1. CERN Yellow Reports: Monographs, Vol. 1 (2022): European Strategy for Particle Physics - Accelerator R&D Roadmap
- Author
Adolphsen( SLAC ), C., Angal-Kalinin( Daresbury ), D., Arndt( KIT, T., Karlsruhe, ), Arnold( Darmstadt, M., Tec, h. U. )., Assmann( DESY and Frascati ), R., Auchmann( PSI, B., Villigen, ), K. Aulenbacher( Mainz U., Ins, t. Phys. )., Ballarino( CERN ), A., Baudouy( Saclay ), B., Baudrenghien( CERN ), P., Benedikt( CERN ), M., Bentvelsen( Nikhef, S., Amsterdam, ), A. Blondel( Paris U., VI-VII and Geneva, U. )., and Jefferson Lab ), A. Bogacz( Hampton U., Bossi( Frascati ), F., Bottura( CERN ), L., Bousson( IJCLab, S., Orsay, ), Brüning( CERN ), O., Brinkmann( DESY ), R., and Jefferson Lab ), M. Bruker( Hampton U., Brunner( CERN ), O., Burrows( JAI, P. N., Uk, ), G. Burt( Lancaster U. )., Calatroni( CERN ), S., Cassou( IJCLab, K., A. Castilla( Lancaster U. )., Catalan-Lasheras( CERN ), N., Cenni( Saclay ), E., Chancé( Saclay ), A., Colino( Madrid, N., Ciemat, ), S. Corde( Ec. Polytech., Palaiseau (main), ), L. Corner( Liverpool U. )., Cros( LPGP, B., A. Cross( Strathclyde U. )., Delahaye( CERN ), J. P., Devanz( Saclay ), G., Etienvre( Saclay ), A. -I., Evtushenko( HZDR, P., Dresden, ), Faus-Golfe( IJCLab, A., Fazilleau( Saclay ), P., Ferrario( Frascati ), M., Gallo( Frascati ), A., García-Tabarés( Madrid, L., and LBL, C. Geddes( Bonn U., Berkeley, ), Gerigk( CERN ), F., Gianotti( CERN ), F., Gilardoni( CERN ), S., Grudiev( CERN ), A., Gschwendtner( CERN ), E., G. Hoffstaetter( Cornell U., LNS and Brookhaven, ), Hogan( SLAC ), M., Hooker( JAI, S., and Jefferson Lab ), A. Hutton( Hampton U., Ischebeck( PSI, R., K. Jakobs( Freiburg U. )., Janot( CERN ), P., Jensen( CERN ), E., Kühn( Helmholtz-Zentrum, J., Berlin, ), Kaabi( IJCLab, W., Kayran( Brookhaven ), D., M. Klein( Liverpool U. )., and Helmholtz-Zentrum, J. Knobloch( Siegen U., Koratzinos( MIT ), M., Kuske( Helmholtz-Zentrum, B., Lamont( CERN ), M., Latina( CERN ), A., Lebrun( CERN ), P., W. Leemans( DESY and Hamburg U., Dep, t. Math. )., and LBL, D. Li( Bonn U., K. Long( Rutherford and Imperial Coll., London, ), Longuevergne( IJCLab, D., Losito( CERN ), R., Lu( Taiwan, W., Nat, l. Tsing Hua U. )., Lucchesi, D., (main) ), O. Lundh( Lund U., Métral( CERN ), E., and Jefferson Lab ), F. Marhauser( Hampton U., Michizono( KEK, S., Tsukuba, ), Militsyn( Daresbury ), B., Mnich( CERN ), J., Montesinos( CERN ), E., N. Mounet( CERN )(ed. )., Muggli( CERN and Munich, P., Max Planck, Inst. )., Musumeci( UCLA ), P., Nagaitsev( Fermilab ), S., Nakada( EPFL-ISIC, T., Lausanne, ), Neumann( Helmholtz-Zentrum, A., Newbold( Rutherford ), D., Nghiem( Saclay ), P., Noe( KIT, M., Oide( KEK, K., Osterhoff( DESY ), J., Palmer( Brookhaven ), M., Pastrone( INFN, N., Turin, ), Pietralla( Darmstadt, N., and LBL, S. Prestemon( Bonn U., Previtali( INFN, E., Aquila and L'Aquila, U. )., Proslier( Saclay ), T., Quettier( Saclay ), L., T. Raubenheimer( SLAC and Stanford U., Phy, s. Dept. )., and Jefferson Lab ), B. Rimmer( Hampton U., Rivkin( PSI, L., Rochepault( Saclay ), E., Rogers( Rutherford ), C., Rosaz( CERN ), G., Roser( Brookhaven ), T., Rossi( LASA, L., Segrate, ), R. Ruber( Uppsala U. )., Schulte( CERN ), D., Seidel( PSI, M., Villigen and EPFL-ISIC, C. Senatore( Geneva U. )., Shepherd( Daresbury ), B., Shi( Taiwan, J., Shipman( CERN ), N., Specka( Ecole Polytechnique ), A., Stapnes( CERN ), S., Stocchi( IJCLab, A., Stratakis( Fermilab ), D., Syratchev( CERN ), I., Tanaka( KEK, O., Tantawi( SLAC ), S., and Jefferson Lab ), C. Tennant( Hampton U., Tsesmelis( CERN ), E., Vaccarezza( Frascati ), C., and Jefferson Lab ), A. -M. Valente( Hampton U., Védrine( Saclay ), P., Vieira( Lisbon, J., Ist, ), Vinokurov( Novosibirsk, N., Iyf, ), Weise( DESY ), H., Wenskat( DESY ), M., Williams( Daresbury ), P., London ), M. Wing( University Coll., Yamamoto( KEK, A., Yamamoto( KEK, Y., Yokoya( KEK, K., and Zimmermann( CERN ), F.
- Abstract
European Strategy Update | Laboratory Directors Group Editor: Nicolas Mounet The 2020 update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics emphasised the importance of an intensified and well-coordinated programme of accelerator R&D, supporting the design and delivery of future particle accelerators in a timely, affordable and sustainable way. This report sets out a roadmap for European accelerator R&D for the next five to ten years, covering five topical areas identified in the Strategy update. The R&D objectives include: improvement of the performance and cost-performance of magnet and radio frequency acceleration systems; investigations of the potential of laser/plasma acceleration and energy-recovery linac techniques; and development of new concepts for muon beams and muon colliders. The goal of the roadmap is to document the collective view of the field on the next steps for the R&D programme, and to provide the evidence base to support subsequent decisions on prioritisation, resourcing and implementation.
- Published
- 2022