Heavy rainfall greatly affects the aerodynamic performance of the aircraft. There are many accidents of aircraft caused by aerodynamic efficiency degradation by heavy rain. In this Paper we have studied the heavy rain effects on the aerodynamic efficiency of NACA 64-210 & NACA 0012 airfoils. For our analysis, CFD method and preprocessing grid generator are used as our main analytical tools, and the simulation of rain is accomplished via two phase flow approach-s Discrete Phase Model (DPM). Raindrops are assumed to be non-interacting, non-deforming, non-evaporating and non-spinning spheres. Both airfoil sections exhibited significant reduction in lift and increase in drag for a given lift condition in simulated rain. The most significant difference between these two airfoils was the sensitivity of the NACA 64-210 to liquid water content (LWC), while NACA 0012 performance losses in the rain environment is not a function of LWC . It is expected that the quantitative information gained in this paper will be useful to the operational airline industry and greater effort such as small scale and full scale flight tests should put in this direction to further improve aviation safety., {"references":["Haines, P. A. and Luers, J. K., \"Aerodynamic Penalties of Heavy Rain on Landing Aircraft,\" Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 20, No. 2, February 1983, pp. 111-119.","Luers, J. K. and Haines, P. A, \"heavy Rain Influence on Airplane Accidents\" Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 20, No. 2, February 1983, pp. 187-191.","Valentine, J. R.,,\"Airfoil Performance in Heavy Rain\" Transportation Research Record, No. 1428, January 1994, pp.26-35","Valentine, J. R. and Decker, R. A., \"Tracking of Raindrops in flow over an airfoil\" Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 32, No. 1, February 1983, pp. 100-105","Valentine, J. R. and Decker, R. A., \"A Lagrangian-Eulerian Scheme for Flow Around an Airfoil in Rain,\" Int. J. Multiphase Flow, Vol. 32, No. 1, 1995, pp. 639-648","Wan T. and Wu S. W., \"Aerodynamic Analysis under Influence of Heavy Rain,\" Journal of Aeronautics, Astronautics and Aviation, Vol. 41, No. 3, September 2009, pp.173-180.","Rhode, R. V., \"Some Effects of Rain fall on Flight of Airplanes and on Instrument Indications,\" NACA TN903, April 1941.","Hansman, R. J. Jr. and Craig, A. P., \"Low Reynolds Number Tests of NACA 642-10, NACA 0012, and Wortmann FS67-K170 Airfoils in Rain \" Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 24, No. 8, August 1987.","Thompson, B.E., Jang, J., and Dion, J. L., \"Wing Performance in Moderate Rain,\" Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 32, No. 5, Sep-Oct 1995, pp. 1034-1039.\n[10] Thompson, B.E. and Jang, J., \"Aerodynamic Efficiency of wings in Rain,\" Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 33, No. 6, Nov-Dec 1996, pp. 1047-1053\n[11] Hating, E. C. Jr. and Manual, G. S., \"Scale-Model Tests of Airfoils in Simulated Heavy Rain,\" Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 22, No. 6, June 1985, pp. 536-540.\n[12] . Abbot, I. H. and von Doenhoff, A. E., Theory of Wing Section: Including a summary of Airfoil Data, Dover Publication, New York, 1959.\n[13] Dunham, R. E. Jr., \"The Potential Influence of Rain on Airfoil Performance\" von Kamran Institute for Fluid Dynamics, 1987.\n[14] Carlse, W., and Hankey, W. L., \"Numerical Analysis of Rain,\" AIAA Report, Jan 1984, 84-539\n[15] Bilanin, A. J., \"Scaling Laws for Testing Airfoils under Heavy Rainfall,\" Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 24, No. 1, Jan. 1987, pp. 31-37.\n[16] Bezos, G. M., Dunham, R. E., Dunham, R. E. jr., Garl, jr., and Melson, W. E. Jr., \"Wind Tunnel Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Transport-Type Airfoil in a Simulated Heavy Rain Environment ,\" NASA TM-3184, August 1992\n[17] Markowitz, A. M., \"Raindrop Size Distribution Expression,\" Journal of Applied Meteorology , Vol. 15, 1976, pp. 1029-1031.\n[18] Wan T. and Pan S. P., \"Aerodynamic Efficiency Study under the Influence of Heavy Rain via Two-Phase Flow Approach,\" 27th International Congress of the Aeronautical Sciences, 19-24 September 2010.\n[19] Fluent-s User Guide.\n[20] Bezos, G. M. and Campbell, B. A., \"Development of a Large-Scale, Outdoor, Ground-Based Test Capability for Evaluating the Effect of Rain on Airfoil,\" NASA TM-4420, April 1993.\n[21] Gong, D.T., Personal Communication.\n[22] Fluent's User Guide.\n[23] Bezos, G. M. and Campbell, B. A., \"Development of a Large-Scale,\nOutdoor, Ground-Based Test Capability for Evaluating the Effect of Rain\non Airfoil,\" NASA TM-4420, April 1993."]}