Volcano-tectonic processes have been viewed as primary drivers in the formation of present-day diversity. Volcanos associated with mountain uplifts drive allopatric speciation through vicariance and may impact the surrounding areas like species pump or species attractor. However, the application of these hypotheses to aquatic fauna has rarely been tested explicitly. We tested these hypotheses in the Changbai Mountains (Mts), which are one of the most typical, active volcanic ranges in Northeast (NE) Asia with a long and turbulent geological history. The Gammarus nekkensis species complex of amphipod crustaceans, widely distributed throughout NE Asia with poor dispersal abilities and a long evolutionary history, is a suitable model for testing hypotheses of species pump or species attractor. Phylogenetic and ancestral range reconstructions demonstrated that the studied amphipod originated from the Changbai Mts ~27 Ma and diverged into eastern (Clade I) and western (Clade II) clades, which corresponds well with the initial volcanic eruption of the Changbai Mts in the Late Oligocene. The subsequent diversifications of subclades CI-3, CII-1a and CII-2a were probably driven by second and third eruptions of the Changbai Mts during the Miocene. In particular, the Changbai lineages had spread to the Russian Far East multiple times since the Early Miocene, and widely colonized the region during the Pleistocene. Our discoveries suggest that the ancient volcanos of the Changbai Mts act as species pumps in NE Asia, resulted in burst of diversification around the Changbai Mts and subsequent dispersals into adjacent regions.