314 results on '"De Sole P"'
Search Results
2. Conformal operads and the basic vertex algebra cohomology complex
- Author
De Sole, Alberto, Heluani, Reimundo, and Kac, Victor G.
- Published
- 2025
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3. Perturbative criteria for the ergodicity of interacting dissipative quantum lattice systems
- Author
Bertini, Lorenzo, De Sole, Alberto, Posta, Gustavo, and Presilla, Carlo
- Subjects
Mathematical Physics ,Condensed Matter - Statistical Mechanics ,81S22, 82C10, 81V74, 47B44 - Abstract
We introduce a class of quantum Markov semigroups describing the evolution of interacting quantum lattice systems, specified either as generic qudits or as fermions. The corresponding generators, which include both conservative and dissipative evolutions, are given by the superposition of local generators in the Lindblad form. Under general conditions, we show that the associated infinite volume dynamics is well defined and can be obtained as the strong limit of the finite volume dynamics. By regarding the interacting evolution as a perturbation of a non-interacting dissipative dynamics, we further obtain a quantitative criterion that yields the ergodicity of the quantum Markov semigroup together with the exponential convergence of local observables. The analysis is based on suitable a priori bounds on the resolvent equation which yield quantitive estimates on the evolution of local observables. more...
- Published
- 2024
4. Poisson vertex algebras and Hamiltonian PDE
- Author
De Sole, Alberto, Kac, Victor G., and Valeri, Daniele
- Subjects
Mathematical Physics ,Mathematics - Representation Theory ,Nonlinear Sciences - Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems - Abstract
We discuss the theory of Poisson vertex algebras and their generalizations in relation to integrability of Hamiltonian PDE. In particular, we discuss the theory of affine classical W-algebras and apply it to construct a large class of integrable Hamiltonian PDE. We also discuss non commutative Hamiltonian PDE in the framework of double PVA, and differential-difference Hamiltonian equations in the framework of multiplicative PVA., Comment: This article is the preprint version of our contribution to the book titled "Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics 2nd edition". v2: minor editing and corrections following the referee's suggestions more...
- Published
- 2023
5. Adler-Oevel-Ragnisco type operators and Poisson vertex algebras
- Author
De Sole, Alberto, Kac, Victor G., and Valeri, Daniele
- Subjects
Nonlinear Sciences - Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems ,Mathematical Physics ,Mathematics - Rings and Algebras ,17B69, 37K10, 37K30 - Abstract
The theory of triples of Poisson brackets and related integrable systems, based on a classical R-matrix R in End_F(g), where g is a finite dimensional associative algebra over a field F viewed as a Lie algebra, was developed by Oevel-Ragnisco and Li-Parmentier [OR89,LP89]. In the present paper we develop an "affine" analogue of this theory by introducing the notion of a continuous Poisson vertex algebra and constructing triples of Poisson lambda-brackets. We introduce the corresponding Adler type identities and apply them to integrability of hierarchies of Hamiltonian PDEs., Comment: 47 pages more...
- Published
- 2022
6. Trace distance ergodicity for quantum Markov semigroups
- Author
Bertini, Lorenzo, De Sole, Alberto, and Posta, Gustavo
- Subjects
Mathematical Physics ,Condensed Matter - Statistical Mechanics ,Mathematics - Representation Theory ,Primary 81S22, Secondary 47A35, 17B10 - Abstract
We discuss the quantitative ergodicity of quantum Markov semigroups in terms of the trace distance from the stationary state, providing a general criterion based on the spectral decomposition of the Lindblad generator. We then apply this criterion to the bosonic and fermionic Ornstein-Uhlenbeck semigroups and to a family of quantum Markov semigroups parametrized by semisimple Lie algebras and their irreducible representations, in which the Lindblad generator is given by the adjoint action of the Casimir element. more...
- Published
- 2022
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7. On Lax operators
- Author
De Sole, Alberto, Kac, Victor G., and Valeri, Daniele
- Subjects
Nonlinear Sciences - Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems ,Mathematical Physics ,Mathematics - Rings and Algebras ,Primary: 35Q53, Secondary: 35Q51, 37K10, 37K30 - Abstract
We define a Lax operator as a monic pseudodifferential operator $L(\partial)$ of order $N\geq 1$, such that the Lax equations $\dfrac{\partial L(\partial)}{\partial t_k}=[(L^{\frac kN}(\partial))_+,L(\partial)]$ are consistent and non-zero for infinitely many positive integers $k$. Consistency of an equation means that its flow is defined by an evolutionary vector field. In the present paper we demonstrate that the traditional theory of the KP and the $N$-th KdV hierarchies holds for arbitrary scalar Lax operators., Comment: 39 pages, v2: minor editing and corrections following the referee's suggestions more...
- Published
- 2021
8. Classical and variational Poisson cohomology
- Author
Bakalov, Bojko, De Sole, Alberto, Heluani, Reimundo, Kac, Victor G., and Vignoli, Veronica
- Subjects
Mathematics - Representation Theory ,Mathematics - Quantum Algebra ,Primary 17B69. Secondary 17B63, 17B65, 17B80, 18D50 - Abstract
We prove that, for a Poisson vertex algebra V, the canonical injective homomorphism of the variational cohomology of V to its classical cohomology is an isomorphism, provided that V, viewed as a differential algebra, is an algebra of differential polynomials in finitely many differential variables. This theorem is one of the key ingredients in the computation of vertex algebra cohomology. For its proof, we introduce the sesquilinear Hochschild and Harrison cohomology complexes and prove a vanishing theorem for the symmetric sesquilinear Harrison cohomology of the algebra of differential polynomials in finitely many differential variables., Comment: 33 pages more...
- Published
- 2021
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9. Integrable triples in semisimple Lie algebras
- Author
De Sole, Alberto, Jibladze, Mamuka, Kac, Victor G., and Valeri, Daniele
- Subjects
Nonlinear Sciences - Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems ,Mathematical Physics ,Mathematics - Rings and Algebras ,Mathematics - Representation Theory - Abstract
We classify all integrable triples in simple Lie algebras, up to equivalence. The importance of this problem stems from the fact that for each such equivalence class one can construct the corresponding integrable hierarchy of bi-Hamiltonian PDE. The simplest integrable triple $(f,0,e)$ in $\mathfrak{sl}_2$ corresponds to the KdV hierarchy, and the triple $(f,0,e_\theta)$, where $f$ is the sum of negative simple root vectors and $e_\theta$ is the highest root vector of a simple Lie algebra, corresponds to the Drinfeld-Sokolov hierarchy. more...
- Published
- 2020
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10. Integrability of classical affine W-algebras
- Author
De Sole, Alberto, Jibladze, Mamuka, Kac, Victor G., and Valeri, Daniele
- Subjects
Mathematical Physics ,Mathematics - Rings and Algebras ,Mathematics - Representation Theory ,Nonlinear Sciences - Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems - Abstract
We prove that all classical affine W-algebras W(g,f), where g is a simple Lie algebra and f is its non-zero nilpotent element, admit an integrable hierarchy of bi-Hamiltonian PDEs, except possibly for one nilpotent conjugacy class in G_2, one in F_4, and five in E_8., Comment: 18 pages more...
- Published
- 2020
11. Computation of cohomology of vertex algebras
- Author
Bakalov, Bojko, De Sole, Alberto, and Kac, Victor G.
- Subjects
Mathematics - Representation Theory ,Mathematical Physics - Abstract
We review cohomology theories corresponding to the chiral and classical operads. The first one is the cohomology theory of vertex algebras, while the second one is the classical cohomology of Poisson vertex algebras (PVA), and we construct a spectral sequence relating them. Since in "good" cases the classical PVA cohomology coincides with the variational PVA cohomology and there are well-developed methods to compute the latter, this enables us to compute the cohomology of vertex algebras in many interesting cases. Finally, we describe a unified approach to integrability through vanishing of the first cohomology, which is applicable to both classical and quantum systems of Hamiltonian PDEs., Comment: 56 pages more...
- Published
- 2020
12. p-reduced multicomponent KP hierarchy and classical W-algebras W(gl_N,p)
- Author
Carpentier, Sylvain, De Sole, Alberto, Kac, Victor G., Valeri, Daniele, and van de Leur, Johan
- Subjects
Mathematical Physics ,Mathematics - Rings and Algebras ,Mathematics - Representation Theory ,Nonlinear Sciences - Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems ,Primary 17B69, Secondary 17B63, 17B08, 17B80, 35Q53, 37K10, 37K30 - Abstract
For each partition p of an integer N \geq 2, consisting of r parts, an integrable hierarchy of Lax type Hamiltonian PDE has been constructed recently by some of us. In the present paper we show that any tau-function of the p-reduced r-component KP hierarchy produces a solution of this integrable hierarchy. Along the way we provide an algorithm for the explicit construction of the generators of the corresponding classical W-algebra W(gl_N,p), and write down explicit formulas for evolution of these generators along the Hamiltonian flows., Comment: 49 pages, v2: minor editing and corrections following the referee suggestions more...
- Published
- 2019
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13. Poisson vertex algebra cohomology and differential Harrison cohomology
- Author
Bakalov, Bojko, De Sole, Alberto, Kac, Victor G., and Vignoli, Veronica
- Subjects
Mathematics - Representation Theory ,Mathematical Physics ,Primary 17B69, Secondary 17B56, 17B63 - Abstract
We construct a canonical map from the Poisson vertex algebra cohomology complex to the differential Harrison cohomology complex, which restricts to an isomorphism on the top degree. This is an important step in the computation of Poisson vertex algebra and vertex algebra cohomologies., Comment: 23 pages more...
- Published
- 2019
14. On the structure of quantum vertex algebras
- Author
De Sole, Alberto, Gardini, Matteo, and Kac, Victor G.
- Subjects
Mathematics - Quantum Algebra ,Mathematical Physics ,Mathematics - Rings and Algebras ,Mathematics - Representation Theory ,17B69 (Primary), 17B38 (Secondary) - Abstract
A definition of a quantum vertex algebra, which is a deformation of a vertex algebra, was proposed by Etingof and Kazhdan in 1998. In a nutshell, a quantum vertex algebra is a braided state-field correspondence which satisfies associativity and braided locality axioms. We develop a structure theory of quantum vertex algebras, parallel to that of vertex algebras. In particular, we introduce braided n-products for a braided state-field correspondence and prove for quantum vertex algebras a version of the Borcherds identity., Comment: 32 pages more...
- Published
- 2019
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15. Computation of cohomology of Lie conformal and Poisson vertex algebras
- Author
Bakalov, Bojko, De Sole, Alberto, and Kac, Victor G.
- Subjects
Mathematics - Representation Theory ,Mathematical Physics ,Primary 17B69, Secondary 17B56, 17B63 - Abstract
We develop methods for computation of Poisson vertex algebra cohomology. This cohomology is computed for the free bosonic and fermionic Poisson vertex (super)algebras, as well as for the universal affine and Virasoro Poisson vertex algebras. We establish finite dimensionality of this cohomology for conformal Poisson vertex (super)algebras that are finitely and freely generated by elements of positive conformal weight., Comment: 42 pages, revised version with some notational changes more...
- Published
- 2019
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16. Chiral vs classical operad
- Author
Bakalov, Bojko, De Sole, Alberto, Heluani, Reimundo, and Kac, Victor G.
- Subjects
Mathematics - Representation Theory ,Mathematical Physics ,Primary 18D50, Secondary 17B63, 17B69, 05C25 - Abstract
We establish an explicit isomorphism between the associated graded of the filtered chiral operad and the classical operad, which is useful for computing the cohomology of vertex algebras., Comment: 18 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2002.03612 more...
- Published
- 2018
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17. Local and non-local multiplicative Poisson vertex algebras and differential-difference equations
- Author
De Sole, Alberto, Kac, Victor G., Valeri, Daniele, and Wakimoto, Minoru
- Subjects
Mathematics - Representation Theory ,Mathematical Physics ,Nonlinear Sciences - Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems - Abstract
We develop the notions of multiplicative Lie conformal and Poisson vertex algebras, local and non-local, and their connections to the theory of integrable differential-difference Hamiltonian equations. We establish relations of these notions to $q$-deformed $W$-algebras and lattice Poisson algebras. We introduce the notion of Adler type pseudodifference operators and apply them to integrability of differential-difference Hamiltonian equations., Comment: 42 pages more...
- Published
- 2018
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18. An operadic approach to vertex algebra and Poisson vertex algebra cohomology
- Author
Bakalov, Bojko, De Sole, Alberto, Heluani, Reimundo, and Kac, Victor G.
- Subjects
Mathematics - Representation Theory ,Mathematical Physics ,17B69 (Primary), 18D50, 17B65, 17B63, 17B80 (Secondary) - Abstract
We translate the construction of the chiral operad by Beilinson and Drinfeld to the purely algebraic language of vertex algebras. Consequently, the general construction of a cohomology complex associated to a linear operad produces a vertex algebra cohomology complex. Likewise, the associated graded of the chiral operad leads to a classical operad, which produces a Poisson vertex algebra cohomology complex. The latter is closely related to the variational Poisson cohomology studied by two of the authors., Comment: 72 pages, in the second version we corrected the part related to the cohomology of the free boson (Sec.11.3) and some other minor errors more...
- Published
- 2018
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19. Poisson $\lambda$-brackets for differential-difference equations
- Author
De Sole, Alberto, Kac, Victor G., Valeri, Daniele, and Wakimoto, Minoru
- Subjects
Mathematics - Representation Theory - Abstract
We introduce the notion of a multiplicative Poisson $\lambda$-bracket, which plays the same role in the theory of Hamiltonian differential-difference equations as the usual Poisson $\lambda$-bracket plays in the theory of Hamiltonian PDE. We classify multiplicative Poisson $\lambda$-brackets in one difference variable up to order 5. Applying the Lenard-Magri scheme to a compatible pair of multiplicative Poisson $\lambda$-brackets of order 1 and 2, we establish integrability of some differential-difference equations, generalizing the Volterra chain., Comment: 37 pages more...
- Published
- 2018
20. Generators of the quantum finite W-algebras in type A
- Author
De Sole, Alberto, Fedele, Laura, and Valeri, Daniele
- Subjects
Mathematics - Representation Theory ,Mathematical Physics ,Mathematics - Quantum Algebra ,Mathematics - Rings and Algebras ,17B08, 17B63, 17B35, 17B80 - Abstract
We prove a conjecture proposed in [DSKV16] describing the Lax type operator L(z) for the quantum finite W-algebras of gl_N in terms of a PBW generating system for the W-algebra. In doing so, we extend this result to an arbitrary good grading and an arbitrary isotropic subspace of g[1/2]., Comment: 60 pages more...
- Published
- 2018
21. A Lax type operator for quantum finite W-algebras
- Author
De Sole, Alberto, Kac, Victor, and Valeri, Daniele
- Subjects
Mathematics - Representation Theory ,Mathematical Physics ,Mathematics - Quantum Algebra ,Mathematics - Rings and Algebras ,17B08, 17B63, 17B35, 17B80 - Abstract
For a reductive Lie algebra g, its nilpotent element f and its faithful finite dimensional representation, we construct a Lax operator L(z) with coefficients in the quantum finite W-algebra W(g,f). We show that for the classical linear Lie algebras gl_N, sl_N, so_N and sp_N, the operator L(z) satisfies a generalized Yangian identity. The operator L(z) is a quantum finite analogue of the operator of generalized Adler type which we recently introduced in the classical affine setup. As in the latter case, L(z) is obtained as a generalized quasideterminant., Comment: 31 pages. Minor editing and corrections following the referee suggestions more...
- Published
- 2017
22. Classical affine W-algebras and the associated integrable Hamiltonian hierarchies for classical Lie algebras
- Author
De Sole, Alberto, Kac, Victor G., and Valeri, Daniele
- Subjects
Mathematical Physics ,Mathematics - Rings and Algebras ,Mathematics - Representation Theory ,Nonlinear Sciences - Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems ,Primary 17B69, Secondary 17B63, 17B08, 17B80, 35Q53, 37K10, 37K30 - Abstract
We prove that any classical affine W-algebra W(g,f), where g is a classical Lie algebra and f is an arbitrary nilpotent element of g, carries an integrable Hamiltonian hierarchy of Lax type equations. This is based on the theories of generalized Adler type operators and of generalized quasideterminants, which we develop in the paper. Moreover, we show that under certain conditions, the product of two generalized Adler type operators is a Lax type operator. We use this fact to construct a large number of integrable Hamiltonian systems, recovering, as a special case, all KdV type hierarchies constructed by Drinfeld and Sokolov., Comment: 57 pages. v3: minor corrections more...
- Published
- 2017
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23. On Lax operators
- Author
De Sole, Alberto, Kac, Victor G., and Valeri, Daniele
- Published
- 2022
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24. Finite W-algebras for gl_N
- Author
De Sole, Alberto, Kac, Victor G., and Valeri, Daniele
- Subjects
Mathematics - Representation Theory ,Mathematical Physics ,Mathematics - Quantum Algebra ,Mathematics - Rings and Algebras ,17B08, 17B63, 17B35, 17B80 - Abstract
We study the quantum finite W-algebras W(gl_N,f), associated to the Lie algebra gl_N, and its arbitrary nilpotent element f. We construct for such an algebra an r_1 x r_1 matrix L(z) of Yangian type, where r_1 is the number of maximal parts of the partition corresponding to f. The matrix L(z) is the quantum finite analogue of the operator of Adler type which we introduced in the classical affine setup. As in the latter case, the matrix L(z) is obtained as a generalized quasideterminant. It should encode the whole structure of W(gl_N,f), including explicit formulas for generators and the commutation relations among them. We describe in all detail the examples of principal, rectangular and minimal nilpotent elements., Comment: 37 pages more...
- Published
- 2016
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25. Classical W-algebras for gl_N and associated integrable Hamiltonian hierarchies
- Author
De Sole, Alberto, Kac, Victor G., and Valeri, Daniele
- Subjects
Mathematical Physics ,Mathematics - Rings and Algebras ,Mathematics - Representation Theory ,Nonlinear Sciences - Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems ,Primary 17B69, Secondary 17B63, 17B08, 17B80, 35Q53, 37K10, 37K30 (Secondary) - Abstract
We apply the new method for constructing integrable Hamiltonian hierarchies of Lax type equations developed in our previous paper, to show that all W-algebras W(gl_N,f) carry such a hierarchy. As an application, we show that all vector constrained KP hierarchies and their matrix generalizations are obtained from these hierarchies by Dirac reduction, which provides the former with a bi-Poisson structure., Comment: 48 pages. Minor revisions and a correction to formulas (7.25) and (7.48) more...
- Published
- 2015
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26. A new scheme of integrability for (bi)Hamiltonian PDE
- Author
De Sole, Alberto, Kac, Victor G., and Valeri, Daniele
- Subjects
Mathematical Physics ,Mathematics - Rings and Algebras ,Mathematics - Representation Theory ,Nonlinear Sciences - Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems ,17B69 (Primary), 35Q53, 37K10, 37K30 (Secondary) - Abstract
We develop a new method for constructing integrable Hamiltonian hierarchies of Lax type equations, which combines the fractional powers technique of Gelfand and Dickey, and the classical Hamiltonian reduction technique of Drinfeld and Sokolov. The method is based on the notion of an Adler type matrix pseudodifferential operator and the notion of a generalized quasideterminant. We also introduce the notion of a dispersionless Adler type series, which is applied to the study of dispersionless Hamiltonian equations. Non-commutative Hamiltonian equations are discussed in this framework as well., Comment: 35 pages, final version more...
- Published
- 2015
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27. Quantitative analysis of Clausius inequality
- Author
Bertini, L., De Sole, A., Gabrielli, D., Jona-Lasinio, G., and Landim, C.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Statistical Mechanics - Abstract
In the context of driven diffusive systems, for thermodynamic transformations over a large but finite time window, we derive an expansion of the energy balance. In particular, we characterize the transformations which minimize the energy dissipation and describe the optimal correction to the quasi-static limit. Surprisingly, in the case of transformations between homogeneous equilibrium states of an ideal gas, the optimal transformation is a sequence of inhomogeneous equilibrium states., Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1404.6466 more...
- Published
- 2015
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28. Double Poisson vertex algebras and non-commutative Hamiltonian equations
- Author
De Sole, Alberto, Kac, Victor G., and Valeri, Daniele
- Subjects
Mathematical Physics ,Mathematics - Rings and Algebras ,Mathematics - Representation Theory ,Nonlinear Sciences - Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems ,17B69 (Primary) 17B80, 17B63, 35Q53, 37K10 (secondary) - Abstract
We develop the formalism of double Poisson vertex algebras (local and non-local) aimed at the study of non-commutative Hamiltionan PDEs. This is a generalization of the theory of double Poisson algebras, developed by Van den Bergh, which is used in the study of Hamiltonian ODEs. We apply our theory of double Poisson vertex algebras to non-commutative KP and Gelfand-Dickey hierarchies. We also construct the related non-commutative de Rham and variational complexes., Comment: 56 pages. Minor editing and corrections and references added following the referee suggestions more...
- Published
- 2014
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29. On integrability of some bi-Hamiltonian two field systems of PDE
- Author
De Sole, Alberto, Kac, Victor G., and Turhan, Refik
- Subjects
Mathematical Physics ,Mathematics - Rings and Algebras ,Mathematics - Representation Theory ,Nonlinear Sciences - Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems ,37K10 (Primary) 35Q53, 17B80, 17B69, 37K30, 17B63 (Secondary) - Abstract
We continue the study of integrability of bi-Hamiltonian systems with a compatible pair of local Poisson structures (H_0,H_1), where H_0 is a strongly skew-adjoint operator. This is applied to the construction of some new two field integrable systems of PDE by taking the pair (H_0,H_1) in the family of compatible Poisson structures that arose in the study of cohomology of moduli spaces of curves., Comment: 30 pages more...
- Published
- 2014
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30. Macroscopic fluctuation theory
- Author
Bertini, Lorenzo, De Sole, Alberto, Gabrielli, Davide, Jona-Lasinio, Giovanni, and Landim, Claudio
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Statistical Mechanics - Abstract
Stationary non-equilibrium states describe steady flows through macroscopic systems. Although they represent the simplest generalization of equilibrium states, they exhibit a variety of new phenomena. Within a statistical mechanics approach, these states have been the subject of several theoretical investigations, both analytic and numerical. The macroscopic fluctuation theory, based on a formula for the probability of joint space-time fluctuations of thermodynamic variables and currents, provides a unified macroscopic treatment of such states for driven diffusive systems. We give a detailed review of this theory including its main predictions and most relevant applications., Comment: Review article. Revised extended version more...
- Published
- 2014
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31. Structure of classical (finite and affine) W-algebras
- Author
De Sole, Alberto, Kac, Victor G., and Valeri, Daniele
- Subjects
Mathematical Physics ,Mathematics - Rings and Algebras ,Mathematics - Representation Theory ,Nonlinear Sciences - Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems ,Primary 17B63, Secondary 17B69, 17B80, 37K30, 17B08 - Abstract
First, we derive an explicit formula for the Poisson bracket of the classical finite W-algebra W^{fin}(g,f), the algebra of polynomial functions on the Slodowy slice associated to a simple Lie algebra g and its nilpotent element f. On the other hand, we produce an explicit set of generators and we derive an explicit formula for the Poisson vertex algebra structure of the classical affine W-algebra W(g,f). As an immediate consequence, we obtain a Poisson algebra isomorphism between W^{fin}(g,f) and the Zhu algebra of W(g,f). We also study the generalized Miura map for classical W-algebras., Comment: 4 pages more...
- Published
- 2014
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32. Computation of cohomology of vertex algebras
- Author
Bakalov, Bojko, De Sole, Alberto, and Kac, Victor G.
- Published
- 2021
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33. Integrability of Dirac reduced bi-Hamiltonian equations
- Author
De Sole, Alberto, Kac, Victor G., and Valeri, Daniele
- Subjects
Mathematical Physics ,Mathematics - Rings and Algebras ,Mathematics - Representation Theory ,Nonlinear Sciences - Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems ,17B69 (Primary), 35Q53, 37K10, 37K30 (Secondary) - Abstract
First, we give a brief review of the theory of the Lenard-Magri scheme for a non-local bi-Poisson structure and of the theory of Dirac reduction. These theories are used in the remainder of the paper to prove integrability of three hierarchies of bi-Hamiltonian PDE's, obtained by Dirac reduction from some generalized Drinfeld-Sokolov hierarchies., Comment: 15 pages. Corrected some typos and added missing equations in Section 5 for g=sl_n, n>2 more...
- Published
- 2014
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34. Adler-Gelfand-Dickey approach to classical W-algebras within the theory of Poisson vertex algebras
- Author
De Sole, Alberto, Kac, Victor G., and Valeri, Daniele
- Subjects
Mathematical Physics ,Mathematics - Rings and Algebras ,Mathematics - Representation Theory ,Nonlinear Sciences - Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems ,35Q53 (Primary) 37K10, 17B80, 17B69, 37K30 (Secondary) - Abstract
We put the Adler-Gelfand-Dickey approach to classical W-algebras in the framework of Poisson vertex algebras. We show how to recover the bi-Poisson structure of the KP hierarchy, together with its generalizations and reduction to the N-th KdV hierarchy, using the formal distribution calculus and the lambda-bracket formalism. We apply the Lenard-Magri scheme to prove integrability of the corresponding hierarchies. We also give a simple proof of a theorem of Kupershmidt and Wilson in this framework. Based on this approach, we generalize all these results to the matrix case. In particular, we find (non-local) bi-Poisson structures of the matrix KP and the matrix N-th KdV hierarchies, and we prove integrability of the N-th matrix KdV hierarchy., Comment: 47 pages. In version 2 we fixed the proof of Corollary 4.15 (which is now Theorem 4.14), and we added some references more...
- Published
- 2014
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35. Singular degree of a rational matrix pseudodifferential operator
- Author
Carpentier, Sylvain, De Sole, Alberto, and kac, Victor G.
- Subjects
Mathematics - Rings and Algebras ,Mathematical Physics ,Nonlinear Sciences - Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems ,35S05 (Primary) 16S32, 13N10 (Secondary) - Abstract
In our previous work we studied minimal fractional decompositions of a rational matrix pseudodifferential operator: H=A/B, where A and B are matrix differential operators, and B is non-degenerate of minimal possible degree deg(B). In the present paper we introduce the singular degree sdeg(H)=deg(B), and show that for an arbitrary rational expression H=sum_a (A^a_1)/(B^a_1)...(A^a_n)/(B^a_n), we have that sdeg(H) is less than or equal to sum_{a,i} deg(B^a_i). If the equality holds, we call such an expression minimal. We study the properties of the singular degree and of minimal rational expressions. These results are important for the computations involved in the Lenard-Magri scheme of integrability., Comment: 33 pages more...
- Published
- 2013
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36. On classical finite and affine W-algebras
- Author
De Sole, Alberto
- Subjects
Mathematical Physics ,Mathematics - Rings and Algebras ,Mathematics - Representation Theory ,Nonlinear Sciences - Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems ,17B69 (primary), 17B63, 17B80, 35Q53, 37K10, 37K30 - Abstract
This paper is meant to be a short review and summary of recent results on the structure of finite and affine classical W-algebras, and the application of the latter to the theory of generalized Drinfeld-Sokolov hierarchies., Comment: 12 pages more...
- Published
- 2013
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37. Dirac reduction for Poisson vertex algebras
- Author
De Sole, Alberto, Kac, Victor G., and Valeri, Daniele
- Subjects
Mathematical Physics ,Mathematics - Rings and Algebras ,Mathematics - Representation Theory ,Nonlinear Sciences - Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems ,17B69 (Primary) 35Q53, 37K10, 37K30 (Secondary) - Abstract
We construct an analogue of Dirac's reduction for an arbitrary local or non-local Poisson bracket in the general setup of non-local Poisson vertex algebras. This leads to Dirac's reduction of an arbitrary non-local Poisson structure. We apply this construction to an example of a generalized Drinfeld-Sokolov hierarchy., Comment: 31 pages. Corrected some typos and added missing equations in Section 8 more...
- Published
- 2013
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38. Classical W-algebras and generalized Drinfeld-Sokolov hierarchies for minimal and short nilpotents
- Author
De Sole, Alberto, Kac, Victor G., and Valeri, Daniele
- Subjects
Mathematical Physics ,Mathematics - Rings and Algebras ,Mathematics - Representation Theory ,Nonlinear Sciences - Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems ,35Q53 (Primary) 37K10, 17B80, 17B69, 37K30 (Secondary) - Abstract
We derive explicit formulas for lambda-brackets of the affine classical W-algebras attached to the minimal and short nilpotent elements of any simple Lie algebra g. This is used to compute explicitly the first non-trivial PDE of the corresponding intgerable generalized Drinfeld-Sokolov hierarchies. It turns out that a reduction of the equation corresponding to a short nilpotent is Svinolupov's equation attached to a simple Jordan algebra, while a reduction of the equation corresponding to a minimal nilpotent is an integrable Hamiltonian equation on 2h-3 functions, where h is the dual Coxeter number of g. In the case when g is sl_2 both these equations coincide with the KdV equation. In the case when g is not of type C_n, we associate to the minimal nilpotent element of g yet another generalized Drinfeld-Sokolov hierarchy., Comment: 46 pages. Corrected an error in Section 6.2 which has led to additional equations in the case of g=sl_n and its minimal nilpotent element f more...
- Published
- 2013
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39. Some remarks on non-commutative principal ideal rings
- Author
Carpentier, Sylvain, De Sole, Alberto, and Kac, Victor G.
- Subjects
Mathematics - Rings and Algebras ,Mathematical Physics ,Nonlinear Sciences - Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems ,16P40 (Primary) 16S32, 13N10 (Secondary) - Abstract
We prove some algebraic results on the ring of matrix differential operators over a differential field in the generality of non-commutative principal ideal rings. These results are used in the theory of non-local Poisson structures., Comment: 4 pages more...
- Published
- 2013
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40. A new approach to the Lenard-Magri scheme of integrability
- Author
De Sole, Alberto, Kac, Victor G., and Turhan, Refik
- Subjects
Mathematical Physics ,Mathematics - Rings and Algebras ,Mathematics - Representation Theory ,Nonlinear Sciences - Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems ,37K10 (Primary) 35Q53, 17B80, 17B69, 37K30, 17B63 (Secondary) - Abstract
We develop a new approach to the Lenard-Magri scheme of integrability of bi-Hamiltonian PDE's, when one of the Poisson structures is a strongly skew-adjoint differential operator., Comment: 20 pages more...
- Published
- 2013
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41. Non-local Poisson structures and applications to the theory of integrable systems
- Author
De Sole, Alberto and Kac, Victor G.
- Subjects
Mathematical Physics ,Mathematics - Rings and Algebras ,Mathematics - Representation Theory ,Nonlinear Sciences - Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems ,37K10 (Primary) 35Q53, 17B80, 17B69, 37K30, 17B63 (Secondary) - Abstract
We develop a rigorous theory of non-local Poisson structures, built on the notion of a non-local Poisson vertex algebra. As an application, we find conditions that guarantee applicability of the Lenard-Magri scheme of integrability to a pair of compatible non-local Poisson structures. We apply this scheme to several such pairs, proving thereby integrability of various evolution equations, as well as hyperbolic equations., Comment: 120 pages. This paper is an edited version of the merger of the two papers with archive numbers arXiv:1210.1688 and arXiv:1211.2391. Version 2: minor corrections. Added keywords and MSC codes. To appear in the Japanese Journal of Mathematics more...
- Published
- 2013
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42. Non-local Poisson structures and applications to the theory of integrable systems II
- Author
De Sole, Alberto and Kac, Victor G.
- Subjects
Mathematical Physics ,Mathematics - Rings and Algebras ,Mathematics - Representation Theory ,37K10 (Primary) 35Q53, 17B80, 17B69, 37K30, 17B63 (Secondary) - Abstract
We develop further the Lenard-Magri scheme of integrability for a pair of compatible non-local Poisson structures, which we discussed in Part I. We apply this scheme to several such pairs, proving thereby integrability of various evolution equations, as well as hyperbolic equations. Some of these equations may be new., Comment: 55 pages more...
- Published
- 2012
43. Non-local Hamiltonian structures and applications to the theory of integrable systems I
- Author
De Sole, Alberto and Kac, Victor G.
- Subjects
Mathematical Physics ,Mathematics - Rings and Algebras ,Mathematics - Representation Theory ,37K10 (Primary) 35Q53, 17B80, 17B69, 37K30, 17B63 (Secondary) - Abstract
We develop a rigorous theory of non-local Hamiltonian structures, built on the notion of a non-local Poisson vertex algebra. As an application, we find conditions that guarantee applicability of the Lenard-Magri scheme of integrability to a pair of compatible non-local Hamiltonian structures., Comment: 55 pages more...
- Published
- 2012
44. Classical W-algebras and generalized Drinfeld-Sokolov bi-Hamiltonian systems within the theory of Poisson vertex algebras
- Author
De Sole, Alberto, Kac, Victor G., and Valeri, Daniele
- Subjects
Mathematical Physics ,Mathematics - Rings and Algebras ,Mathematics - Representation Theory ,Nonlinear Sciences - Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems ,35Q53 (Primary) 37K10, 17B80, 17B69, 37K30 (Secondary) - Abstract
We provide a description of the Drinfeld-Sokolov Hamiltonian reduction for the construction of classical W-algebras within the framework of Poisson vertex algebras. In this context, the gauge group action on the phase space is translated in terms of (the exponential of) a Lie conformal algebra action on the space of functions. Following the ideas of Drinfeld and Sokolov, we then establish under certain sufficient conditions the applicability of the Lenard-Magri scheme of integrability and the existence of the corresponding integrable hierarchy of bi-Hamiltonian equations., Comment: 43 pages. Last version with minor editing and corrections more...
- Published
- 2012
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45. Rational matrix pseudodifferential operators
- Author
Carpentier, Sylvain, De Sole, Alberto, and Kac, Victor G.
- Subjects
Mathematics - Rings and Algebras ,Mathematical Physics ,Nonlinear Sciences - Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems ,35S05 (Primary) 16S32, 13N10 (Secondary) - Abstract
The skewfield K(d) of rational pseudodifferential operators over a differential field K is the skewfield of fractions of the algebra of differential operators K[d]. In our previous paper we showed that any H from K(d) has a minimal fractional decomposition H=AB^(-1), where A,B are elements of K[d], B is non-zero, and any common right divisor of A and B is a non-zero element of K. Moreover, any right fractional decomposition of H is obtained by multiplying A and B on the right by the same non-zero element of K[d]. In the present paper we study the ring M_n(K(d)) of nxn matrices over the skewfield K(d). We show that similarly, any H from M_n(K(d)) has a minimal fractional decomposition H=AB^(-1), where A,B are elements of M_n(K[d]), B is non-degenerate, and any common right divisor of A and B is an invertible element of the ring M_n(K[d]). Moreover, any right fractional decomposition of H is obtained by multiplying A and B on the right by the same non-degenerate element of M_n(K [d]). We give several equivalent definitions of the minimal fractional decomposition. These results are applied to the study of maximal isotropicity property, used in the theory of Dirac structures., Comment: 20 pages more...
- Published
- 2012
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46. Some algebraic properties of differential operators
- Author
Carpentier, Sylvain, De Sole, Alberto, and Kac, Victor G.
- Subjects
Mathematics - Rings and Algebras ,Mathematical Physics ,Nonlinear Sciences - Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems - Abstract
First, we study the subskewfield of rational pseudodifferential operators over a differential field K generated in the skewfield of pseudodifferential operators over K by the subalgebra of all differential operators. Second, we show that the Dieudonne' determinant of a matrix pseudodifferential operator with coefficients in a differential subring A of K lies in the integral closure of A in K, and we give an example of a 2x2 matrix differential operator with coefficients in A whose Dieudonne' determiant does not lie in A., Comment: 15 pages more...
- Published
- 2012
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47. Essential variational Poisson cohomology
- Author
De Sole, Alberto and Kac, Victor G.
- Subjects
Mathematical Physics ,Mathematics - Representation Theory ,Nonlinear Sciences - Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems ,37K10 (Primary) 37K30, 17B80 (Secondary) - Abstract
In our recent paper [DSK11] we computed the dimension of the variational Poisson cohomology for any quasiconstant coefficient matrix differential operator K of arbitrary order with invertible leading coefficient, provided that the algebra of differential functions is normal and is an algebra over a linearly closed differential field. In the present paper we show that, for K skewadjoint, this cohomology, viewed as a Z-graded Lie superalgebra, is isomorphic to the finite dimensional Lie superalgebra of Hamiltonian vector fields over a Grassman algebra. We also prove that the subalgebra of `essential' variational Poisson cohomology, consisting of classes vanishing on the Casimirs of K, is zero. This vanishing result has applications to the theory of bi-Hamiltonian structures and their deformations. At the end of the paper we consider also the translation invariant case., Comment: 30 pages more...
- Published
- 2011
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48. The variational Poisson cohomology
- Author
De Sole, Alberto and Kac, Victor G.
- Subjects
Mathematical Physics ,Mathematics - Representation Theory ,Nonlinear Sciences - Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems ,37K10 (Primary) 37K30, 17B80 (Secondary) 37K10 (Primary) 37K30, 17B80 (Secondary) 37K10 (Primary) 37K30, 17B80 (Secondary) - Abstract
It is well known that the validity of the so called Lenard-Magri scheme of integrability of a bi-Hamiltonian PDE can be established if one has some precise information on the corresponding 1st variational Poisson cohomology for one of the two Hamiltonian operators. In the first part of the paper we explain how to introduce various cohomology complexes, including Lie superalgebra and Poisson cohomology complexes, and basic and reduced Lie conformal algebra and Poisson vertex algebra cohomology complexes, by making use of the corresponding universal Lie superalebra or Lie conformal superalgebra. The most relevant are certain subcomplexes of the basic and reduced Poisson vertex algebra cohomology complexes, which we identify (non-canonically) with the generalized de Rham complex and the generalized variational complex. In the second part of the paper we compute the cohomology of the generalized de Rham complex, and, via a detailed study of the long exact sequence, we compute the cohomology of the generalized variational complex for any quasiconstant coefficient Hamiltonian operator with invertible leading coefficient. For the latter we use some differential linear algebra developed in the Appendix., Comment: 130 pages, revised version with minor changes following the referee's suggestions more...
- Published
- 2011
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49. Calculus structure on the Lie conformal algebra complex and the variational complex
- Author
De Sole, Alberto, Hekmati, Pedram, and Kac, Victor
- Subjects
Mathematics - Rings and Algebras ,Mathematical Physics ,Mathematics - Quantum Algebra ,Nonlinear Sciences - Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems ,17B69 - Abstract
We construct a calculus structure on the Lie conformal algebra cochain complex. By restricting to degree one chains, we recover the structure of a g-complex introduced in [DSK]. A special case of this construction is the variational calculus, for which we provide explicit formulas., Comment: 42 pages more...
- Published
- 2010
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50. Lagrangian phase transitions in nonequilibrium thermodynamic systems
- Author
Bertini, L., De Sole, A., Gabrielli, D., Jona-Lasinio, G., and Landim, C.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Statistical Mechanics - Abstract
In previous papers we have introduced a natural nonequilibrium free energy by considering the functional describing the large fluctuations of stationary nonequilibrium states. While in equilibrium this functional is always convex, in nonequilibrium this is not necessarily the case. We show that in nonequilibrium a new type of singularities can appear that are interpreted as phase transitions. In particular, this phenomenon occurs for the one-dimensional boundary driven weakly asymmetric exclusion process when the drift due to the external field is opposite to the one due to the external reservoirs, and strong enough., Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures more...
- Published
- 2010
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