It is stressed that the child with it’s dynamic and progressive course in which all the processes of maturing and growth are performed, is always possible to have some declines, obstacles and impairments, which can be bio-psycho-neuro social or of some other nature.It has been said that the children with developmental difficulties discover their handicap when they acknowledge the world of the others and the attitude of the children according to their handicap is in great deal dictated by the parent’s attitude, in their close and far environment, that leads in the sphere of establishment of common conflicts.In our paper we try to make a lot of questions and dilemmas related to treatment of children with developmental difficulties such as: time of starting the treatment, kind and adequate organization and educational preparedness of services that enable support of these children, specialist’s attitudes and their motivation to work with these children, attitudes and active engagement of the society for the place of the treatment of these children in the social environment or in institutions etc.A long scale of modern therapeutic proceedings is shown, which are included in the work with children with developmental difficulties and the work with their parents. Through a table report we give the information from our environment, for the time when the treatment is started and the conclusion is: because of different causes, the largest range of children with developmental difficulties is before they enroll at school (experience of the institute for mental health of children and adolescents in Skopje and the Institute for rehabilitation of hearing, speech and voice in Skopje).The advantage of the early treatment is also stressed, for the children with developmental difficulties, in an open social environment opposite to hospital cure. The priority is given to the patronage treatment and treatment in conditions of day hospitals and centers for day stay. Taking into consideration the multifactorial etiology in the handicap of the children with developmental difficulties, the need of multidimensional approach in the treatment should be stressed, that should be provided by a team of specialists, well educated and motivated to work on this problem. We stress the need for integration of these children in the preschool institutions, where a team of defectologist, reeducator is involved, to escape some psychosocial consequences and to provide successful preparation of the children for the upbringing and educational process. The needs for more systematic organized work and cooperation, as for the need of the only doctrine and legislative regulative, to achieve united methodology of work and to supply the needed professional staff and usage of aims and provisions on this field.