Lexicography, which deals with the practice and theory of dictionaries, is divided into two branches. The first is theoretical and dictionary research, which is called ilmü'l-mufredât or ilmü'l-elfâz or lexicology, whose field is vocabulary and idioms (phrasology). The second one is lexicography studies, whose field is practice or dictionary making and is called es-sınâatü'l-mu'cemiyye or lexicography. The phenomenon that meets the term lexicography in the West is dictionary making and writing, research and theorizing. In the philology of Arab/Islamic geography, lexicology (lexicology), which expresses the studies on the vocabulary of dictionaries, is mentioned with names such as "ilmü'l-luga, ilmü'l-mu'cemât ve mu'cemiyyât" and Lexicography, which studies dictionary writing and dictionary types, is expressed with the phenomenon of "Sinâatü'l-mu'cem". Lexicology is mainly concerned with the derivation of words, their construction (patterns), their denotation in terms of meaning and i'rab, their terminological aspects, their synonyms, or cognates (synonym) and their polysemy (polysemy). Lexicography, on the other hand, deals with the collection of information and real data, the organization of data according to a certain system, transcribing the material, and publishing the final product, i.e., the mu'cem, kâmûs, or dictionary. It is possible to say that lexicography studies are as old as the creation of man. The first written dictionary works began in the Arab/Islamic geography after the middle of the second century Hijri. Lexicon, mu'cem or Kâmûs are studies that explain the meanings of the sounds in which individuals express certain needs, arranged in a special order, together with their shawahit, showing their affiliation, spelling and pronunciation, and places of use. Various dictionaries have been written in various fields in Arabic lexicography. Some of these dictionaries, which also point to the field of the dictionary, can be listed as follows; dictionaries with special and general themes, etymological or morphological, semantic, encyclopedic, pictorial, dialectological, terminological, systematic (procedural) and fahvâ (meaning), language and translation, synonyms, antonyms and many meanings, proverbs and idioms, town names and such as special name dictionaries, taqlîb and phonetic (sound), alphabetical, pronunciation, alphabetical order among themselves with their last and first letters, constructive (structural) and monographic (thematic) and dictionaries with the same meter and pattern system. While creating the infrastructure of Arabic lexicography, scholars dealing with dictionary copyright have used various methods. Some of these systems, such as taqlîb and phonetic, special, and normal alphabetic, alphabetical order systems according to rhyme and pronunciation, have reached the level of schooling. Just as these systems have reached the level of schooling, some of the dictionaries written on these systems have become the representatives of the school. For example, "Kitâbü'l-'Ayn", "Tehzîbü'l-Luga", and "el-Bâriʿ fi'l-Luga" became the representatives of taqlîb and phonetic (sound) sequential system, "el-Cemhere" and "Mu'cemü Mekâyîsi'l -Luga" became the representatives of special alphabetical order system, "Dîvânü'l-edeb", "es-Sıhâh", "Lisânü'l-Arab", and "al-Ḳâmûsü'l-Muhît" became the representatives of rhyme ordered system, "Muhîtü'l-muhît", “al-Münjid” and “al-Mu'jamu'l-wasît” became the representatives of in the normal alphabetical order system and “alMücerred”, “et-Ta'rîfât”, “al-Merci'” and “er-Râid” became the representatives of the alphabetical system according to pronunciation. Lexicography is a subject with a wide range of theoretical dimensions and application areas. Again, Arabic lexicography, which is one of the most important factors in revealing some of the subtleties of Arabic, is a very comprehensive field with its dictionary systems, varieties, and application areas. For this reason, there may be problems in accessing Arabic lexicography materials and in using these materials effectively and efficiently. Scholars living in every century, successor, or predecessor, were able to have knowledge of both the theological science and the general knowledge of science with this science. Because in Arabic lexicography, it is possible to come across consumable, nahvî, eloquent and semantic findings. However, it is not possible for a person to fully comprehend this knowledge. With this study on this problematic, it is aimed to contribute to the development of Arabic lexicography, which is a discipline within the academic structure, to determine lexical activities and functions, and to increase lexical communication. In addition, it is thought that this study is an important study for dictionary users to understand the structures and systems of dictionaries and to reach the above findings more quickly so that they can use Arabic dictionaries effectively. In this study, the deductive method was applied as a basic rule. While applying this method, scanning, and sampling methods were used together. In order to benefit effectively from the material on the subject, first of all, real data were collected by making a literature review on the subject. Then, these collected data were analyzed by sampling method. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]