A, Tabak M, Takagi M, Tambazidis A, Tang V, Taranowski M, Taylor LA, Telford S, Theobald W, Thi M, Thomas A, Thomas CA, Thomas I, Thomas R, Thompson IJ, Thongstisubskul A, Thorsness CB, Tietbohl G, Tipton RE, Tobin M, Tomlin N, Tommasini R, Toreja AJ, Torres J, Town RPJ, Townsend S, Trenholme J, Trivelpiece A, Trosseille C, Truax H, Trummer D, Trummer S, Truong T, Tubbs D, Tubman ER, Tunnell T, Turnbull D, Turner RE, Ulitsky M, Upadhye R, Vaher JL, VanArsdall P, VanBlarcom D, Vandenboomgaerde M, VanQuinlan R, Van Wonterghem BM, Varnum WS, Velikovich AL, Vella A, Verdon CP, Vermillion B, Vernon S, Vesey R, Vickers J, Vignes RM, Visosky M, Vocke J, Volegov PL, Vonhof S, Von Rotz R, Vu HX, Vu M, Wall D, Wall J, Wallace R, Wallin B, Walmer D, Walsh CA, Walters CF, Waltz C, Wan A, Wang A, Wang Y, Wark JS, Warner BE, Watson J, Watt RG, Watts P, Weaver J, Weaver RP, Weaver S, Weber CR, Weber P, Weber SV, Wegner P, Welday B, Welser-Sherrill L, Weiss K, Wharton KB, Wheeler GF, Whistler W, White RK, Whitley HD, Whitman P, Wickett ME, Widmann K, Widmayer C, Wiedwald J, Wilcox R, Wilcox S, Wild C, Wilde BH, Wilde CH, Wilhelmsen K, Wilke MD, Wilkens H, Wilkins P, Wilks SC, Williams EA, Williams GJ, Williams W, Williams WH, Wilson DC, Wilson B, Wilson E, Wilson R, Winters S, Wisoff PJ, Wittman M, Wolfe J, Wong A, Wong KW, Wong L, Wong N, Wood R, Woodhouse D, Woodruff J, Woods DT, Woods S, Woodworth BN, Wooten E, Wootton A, Work K, Workman JB, Wright J, Wu M, Wuest C, Wysocki FJ, Xu H, Yamaguchi M, Yang B, Yang ST, Yatabe J, Yeamans CB, Yee BC, Yi SA, Yin L, Young B, Young CS, Young CV, Young P, Youngblood K, Yu J, Zacharias R, Zagaris G, Zaitseva N, Zaka F, Ze F, Zeiger B, Zika M, Zimmerman GB, Zobrist T, Zuegel JD, and Zylstra AB
- Abstract
On December 5, 2022, an indirect drive fusion implosion on the National Ignition Facility (NIF) achieved a target gain G_{target} of 1.5. This is the first laboratory demonstration of exceeding "scientific breakeven" (or G_{target}>1) where 2.05 MJ of 351 nm laser light produced 3.1 MJ of total fusion yield, a result which significantly exceeds the Lawson criterion for fusion ignition as reported in a previous NIF implosion [H. Abu-Shawareb et al. (Indirect Drive ICF Collaboration), Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 075001 (2022)PRLTAO0031-900710.1103/PhysRevLett.129.075001]. This achievement is the culmination of more than five decades of research and gives proof that laboratory fusion, based on fundamental physics principles, is possible. This Letter reports on the target, laser, design, and experimental advancements that led to this result.
- Published
- 2024
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15. Riverscape community genomics: A comparative analytical approach to identify common drivers of spatial structure.
- Author
Zbinden ZD, Douglas MR, Chafin TK, and Douglas ME
- Subjects
- Humans, Genetic Variation genetics, Metagenomics, Environment, Rivers, Ecosystem, Genetics, Population
- Abstract
Genetic differentiation among local groups of individuals, that is, genetic β-diversity, is a key component of population persistence related to connectivity and isolation. However, most genetic investigations of natural populations focus on a single species, overlooking opportunities for multispecies conservation plans to benefit entire communities in an ecosystem. We present an approach to evaluate genetic β-diversity within and among many species and demonstrate how this riverscape community genomics approach can be applied to identify common drivers of genetic structure. Our study evaluated genetic β-diversity in 31 co-distributed native stream fishes sampled from 75 sites across the White River Basin (Ozarks, USA) using SNP genotyping (ddRAD). Despite variance among species in the degree of genetic divergence, general spatial patterns were identified corresponding to river network architecture. Most species (N = 24) were partitioned into discrete subpopulations (K = 2-7). We used partial redundancy analysis to compare species-specific genetic β-diversity across four models of genetic structure: Isolation by distance (IBD), isolation by barrier (IBB), isolation by stream hierarchy (IBH), and isolation by environment (IBE). A significant proportion of intraspecific genetic variation was explained by IBH (x̄ = 62%), with the remaining models generally redundant. We found evidence for consistent spatial modularity in that gene flow is higher within rather than between hierarchical units (i.e., catchments, watersheds, basins), supporting the generalization of the stream hierarchy model. We discuss our conclusions regarding conservation and management and identify the 8-digit hydrologic unit (HUC) as the most relevant spatial scale for managing genetic diversity across riverine networks., (© 2022 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.)
- Published
- 2023
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16. AdmixPipe v3: facilitating population structure delimitation from SNP data.
- Author
Mussmann SM, Douglas MR, Chafin TK, and Douglas ME
- Abstract
Summary: Quantifying genetic clusters (=populations) from genotypic data is a fundamental, but non-trivial task for population geneticists that is compounded by: hierarchical population structure, diverse analytical methods, and complex software dependencies. AdmixPipe v3 ameliorates many of these issues in a single bioinformatic pipeline that facilitates all facets of population structure analysis by integrating outputs generated by several popular packages (i.e. CLUMPAK, EvalAdmix). The pipeline interfaces disparate software packages to parse Admixture outputs and conduct EvalAdmix analyses in the context of multimodal population structure results identified by CLUMPAK. We further streamline these tasks by packaging AdmixPipe v3 within a Docker container to create a standardized analytical environment that allows for complex analyses to be replicated by different researchers. This also grants operating system flexibility and mitigates complex software dependencies., Availability and Implementation: Source code, documentation, example files, and usage examples are freely available at https://github.com/stevemussmann/admixturePipeline. Installation is facilitated via Docker container available from https://hub.docker.com/r/mussmann/admixpipe. Usage under Windows operating systems requires the Windows Subsystem for Linux., Competing Interests: None declared., (© The Author(s) 2023. Published by Oxford University Press.)
- Published
- 2023
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17. The Himalayan uplift and evolution of aquatic biodiversity across Asia: Snowtrout (Cyprininae: Schizothorax) as a test case.
- Author
Regmi B, Douglas MR, Wangchuk K, Zbinden ZD, Edds DR, Tshering S, and Douglas ME
- Subjects
- Animals, Phylogeny, Bhutan, Bayes Theorem, Phylogeography, Pakistan, Biodiversity, DNA, Mitochondrial genetics
- Abstract
Global biodiversity hotspots are often remote, tectonically active areas undergoing climatic fluctuations, such as the Himalaya Mountains and neighboring Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP). They provide biogeographic templates upon which endemic biodiversity can be mapped to infer diversification scenarios. Yet, this process can be somewhat opaque for the Himalaya, given substantial data gaps separating eastern and western regions. To help clarify, we evaluated phylogeographic and phylogenetic hypotheses for a widespread fish (Snowtrout: Cyprininae; Schizothorax) by sequencing 1,140 base pair of mtDNA cytochrome-b (cytb) from Central Himalaya samples (Nepal: N = 53; Bhutan: N = 19), augmented with 68 GenBank sequences (N = 60 Schizothorax/N = 8 outgroups). Genealogical relationships (N = 132) were analyzed via maximum likelihood (ML), Bayesian (BA), and haplotype network clustering, with clade divergence estimated via TimeTree. Snowtrout seemingly originated in Central Asia, dispersed across the QTP, then into Bhutan via southward-flowing tributaries of the east-flowing Yarlung-Tsangpo River (YLTR). Headwaters of five large Asian rivers provided dispersal corridors from Central into eastern/southeastern Asia. South of the Himalaya, the YLTR transitions into the Brahmaputra River, facilitating successive westward colonization of Himalayan drainages first in Bhutan, then Nepal, followed by far-western drainages subsequently captured by the (now) westward-flowing Indus River. Two distinct Bhutanese phylogenetic groups were recovered: Bhutan-1 (with three subclades) seemingly represents southward dispersal from the QTP; Bhutan-2 apparently illustrates northward colonization from the Lower Brahmaputra. The close phylogenetic/phylogeographic relationships between the Indus River (Pakistan) and western tributaries of the Upper Ganges (India/Nepal) potentially implicate an historic, now disjunct connection. Greater species-divergences occurred across rather than within-basins, suggesting vicariance as a driver. The Himalaya is a component of the Earth's largest glacial reservoir (i.e., the "third-pole") separate from the Arctic/Antarctic. Its unique aquatic biodiversity must be defined and conserved through broad, trans-national collaborations. Our study provides an initial baseline for this process., Competing Interests: Authors have declared that no competing interests exist., (Copyright: © 2023 Regmi et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.)
- Published
- 2023
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18. A community genomics approach to natural hybridization.
- Author
Zbinden ZD, Douglas MR, Chafin TK, and Douglas ME
- Subjects
- Animals, Sequence Analysis, DNA, Metagenomics, Hybridization, Genetic
- Abstract
Hybridization is a complicated, oft-misunderstood process. Once deemed unnatural and uncommon, hybridization is now recognized as ubiquitous among species. But hybridization rates within and among communities are poorly understood despite the relevance to ecology, evolution and conservation. To clarify, we examined hybridization across 75 freshwater fish communities within the Ozarks of the North American Interior Highlands (USA) by single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping 33 species ( N = 2865 individuals; double-digest restriction site-associated DNA sequencing (ddRAD)). We found evidence of hybridization (70 putative hybrids; 2.4% of individuals) among 18 species-pairs involving 73% (24/33) of study species, with the majority being concentrated within one family (Leuciscidae/minnows; 15 species; 66 hybrids). Interspecific genetic exchange-or introgression-was evident from 24 backcrossed individuals (10/18 species-pairs). Hybrids occurred within 42 of 75 communities (56%). Four selected environmental variables (species richness, protected area extent, precipitation (May and annually)) exhibited 73-78% accuracy in predicting hybrid occurrence via random forest classification. Our community-level assessment identified hybridization as spatially widespread and environmentally dependent (albeit predominantly within one diverse, omnipresent family). Our approach provides a more holistic survey of natural hybridization by testing a wide range of species-pairs, thus contrasting with more conventional evaluations.
- Published
- 2023
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19. Recent and future declines of a historically widespread pollinator linked to climate, land cover, and pesticides.
- Author
Janousek WM, Douglas MR, Cannings S, Clément MA, Delphia CM, Everett JG, Hatfield RG, Keinath DA, Koch JBU, McCabe LM, Mola JM, Ogilvie JE, Rangwala I, Richardson LL, Rohde AT, Strange JP, Tronstad LM, and Graves TA
- Subjects
- Bees, Animals, Bayes Theorem, Biodiversity, Insecta, Climate, Pesticides
- Abstract
The acute decline in global biodiversity includes not only the loss of rare species, but also the rapid collapse of common species across many different taxa. The loss of pollinating insects is of particular concern because of the ecological and economic values these species provide. The western bumble bee ( Bombus occidentalis ) was once common in western North America, but this species has become increasingly rare through much of its range. To understand potential mechanisms driving these declines, we used Bayesian occupancy models to investigate the effects of climate and land cover from 1998 to 2020, pesticide use from 2008 to 2014, and projected expected occupancy under three future scenarios. Using 14,457 surveys across 2.8 million km
2 in the western United States, we found strong negative relationships between increasing temperature and drought on occupancy and identified neonicotinoids as the pesticides of greatest negative influence across our study region. The mean predicted occupancy declined by 57% from 1998 to 2020, ranging from 15 to 83% declines across 16 ecoregions. Even under the most optimistic scenario, we found continued declines in nearly half of the ecoregions by the 2050s and mean declines of 93% under the most severe scenario across all ecoregions. This assessment underscores the tenuous future of B. occidentalis and demonstrates the scale of stressors likely contributing to rapid loss of related pollinator species throughout the globe. Scaled-up, international species-monitoring schemes and improved integration of data from formal surveys and community science will substantively improve the understanding of stressors and bumble bee population trends.- Published
- 2023
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20. Putting pesticides on the map for pollinator research and conservation.
- Author
Douglas MR, Baisley P, Soba S, Kammerer M, Lonsdorf EV, and Grozinger CM
- Subjects
- Animals, Bees, Conservation of Natural Resources, Ecosystem, Agriculture methods, Insecticides, Pesticides, Pollination
- Abstract
Wild and managed pollinators are essential to food production and the function of natural ecosystems; however, their populations are threatened by multiple stressors including pesticide use. Because pollinator species can travel hundreds to thousands of meters to forage, recent research has stressed the importance of evaluating pollinator decline at the landscape scale. However, scientists' and conservationists' ability to do this has been limited by a lack of accessible data on pesticide use at relevant spatial scales and in toxicological units meaningful to pollinators. Here, we synthesize information from several large, publicly available datasets on pesticide use patterns, land use, and toxicity to generate novel datasets describing pesticide use by active ingredient (kg, 1997-2017) and aggregate insecticide load (kg and honey bee lethal doses, 1997-2014) for state-crop combinations in the contiguous U.S. Furthermore, by linking pesticide datasets with land-use data, we describe a method to map pesticide indicators at spatial scales relevant to pollinator research and conservation., (© 2022. The Author(s).)
- Published
- 2022
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21. Limited gene flow and pronounced population genetic structure of Eastern Massasauga (Sistrurus catenatus) in a Midwestern prairie remnant.
- Author
Anthonysamy WJB, Dreslik MJ, Baker SJ, Davis MA, Douglas MR, Douglas ME, and Phillips CA
- Subjects
- Animals, Crotalus, Genetic Variation, Genetics, Population, Grassland, Illinois, Crotalinae, Gene Flow
- Abstract
As anthropogenic changes continue to ecologically stress wildlife, obtaining measures of gene flow and genetic diversity are crucial for evaluating population trends and considering management and conservation strategies for small, imperiled populations. In our study, we conducted a molecular assessment to expand on previous work to elucidate patterns of diversity and connectivity in the remaining disjunct Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake (Sistrurus catenatus) hibernacula in Illinois. We assayed genetic data for 327 samples collected during 1999-2015 from the Carlyle Lake study area across 21 microsatellite loci. We found hibernacula formed distinct genetic clusters corresponding to the three main study areas (Dam Recreation Areas, Eldon Hazlet State Park, and South Shore State Park). Genetic structuring and low estimates of dispersal indicated that connectivity among these study areas is limited and each is demographically independent. Hibernacula exhibited moderate levels of heterozygosity (0.60-0.73), but estimates of effective population size (5.2-41.0) were low and track census sizes generated via long-term mark-recapture data. Hibernacula at Carlyle Lake, which represent the only Eastern Massasauga remaining in Illinois, are vulnerable to future loss of genetic diversity through lack of gene flow as well as demographic and environmental stochastic processes. Our work highlights the need to include population-level genetic data in recovery planning and suggests that recovery efforts should focus on managing the three major study areas as separate conservation units in order to preserve and maintain long-term adaptive potential of these populations. Specific management goals should include improving connectivity among hibernacula, maintaining existing wet grassland habitat, and minimizing anthropogenic sources of mortality caused by habitat management (e.g., mowing, prescribed fire) and recreational activities. Our molecular study provides additional details about demographic parameters and connectivity at Carlyle Lake that can be used to guide recovery of Eastern Massasauga in Illinois and throughout its range., Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
- Published
- 2022
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22. Population connectivity in voles (Microtus sp.) as a gauge for tall grass prairie restoration in midwestern North America.
- Author
Douglas MR, Mussmann SM, Chafin TK, Anthonysamy WJB, Davis MA, Mulligan MP, Schooley RL, Louis W, and Douglas ME
- Subjects
- Animals, Arvicolinae genetics, Bayes Theorem, Environmental Restoration and Remediation, Female, Gene Flow, Genetic Variation, Genetics, Population, Grassland, North America, Population Density, Population Dynamics, Arvicolinae classification, Arvicolinae physiology, Microsatellite Repeats
- Abstract
Ecological restoration can promote biodiversity conservation in anthropogenically fragmented habitats, but effectiveness of these management efforts need to be statistically validated to determine 'success.' One such approach is to gauge the extent of recolonization as a measure of landscape permeability and, in turn, population connectivity. In this context, we estimated dispersal and population connectivity in prairie vole (Microtus ochrogaster; N = 231) and meadow vole (M. pennsylvanicus; N = 83) within five tall-grass prairie restoration sites embedded within the agricultural matrix of midwestern North America. We predicted that vole dispersal would be constrained by the extent of agricultural land surrounding restored habitat patches, spatially isolating vole populations and resulting in significant genetic structure. We first employed genetic assignment tests based on 15 microsatellite DNA loci to validate field-derived species-designations, then tested reclassified samples with multivariate and Bayesian clustering to assay for spatial and temporal genetic structure. Population connectivity was further evaluated by calculating pairwise FST, then potential demographic effects explored by computing migration rates, effective population size (Ne), and average relatedness (r). Genetic species assignments reclassified 25% of initial field identifications (N = 11 M. ochrogaster; N = 67 M. pennsylvanicus). In M. ochrogaster population connectivity was high across the study area, reflected in little to no spatial or temporal genetic structure. In M. pennsylvanicus genetic structure was detected, but relatedness estimates identified it as kin-clustering instead, underscoring social behavior among populations rather than spatial isolation as the cause. Estimates of Ne and r were stable across years, reflecting high dispersal and demographic resilience. Combined, these metrics suggest the agricultural matrix is highly permeable for voles and does not impede dispersal. High connectivity observed confirms that the restored landscape is productive and permeable for specific management targets such as voles and also demonstrates population genetic assays as a tool to statistically evaluate effectiveness of conservation initiatives., Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
- Published
- 2021
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23. The choices we make and the impacts they have: Machine learning and species delimitation in North American box turtles (Terrapene spp.).
- Author
Martin BT, Chafin TK, Douglas MR, Placyk JS Jr, Birkhead RD, Phillips CA, and Douglas ME
- Subjects
- Animals, Gene Flow, Machine Learning, North America, Phylogeny, Turtles genetics
- Abstract
Model-based approaches that attempt to delimit species are hampered by computational limitations as well as the unfortunate tendency by users to disregard algorithmic assumptions. Alternatives are clearly needed, and machine-learning (M-L) is attractive in this regard as it functions without the need to explicitly define a species concept. Unfortunately, its performance will vary according to which (of several) bioinformatic parameters are invoked. Herein, we gauge the effectiveness of M-L-based species-delimitation algorithms by parsing 64 variably-filtered versions of a ddRAD-derived SNP data set collected from North American box turtles (Terrapene spp.). Our filtering strategies included: (i) minor allele frequencies (MAF) of 5%, 3%, 1%, and 0% (= none), and (ii) maximum missing data per-individual/per-population at 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% (= no filtering). We found that species-delimitation via unsupervised M-L impacted the signal-to-noise ratio in our data, as well as the discordance among resolved clades. The latter may also reflect biogeographic history, gene flow, incomplete lineage sorting, or combinations thereof (as corroborated from previously observed patterns of differential introgression). Our results substantiate M-L as a viable species-delimitation method, but also demonstrate how commonly observed patterns of phylogenetic discordance can seriously impact M-L-classification., (© 2021 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.)
- Published
- 2021
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24. Parallel introgression, not recurrent emergence, explains apparent elevational ecotypes of polyploid Himalayan snowtrout.
- Author
Chafin TK, Regmi B, Douglas MR, Edds DR, Wangchuk K, Dorji S, Norbu P, Norbu S, Changlu C, Khanal GP, Tshering S, and Douglas ME
- Abstract
The recurrence of similar evolutionary patterns within different habitats often reflects parallel selective pressures acting upon either standing or independently occurring genetic variation to produce a convergence of phenotypes. This interpretation (i.e. parallel divergences within adjacent streams) has been hypothesized for drainage-specific morphological 'ecotypes' observed in polyploid snowtrout (Cyprinidae: Schizothorax ). However, parallel patterns of differential introgression during secondary contact are a viable alternative hypothesis. Here, we used ddRADseq ( N = 35 319 de novo and N = 10 884 transcriptome-aligned SNPs), as derived from Nepali/Bhutanese samples ( N = 48 each), to test these competing hypotheses. We first employed genome-wide allelic depths to derive appropriate ploidy models, then a Bayesian approach to yield genotypes statistically consistent under the inferred expectations. Elevational 'ecotypes' were consistent in geometric morphometric space, but with phylogenetic relationships at the drainage level, sustaining a hypothesis of independent emergence. However, partitioned analyses of phylogeny and admixture identified subsets of loci under selection that retained genealogical concordance with morphology, suggesting instead that apparent patterns of morphological/phylogenetic discordance are driven by widespread genomic homogenization. Here, admixture occurring in secondary contact effectively 'masks' previous isolation. Our results underscore two salient factors: (i) morphological adaptations are retained despite hybridization and (ii) the degree of admixture varies across tributaries, presumably concomitant with underlying environmental or anthropogenic factors., (© 2021 The Authors.)
- Published
- 2021
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25. ClineHelpR: an R package for genomic cline outlier detection and visualization.
- Author
Martin BT, Chafin TK, Douglas MR, and Douglas ME
- Subjects
- Biological Evolution, Genomics, Humans, Reproducibility of Results, Genome, Hybridization, Genetic
- Abstract
Background: Patterns of multi-locus differentiation (i.e., genomic clines) often extend broadly across hybrid zones and their quantification can help diagnose how species boundaries are shaped by adaptive processes, both intrinsic and extrinsic. In this sense, the transitioning of loci across admixed individuals can be contrasted as a function of the genome-wide trend, in turn allowing an expansion of clinal theory across a much wider array of biodiversity. However, computational tools that serve to interpret and consequently visualize 'genomic clines' are limited, and users must often write custom, relatively complex code to do so., Results: Here, we introduce the ClineHelpR R-package for visualizing genomic clines and detecting outlier loci using output generated by two popular software packages, bgc and Introgress. ClineHelpR bundles both input generation (i.e., filtering datasets and creating specialized file formats) and output processing (e.g., MCMC thinning and burn-in) with functions that directly facilitate interpretation and hypothesis testing. Tools are also provided for post-hoc analyses that interface with external packages such as ENMeval and RIdeogram., Conclusions: Our package increases the reproducibility and accessibility of genomic cline methods, thus allowing an expanded user base and promoting these methods as mechanisms to address diverse evolutionary questions in both model and non-model organisms. Furthermore, the ClineHelpR extended functionality can evaluate genomic clines in the context of spatial and environmental features, allowing users to explore underlying processes potentially contributing to the observed patterns and helping facilitate effective conservation management strategies., (© 2021. The Author(s).)
- Published
- 2021
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26. Taxonomic Uncertainty and the Anomaly Zone: Phylogenomics Disentangle a Rapid Radiation to Resolve Contentious Species (Gila robusta Complex) in the Colorado River.
- Author
Chafin TK, Douglas MR, Bangs MR, Martin BT, Mussmann SM, and Douglas ME
- Subjects
- Animals, Colorado, Phylogeny, Uncertainty, Cyprinidae genetics, Rivers
- Abstract
Species are indisputable units for biodiversity conservation, yet their delimitation is fraught with both conceptual and methodological difficulties. A classic example is the taxonomic controversy surrounding the Gila robusta complex in the lower Colorado River of southwestern North America. Nominal species designations were originally defined according to weakly diagnostic morphological differences, but these conflicted with subsequent genetic analyses. Given this ambiguity, the complex was re-defined as a single polytypic unit, with the proposed "threatened" status under the U.S. Endangered Species Act of two elements being withdrawn. Here we re-evaluated the status of the complex by utilizing dense spatial and genomic sampling (n = 387 and >22 k loci), coupled with SNP-based coalescent and polymorphism-aware phylogenetic models. In doing so, we found that all three species were indeed supported as evolutionarily independent lineages, despite widespread phylogenetic discordance. To juxtapose this discrepancy with previous studies, we first categorized those evolutionary mechanisms driving discordance, then tested (and subsequently rejected) prior hypotheses which argued phylogenetic discord in the complex was driven by the hybrid origin of Gila nigra. The inconsistent patterns of diversity we found within G. robusta were instead associated with rapid Plio-Pleistocene drainage evolution, with subsequent divergence within the "anomaly zone" of tree space producing ambiguities that served to confound prior studies. Our results not only support the resurrection of the three species as distinct entities but also offer an empirical example of how phylogenetic discordance can be categorized within other recalcitrant taxa, particularly when variation is primarily partitioned at the species level., (© The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution.)
- Published
- 2021
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27. Spatial population genetics in heavily managed species: Separating patterns of historical translocation from contemporary gene flow in white-tailed deer.
- Author
Chafin TK, Zbinden ZD, Douglas MR, Martin BT, Middaugh CR, Gray MC, Ballard JR, and Douglas ME
- Abstract
Approximately 100 years ago, unregulated harvest nearly eliminated white-tailed deer ( Odocoileus virginianus ) from eastern North America, which subsequently served to catalyze wildlife management as a national priority. An extensive stock-replenishment effort soon followed, with deer broadly translocated among states as a means of re-establishment. However, an unintended consequence was that natural patterns of gene flow became obscured and pretranslocation signatures of population structure were replaced. We applied cutting-edge molecular and biogeographic tools to disentangle genetic signatures of historical management from those reflecting spatially heterogeneous dispersal by evaluating 35,099 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) derived via reduced-representation genomic sequencing from 1143 deer sampled statewide in Arkansas. We then employed Simpson's diversity index to summarize ancestry assignments and visualize spatial genetic transitions. Using sub-sampled transects across these transitions, we tested clinal patterns across loci against theoretical expectations of their response under scenarios of re-colonization and restricted dispersal. Two salient results emerged: (A) Genetic signatures from historic translocations are demonstrably apparent; and (B) Geographic filters (major rivers; urban centers; highways) now act as inflection points for the distribution of this contemporary ancestry. These results yielded a statewide assessment of contemporary population structure in deer as driven by historic translocations as well as ongoing processes. In addition, the analytical framework employed herein to effectively decipher extant/historic drivers of deer distribution in Arkansas is also applicable for other biodiversity elements with similarly complex demographic histories., Competing Interests: None declared., (© 2021 The Authors. Evolutionary Applications published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.)
- Published
- 2021
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28. Wild bees as winners and losers: Relative impacts of landscape composition, quality, and climate.
- Author
Kammerer M, Goslee SC, Douglas MR, Tooker JF, and Grozinger CM
- Subjects
- Animals, Bees, Maryland, Seasons, Temperature, Crops, Agricultural, Pollination
- Abstract
Wild bees, like many other taxa, are threatened by land-use and climate change, which, in turn, jeopardizes pollination of crops and wild plants. Understanding how land-use and climate factors interact is critical to predicting and managing pollinator populations and ensuring adequate pollination services, but most studies have evaluated either land-use or climate effects, not both. Furthermore, bee species are incredibly variable, spanning an array of behavioral, physiological, and life-history traits that can increase or decrease resilience to land-use or climate change. Thus, there are likely bee species that benefit, while others suffer, from changing climate and land use, but few studies have documented taxon-specific trends. To address these critical knowledge gaps, we analyzed a long-term dataset of wild bee occurrences from Maryland, Delaware, and Washington DC, USA, examining how different bee genera and functional groups respond to landscape composition, quality, and climate factors. Despite a large body of literature documenting land-use effects on wild bees, in this study, climate factors emerged as the main drivers of wild-bee abundance and richness. For wild-bee communities in spring and summer/fall, temperature and precipitation were more important predictors than landscape composition, landscape quality, or topography. However, relationships varied substantially between wild-bee genera and functional groups. In the Northeast USA, past trends and future predictions show a changing climate with warmer winters, more intense precipitation in winter and spring, and longer growing seasons with higher maximum temperatures. In almost all of our analyses, these conditions were associated with lower abundance of wild bees. Wild-bee richness results were more mixed, including neutral and positive relationships with predicted temperature and precipitation patterns. Thus, in this region and undoubtedly more broadly, changing climate poses a significant threat to wild-bee communities., (© 2021 The Authors. Global Change Biology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.)
- Published
- 2021
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29. Fatigue and fluctuations in physical and psychological wellbeing in people with multiple sclerosis: A longitudinal study.
- Author
Veldhuijzen van Zanten J, Douglas MR, and Ntoumanis N
- Subjects
- Anxiety Disorders, Cross-Sectional Studies, Depression epidemiology, Fatigue epidemiology, Fatigue etiology, Humans, Longitudinal Studies, Quality of Life, Multiple Sclerosis complications, Multiple Sclerosis epidemiology
- Abstract
Background: Fatigue is a highly prevalent and disabling symptom of multiple sclerosis (MS). The aetiology remains unclear, potentially resulting from neuroinflammatory or neurodegenerative processes, mood disturbance, MS symptoms including pain, poor sleep, physical decompensation or medication side effects. Cross-sectional associations have been reported between fatigue and markers of physical and psychological health in people with MS. The current study examined if fluctuations in markers of physical and psychological wellbeing were associated with between-person differences in fatigue in MS., Methods: Longitudinal data of up to 7 years was available of 3369 people with MS who were enrolled in the UK MS Register. Participants completed MS impact scale ratings and MS walking scales up to 4 times per year for up to 7 years. Fatigue was assessed at one time point using the Fatigue Severity Scale. Multilevel analyses were conducted to examine the degree of variance in the outcome measures accounted for by fatigue., Results: Fatigue was associated with fluctuations in depression, MS impact, and walking ability, and to a lesser extent with fluctuations in anxiety and perceived health status. Interference of fatigue in participation in social activities and work-related responsibilities and the physical effects of fatigue were most strongly related to MS-related outcomes., Conclusion: Given the strong associations between fatigue and many MS outcomes, fatigue management interventions are likely to impact on different aspects of physical and psychological wellbeing in MS., (Copyright © 2020. Published by Elsevier B.V.)
- Published
- 2021
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30. Bumble bees in landscapes with abundant floral resources have lower pathogen loads.
- Author
McNeil DJ, McCormick E, Heimann AC, Kammerer M, Douglas MR, Goslee SC, Grozinger CM, and Hines HM
- Subjects
- Agriculture, Animals, Bees anatomy & histology, Bees microbiology, Bees virology, Ecosystem, Pennsylvania, Seasons, Bees physiology, Dicistroviridae pathogenicity, Microsporidia pathogenicity, Pollination physiology
- Abstract
The pollination services provided by bees are essential for supporting natural and agricultural ecosystems. However, bee population declines have been documented across the world. Many of the factors known to undermine bee health (e.g., poor nutrition) can decrease immunocompetence and, thereby, increase bees' susceptibility to diseases. Given the myriad of stressors that can exacerbate disease in wild bee populations, assessments of the relative impact of landscape habitat conditions on bee pathogen prevalence are needed to effectively conserve pollinator populations. Herein, we assess how landscape-level conditions, including various metrics of floral/nesting resources, insecticides, weather, and honey bee (Apis mellifera) abundance, drive variation in wild bumble bee (Bombus impatiens) pathogen loads. Specifically, we screened 890 bumble bee workers from varied habitats in Pennsylvania, USA for three pathogens (deformed wing virus, black queen cell virus, and Vairimorpha (= Nosema) bombi), Defensin expression, and body size. Bumble bees collected within low-quality landscapes exhibited the highest pathogen loads, with spring floral resources and nesting habitat availability serving as the main drivers. We also found higher loads of pathogens where honey bee apiaries are more abundant, a positive relationship between Vairimorpha loads and rainfall, and differences in pathogens by geographic region. Collectively, our results highlight the need to support high-quality landscapes (i.e., those with abundant floral/nesting resources) to maintain healthy wild bee populations.
- Published
- 2020
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31. Age structuring and spatial heterogeneity in prion protein gene ( PRNP ) polymorphism in white-tailed deer.
- Author
Chafin TK, Douglas MR, Martin BT, Zbinden ZD, Middaugh CR, Ballard JR, Gray MC, Don White Jr, and Douglas ME
- Subjects
- Animals, Female, Gene Frequency genetics, Geography, Haplotypes genetics, Odds Ratio, Aging genetics, Aging pathology, Deer genetics, Polymorphism, Genetic, Prion Proteins genetics
- Abstract
Chronic-wasting disease (CWD) is a prion-derived fatal neurodegenerative disease that has affected wild cervid populations on a global scale. Susceptibility has been linked unambiguously to several amino acid variants within the prion protein gene ( PRNP ). Quantifying their distribution across landscapes can provide critical information for agencies attempting to adaptively manage CWD. Here we attempt to further define management implications of PRNP polymorphism by quantifying the contemporary geographic distribution (i.e., phylogeography) of PRNP variants in hunter-harvested white-tailed deer (WTD; Odocoileus virginianus , N = 1433) distributed across Arkansas (USA), including a focal spot for CWD since detection of the disease in February 2016. Of these, PRNP variants associated with the well-characterized 96S non-synonymous substitution showed a significant increase in relative frequency among older CWD-positive cohorts. We interpreted this pattern as reflective of a longer life expectancy for 96S genotypes in a CWD-endemic region, suggesting either decreased probabilities of infection or reduced disease progression. Other variants showing statistical signatures of potential increased susceptibility, however, seemingly reflect an artefact of population structure. We also showed marked heterogeneity across the landscape in the prevalence of 'reduced susceptibility' genotypes. This may indicate, in turn, that differences in disease susceptibility among WTD in Arkansas are an innate, population-level characteristic that is detectable through phylogeographic analysis.
- Published
- 2020
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32. Contrasting signatures of introgression in North American box turtle (Terrapene spp.) contact zones.
- Author
Martin BT, Douglas MR, Chafin TK, Placyk JS Jr, Birkhead RD, Phillips CA, and Douglas ME
- Subjects
- Animals, Genome, Genomics, Hybridization, Genetic, Phenotype, United States, Turtles genetics
- Abstract
Hybridization occurs differentially across the genome in a balancing act between selection and migration. With the unprecedented resolution of contemporary sequencing technologies, selection and migration can now be effectively quantified such that researchers can identify genetic elements involved in introgression. Furthermore, genomic patterns can now be associated with ecologically relevant phenotypes, given availability of annotated reference genomes. We do so in North American box turtles (Terrapene) by deciphering how selection affects hybrid zones at the interface of species boundaries and identifying genetic regions potentially under selection that may relate to thermal adaptations. Such genes may impact physiological pathways involved in temperature-dependent sex determination, immune system functioning and hypoxia tolerance. We contrasted these patterns across inter- and intraspecific hybrid zones that differ temporally and biogeographically. We demonstrate hybridization is broadly apparent in Terrapene, but with observed genomic cline patterns corresponding to species boundaries at loci potentially associated with thermal adaptation. These loci display signatures of directional introgression within intraspecific boundaries, despite a genome-wide selective trend against intergrades. In contrast, outlier loci for interspecific comparisons exhibited evidence of being under selection against hybrids. Importantly, adaptations coinciding with species boundaries in Terrapene overlap with climatic boundaries and highlight the vulnerability of these terrestrial ectotherms to anthropogenic pressures., (© 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.)
- Published
- 2020
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33. Defining relictual biodiversity: Conservation units in speckled dace (Leuciscidae: Rhinichthys osculus ) of the Greater Death Valley ecosystem.
- Author
Mussmann SM, Douglas MR, Oakey DD, and Douglas ME
- Abstract
The tips in the tree of life serve as foci for conservation and management, yet clear delimitations are masked by inherent variance at the species-population interface. Analyses using thousands of nuclear loci can potentially sort inconsistencies, yet standard categories applied to this parsing are themselves potentially conflicting and/or subjective [e.g., DPS (distinct population segments); DUs (Diagnosable Units-Canada); MUs (management units); SSP (subspecies); ESUs (Evolutionarily Significant Units); and UIEUs (uniquely identified evolutionary units)]. One potential solution for consistent categorization is to create a comparative framework by accumulating statistical results from independent studies and evaluating congruence among data sets. Our study illustrates this approach in speckled dace (Leuciscidae: Rhinichthys osculus ) endemic to two basins (Owens and Amargosa) in the Death Valley ecosystem. These fish persist in the Mojave Desert as isolated Plio-Pleistocene relicts and are of conservation concern, but lack formal taxonomic descriptions/designations. Double digest RAD (ddRAD) methods identified 14,355 SNP loci across 10 populations ( N = 140). Species delimitation analyses [multispecies coalescent (MSC) and unsupervised machine learning (UML)] delineated four putative ESUs. F
ST outlier loci ( N = 106) were juxtaposed to uncover the potential for localized adaptations. We detected one hybrid population that resulted from upstream reconnection of habitat following contemporary pluvial periods, whereas remaining populations represent relics of ancient tectonism within geographically isolated springs and groundwater-fed streams. Our study offers three salient conclusions: a blueprint for a multifaceted delimitation of conservation units; a proposed mechanism by which criteria for intraspecific biodiversity can be potentially standardized; and a strong argument for the proactive management of critically endangered Death Valley ecosystem fishes., Competing Interests: None declared., (© 2020 The Authors. Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.)- Published
- 2020
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34. ADMIXPIPE: population analyses in ADMIXTURE for non-model organisms.
- Author
Mussmann SM, Douglas MR, Chafin TK, and Douglas ME
- Subjects
- Bayes Theorem, Computational Biology, Genome, Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide, Models, Biological, Software
- Abstract
Background: Research on the molecular ecology of non-model organisms, while previously constrained, has now been greatly facilitated by the advent of reduced-representation sequencing protocols. However, tools that allow these large datasets to be efficiently parsed are often lacking, or if indeed available, then limited by the necessity of a comparable reference genome as an adjunct. This, of course, can be difficult when working with non-model organisms. Fortunately, pipelines are currently available that avoid this prerequisite, thus allowing data to be a priori parsed. An oft-used molecular ecology program (i.e., STRUCTURE), for example, is facilitated by such pipelines, yet they are surprisingly absent for a second program that is similarly popular and computationally more efficient (i.e., ADMIXTURE). The two programs differ in that ADMIXTURE employs a maximum-likelihood framework whereas STRUCTURE uses a Bayesian approach, yet both produce similar results. Given these issues, there is an overriding (and recognized) need among researchers in molecular ecology for bioinformatic software that will not only condense output from replicated ADMIXTURE runs, but also infer from these data the optimal number of population clusters (K)., Results: Here we provide such a program (i.e., ADMIXPIPE) that (a) filters SNPs to allow the delineation of population structure in ADMIXTURE, then (b) parses the output for summarization and graphical representation via CLUMPAK. Our benchmarks effectively demonstrate how efficient the pipeline is for processing large, non-model datasets generated via double digest restriction-site associated DNA sequencing (ddRAD). Outputs not only parallel those from STRUCTURE, but also visualize the variation among individual ADMIXTURE runs, so as to facilitate selection of the most appropriate K-value., Conclusions: ADMIXPIPE successfully integrates ADMIXTURE analysis with popular variant call format (VCF) filtering software to yield file types readily analyzed by CLUMPAK. Large population genomic datasets derived from non-model organisms are efficiently analyzed via the parallel-processing capabilities of ADMIXTURE. ADMIXPIPE is distributed under the GNU Public License and freely available for Mac OSX and Linux platforms at: https://github.com/stevemussmann/admixturePipeline .
- Published
- 2020
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35. Opicinumab: is it a potential treatment for multiple sclerosis?
- Author
Ahmed Z, Fulton D, and Douglas MR
- Abstract
Competing Interests: Conflicts of Interest: All authors have completed the ICMJE uniform disclosure form (available at http://dx.doi.org/10.21037/atm.2020.03.131). The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
- Published
- 2020
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36. Reticulate evolution as a management challenge: Patterns of admixture with phylogenetic distance in endemic fishes of western North America.
- Author
Bangs MR, Douglas MR, Brunner PC, and Douglas ME
- Abstract
Admixture in natural populations is a long-standing management challenge, with population genomic approaches offering means for adjudication. We now more clearly understand the permeability of species boundaries and the potential of admixture for promoting adaptive evolution. These issues particularly resonate in western North America, where tectonism and aridity have fragmented and reshuffled rivers over millennia, in turn promoting reticulation among endemic fishes, a situation compounded by anthropogenic habitat modifications and non-native introductions. The melding of historic and contemporary admixture has both confused and stymied management. We underscore this situation with a case study that quantifies basin-wide admixture among a group of native and introduced fishes by employing double-digest restriction site-associated DNA (ddRAD) sequencing. Our approach: (a) quantifies the admixed history of 343 suckers (10 species of Catostomidae) across the Colorado River Basin; (b) gauges admixture within the context of phylogenetic distance and "ecological specialization"; and (c) extrapolates potential drivers of introgression across hybrid crosses that involve endemic as well as invasive species. Our study extends across an entire freshwater basin and expands previous studies more limited in scope both geographically and taxonomically. Our results detected admixture involving all 10 species, with habitat alterations not only accelerating the breakdown of reproductive isolation, but also promoting introgression. Hybridization occurred across the genus despite phylogenetic distance, whereas introgression was only detected within subgenera, implicating phylogenetic distance and/or ecological specialization as drivers of reproductive isolation. Understanding the extent of admixture and reproductive isolation across multiple species serves to disentangle their reticulate evolutionary histories and provides a broadscale perspective for basin-wide conservation and management., Competing Interests: None declared., (© 2020 The Authors. Evolutionary Applications published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.)
- Published
- 2020
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37. Gene flow and species delimitation in fishes of Western North America: Flannelmouth ( Catostomus latipinnis ) and Bluehead sucker ( C. Pantosteus discobolus ).
- Author
Bangs MR, Douglas MR, Chafin TK, and Douglas ME
- Abstract
The delimitation of species boundaries, particularly those obscured by reticulation, is a critical step in contemporary biodiversity assessment. It is especially relevant for conservation and management of indigenous fishes in western North America, represented herein by two species with dissimilar life histories codistributed in the highly modified Colorado River (i.e., flannelmouth sucker, Catostomus latipinnis ; bluehead sucker, C. (Pantosteus) discobolus ). To quantify phylogenomic patterns and examine proposed taxonomic revisions, we first employed double-digest restriction site-associated DNA sequencing (ddRAD), yielding 39,755 unlinked SNPs across 139 samples. These were subsequently evaluated with multiple analytical approaches and by contrasting life history data. Three phylogenetic methods and a Bayesian assignment test highlighted similar phylogenomic patterns in each, but with considerable difference in presumed times of divergence. Three lineages were detected in bluehead sucker, supporting elevation of C. (P.) virescens to species status and recognizing C. (P.) discobolus yarrowi (Zuni bluehead sucker) as a discrete entity. Admixture in the latter necessitated a reevaluation of its contemporary and historic distributions, underscoring how biodiversity identification can be confounded by complex evolutionary histories. In addition, we defined three separate flannelmouth sucker lineages as ESUs (evolutionarily significant units), given limited phenotypic and genetic differentiation, contemporary isolation, and lack of concordance (per the genealogical concordance component of the phylogenetic species concept). Introgression was diagnosed in both species, with the Little Colorado and Virgin rivers in particular. Our diagnostic methods, and the agreement of our SNPs with previous morphological, enzymatic, and mitochondrial work, allowed us to partition complex evolutionary histories into requisite components, such as isolation versus secondary contact., Competing Interests: None declared., (© 2020 The Authors. Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.)
- Published
- 2020
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38. Multi-targeted management of upland game birds at the agroecosystem interface in midwestern North America.
- Author
Douglas MR, Anthonysamy WJB, Mussmann SM, Davis MA, Louis W, and Douglas ME
- Subjects
- Agriculture, Animals, Genetic Variation, Genotyping Techniques, North America, Birds genetics, Conservation of Natural Resources, Ecosystem
- Abstract
Despite its imperative, biodiversity conservation is chronically underfunded, a deficiency that often forces management agencies to prioritize. Single-species recovery thus becomes a focus (often with socio-political implications), whereas a more economical approach would be the transition to multi-targeted management (= MTM). This challenge is best represented in Midwestern North America where biodiversity has been impacted by 300+ years of chronic anthropogenic disturbance such that native tall-grass prairie is now supplanted by an agroecosystem. Here, we develop an MTM with a population genetic metric to collaboratively manage three Illinois upland gamebirds: common pheasant (Phasianus colchicus; pheasant), northern bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus; quail), and threatened-endangered (T&E) greater prairie chicken (Tympanuchus cupido pinnatus; prairie chicken). We first genotyped our study pheasant at 19 microsatellite DNA loci and identified three captive breeding stocks (N = 143; IL Department of Natural Resources) as being significantly bottlenecked, with relatedness >1st-cousin (μR = 0.158). 'Wild' (non-stocked) pheasant [N = 543; 14 Pheasant-Habitat-Areas (PHAs)] were also bottlenecked, significantly interrelated (μR = 0.150) and differentiated (μFST = 0.047), yet distinct from propagation stock. PHAs that encompassed significantly with larger areas also reflected greater effective population sizes (μNE = 43; P<0.007). We juxtaposed these data against previously published results for prairie chicken and quail, and found population genetic structure driven by drift, habitat/climate impacts, and gender-biased selection via hunter-harvest. Each species (hunter-harvested or T&E) is independently managed, yet their composite population genetic baseline provides the quantitative criteria needed for an upland game bird MTM. Its implementation would require agricultural plots to be rehabilitated/reclaimed using a land-sharing/sparing portfolio that differs markedly from the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), where sequestered land decreases as agricultural prices escalate. Cost-savings for an MTM would accrue by synchronizing single-species management with a dwindling hunter-harvest program, and by eliminating propagation/stocking programs. This would sustain not only native grasslands and their resident species, but also accelerate conservation at the wildlife-agroecosystem interface., Competing Interests: No authors have competing interests.
- Published
- 2020
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39. Observation of persistent species temperature separation in inertial confinement fusion mixtures.
- Author
Haines BM, Shah RC, Smidt JM, Albright BJ, Cardenas T, Douglas MR, Forrest C, Glebov VY, Gunderson MA, Hamilton CE, Henderson KC, Kim Y, Lee MN, Murphy TJ, Oertel JA, Olson RE, Patterson BM, Randolph RB, and Schmidt DW
- Abstract
The injection and mixing of contaminant mass into the fuel in inertial confinement fusion (ICF) implosions is a primary factor preventing ignition. ICF experiments have recently achieved an alpha-heating regime, in which fusion self-heating is the dominant source of yield, by reducing the susceptibility of implosions to instabilities that inject this mass. We report the results of unique separated reactants implosion experiments studying pre-mixed contaminant as well as detailed high-resolution three-dimensional simulations that are in good agreement with experiments. At conditions relevant to mixing regions in high-yield implosions, we observe persistent chunks of contaminant that do not achieve thermal equilibrium with the fuel throughout the burn phase. The assumption of thermal equilibrium is made in nearly all computational ICF modeling and methods used to infer levels of contaminant from experiments. We estimate that these methods may underestimate the amount of contaminant by a factor of two or more.
- Published
- 2020
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40. County-level analysis reveals a rapidly shifting landscape of insecticide hazard to honey bees (Apis mellifera) on US farmland.
- Author
Douglas MR, Sponsler DB, Lonsdorf EV, and Grozinger CM
- Subjects
- Animals, Crops, Agricultural, Dietary Exposure analysis, Dietary Exposure statistics & numerical data, Environmental Exposure statistics & numerical data, Neonicotinoids toxicity, Glycine max, United States, Zea mays, Bees drug effects, Environmental Exposure analysis, Insecticides toxicity
- Abstract
Each year, millions of kilograms of insecticides are applied to crops in the US. While insecticide use supports food, fuel, and fiber production, it can also threaten non-target organisms, a concern underscored by mounting evidence of widespread decline of pollinator populations. Here, we integrate several public datasets to generate county-level annual estimates of total 'bee toxic load' (honey bee lethal doses) for insecticides applied in the US between 1997-2012, calculated separately for oral and contact toxicity. To explore the underlying components of the observed changes, we divide bee toxic load into extent (area treated) and intensity (application rate x potency). We show that while contact-based bee toxic load remained relatively steady, oral-based bee toxic load increased roughly 9-fold, with reductions in application rate outweighed by disproportionate increases in potency (toxicity/kg) and extent. This pattern varied markedly by region, with the greatest increase seen in Heartland (121-fold increase), likely driven by use of neonicotinoid seed treatments in corn and soybean. In this "potency paradox", farmland in the central US has become more hazardous to bees despite lower volumes of insecticides applied, raising concerns about insect conservation and highlighting the importance of integrative approaches to pesticide use monitoring.
- Published
- 2020
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41. Hybridization drives genetic erosion in sympatric desert fishes of western North America.
- Author
Chafin TK, Douglas MR, Martin BT, and Douglas ME
- Subjects
- Animals, Ecosystem, Gene Flow genetics, Genome genetics, Genomics, Humans, Hybridization, Genetic, North America, Reproductive Isolation, Sympatry genetics, Cyprinidae genetics, Genetic Speciation, Genetics, Population
- Abstract
Many species have evolved or currently coexist in sympatry due to differential adaptation in a heterogeneous environment. However, anthropogenic habitat modifications can either disrupt reproductive barriers or obscure environmental conditions which underlie fitness gradients. In this study, we evaluated the potential for an anthropogenically-mediated shift in reproductive boundaries that separate two historically sympatric fish species (Gila cypha and G. robusta) endemic to the Colorado River Basin using ddRAD sequencing of 368 individuals. We first examined the integrity of reproductive isolation while in sympatry and allopatry, then characterized hybrid ancestries using genealogical assignment tests. We tested for localized erosion of reproductive isolation by comparing site-wise genomic clines against global patterns and identified a breakdown in the drainage-wide pattern of selection against interspecific heterozygotes. This, in turn, allowed for the formation of a hybrid swarm in one tributary, and asymmetric introgression where species co-occur. We also detected a weak but significant relationship between genetic purity and degree of consumptive water removal, suggesting a role for anthropogenic habitat modifications in undermining species boundaries or expanding historically limited introgression. In addition, results from basin-wide genomic clines suggested that hybrids and parental forms are adaptively nonequivalent. If so, then a failure to manage for hybridization will exacerbate the long-term extinction risk in parental populations. These results reinforce the role of anthropogenic habitat modification in promoting interspecific introgression in sympatric species by relaxing divergent selection. This, in turn, underscores a broader role for hybridization in decreasing global biodiversity within rapidly deteriorating environments.
- Published
- 2019
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42. Genomic pedigree reconstruction identifies predictors of mating and reproductive success in an invasive vertebrate.
- Author
Levine BA, Douglas MR, Yackel Adams AA, Lardner B, Reed RN, Savidge JA, and Douglas ME
- Abstract
The persistence of an invasive species is influenced by its reproductive ecology, and a successful control program must operate on this premise. However, the reproductive ecology of invasive species may be enigmatic due to factors that also limit their management, such as cryptic coloration and behavior. We explored the mating and reproductive ecology of the invasive Brown Treesnake (BTS : Boiga irregularis ) by reconstructing a multigenerational genomic pedigree based on 654 single nucleotide polymorphisms for a geographically closed population established in 2004 on Guam ( N = 426). The pedigree allowed annual estimates of individual mating and reproductive success to be inferred for snakes in the study population over a 14-year period. We then employed generalized linear mixed models to gauge how well phenotypic and genomic data could predict sex-specific annual mating and reproductive success. Average snout-vent length (SVL), average body condition index (BCI), and trappability were significantly related to annual mating success for males, with average SVL also related to annual mating success for females. Male and female annual reproductive success was positively affected by SVL, BCI, and trappability. Surprisingly, the degree to which individuals were inbred had no effect on annual mating or reproductive success. When juxtaposed with current control methods, these results indicate that baited traps, a common interdiction tool, may target fecund BTS in some regards but not others. Our study emphasizes the importance of reproductive ecology as a focus for improving BTS control and promotes genomic pedigree reconstruction for such an endeavor in this invasive species and others., Competing Interests: The authors declare no competing interests., (© 2019 The Authors. Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.)
- Published
- 2019
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43. Heparan sulfates are critical regulators of the inhibitory megakaryocyte-platelet receptor G6b-B.
- Author
Vögtle T, Sharma S, Mori J, Nagy Z, Semeniak D, Scandola C, Geer MJ, Smith CW, Lane J, Pollack S, Lassila R, Jouppila A, Barr AJ, Ogg DJ, Howard TD, McMiken HJ, Warwicker J, Geh C, Rowlinson R, Abbott WM, Eckly A, Schulze H, Wright GJ, Mazharian A, Fütterer K, Rajesh S, Douglas MR, and Senis YA
- Subjects
- Animals, Humans, Mice, Inbred C57BL, Mice, Knockout, Protein Binding, Protein Multimerization, Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase, Non-Receptor Type 11 metabolism, Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase, Non-Receptor Type 6 metabolism, Receptors, Immunologic deficiency, Receptors, Immunologic genetics, Signal Transduction, Blood Platelets physiology, Heparitin Sulfate metabolism, Megakaryocytes physiology, Receptors, Immunologic metabolism
- Abstract
The immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibition motif (ITIM)-containing receptor G6b-B is critical for platelet production and activation. Loss of G6b-B results in severe macrothrombocytopenia, myelofibrosis and aberrant platelet function in mice and humans. Using a combination of immunohistochemistry, affinity chromatography and proteomics, we identified the extracellular matrix heparan sulfate (HS) proteoglycan perlecan as a G6b-B binding partner. Subsequent in vitro biochemical studies and a cell-based genetic screen demonstrated that the interaction is specifically mediated by the HS chains of perlecan. Biophysical analysis revealed that heparin forms a high-affinity complex with G6b-B and mediates dimerization. Using platelets from humans and genetically modified mice, we demonstrate that binding of G6b-B to HS and multivalent heparin inhibits platelet and megakaryocyte function by inducing downstream signaling via the tyrosine phosphatases Shp1 and Shp2. Our findings provide novel insights into how G6b-B is regulated and contribute to our understanding of the interaction of megakaryocytes and platelets with glycans., Competing Interests: TV, SS, JM, ZN, DS, CS, MG, CS, AB, AE, HS, GW, AM, KF, SR, MD, YS No competing interests declared, JL was an employee at Sygnature Discovery Limited at the time of the study, performing surface plasmon resonance experiments as part of a paid service, SP is an employee at Sygnature Discovery Limited, performing surface plasmon resonance experiments as part of a paid service, RL is CSO and shareholder of Aplagon Oy, Helsinki, Finland, AJ receives research funding from Aplagon Oy, Helsinki, Finland, DO, TH, HM, JW, CG is an employee at Peak proteins Limited, performing crystallography and protein expression studies as part of a paid service, RR is employee at Peak proteins Limited, performing crystallography and protein expression studies as part of a paid service, WA is CEO of Peak proteins Limited, performing crystallography and protein expression studies as part of a paid service, (© 2019, Vögtle et al.)
- Published
- 2019
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44. Pesticides and pollinators: A socioecological synthesis.
- Author
Sponsler DB, Grozinger CM, Hitaj C, Rundlöf M, Botías C, Code A, Lonsdorf EV, Melathopoulos AP, Smith DJ, Suryanarayanan S, Thogmartin WE, Williams NM, Zhang M, and Douglas MR
- Subjects
- Agriculture, Animals, Research, Butterflies physiology, Diptera physiology, Hymenoptera physiology, Pesticides, Pollination
- Abstract
The relationship between pesticides and pollinators, while attracting no shortage of attention from scientists, regulators, and the public, has proven resistant to scientific synthesis and fractious in matters of policy and public opinion. This is in part because the issue has been approached in a compartmentalized and intradisciplinary way, such that evaluations of organismal pesticide effects remain largely disjoint from their upstream drivers and downstream consequences. Here, we present a socioecological framework designed to synthesize the pesticide-pollinator system and inform future scholarship and action. Our framework consists of three interlocking domains-pesticide use, pesticide exposure, and pesticide effects-each consisting of causally linked patterns, processes, and states. We elaborate each of these domains and their linkages, reviewing relevant literature and providing empirical case studies. We then propose guidelines for future pesticide-pollinator scholarship and action agenda aimed at strengthening knowledge in neglected domains and integrating knowledge across domains to provide decision support for stakeholders and policymakers. Specifically, we emphasize (1) stakeholder engagement, (2) mechanistic study of pesticide exposure, (3) understanding the propagation of pesticide effects across levels of organization, and (4) full-cost accounting of the externalities of pesticide use and regulation. Addressing these items will require transdisciplinary collaborations within and beyond the scientific community, including the expertise of farmers, agrochemical developers, and policymakers in an extended peer community., (Copyright © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2019
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45. Correction: Deconstructing a Species-Complex: Geometric Morphometric and Molecular Analyses Define Species in the Western Rattlesnake (Crotalus viridis).
- Author
Davis MA, Douglas MR, Collyer ML, and Douglas ME
- Abstract
[This corrects the article DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0146166.].
- Published
- 2019
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46. Just-in-Time Training of the Evidence-Based Public Health Framework, Oklahoma, 2016-2017.
- Author
Douglas MR, Lowry JP, and Morgan LA
- Subjects
- Adult, Evidence-Based Practice methods, Evidence-Based Practice trends, Female, Humans, Male, Oklahoma, Public Health methods, Surveys and Questionnaires, Public Health education, Teaching
- Abstract
Training of practitioners on evidence-based public health has shown to be beneficial, yet overwhelming. Chunking information and proximate practical application are effective techniques to increase retention in adult learning. Evidence-based public health training for practitioners from African American and Hispanic/Latino community agencies and tribes/tribal nations incorporated these 2 techniques. The community-level practitioners alternated attending training and implementing the steps of the evidence-based public health framework as they planned state-funded programs. One year later, survey results showed that participants reported increased confidence in skills that were reinforced by practical and practiced application as compared with posttraining survey results. In addition, at 1 year, reported confidence in skills that were not fortified by proximate application decreased when compared with posttraining confidence levels. All 7 community programs successfully created individualized evidence-based action plans that included evidence-based practices and policies across socioecological levels that fit with the unique culture and climate of their own community.
- Published
- 2019
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47. MrBait: universal identification and design of targeted-enrichment capture probes.
- Author
Chafin TK, Douglas MR, and Douglas ME
- Subjects
- Algorithms, Computational Biology, DNA Probes, Genomics, Software
- Abstract
Motivation: It is a non-trivial task to identify and design capture probes ('baits') for the diverse array of targeted-enrichment methods now available (e.g. ultra-conserved elements, anchored hybrid enrichment, RAD-capture). This often involves parsing large genomic alignments, followed by multiple steps of curating candidate genomic regions to optimize targeted information content (e.g. genetic variation) and to minimize potential probe dimerization and non-target enrichment., Results: In this context, we developed MrBait, a user-friendly, generalized software pipeline for identification, design and optimization of targeted-enrichment probes across a range of target-capture paradigms. MrBait is an open-source codebase that leverages native parallelization capabilities in Python and mitigates memory usage via a relational-database back-end. Numerous filtering methods allow comprehensive optimization of designed probes, including built-in functionality that employs BLAST, similarity-based clustering and a graph-based algorithm that 'rescues' failed probes., Availability and Implementation: Complete code for MrBait is available on GitHub (https://github.com/tkchafin/mrbait), and is also available with all dependencies via one-line installation using the conda package manager. Online documentation describing installation and runtime instructions can be found at: https://mrbait.readthedocs.io., Supplementary Information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.
- Published
- 2018
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48. Cerebrospinal fluid immunoglobulin light chain ratios predict disease progression in multiple sclerosis.
- Author
Rathbone E, Durant L, Kinsella J, Parker AR, Hassan-Smith G, Douglas MR, and Curnow SJ
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Adult, Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Biomarkers cerebrospinal fluid, Disease Progression, Female, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Multiple Sclerosis cerebrospinal fluid, Young Adult, Immunoglobulin Light Chains cerebrospinal fluid, Multiple Sclerosis immunology
- Abstract
Objective: To determine whether the ratio of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) immunoglobulin kappa to lambda light chains at time of multiple sclerosis (MS) diagnosis predicts disease progression and whether this was intrinsic to CSF plasmablasts., Methods: CSF and peripheral blood were obtained from patients undergoing elective diagnostic lumbar puncture and included clinically isolated syndrome (CIS) (n=43), relapsing remitting MS (RRMS; n=50), primary progressive MS (PPMS; n=20) and other neurological disease controls, both inflammatory (ONID; n=23) and non-inflammatory (OND; n=114). CSF samples were assayed for free and immunoglobulin-associated light chains and on B cells and plasmablasts. Clinical follow-up data were collected during a 5-year follow-up period where available., Results: There was an increased median CSF κ:λ free light chain (FLC) in all MS groups (CIS: 18.2, 95% CI 6.8 to 30.3; RRMS: 4.4, 95% CI 2.7 to 11.4; PPMS: 12.0, 95% CI 3.6 to 37.1) but not controls (OND: 1.61, 95% CI 1.4 to 1.9; ONID: 1.7, 95% CI 1.3 to 2.2; p<0.001). This ratio predicted Expanded Disability Status Scores (EDSS) progression at 5 years, with a lower median EDSS in the group with high (>10) CSF κ:λ FLC (0.0, 95% CI 0 to 2.5 vs 2.5, 95% CI 0 to 4, high vs low; p=0.049). CSF κ:λ FLC correlated with CSF IgG1 κ:λ (r=0.776; p<0.0001) and was intrinsic to CSF plasmablasts (r=0.65; p=0.026)., Conclusions: These data demonstrate that CSF immunoglobulin κ:λ ratios, determined at the time of diagnostic lumbar puncture, predict MS disease progression and may therefore be useful prognostic markers for early therapeutic stratification., Competing Interests: Competing interests: ARP is an employee of The Binding Site Group Limited who manufacture the CSF FLC assays., (© Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2018. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.)
- Published
- 2018
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49. Unraveling historical introgression and resolving phylogenetic discord within Catostomus (Osteichthys: Catostomidae).
- Author
Bangs MR, Douglas MR, Mussmann SM, and Douglas ME
- Subjects
- Animals, Cypriniformes genetics, DNA, Mitochondrial genetics, Evolution, Molecular, Geography, Species Specificity, United States, Cypriniformes classification, Phylogeny
- Abstract
Background: Porous species boundaries can be a source of conflicting hypotheses, particularly when coupled with variable data and/or methodological approaches. Their impacts can often be magnified when non-model organisms with complex histories of reticulation are investigated. One such example is the genus Catostomus (Osteichthys, Catostomidae), a freshwater fish clade with conflicting morphological and mitochondrial phylogenies. The former is hypothesized as reflecting the presence of admixed genotypes within morphologically distinct lineages, whereas the latter is interpreted as the presence of distinct morphologies that emerged multiple times through convergent evolution. We tested these hypotheses using multiple methods, to including multispecies coalescent and concatenated approaches. Patterson's D-statistic was applied to resolve potential discord, examine introgression, and test the putative hybrid origin of two species. We also applied naïve binning to explore potential effects of concatenation., Results: We employed 14,007 loci generated from ddRAD sequencing of 184 individuals to derive the first highly supported nuclear phylogeny for Catostomus. Our phylogenomic analyses largely agreed with a morphological interpretation,with the exception of the placement of Xyrauchen texanus, which differs from both morphological and mitochondrial phylogenies. Additionally, our evaluation of the putative hybrid species C. columbianus revealed a lack introgression and instead matched the mitochondrial phylogeny. Furthermore, D-statistic tests clarified all discrepancies based solely on mitochondrial data, with agreement among topologies derived from concatenation and multispecies coalescent approaches. Extensive historic introgression was detected across six species-pairs. Potential endemism in the Virgin and Little Colorado Rivers was also apparent, and the former genus Pantosteus was derived as monophyletic, save for C. columbianus., Conclusions: Complex reticulated histories detected herein support the hypothesis that introgression was responsible for conflicts that occurred within the mitochondrial phylogeny, and explains discrepancies found between it and previous morphological phylogenies. Additionally, the hybrid origin of C. columbianus was refuted, but with the caveat that more fine-grain sampling is still needed. Our diverse phylogenomic approaches provided largely concordant results, with naïve binning useful in exploring the single conflict. Considerable diversity was found within Catostomus across southwestern North America, with two drainages [Virgin River (UT) and Little Colorado River (AZ)] reflecting unique composition.
- Published
- 2018
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50. CCR6 + Th cells in the cerebrospinal fluid of persons with multiple sclerosis are dominated by pathogenic non-classic Th1 cells and GM-CSF-only-secreting Th cells.
- Author
Restorick SM, Durant L, Kalra S, Hassan-Smith G, Rathbone E, Douglas MR, and Curnow SJ
- Subjects
- Adult, Aged, CD4 Antigens metabolism, Female, Humans, Interferon-gamma metabolism, Male, Middle Aged, Multiple Sclerosis blood, Multiple Sclerosis immunology, Receptors, CCR6 blood, Th17 Cells metabolism, Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor metabolism, Multiple Sclerosis cerebrospinal fluid, Receptors, CCR6 metabolism, Th1 Cells metabolism
- Abstract
Considerable attention has been given to CCR6
+ IL-17-secreting CD4+ T cells (Th17) in the pathology of a number of autoimmune diseases including multiple sclerosis (MS). However, other Th subsets also play important pathogenic roles, including those that secrete IFNγ and GM-CSF. CCR6 expression by Th17 cells allows their migration across the choroid plexus into the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), where they are involved in the early phase of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), and in MS these cells are elevated in the CSF during relapses and contain high frequencies of autoreactive cells. However, the relatively low frequency of Th17 cells suggests they cannot by themselves account for the high percentage of CCR6+ cells in MS CSF. Here we identify the dominant CCR6+ T cell subsets in both the blood and CSF as non-classic Th1 cells, including many that secrete GM-CSF, a key encephalitogenic cytokine. In addition, we show that Th cells secreting GM-CSF but not IFNγ or IL-17, a subset termed GM-CSF-only-secreting Th cells, also accumulate in the CSF. Importantly, in MS the proportion of IFNγ- and GM-CSF-secreting T cells expressing CCR6 was significantly enriched in the CSF, and was elevated in MS, suggesting these cells play a pathogenic role in this disease., (Copyright © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)- Published
- 2017
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