This study, proposes a new lateral load resisting system for high-rise (Reinforced Concrete) RC frames, which includes friction damper-superelastic SMA wires. The proposed SMA-friction damper can not only regulate the mechanism of frictional energy dissipation components with its self-centering SMA wires according to the design method based on the proposed performance, which is able to provide a hysteretic behavior and high self-centering capacity with the lowest SMA consumption but also has some advantages such as simple configuration and economic application. In this paper, two high-rise 18 and 22-story RC frames were designed in two design modes of common and with the proposed damper. The nonlinear time history analysis subjected to 10 far-field earthquakes performed in Opensees software. The results of the analyses showed that using the proposed SMA-friction damper, in addition to the effective increase in ductility, lateral stiffness and lateral strength, provided an excellent self-centering capacity, which resulted to the significant reduction in the maximum drift and the residual deformations in the structure. more...