Diplomsko delo z naslovom Splavarjenje v zgornji Dravski dolini skozi prizmo osnovnošolskih predmetov »Naravoslovje in tehnika« ter »Družba« je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega, empiričnega in praktičnega dela. V teoretičnem delu so povzete glavne geografske značilnosti Dravske doline, prav tako teoretični del opredeljuje splavarjenje, njegove značilnosti in zgodovino splavarjenja. Poleg naštetega sta podrobneje predstavljena še predmeta naravoslovje in tehnika ter družba, predvsem cilji in vsebine, povezane s splavarjenjem. V empiričnem delu smo ugotavljali, v kolikšni meri učenci, če sploh, poznajo splavarjenje. Pri tem so nas zanimale razlike med učenci v spolu, starosti in lokaciji šole. Uporabljena je bila deskriptivno in kavzalno-neeksperimentalna metoda empiričnega raziskovanja. Uporabljeni so bili anketni vprašalniki za 492 učencev. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da učenci splavarjenje sicer poznajo, vendar prihaja do večjih razlik glede na starost učencev, saj so se petošolci pri odgovarjanju na vprašanja mnogo bolje odrezali kot četrtošolci. Prav tako smo v raziskavi ugotovili, da prihaja do razlik glede na lokacijo šole. Učencem osnovnih šol, ki so locirane višje v zgornji Dravski dolini, je splavarjenje bolj poznano kot učencem nižje lociranih osnovnih šol. Izkazalo se je, da učenci še vedno pogosto prvič za splavarjenje slišijo doma, bodisi od svojih staršev, starih staršev ali prijateljev. V praktičnem delu je predstavljen izvedbeni model naravoslovnega dne za učence petih razredov, ki bi jim približal tradicijo splavarjenja. Naravoslovni dan bi bil izveden v turistični vasici Javnik, kjer bi si učenci ogledali splavarski muzej in se skupaj s flosarji podali na pravo flosarsko rajžo po reki Dravi. The present diploma thesis titled ´Rafting Trade in the Upper Valley of the River Drava through the Prism of the Primary School Subjects ˝Natural Science and Technique ˝ and ˝Society Reasoning˝´ , consists of a theoretical, an empirical and a practical section. In the theoretical section, the main geographical characteristics of the Valley of the River Drava have been summarized: The Rafting Trade, along with its history has been presented thus: From the point of view of the rafting trade, the purpose and syllabus of the primary school subjects ˝Natural Science and Technique ˝ and ˝Society Reasoning˝ have also been considered. The empirical section is an analysis of, whether or how much the pupils know about the rafting trade interestingly are, in this case, the sex, age and school location differences. The descriptive, causal and non experimental methods of empirical research being based on survey sheets for 492 pupils. The results show that the pupils basically know the rafting trade, but there are significant age differences: the fifth year pupils responded to the questions much better than those in the fourth year. There are additional changes concerning school location: the pupils of primary schools located in the upper areas of the River Drava Valley, have a much better knowledge about the rafting trade, than those whose schools’ location is further down in the Valley. Also interestingly is the ascertainment, that the first information about the rafting trade is often received at home, usually passed on by parents, grandparents or friends. The practical section of the thesis is a presentation of how a Natural Science Day for the fifth year pupils should be organized in order to revive the rafting trade tradition. Such a day ought to take place in the Village of Javnik where the Rafting Trade Museum visit might be followed by a float trip under professional supervision of the rafting traders themselves.