963 results on '"Diagnóstico Clínico"'
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2. Test for clinical reasoning evaluation in Speech-Language Pathology: content validity.
- Author
Côrtes Gama, Ana Cristina, Mansueto Mourão, Aline, Mesquita Medeiros, Adriane, Cotta Mancini, Patrícia, Machado, Thais Helena, Gama Santos, Lara, and Ribeiro Gomes, Nayara
- Published
- 2024
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3. De la escucha al alivio: enfoques prácticos en el manejo del insomnio (parte I)
- Author
Nicole Crimer, Cecilia Calvo, and Alejandrina Lo Sasso
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Trastornos del Inicio y del Mantenimiento del Sueño ,Diagnóstico Clínico ,Atención Primaria de Salud ,Medicine (General) ,R5-920 - Abstract
El insomnio es un problema frecuente que impacta negativamente en la calidad de vida. En este artículo, abordamos la evaluación del insomnio crónico desde la perspectiva de la medicina familiar, destacando la relevancia de escuchar al paciente sin prejuicios y considerando su contexto individual. Proponemos un enfoque práctico en cuatro pasos: descartar otros trastornos del sueño que comprometan su calidad, determinar si el insomnio es de reciente comienzo o crónico, identificar causas subyacentes y evaluar las características del insomnio en cada paciente. Aunque consideramos las causas o circunstancias del insomnio, nuestra prioridad es el alivio del sufrimiento y nos vamos a focalizar en resolver el problema más allá de sus causas específicas. La óptica que proponemos busca resolver el insomnio de manera independiente de sus causas subyacentes; alejarnos del análisis causal para enfocarnos en la solución. Nuestra perspectiva destaca la importancia de un tratamiento personalizado, que puede incluir tanto terapias no farmacológicas como farmacológicas, adaptadas a las creencias y preferencias del paciente, y será abordado en la segunda parte de esta actualización. Reconocemos que el insomnio no solo afecta el sueño, sino también el bienestar emocional y físico. Abordar este problema de manera temprana y efectiva puede prevenir complicaciones como la depresión y mejorar significativamente la calidad de vida.
- Published
- 2024
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4. Study of Clinical and Epidemiological Factors in Patients Diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Author
Rolando Rodríguez Puga and Yasnier Dueñas Rodríguez
- Subjects
artritis reumatoide ,enfermedades autoinmunes ,diagnóstico clínico ,Internal medicine ,RC31-1245 ,Special situations and conditions ,RC952-1245 - Abstract
Foundation: rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic autoimmune disease that produces chronic and irreversible joint damage that leads to deterioration in quality of life and permanent disability with a worldwide prevalence of between 1.0 and 1.5 %. Objective: to identify the main clinical-epidemiological characteristics of patients with rheumatoid arthritis in the Eastern Area Teaching Polyclinic of Camagüey. Methods: a descriptive case series study was carried out at the Eastern Area Teaching Polyclinic of Camagüey. From the universe of 108 patients, a sample of 102 was selected, once the selection criteria were applied. The variables were studied: age group, sex, skin color, years of diagnosis, clinical signs and symptoms, risk factors; as well as complications presented. SPSS was used to process the data and they were expressed in absolute values and percentages. Results: the age group of 60 years and older predominated (45.0 %), women (75.5 %), patients of white skin color (66.7 %), with rheumatoid arthritis of 16-20 years of evolution (22.5 %), vasculitis (25.5 %) and pain (94.1 %) among the main signs and symptoms, while coffee consumption (69.6 %) and female sex were found among the risk factors. modifiable and non-modifiable risk. Osteoporosis was the most notable of the complications presented (69.6 %). Conclusions: in the series studied, female sex, advanced age, pain as the main symptom, as well as osteoporosis stood out among the complications presented.
- Published
- 2023
5. Síncope: enfoque diagnóstico para el médico en atención primaria
- Author
Juan Pablo Castañeda-González, José Emmanuel Mendoza Orozco, and juan José Diaztagle Fernández
- Subjects
síncope ,inconsciencia ,diagnóstico clínico ,atención primaria ,Medicine (General) ,R5-920 - Abstract
Introducción. El síncope es una pérdida transitoria de conocimiento debida a una hipoperfusión cerebral que se recupera espontáneamente. Se caracteriza por una disminución de la presión arterial que resulta en reducción del flujo sanguíneo cerebral y se puede clasificar en tres grupos: reflejo, cardiogénico y secundario a hipotensión ortostática. El diagnóstico se basa en una historia clínica y un examen físico exhaustivos y los exámenes paraclínicos ayudan en el diagnóstico diferencial. Se presenta en el 50% de la población en algún momento de la vida con dos picos notables: uno entre los 10 y 30 años, generalmente benigno, y otro en personas mayores de 65 años, indicativo de problemas orgánicos. El tratamiento se enfoca en estratificar el riesgo y determinar el mecanismo subyacente para tomar las medidas adecuadas. Este estudio se enfoca en revisar las recomendaciones basadas en evidencia para el diagnóstico del síncope y destaca la importancia de una evaluación precisa en casos potencialmente graves. Metodología. Se realizó una búsqueda de la literatura científica en las bases de datos de PudMed/Medline, Scielo y LILACS. Resultados y discusión. En estudios internacionales se ha observado que el síncope afecta a 9.5 de cada 1000 personas por año. En nuestro país se estudió una población que buscó atención médica debido a episodios de síncope y los resultados revelaron que la edad promedio de los pacientes fue de 58 años con 46.5% de mujeres. Además, se encontró que el 41.6% tenía hipertensión arterial y el 21% tenía antecedentes de enfermedad cardíaca. El 75% de los casos se clasificó como síncope no cardíaco, el 23% como síncope cardíaco y el 2% no tuvo una causa identificable. Conclusión. El síncope es la manifestación de una variedad de trastornos subyacentes e identificar a aquellos pacientes con sospecha de patologías cardíacas es importante para proporcionar atención médica especializada de manera prioritaria. Es fundamental destacar la importancia de la estratificación del riesgo ya que permite un enfoque diagnóstico adecuado e implica la realización de pruebas más específicas para los pacientes de alto riesgo y la implementación de un tratamiento adecuado y dirigido a la causa subyacente.
- Published
- 2024
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6. Apendicitis Aguda en Adultos Mayores
- Author
Leslith Jhamila Urbano-Ramirez, John Alex Torres-Yanez, and Diego Fernando Vaca-Sánchez
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Apendicitis ,Adulto Mayor ,Diagnóstico Clínico ,Medicine - Abstract
Introducción: la apendicitis es una inflamación aguda del apéndice, es común en pacientes jóvenes, pero también puede afectar a los adultos mayores, su diagnóstico constituye un desafío debido a la variabilidad en la presentación clínica y a las posibles complicaciones asociadas con la edad y la salud general. Objetivo: describir las características Clínicas de la Apendicitis Aguda en el adulto mayor. Métodos: se realizó una revisión bibliográfica sobre Apendicitis aguda en adultos mayores, obteniendo información de bases de datos: SciELO, Dialnet, Google Académico y PubMed. Los resultados y conclusiones presentados son el resultado de un análisis exhaustivo y crítico de los estudios revisados. Desarrollo: el diagnóstico de la apendicitis en adultos mayores puede ser desafiante debido a la diversidad de presentaciones clínicas, los mismos pueden tener una menor capacidad para comunicar sus síntomas, o experimentar cambios en la presentación de la enfermedad. El diagnóstico clínico es crucial para evitar complicaciones graves como la perforación de apéndice, peritonitis, abscesos intraabdominales. El examen Físico minucioso, permitirá el diagnóstico de la enfermedad, el manejo clínico de esta, así como la toma de decisiones respecto a pruebas diagnosticas adicionales o intervenciones terapéuticas. Conclusiones: la presentación Clínica puede ser atípica. El dolor abdominal puede ser menos intenso y no necesariamente localizado en el lado derecho, lo que dificulta el diagnóstico temprano y puede llevar a ambigüedad en la interpretación de los síntomas. Pueden experimentar cambios en el estado mental, como confusión o alteraciones en el comportamiento.
- Published
- 2024
7. Teste para avaliação do raciocínio clínico em Fonoaudiologia: validade de conteúdo
- Author
Ana Cristina Côrtes Gama, Aline Mansueto Mourão, Adriane Mesquita Medeiros, Patrícia Cotta Mancini, Thais Helena Machado, Lara Gama Santos, and Nayara Ribeiro Gomes
- Subjects
Fonoaudiologia ,Raciocínio Clínico ,Diagnóstico Clínico ,Tomada de Decisão Clínica ,Estudantes ,Aprendizagem ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 ,Otorhinolaryngology ,RF1-547 - Abstract
RESUMO Objetivo validar o conteúdo do Teste de Concordância de Scripts em Fonoaudiologia, denominado FonoTCS. Método Trata-se de estudo de validação de conteúdo de instrumento. Participaram da construção do FonoTCS cinco fonoaudiólogas, doutoras e docentes, com média de 24,8 anos de atuação profissional, que chegaram a um consenso durante o processo de construção do teste. Elaborou-se 30 questões e 120 itens contemplando as áreas de atuação fonoaudiológica. Em seguida, 15 fonoaudiólogas com titulação mínima de mestre, e com, no mínimo, 10 anos de atuação clínica generalista receberam eletronicamente o FonoTCS para validação de conteúdo por meio de questionário sobre critérios de clareza, ética e pertinência do conteúdo das questões. Para a análise das respostas calculou-se o Coeficiente de Validade de Conteúdo Corrigido de todas as afirmativas. Foram revisadas as questões com porcentagem de concordância igual ou inferior a 80%. Resultados 13 avaliadores responderam a análise, todos do sexo feminino, com média de idade de 39,07 anos, sendo oito mestres e cinco doutoras, com atuação clínica generalista média de 15,38 anos. Os valores médios do Coeficiente de Validade de Conteúdo Corrigido foram 0,93 e 0,95 para o critério de clareza; 0,98 e 0,92 para o critério de pertinência; e 0,99 para o critério de ética. Duas questões apresentaram notas de 0,78 e 0,80, sendo ambas da área de audiologia no domínio de avaliação/diagnóstico, para a questão relacionada ao critério de pertinência, sendo revisadas e reestruturadas pelos juízes. Conclusão O FonoTCS é um instrumento válido do ponto de vista do conteúdo.
- Published
- 2024
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Cementum rupture occurs when there is partial or total detachment of cementum, generally at the cemento-dentin junction of the root surface. The etiological factors are still unknown, but some are considered predisposing, such as age, sex, dental group, pulp vitality, history and traumatic occlusion. The present work aims to synthesize the literature, addressing clinical and radiographic characteristics, predisposing factors and treatment options. This is a study with an exploratory, descriptive and qualitative approach, using the databases PubMed/MEDLINE, ScienceDirect, Periódico CAPES and Google Scholar, using the terms DECS/MESH "cemental tear", "Case Reports", "Clinical Diagnosis", "Diagnosis, Clinical", "Diagnostic Imaging", "Imaging Diagnostic", "Imaging, Medical", "Medical Imaging", "Endodontics", "Endodontology", "Periodontics", "Prognosis", "Factor, Prognostic", "Prognoses", "Prognostic Factor" and "Oral Medicine". A total of 554 studies were retrieved, published between 1989 and 2024. Of these, 15 were included using the adopted eligibility criteria. The majority of reported cases were in patients over 60 years of age, being more common in males. A higher frequency in single-rooted teeth has been reported in the literature. Radiographically, thin, sharp and vertical radiopaque fragments, similar to cementum, are observed adjacent to the root surface in association with alveolar bone loss, which may be located in the cervical, middle or apical region, with vital pulp and periapical bone loss. Clinically, the characteristics resemble periodontal and/or periapical lesions, which can lead to unnecessary endodontic treatments. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
9. Estomas: complicaciones, manejo y prevención. Una revisión actual.
- Author
Camilo Gómez-Romero, Juan and Camila Mosquera-Romero, María
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SURGICAL complications , *SURGICAL emergencies , *ILEOSTOMY , *OPERATIVE surgery , *ABDOMINAL wall , *COLOSTOMY , *DIAGNOSIS , *SURGICAL stomas - Abstract
Introduction: Segmental resection of the intestine and its temporary or permanent bypass is a frequent procedure in surgical practice, which involves the construction of a stoma. The disease that leads to surgery, the clinical conditions of the patient and the technical aspects in the construction of the ostomy are key points in the postoperative evolution. Methods: A review of the literature was performed, identifying the complications associated with the construction of stomas, with the aim of offering treatment and decision-making tools to the medical personnel involved in the care of these patients. Results: Emergency surgery, immunosuppression, obesity, and the technique used to open the orifice in the abdominal wall favor the appearance of early complications that require medical management or surgical reintervention. Conclusions. Every patient with a stoma must be carefully evaluated by the surgeon and the enterostomal therapist in the first 72 hours after surgery. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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Morais Marques, Conceição Soraya, Ferreira Menezes, Beatriz Lima, Torquilho Almeida, Lilia, Ximenes Lima, Maria Clara, de França Guimarães, Lorena Freitas, e Silva Lins, Auristela Pimentel, and Rodrigues Teixeira de Araújo, Maria Júlia
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EPIDEMIOLOGY , *MALARIA , *VISCERAL leishmaniasis , *CHILD patients , *DIAGNOSIS methods - Abstract
To report a case of Visceral Leishmaniasis in a child from an endemic area in the Northeast, in Quixeramobim-Ceará. Case report on a pediatric patient, carried out by data collection, using medical record review, including clinical and epidemiological characteristics and analysis of diagnostic tests between October and December 2023, in a secondary hospital in Ceará. A 7-year-old male patient from Quixeramobim-CE was admitted with intermittent fever for a month, hypoactivity, drowsiness, increased abdominal volume, HCD pain, dry cough, weight loss, hyporexia and occasional nausea. With the initial hypothesis of VL, an rK39 test was performed, with a negative result and a myelogram with leishmania in the smear. The patient's clinical condition must be considered, even in the face of negative results from the initial methods chosen, and other tests must be sought to help confirm the initial diagnostic hypothesis or rule out differential diagnoses. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
11. Un dilema clínico, el diagnóstico del embarazo ectópico.
- Author
Toneut, Carlos Moya, Rodríguez, Javier Cruz, and Nápoles, Miguel Román Sarduy
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SYMPTOMS , *MEDICAL care , *CAUSES of death , *DIGITAL printing , *SOCIAL problems , *ECTOPIC pregnancy - Abstract
Introduction: ectopic pregnancy is currently a world of health problem. The increase in its incidence is attributed to the difficulties in the diagnosis that are often presented and to the morbidity and mortality that derive from it. It is one of the first causes of death in the first quarter of pregnancy. Objective: assess ectopic pregnancy as a clinical dilemma for diagnosis. Methods: a narrative bibliographic review was carried out that included various texts, articles, printed and digital materials related to ectopic pregnancy. The databases and directories Scielo, Lilacs, Latindex, Medline and Scopus were consulted, through the keywords in Spanish and Bollean operators to expand the results: "Hemorrhages" and "Ectopic pregnancy". 22 original and review articles were selected, in the national and international context, published between 2000 and 2020. Development: in every nosological illness a good interrogation and a physical examination favor the diagnosis, however difficult it may be. Following the steps of the clinical method helps to obtain an appropriate and timely diagnosis. It is transcendental that the doctor knows the pathophysiology and the clinical elements in ectopic pregnancy, which can go to look in an exquisite interrogation and a detailed physical examination. Conclusions: the diversity of possible clinical presentations has led to "the great simulator of gynecology", so it constitutes a clinical dilemma its diagnosis in the different levels of health care. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
12. Enfermedad de Caffey después del primer año de vida. Caso clínico.
- Author
Ramírez Suarez, Reynier and López Consuegra, Yuslaidy de los Ángeles
- Subjects
CHILDREN'S hospitals ,MAXILLOFACIAL surgery ,OLDER patients ,RARE diseases ,WOMEN patients - Abstract
Copyright of Revista de la Asociación Odontológica Argentina is the property of Asociacion Odontologica Argentina and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2024
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13. Nutrology: a specialty in the light of Aristotle’s theory of virtues.
- Author
Ramos da Cunha, Haroldo Falcão
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DIET therapy ,MENTAL representation ,PRUDENCE ,DIAGNOSIS ,CLINICAL medicine - Abstract
Copyright of Revista Bioetica is the property of Conselho Federal de Medicina and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2024
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14. A clinical dilemma, the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy
- Author
Carlos Moya Toneut, Javier Cruz Rodríguez, and Miguel Román Sarduy Nápoles
- Subjects
embarazo ectópico ,diagnóstico clínico ,dilema clínico ,Medicine - Abstract
Introduction: ectopic pregnancy is currently a world of health problem. The increase in its incidence is attributed to the difficulties in the diagnosis that are often presented and to the morbidity and mortality that derive from it. It is one of the first causes of death in the first quarter of pregnancy. Objective: assess ectopic pregnancy as a clinical dilemma for diagnosis. Methods: a narrative bibliographic review was carried out that included various texts, articles, printed and digital materials related to ectopic pregnancy. The databases and directories Scielo, Lilacs, Latindex, Medline and Scopus were consulted, through the keywords in Spanish and Bollean operators to expand the results: “Hemorrhages” and “Ectopic pregnancy”. 22 original and review articles were selected, in the national and international context, published between 2000 and 2020. Development: in every nosological illness a good interrogation and a physical examination favor the diagnosis, however difficult it may be. Following the steps of the clinical method helps to obtain an appropriate and timely diagnosis. It is transcendental that the doctor knows the pathophysiology and the clinical elements in ectopic pregnancy, which can go to look in an exquisite interrogation and a detailed physical examination. Conclusions: the diversity of possible clinical presentations has led to "the great simulator of gynecology", so it constitutes a clinical dilemma its diagnosis in the different levels of health care.
- Published
- 2024
15. Frecuencia de enfermedades periodontales y características clínicas de pacientes atendidos en la Cátedra de Periodoncia de la Universidad Autónoma de Asunción
- Author
Carlos Rafael Invernizzi-Mendoza, Rosa María Cardozo-Vera, Stella Anahi Chamorro-Giménez, and María Eugenia Acosta-de Hetter
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enfermedades periodontales ,diagnóstico clínico ,diabetes mellitus ,hábito de fumar ,Medicine (General) ,R5-920 - Abstract
Las enfermedades periodontales son consideradas entre las más comunes entre las patologías bucales. Su frecuencia es cada vez más elevada en la población y existen varias patologías sistémicas y hábitos que empeoran su cuadro clínico. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la frecuencia y características clínicas de pacientes con enfermedades periodontales que acuden a la cátedra de periodoncia en la Universidad Autónoma de Asunción en el período de 2011 al 2019. Estudio Observacional, descriptivo, retrospectivo, se procesaron 477 fichas clínicas de pacientes de la cátedra de Periodoncia de la Universidad Autónoma de Asunción desde el año 2011 al 2019. El tipo de muestreo utilizado fue no probabilístico por conveniencia. De las 477 fichas solo se analizaron 317 pacientes que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión. Fueron el 56.46 % de sexo femenino y 43,53 % de sexo masculino, la mediana de edad fue de 33 (23-48) años. El 53% los pacientes presentaban periodontitis crónica y comorbilidades como diabetes e hipertensión arterial. Solo el 11,9 % fueron fumadores. En cuanto a los pacientes diabéticos la mayoría eran de sexo femenino y de edad avanzada, presentando como diagnóstico más frecuente la periodontitis crónica. El diagnóstico clínico más frecuente de la población estudiada fue la periodontitis crónica, seguido por la gingivitis.
- Published
- 2024
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16. Librerías informáticas utilizadas en análisis de imágenes dermatológicas con visión computacional: una revisión de literatura
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Jose Carlos Huanatico-Lipa and Marco Antonio Coral-Ygnacio
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clasificación dermatológica ,diagnóstico clínico ,inteligencia artificial ,lesiones cutáneas ,procesamiento de imágenes ,segmentación de piel ,Electronic computers. Computer science ,QA75.5-76.95 - Abstract
El análisis de imágenes cutáneas desempeña un papel fundamental en el ámbito de la dermatología, ya que posibilita la detección temprana y precisa de diversas afecciones de la piel. No obstante, este proceso se enfrenta a desafíos significativos debido a la variabilidad de características presentes en las lesiones cutáneas, tales como texturas, tonalidades y la existencia de vellosidades en el contorno. En este artículo, se presenta una revisión sistemática de literatura sobre librerías informáticas utilizadas en el análisis de imágenes dermatológicas con visión computacional. Esta investigación se basa en la declaración PRISMA y las bases de datos científicas: SCOPUS e IEEE Xplore para la búsqueda y tiene como objetivo identificar una amplia variedad de librerías informáticas y lesiones cutáneas. Los resultados mostraron 7 librerías y 21 lesiones dermatológicas, que contribuyen a un análisis más preciso y a un diagnóstico clínico más fiable para la detección oportuna de trastornos cutáneos. En conclusión, la presente investigación resalta librerías informáticas que tiene un impacto significativo en la mejora del diagnóstico clínico, lo cual es clave para el desarrollo de soluciones efectivas para la salud de las personas.
- Published
- 2024
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17. Enfermedad de Caffey después del primer año de vida. Caso clínico Caffey disease after the first year of life. Clinical case
- Author
Reynier Ramírez Suarez and Yuslaidy de los Ángeles López Consuegra
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cortical ósea ,diagnóstico clínico ,enfermedad de los huesos ,enfermedad infantil ,hiperostosis cortical infantil. bone disease ,childhood disease ,clinical diagnosis ,cortical bone ,Dentistry ,RK1-715 ,Medicine (General) ,R5-920 - Abstract
Objetivo: La enfermedad de Caffey o hiperostosis cortical infantil es una enfermedad rara que afecta uno o más huesos en los primeros meses de vida y debido a su baja incidencia está subdiagnosticada, y por tanto se aplican procedimientos invasivos innecesarios en su estudio y tratamiento. Se presenta un caso clínico atípico de enfermedad de Caffey en una paciente mayor de 1 año de edad y su resolución. Caso clínico: El servicio de Cirugía Maxilofacial del Hospital Provincial Pediátrico Eduardo Agramonte Piña de Camagüey, Cuba, atiende a una niña de 1 año y 10 meses que se encontraba hospitalizada por presentar una inflamación alarmante en la región facial y cervical precedida de un cuadro febril y dificultad para alimentarse. Se indicaron los estudios apropiados, cuyos resultados, junto a las características clínicas, permitieron diagnosticar la enfermedad de Caffey. Aunque sea una enfermedad rara, es importante estudiarla para realizar un correcto análisis de cada caso y diferenciarla de otras enfermedades que requieren de conductas terapéuticas agresivas. Aim: Caffey’s disease or infantile cortical hyperostosis is a rare disease that affects one or more bones in the first months of life and due to its low incidence, it is underdiagnosed, and therefore unnecessary invasive procedures are applied in its study and treatment. An atypical clinical case of Caffey’s disease in a patient older than 1 year and its resolution is presented. Case report: The Maxillofacial Surgery service of the Eduardo Agramonte Piña Provincial Pediatric Hospital in Camagüey, Cuba, takes the case of a 1 year and 10-month-old female patient who was hospitalized for an alarming inflammation in the facial and cervical region, preceded by a fever and difficulty to eat. The appropriate studies were indicated, which results, together with the clinical characteristics, allowed the diagnosis of Caffey’s disease. Although it is a rare entity, it is important to study it to carry out a correct analysis of each case and differentiate it from other diseases that require aggressive therapeutic behaviors.
- Published
- 2024
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18. Características sociodemográficas y epidemiológicas de pacientes con inicio clínico de sida en Santiago de Cuba.
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Reyes Mediaceja, Reinaldo, Hernández Magdariaga, Alfredo, Hierrezuelo Rojas, Naifi, Gómez Soler, Ulises, and Soto Bell, Yarisbel
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UNSAFE sex , *HIV , *SEXUALLY transmitted diseases , *AIDS-related opportunistic infections , *HUMAN skin color - Abstract
Introduction: One of the millennium challenges worldwide is to fight the advance of the human immunodeficiency virus/aids. Objective: To characterize the sick population with clinical onset of AIDS according to sociodemographic and epidemiologic variables. Methods: An observational and descriptive study was carried out, from 2017 to 2021, of 87 people diagnosed with clinical onset of AIDS in Santiago de Cuba province. In the statistical analysis, measures of central tendency and dispersion were used, as well as the distribution of absolute and relative frequencies; also, confidence intervals of 95% were computed for the proportions of selected variables. Results: The average age in the series was 42 years (79.3%), likewise, there was a prevalence of the male sex (91.9%), single as marital status (91.9%), working bond (72.4%), mixed race (52.8%) and black skin color (39.3%), and the urban origin (73.5%). The anal coitus was the main way of infection (84.0%), while the majority of the affected individuals of both sexes (65.2% in males and 66.7% in females) did not use condoms and homosexuality predominated among men (55.0%). Conclusions: The clinical onset of AIDS prevailed in young and single men, with working bond, among whom risky sexual behaviors were very significant. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
19. Proceso formativo del estudiante de Medicina en la detección de secuelas discapacitantes pos-COVID-19.
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Rodríguez Puga, Rolando
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MEDICAL students , *COVID-19 pandemic , *CONTINUOUS processing , *CROSS-sectional method , *DIAGNOSIS - Abstract
Introduction: In the continuous training process of medical students, it is necessary to incorporate current issues; likewise, it is important to know the problems to seek solutions with the science support. Objective: To diagnose the training process of medical students as for the detection of incapacitating sequelae post-COVID-19. Methods: An observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study, with qualitative approach, of 20 students from 5th year of Medicine career, belonging to the University of Medical Sciences in Camagüey was carried out during their stay for the Public Health subject, from July to December, 2022. For such a purpose it was designed and applied an evaluative instrument with dimensions and indicators. Results: It was found that 50.0% of these students were in the age range of 21-26 years, while 65.0% were female. The cognitive dimension was evaluated as bad because 3 indicators, of the 4 that made it up, received that qualification; the same happened with the instrumental dimension. On the other hand, the attitudinal dimension and its 2 indicators were qualified as good. Conclusions: Inadequacies existed in the training process of medical students, which block their professional performance. On the base of the diagnosis, the interest in searching for information related to the detection of post-COVID-19 incapacitating sequelae is confirmed as strength. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
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Amorim Pereira, Matheus, Alves da Mota Junior, Américo, Santana Gomes, Aquino, Valois Vieira, Rafael, and Cavalcante de Carvalho, Thiago Augusto
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TEXTURE analysis (Image processing) ,DIFFUSION magnetic resonance imaging ,MAGNETIC resonance imaging ,CHONDROSARCOMA - Abstract
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- 2023
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21. Tratamento ortodôntico não cirúrgico de pacientes com Face Curta: criando links entre o diagnóstico e as soluções clínicas.
- Author
Soares de MEIRELES, José Kleber
- Abstract
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- Published
- 2023
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22. Caracterización demográfica, clínica e imagenológica en pacientes con absceso hepático en un centro de referencia en Colombia.
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- Published
- 2023
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23. Avaliação clínica e o resultado falso-negativo para leishmaniose visceral canina: Revisão
- Author
Djonathan Adamante, Debora Andreolla Lazzari, and Luís Gustavo Barbieri Kehl
- Subjects
diagnóstico clínico ,reação em cadeia da polimerase ,saúde pública veterinária ,zoonose ,Veterinary medicine ,SF600-1100 - Abstract
A Leishmaniose Visceral Canina (LVC) é uma das formas da doença causada pelo protozoário do gênero Leishmania spp., sendo classificada como uma das principais zoonoses de interesse da saúde pública no Brasil. Por ainda apresentarmos métodos de diagnóstico com baixa sensibilidade ao agente causador da LVC, este trabalho de revisão de literatura teve como objetivo, identificar exames laboratoriais e métodos que contribuam para um diagnóstico correto, diminuindo as chances de falsos negativos ou falsos positivos na rotina do Médico Veterinário. Nesta revisão de literatura foi possível observar como consideração que o exame de PCR se mostrou com cem por cento de confiabilidade nos estudos avaliados, já a técnica parasitológica classificada como padrão ouro, irá depender de alguns fatores como a precisão, sujeita à intensidade do parasitismo, à natureza do material biológico obtido, à duração da análise da lâmina e à perícia dos especialistas envolvidos, para o diagnóstico da LVC.
- Published
- 2023
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24. Training process of the medical student in the detection of post-COVID-19 incapacitating sequelae
- Author
Rolando Rodríguez Puga
- Subjects
diagnóstico clínico ,síndrome pos-covid-19 ,estudiante de medicina. ,Medicine (General) ,R5-920 ,Internal medicine ,RC31-1245 - Abstract
Introduction: In the continuous training process of medical students, it is necessary to incorporate current issues; likewise, it is important to know the problems to seek solutions with the science support. Objective: To diagnose the training process of medical students as for the detection of incapacitating sequelae post-COVID-19. Methods: An observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study, with qualitative approach, of 20 students from 5th year of Medicine career, belonging to the University of Medical Sciences in Camagüey was carried out during their stay for the Public Health subject, from July to December, 2022. For such a purpose it was designed and applied an evaluative instrument with dimensions and indicators. Results: It was found that 50.0% of these students were in the age range of 21-26 years, while 65.0% were female. The cognitive dimension was evaluated as bad because 3 indicators, of the 4 that made it up, received that qualification; the same happened with the instrumental dimension. On the other hand, the attitudinal dimension and its 2 indicators were qualified as good. Conclusions: Inadequacies existed in the training process of medical students, which block their professional performance. On the base of the diagnosis, the interest in searching for information related to the detection of post-COVID-19 incapacitating sequelae is confirmed as strength.
- Published
- 2023
25. Neuromarkers based on EEG Statistics in Time and Frequency Domains to Detect Tinnitus.
- Author
Salido-Ruiz, Ricardo A., Torres-Ramos, Sulema, Ibarra-Zarate, David I., Espinoza-Valdez, Aurora, Alonso-Valerdi, Luz María, and Román-Godínez, Israel
- Subjects
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Tinnitus detection and characterization requires a carefully elaborated diagnosis mainly owing to its heterogeneity nature. The present investigation aims to find features in Electroencephalographic (EEG) signals from time and frequency domain analysis that could distinguish between healthy and tinnitus sufferers with different levels of hearing loss. For this purpose, 24 volunteers were recruited and equally divided into four groups: 1) controls, 2) slow tinnitus, 3) middle tinnitus and 4) high tinnitus. EEG signals were registered in two states, with eyes closed and opened for 60 seconds. EEG analysis was focused on two bandwidths: delta and alpha band. For time domain, the EEG features estimated were mean, standard deviation, kurtosis, maximum peak, skewness and shape. For frequency domain, the EEG features obtained were mean, skewness, power spectral density. Normality of EEG data was evaluated by the Lilliefors test, and as a result, the nonparametric technique Kruskal-Wallis H statistic to test significance was applied. Results show that EEG features are more differentiable between tinnitus sufferers and controls in frequency domain than in time domain. EEG features from tinnitus patients with high HL are significantly different from the rest of the groups in alpha frequency band activity when shape and skewness are computed. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
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26. Aspectos clínicos, epidemiológicos e histopatológicos de pacientes con lesiones en la mucosa bucal.
- Author
Díaz del Mazo, Lizel, Ferrer González, Silvia, Vicente Botta, Braulia, and Perdomo Estrada, Cristina
- Subjects
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ORAL mucosa , *MEDICAL offices , *OFFICES , *SECONDARY care (Medicine) , *EARLY diagnosis - Abstract
Introduction: Lesions in the oral mucosa constitute a heterogeneous group of disorders which prognosis and treatment depend on the early diagnosis. Objective: To characterize patients with lesions in the oral mucosa according to clinical, epidemiological, histological and pathological variables. Methods: A descriptive, longitudinal and prospective study of 23 patients with lesions in the oral mucosa was carried out. They belonged to the family doctor offices from Vista Alegre neighborhood and were assisted in the Stomatology Service of Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso Teaching General Hospital in Santiago de Cuba from September, 2021 to June, 2022. Results: In the series there was a prevalence of the female sex, the 60 years and over age group, subprosthesis stomatitis as more frequent lesion (39.1%) and chronic traumatisms as risk factors (65.2%); also, in patients referred to the secondary care level there was coincidence between the clinical, histological and pathological diagnoses (76.9%). Conclusions: The final diagnosis will depend on the clinical, epidemiological, histological and pathological valuation of these lesions and on the preparation of the specialists on the topic. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
27. Clinical, epidemiological, histological and pathological aspects of patients with lesions in the oral mucosa
- Author
Lizel Díaz del Mazo, Silvia Ferrer González, Braulia Vicente Botta, and Cristina Perdomo Estrada
- Subjects
lesión bucal ,factores de riesgo ,niveles de atención de salud ,diagnóstico clínico ,diagnóstico histopatológico. ,Medicine (General) ,R5-920 ,Internal medicine ,RC31-1245 - Abstract
Introduction: Lesions in the oral mucosa constitute a heterogeneous group of disorders which prognosis and treatment depend on the early diagnosis. Objective: To characterize patients with lesions in the oral mucosa according to clinical, epidemiological, histological and pathological variables. Methods: A descriptive, longitudinal and prospective study of 23 patients with lesions in the oral mucosa was carried out. They belonged to the family doctor offices from Vista Alegre neighborhood and were assisted in the Stomatology Service of Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso Teaching General Hospital in Santiago de Cuba from September, 2021 to June, 2022. Results: In the series there was a prevalence of the female sex, the 60 years and over age group, subprosthesis stomatitis as more frequent lesion (39.1%) and chronic traumatisms as risk factors (65.2%); also, in patients referred to the secondary care level there was coincidence between the clinical, histological and pathological diagnoses (76.9%). Conclusions: The final diagnosis will depend on the clinical, epidemiological, histological and pathological valuation of these lesions and on the preparation of the specialists on the topic.
- Published
- 2023
28. Analysis of brazilian pediatricians' knowledge of cow's milk protein allergy.
- Author
Pillon, Camile Goebel, Dal Carobo, Vinicius Vargas, Targa Ferreira, Cristina Helena, and Benedetti, Franceliane Jobim
- Subjects
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MILK proteins , *MILK allergy , *BRAZILIANS - Abstract
To analyze the knowledge of Brazilian pediatricians about cow's milk protein allergy (CMPA) using a validated questionnaire. Quantitative study with a cross-sectional design in which an online questionnaire on CMPA knowledge was applied. The sample calculation indicated 1024 participants. The online form was divided into two blocks, the first comprising questions on the identification of pediatricians, and the second comprising the validated questionnaire, built from the Brazilian Consensus on Food Allergy (2018). The general evaluation of the questionnaire showed a percentage of agreement of 91% and a Content Validity Index of 0.95. The results of the applied questionnaires were presented in absolute and relative frequencies, mean, median, standard deviation, and percentiles. The level of significance was set at 5% (p <0.05). The validated questionnaire was answered by 1316 Brazilian doctors, of whom 1017 (77.3%) were females, and their mean age was 45.50 ± 13.20 years. The mean total number of correct answers was 80.66 ± 10.42%. Pediatricians mostly answered questions about the concept and treatment of CMPA. The question with the lowest rate of correct answers was related to clinical and laboratory investigation. Most physicians who answered the questionnaire demonstrated they understood the concept and the main CMPA therapeutic recommendations. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
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29. Syphilis Diagnosis Based on Oral Manifestations: a Case Series.
- Author
Ferreira Resende, Dayane, Frota Angheben, Paula, Camargo Grossmann, Soraya de Mattos, Pinto Cardoso, Marcelo Ferreira, Alencar de Souza, Paulo Eduardo, and Ribeiro Souto, Giovanna
- Subjects
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DIAGNOSIS of syphilis , *OCCUPATIONAL roles , *SYPHILIS , *DENTAL care , *HEALTH care teams , *ORAL manifestations of general diseases , *EARLY diagnosis , *SYMPTOMS - Abstract
Syphilis is a sexually transmitted bacterial disease that has shown a significant increase in its incidence in recent years, both in Brazil and around the world. The disease can be transmitted sexually (acquired) or congenitally. The main route of transmission of the disease is sexual. When not treated initially, the infection becomes systemic and, in many cases, exhibits manifestations in the oral mucosa, allowing the establishment of the diagnosis through confirmation by laboratory tests. The great variability of clinical presentations of its oral lesions may make its identification difficult, so it is essential to know the characteristics of syphilis for a correct diagnosis. The identification of oral manifestations can help in the early diagnosis, which is of great importance for the correct treatment of this infection, as if it is not treated in time, it can result in morbidity and even mortality. In this study, five cases of secondary syphilis with different clinical manifestations in the buccal region are presented. The etiopathogenesis, the evolution of the disease, the useful tests for diagnosis and treatment are discussed. The role of the dental surgeon is increasingly evident as part of a multidisciplinary healthcare team. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for orientation, reception, early identification of the lesions, and targeting a day of treatment of this infection. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
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30. Consenso nacional de expertos: definición de criterios diagnósticos, terapéuticos y de seguimiento de la enfermedad de Cushing en pacientes colombianos
- Author
Alin Abreu-Lomba, William Rojas García, Francisco Guzmán Perlaza, Henry Tovar Cortés, Alejandro Pinzón Tovar, Luis Syro Moreno, Jhonayro Gutiérrez Restrepo, Alejandro Román-González, Leonardo Rojas Melo, and Nelson Guerra Rodríguez
- Subjects
enfermedad de Cushing ,diagnóstico clínico ,adenoma hipofisiario ,pruebas de función hipofisaria ,diagnóstico imagenológico ,tratamiento ,Diseases of the endocrine glands. Clinical endocrinology ,RC648-665 - Abstract
Contexto: la enfermedad de Cushing es una enfermedad poco común en la población general, con una evolución clínica insidiosa, lo cual genera un reto para el diagnóstico oportuno a partir de la sospecha clínica. Al tener en cuenta el origen de la enfermedad, dado por la presencia de un tumor hipofisario secretor de la hormona adrenocorticótropa (ACTH); el tratamiento debe estar dirigido a lograr el control bioquímico y la resección de la masa tumoral. El seguimiento del paciente, orientado a vigilar el control de la enfermedad y detectar de forma temprana el desarrollo de comorbilidades, es un aspecto clave en el manejo adecuado de la enfermedad. Objetivo: definir criterios para el diagnóstico, el tratamiento y el seguimiento de la enfermedad de Cushing en pacientes colombianos. Metodología: se realizó un consenso tipo Delphi modificado con un grupo multidisciplinario de expertos en el manejo del paciente con enfermedad de Cushing (médicos endocrinólogos y neurocirujanos), donde la dirección del consenso fue realizada por un médico farmacólogo clínico. Los resultados fueron analizados y discutidos y, a partir de la consecución de consensos, se presenta una serie de recomendaciones en los diferentes apartados de la enfermedad de Cushing. Resultados: se generaron recomendaciones basadas en la opinión de expertos para el abordaje del paciente con enfermedad de Cushing, incluyendo los aspectos de sospecha clínica, diagnóstico bioquímico e imagenológico, tratamiento mediante intervención quirúrgica, alternativas de tratamiento farmacológico, radiocirugía y seguimiento del paciente. Conclusiones: en Colombia, es importante fortalecer el conocimiento médico desde la atención primaria hasta el especialista con alta experticia en temas como el correcto diagnóstico, el manejo y el seguimiento del paciente con enfermedad de Cushing para lograr la detección temprana de la enfermedad y disminuir la progresión de las comorbilidades asociadas.
- Published
- 2023
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31. Class III elastics: Vertical vectors can be our allies.
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- Published
- 2023
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32. A practical guide to request humoral autoimmunity markers and genetic tests in diabetes mellitus
- Author
Silvina Valdez, Miguel Ángel Alonso Amorín, María Fernanda Álvarez Yuseff, Luz Andreone, Gloria Cerrone, Iris Mabel Ledesma, Alejandra Matejic, Laura Pelayo, Marcelo Javier Pelone, Aldana Trabucchi, and Gustavo Frechtel
- Subjects
genética ,autoanticuerpos ,clasificación ,diagnóstico clínico ,Nutritional diseases. Deficiency diseases ,RC620-627 ,Diseases of the endocrine glands. Clinical endocrinology ,RC648-665 - Abstract
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a heterogeneous disease, with diverse clinical phenotypes, all with hyperglycemia. Historically, four factors have been used to identify this diversity: the age at onset, the severity of the disease, that is, the degree of loss of beta cell function and insulin resistance, and the presence of circulating autoantibodies. Currently, the parameters used to classify the different types of DM make it difficult to diagnose and treat patients. The different clinical manifestations require an accurate diagnosis to achieve an effective therapeutic approach through the use of immunogenetics and clinical biochemistry. This practical guide aims to accurately classify the often uncertain clinical presentations within the two main types of diabetes.
- Published
- 2022
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33. Caracterización fenotípica de la retinitis pigmentaria asociada a sordera
- Author
Ángela Camila Paredes, Greizy López, Nancy Gelvez, and Marta Lucía Tamayo
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retinitis pigmentaria ,fenotipo ,pérdida auditiva ,trastornos sordoceguera ,síndromes de usher ,diagnóstico clínico ,Medicine ,Arctic medicine. Tropical medicine ,RC955-962 - Abstract
Introducción. El síndrome de Usher es una alteración genética caracterizada por la asociación de retinitis pigmentaria y sordera. Sin embargo, hay casos con familias en las cuales, a pesar de presentarse dicha asociación, no se puede diagnosticar un síndrome de Usher ni ninguno otro. Objetivo. Reevaluar fenotípicamente a 103 familias con diagnóstico previo de posible síndrome de Usher o retinitis pigmentaria asociada con sordera. Materiales y métodos. Se revisaron las historias clínicas de 103 familias con un posible diagnóstico clínico de síndrome de Usher o retinitis pigmentaria asociada con sordera. Se seleccionaron las familias cuyo diagnóstico clínico no correspondía a un síndrome de Usher típico. Los afectados fueron valorados oftalmológica y audiológicamente. Se analizaron variables demográficas y clínicas. Resultados. Se reevaluaron 14 familias cuyo diagnóstico clínico no correspondía al de síndrome de Usher. De las familias con diagnóstico inicial de síndrome de Usher típico, el 13,6 % recibieron uno posterior de “retinitis pigmentaria asociada con sordera”, de “otro síntoma ocular asociado con hipoacusia”, o en forma aislada en una misma familia, de “retinitis pigmentaria” o “hipoacusia”. Conclusiones. Es fundamental el estudio familiar en los casos en que la clínica no concuerda con el diagnóstico de síndrome de Usher típico. En los pacientes con retinitis pigmentaria asociada con sordera, el diagnóstico clínico acertado permite enfocar los análisis moleculares y, así, establecer un diagnóstico diferencial. Es necesario elaborar guías de nomenclatura en los casos con estos hallazgos atípicos para orientar a médicos e investigadores en cuanto a su correcto manejo.
- Published
- 2022
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34. Clinical-epidemiological study on Fournier's gangrene in a Luanda hospital. From January 2016 to December 2021
- Author
Tomas Ariel Lombardo Vaillant
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gangrena de fournier ,epidemiología descriptiva ,diagnóstico clínico ,angola ,Medicine (General) ,R5-920 ,Public aspects of medicine ,RA1-1270 - Abstract
Background: Fournier's gangrene is a serious polymicrobial infection caused by microorganisms that act synergistically and determine a progressive necrotizing fasciitis in the scrotum and perineum with manifestations of sepsis that can progress to septic shock and organ failure. Objective: to characterize clinically and epidemiologically Fournier's gangrene in patients diagnosed in a reference hospital unit. Methods: retrospective, observational and descriptive study based on the analysis of the clinical records of 64 male patients with Fournier's gangrene, diagnosed at the Hospital Militar Principal/Instituto Superior de Luanda, Republic of Angola from January 2016 to December 2020. Study variables were: age, toxic habits, comorbidity, clinical manifestations, extension, location as well as its evolution. The quantitative variables were expressed as means, median and range, while the qualitative variables were expressed in terms of absolute numbers and percentages. Results: the average age was 45.09 years; 36 patients (56.2%) consume alcoholic drink and 14 (21.87%) declared smoking habits. The main comorbidity was diabetes mellitus in 21 (32.8%). Pain with increased scrotal volume predominated in 43 (67.2%) subjects; early surgical debridement with antibiotic therapy was the key to management. Five patients died. Conclusions: Fourner's gangrene is a serious disease that can present systemic repercussions and death. The cornerstone of treatment is early surgical debridement supported by support measures. The series presented showed adequate and effective multidisciplinary management.
- Published
- 2022
35. Negligência no diagnóstico precoce de hanseníase na atenção primária
- Author
Matheus Castro Conrado, Rayssa Dantas Nogueira Benvindo, Fábio Freitas de Sousa Passos Galvão, Marília Francisca da Silva Pereira, Quézia Vieira da Silva, and Evandra Marielly Leite Nogueira Pinheiro
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Hanseníase Multibacilar ,Diagnóstico Clínico ,Diagnóstico Precoce ,Infectious and parasitic diseases ,RC109-216 - Abstract
A hanseníase é uma doença infecciosa, transmissível, de caráter crônico, com potencial grau de incapacidade, que ainda persiste como problema de saúde pública no Brasil. A demora e a falta de conhecimento técnico para realizar o diagnóstico resulta em inúmeros prejuízos aos pacientes acometidos pela doença, sendo que, a prevenção das incapacidades está relacionada diretamente com o diagnóstico precoce da doença. Com a finalidade de evitar a negligência diagnóstica e o desenvolvimento de incapacidades físicas, ressaltamos a importância do conhecimento técnico sobre o diagnóstico e o manejo da hanseníase por profissionais da saúde em qualquer nível de atenção à saúde ou especialidade.
- Published
- 2023
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36. Aspergilose em calopsita (Nymphicus hollandicus).
- Author
Andrei Martinez-Pereira, Malcon, de Paula Pereira, Lucas, and Alcantara Gomes Silva, Paulo Henrique
- Abstract
Background: Aspergillosis is a defiance in avian medicine, however between of Aspergillus species, 3 are the most frequently observed (A. flavus, A. fumigatus and A. niger). Psittaciformes present medical conditions related to the 3 species, however A. fumigatus is the most observed. The defiance of the diagnosis is related to fungus characteristics (they are saprophytic in healthy birds), the clinical signs and lesions, which are common to various respiratory diseases, and the difficulty to access specific diagnostic methods. Thus, we report a case of aspergillosis in a cockatiel, whose clinical diagnosis was confirmed by fungal culture of cloacal swab, and treatment with a fungistatic drug. Case: A female cockatiel, 2-month-old, not dewormed, presented diarrhea, sneezing and difficulty to gain weight, although eating well (extruded feed and supplementation with fruits and vegetables). At a clinical examination revealed body score (BCS) of 3 (scale 1 at 5), cloacal temperature (CT) of 40 °C, dilated nostrils and edema in the left eye region associated to evident hyperemia. Due to it has lived with another animal, was inferred that was hypovitaminosis A, by food dispute and/or dominance, or endoparasitosis, being prescribed vitamin A supplementation and deworming with ivermectin. The bird returned 15 days later, showing maintenance of weight loss, BCS 2, ruffled feathers and areas suggestive of apteriolysis in both forelimbs, respiratory difficulty and pulmonary and cranial air sacs rales, in addition presented wound in the pygostyle region and ventus, occasioned by attempted attack of a dog, and aggravated by self-mutilation. Due the worsening of the clinical condition, an oral cavity and cloacal swabs were collected to bacteriological and fungal culture. As treatment was prescribed: a natural tranquilizer, seeking to control the self-mutilation; doxycycline oral suspension, to treat a probable bacterial respiratory infection; and oral itraconazole suspension, manipulated and with a dose calculated by allometric scaling, being placed an elizabethan collar in order to prevent biting the pygostyle and ventus. With a positive result of the cloacal swab fungal culture for A. fumigatus, the doxycycline was discontinued. After the first 30 days of treatment with itraconazole, the patient returns to alert, weighing 95 g, BCS 3, with absence of respiratory signs and with signs of recent molting process. New swabs (oral and cloacal) were collected for repetition of bacterial and fungal cultures, being maintained the treatment with itraconazole. The results of both bacterial and fungal cultures were negative. At the end of the treatment with itraconazole, the patient returns demonstrating weight gain, EEC 3, CT of 42°C, uniform feather coverage and absence of any respiratory sign, being released by the clinician. Discussion: A preponderant factor in the treatment of various respiratory diseases in birds is the diagnosis, since many of diseases present the same clinical signs. Thus, the use of fungal culture was essential to determine the origin of the signs. Still, even with an accurate diagnosis, the clinician often comes up against the difficulty of treatment, especially in cases of mycotic infections. The knowledge about the best drug, considering the pharmacology, as well as the availability of concentrations and dosages marketed, in addition to the long period of treatment, can difficult or make impossible the case resolution. In fact, this is confirmed by the literature, where the most of aspergillosis diagnosis are post mortem, resulting from the delay in seeking veterinary care or in the administration of ineffective drugs. Thus, with this report, we sought to present a diagnostic tool, sometimes neglected, and a compilation with the main drugs and their effectiveness in the treatment of aspergillosis in Psittaciformes. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
Tianyu Yang, Congmeng Jiang, and Yunfei Ma
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KNEE joint ,KNEE injuries ,SPORTS injuries ,QUADRICEPS muscle ,DIAGNOSIS ,EXERCISE therapy ,STRAINS & stresses (Mechanics) - Abstract
Copyright of Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte is the property of Redprint Editora Ltda. and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
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- 2023
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- Author
Coca dos Santos, Letícia Nunes, Andrade, Juliane, de Oliveira Ignacio, Mariana Alice, Barros, Laviny Moraes, Nibi, Scarllet Zamuner, and Alencar, Rúbia de Aguiar
- Subjects
BACTERIAL vaginitis diagnosis ,CHILDBEARING age ,CROSS-sectional method ,PREDICTIVE tests ,RESEARCH funding ,QUANTITATIVE research ,RETROSPECTIVE studies ,DESCRIPTIVE statistics ,DISEASE prevalence ,PAP test ,STATISTICS ,WOMEN'S health ,COMPARATIVE studies ,SOCIODEMOGRAPHIC factors ,DATA analysis software ,SENSITIVITY & specificity (Statistics) ,EVALUATION - Abstract
Copyright of Texto & Contexto Enfermagem is the property of Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Programa de Pos-Graduacao de Enfermagem and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
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- 2023
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39. Pulmonary tuberculosis in a patient with the tennis racket sign. A case report
- Author
Irene Estefania Delgado Pérez, Marileydis Almaguel García, and José Sánchez Prieto
- Subjects
tuberculosis pulmonar ,atención primaria de salud ,diagnóstico clínico ,Medicine (General) ,R5-920 ,Public aspects of medicine ,RA1-1270 - Abstract
Pulmonary tuberculosis can affect any organ and its clinical manifestations are variable. A case of pulmonary tuberculosis with diagnosis, treatment and follow-up in Primary Health Care is presented. The 52-years-old patient, discharged as a group III adult, at risk of pulmonary tuberculosis, hypertensive and diabetic, was treated at her family doctor's office due to physical discomfort, productive and persistent cough mainly at night, anorexia and asthenia. She had lived for five years with two relatives diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis. Radiological examination and microbiological study confirmed the diagnosis. The treatment achieved the improvement, evident from the clinical and radiological point of view; as well as the decrease in the coding in the bacilloscopy. Confirmation of the diagnosis is essential, especially in those patients with risk factors. Chest X-ray and smear microscopy guarantee follow-up. The extended cavitary radiographic image, also known as the tennis racket or arrowhead sign, is rarely seen at diagnosis in the community.
- Published
- 2022
40. Las variables sociales y la conciencia meta-cognitiva de los jóvenes adultos colombianos
- Author
Antonio P. Gutiérrez de Blume, Diana Marcela Montoya-Londoño, Daniel Landínez-Martínez, and Natalia Andrea Toro-Zuluaga
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aprendizaje de adultos ,diagnóstico clínico ,metacognición ,personalidad ,autoevaluación ,tesauro eric ,Social Sciences ,Social sciences (General) ,H1-99 - Abstract
La metacognición se define como un proceso reflexivo que permite a las personas monitorear, controlar y autorregular su comportamiento. Sin embargo, la metacognición rara vez se ha estudiado con variables más allá del contexto educativo, como variables sociales, conductuales o clínicas. Así, el propósito del presente estudio fue explorar la relación entre las variables sociales y la conciencia metacognitiva subjetiva y si estas mismas variables sociales predicen componentes de la conciencia metacognitiva (conocimiento y regulación de la cognición). Con una muestra de estudiantes universitarios (N = 246), los resultados revelaron que no solo existen correlaciones significativas entre algunas variables sociales y ambos componentes de la conciencia metacognitiva, sino que esas mismas variables sociales predijeron la conciencia metacognitiva. Se discuten las implicaciones de estos resultados en contextos educativos y clínicos.
- Published
- 2022
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41. Bases para o sucesso terapêutico: diagnóstico, planejamento e controle biomecânico. Relato de caso de preparo ortodôntico para cirurgia ortognática.
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- Abstract
Copyright of Clinical Orthodontics is the property of Dental Press International and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2022
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42. Consenso sobre definición de criterios diagnósticos, terapéuticos y de seguimiento de la acromegalia en pacientes colombianos
- Author
Henry Tovar Cortés, William Rojas García, Claudia Milena Gómez Giraldo, Alin Abreu Lomba, Alejandro Pinzon Tovar, Luís Vicente Syro Moreno, Rafael Castellanos Bueno, Alejandro Roman Gonzalez, Alejandro Alberto Castellanos Pinedo, and Alex Valenzuela Rincon
- Subjects
acromegalia ,diagnóstico clínico ,adenoma hipofisiario ,pruebas de función hipofisaria ,diagnóstico imagenológico ,tratamiento ,Diseases of the endocrine glands. Clinical endocrinology ,RC648-665 - Abstract
Contexto: la acromegalia es una enfermedad rara en la población general y habitualmente tiene una evolución clínica insidiosa, lo cual genera un reto para diagnosticar al paciente a partir de la sospecha clínica y posterior confirmación con las ayudas diagnósticas. La mayoría de pacientes con acromegalia tienen como origen de la enfermedad un tumor hipofisario secretor de hormona del crecimiento y en consecuencia el tratamiento debe estar dirigido a lograr el control bioquímico y la reducción de la masa tumoral. Finalmente, el seguimiento del paciente resulta clave para lograr el control de la enfermedad y detectar las comorbilidades asociadas. Objetivo: definir criterios para el diagnóstico, tratamiento y seguimiento de la acromegalia en pacientes colombianos. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un consenso tipo Delphi modificado. Participaron 10 expertos en el manejo del paciente con acromegalia (endocrinólogos y neurocirujanos) y un grupo desarrollador. Los resultados fueron analizados y discutidos. A partir de este ejercicio, se presentaron las recomendaciones en los diferentes apartados. Resultados: se obtuvieron recomendaciones acerca del seguimiento al paciente colombiano con acromegalia y el abordaje del paciente desde el sistema de salud local, la sospecha clínica, el diagnóstico bioquímico e imagenológico, el tratamiento mediante intervención quirúrgica, el tratamiento farmacológico y la radioterapia. Conclusiones: en Colombia es importante el fortalecimiento del conocimiento médico desde la atención primaria hasta el especialista en el correcto diagnóstico, manejo y seguimiento del paciente con acromegalia para lograr la detección temprana de la enfermedad y disminuir la progresión de las comorbilidades asociadas.
- Published
- 2022
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43. Las variables sociales y la conciencia meta-cognitiva de los jóvenes adultos colombianos.
- Author
Gutiérrez de Blume, Antonio P., Marcela Montoya-Londoño, Diana, Landínez-Martínez, Daniel, and Andrea Toro-Zuluaga, Natalia
- Subjects
METACOGNITION ,SOCIAL factors ,LEARNING strategies ,SELF-perception ,ADULT learning ,DROWSINESS - Abstract
Copyright of Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Niñez y Juventud is the property of Centro de Estudiso Avanzados en Ninez y Juventud alaianza Cinde, Universidad de Manizales and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Rafael Parhuana, Merylin, Quispe Rivera, Kathya, and Sánchez, Lilian R. Pantoja
- Subjects
APPENDICITIS diagnosis ,MEDICAL quality control ,RESEARCH ,STATISTICS ,SCIENTIFIC observation ,APPENDICITIS ,CROSS-sectional method ,RETROSPECTIVE studies ,EMERGENCY medical services ,DESCRIPTIVE statistics ,DATA analysis software ,ACUTE diseases ,PROBABILITY theory ,SYMPTOMS - Abstract
Copyright of Revista de la Facultad de Medicina Humana is the property of Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias Biomedicas de la Universidad Ricardo Palma and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2022
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45. Concordancia clínico-patológica en fallecidos en el Hospital Pediátrico de Cienfuegos (2000-2015)
- Author
Jorge Luis Capote Padrón, Yusimí García Mena, Ariel Efrén Uriarte Méndez, Alnilam Fernández González, Darian Polls Machado, and Dunia María Chávez Amaro
- Subjects
diagnóstico clínico ,causas de muerte ,necrosis ,hospitales pediátricos ,Medicine (General) ,R5-920 ,Public aspects of medicine ,RA1-1270 - Abstract
Fundamento: La concordancia y discrepancia de las causas de muerte entre el diagnóstico clínico y el morfológico son, de forma indirecta, indicadores de calidad en la atención hospitalaria, y han tenido un papel fundamental en la educación médica.Objetivo: describir el comportamiento de la concordancia clínico-patológica en una serie de fallecidos en edades pediátricas.Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, en el Hospital Pediátrico de Cienfuegos, en el periodo comprendido del 1ro. de enero de 2000 hasta el 31 diciembre de 2015, que incluyó 214 fallecidos con necropsias. Del total que fue objeto de análisis, se clasificaron por el método de Goldman 36 fallecidos a partir de 2013.Resultados: las enfermedades infecciosas predominaron en todos los grupos de edades, y fueron las neumonías y la sepsis, las más frecuentes. El síndrome de disfunción múltiple de órganos fue la afección más descrita como causa directa de muerte, vinculado no solo a enfermedades infecciosas, pues también se manifestó como evento final. Se obtuvo una baja frecuencia de discrepancia diagnóstica clínico-patológica, tanto para las causas básicas de muerte como para las directas, con 13,6 % y 18,2 %, respectivamente. Según la clasificación de Goldman, en el 69,4 % de los fallecidos no hubo discrepancias entre ambos diagnósticos.Conclusión: existió una correlación clínico-patológica aceptable durante el periodo de estudio. Esta variable resulta útil como patrón para la evaluación de la calidad de la asistencia médica.
- Published
- 2021
46. A Institucionalização Escolar e sua Contribuição para a Produção de Transtornos de Aprendizagem: um Estudo sobre a Subjetividade Social da Escola
- Author
Ana Luiza DE FRANÇA SÁ and Giuseppina MARSICO
- Subjects
Escola ,Diagnóstico clínico ,Subjetividade ,Teoria sócio-histórico-cultural ,Special aspects of education ,LC8-6691 - Abstract
RESUMO: A subjetividade expressa uma qualidade específica da experiência do indivíduo marcada pela cultura ao integrar os elementos simbólicos à emocionalidade que constituem os sujeitos e seus contextos simultaneamente. A partir do referencial teórico da subjetividade em uma perspectiva cultural-histórica, a presença do diagnóstico de transtorno de aprendizagem na escola é entendida como fenômeno da subjetividade social. Assim sendo, o objetivo deste estudo foi compreender como o diagnóstico de transtorno de aprendizagem se integra à subjetividade social da escola. O estudo foi realizado em uma escola de anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental de Brasília, Distrito Federal. O método e os procedimentos de análise basearam-se na Epistemologia Qualitativa com o uso de uma diversidade de instrumentos escritos e não-escritos aplicados com os profissionais da escola, entre os quais três professores se constituíram como informantes privilegiados. Por meio da produção de indicadores, construiu-se a hipótese de que a institucionalização escolar contribui para a produção de transtornos de aprendizagem. Nesse sentido, é apresentado um modelo teórico, o qual representa a configuração da subjetividade social da escola da qual a institucionalização escolar faz parte. Conclui-se que a incorporação do diagnóstico de transtorno de aprendizagem na rotina pedagógica colabora para um refinamento científico da exclusão de alunos que destoam das expectativas escolares.
- Published
- 2022
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47. Avaliação de causalidade em farmacovigilância: princípios e fundamentos da inferência causal
- Author
Renato Ivo Ferreira da Silva
- Subjects
causalidade ,diagnóstico clínico ,farmacovigilância ,farmacoepidemiologia ,critérios de Bradford Hill ,Medicine - Abstract
A causalidade (ou inferência causal) é um tópico de intenso debate desde há muito tempo entre filósofos, epidemiologistas, estatísticos e outros cientistas clínicos. Na farmacovigilância, como em muitas outras situações, não existe apenas uma causa possível para um efeito, mas várias. A imputação de causalidade tem como objetivo, através de metodologias próprias, avaliar a natureza da relação entre uma suspeita de reação adversa e um determinado medicamento ou produto de saúde, procurando estabelecer a existência (ou ausência) e robustez de um nexo de causalidade. Este artigo debruça-se numa reflexão sobre a importância da aplicação dos princípios e fundamentos da inferência causal à farmacovigilância, fundamentais no rigor científico de uma área que se rege pela dificuldade de controlar para o desconhecido.
- Published
- 2022
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48. Resenha do libro: Perturbação de Hiperatividade/Défice de Atenção
- Author
Ana P. Antunes
- Subjects
PHDA ,diagnóstico clínico ,critérios de avaliação ,intervenção ,neurologia ,Special aspects of education ,LC8-6691 ,Psychology ,BF1-990 - Abstract
Trata-se de um livro é extenso que, ao longo de 12 capítulos amplamente sustentados em evidência, expõe uma vasta panorâmica sobre a Perturbação de Hiperatividade/Défice de Atenção (PHDA). Os autores cobrem uma série de tópicos, desde a história da investigação da PHDA até ao papel actual da neurologia. O livro fornece importantes conhecimentos sobre a avaliação e tratamento da PHDA, e sobre a sua ocorrência tanto em adultos como em crianças.
- Published
- 2022
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49. Estudio clínico-epidemiológico sobre gangrena de Fournier en un hospital de Luanda. Enero de 2016 a diciembre de 2021.
- Author
Lombardo Vaillant, Tomas Ariel
- Abstract
Background: Fournier's gangrene is a serious polymicrobial infection caused by microorganisms that act synergistically and determine a progressive necrotizing fasciitis in the scrotum and perineum with manifestations of sepsis that can progress to septic shock and organ failure. Objective: to characterize clinically and epidemiologically Fournier's gangrene in patients diagnosed in a reference hospital unit. Methods: retrospective, observational and descriptive study based on the analysis of the clinical records of 64 male patients with Fournier's gangrene, diagnosed at the Hospital Militar Principal/Instituto Superior de Luanda, Republic of Angola from January 2016 to December 2020. Study variables were: age, toxic habits, comorbidity, clinical manifestations, extension, location as well as its evolution. The quantitative variables were expressed as means, median and range, while the qualitative variables were expressed in terms of absolute numbers and percentages. Results: the average age was 45.09 years; 36 patients (56.2%) consume alcoholic drink and 14 (21.87%) declared smoking habits. The main comorbidity was diabetes mellitus in 21 (32.8%). Pain with increased scrotal volume predominated in 43 (67.2%) subjects; early surgical debridement with antibiotic therapy was the key to management. Five patients died. Conclusions: Fourner's gangrene is a serious disease that can present systemic repercussions and death. The cornerstone of treatment is early surgical debridement supported by support measures. The series presented showed adequate and effective multidisciplinary management. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2022
50. Diagnóstico clínico integral de adultos mayores atendidos en Perú.
- Author
Asenjo-Alarcón, José Ander
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CONFIDENCE intervals , *AGE distribution , *RESEARCH methodology , *CROSS-sectional method , *RETROSPECTIVE studies , *GERIATRIC assessment , *SEX distribution , *DIAGNOSIS , *CHI-squared test - Abstract
Introduction: Older adults are the most vulnerable population group and the least favored by health systems. They go through a process of progressive involution that can have health repercussions; therefore, timely and adequate clinical diagnosis becomes relevant to identify possible alterations. Objective: To establish a comprehensive clinical diagnosis according to sex and age of older adults attended nationally in Peru. Materials and Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional, and retrospective study was conducted between March and April 2021 on 60,698 older adults attended in all the departments of Peru. Physical, functional, mental, and social examination of the older adults was conducted using the Medical Record of Comprehensive Health Care for Older Adults, interpreted using its technical guide. Absolute and relative frequencies, 95% confidence intervals for proportions, and the chi-square test of homogeneity were described. Results: 49.4% of older adults were ill, of which 50.8% were women and 47.4% were men; 50.0% were aged 60 to 69 years, 50.6% were aged 70 to 79 years, and 46.1% were aged 80 years and over. Statistically significant differences were found among comprehensive clinical diagnosis, sex, and age (p = 0.000). Discussion: Regardless of the number of participants in all the contexts studied, at least one chronic disease moderately coexists in older adults, without the place where they live being a determining factor, since the aging process can only be different in its speed of progression and in the conditions in which it occurs. Conclusion: Most of the older adults were ill, female, and aged 70 to 79 years; differences in sex and age in the comprehensive clinical diagnosis were significant. Interventions at earlier stages may contribute significantly to healthy aging. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2022
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