We have calculated relativistic energies and Lande g-factors for the levels of 5[p.sup.6]nf (n = 4-30), 5[p.sup.6]np (n = 6-30), 5[p.sup.6]nd (n = 5-30), 5[p.sup.6]ng (n = 5-30) and 5[p.sup.6]ns (n = 6-30) configurations and the transition parameters, such as wavelengths, oscillator strengths, and transition probabilities (or rates), for the electric dipole (E1) transitions between these levels in quadruply ionized praseodymium (Pr V, Z = 59) by using the relativistic Hartree-Fock method. We have compared the results with available calculations and experiments in the literature. Key words: HFR method, relativistic corrections, wavelengths, oscillator strengths, transition probabilities. Resume : Nous utilisons la methode de Hartree-Fock relativiste pour calculer d'abord les energies relativistes et les facteurs g de Lande pour les niveaux des configurations 5[p.sup.6]nf (n = 4-30), 5[p.sup.6]np (n = 6-30), 5[p.sup.6]nd (n = 5-30), 5[p.sup.6]ng (n = 5-30) et 5[p.sup.6]ns (n = 6-30). Nous calculons ensuite les parametres de transition, comme les longueurs d'onde, les forces d'oscillateurs et les probabilites de transition pour les transitions dipolaires (E1) entre ces niveaux du praseodyme quatre fois ionise (Pr V, Z = 59). [Traduit par la Redaction] Mots-cles : methode HFR (haute frequence), corrections relativistes, longueurs d'onde, forces d'oscillateur, probabilites de transition. PACS Nos.: 31.15.ag, 31.15.aj, 31.15.V-, 31.30.-i, 32.70.Cs., Introduction The need for reliable atomic data in the study of astrophysical problems is well known. In spectrum synthesis work, particularly as applied to chemically peculiar (CP) stars, accurate knowledge [...]