31 results on '"Direito, I"'
Search Results
2. Diversity, equity, and inclusion in engineering education: an exploration of European higher education institutions’ strategic frameworks, resources, and initiatives
- Author
Direito, I., Chance, S., Line Clemmensen, Craps, S., Economides, S. B., Isaac, S. R., Jolly, A. M., Truscott, F. R., and Wint, N.
- Subjects
inclusion ,SDG 5 - Gender Equality ,gender ,Equity ,Engineering Education ,Other Engineering ,educational planning ,diversity - Abstract
Significant efforts have been made to promote gender equality in higher education (HE) in Europe. Examples include the establishment of the Athena Swan Charter in the UK in 2005 and the 2019 launch of the Irène Curie Fellowship scheme by Eindhoven University of Technology. But which initiatives address broader diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) challenges in HE? And which are specifically focused on engineering education? This exploratory study aims to improve our understanding of the ways in which a set of European HE Institutions engaged in engineering education address DEI at an organisation level, and how this is communicated within the public domain. The analysis of online data provided by a purposive sample of institutions is guided by the following research questions (RQ): 1. How is DEI addressed and defined in institution-wide strategic frameworks? 2. How many institutions describe having an institution-wide DEI organization? 3. What specific policies around DEI are being developed, and what areas are mentioned, defined, and prioritized? 4. What structures and resources noted as part of their DEI activities are specific to engineering faculties and departments? 5. What engineering-specific DEI initiatives exist that are not available in the public domain or are not written in English? Our sample is composed of the host institutions of the authors of the paper, and represent different European countries: Belgium, Denmark, France, Ireland, Portugal, Switzerland, and the UK. The findings of this exploratory study will be used to inform the design of a large-scale survey to identify DEI practices across the SEFI community.
- Published
- 2021
3. Avicennia schaueriana as a highly efficient accumulator for Manganese in Sepetiba Bay, Brazil
- Author
Flores, V. R., primary, Berbert, L. C., additional, Succar, J. B., additional, Victório, C. P., additional, Direito, I. C. N., additional, and Cardoso, A. M., additional
- Published
- 2021
- Full Text
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4. Thanks to Reviewers!
- Author
Adams, R, Bahnson, M, Bhaduri, S, Adams, T, Bairaktarova, D, Bielefeldt, A, Aguirre-Munoz, Z, Balakrishnan, B, Blosser, EG, Ahn, B, Beagon, U, Bodnar, C, Aleong, R, Becker, K, Borgford-Parnell, J, Amelink, C, Beddoes, K, Maura, B, Anderson, R, Bego, C, Bowe, B, Andrews, CJ, Beigpourian, B, Bowen, B, Angel, J, Bekki, J, Boyd, J, Fonseca, MA, Bennett, D, Bradburn, I, Kranov, AA, Berdanier, C, Brady, C, Bae, CL, Bernhard, J, Brawner, C, Brose, A, Case, J, Cropley, D, Brown, F, Cassady, R, Cross, K, Brown, P, Celik, S, Cunningham, P, Ben, C, Cutler, S, Brown, S, Chance, SM, Dabbagh, N, Brozina, C, Chen, H, Dallal, A, Brunhaver, S, Chen, O, Daly, S, Bryant, A, Cheville, RA, Daniel, S, Bucciarelli, L, Chiu, J, Danowitz, A, Burkholder, E, Choe, NH, Darolia, R, Burks, G, Clark, R, Davis, K, Burt, B, Clevenger, C, Davis, S, Canney, N, Cole, J, de Jong, T, Cao, Y, Coley, B, De Vries, C, Caratozzolo, P, Cooper, L, Delaine, D, Carballo, R, Cooper, M, DeMonbrun, R, Cardella, M, Craig, T, Denton, M, Di Stefano, M, Erdman, AM, Gilmartin, S, DiBiasio, D, Eris, O, Gladstone, J, Diefes-Dux, H, Evangelou, D, Glancy, A, Dika, S, Ewen, B, Godwin, A, Direito, I, Faber, C, Goldsmith, R, Dohn, N, Falconer, J, Grigg, SJ, Dolansky, M, Fantz, T, Grohs, J, Faulkner, B, Doom, D, Felder, R, Gummer, E, Douglas, E, Ferris, T, Guzey, S, Douglas, KA, Figueiredo, J, Hadgraft, R, Dounas-Frazer, D, Fiorella, L, Hammack, R, Dringenberg, E, Flores, L, Han, K, Duffy, G, Fong, C, Harding, T, Easley, D, Fowler, RR, Harper, K, Eccles, J, Friedrichsen, D, Hartmann, B, Edstrom, K, Ge, J, Hattingh, T, Ellestad, R, Gelles, L, Henderson, R, Henderson, TS, Immekus, J, Kamphorst, J, Herman, G, Inda, M, Karatas, F, Hess, J, Itabashi-Campbell, R, Kartal, O, Hieb, J, Jackson, A, Karwat, D, Higbee, S, Jankowski, N, Katz, A, Hilton, E, Javernick-Will, A, Keipi, T, Hira, A, Jensen, KJ, Kim, D, Hirshfield, L, Smith, J, Kirn, A, Knaphus-Soran, E, Holly, J, Jesiek, B, Knight, D, Horng, S-M, Johnson, A, Knott, T, Huang-Saad, A, Johnson, B, Kohl, P, Huerta, M, Johri, A, Kohtala, C, Huff, J, Jones, B, Komives, S, Hughes, B, Jones, L, Korsunskiy, E, Hughes, R, Jones, T, Kotys-Schwartz, D, Hunsu, N, Kaminski, J, Kramer, J, Hunter, C, Kampe, J-C, Inkelas, KK, Lamm, M, Lonngren, J, McCall, C, Lande, M, Lottero-Perdue, PS, McCave, E, Lappalainen, P, Aguilar, JFL, McCray, E, Lawanto, O, Lucena, J, McGee, E, Lawson, J, Luk, LYY, McGough, C, Leath, S, Lutz, B, McGowan, V, Lee, D, Ma, Y, McNair, LD, Lee, W, Madon, T, McNaughtan, J, Liberatore, M, Mamaril, N, McNeill, N, Lichtenstein, G, Mangiante, E, Mejia, J, Lima, M, Martin, B, Diaz, NM, Lima, RM, Martin, K, Menekse, M, Lin, J, Lippard, C, Mones, AM, Mesquita, DIDA, Michell, K, Litzler, E, Matthews, M, Miller, S, Lo, CK, Matusovich, H, Minichiello, A, London, J, Maynard, N, Miskioglu, EE, Longwell-Grice, R, Mazzurco, A, Yusof, KM, Mohedas, I, Nghia, TLH, Pearson, A, Monat, J, Norton, P, Pearson, N, Monteiro, F, Novoselich, BJ, Pembridge, J, Moote, J, Noy, S, Perez-Felkner, L, Mora, M, O'Hara, R, Perkins, H, O'Moore, L, Peters-Burton, E, Morgan, D, Ohland, M, Pfirman, A, Morgan, T, Okai, B, Pinto, C, Morton, T, Olds, B, Pitterson, N, Mosyjowski, E, Orr, M, Polmear, M, Murphy, T, Ortega-Alvarez, JD, Prince, T, Murray, J, Oseguera, L, Purzer, S, Murzi, H, Owen, C, Quan, GM, Nagy, G, Ozkan, DS, Quillin, K, Natarajathinam, M, Panther, G, Rayess, N, Nelson, M, Patrick, A, Reed, T, Newberry, B, Paul, K, Reeping, D, Newstetter, W, Pawley, A, Reese, M, Reid, K, Rulifson, G, Shivy, V, Renn, K, Rynearson, AM, Simpson, Z, Ricco, G, Sanchez-Pena, ML, Sitomer, A, Richards, L, Saunders-Smits, G, Siverling, E, Rios, L, Sax, L, Slaton, A, Ro, HK, Schimpf, C, Sleezer, R, Roberts, D, Rodgers, K, Schippers, M, Smith-On, C, Rodriguez, S, Schnittka, C, Schunn, C, Rogers, C, Seah, LH, Rohde, J, Rohrer, D, Secules, S, Smith, K, Smith, N, Romine, W, Seifert, C, Sochacka, N, Ross, L, Sessa, V, Stearns, E, Ross, M, Sharp, H, Steif, M, Rottmann, C, Sharp, J, Stephan, P, Rucks, L, Shaw, C, Stevens, R, Streveler, R, Tolbert, D, van Der Marel, F, Strobel, J, Toraman, S, van Hattum, N, Stump, G, Tougaw, D, Verdin, D, Su, X, Trautvetter, LC, Verleger, M, Sundararaja, N, Trenshaw, KF, Vieira, C, Trevelyan, J, Svihla, V, Troussas, C, Villanueva, I, Swan, C, Tsai, J, Vinck, D, Virguez, L, Swanson, R, Tsugawa, MA, Vitasari, P, Sweeny, K, Tuononen, T, Vossoughi, S, Swenson, J, Turner, J, Wallin, P, Talley, K, Turner, S, Tan, L, Tyson, W, Watted, A, Tang, Y, Utley, J, Webber, K, Tank, K, Vasquez, RV, Weintrop, D, Thomas, K, Valdivia, A, Weiss, E, Thompson, JD, Valentine, A, West, R, Tierney, G, Van den Bogaard, M, Wiles, D, Wilson-Lopez, AA, Xinrui, X, Zastavker, Y, Wilson, D, Xu, YJ, Zhang, G, Wolmarans, N, Yang, Y, Zhu, J, Wong, R, Yi, S, Zoltowski, CB, Woollacott, L, Yoon, SY, Adams, R, Bahnson, M, Bhaduri, S, Adams, T, Bairaktarova, D, Bielefeldt, A, Aguirre-Munoz, Z, Balakrishnan, B, Blosser, EG, Ahn, B, Beagon, U, Bodnar, C, Aleong, R, Becker, K, Borgford-Parnell, J, Amelink, C, Beddoes, K, Maura, B, Anderson, R, Bego, C, Bowe, B, Andrews, CJ, Beigpourian, B, Bowen, B, Angel, J, Bekki, J, Boyd, J, Fonseca, MA, Bennett, D, Bradburn, I, Kranov, AA, Berdanier, C, Brady, C, Bae, CL, Bernhard, J, Brawner, C, Brose, A, Case, J, Cropley, D, Brown, F, Cassady, R, Cross, K, Brown, P, Celik, S, Cunningham, P, Ben, C, Cutler, S, Brown, S, Chance, SM, Dabbagh, N, Brozina, C, Chen, H, Dallal, A, Brunhaver, S, Chen, O, Daly, S, Bryant, A, Cheville, RA, Daniel, S, Bucciarelli, L, Chiu, J, Danowitz, A, Burkholder, E, Choe, NH, Darolia, R, Burks, G, Clark, R, Davis, K, Burt, B, Clevenger, C, Davis, S, Canney, N, Cole, J, de Jong, T, Cao, Y, Coley, B, De Vries, C, Caratozzolo, P, Cooper, L, Delaine, D, Carballo, R, Cooper, M, DeMonbrun, R, Cardella, M, Craig, T, Denton, M, Di Stefano, M, Erdman, AM, Gilmartin, S, DiBiasio, D, Eris, O, Gladstone, J, Diefes-Dux, H, Evangelou, D, Glancy, A, Dika, S, Ewen, B, Godwin, A, Direito, I, Faber, C, Goldsmith, R, Dohn, N, Falconer, J, Grigg, SJ, Dolansky, M, Fantz, T, Grohs, J, Faulkner, B, Doom, D, Felder, R, Gummer, E, Douglas, E, Ferris, T, Guzey, S, Douglas, KA, Figueiredo, J, Hadgraft, R, Dounas-Frazer, D, Fiorella, L, Hammack, R, Dringenberg, E, Flores, L, Han, K, Duffy, G, Fong, C, Harding, T, Easley, D, Fowler, RR, Harper, K, Eccles, J, Friedrichsen, D, Hartmann, B, Edstrom, K, Ge, J, Hattingh, T, Ellestad, R, Gelles, L, Henderson, R, Henderson, TS, Immekus, J, Kamphorst, J, Herman, G, Inda, M, Karatas, F, Hess, J, Itabashi-Campbell, R, Kartal, O, Hieb, J, Jackson, A, Karwat, D, Higbee, S, Jankowski, N, Katz, A, Hilton, E, Javernick-Will, A, Keipi, T, Hira, A, Jensen, KJ, Kim, D, Hirshfield, L, Smith, J, Kirn, A, Knaphus-Soran, E, Holly, J, Jesiek, B, Knight, D, Horng, S-M, Johnson, A, Knott, T, Huang-Saad, A, Johnson, B, Kohl, P, Huerta, M, Johri, A, Kohtala, C, Huff, J, Jones, B, Komives, S, Hughes, B, Jones, L, Korsunskiy, E, Hughes, R, Jones, T, Kotys-Schwartz, D, Hunsu, N, Kaminski, J, Kramer, J, Hunter, C, Kampe, J-C, Inkelas, KK, Lamm, M, Lonngren, J, McCall, C, Lande, M, Lottero-Perdue, PS, McCave, E, Lappalainen, P, Aguilar, JFL, McCray, E, Lawanto, O, Lucena, J, McGee, E, Lawson, J, Luk, LYY, McGough, C, Leath, S, Lutz, B, McGowan, V, Lee, D, Ma, Y, McNair, LD, Lee, W, Madon, T, McNaughtan, J, Liberatore, M, Mamaril, N, McNeill, N, Lichtenstein, G, Mangiante, E, Mejia, J, Lima, M, Martin, B, Diaz, NM, Lima, RM, Martin, K, Menekse, M, Lin, J, Lippard, C, Mones, AM, Mesquita, DIDA, Michell, K, Litzler, E, Matthews, M, Miller, S, Lo, CK, Matusovich, H, Minichiello, A, London, J, Maynard, N, Miskioglu, EE, Longwell-Grice, R, Mazzurco, A, Yusof, KM, Mohedas, I, Nghia, TLH, Pearson, A, Monat, J, Norton, P, Pearson, N, Monteiro, F, Novoselich, BJ, Pembridge, J, Moote, J, Noy, S, Perez-Felkner, L, Mora, M, O'Hara, R, Perkins, H, O'Moore, L, Peters-Burton, E, Morgan, D, Ohland, M, Pfirman, A, Morgan, T, Okai, B, Pinto, C, Morton, T, Olds, B, Pitterson, N, Mosyjowski, E, Orr, M, Polmear, M, Murphy, T, Ortega-Alvarez, JD, Prince, T, Murray, J, Oseguera, L, Purzer, S, Murzi, H, Owen, C, Quan, GM, Nagy, G, Ozkan, DS, Quillin, K, Natarajathinam, M, Panther, G, Rayess, N, Nelson, M, Patrick, A, Reed, T, Newberry, B, Paul, K, Reeping, D, Newstetter, W, Pawley, A, Reese, M, Reid, K, Rulifson, G, Shivy, V, Renn, K, Rynearson, AM, Simpson, Z, Ricco, G, Sanchez-Pena, ML, Sitomer, A, Richards, L, Saunders-Smits, G, Siverling, E, Rios, L, Sax, L, Slaton, A, Ro, HK, Schimpf, C, Sleezer, R, Roberts, D, Rodgers, K, Schippers, M, Smith-On, C, Rodriguez, S, Schnittka, C, Schunn, C, Rogers, C, Seah, LH, Rohde, J, Rohrer, D, Secules, S, Smith, K, Smith, N, Romine, W, Seifert, C, Sochacka, N, Ross, L, Sessa, V, Stearns, E, Ross, M, Sharp, H, Steif, M, Rottmann, C, Sharp, J, Stephan, P, Rucks, L, Shaw, C, Stevens, R, Streveler, R, Tolbert, D, van Der Marel, F, Strobel, J, Toraman, S, van Hattum, N, Stump, G, Tougaw, D, Verdin, D, Su, X, Trautvetter, LC, Verleger, M, Sundararaja, N, Trenshaw, KF, Vieira, C, Trevelyan, J, Svihla, V, Troussas, C, Villanueva, I, Swan, C, Tsai, J, Vinck, D, Virguez, L, Swanson, R, Tsugawa, MA, Vitasari, P, Sweeny, K, Tuononen, T, Vossoughi, S, Swenson, J, Turner, J, Wallin, P, Talley, K, Turner, S, Tan, L, Tyson, W, Watted, A, Tang, Y, Utley, J, Webber, K, Tank, K, Vasquez, RV, Weintrop, D, Thomas, K, Valdivia, A, Weiss, E, Thompson, JD, Valentine, A, West, R, Tierney, G, Van den Bogaard, M, Wiles, D, Wilson-Lopez, AA, Xinrui, X, Zastavker, Y, Wilson, D, Xu, YJ, Zhang, G, Wolmarans, N, Yang, Y, Zhu, J, Wong, R, Yi, S, Zoltowski, CB, Woollacott, L, and Yoon, SY
- Published
- 2021
5. Understandings of 'Global Responsibility’ Expressed By Civil Engineers Working in London
- Author
Chance, S. M., Direito, I., and John Mitchell
- Subjects
Ethics ,Civil and Environmental Engineering ,sustainable development ,Engineering ,social justice ,sustainability ,global responsibility - Abstract
This paper discusses the term ‘global responsibility’, how it emerged and why, and analysis of interview data collected from nine civil engineers working in London regarding their understandings of the term. Professional Bodies often take the lead in envisioning change, by identifying the direction their professionals should take to help address society’s evolving needs and aspirations. Often, such Bodies charge academia with addressing society’s evolving needs through research, outreach, and preparing the next generation of professionals. In the UK, leaders in civil engineering have pressed for individual and collective action to facilitate sustainable development and decrease occurrence of corruption. Nevertheless, under the current model of professional conduct, finances (typically the extractive side of the economic pillar) continue to take precedence over the environmental and social pillars. In response, the United Nations has encouraged use of the term ‘global responsibility’ to expand public perceptions of what quality life should entail.
- Published
- 2020
6. The employment expectations of Masters Engineering students in the UK
- Author
Morgan, Michelle and Direito, I.
- Abstract
Since the mid-1990s, master's level study has experienced massification in terms of participation in the UK. Although the Higher Education Academy undertakes valuable surveys examining the master's and research postgraduate student experience, they occur near the end of a student's study journey. Up until 2014, there had been limited research undertaken on the expectations of applicants and students entering this level of study. This led to independent bodies such as the Higher Education Commission commenting that 'Postgraduate education is a forgotten part of the sector' [1]. The Postgraduate Experience Project funded by Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) for the first time explored the expectations of applicants and students in, through and out of study and those of employers recruiting master's graduates. This paper will report the key employability findings from this groundbreaking research of PGT applicants and students enrolled in engineering and engineering related disciplines, as well as employers. It will demonstrate how through understanding the perspectives of all stakeholders, employability expectations and future career prospects can be effectively managed and balanced.
- Published
- 2019
7. Background and Design of a Qualitative Study on Globally Responsible Decision-Making in Civil Engineering
- Author
Chance, S. M., Direito, I., Lawlor, R., Cresswell-Maynard, K., Pritchard, J., Tyler, N., and John Mitchell
- Subjects
Engineering ,higher education curricula ,higher education ,curricula ,global responsibility ,civil engineering - Abstract
Organizations that regulate civil engineering have been pressing for integration of 'global responsibility' into higher education curricula since around 2006, with a goal of achieving environmental sustainability and social justice. In an effort led by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE, 2007, 2009), a global vision for civil engineering was identified. Within the UK, the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) has been leading the way alongside non-governmental organizations (Bourn & Neal, 2008). Via the in-progress study reported here, a UK-based research team is now studying the effects of ACSE and ICE initiatives. The team seeks to benchmark how global responsibility is perceived and enacted in civil engineering in the UK today and how engineering graduates have learned about and experienced globally responsible decision-making. Findings will hold value for the global community, as achieving sustainability is crucial to humanity, and indeed all life on Earth.
- Published
- 2019
8. Assessing the Grit and Mindset of Incoming Engineering Students With an Emphasis on Gender
- Author
Direito, I., Chance, S. M., Tilley, E., and John Mitchell
- Subjects
higher education institutions ,research ,Engineering ,students ,ComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATION ,gender - Abstract
Engineering programs can be very demanding, particularly in the first years where students encounter new forms of highly challenging coursework. To better prepare and support students, educators must acknowledge non-academic factors, such as the role of self-beliefs and personal attributes. Education research suggests that students are more likely to give up and disengage from their studies when they lack grit or assume a fixed mindset. Previous studies suggest that female students are generally grittier but less confident when compared to male students. This paper presents the initial work of an ongoing study to explore self-confidence and motivations to study engineering of first year engineering students experiencing a new multi-disciplinary curriculum. A dataset collected via an online survey at the start of the academic year with 102 students was analysed. Gender comparisons were undertaken to explore the association between self-confidence and motivations with grit and mindsets.
- Published
- 2019
9. Identification and Preliminary Review of Doctoral Theses in Engineering Education That Have Used Phenomenological Methods
- Author
Chance, Shannon and Direito, I.
- Subjects
research methods ,systematic review ,students ,literature review ,engineering ,phenomenology ,Educational Methods - Abstract
46th SEFI Annual Conference 2018. Creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship for engineering education excellence.
- Published
- 2018
10. Designing apprenticeships for success : a discussion document on Engineering Degree Apprenticeships
- Author
Sutcliffe, M, Beattie, J, Bramhall, M, Direito, I, Elliott, C, Freeman, C, Harris, GD, Hodgson, S, Huijberts, H, Lockey, J, Reid, J, Rich, J, and Engineering Professors Council
- Published
- 2017
11. Widening and sustaining postgraduate taught (PGT) STEM study in the UK: a collaborative project
- Author
Morgan, Michelle and Direito, I.
- Abstract
There has been a dramatic expansion in postgraduate taught study (PGT) in the UK in recent years, but this is now faltering, especially amongst UK domiciled students and those undertaking part-time study. As a result, sustaining the participation required to meet national skill needs as well as the PGT market in the UK has become a pressing challenge. Although there is a growing body of evidence looking at the postgraduate student experience, there is still a paucity of research exploring participation barriers, understanding students' and employers' expectations of PGT study, progression and retention, and post-study outcomes. With the recent changes in the UK higher education landscape, the aim of this multi-institutional and stakeholder project was to provide valuable contributions in understanding, shaping and helping to sustain the PGT sector, at both institutional and national level. This project has addressed many of the neglected research areas mentioned above. This report details the key findings and suggests approaches to how PGT study can be stimulated, sustained, be inclusive and equitable in terms of participants, and meet the skill requirements of business and industry, and considers how institutional and national strategies can be developed in growing and sustaining the PGT market in the UK.
- Published
- 2016
12. Stimulating Learning in Engineering Students by Collaborative Entrepreneurship Training.
- Author
de Oliveira Duarte, A.M., Oliveira, I.C., and Direito, I.
- Published
- 2010
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13. Comparing students' learning experiences during a major educational curriculum reform in engineering: Findings of a mixed-method study
- Author
Direito, I., Tilley, E., John Mitchell, Marie, J., and Davies, J.
14. Active classrooms: Role-playing experience in telecommunications engineering education
- Author
Aníbal Duarte, Oliveira, I. C., Félix, H. S., Carrilho, D. C., Pereira, A. S., and Direito, I.
15. Metagenomic profiling for assessing environmental healthy
- Author
Felipe Coutinho, Ferreira, J. V. R., Silva, A. S., Direito, I. C. N., Pessoa, D. M. M., and Cardoso, A. M.
16. The development of skills in the ICT sector: Analysis of engineering students' perceptions about transversal skills
- Author
Direito, I., Anabela Pereira, and Oliveira Duarte, A. M.
17. Stimulating learning via tutoring and collaborative entrepreneurship gaming
- Author
Cerqueira Alves, A. M., Anabela Pereira, Castanheira, H., Direito, I., and Oliveira Duarte, M. A.
18. Developing growth mindsets in engineering students: Work-in-progress on a systematic literature review
- Author
Anita Lee Campbell, Direito, I., and Mokhithi, M.
19. Initial impact of Brexit on European students and academic staff in UK's engineering higher education
- Author
Fowler, S., Direito, I., Rich, J., and John Mitchell
20. The employment expectations of Masters Engineering students in the UK
- Author
Morgan, Michelle, Direito, I., Morgan, Michelle, and Direito, I.
- Abstract
Since the mid-1990s, master's level study has experienced massification in terms of participation in the UK. Although the Higher Education Academy undertakes valuable surveys examining the master's and research postgraduate student experience, they occur near the end of a student's study journey. Up until 2014, there had been limited research undertaken on the expectations of applicants and students entering this level of study. This led to independent bodies such as the Higher Education Commission commenting that 'Postgraduate education is a forgotten part of the sector' [1]. The Postgraduate Experience Project funded by Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) for the first time explored the expectations of applicants and students in, through and out of study and those of employers recruiting master's graduates. This paper will report the key employability findings from this groundbreaking research of PGT applicants and students enrolled in engineering and engineering related disciplines, as well as employers. It will demonstrate how through understanding the perspectives of all stakeholders, employability expectations and future career prospects can be effectively managed and balanced.
21. Widening and sustaining postgraduate taught (PGT) STEM study in the UK: a collaborative project
- Author
Morgan, Michelle, Direito, I., Morgan, Michelle, and Direito, I.
- Abstract
There has been a dramatic expansion in postgraduate taught study (PGT) in the UK in recent years, but this is now faltering, especially amongst UK domiciled students and those undertaking part-time study. As a result, sustaining the participation required to meet national skill needs as well as the PGT market in the UK has become a pressing challenge. Although there is a growing body of evidence looking at the postgraduate student experience, there is still a paucity of research exploring participation barriers, understanding students' and employers' expectations of PGT study, progression and retention, and post-study outcomes. With the recent changes in the UK higher education landscape, the aim of this multi-institutional and stakeholder project was to provide valuable contributions in understanding, shaping and helping to sustain the PGT sector, at both institutional and national level. This project has addressed many of the neglected research areas mentioned above. This report details the key findings and suggests approaches to how PGT study can be stimulated, sustained, be inclusive and equitable in terms of participants, and meet the skill requirements of business and industry, and considers how institutional and national strategies can be developed in growing and sustaining the PGT market in the UK.
22. Emoções num piscar de olho: Brincar com a violência e reflexo de sobressalto durante a exposição a estímulos afetivos
- Author
Adrião, J., Arriaga, P., Esteves, F., and Pereira, A., Calheiros, M., Vagos, P., Direito, I., Monteiro, S., Silva, C. F., and Gomes, A. A.
- Subjects
Jogos electrónicos violentos ,Jogos Eletronicos Violentos ,Reflexo de Sobressalto ,Reatividade Emocional ,Ciências Sociais::Psicologia [Domínio/Área Científica] - Abstract
Estudos recentes sugerem que jogar jogos electrónicos violentos (JV) habitua e dessensibiliza os jogadores à violência. Este estudo investigou se jogar um JV reduz a reatividade emocional perante estímulos afetivos. Sessenta e dois participantes jogaram em duas sessões: na primeira, um JV e um jogo não violento (JNV), em ordem contrabalançada; na segunda, foram distribuídos aleatoriamente para jogar JV ou JNV e expostos a slides emocionais e neutros enquanto o reflexo de alarme foi induzido e medido. Como esperado um padrão linear de modulação do reflexo de alarme ocorreu para ambos os grupos: o reflexo foi superior durante a exposição às imagens violentas por comparação às agradáveis. O grupo JV mostrou respostas de reflexo significativamente menores do que o grupo na condição de JNV, sugerindo que a exposição prévia à violência num jogo pode reduzir este reflexo, o que encoraja futuras investigações sobre os efeitos do jogo na reatividade emocional com este reflexo. Este estudo foi financiado por uma bolsa da Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT)(PTDC/PSI-PSO/099985/2008).
- Published
- 2013
23. O efeito da auto-percepção parental no risco de mau trato a crianças: O papel moderador do sexo e do suporte social dos pais
- Author
Carmona, M., Calheiros, M. M., and Calheiros, M., Pereira, A., Vagos, P., Direito, I., Garrido, M., and Lopes, D.
- Subjects
Risco de mau trato infantil ,Auto-percepção ,Sexo ,Suporte social - Abstract
O objectivo deste trabalho é analisar se o efeito das dimensões da auto-percepção parental no risco de mau trato a crianças (RMT) variam em função do sexo e do suporte social percebido. 251 pais e mães portuguesas preencheram o Adult Self Perception Profile (ASPP), o Child Abuse Potential Inventory (CAPI) e o Social Support Questionnaire (SSQ). Os resultados indicam que o efeito da auto-percepção parental no RMT não varia em função do sexo dos cuidadores, porém a disponibilidade e a satisfação com a rede social exercem um efeito moderador na relação entre algumas dimensões da auto-percepção e o RMT. Como conclusão sublinha-se a importância da auto-percepção parental e do suporte social enquanto factores protectores do RMT. info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
- Published
- 2013
24. Inhibiting SETD7 methyl-transferase activity impairs differentiation, lipid metabolism and lactogenesis in mammary epithelial cells.
- Author
Monteiro FL, Góis A, Direito I, Melo T, Neves B, Alves MI, Batista I, Domingues MDR, and Helguero LA
- Subjects
- Animals, Cell Differentiation genetics, Caseins metabolism, RNA, Messenger metabolism, Transferases metabolism, Mammary Glands, Animal metabolism, Lipid Metabolism genetics, Epithelial Cells metabolism
- Abstract
SETD7 (SET7/9, KMT7) is a lysine methyltransferase that targets master regulators of cell proliferation and differentiation. Here, the impact of inhibiting SETD7 catalytic activity on mammary epithelial cell differentiation was studied by focusing on genes associated with epithelial differentiation, lactogenesis, and lipid metabolism in HC11 and EpH4 cell lines. Setd7 mRNA and protein levels were induced upon lactogenic differentiation in both cell lines. Inhibition of SETD7 activity by the compound (R)-PFI-2 increased cell proliferation and downregulated E-cadherin, beta-catenin, lactoferrin, insulin-like growth factor binding protein 5, and beta-casein levels. In addition, inhibition of SETD7 activity affected the lipid profile and altered the mRNA expression of the phospholipid biosynthesis-related genes choline phosphotransferase 1, and ethanolamine-phosphate cytidylyltransferase. Altogether, the results suggest that inhibiting SETD7 catalytic activity impairs mammary epithelial and lactogenic differentiation., (© 2023 Federation of European Biochemical Societies.)
- Published
- 2023
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25. The Clinicopathological Significance of BiP/GRP-78 in Breast Cancer: A Meta-Analysis of Public Datasets and Immunohistochemical Detection.
- Author
Direito I, Gomes D, Monteiro FL, Carneiro I, Lobo J, Henrique R, Jerónimo C, and Helguero LA
- Subjects
- Humans, Female, Heat-Shock Proteins genetics, Heat-Shock Proteins metabolism, Neoplasm Recurrence, Local, Prognosis, Endoplasmic Reticulum Chaperone BiP, Breast Neoplasms genetics
- Abstract
The endoplasmic reticulum chaperone BiP (also known as GRP-78 or HSPA5) maintains protein folding to allow cell proliferation and survival and has been implicated in carcinogenesis, tumor progression, and therapy resistance. BiP's association with clinical factors and prognostic potential in breast cancer remains unclear. In this work, three types of analysis were conducted to improve the knowledge of BiP's clinicopathological potential: (1) analysis of publicly available RNA-seq and proteomics datasets stratified as high and low quartiles; (2) a systematic review and meta-analysis of immunohistochemical detection of BIP; (3) confirmation of findings by BiP immunohistochemical detection in two luminal-like breast cancer small cohorts of paired samples (pre- vs. post-endocrine therapy, and primary pre- vs. metastasis post-endocrine therapy). The TCGA PanCancer dataset and CPTAC showed groups with high BiP mRNA and protein associated with HER2, basal-like subtypes, and higher immune scores. The meta-analysis of BiP immunohistochemistry disclosed an association between higher BiP positivity and reduced relapse-free survival. BiP immunohistochemistry confirmed increased BiP expression in metastasis, an association of BiP positivity with HER2 expression, and nuclear BiP localization with higher a tumor stage and poor outcome. Therefore, three independent approaches showed that BiP protein is associated with worse outcomes and holds prognostic potential for breast cancer.
- Published
- 2022
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26. The Soft Skills Inventory: Developmental procedures and psychometric analysis.
- Author
Jardim J, Pereira A, Vagos P, Direito I, and Galinha S
- Subjects
- Female, Humans, Male, Personal Autonomy, Psychometrics, Reproducibility of Results, Surveys and Questionnaires, Empathy, Students
- Abstract
When attending and participating in Higher Education, students face a multitude of personal, social, and work-related challenges, which may increase the risk of developing psychopathological symptomatology. To date, there is no instrument that grasps the non-technical skills that may help prepare students to respond to these challenges. This paper presents the development and psychometric properties of the Soft Skills Inventory (SSI). The inventory was developed based on theoretical and empirical findings on the skills associated with academic and professional success, and on students' perception. The SSI was tested with 2030 Portuguese students (of which 77.1% were female) using a two-stage approach: item calibration and model generation (n = 1033), followed by model validation (n = 997). Item calibration analyses led to retaining 49 items that were organized into six-factors: self-determination , resilience, empathy , assertiveness , social support , and teamwork . This measurement model was further validated and proved to be an invariant, and thus credible, tool to compare male and female students on those relevant skills. All measures attained good internal consistency, with alphas ranging from .76 to .88. Female students scored significantly higher than males on self-determination, empathy, social support and teamwork. On the other hand, male students scored significantly higher on resilience. No significant differences were found between men and women for assertiveness. Psychometric analysis showed that the SSI is a reliable and valid instrument to evaluate students intra and interpersonal skills. The SSI may help identify gaps in soft skills and guide targeted interventions to support a more positive student experience in Higher Education.
- Published
- 2022
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27. Association Between Estrogen Receptors and GATA3 in Bladder Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Their Clinicopathological Significance.
- Author
Bernardo C, Monteiro FL, Direito I, Amado F, Afreixo V, Santos LL, and Helguero LA
- Subjects
- Humans, Prognosis, Urinary Bladder Neoplasms diagnosis, Biomarkers, Tumor metabolism, Estrogen Receptor alpha metabolism, Estrogen Receptor beta metabolism, GATA3 Transcription Factor metabolism, Urinary Bladder Neoplasms metabolism
- Abstract
Background: Estrogen receptors alpha (ERα) and beta (ERβ) and the cooperating protein GATA-binding factor 3 (GATA3) have been implicated in bladder carcinogenesis and tumour progression. GATA3 and ER have been functionally linked in the establishment of luminal fate in breast tissue, but to date their relationship in bladder cancer has not been established. This information will be useful to advance diagnostic and prognostic markers., Aim: To determine the relationship between the expression of ERα, ERβ and GATA3 in bladder cancer, disclose their prognostic and diagnostic value and their association with clinicopathological characteristics., Methods: A comprehensive literature search in PubMed database was performed for all immunohistochemical studies of ERα, ERβ and/or GATA3 in bladder cancer patients. We selected eligible studies in accordance with the PRISMA guidelines and evaluated methodological quality and risk of bias based on quality criteria from the reporting recommendations for tumour MARKer (REMARK) prognostic studies. Risk of bias assessment was performed using Review Manager 5. R software was used for all statistical analysis, the packages used were meta and dmetar for the standard meta-analysis, and netmeta for the network meta-analysis., Results: Thirteen studies were eligible for ERα, 5 for ERβ and 58 for GATA3 meta-analysis. Low grade tumours showed significantly lower ERα expression. GATA3 was widely expressed in bladder tumours, especially urothelial carcinomas, with higher expression of GATA3 in low grade and low stage tumours. Data was insufficient to determine the prognostic value of either ERα or ERβ, but GATA3-positivity was associated with higher recurrence free survival. A negative correlation between ERα or ERβ positivity and GATA3 expression was disclosed. Additionally, several sources of heterogeneity were identified, which can be used to improve future studies., Conclusion: The clinicopathological value of ERα and ERβ was inconclusive due to low availability of studies using validated antibodies. Still, this meta-analysis supports GATA3 as good prognostic marker. On the contrary, ERα-positivity was associated to higher grade tumours; while ERα and ERβ were inversely correlated with GATA3 expression. Considering that it has previously been shown that bladder cancer cell lines have functional ERs, this suggests that ERα could be activated in less differentiated cells and independently of GATA3. Therefore, a comprehensive analysis of ERα and ERβ expression in BlaCa supported by complete patient clinical history is required for the identification of BlaCa subtypes and subgroups of patients expressing ERα, to investigate if they could benefit from treatment with hormonal therapy., Systematic Review Registration: Prospero, CRD42021226836., Competing Interests: The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest., (Copyright © 2021 Bernardo, Monteiro, Direito, Amado, Afreixo, Santos and Helguero.)
- Published
- 2021
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28. Protein Aggregation Patterns Inform about Breast Cancer Response to Antiestrogens and Reveal the RNA Ligase RTCB as Mediator of Acquired Tamoxifen Resistance.
- Author
Direito I, Monteiro L, Melo T, Figueira D, Lobo J, Enes V, Moura G, Henrique R, Santos MAS, Jerónimo C, Amado F, Fardilha M, and Helguero LA
- Abstract
The protein quality control network, including autophagy, the proteasome and the unfolded protein response (UPR), is triggered by stress and is overactive in acquired antiestrogen therapy resistance. We show for the first time that the aggresome load correlates with apoptosis and is increased in antiestrogen-sensitive cells compared to endocrine-resistant variants. LC-MS/MS analysis of the aggregated proteins obtained after 4OH-tamoxifen and Fulvestrant treatment identified proteins with essential function in protein quality control in antiestrogen-sensitive cells, but not in resistant variants. These include the UPR modulators RTCB and PDIA6, as well as many proteasome proteins such as PSMC2 and PSMD11. RTCB is a tRNA and XBP1 ligase and its aggregation induced by antiestrogens correlated with impaired XBP1s expression in sensitive cells. Knock down of RTCB was sufficient to restore sensitivity to tamoxifen in endocrine-resistant cells and increased the formation of aggresomes, leading to apoptotic cell death. Analysis of primary human breast cancer samples and their metastases appearing after endocrine treatment showed that RTCB is only localized to aggresomes in the primary tumors, while total aggresomes, including aggregated RTCB, were significantly reduced in the metastases. Therefore, different protein aggregation patterns may indicate loss of function of essential proteins resulting in enhanced protein aggregation that can be used to identify antiestrogen-resistant breast cancer cells and improve the response to antiestrogenic therapy.
- Published
- 2021
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29. Contribution of the unfolded protein response to breast and prostate tissue homeostasis and its significance to cancer endocrine response.
- Author
Direito I, Fardilha M, and Helguero LA
- Subjects
- Animals, Apoptosis physiology, Cell Proliferation physiology, Female, Humans, Male, Breast pathology, Breast Neoplasms pathology, Endocrine Cells pathology, Homeostasis physiology, Prostate pathology, Prostatic Neoplasms pathology, Unfolded Protein Response physiology
- Abstract
Resistant breast and prostate cancers remain a major clinical problem, new therapeutic approaches and better predictors of therapeutic response are clearly needed. Because of the involvement of the unfolded protein response (UPR) in cell proliferation and apoptosis evasion, an increasing number of publications support the hypothesis that impairments in this network trigger and/or exacerbate cancer. Moreover, UPR activation could contribute to the development of drug resistance phenotypes in both breast and prostate cancers. Therefore, targeting this pathway has recently emerged as a promising strategy in anticancer therapy. This review addresses the contribution of UPR to breast and prostate tissues homeostasis and its significance to cancer endocrine response with focus on the current progress on UPR research related to cancer biology, detection, prognosis and treatment., (© The Author(s) 2018. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: journals.permissions@oup.com.)
- Published
- 2019
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30. Differential expression of aquaporin-3 and aquaporin-5 in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.
- Author
Direito I, Paulino J, Vigia E, Brito MA, and Soveral G
- Subjects
- Adult, Aged, Cadherins metabolism, Case-Control Studies, ErbB Receptors metabolism, Female, Humans, Keratins metabolism, Ki-67 Antigen metabolism, Male, Middle Aged, Adenocarcinoma metabolism, Aquaporin 3 metabolism, Aquaporin 5 metabolism, Neoplasm Proteins metabolism, Pancreatic Ducts metabolism, Pancreatic Neoplasms metabolism
- Abstract
Background and Objectives: Aquaporin-5 (AQP5) and -3 (AQP3) are protein channels that showed to be up-regulated in a variety of tumors. Our goal was to investigate the expression pattern of AQP5 and AQP3 in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomas (PDA) and correlate with cell proliferation, tumor stage and progression, and clinical significance., Methods: 35 PDA samples in different stages of differentiation and locations were analyzed by immunohistochemistry for expression of AQP5, AQP3 and several markers of cell proliferation and tumorigenesis., Results: In PDA samples AQP5 was overexpressed in the apical membrane of intercalated and intralobular ductal cells while AQP3 was expressed at the plasma membrane of ductal cells. AQP5 was also found in infiltrative cancer cells in duodenum. Simultaneous overexpression of EGFR, Ki-67, and CK7, with decreased E-cad and increased Vim that characterize epithelial mesenchymal transition, tumor formation and invasion, strongly suggest AQP3 and AQP5 involvement in cell proliferation and transformation. AQP3 overexpression is reinforced in late and more aggressive PDA stages whereas AQP5 is related with tumor differentiation, suggesting it may represent a novel marker for PDA aggressiveness and intestinal infiltration., Conclusions: These findings suggest AQP3 and AQP5 involvement in PDA development and the usefulness of AQP5 in early PDA diagnosis., (© 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.)
- Published
- 2017
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31. Aquaporin-5: from structure to function and dysfunction in cancer.
- Author
Direito I, Madeira A, Brito MA, and Soveral G
- Subjects
- Biological Transport physiology, Cell Movement physiology, Cell Proliferation physiology, Cell Survival physiology, Humans, Membrane Proteins metabolism, Water metabolism, Aquaporin 5 metabolism, Cell Membrane metabolism, Neoplasms pathology, Protein Isoforms metabolism
- Abstract
Aquaporins, a highly conserved group of membrane proteins, are involved in the bidirectional transfer of water and small solutes across cell membranes taking part in many biological functions all over the human body. In view of the wide range of cancer malignancies in which aquaporin-5 (AQP5) has been detected, an increasing interest in its implication in carcinogenesis has emerged. Recent publications suggest that this isoform may enhance cancer cell proliferation, migration and survival in a variety of malignancies, with strong evidences pointing to AQP5 as a promising drug target and as a novel biomarker for cancer aggressiveness with high translational potential for therapeutics and diagnostics. This review addresses the structural and functional features of AQP5, detailing its tissue distribution and functions in human body, its expression pattern in a variety of tumors, and highlighting the underlying mechanisms involved in carcinogenesis. Finally, the actual progress of AQP5 research, implications in cancer biology and potential for cancer detection and prognosis are discussed.
- Published
- 2016
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