Trulež plodova pitomog kestena uzrokovana parazitskim gljivama može predstavljati značajan problem u plantažnoj proizvodnji te kulture. Tijekom 2018. godine, jaka pojava truleži plodova kestena zabilježena je u mješovitoj plantaži pitomog kestena i oraha u okolici Našica. U nasadu je sakupljeno 78 plodova (sorte Bouche de Betizac, Marsol i Maraval), među kojima su laboratorijskim pregledom u njih 63 utvrđeni simptomi truleži jezgre. Iz svih simptomatičnih plodova izolirane su gljive. Kombiniranom identifikacijom na temelju morfologije i analize sekvenci ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 ribosomske DNA, gljive iz simptomatičnih plodova determinirane su kao Gnomoniopsis smithogilvyi, Neofusicoccum parvum, Botryosphaeria dothidea, Diaporthe eres i Fusarium proliferatum. Vrsta G. smithogilvyi utvrđena je u 47 od 63 ploda (75 %), nakon koje su po zastupljenosti slijedile B. dothidea (11/63 ploda, 17 %), N. parvum (10/63 ploda, 16 %), D. eres (3/63 ploda, 5 %) i Fusarium sp. (1/63 ploda, 1,6 %). U 45 plodova utvrđena je samo jedna vrsta gljive, po dvije vrste nađene su u 11 plodova, a po tri vrste gljive u sedam plodova. Sve gljive utvrđene su na plodovima pitomog kestena u Hrvatskoj po prvi puta. Među njima ističe se prvi nalaz G. smithogilvyi, patogena koji u proteklih nekoliko godina uzrokuje velike štete na plodovima kestena u Europi., Nut rot caused by pathogenic fungi can represent a significant problem in sweet chestnut production. During 2018, a severe occurrence of nut rot in sweet chestnut was recorded in a mixed chestnut-walnut orchard near Našice in Eastern Croatia. Seventy-eight nuts (cvs. Bouche de Betizac, Marsol and Maraval) were collected and inspected in laboratory. Rot symptoms were detected in 63 nuts. Fungi were isolated from all symptomatic nuts. By combining morphological identification and analysis of ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 ribosomal DNA sequences, fungi were identified as Gnomoniopsis smithogilvyi, Neofusicoccum parvum, Botryosphaeria dothidea, Diaporthe eres and Fusarium proliferatum. Species G. smithogilvyi was found in the highest incidence, in 47 out of 63 nuts (75 %), followed by B. dothidea (11/63 nuts, 17 %), N. parvum (10/63 nuts, 16 %), D. eres (3/63 nuts, 5 %) and Fusarium sp. (1/63 nuts, 1.6 %). A single fungal species was recorded in 45 nuts, while mixed infections of two species or three species were recorded in 11 and seven nuts, respectively. All fungi were found on sweet chestnut for the first time in Croatia. A record of G. smithogilvyi is especially relevant, as this species has been reported to have caused extensive damage in sweet chestnut production in Europe in the last years.