1. Sinteza kovinskih kompleksov dihidrokinidina
- Author
Davidović, Mateja and Kljun, Jakob
- Subjects
dihidrokinidin ,platina ,synthesis ,zlato ,sinteza ,platinum ,gold ,dihydroquinidine - Abstract
V okviru diplomske naloge sem pregledala znanstveno literaturo za postopke sintez kovinskih kompleksov 6-metoksikinolina z zlatom(I/III) oziroma platino(II). Enake sintezne postopke sem po preizkušenih reakcijah s 6-metoksikinolinom preizkusila še z molekulo dihidrokinidina. Pri tem sem v reakcijah spreminjala reakcijske pogoje in sinteze preizkušala z uporabo različnih topil. Večino reakcij sem opravljala v temi zaradi občutljivosti na svetlobo zlatovih in platinskih soli. Cilj diplomske naloge je bil pripraviti kompleks 6-metoksikinolina ali dihidrokinidina z zlatom oziroma platino brez nečistoč. Sintetizirane produkte sem okarakterizirala z NMR, masno spektrometrijo in rentgensko strukturno analizo. As part of my diploma thesis, I reviewed the scientific literature for the synthesis procedures of metal complexes of 6-methoxyquinoline with gold(I/III) and platinum(II). After the tested reactions with 6-methoxyquinoline, I tried the same synthesis procedures with the dihydroquinidine molecule. While doing that, I changed the reaction conditions in the reactions and tested the syntheses using different solvents. Most of the reactions were preformed in the dark, due to the light sensitivity of gold and platinum salts. The goal of my thesis was to prepare a complex of 6-methoxyquinoline or dihydroquinidine with gold or platinum without impurities. I characterized the synthesized products by NMR, mass spectrometry and X-ray structural analysis.
- Published
- 2022