25 results on '"Dammaro C"'
Search Results
2. Cholécystectomie par minilaparoscopie en routine : résultats chez 200 patients
- Author
Dammaro, C., Tranchart, H., Gaillard, M., Debelmas, A., Ferretti, S., Lainas, P., and Dagher, I.
- Published
- 2017
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3. Inequalities in screening policies and perioperative protection for patients with acute appendicitis during the pandemic: Subanalysis of the ACIE Appy study
- Author
Pellino, G., Podda, M., Pata, F., Di Saverio, S., Ielpo, B., Caruso, R., Gravante, G., Orengia, A., Chowdary, A., Kulkarni, A., Kuvvetli, A., Navarro, A., Smith, A., Ibiricu, A. C., Nacion, A. J. D., Alsaleh, A., Alhazmi, A., Elmabri, A., Wani, A., Rencuzogullari, A., Lasarte, A. S., Rubio, A. V., Bavikatte, A., Kumar, A., Jamiri, A. -R., Padilla, A. M. A., Cacurri, A., de San Ildefonso, A., Porcu, A., Sartori, A., Rocca, A., Paz Yanez, A., Becaria, A., Solis-Pena, A., Sretenovic, A., Urbistondo, A., Bandin, A., Najar, A., De Luca, A., Boddy, A., Charalabopoulos, A., Tzivanakis, A., Amendola, A., de Velasco, A. R. -G., Yildirim, A. C., Frontali, A., Toure, A. O., Garcia-Granero, A., Martinez Roldan, A., Larrainzar, A. S., Ratnayake, A. S., Gonzalez-Ganso, A. M., Minaya-Bravo, A. M., Das, A., Bondurri, A., Costanzi, A., Lucchi, A., Mazzari, A., Musig, A., Peloso, A., Piano, A., Police, A., Mihailescu, A., Pouy, A., Romano, A., Iossa, A., Leonetti, A. C., Guariniello, A., Isaac, A., Bovi, A. P. D., Chessa, A., Tromba, A., Martinez, A. A., Brillantino, A., Caira, A., Castaldi, A., Ferronetti, A., Giuliani, A., Prestera, A., Ramos-De la Medina, A., Tarasconi, A., Tornambe, A., Picciariello, A., Ioannidis, A., Leppaniemi, A., Khan, A., Rashid, A., Perez-Sanchez, A. L. E., Mittal, A., Mitul, A. R., Mehraj, A., Laharwal, A., Dorisme, A., Marinis, A., Iqbal, A., Moncada, A., Braccio, B., Alkhafaji, B., de Andres Asenjo, B., Martin-Perez, B., De Simone, B., Perez, B. S., Creavin, B., Cali, B., Pascotto, B., Stubbs, B., Retes, B. Z., Jovanovic, B., Goh, B. K. P., Sensi, B., Biddau, C., Gazia, C., Vallicelli, C., Fagundes, C. A., Santacruz, C. C., Chirico, C., Diaz, C. J. G., Petrola, C., Rodriguez, C. S., Benitez, C. Y., Dammaro, C., Lo Faro, C., Reinke, C., Paez, C. D., Oliva, C., Paranjape, C., Thomas, C., Chia, C. F., Kong, C. K., De Lucia, C., Chao, C. O., Arcudi, C., Guerci, C., Chia, C., Parise, C., Folliero, C., Varela, C., Ferguson, D. M., Camacho, D., Popowich, D., Lima, D. S., Rega, D., Delogu, D., Zigiotto, D., Vinci, D., D'Antonio, D., Parini, D., Merlini, D. A., Zimmerman, D. D. E., Moro-Valdezate, D., Pertile, D., Giusti, D. M., Keller, D. S., Tarik, D., Kalivaci, D., Mazingi, D., Maldonado-Pintado, D. G., Sasia, D., Linardoutsos, D., Osilli, D., Murrone, D., Russello, D., Rodas, E., Roa, E. A. A., Ricciardi, E., Rosso, E., Saladino, E., Flores-Villalba, E., Ajs, E. R., Smith-Singares, E., Baili, E., Kouroumpas, E., Bourmpouteli, E., Douka, E., Martin-Perez, E., Guaitoli, E., Samadov, E., Francone, E., Vaterlini, E., Morales, E., Pena, E., Zhao, E., Del Pozo Andres, E., Benzoni, E., Erdas, E., Pinotti, E., Colas-Ruiz, E., Aytac, E., Laterza, E., Agastra, E., Foianini, E., Moscoso, E., Laviano, E., Marra, E., Cardamone, E., Licardie, E., Mpaili, E., Pinna, E., Varo, E., Navarro, F. M., Marino, F., Medas, F., Romano, F., Maraska, F., Saliu, F., Madrid, F., Rosa, F., Mastella, F., Gheza, F., Luvisetto, F., Alconchel, F., Vieira, F. M., Pareja, F., Agresta, F., Luna, F., Bonilla, F., Cordera, F., Burdio, F., Mendoza-Moreno, F., Flores, F. M., Aranda, F. P., Taylor, F., Ramos, F. L., Fernandes, F., Tropeano, F. P., Balestra, F., Bianco, F., Ceci, F., Colombo, F., Di Marzo, F., Ferrara, F., Lancellotti, F., Lazzarin, F., Litta, F., Martini, F., Pizza, F., Roscio, F., Virdis, F., Antona, F. B., Ramirez, F. C., Fernandez, F. M., Llinares, F. O., Quezada, F., Schlottmann, F., Herrera-Almario, G., Massaferro, G., Bislenghi, G., van Ramshorst, G., Gallo, G., Luglio, G., Bointas, G., Kampouroglou, G., Papadopoulos, G., Manrique, G. A., Calini, G., Nastri, G., Formisano, G., Galiffa, G., Palini, G. M., Colucci, G., Pagano, G., Vanni, G., Pattacini, G. C., De Paola, G., Lisi, G., Partida, G., Bellanova, G., De Nobili, G., Necchi, G. S., Sinibaldi, G., Tebala, G., Bagaglini, G., Izzo, G., Argenio, G., Brisinda, G., Candilio, G., Di Grezia, G., Esposito, G., Faillace, G., Frazzetta, G., La Gumina, G., Nigri, G., Romeo, G., Amatriain, G. C., Ortega, G., Martin-Martin, G., Stavrou, G. A., Gunadi, Ugon, G. A., Machain, G., Marcucci, G., Martinez-Mier, G., Machain, G. M., Nari, G., Calvo, H., Fathy, H., Hamilton, Ahmed, H., Faraj, H., Nava, H., Macias, H. O., Nikaj, H., Solano, H., Khan, H. A., Alarcon, H. S., Ebied, H., Giani, I., Ateca, I. V., Neri, I., San Roman, I. A., Fidoshev, I., Rodriguez, I. M., Negoi, I., Ortega, I., Bernescu, I., Russo, I. S., Rodriguez, I. V., Palomares, I., Baltazar, I., Torrejimeno, I. J., Jurado, I. M. C., Reccia, I., Hussain, I., Toledo, I. B., Mora-Guzman, I., al-Najami, I., Dogaru, I., Romic, I., Balciscueta, I., Kenington, J. C., Sagolsem, J., Jang, J. Y., Olivier, J., Lammel-Lindemann, J., Dziakova, J., Villavicencio, J. I. R., Salinas, J., Pejanovic, J., Parreira, J. G., Perez, J. R., Reyes, J. A. S., Luque, J. A. M., Mak, J., Rodriguez, J. S., Kok, J. H. H., Krook, J., Diaz-Elizondo, J. A., Castell, J., Garcia-Flores, J. E., Navalon, J. M. J., Rodrigues, J. M. S., Pinto, J. P., Gomez, J. T. C., Luque, J. B., del Olmo, J. C. M., Salamea, J. C., Olivier, J. F. C., Laina, J. L. B., Ordonez, J. M., Gutierrez, J., Abba, J., Sofi, J. A., Sherafgan, K., Sahnan, K., Yanaga, K., Beatson, K., Asim, L., Alvarez, L., Siragusa, L., Farber, L., Ong, L., Athanasios, L., Garcia-Bruna, L., De Martino, L., Ferrario, L., Giordano, L., Gordini, L., Pio, L., Ponchietti, L., Moletta, L., Curella, L., Poggi, L., Taglietti, L., Bonavina, L., Conti, L., Goffredi, L., Ruiz, L. A. G., Barrionuevo, L., Fregoso, L. E., Cabrera, L. F., Rodriguez, L. G., Grande, L., Osoria, L. G., Gonzalez, L. J. K., Sanchez-Guillen, L., Tallon-Aguilar, L., Tresierra, L., Giavarini, L., Hasabelnabi, M., Odovic, M., Uemura, M., Khan, M., Artiles-Armas, M., David, M., Di Martino, M., Spampinato, M. G., Ribeiro, M. A. F., Viola, M., Angrisani, M., Calussi, M., Cannistra, M., Catarci, M., Cereda, M., Conte, M., Giordano, M., Pellicciaro, M., Marino, M. V., Vaterlini, M. E., Jimenez, M. F., Lolli, M. G., Bellini, M. I., Lemma, M., Chiarello, M. M., Nicola, M., Arrigo, M., Mejia, M. C., Manrique, M. M., Rodriguez-Lopez, M., Serradilla-Martin, M., Lara, M. Z., Martinez, M., Bagnall, M., Peter, M., Lara, M. C., Gomez, M. J., Paniagua-Garcia-Senorans, M., Gonzalez, M. P., Rutegard, M., Salo, M., Franceschilli, M., Silveri, M., Veroux, M., Pezzulo, M., Nardi, M., Rottoli, M., Tolonen, M., Ciro, M. P., Zuluagua, M., Cannavo, M., Cervellera, M., Iacobone, M., Montuori, M., Dominguez, M. G., Bingol-Kologlu, M., Tahir, M., Lim, M., Wilson, M. S. J., Wilson, M., Campanelli, M., Bisaccia, M., De Rosa, M., Maruccia, M., Paterno, M., Pisano, M., Torre, M., Trevino, M., Zuolo, M., Bartolome, M. A. H., Farina, M., Pera, M., Calvo, M. P., Sotelo, M., Thway, M. M., Hassan, M., Hassan, M. S. E., Azfar, M., Bouhuwaish, M., Taha, M., Zaieem, M., Korkoman, M., Guraieb, M., Shalaby, M., Raza, M. A., Younis, M. U., Elhadi, M., Zulfiqar Ali, M., Quazi, N., Dudi-Venkata, N. N., Alselaim, N., Loria, N., Ramirez, N. V., Win Than, N., Smart, N., Trelles, N., Pinto, N., Allievi, N., Petrucciani, N., Antonacci, N., Cillara, N., De'Angelis, N., Gica, N., Nicolaescu, D. C., Krystek, N., Falco, N., Pecorelli, N., Tamini, N., Dallas, N. A., Machairas, N., Brito, N., Fieturi, N. A., Ortega, N., Mercado, O. A., Irkorucu, O., Alsherif, O., Valles, O., Ioannidis, O., Palmas, O. H., Palmas, O. I. H., Guadarrama, O. S., Bozbiyik, O., Omelanczuk, P., Ottolino, P., Rodrigues, P., Ruiz, P., Campenni, P., Chiarade, P., Olivares, P. P., Baroffio, P., Panaccio, P., Wintringer, P., Di Fronzo, P., Talento, P., Favoriti, P., Sendino, P., Marsanic, P., Mifsut, P., Andrade, P., Ajawin, P., Abadia-Barno, P., Castaneda, P. A. N., Arevalos, P. O. S., Bellver, P. P., Koh, P. S., Souza, P., Major, P., Bali, R. S., Khattar, R. M., Lui, R., Melo, R. B., Ebrahiminia, R., Azar, R., Murga, R. L., Pirolo, R., Brady, R., Davies, R. J., Dholakia, R., Rattan, R., Singhal, R., Lim, R., Angelico, R., Isernia, R. M., Tutino, R., Faccincani, R., Peltrini, R., Carrera-Ceron, R., Tejos, R., Kashyap, R., Fajardo, R., Lozito, R., Pareja, R. M., Garbarino, S., Morales-Conde, S., Benli, S., Mansour, S., Flores, S., Suarez, S. L., Lopez, B. S., Fuentes, S., de las Casas, S. G., Napetti, S., de Guzman, S. O., Awad, S., Lujan, S. A. W., Gentilli, S., Grimaldi, S., Pizarro, S. O., Tayar, S., Nabi, S., Chan, S. M., Junaid, S., Rojas, S., Monetti, S., Garcia, S., Salvans, S., Tenconi, S., Shaw, S., Santoni, S., Parra, S. A., Cardenas, S., Perez-Bertolez, S., Chiappetta, S., Dessureault, S., Delis, S., Bonapasta, S. A., Rausei, S., Scaringi, S., Keswani, S., Ali, S. M., Cetinkunar, S., Fung, T. L. D., Rawashdeh, T., Lopez, T. N., De Campos, T., Duque, T. C., Perra, T., Liakakos, T., Daskalakis, T., Barnes, T., Koeter, T., Zalla, T., Gonzalez, T. E., Elosua, T., Campagnaro, T., Brown, T., Luoto, T., Oumar, T. A., Giustizieri, U., Grossi, U., Bracale, U., Rivas, U., Sosa, V., Testa, V., Andriola, V., Tonini, V., Balassone, V., Celentano, V., Progno, V., Raju, V., Carroni, V., Cavallaro, V., Rao Katta, V., De Simone, V., Primo Romaguera, V., Garcia Orozco, V., Luraschi, V., Rachkov, V., Turrado-Rodriguez, V., Visag-Castillo, V., Dowling, V., Graham, V., Papagni, V., Vigorita, V., Fonseca, V. C., Carneros, V. J., Bellato, V., Goncalves, W., Powers, W. F., Grigg, W., Bechstein, W. O., Lim, Y. B., Altinel, Y., Golubovic, Z., Balciscueta, Z., Ielpo, B, Podda, M, Pellino, G, Pata, F, Caruso, R, Gravante, G, Di Saverio, S, Orengia, A, Chowdary, A, Kulkarni, A, Kuvvetli, A, Navarro, A, Smith, A, Cavero Ibiricu, A, D Nacion, A J, Alsaleh, A, Alhazmi, A, Elmabri, A, Wani, A, Rencuzogullari, A, Sarriugarte Lasarte, A, Valle Rubio, A, Bavikatte, A, Kumar, A, Jamiri, A-R, M Alvarado Padilla, A, Cacurri, A, de San Ildefonso, A, Porcu, A, Sartori, A, Rocca, A, Paz Yáñez, A, Becaria, A, Solís-Peña, A, Sretenović, A, Urbistondo, A, Bandin, A, Najar, A, De Luca, A, Boddy, A, Charalabopoulos, A, Tzivanakis, A, Amendola, A, Ramirez-Gutierrez de Velasco, A, Cihat Yildirim, A, Frontali, A, O Toure, A, García-Granero, A, Martínez Roldan, A, Sanz Larrainzar, A, Sanjiva Ratnayake, A, M Gonzalez-Ganso, A, M Minaya-Bravo, A, Das, A, Bondurri, A, Costanzi, A, Lucchi, A, Mazzari, A, Musig, A, Peloso, A, Piano, A, Police, A, Mihailescu, A, Pouy, A, Romano, A, Iossa, A, C Leonetti, A, Guariniello, A, Isaac, A, P Delli Bovi, A, Chessa, A, Tromba, A, Álvarez Martínez, A, Brillantino, A, Caira, A, Castaldi, A, Ferronetti, A, Giuliani, A, Prestera, A, Ramos-De la Medina, A, Tarasconi, A, Tornambè, A, Picciariello, A, Ioannidis, A, Leppäniemi, A, Khan, A, Rashid, A, E Pérez-Sánchez, A L, Mittal, A, Rahman Mitul, A, Mehraj, A, Laharwal, A, Dorismé, A, Marinis, A, Iqbal, A, Moncada, A, Braccio, B, Alkhafaji, B, de Andrés Asenjo, B, Martin-Perez, B, De Simone, B, Sánchez Pérez, B, Creavin, B, Calì, B, Pascotto, B, Stubbs, B, Zavala Retes, B, Jovanovic, B, P Goh, B K, Sensi, B, Biddau, C, Gazia, C, Vallicelli, C, A Fagundes, C, Cerdán Santacruz, C, Chirico, C, J Gómez Díaz, C, Petrola, C, Sánchez Rodriguez, C, Yánez Benítez, C, Dammaro, C, Lo Faro, C, Reinke, C, Dominguez Paez, C, Oliva, C, Paranjape, C, Thomas, C, Fung Chia, C, Kwan Kong, C, De Lucia, C, Ovalle Chao, C, Arcudi, C, Guerci, C, Chia, C, Parise, C, Folliero, C, Varela, C, M Ferguson, D, Camacho, D, Popowich, D, Souza Lima, D, Rega, D, Delogu, D, Zigiotto, D, Vinci, D, D'Antonio, D, Parini, D, A Merlini, D, E Zimmerman, D D, Moro-Valdezate, D, Pertile, D, M Giusti, D, S Keller, D, Tarik, D, Kalivaçi, D, Mazingi, D, G Maldonado-Pintado, D, Sasia, D, Linardoutsos, D, Osilli, D, Murrone, D, Russello, D, Rodas, E, A Acuña Roa, E, Ricciardi, E, Rosso, E, Saladino, E, Flores-Villalba, E, Ruiz Ajs, E, Smith-Singares, E, Baili, E, Kouroumpas, E, Bourmpouteli, E, Douka, E, Martin-Perez, E, Guaitoli, E, Samadov, E, Francone, E, Vaterlini, E, Morales, E, Peña, E, Zhao, E, Del Pozo Andres, E, Benzoni, E, Erdas, E, Pinotti, E, Colás-Ruiz, E, Aytac, E, Laterza, E, Agastra, E, Foianini, E, Moscoso, E, Laviano, E, Marra, E, Cardamone, E, Licardie, E, Mpaili, E, Pinna, E, Varo, E, M Navarro, F, Marino, F, Medas, F, Romano, F, Maraska, F, Saliu, F, Madrid, F, Rosa, F, Mastella, F, Gheza, F, Luvisetto, F, Alconchel, F, Monge Vieira, F, Pareja, F, Agresta, F, Luna, F, Bonilla, F, Cordera, F, Burdió, F, Mendoza-Moreno, F, Muñoz Flores, F, Pardo Aranda, F, Taylor, F, L Ramos, F, Fernandes, F, P Tropeano, F, Balestra, F, Bianco, F, Ceci, F, Colombo, F, Di Marzo, F, Ferrara, F, Lancellotti, F, Lazzarin, F, Litta, F, Martini, F, Pizza, F, Roscio, F, Virdis, F, Blanco Antona, F, Cervantes Ramírez, F, M Fernandez, F, O Llinares, F, Quezada, F, Schlottmann, F, Herrera-Almario, G, Massaferro, G, Bislenghi, G, van Ramshorst, G, Gallo, G, Luglio, G, Bointas, G, Kampouroglou, G, Papadopoulos, G, Arredondo Manrique, G, Calini, G, Nastri, G, Formisano, G, Galiffa, G, M Palini, G, Colucci, G, Pagano, G, Vanni, G, Casoni Pattacini, G, De Paola, G, Lisi, G, Partida, G, Bellanova, G, De Nobili, G, Sammy Necchi, G, Sinibaldi, G, Tebala, G, Bagaglini, G, Izzo, G, Argenio, G, Brisinda, G, Candilio, G, Di Grezia, G, Esposito, G, Faillace, G, Frazzetta, G, La Gumina, G, Nigri, G, Romeo, G, Chocarro Amatriaín, G, Ortega, G, Martin-Martin, G, A Stavrou, G, Gunadi, G, Armand Ugon, G, Machain, G, Marcucci, G, Martínez-Mier, G, M Machain, G, Nari, G, Calvo, H, Fathy, H, Hamilton, H, Ahmed, H, Faraj, H, Nava, H, Ordas Macias, H, Nikaj, H, Solano, H, Ahmed Khan, H, Sánchez Alarcón, H, Ebied, H, Giani, I, Villalabeitia Ateca, I, Neri, I, A San Roman, I, Fidoshev, I, Martinez Rodriguez, I, Negoi, I, Ortega, I, Bernescu, I, Shari Russo, I, Vincente Rodríguez, I, Palomares, I, Baltazar, I, Jaén Torrejimeno, I, M Cornejo Jurado, I, Reccia, I, Hussain, I, Brito Toledo, I, Mora-Guzmán, I, Al-Najami, I, Dogaru, I, Romic, I, Balciscueta, I, C Kenington, J, Sagolsem, J, Y Jang, J, Olivier, J, Lammel-Lindemann, J, Dziakova, J, I Roldán Villavicencio, J, Salinas, J, Pejanovic Jose Gustavo Parreira, J, Rincón Pérez, J, S Reyes, J A, A Medina Luque, J, Mak, J, Salas Rodriguez, J, H Herrera Kok, J, Krook, J, A Diaz-Elizondo, J, Castell, J, Eduardo García-Flores, J, M Jover Navalón, J, M Silva Rodrigues, J, Pereira Pinto, J, T Castell Gómez, J, Bellido Luque, J, C Martín Del Olmo, J, C Salamea, J, F Coronel Olivier, J, L Blas Laina, J, M Ordoñez, J, Gutierrez, J, Abba, J, Ahmad Sofi, J, Sherafgan, K, Sahnan, K, Yanaga, K, Beatson, K, Asim, L, Alvarez, L, Siragusa, L, Farber, L, Ong, L, Athanasios, L, García-Bruña, L, De Martino, L, Ferrario, L, Giordano, L, Gordini, L, Pio, L, Ponchietti, L, Moletta, L, Curella, L, Poggi, L, Taglietti, L, Bonavina, L, Conti, L, Goffredi, L, A Garcia Ruiz, L, Barrionuevo, L, E Fregoso, L, F Cabrera, L, G Rodriguez, L, Grande, L, G Osoria, L, J Kantun Gonzalez, L, Sánchez-Guillén, L, Tallon-Aguilar, L, Tresierra, L, Giavarini, L, Hasabelnabi, M, Odovic, M, Uemura, M, Khan, M, Artiles-Armas, M, David, M, Di Martino, M, G Spampinato, M, F Ribeiro, M A, Viola, M, Angrisani, M, Calussi, M, Cannistrà, M, Catarci, M, Cereda, M, Conte, M, Giordano, M, Pellicciaro, M, Vito Marino, M, E Vaterlini, M, F Jiménez, M, G Lolli, M, I Bellini, M, Lemma, M, M Chiarello, M, Nicola, M, Arrigo, M, Caneda Mejia, M, Montes Manrique, M, Rodriguez-Lopez, M, Serradilla-Martín, M, Zambrano Lara, M, Martínez, M, Bagnall, M, Peter, M, Cañón Lara, M, Jimenez Gomez, M, Paniagua-Garcia-Señorans, M, Perez Gonzalez, M, Rutegård, M, Salö, M, Franceschilli, M, Silveri, M, Veroux, M, Pezzulo, M, Nardi, M, Rottoli, M, Tolonen, M, Pedraza Ciro, M, Zuluagua, M, Cannavò, M, Cervellera, M, Iacobone, M, Montuori, M, García Domínguez, M, Bingol-Kologlu, M, Tahir, M, Lim, M, J Wilson, M S, Wilson, M, Campanelli, M, Bisaccia, M, De Rosa, M, Maruccia, M, Paterno, M, Pisano, M, Torre, M, Treviño, M, Zuolo, M, A Hernandez Bartolome, M, Farina, M, Pera, M, Prieto Calvo, M, Sotelo, M, Myat Thway, M, Hassan, M, Salah Eldin Hassan, M, Azfar, M, Bouhuwaish, M, Taha, M, Zaieem, M, Korkoman, M, Guraieb, M, Shalaby, M, A Raza, M, U Younis, M, Elhadi, M, Zulfiqar Ali, M, Quazi, N, N Dudi-Venkata, N, Alselaim, N, Loria, N, Villan Ramírez, N, Win Than, N, Smart, N, Trelles, N, Pinto, N, Allievi, N, Petrucciani, N, Antonacci, N, Cillara, N, De'Angelis, N, Gica, N, C Nicolaescu, D, Krystek, N, Falco, N, Pecorelli, N, Tamini, N, A Dallas, N, Machairas, N, Brito, N, Ahmed Fieturi, N, Ortega, N, Avila Mercado, O, Irkorucu, O, Alsherif, O, Valles, O, Ioannidis, O, Hernández Palmas, O, I Hernandez Palmas, O, Sanz Guadarrama, O, Bozbiyik, O, Omelanczuk, P, Ottolino, P, Rodrigues, P, Ruiz, P, Campenni, P, Chiarade, P, Prieto Olivares, P, Baroffio, P, Panaccio, P, Wintringer, P, Di Fronzo, P, Talento, P, Favoriti, P, Sendino, P, Marsanic, P, Mifsut, P, Andrade, P, Ajawin, P, Abadía-Barnó, P, A Najar Castañeda, P, O Sillas Arevalos, P, Palazón Bellver, P, Soon Koh, P, Souza, P, Major, P, Singh Bali, R, Mohan Khattar, R, Lui, R, Bessa Melo, R, Ebrahiminia, R, Azar, R, López Murga, R, Pirolo, R, Brady, R, J Davies, R, Dholakia, R, Rattan, R, Singhal, R, Lim, R, Angelico, R, M Isernia, R, Tutino, R, Faccincani, R, Peltrini, R, Carrera-Ceron, R, Tejos, R, Kashyap, R, Fajardo, R, Lozito, R, Madariaga Pareja, R, Garbarino, S, Morales-Conde, S, Benli, S, Mansour, S, Flores, S, Limon Suarez, S, Santiago Lopez, B, Fuentes, S, Gortazar de Las Casas, S, Napetti, S, Ortiz de Guzmán, S, Awad, S, A Weckmann Luján, S, Gentilli, S, Grimaldi, S, Olivares Pizarro, S, Tayar, S, Nabi, S, M Chan, S, Junaid, S, Rojas, S, Monetti, S, García, S, Salvans, S, Tenconi, S, Shaw, S, Santoni, S, A Parra, S, Cárdenas, S, Pérez-Bertólez, S, Chiappetta, S, Dessureault, S, Delis, S, Amore Bonapasta, S, Rausei, S, Scaringi, S, Keswani, S, M Ali, S, Cetinkunar, S, D Fung, T L, Rawashdeh, T, N López, T, De Campos, T, Calderon Duque, T, Perra, T, Liakakos, T, Daskalakis, T, Barnes, T, Koëter, T, Zalla, T, E González, T, Elosua, T, Campagnaro, T, Brown, T, Luoto, T, Alpha Oumar, T, Giustizieri, U, Grossi, U, Bracale, U, Rivas, U, Sosa, V, Testa, V, Andriola, V, Tonini, V, Balassone, V, Celentano, V, Progno, V, Raju, V, Carroni, V, Cavallaro, V, Rao Katta, V, De Simone, V, Primo Romaguera, V, H García Orozco, V, Luraschi, V, Rachkov, V, Turrado-Rodriguez, V, Visag-Castillo, V, Dowling, V, Graham, V, Papagni, V, Vigorita, V, Cordeiro Fonseca, V, Jimenez Carneros, V, Bellato, V, Gonçalves, W, F Powers, W, Grigg, W, O Bechstein, W, B Lim, Y, Altinel, Y, Golubović, Z, Balciscueta, Z, Pellino G., Podda M., Pata F., Di Saverio S., Ielpo B, Rottoli M., and Tonini V.
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,COVID-19 ,Perioperative ,Appendicitis ,COVID-19 testing ,humans ,healthcare disparities ,mass screening ,perioperative care ,Perioperative Care ,Settore MED/18 - Chirurgia Generale ,Healthcare Disparitie ,COVID-19 Testing ,Pandemic ,Acute appendicitis ,medicine ,Humans ,Mass Screening ,Surgery ,Appendiciti ,Healthcare Disparities ,Intensive care medicine ,business ,Human - Abstract
Acute appendicitis remains a common reason for hospital admission. Reports have suggested a reduction in patients attending emergency departments during the acute phase of the SARSCoV- 2 pandemic. Moreover, a global surge in conservative management of acute appendicitis has recently been registered by the Appy Study of the Association of Italian Surgeons in Europe (ACIE)1. This is a treatment option that has been known for some years, although quite seldom used before the pandemic2–4. As most countries are experiencing new waves of the pandemic, the attitude of surgeons towards SARS-CoV-2 screening policies and personal protective equipment (PPE) used during the management of patients with acute appendicitis need to be established. According to a subanalysis of the ACIE Appy Study, half of surgeons globally were testing patients for SARS-CoV-2 only when symptomatic or there was suspicion of infection; approximately 12 per cent did not test patients at all (Fig. 1 and Table S1). There were regional differences. In Europe, respondents tested all patients (50.8 per cent) or those with suspected infection (43.9 per cent), with only 5.3 per cent not being tested at all. In the USA, the majority of participants only tested patients with a suspected infection (65.6 per cent). A similar picture of testing only those with a suspected infection was also reported from Latin America (57.2 per cent), Asia/Middle East (76.8 per cent), and Africa (41.7 per cent). Even more worrisome, 58.3 per cent of respondents from Africa and 27.6 per cent from Latin America were not testing patients at all before appendicectomy. Concerning the screening modality, most respondents used PCR alone or in combination with chest imaging. Serology was rarely used overall and never in Africa (Fig. 1 and Table S2 ). It is now accepted that chest imaging is not routinely required and that PCR is an accurate screening modality. Serology might, however, be useful to shed light on the disease course and previous exposure to the virus, but respondents from some countries still have restricted access to this test. In terms of PPE during appendicectomy, most African respondents did not use different PPE compared with the prepandemic period in patients who tested negative for COVID-19. More concerning is that 58.3 per cent did not use different PPE in untested patients. This differed from other regions where the rate of those not considering a change of PPE in untested patients did not exceed 22 per cent. One in 10 respondents from Latin America also reported that they were not using different PPE compared with the prepandemic phase in patients who tested positive for COVID-19. These data, and taking into account the high prevalence of acute appendicitis, leads to the conclusion that omission of routine patient screening may have contributed to local clusters among patients and threatened the safety of healthcare workers5. In this respect, it is likely that limited access to PPE explains the attitude of surgeons towards patients with unknown SARSCoV- 2 status or those infected, raising ethical concerns about the safety of surgical staff. It is of outmost importance that, even during challenging times and stress on economic stability, industrialized countries make efforts to sustain low-income countries and those with limited resources. This would ensure equal working conditions, safer treatment for patients with acute appendicitis, and better control of the pandemic
- Published
- 2021
4. Prédire la nécessité d’une prise en charge chirurgicale des occlusions du grêle sur bride sans critères de gravité : description d’un score clinicoradiologique innovant
- Author
Maraux, L., primary, Dammaro, C., additional, Gaillard, M., additional, Lainas, P., additional, Derienne, J., additional, Maitre, S., additional, Chague, P., additional, Rocher, L., additional, Dagher, I., additional, and Tranchart, H., additional
- Published
- 2021
- Full Text
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5. Global attitudes in the management of acute appendicitis during COVID-19 pandemic: ACIE Appy Study
- Author
Ielpo, B., Podda, M., Pellino, G., Pata, F., Caruso, R., Gravante, G., Di Saverio, S., Gallo, G., Lui, R., Orengia, A., Chowdary, A., Kulkarni, A., Kuvvetli, A., Navarro, A., Pisanu, A., Smith, A., Ibiricu, A. C., Nacion, A. J. D., Alsaleh, A., Alhazmi, A., Elmabri, A., Wani, A., Rencuzogullari, A., Lasarte, A. S., Rubio, A. V., Bavikatte, A., Kumar, A., Jamiri, A. -R., Padilla, A. M. A., Cacurri, A., de San Ildefonso, A., Porcu, A., Sartori, A., Rocca, A., Yanez, A. P., Becaria, A., Solis-Pena, A., Sretenovic, A., Urbistondo, A., Bandin, A., Najar, A., De Luca, A., Boddy, A., Charalabopoulos, A., Tzivanakis, A., Amendola, A., de Velasco, A. R. -G., Yildirim, A. C., Frontali, A., Toure, A. O., Garcia-Granero, A., Roldan, A. M., Larrainzar, A. S., Ratnayake, A. S., Gonzalez-Ganso, A. M., Minaya-Bravo, A. M., Das, A., Bondurri, A., Costanzi, A., Lucchi, A., Mazzari, A., Musig, A., Peloso, A., Piano, A., Police, A., Mihailescu, A., Pouy, A., Romano, A., Iossa, A., Leonetti, A. C., Guariniello, A., Isaac, A., Bovi, A. P. D., Chessa, A., Tromba, A., Martinez, A. A., Brillantino, A., Caira, A., Castaldi, A., Ferronetti, A., Giuliani, Antonio, Prestera, A., la Medina, A. R. -D., Tarasconi, A., Tornambe, A., Picciariello, A., Ioannidis, A., Leppaniemi, A., Khan, A., Rashid, A., Perez-Sanchez, A. L. E., Mittal, A., Mitul, A. R., Mehraj, A., Laharwal, A., Dorisme, A., Marinis, A., Iqbal, A., Moncada, A., Braccio, B., Alkhafaji, B., de Andres Asenjo, B., Martin-Perez, B., Perez, B. S., Creavin, B., Cali, B., Pascotto, B., Stubbs, B., Retes, B. Z., Jovanovic, B., Goh, B. K. P., Sensi, B., Biddau, C., Gazia, C., Vallicelli, C., Fagundes, C. A., Santacruz, C. C., Chirico, C., Diaz, C. J. G., Petrola, C., Rodriguez, C. S., Benitez, C. Y., Dammaro, C., Faro, C. L., Reinke, C., Paez, C. D., Oliva, C., Paranjape, C., Thomas, C., Chia, C. F., Kong, C. K., De Lucia, C., Chao, C. O., Arcudi, C., Guerci, C., Chia, C., Parise, C., Folliero, C., Varela, C., Ferguson, D. M., Camacho, D., Popowich, D., Lima, D. S., Rega, D., Delogu, D., Zigiotto, D., Vinci, D., D'Antonio, D., Parini, D., Merlini, D. A., Zimmerman, D. D. E., Moro-Valdezate, D., Pertile, D., Giusti, D. M., Keller, D. S., Tarik, D., Kalivaci, D., Mazingi, D., Maldonado-Pintado, D. G., Sasia, D., Linardoutsos, D., Osilli, D., Murrone, D., Russello, D., Rodas, E., Roa, E. A. A., Ricciardi, E., Rosso, E., Saladino, E., Flores-Villalba, E., Ajs, E. R., Smith-Singares, E., Baili, E., Kouroumpas, E., Bourmpouteli, E., Douka, E., Martin-Perez, E., Guaitoli, E., Samadov, E., Francone, E., Vaterlini, E., Morales, E., Pena, E., Zhao, E., Andres, E. D. P., Benzoni, E., Erdas, E., Pinotti, E., Colas-Ruiz, E., Aytac, E., Laterza, E., Agastra, E., Foianini, E., Moscoso, E., Laviano, E., Marra, E., Cardamone, E., Licardie, E., Mpaili, E., Pinna, E., Varo, E., Navarro, F. M., Marino, F., Medas, F., Romano, F., Maraska, F., Saliu, F., Madrid, F., Rosa, Fausto, Mastella, F., Gheza, F., Luvisetto, F., Alconchel, F., Vieira, F. M., Pareja, F., Agresta, F., Luna, F., Bonilla, F., Cordera, F., Burdio, F., Mendoza-Moreno, F., Flores, F. M., Aranda, F. P., Taylor, F., Ramos, F. L., Fernandes, F., Tropeano, F. P., Balestra, F., Bianco, F., Ceci, F., Colombo, F., Di Marzo, F., Ferrara, F., Lancellotti, F., Lazzarin, F., Litta, F., Martini, F., Pizza, F., Roscio, F., Virdis, F., Antona, F. B., Ramirez, F. C., Fernandez, F. M., Llinares, F. O., Quezada, F., Schlottmann, F., Herrera-Almario, G., Massaferro, G., Bislenghi, G., van Ramshorst, G., Luglio, G., Bointas, G., Kampouroglou, G., Papadopoulos, G., Manrique, G. A., Calini, G., Nastri, G., Formisano, G., Galiffa, G., Palini, G. M., Colucci, G., Pagano, G., Vanni, G., Pattacini, G. C., De Paola, G., Lisi, G., Partida, G., Bellanova, G., De Nobili, G., Necchi, G. S., Sinibaldi, G., Tebala, G., Bagaglini, G., Izzo, G., Argenio, G., Brisinda, Giuseppe, Candilio, G., Di Grezia, G., Esposito, G., Faillace, G., Frazzetta, G., La Gumina, G., Nigri, G., Romeo, G., Amatriain, G. C., Ortega, G., Martin-Martin, G., Stavrou, G. A., Gunadi, Ugon, G. A., Machain, G., Marcucci, G., Martinez-Mier, G., Machain, G. M., Nari, G., Calvo, H., Fathy, H., Hamilto, Ahmed, H., Faraj, H., Nava, H., Macias, H. O., Nikaj, H., Solano, H., Khan, H. A., Alarcon, H. S., Ebied, H., Giani, I., Ateca, I. V., Neri, I., Roman, I. A. S., Fidoshev, I., Rodriguez, I. M., Negoi, I., Ortega, I., Bernescu, I., Russo, I. S., Rodriguez, I. V., Palomares, I., Baltazar, I., Torrejimeno, I. J., Jurado, I. M. C., Reccia, I., Hussain, I., Toledo, I. B., Mora-Guzman, I., Dogaru, I., Romic, I., Balciscueta, I., Kenington, J. C., Sagolsem, J., Jang, J. Y., Olivier, J., Lammel-Lindemann, J., Dziakova, J., Villavicencio, J. I. R., Salinas, J., Parreira, J. P. J. G., Jovanovic, Perez, J. R., Reyes, J. A. S., Luque, J. A. M., Mak, J., Rodriguez, J. S., Kok, J. H. H., Krook, J., Diaz-Elizondo, J. A., Castell, J., Garcia-Flores, J. E., Navalon, J. M. J., Rodrigues, J. M. S., Pereira, J., Gomez, J. T. C., Luque, J. B., del Olmo, J. C. M., Salamea, J. C., Olivier, J. F. C., Laina, J. L. B., Ordonez, J. M., Gutierrez, J., Abba, J., Sofi, J. A., Sherafgan, K., Sahnan, K., Yanaga, K., Beatson, K., Asim, L., Alvarez, L., Siragusa, L., Farber, L., Ong, L., Athanasios, L., Garcia-Bruna, L., De Martino, L., Ferrario, L., Giordano, L., Gordini, L., Pio, L., Ponchietti, L., Moletta, L., Curella, L., Poggi, L., Taglietti, L., Bonavina, L., Conti, L., Goffredi, L., Ruiz, L. A. G., Barrionuevo, L., Fregoso, L. E., Cabrera, L. F., Rodriguez, L. G., Grande, L., Osoria, L. G., Gonzalez, L. J. K., Sanchez-Guillen, L., Tallon-Aguilar, L., Tresierra, L., Giavarini, L., Hasabelnabi, M., Odovic, M., Uemura, M., Khan, M., Artiles-Armas, M., David, M., Di Martino, M., Spampinato, M. G., Ribeiro, M. A. F., Viola, M., Angrisani, M., Calussi, M., Cannistra, M., Catarci, M., Cereda, M., Conte, M., Giordano, M., Pellicciaro, M., Marino, M. V., Vaterlini, M. E., Jimenez, M. F., Lolli, M. G., Bellini, M. I., Lemma, M., Chiarello, M. M., Nicola, M., Arrigo, M., Mejia, M. C., Manrique, M. M., Rodriguez-Lopez, M., Serradilla-Martin, M., Lara, M. Z., Martinez, M., Bagnall, M., Peter, M., Lara, M. C., Gomez, M. J., Paniagua-Garcia-Senorans, M., Gonzalez, M. P., Rutegard, M., Salo, M., Franceschilli, M., Silveri, M., Veroux, M., Pezzulo, M., Nardi, M., Rottoli, M., Tolonen, M., Ciro, M. P., Zuluagua, M., Cannavo, M., Cervellera, M., Iacobone, M., Montuori, M., Dominguez, M. G., Bingol-Kologlu, M., Tahir, M., Lim, M., Wilson, M. S., Wilson, M., Campanelli, M., Bisaccia, M., De Rosa, M., Maruccia, M., Paterno, M., Pisano, M., Torre, M., Trevino, M., Zuolo, M., Hernandez Bartolome, M. A., Farina, M., Pera, M., Calvo, M. P., Sotelo, M., Thway, M. M., Hassan, M., Hassan, M. S. E., Azfar, M., Bouhuwaish, M., Taha, M., Zaieem, M., Korkoman, M., Guraieb, M., Shalaby, M., Raza, M. A., Younis, M. U., Elhadi, M., Ali, M. Z., Quazi, N., Dudi-Venkata, N. N., Alselaim, N., Loria, N., Ramirez, N. V., Than, N. W., Smart, N., Trelles, N., Pinto, N., Allievi, N., Petrucciani, N., Antonacci, N., Cillara, N., Gica, N., Cristiana, N. D., Krystek, N., Falco, N., Pecorelli, N., Tamini, N., Dallas, N. A., Machairas, N., Brito, N., Fieturi, N. A., Ortega, N., Mercado, O. A., Irkorucu, O., Alsherif, O., Valles, O., Ioannidis, O., Palmas, O. H., Palmas, O. I. H., Guadarrama, O. S., Bozbiyik, O., Omelanczuk, P., Ottolino, P., Rodrigues, P., Ruiz, P., Campenni, P., Chiarade, P., Olivares, P. P., Baroffio, P., Panaccio, P., Wintringer, P., Di Fronzo, P., Talento, P., Favoriti, P., Sendino, P., Marsanic, P., Mifsut, P., Andrade, P., Ajawin, P., Abadia-Barno, P., Castaneda, P. A. N., Arevalos, P. O. S., Bellver, P. P., Koh, P. S., Souza, P., Major, P., Bali, R. S., Khattar, R. M., Melo, R. B., Ebrahiminia, R., Azar, R., Murga, R. L., Pirolo, R., Brady, R., Davies, R. J., Dholakia, R., Rattan, R., Singhal, R., Lim, R., Angelico, R., Isernia, R. M., Tutino, R., Faccincani, R., Peltrini, R., Carrera-Ceron, R., Tejos, R., Kashyap, R., Fajardo, R., Lozito, R., Pareja, R. M., Garbarino, S., Morales-Conde, S., Benli, S., Mansour, S., Flores, S., Suarez, S. L., Ben, S. L., Fuentes, S., Napetti, S., de Guzman, S. O., Awad, S., Weckmann Lujan, S. A., Gentilli, S., Grimaldi, S., Pizarro, S. O., Tayar, S., Nabi, S., Chan, S. M., Junaid, S., Rojas, S., Monetti, S., Garcia, S., Salvans, S., Tenconi, S., Shaw, S., Santoni, S., Parra, S. A., Cardenas, S., Perez-Bertolez, S., Chiappetta, S., Dessureault, S., Delis, S., Bonapasta, S. A., Rausei, S., Scaringi, S., Keswani, S., Ali, S. M., Cetinkunar, S., Fung, T. L. D., Rawashdeh, T., Lopez, T. N., De Campos, T., Duque, T. C., Perra, T., Liakakos, T., Daskalakis, T., Barnes, T., Koeter, T., Zalla, T., Gonzalez, T. E., Elosua, T., Campagnaro, T., Brown, T., Luoto, T., Oumar, T. A., Giustizieri, U., Grossi, U., Bracale, U., Rivas, U., Sosa, V., Testa, V., Andriola, V., Tonini, V., Balassone, V., Celentano, V., Progno, V., Raju, V., Carroni, V., Cavallaro, V., Katta, V. R., De Simone, V., Romaguera, V. P., Orozco, V. H. G., Luraschi, V., Rachkov, V., Turrado-L, V., Visag-Castillo, V., Dowling, V., Graham, V., Papagni, V., Vigorita, V., Fonseca, V. C., Carneros, V. J., Bellato, V., Goncalves, W., Powers, W. F., Grigg, W., Bechstein, W. O., Lim, Y. B., Altinel, Y., Golubovic, Z., Balciscueta, Z., Giuliani A. (ORCID:0000-0002-0773-2162), Rosa F. (ORCID:0000-0002-7280-8354), Ielpo, B., Podda, M., Pellino, G., Pata, F., Caruso, R., Gravante, G., Di Saverio, S., Gallo, G., Lui, R., Orengia, A., Chowdary, A., Kulkarni, A., Kuvvetli, A., Navarro, A., Pisanu, A., Smith, A., Ibiricu, A. C., Nacion, A. J. D., Alsaleh, A., Alhazmi, A., Elmabri, A., Wani, A., Rencuzogullari, A., Lasarte, A. S., Rubio, A. V., Bavikatte, A., Kumar, A., Jamiri, A. -R., Padilla, A. M. A., Cacurri, A., de San Ildefonso, A., Porcu, A., Sartori, A., Rocca, A., Yanez, A. P., Becaria, A., Solis-Pena, A., Sretenovic, A., Urbistondo, A., Bandin, A., Najar, A., De Luca, A., Boddy, A., Charalabopoulos, A., Tzivanakis, A., Amendola, A., de Velasco, A. R. -G., Yildirim, A. C., Frontali, A., Toure, A. O., Garcia-Granero, A., Roldan, A. M., Larrainzar, A. S., Ratnayake, A. S., Gonzalez-Ganso, A. M., Minaya-Bravo, A. M., Das, A., Bondurri, A., Costanzi, A., Lucchi, A., Mazzari, A., Musig, A., Peloso, A., Piano, A., Police, A., Mihailescu, A., Pouy, A., Romano, A., Iossa, A., Leonetti, A. C., Guariniello, A., Isaac, A., Bovi, A. P. D., Chessa, A., Tromba, A., Martinez, A. A., Brillantino, A., Caira, A., Castaldi, A., Ferronetti, A., Giuliani, Antonio, Prestera, A., la Medina, A. R. -D., Tarasconi, A., Tornambe, A., Picciariello, A., Ioannidis, A., Leppaniemi, A., Khan, A., Rashid, A., Perez-Sanchez, A. L. E., Mittal, A., Mitul, A. R., Mehraj, A., Laharwal, A., Dorisme, A., Marinis, A., Iqbal, A., Moncada, A., Braccio, B., Alkhafaji, B., de Andres Asenjo, B., Martin-Perez, B., Perez, B. S., Creavin, B., Cali, B., Pascotto, B., Stubbs, B., Retes, B. Z., Jovanovic, B., Goh, B. K. P., Sensi, B., Biddau, C., Gazia, C., Vallicelli, C., Fagundes, C. A., Santacruz, C. C., Chirico, C., Diaz, C. J. G., Petrola, C., Rodriguez, C. S., Benitez, C. Y., Dammaro, C., Faro, C. L., Reinke, C., Paez, C. D., Oliva, C., Paranjape, C., Thomas, C., Chia, C. F., Kong, C. K., De Lucia, C., Chao, C. O., Arcudi, C., Guerci, C., Chia, C., Parise, C., Folliero, C., Varela, C., Ferguson, D. M., Camacho, D., Popowich, D., Lima, D. S., Rega, D., Delogu, D., Zigiotto, D., Vinci, D., D'Antonio, D., Parini, D., Merlini, D. A., Zimmerman, D. D. E., Moro-Valdezate, D., Pertile, D., Giusti, D. M., Keller, D. S., Tarik, D., Kalivaci, D., Mazingi, D., Maldonado-Pintado, D. G., Sasia, D., Linardoutsos, D., Osilli, D., Murrone, D., Russello, D., Rodas, E., Roa, E. A. A., Ricciardi, E., Rosso, E., Saladino, E., Flores-Villalba, E., Ajs, E. R., Smith-Singares, E., Baili, E., Kouroumpas, E., Bourmpouteli, E., Douka, E., Martin-Perez, E., Guaitoli, E., Samadov, E., Francone, E., Vaterlini, E., Morales, E., Pena, E., Zhao, E., Andres, E. D. P., Benzoni, E., Erdas, E., Pinotti, E., Colas-Ruiz, E., Aytac, E., Laterza, E., Agastra, E., Foianini, E., Moscoso, E., Laviano, E., Marra, E., Cardamone, E., Licardie, E., Mpaili, E., Pinna, E., Varo, E., Navarro, F. M., Marino, F., Medas, F., Romano, F., Maraska, F., Saliu, F., Madrid, F., Rosa, Fausto, Mastella, F., Gheza, F., Luvisetto, F., Alconchel, F., Vieira, F. M., Pareja, F., Agresta, F., Luna, F., Bonilla, F., Cordera, F., Burdio, F., Mendoza-Moreno, F., Flores, F. M., Aranda, F. P., Taylor, F., Ramos, F. L., Fernandes, F., Tropeano, F. P., Balestra, F., Bianco, F., Ceci, F., Colombo, F., Di Marzo, F., Ferrara, F., Lancellotti, F., Lazzarin, F., Litta, F., Martini, F., Pizza, F., Roscio, F., Virdis, F., Antona, F. B., Ramirez, F. C., Fernandez, F. M., Llinares, F. O., Quezada, F., Schlottmann, F., Herrera-Almario, G., Massaferro, G., Bislenghi, G., van Ramshorst, G., Luglio, G., Bointas, G., Kampouroglou, G., Papadopoulos, G., Manrique, G. A., Calini, G., Nastri, G., Formisano, G., Galiffa, G., Palini, G. M., Colucci, G., Pagano, G., Vanni, G., Pattacini, G. C., De Paola, G., Lisi, G., Partida, G., Bellanova, G., De Nobili, G., Necchi, G. S., Sinibaldi, G., Tebala, G., Bagaglini, G., Izzo, G., Argenio, G., Brisinda, Giuseppe, Candilio, G., Di Grezia, G., Esposito, G., Faillace, G., Frazzetta, G., La Gumina, G., Nigri, G., Romeo, G., Amatriain, G. C., Ortega, G., Martin-Martin, G., Stavrou, G. A., Gunadi, Ugon, G. A., Machain, G., Marcucci, G., Martinez-Mier, G., Machain, G. M., Nari, G., Calvo, H., Fathy, H., Hamilto, Ahmed, H., Faraj, H., Nava, H., Macias, H. O., Nikaj, H., Solano, H., Khan, H. A., Alarcon, H. S., Ebied, H., Giani, I., Ateca, I. V., Neri, I., Roman, I. A. S., Fidoshev, I., Rodriguez, I. M., Negoi, I., Ortega, I., Bernescu, I., Russo, I. S., Rodriguez, I. V., Palomares, I., Baltazar, I., Torrejimeno, I. J., Jurado, I. M. C., Reccia, I., Hussain, I., Toledo, I. B., Mora-Guzman, I., Dogaru, I., Romic, I., Balciscueta, I., Kenington, J. C., Sagolsem, J., Jang, J. Y., Olivier, J., Lammel-Lindemann, J., Dziakova, J., Villavicencio, J. I. R., Salinas, J., Parreira, J. P. J. G., Jovanovic, Perez, J. R., Reyes, J. A. S., Luque, J. A. M., Mak, J., Rodriguez, J. S., Kok, J. H. H., Krook, J., Diaz-Elizondo, J. A., Castell, J., Garcia-Flores, J. E., Navalon, J. M. J., Rodrigues, J. M. S., Pereira, J., Gomez, J. T. C., Luque, J. B., del Olmo, J. C. M., Salamea, J. C., Olivier, J. F. C., Laina, J. L. B., Ordonez, J. M., Gutierrez, J., Abba, J., Sofi, J. A., Sherafgan, K., Sahnan, K., Yanaga, K., Beatson, K., Asim, L., Alvarez, L., Siragusa, L., Farber, L., Ong, L., Athanasios, L., Garcia-Bruna, L., De Martino, L., Ferrario, L., Giordano, L., Gordini, L., Pio, L., Ponchietti, L., Moletta, L., Curella, L., Poggi, L., Taglietti, L., Bonavina, L., Conti, L., Goffredi, L., Ruiz, L. A. G., Barrionuevo, L., Fregoso, L. E., Cabrera, L. F., Rodriguez, L. G., Grande, L., Osoria, L. G., Gonzalez, L. J. K., Sanchez-Guillen, L., Tallon-Aguilar, L., Tresierra, L., Giavarini, L., Hasabelnabi, M., Odovic, M., Uemura, M., Khan, M., Artiles-Armas, M., David, M., Di Martino, M., Spampinato, M. G., Ribeiro, M. A. F., Viola, M., Angrisani, M., Calussi, M., Cannistra, M., Catarci, M., Cereda, M., Conte, M., Giordano, M., Pellicciaro, M., Marino, M. V., Vaterlini, M. E., Jimenez, M. F., Lolli, M. G., Bellini, M. I., Lemma, M., Chiarello, M. M., Nicola, M., Arrigo, M., Mejia, M. C., Manrique, M. M., Rodriguez-Lopez, M., Serradilla-Martin, M., Lara, M. Z., Martinez, M., Bagnall, M., Peter, M., Lara, M. C., Gomez, M. J., Paniagua-Garcia-Senorans, M., Gonzalez, M. P., Rutegard, M., Salo, M., Franceschilli, M., Silveri, M., Veroux, M., Pezzulo, M., Nardi, M., Rottoli, M., Tolonen, M., Ciro, M. P., Zuluagua, M., Cannavo, M., Cervellera, M., Iacobone, M., Montuori, M., Dominguez, M. G., Bingol-Kologlu, M., Tahir, M., Lim, M., Wilson, M. S., Wilson, M., Campanelli, M., Bisaccia, M., De Rosa, M., Maruccia, M., Paterno, M., Pisano, M., Torre, M., Trevino, M., Zuolo, M., Hernandez Bartolome, M. A., Farina, M., Pera, M., Calvo, M. P., Sotelo, M., Thway, M. M., Hassan, M., Hassan, M. S. E., Azfar, M., Bouhuwaish, M., Taha, M., Zaieem, M., Korkoman, M., Guraieb, M., Shalaby, M., Raza, M. A., Younis, M. U., Elhadi, M., Ali, M. Z., Quazi, N., Dudi-Venkata, N. N., Alselaim, N., Loria, N., Ramirez, N. V., Than, N. W., Smart, N., Trelles, N., Pinto, N., Allievi, N., Petrucciani, N., Antonacci, N., Cillara, N., Gica, N., Cristiana, N. D., Krystek, N., Falco, N., Pecorelli, N., Tamini, N., Dallas, N. A., Machairas, N., Brito, N., Fieturi, N. A., Ortega, N., Mercado, O. A., Irkorucu, O., Alsherif, O., Valles, O., Ioannidis, O., Palmas, O. H., Palmas, O. I. H., Guadarrama, O. S., Bozbiyik, O., Omelanczuk, P., Ottolino, P., Rodrigues, P., Ruiz, P., Campenni, P., Chiarade, P., Olivares, P. P., Baroffio, P., Panaccio, P., Wintringer, P., Di Fronzo, P., Talento, P., Favoriti, P., Sendino, P., Marsanic, P., Mifsut, P., Andrade, P., Ajawin, P., Abadia-Barno, P., Castaneda, P. A. N., Arevalos, P. O. S., Bellver, P. P., Koh, P. S., Souza, P., Major, P., Bali, R. S., Khattar, R. M., Melo, R. B., Ebrahiminia, R., Azar, R., Murga, R. L., Pirolo, R., Brady, R., Davies, R. J., Dholakia, R., Rattan, R., Singhal, R., Lim, R., Angelico, R., Isernia, R. M., Tutino, R., Faccincani, R., Peltrini, R., Carrera-Ceron, R., Tejos, R., Kashyap, R., Fajardo, R., Lozito, R., Pareja, R. M., Garbarino, S., Morales-Conde, S., Benli, S., Mansour, S., Flores, S., Suarez, S. L., Ben, S. L., Fuentes, S., Napetti, S., de Guzman, S. O., Awad, S., Weckmann Lujan, S. A., Gentilli, S., Grimaldi, S., Pizarro, S. O., Tayar, S., Nabi, S., Chan, S. M., Junaid, S., Rojas, S., Monetti, S., Garcia, S., Salvans, S., Tenconi, S., Shaw, S., Santoni, S., Parra, S. A., Cardenas, S., Perez-Bertolez, S., Chiappetta, S., Dessureault, S., Delis, S., Bonapasta, S. A., Rausei, S., Scaringi, S., Keswani, S., Ali, S. M., Cetinkunar, S., Fung, T. L. D., Rawashdeh, T., Lopez, T. N., De Campos, T., Duque, T. C., Perra, T., Liakakos, T., Daskalakis, T., Barnes, T., Koeter, T., Zalla, T., Gonzalez, T. E., Elosua, T., Campagnaro, T., Brown, T., Luoto, T., Oumar, T. A., Giustizieri, U., Grossi, U., Bracale, U., Rivas, U., Sosa, V., Testa, V., Andriola, V., Tonini, V., Balassone, V., Celentano, V., Progno, V., Raju, V., Carroni, V., Cavallaro, V., Katta, V. R., De Simone, V., Romaguera, V. P., Orozco, V. H. G., Luraschi, V., Rachkov, V., Turrado-L, V., Visag-Castillo, V., Dowling, V., Graham, V., Papagni, V., Vigorita, V., Fonseca, V. C., Carneros, V. J., Bellato, V., Goncalves, W., Powers, W. F., Grigg, W., Bechstein, W. O., Lim, Y. B., Altinel, Y., Golubovic, Z., Balciscueta, Z., Giuliani A. (ORCID:0000-0002-0773-2162), and Rosa F. (ORCID:0000-0002-7280-8354)
- Abstract
Background: Surgical strategies are being adapted to face the COVID-19 pandemic. Recommendations on the management of acute appendicitis have been based on expert opinion, but very little evidence is available. This study addressed that dearth with a snapshot of worldwide approaches to appendicitis. Methods: The Association of Italian Surgeons in Europe designed an online survey to assess the current attitude of surgeons globally regarding the management of patients with acute appendicitis during the pandemic. Questions were divided into baseline information, hospital organization and screening, personal protective equipment, management and surgical approach, and patient presentation before versus during the pandemic. Results: Of 744 answers, 709 (from 66 countries) were complete and were included in the analysis. Most hospitals were treating both patients with and those without COVID. There was variation in screening indications and modality used, with chest X-ray plus molecular testing (PCR) being the commonest (19·8 per cent). Conservative management of complicated and uncomplicated appendicitis was used by 6·6 and 2·4 per cent respectively before, but 23·7 and 5·3 per cent, during the pandemic (both P < 0·001). One-third changed their approach from laparoscopic to open surgery owing to the popular (but evidence-lacking) advice from expert groups during the initial phase of the pandemic. No agreement on how to filter surgical smoke plume during laparoscopy was identified. There was an overall reduction in the number of patients admitted with appendicitis and one-third felt that patients who did present had more severe appendicitis than they usually observe. Conclusion: Conservative management of mild appendicitis has been possible during the pandemic. The fact that some surgeons switched to open appendicectomy may reflect the poor guidelines that emanated in the early phase of SARS-CoV-2.
- Published
- 2021
6. Global attitudes in the management of acute appendicitis during COVID-19 pandemic: ACIE Appy Study
- Author
Benedetto, Ielpo, Mauro, Podda, Gianluca, Pellino, Pata, Francesco, Gianpiero, Gravante, Salomone Di Saverio, Gallo, Gaetano, Rashid, Lui, Adam, Orengia, Aditya, Chowdary, Aditya, Kulkarni, Adnan, Kuvvetli, Adolfo, Navarro, Adolfo, Pisanu, Adrian, Smith, Adriana Cavero Ibiricu, Aeris Jane, D Nacion, Ahmad, Alsaleh, Ahmad, Alhazmi, Ahmad, Elmabri, Ajaz, Wani, Ahmet, Rencuzogullari, Aingeru Sarriugarte Lasarte, Ainhoa Valle Rubio, Akshay, Bavikatte, Akshay, Kumar, Al-Radjid, Jamiri, Alain Michel Alvarado Padilla, Alban, Cacurri, Alberto de San Ildefonso, Alberto, Porcu, Alberto, Sartori, Aldo, Rocca, Alejandro Paz Yáñez, Alejandro, Becaria, Alejandro, Solís-Peña, Aleksandar, Sretenović, Alex, Urbistondo, Alfonso, Bandin, Alfonso, Najar, Alessandro De Luca, Alex, Boddy, Alexandros, Charalabopoulos, Alexios, Tzivanakis, Alfonso, Amendola, Alfredo Ramirez-Gutierrez de Velasco, Ali Cihat Yildirim, Alice, Frontali, Alpha Oumar Toure, Alvaro, García-Granero, Amaia Martínez Roldan, Amaia Sanz Larrainzar, Amila Sanjiva Ratnayake, Ana María Gonzalez-Ganso, Ana, M Minaya-Bravo, Andre, Das, Andrea, Bondurri, Andrea, Costanzi, Andrea, Lucchi, Andrea, Mazzari, Andrea, Musig, Andrea, Peloso, Andrea, Piano, Andrea, Police, Andrei, Mihailescu, Andrés, Pouy, Angela, Romano, Iossa, Angelo, Anna Carmen Leonetti, Anna, Guariniello, Anna, Isaac, Anna Pia Delli Bovi, Antonella, Chessa, Antonella, Tromba, Antonio Álvarez Martínez, Antonio, Brillantino, Antonio, Caira, Antonio, Castaldi, Antonio, Ferronetti, Antonio, Giuliani, Antonio, Prestera, Antonio Ramos-De la Medina, Antonio, Tarasconi, Antonino, Tornambè, Arcangelo, Picciariello, Argyrios, Ioannidis, Ari, Leppäniemi, Arshad, Khan, Arshad, Rashid, Arteaga Luis Eduardo Pérez-Sánchez, Ashok, Mittal, Ashrarur Rahman Mitul, Asif, Mehraj, Asim, Laharwal, Asnel, Dorismé, Athanasios, Marinis, Atif, Iqbal, Augusto, Moncada, Bartolomeo, Braccio, Basim, Alkhafaji, Beatriz de Andrés Asenjo, Beatriz, Martin-Perez, Belinda Sánchez Pérez, Ben, Creavin, Benedetto, Calì, Beniamino, Pascotto, Benjamin, Stubbs, Benjamin Zavala Retes, Branislav, Jovanovic, Brian Kp Goh, Bruno, Sensi, Carlo, Biddau, Carlo, Gazia, Carlo, Vallicelli, Carlos Alberto Fagundes, Carlos Cerdán Santacruz, Carlos, Chirico, Carlos Javier Gómez, Carlos, Petrola, Carlos Sánchez Rodriguez, Carlos Yánez Benítez, Carmelisa, Dammaro, Carmelo Lo Faro, Caroline, Reinke, Casandra Dominguez Paez, Catalina, Oliva, Charudutt, Paranjape, Charlotte, Thomas, Chi Fung Chia, Chi Kwan Kong, Chiara De Lucia, Christian Ovalle Chao, Claudio, Arcudi, Claudio, Guerci, Clement, Chia, Cristiano, Parise, Cristina, Folliero, Cristopher, Varela, Dalya, M Ferguson, Daniel, Camacho, Daniel, Popowich, Daniel Souza Lima, Daniela, Rega, Daniele, Delogu, Daniele, Zigiotto, Danilo, Vinci, Dario, D'Antonio, Dario, Parini, David Alessio Merlini, David DE Zimmerman, David, Moro-Valdezate, Davide, Pertile, Deborah Maria Giusti, Deborah, S Keller, Delko, Tarik, Denis, Kalivaçi, Dennis, Mazingi, Diana Gabriela Maldonado-Pintado, Diego, Sasia, Dimitrios, Linardoutsos, Dixon, Osilli, Domenico, Murrone, Domenico, Russello, Edgar, Rodas, Edisson Alberto Acuña Roa, Edoardo, Ricciardi, Edoardo, Rosso, Edoardo, Saladino, Eduardo, Flores-Villalba, Eduardo Ruiz Ajs, Eduardo, Smith-Singares, Efstratia, Baili, Efstratios, Kouroumpas, Eirini, Bourmpouteli, Eleftheria, Douka, Elena, Martin-Perez, Eleonora, Guaitoli, Elgun, Samadov, Elisa, Francone, Elisa, Vaterlini, Emilio, Morales, Emilio, Peña, Enhao, Zhao, Eneko Del Pozo Andres, Enrico, Benzoni, Enrico, Erdas, Enrico, Pinotti, Enrique, Colás-Ruiz, Erman, Aytac, Ernesto, Laterza, Ervis, Agastra, Esteban, Foianini, Esteban, Moscoso, Estefania, Laviano, Ester, Marra, Eugenia, Cardamone, Eugenio, Licardie, Eustratia, Mpaili, Eva, Pinna, Evaristo, Varo, Fabian Martín Navarro, Fabio, Marino, Fabio, Medas, Fabio, Romano, Fatlum, Maraska, Fatmir, Saliu, Fausto, Madrid, Fausto, Rosa, Federica, Mastella, Federico, Gheza, Federico, Luvisetto, Felipe, Alconchel, Felipe Monge Vieira, Felipe, Pareja, Ferdinando, Agresta, Fernanda, Luna, Fernando, Bonilla, Fernando, Cordera, Fernando, Burdió, Fernando, Mendoza-Moreno, Fernando Muñoz Flores, Fernando Pardo Aranda, Fiona, Taylor, Flavia, L Ramos, Flavio, Fernandes, Francesca Paola Tropeano, Francesco, Balestra, Francesco, Bianco, Francesco, Ceci, Francesco, Colombo, Francesco Di Marzo, Francesco, Ferrara, Francesco, Lancellotti, Francesco, Lazzarin, Francesco, Litta, Francesco, Martini, Francesco, Pizza, Francesco, Roscio, Francesco, Virdis, Francisco Blanco Antona, Francisco Cervantes Ramírez, Francisco Miguel Fernandez, Francisco Oliver Llinares, Francisco, Quezada, Francisco, Schlottmann, Gabriel, Herrera-Almario, Gabriel, Massaferro, Gabriele, Bislenghi, Gabrielle van Ramshorst, Gaetano, Gallo, Gaetano, Luglio, Georgios, Bointas, Georgios, Kampouroglou, Georgios, Papadopoulos, Gerardo Arredondo Manrique, Giacomo, Calini, Giacomo, Nastri, Giampaolo, Formisano, Giampaolo, Galiffa, Gian Marco Palini, Gianluca, Colucci, Gianluca, Pagano, Gianluca, Vanni, Gianmaria Casoni Pattacini, Gilda De Paola, Giorgio, Lisi, Giovanna, Partida, Giovanni, Bellanova, Giovanni De Nobili, Giovanni Sammy Necchi, Giovanni, Sinibaldi, Giovanni, Tebala, Giulia, Bagaglini, Giuliano, Izzo, Giulio, Argenio, Giuseppe, Brisinda, Giuseppe, Candilio, Giuseppe Di Grezia, Giuseppe, Esposito, Giuseppe, Faillace, Giuseppe, Frazzetta, Giuseppe La Gumina, Giuseppe, Nigri, Giuseppe, Romeo, Gloria Chocarro Amatriaín, Gloria, Ortega, Gonzalo, Martin-Martin, Gregor, A Stavrou, Gunadi, Gustavo Armand Ugon, Gustavo, Machain, Gustavo, Marcucci, Gustavo, Martínez-Mier, Gustavo Miguel Machain, Gustavo, Nari, Haydée, Calvo, Hamada, Fathy, Hamilto, Hazem, Ahmed, Hazem, Faraj, Hector, Nava, Hector Ordas Macias, Herald, Nikaj, Heriberto, Solano, Huma Ahmed Khan, Humberto Sánchez Alarcón, Husam, Ebied, Iacopo, Giani, Ibabe Villalabeitia Ateca, Ignacio, Neri, Igor Alberdi San Roman, Iliya, Fidoshev, Iñaki Martinez Rodriguez, Ionut, Negoi, Irene, Ortega, Irina, Bernescu, Iris Shari Russo, Irune Vincente Rodríguez, Irving, Palomares, Isaac, Baltazar, Isabel Jaén Torrejimeno, Isabel María Cornejo Jurado, Isabella, Reccia, Ishtiyaq, Hussain, Ismael Brito Toledo, Ismael, Mora-Guzmán, Iulia, Dogaru, Ivan, Romic, Izaskun, Balciscueta, J Cleo Kenington, Jackison, Sagolsem, Jae, Y Jang, James, Olivier, Jan, Lammel-Lindemann, Jana, Dziakova, Javier Ismael Roldán Villavicencio, Javier, Salinas, Jelena, Pejanovic, Jose Gustavo Parreira, Jovanovic, Jeny Rincón Pérez, Jeryl, Asreyes, Jesus Antonio Medina Luque, Joanna, Mak, Joanne Salas Rodriguez, Johnn Henry Herrera Kok, Jon, Krook, Jose Antonio Diaz-Elizondo, Jose, Castell, José Eduardo García-Flores, José María Jover Navalón, Jose Mauro Silva Rodrigues, José, Pereira, José Tomas Castell Gómez, Juan Bellido Luque, Juan Carlos Martín Del Olmo, Juan Carlos Salamea, Juan Francisco Coronel Olivier, Juan Luis Blas Laina, Juliana Maria Ordoñez, Julieta, Gutierrez, Julio, Abba, Junaid Ahmad Sofi, Kashaf, Sherafgan, Kapil, Sahnan, Katsuhiko, Yanaga, Kevin, Beatson, Laharwal, Asim, Laura, Alvarez, Leandro, Siragusa, Lee, Farber, Lester, Ong, Liarakos, Athanasios, Lorena, García-Bruña, Luca De Martino, Luca, Ferrario, Luca, Giordano, Luca, Gordini, Luca, Pio, Luca, Ponchietti, Lucia, Moletta, Luciano, Curella, Luciano, Poggi, Lucio, Taglietti, Luigi, Bonavina, Luigi, Conti, Luigi, Goffredi, Luis Angel Garcia Ruiz, Luis, Barrionuevo, Luis Enrique Fregoso, Luis, F Cabrera, Luis, G Rodriguez, Luis, Grande, Luis Gregorio Osoria, Luis Javier Kantun Gonzalez, Luis, Sánchez-Guillén, Luis, Tallon-Aguilar, Luis, Tresierra, Luisa, Giavarini, Mahmoud, Hasabelnabi, Maja, Odovic, Mamoru, Uemura, Mansoor, Khan, Manuel, Artiles-Armas, Mara, David, Marcello Di Martino, Marcello Giuseppe Spampinato, Marcelo A, F Ribeiro, Marcelo, Viola, Marco, Angrisani, Marco, Calussi, Marco, Cannistrà, Marco, Catarci, Marco, Cereda, Marco, Conte, Marco, Giordano, Marco, Pellicciaro, Marco Vito Marino, Maria, E Vaterlini, María, F Jiménez, María Giulia Lolli, Bellini, MARIA IRENE, Maria, Lemma, Maria Michela Chiarello, Maria, Nicola, Mario, Arrigo, Mario Caneda Mejia, Mario Montes Manrique, Mario, Rodriguez-Lopez, Mario, Serradilla-Martín, Mario Zambrano Lara, Marisa, Martínez, Mark, Bagnall, Mark, Peter, Marta Cañón Lara, Marta Jimenez Gomez, Marta, Paniagua-Garcia-Señorans, Marta Perez Gonzalez, Martin, Rutegård, Martin, Salö, Marzia, Franceschilli, Massimiliano, Silveri, Massimiliano, Veroux, Massimo, Pezzulo, Matteo, Nardi, Matteo, Rottoli, Matti, Tolonen, Mauricio Pedraza Ciro, Mauricio, Zuluagua, Maurizio, Cannavò, Maurizio, Cervellera, Maurizio, Iacobone, Mauro, Montuori, Melody García Domínguez, Meltem, Bingol-Kologlu, Mian, Tahir, Michael, Lim, Michael Sj Wilson, Michael, Wilson, Michela, Campanelli, Michele, Bisaccia, Michele De Rosa, Michele, Maruccia, Michele, Paterno, Michele, Pisano, Michele, Torre, Michele, Treviño, Michele, Zuolo, Miguel, A Hernandez Bartolome, Miguel, Farina, Miguel, Pera, Miguel Prieto Calvo, Milagros, Sotelo, Min Myat Thway, Mohamed, Hassan, Mohamed Salah Eldin Hassan, Mohammad, Azfar, Mohammad, Bouhuwaish, Mohammad, Taha, Mohammad, Zaieem, Mohammed, Korkoman, Montserrat, Guraieb, Mostafa, Shalaby, Muhammad Asif Raza, Muhammad Umar Younis, Muhammed, Elhadi, Mujahid Zulfiqar Ali, Nadeem, Quazi, Nagendra, N Dudi-Venkata, Nahar, Alselaim, Natasha, Loria, Nathalie Villan Ramírez, Nay Win Than, Neil, Smart, Nelson, Trelles, Nicanor, Pinto, Niccolò, Allievi, Niccolo, Petrucciani, Nicola, Antonacci, Nicola, Cillara, Nicolae, Gica, Nicolaescu Diana Cristiana, Nicolás, Nicolás, Nicolò, Falco, Nicolò, Pecorelli, Nicolò, Tamini, Nikolaos Andreas Dallas, Nikolaos, Machairas, Noelia, Brito, Nura Ahmed Fieturi, Nuria, Ortega, Octavio, Avilamercado, Oktay, Irkorucu, Omar, Alsherif, Orestes, Valles, Orestis, Ioannidis, Oscar Hernández Palmas, Oscar Isaac Hernandez Palmas, Oscar Sanz Guadarrama, Osman, Bozbiyik, Pablo, Omelanczuk, Pablo, Ottolino, Pablo, Rodrigues, Pablo, Ruiz, Paola, Campenni, Paola, Chiarade, Paola Prieto Olivares, Paolo, Baroffio, Pascal, Wintringer, Pasquale Di Fronzo, Pasquale, Talento, Pasqualino, Favoriti, Patricia, Sendino, Patrizia, Marsanic, Patricia, Mifsut, Paúl, Andrade, Pawel, Ajawin, Valentina, Ferri, Giuseppe Massimiliano de Luca, Sara, Ingallinella, Eva, Pueyo, Francesco, Palmieri, Jesus, Silva, Ken Min Chin, Nicholas, Syn, Brian K, P Goh, Ye Xin Koh, Valeria, Tonini, Ana, Gonzales-Ganso, Vicente, Simó, Maria Victoria Diago, Pedro, Abadía-Barnó, Pedro Alfonso Najar Castañeda, Pedro Omar Sillas Arevalos, Pedro Palazón Bellver, Peng Soon Koh, Petry, Souza, Piotr, Major, Rajandeep Singh Bali, Rakesh Mohan Khattar, Renato Bessa Melo, Reza, Ebrahiminia, Ricardo, Azar, Ricardo López Murga, Riccardo, Caruso, Riccardo, Pirolo, Richard, Brady, Richard Justin Davies, Rishi, Dholakia, Rishi, Rattan, Rishi, Singhal, Robert, Lim, Roberta, Angelico, Roberta Maria Isernia, Roberta, Tutino, Roberto, Faccincani, Roberto, Peltrini, Rocío, Carrera-Ceron, Rodrigo, Tejos, Rohit, Kashyap, Roosevelt, Fajardo, Rosa, Lozito, Royer Madariaga Pareja, Sabrina, Garbarino, Salvador, Morales-Conde, Sami, Benli, Sami, Mansour, Samir, Flores, Samuel Limon Suarez, Santiago Lopez Ben, Sara, Fuentes, Sara, Napetti, Sara Ortiz de Guzmán, Selmy, Awad, Sergio, A Weckmann Luján, Sergio, Gentilli, Sergio, Grimaldi, Sergio Olivares Pizarro, Serkan, Tayar, Shakeeb, Nabi, Shannon, M Chan, Sheikh, Junaid, Sidney, Rojas, Silvana, Monetti, Silvia, García, Silvia, Salvans, Silvia, Tenconi, Simon, Shaw, Simone, Santoni, Sofia Andrea Parra, Sofía, Cárdenas, Sonia, Pérez-Bertólez, Sonja, Chiappetta, Sophie, Dessureault, Spiros, Delis, Stefano Amore Bonapasta, Stefano, Rausei, Stefano, Scaringi, Sundeep, Keswani, Syed Muhammad Ali, Süleyman, Cetinkunar, Tak Lit Derek Fung, Tariq, Rawashdeh, Tatiana Nicolás López, Tercio De Campos, Teresa Calderon Duque, Teresa, Perra, Theodore, Liakakos, Theodoros, Daskalakis, Theodoros, Liakakos, Thomas, Barnes, Tijmen, Koëter, Tiku, Zalla, Tomás, E González, Tomás, Elosua, Tommaso, Campagnaro, Tommy, Brown, Topi, Luoto, Touré Alpha Oumar, Ugo, Giustizieri, Ugo, Grossi, Umberto, Bracale, Uriel, Rivas, Valentina, Sosa, Valentina, Testa, Valeria, Andriola, Valerio, Balassone, Valerio, Celentano, Valerio, Progno, Varun, Raju, Vanessa, Carroni, Venera, Cavallaro, Venkateswara Rao Katta, Veronica De Simone, Vicent Primo Romaguera, Victor Hugo García Orozco, Victor, Luraschi, Victor, Rachkov, Victor, Turrado-L, Victor, Visag-Castillo, Victoria, Dowling, Victoria, Graham, Vincenzo, Papagni, Vincenzo, Vigorita, Vinicius Cordeiro Fonseca, Virginia Jimenez Carneros, Vittoria, Bellato, Walyson, Gonçalves, William, F Powers, William, Grigg, Wolf, O Bechstein, Yu Bing Lim, Yuksel, Altinel, Zoran, Golubović, Zutoia, Balciscueta, Ielpo B., Podda M., Pellino G., Pata F., Caruso R., Gravante G., Di Saverio S., Gallo G., Lui R., Orengia A., Chowdary A., Kulkarni A., Kuvvetli A., Navarro A., Pisanu A., Smith A., Ibiricu A.C., Nacion A.J.D., Alsaleh A., Alhazmi A., Elmabri A., Wani A., Rencuzogullari A., Lasarte A.S., Rubio A.V., Bavikatte A., Kumar A., Jamiri A.-R., Padilla A.M.A., Cacurri A., de San Ildefonso A., Porcu A., Sartori A., Rocca A., Yanez A.P., Becaria A., Solis-Pena A., Sretenovic A., Urbistondo A., Bandin A., Najar A., De Luca A., Boddy A., Charalabopoulos A., Tzivanakis A., Amendola A., de Velasco A.R.-G., Yildirim A.C., Frontali A., Toure A.O., Garcia-Granero A., Roldan A.M., Larrainzar A.S., Ratnayake A.S., Gonzalez-Ganso A.M., Minaya-Bravo A.M., Das A., Bondurri A., Costanzi A., Lucchi A., Mazzari A., Musig A., Peloso A., Piano A., Police A., Mihailescu A., Pouy A., Romano A., Iossa A., Leonetti A.C., Guariniello A., Isaac A., Bovi A.P.D., Chessa A., Tromba A., Martinez A.A., Brillantino A., Caira A., Castaldi A., Ferronetti A., Giuliani A., Prestera A., la Medina A.R.-D., Tarasconi A., Tornambe A., Picciariello A., Ioannidis A., Leppaniemi A., Khan A., Rashid A., Perez-Sanchez A.L.E., Mittal A., Mitul A.R., Mehraj A., Laharwal A., Dorisme A., Marinis A., Iqbal A., Moncada A., Braccio B., Alkhafaji B., de Andres Asenjo B., Martin-Perez B., Perez B.S., Creavin B., Cali B., Pascotto B., Stubbs B., Retes B.Z., Jovanovic B., Goh B.K.P., Sensi B., Biddau C., Gazia C., Vallicelli C., Fagundes C.A., Santacruz C.C., Chirico C., Diaz C.J.G., Petrola C., Rodriguez C.S., Benitez C.Y., Dammaro C., Faro C.L., Reinke C., Paez C.D., Oliva C., Paranjape C., Thomas C., Chia C.F., Kong C.K., De Lucia C., Chao C.O., Arcudi C., Guerci C., Chia C., Parise C., Folliero C., Varela C., Ferguson D.M., Camacho D., Popowich D., Lima D.S., Rega D., Delogu D., Zigiotto D., Vinci D., D'Antonio D., Parini D., Merlini D.A., Zimmerman D.D.E., Moro-Valdezate D., Pertile D., Giusti D.M., Keller D.S., Tarik D., Kalivaci D., Mazingi D., Maldonado-Pintado D.G., Sasia D., Linardoutsos D., Osilli D., Murrone D., Russello D., Rodas E., Roa E.A.A., Ricciardi E., Rosso E., Saladino E., Flores-Villalba E., Ajs E.R., Smith-Singares E., Baili E., Kouroumpas E., Bourmpouteli E., Douka E., Martin-Perez E., Guaitoli E., Samadov E., Francone E., Vaterlini E., Morales E., Pena E., Zhao E., Andres E.D.P., Benzoni E., Erdas E., Pinotti E., Colas-Ruiz E., Aytac E., Laterza E., Agastra E., Foianini E., Moscoso E., Laviano E., Marra E., Cardamone E., Licardie E., Mpaili E., Pinna E., Varo E., Navarro F.M., Marino F., Medas F., Romano F., Maraska F., Saliu F., Madrid F., Rosa F., Mastella F., Gheza F., Luvisetto F., Alconchel F., Vieira F.M., Pareja F., Agresta F., Luna F., Bonilla F., Cordera F., Burdio F., Mendoza-Moreno F., Flores F.M., Aranda F.P., Taylor F., Ramos F.L., Fernandes F., Tropeano F.P., Balestra F., Bianco F., Ceci F., Colombo F., Di Marzo F., Ferrara F., Lancellotti F., Lazzarin F., Litta F., Martini F., Pizza F., Roscio F., Virdis F., Antona F.B., Ramirez F.C., Fernandez F.M., Llinares F.O., Quezada F., Schlottmann F., Herrera-Almario G., Massaferro G., Bislenghi G., van Ramshorst G., Luglio G., Bointas G., Kampouroglou G., Papadopoulos G., Manrique G.A., Calini G., Nastri G., Formisano G., Galiffa G., Palini G.M., Colucci G., Pagano G., Vanni G., Pattacini G.C., De Paola G., Lisi G., Partida G., Bellanova G., De Nobili G., Necchi G.S., Sinibaldi G., Tebala G., Bagaglini G., Izzo G., Argenio G., Brisinda G., Candilio G., Di Grezia G., Esposito G., Faillace G., Frazzetta G., La Gumina G., Nigri G., Romeo G., Amatriain G.C., Ortega G., Martin-Martin G., Stavrou G.A., Gunadi, Ugon G.A., Machain G., Marcucci G., Martinez-Mier G., Machain G.M., Nari G., Calvo H., Fathy H., Hamilto, Ahmed H., Faraj H., Nava H., Macias H.O., Nikaj H., Solano H., Khan H.A., Alarcon H.S., Ebied H., Giani I., Ateca I.V., Neri I., Roman I.A.S., Fidoshev I., Rodriguez I.M., Negoi I., Ortega I., Bernescu I., Russo I.S., Rodriguez I.V., Palomares I., Baltazar I., Torrejimeno I.J., Jurado I.M.C., Reccia I., Hussain I., Toledo I.B., Mora-Guzman I., Dogaru I., Romic I., Balciscueta I., Kenington J.C., Sagolsem J., Jang J.Y., Olivier J., Lammel-Lindemann J., Dziakova J., Villavicencio J.I.R., Salinas J., Parreira J.P.J.G., Jovanovic, Perez J.R., Reyes J.A.S., Luque J.A.M., Mak J., Rodriguez J.S., Kok J.H.H., Krook J., Diaz-Elizondo J.A., Castell J., Garcia-Flores J.E., Navalon J.M.J., Rodrigues J.M.S., Pereira J., Gomez J.T.C., Luque J.B., del Olmo J.C.M., Salamea J.C., Olivier J.F.C., Laina J.L.B., Ordonez J.M., Gutierrez J., Abba J., Sofi J.A., Sherafgan K., Sahnan K., Yanaga K., Beatson K., Asim L., Alvarez L., Siragusa L., Farber L., Ong L., Athanasios L., Garcia-Bruna L., De Martino L., Ferrario L., Giordano L., Gordini L., Pio L., Ponchietti L., Moletta L., Curella L., Poggi L., Taglietti L., Bonavina L., Conti L., Goffredi L., Ruiz L.A.G., Barrionuevo L., Fregoso L.E., Cabrera L.F., Rodriguez L.G., Grande L., Osoria L.G., Gonzalez L.J.K., Sanchez-Guillen L., Tallon-Aguilar L., Tresierra L., Giavarini L., Hasabelnabi M., Odovic M., Uemura M., Khan M., Artiles-Armas M., David M., Di Martino M., Spampinato M.G., Ribeiro M.A.F., Viola M., Angrisani M., Calussi M., Cannistra M., Catarci M., Cereda M., Conte M., Giordano M., Pellicciaro M., Marino M.V., Vaterlini M.E., Jimenez M.F., Lolli M.G., Bellini M.I., Lemma M., Chiarello M.M., Nicola M., Arrigo M., Mejia M.C., Manrique M.M., Rodriguez-Lopez M., Serradilla-Martin M., Lara M.Z., Martinez M., Bagnall M., Peter M., Lara M.C., Gomez M.J., Paniagua-Garcia-Senorans M., Gonzalez M.P., Rutegard M., Salo M., Franceschilli M., Silveri M., Veroux M., Pezzulo M., Nardi M., Rottoli M., Tolonen M., Ciro M.P., Zuluagua M., Cannavo M., Cervellera M., Iacobone M., Montuori M., Dominguez M.G., Bingol-Kologlu M., Tahir M., Lim M., Wilson M.S., Wilson M., Campanelli M., Bisaccia M., De Rosa M., Maruccia M., Paterno M., Pisano M., Torre M., Trevino M., Zuolo M., Hernandez Bartolome M.A., Farina M., Pera M., Calvo M.P., Sotelo M., Thway M.M., Hassan M., Hassan M.S.E., Azfar M., Bouhuwaish M., Taha M., Zaieem M., Korkoman M., Guraieb M., Shalaby M., Raza M.A., Younis M.U., Elhadi M., Ali M.Z., Quazi N., Dudi-Venkata N.N., Alselaim N., Loria N., Ramirez N.V., Than N.W., Smart N., Trelles N., Pinto N., Allievi N., Petrucciani N., Antonacci N., Cillara N., Gica N., Cristiana N.D., Krystek N., Falco N., Pecorelli N., Tamini N., Dallas N.A., Machairas N., Brito N., Fieturi N.A., Ortega N., Mercado O.A., Irkorucu O., Alsherif O., Valles O., Ioannidis O., Palmas O.H., Palmas O.I.H., Guadarrama O.S., Bozbiyik O., Omelanczuk P., Ottolino P., Rodrigues P., Ruiz P., Campenni P., Chiarade P., Olivares P.P., Baroffio P., Panaccio P., Wintringer P., Di Fronzo P., Talento P., Favoriti P., Sendino P., Marsanic P., Mifsut P., Andrade P., Ajawin P., Abadia-Barno P., Castaneda P.A.N., Arevalos P.O.S., Bellver P.P., Koh P.S., Souza P., Major P., Bali R.S., Khattar R.M., Melo R.B., Ebrahiminia R., Azar R., Murga R.L., Pirolo R., Brady R., Davies R.J., Dholakia R., Rattan R., Singhal R., Lim R., Angelico R., Isernia R.M., Tutino R., Faccincani R., Peltrini R., Carrera-Ceron R., Tejos R., Kashyap R., Fajardo R., Lozito R., Pareja R.M., Garbarino S., Morales-Conde S., Benli S., Mansour S., Flores S., Suarez S.L., Ben S.L., Fuentes S., Napetti S., de Guzman S.O., Awad S., Weckmann Lujan S.A., Gentilli S., Grimaldi S., Pizarro S.O., Tayar S., Nabi S., Chan S.M., Junaid S., Rojas S., Monetti S., Garcia S., Salvans S., Tenconi S., Shaw S., Santoni S., Parra S.A., Cardenas S., Perez-Bertolez S., Chiappetta S., Dessureault S., Delis S., Bonapasta S.A., Rausei S., Scaringi S., Keswani S., Ali S.M., Cetinkunar S., Fung T.L.D., Rawashdeh T., Lopez T.N., De Campos T., Duque T.C., Perra T., Liakakos T., Daskalakis T., Barnes T., Koeter T., Zalla T., Gonzalez T.E., Elosua T., Campagnaro T., Brown T., Luoto T., Oumar T.A., Giustizieri U., Grossi U., Bracale U., Rivas U., Sosa V., Testa V., Andriola V., Tonini V., Balassone V., Celentano V., Progno V., Raju V., Carroni V., Cavallaro V., Katta V.R., De Simone V., Romaguera V.P., Orozco V.H.G., Luraschi V., Rachkov V., Turrado-L V., Visag-Castillo V., Dowling V., Graham V., Papagni V., Vigorita V., Fonseca V.C., Carneros V.J., Bellato V., Goncalves W., Powers W.F., Grigg W., Bechstein W.O., Lim Y.B., Altinel Y., Golubovic Z., Balciscueta Z., Ielpo, B., Podda, M., Pellino, G., Pata, F., Caruso, R., Gravante, G., Di Saverio, S., Gallo, G., Lui, R., Orengia, A., Chowdary, A., Kulkarni, A., Kuvvetli, A., Navarro, A., Pisanu, A., Smith, A., Ibiricu, A. C., Nacion, A. J. D., Alsaleh, A., Alhazmi, A., Elmabri, A., Wani, A., Rencuzogullari, A., Lasarte, A. S., Rubio, A. V., Bavikatte, A., Kumar, A., Jamiri, A. -R., Padilla, A. M. A., Cacurri, A., de San Ildefonso, A., Porcu, A., Sartori, A., Rocca, A., Yanez, A. P., Becaria, A., Solis-Pena, A., Sretenovic, A., Urbistondo, A., Bandin, A., Najar, A., De Luca, A., Boddy, A., Charalabopoulos, A., Tzivanakis, A., Amendola, A., de Velasco, A. R. -G., Yildirim, A. C., Frontali, A., Toure, A. O., Garcia-Granero, A., Roldan, A. M., Larrainzar, A. S., Ratnayake, A. S., Gonzalez-Ganso, A. M., Minaya-Bravo, A. M., Das, A., Bondurri, A., Costanzi, A., Lucchi, A., Mazzari, A., Musig, A., Peloso, A., Piano, A., Police, A., Mihailescu, A., Pouy, A., Romano, A., Iossa, A., Leonetti, A. C., Guariniello, A., Isaac, A., Bovi, A. P. D., Chessa, A., Tromba, A., Martinez, A. A., Brillantino, A., Caira, A., Castaldi, A., Ferronetti, A., Giuliani, A., Prestera, A., la Medina, A. R. -D., Tarasconi, A., Tornambe, A., Picciariello, A., Ioannidis, A., Leppaniemi, A., Khan, A., Rashid, A., Perez-Sanchez, A. L. E., Mittal, A., Mitul, A. R., Mehraj, A., Laharwal, A., Dorisme, A., Marinis, A., Iqbal, A., Moncada, A., Braccio, B., Alkhafaji, B., de Andres Asenjo, B., Martin-Perez, B., Perez, B. S., Creavin, B., Cali, B., Pascotto, B., Stubbs, B., Retes, B. Z., Jovanovic, B., Goh, B. K. P., Sensi, B., Biddau, C., Gazia, C., Vallicelli, C., Fagundes, C. A., Santacruz, C. C., Chirico, C., Diaz, C. J. G., Petrola, C., Rodriguez, C. S., Benitez, C. Y., Dammaro, C., Faro, C. L., Reinke, C., Paez, C. D., Oliva, C., Paranjape, C., Thomas, C., Chia, C. F., Kong, C. K., De Lucia, C., Chao, C. O., Arcudi, C., Guerci, C., Chia, C., Parise, C., Folliero, C., Varela, C., Ferguson, D. M., Camacho, D., Popowich, D., Lima, D. S., Rega, D., Delogu, D., Zigiotto, D., Vinci, D., D'Antonio, D., Parini, D., Merlini, D. A., Zimmerman, D. D. E., Moro-Valdezate, D., Pertile, D., Giusti, D. M., Keller, D. S., Tarik, D., Kalivaci, D., Mazingi, D., Maldonado-Pintado, D. G., Sasia, D., Linardoutsos, D., Osilli, D., Murrone, D., Russello, D., Rodas, E., Roa, E. A. A., Ricciardi, E., Rosso, E., Saladino, E., Flores-Villalba, E., Ajs, E. R., Smith-Singares, E., Baili, E., Kouroumpas, E., Bourmpouteli, E., Douka, E., Martin-Perez, E., Guaitoli, E., Samadov, E., Francone, E., Vaterlini, E., Morales, E., Pena, E., Zhao, E., Andres, E. D. P., Benzoni, E., Erdas, E., Pinotti, E., Colas-Ruiz, E., Aytac, E., Laterza, E., Agastra, E., Foianini, E., Moscoso, E., Laviano, E., Marra, E., Cardamone, E., Licardie, E., Mpaili, E., Pinna, E., Varo, E., Navarro, F. M., Marino, F., Medas, F., Romano, F., Maraska, F., Saliu, F., Madrid, F., Rosa, F., Mastella, F., Gheza, F., Luvisetto, F., Alconchel, F., Vieira, F. M., Pareja, F., Agresta, F., Luna, F., Bonilla, F., Cordera, F., Burdio, F., Mendoza-Moreno, F., Flores, F. M., Aranda, F. P., Taylor, F., Ramos, F. L., Fernandes, F., Tropeano, F. P., Balestra, F., Bianco, F., Ceci, F., Colombo, F., Di Marzo, F., Ferrara, F., Lancellotti, F., Lazzarin, F., Litta, F., Martini, F., Pizza, F., Roscio, F., Virdis, F., Antona, F. B., Ramirez, F. C., Fernandez, F. M., Llinares, F. O., Quezada, F., Schlottmann, F., Herrera-Almario, G., Massaferro, G., Bislenghi, G., van Ramshorst, G., Luglio, G., Bointas, G., Kampouroglou, G., Papadopoulos, G., Manrique, G. A., Calini, G., Nastri, G., Formisano, G., Galiffa, G., Palini, G. M., Colucci, G., Pagano, G., Vanni, G., Pattacini, G. C., De Paola, G., Lisi, G., Partida, G., Bellanova, G., De Nobili, G., Necchi, G. S., Sinibaldi, G., Tebala, G., Bagaglini, G., Izzo, G., Argenio, G., Brisinda, G., Candilio, G., Di Grezia, G., Esposito, G., Faillace, G., Frazzetta, G., La Gumina, G., Nigri, G., Romeo, G., Amatriain, G. C., Ortega, G., Martin-Martin, G., Stavrou, G. A., Ugon, G. A., Machain, G., Marcucci, G., Martinez-Mier, G., Machain, G. M., Nari, G., Calvo, H., Fathy, H., Ahmed, H., Faraj, H., Nava, H., Macias, H. O., Nikaj, H., Solano, H., Khan, H. A., Alarcon, H. S., Ebied, H., Giani, I., Ateca, I. V., Neri, I., Roman, I. A. S., Fidoshev, I., Rodriguez, I. M., Negoi, I., Ortega, I., Bernescu, I., Russo, I. S., Rodriguez, I. V., Palomares, I., Baltazar, I., Torrejimeno, I. J., Jurado, I. M. C., Reccia, I., Hussain, I., Toledo, I. B., Mora-Guzman, I., Dogaru, I., Romic, I., Balciscueta, I., Kenington, J. C., Sagolsem, J., Jang, J. Y., Olivier, J., Lammel-Lindemann, J., Dziakova, J., Villavicencio, J. I. R., Salinas, J., Parreira, J. P. J. G., Perez, J. R., Reyes, J. A. S., Luque, J. A. M., Mak, J., Rodriguez, J. S., Kok, J. H. H., Krook, J., Diaz-Elizondo, J. A., Castell, J., Garcia-Flores, J. E., Navalon, J. M. J., Rodrigues, J. M. S., Pereira, J., Gomez, J. T. C., Luque, J. B., del Olmo, J. C. M., Salamea, J. C., Olivier, J. F. C., Laina, J. L. B., Ordonez, J. M., Gutierrez, J., Abba, J., Sofi, J. A., Sherafgan, K., Sahnan, K., Yanaga, K., Beatson, K., Asim, L., Alvarez, L., Siragusa, L., Farber, L., Ong, L., Athanasios, L., Garcia-Bruna, L., De Martino, L., Ferrario, L., Giordano, L., Gordini, L., Pio, L., Ponchietti, L., Moletta, L., Curella, L., Poggi, L., Taglietti, L., Bonavina, L., Conti, L., Goffredi, L., Ruiz, L. A. G., Barrionuevo, L., Fregoso, L. E., Cabrera, L. F., Rodriguez, L. G., Grande, L., Osoria, L. G., Gonzalez, L. J. K., Sanchez-Guillen, L., Tallon-Aguilar, L., Tresierra, L., Giavarini, L., Hasabelnabi, M., Odovic, M., Uemura, M., Khan, M., Artiles-Armas, M., David, M., Di Martino, M., Spampinato, M. G., Ribeiro, M. A. F., Viola, M., Angrisani, M., Calussi, M., Cannistra, M., Catarci, M., Cereda, M., Conte, M., Giordano, M., Pellicciaro, M., Marino, M. V., Vaterlini, M. E., Jimenez, M. F., Lolli, M. G., Bellini, M. I., Lemma, M., Chiarello, M. M., Nicola, M., Arrigo, M., Mejia, M. C., Manrique, M. M., Rodriguez-Lopez, M., Serradilla-Martin, M., Lara, M. Z., Martinez, M., Bagnall, M., Peter, M., Lara, M. C., Gomez, M. J., Paniagua-Garcia-Senorans, M., Gonzalez, M. P., Rutegard, M., Salo, M., Franceschilli, M., Silveri, M., Veroux, M., Pezzulo, M., Nardi, M., Rottoli, M., Tolonen, M., Ciro, M. P., Zuluagua, M., Cannavo, M., Cervellera, M., Iacobone, M., Montuori, M., Dominguez, M. G., Bingol-Kologlu, M., Tahir, M., Lim, M., Wilson, M. S., Wilson, M., Campanelli, M., Bisaccia, M., De Rosa, M., Maruccia, M., Paterno, M., Pisano, M., Torre, M., Trevino, M., Zuolo, M., Hernandez Bartolome, M. A., Farina, M., Pera, M., Calvo, M. P., Sotelo, M., Thway, M. M., Hassan, M., Hassan, M. S. E., Azfar, M., Bouhuwaish, M., Taha, M., Zaieem, M., Korkoman, M., Guraieb, M., Shalaby, M., Raza, M. A., Younis, M. U., Elhadi, M., Ali, M. Z., Quazi, N., Dudi-Venkata, N. N., Alselaim, N., Loria, N., Ramirez, N. V., Than, N. W., Smart, N., Trelles, N., Pinto, N., Allievi, N., Petrucciani, N., Antonacci, N., Cillara, N., Gica, N., Cristiana, N. D., Krystek, N., Falco, N., Pecorelli, N., Tamini, N., Dallas, N. A., Machairas, N., Brito, N., Fieturi, N. A., Ortega, N., Mercado, O. A., Irkorucu, O., Alsherif, O., Valles, O., Ioannidis, O., Palmas, O. H., Palmas, O. I. H., Guadarrama, O. S., Bozbiyik, O., Omelanczuk, P., Ottolino, P., Rodrigues, P., Ruiz, P., Campenni, P., Chiarade, P., Olivares, P. P., Baroffio, P., Panaccio, P., Wintringer, P., Di Fronzo, P., Talento, P., Favoriti, P., Sendino, P., Marsanic, P., Mifsut, P., Andrade, P., Ajawin, P., Abadia-Barno, P., Castaneda, P. A. N., Arevalos, P. O. S., Bellver, P. P., Koh, P. S., Souza, P., Major, P., Bali, R. S., Khattar, R. M., Melo, R. B., Ebrahiminia, R., Azar, R., Murga, R. L., Pirolo, R., Brady, R., Davies, R. J., Dholakia, R., Rattan, R., Singhal, R., Lim, R., Angelico, R., Isernia, R. M., Tutino, R., Faccincani, R., Peltrini, R., Carrera-Ceron, R., Tejos, R., Kashyap, R., Fajardo, R., Lozito, R., Pareja, R. M., Garbarino, S., Morales-Conde, S., Benli, S., Mansour, S., Flores, S., Suarez, S. L., Ben, S. L., Fuentes, S., Napetti, S., de Guzman, S. O., Awad, S., Weckmann Lujan, S. A., Gentilli, S., Grimaldi, S., Pizarro, S. O., Tayar, S., Nabi, S., Chan, S. M., Junaid, S., Rojas, S., Monetti, S., Garcia, S., Salvans, S., Tenconi, S., Shaw, S., Santoni, S., Parra, S. A., Cardenas, S., Perez-Bertolez, S., Chiappetta, S., Dessureault, S., Delis, S., Bonapasta, S. A., Rausei, S., Scaringi, S., Keswani, S., Ali, S. M., Cetinkunar, S., Fung, T. L. D., Rawashdeh, T., Lopez, T. N., De Campos, T., Duque, T. C., Perra, T., Liakakos, T., Daskalakis, T., Barnes, T., Koeter, T., Zalla, T., Gonzalez, T. E., Elosua, T., Campagnaro, T., Brown, T., Luoto, T., Oumar, T. A., Giustizieri, U., Grossi, U., Bracale, U., Rivas, U., Sosa, V., Testa, V., Andriola, V., Tonini, V., Balassone, V., Celentano, V., Progno, V., Raju, V., Carroni, V., Cavallaro, V., Katta, V. R., De Simone, V., Romaguera, V. P., Orozco, V. H. G., Luraschi, V., Rachkov, V., Turrado-L, V., Visag-Castillo, V., Dowling, V., Graham, V., Papagni, V., Vigorita, V., Fonseca, V. C., Carneros, V. J., Bellato, V., Goncalves, W., Powers, W. F., Grigg, W., Bechstein, W. O., Lim, Y. B., Altinel, Y., Golubovic, Z., Balciscueta, Z., Ielpo, B, Podda, M, Pellino, G, Pata, F, Caruso, R, Gravante, G, Di Saverio, S, and Luglio, G
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Anti-Bacterial Agents ,Appendectomy ,Appendicitis ,COVID-19 Testing ,Hospital Administration ,Humans ,Pandemics ,Personal Protective Equipment ,Practice Patterns, Physicians' ,Surveys and Questionnaires ,Attitude of Health Personnel ,COVID-19 ,Surgeons ,Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) ,Settore MED/18 - CHIRURGIA GENERALE ,COVID-19 pandemic. Acute appendicitis ,MEDLINE ,Practice Patterns ,030230 surgery ,Health administration ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Anti-Bacterial Agent ,Pandemic ,medicine ,Surveys and Questionnaire ,Appendiciti ,General ,Laparoscopy ,Personal protective equipment ,Physicians' ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,business.industry ,General surgery ,Original Articles ,medicine.disease ,Anti-bacterial agents ,appendectomy ,appendicitis ,COVID-19 testing ,hospital administration ,humans ,pandemics ,personal protective equipment ,practice patterns physicians' ,surveys and questionnaires ,attitude of health personnel ,surgeons ,appendicitis - COVI-19 - ACIE study - management ,Acute appendicitis ,Original Article ,Surgery ,Covid-19 ,business ,Human - Abstract
Background Surgical strategies are being adapted to face the COVID‐19 pandemic. Recommendations on the management of acute appendicitis have been based on expert opinion, but very little evidence is available. This study addressed that dearth with a snapshot of worldwide approaches to appendicitis. Methods The Association of Italian Surgeons in Europe designed an online survey to assess the current attitude of surgeons globally regarding the management of patients with acute appendicitis during the pandemic. Questions were divided into baseline information, hospital organization and screening, personal protective equipment, management and surgical approach, and patient presentation before versus during the pandemic. Results Of 744 answers, 709 (from 66 countries) were complete and were included in the analysis. Most hospitals were treating both patients with and those without COVID. There was variation in screening indications and modality used, with chest X‐ray plus molecular testing (PCR) being the commonest (19·8 per cent). Conservative management of complicated and uncomplicated appendicitis was used by 6·6 and 2·4 per cent respectively before, but 23·7 and 5·3 per cent, during the pandemic (both P, The COVID‐19 pandemic required reorganization of surgical services, affecting patients with common surgical diseases including acute appendicitis. No evidence is available on the topic. This study found global variation in screening policies, use of personal protective equipment and intraoperative directives. There has been increased adoption of non‐operative management and open appendicectomy. Hands off
- Published
- 2021
7. Endoscopic Internal Drainage Coupled to Prompt External Drainage Mobilization Is an Effective Approach for the Treatment of Complicated Cases of Sleeve Gastrectomy
- Author
Jean Loup Dumont, Ibrahim Dagher, Carmelisa Dammaro, Panagiotis Lainas, Hadrien Tranchart, Gianfranco Donatelli, Dammaro, C, Lainas, P, Dumont, Jl, Tranchart, H, Donatelli, G, and Dagher, I.
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,Reoperation ,Leak ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Sleeve gastrectomy ,Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Fistula ,Anastomotic Leak ,030209 endocrinology & metabolism ,Young Adult ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Gastrectomy ,medicine ,Humans ,Radical surgery ,Drainage ,Retrospective Studies ,Nutrition and Dietetics ,Mobilization ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,business.industry ,Stomach ,Middle Aged ,medicine.disease ,Obesity, Morbid ,Endoscopy ,Surgery ,Female ,Laparoscopy ,030211 gastroenterology & hepatology ,business - Abstract
Despite advances in treating gastric staple line leaks after bariatric surgical procedures, chronic leaks have been reported. Failure of their treatment frequently leads to radical surgery. We aimed to describe a strategy for preventing occurrence of chronic gastric leaks after complicated sleeve gastrectomy in patients necessitating relaparoscopy and external drainage as a first step of gastric leak management. METHODS: Data from 14 consecutive patients admitted for gastric leak after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy were prospectively collected and retrospectively analyzed. Patients included underwent relaparoscopy and external drainage as first step of management. RESULTS: Median time to gastric leak detection was 4 days. Emergency relaparoscopy allowed peritoneal lavage and external drainage placement next to the leak. Median time between surgery and endoscopic internal drainage (EID) was 4 days. Progressive external drainage mobilization started after 2 days. Control endoscopy was performed every 4 weeks until healing. A median interval of 112 days was necessary before healing in 13 patients. Thirteen patients (92.8%) had no gastric leak recurrence at 1 year. In one patient, EID was considerably delayed and external drainage mobilization prolonged, leading to chronic gastric leak and total gastrectomy after 18 months. CONCLUSION: This study reports for the first time a well-standardized protocol of early EID after relaparoscopy coupled to rapid external drainage removal for effectively treating complicated cases of sleeve gastrectomy. Bariatric surgeons should be aware of such therapeutic strategies and include them in their arsenal against postoperative gastric staple line leaks in severely obese patients.
- Published
- 2019
8. Endoscopic internal drainage for the management of leak, fistula, and collection after sleeve gastrectomy: our experience in 617 consecutive patients
- Author
Andrea Spota, Daniela Calabrese, Laurent Genser, Jean-Marc Chevallier, Antoine Soprani, Panagiotis Lainas, Jean-Marc Catheline, Renaud Chiche, Jean-Loup Dumont, Federica Papini, Gianfranco Donatelli, Kostas Arapis, Luca Paolino, Denis Chosidow, Simon Msika, Carmelisa Dammaro, Roberto Arienzo, Stefano Granieri, Thierry Tuszynski, Bruto Randone, Guillaume Pourcher, Lionel Rebibo, Hadrien Tranchart, Nelson Trelles, Adriana Torcivia, Ibrahim Dagher, Jean-Pierre Marmuse, Andrea Lazzati, Jean-Luc Bouillot, Fabrizio Cereatti, Filippo Pacini, Donatelli, G., Spota, A., Cereatti, F., Granieri, S., Dagher, I., Chiche, R., Catheline, J. -M., Pourcher, G., Rebibo, L., Calabrese, D., Msika, S., Dammaro, C., Tranchart, H., Lainas, P., Tuszynski, T., Pacini, F., Arienzo, R., Chevallier, J. -M., Trelles, N., Lazzati, A., Paolino, L., Papini, F., Torcivia, A., Genser, L., Arapis, K., Soprani, A., Randone, B., Chosidow, D., Bouillot, J. -L., Marmuse, J. -P., and Dumont, J. -L.
- Subjects
Adult ,Gastric Fistula ,Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Sleeve gastrectomy ,Leak ,Fistula ,Collection ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Lumen (anatomy) ,030209 endocrinology & metabolism ,Anastomotic Leak ,Double pigtail ,Single Center ,Endoscopic internal drainage ,LAMS ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Retrospective Studie ,Gastrectomy ,Stent ,Medicine ,Humans ,Drainage ,Adverse effect ,EUS ,Retrospective Studies ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,business.industry ,Endoscopy ,medicine.disease ,Surgery ,Obesity, Morbid ,Treatment Outcome ,030211 gastroenterology & hepatology ,Female ,Stents ,business ,Human - Abstract
Background Endoscopy plays a pivotal role in the management of adverse events (AE) following bariatric surgery. Leaks, fistulae, and post-operative collection after sleeve gastrectomy (SG) may occur in up to 10% of cases. Objectives To evaluate the efficacy and safety of endoscopic internal drainage (EID) for the management of leak, fistula, and collection following SG. Setting Retrospective, observational, single center study on patients referred from several bariatric surgery departments to an endoscopic referral center. Methods EID was used as first-line treatment for the management of leaks, fistulae, and collections. Leaks and fistulae were treated with double pigtail stent (DPS) deployment in order to guarantee internal drainage and second intention cavity obliteration. Collections were treated with endoscropic ultrasound (EUS)–guided deployment of DPS or lumen apposing metal stents. Results A total of 617 patients (83.3% female; mean age, 43.1 yr) were enrolled in the study for leak (n = 300, 48.6%), fistula (n = 285, 46.2%), and collection (n = 32, 5.2%). Median follow-up was 19.5 months. Overall clinical success was 84.7% whereas 15.3% of cases required revisional surgery after EID failure. Clinical success according to type of AE was 89.5%, 78.5%, and 90% for leak, fistula, and collection, respectively. A total of 10 of 547 (1.8%) presented a recurrence during follow-up. A total of 28 (4.5%) AE related to the endoscopic treatment occurred. At univariate logistic regression predictors of failure were: fistula (OR 2.012), combined endoscopic approach (OR 2.319), need for emergency surgery (OR 1.755), and previous endoscopic treatment (OR 4.818). Conclusion Early EID for the management of leak, fistula, and post-operative collection after SG seems a safe and effective first-line approach with good long-term results.
- Published
- 2020
9. Submucosal Tunnel Endoscopic Resection of Gastric Lesion Before Obesity Surgery: a Case Series
- Author
Carmelisa Dammaro, Fabrizio Cereatti, David Danan, Gianfranco Donatelli, Jean-Loup Dumont, Panagiotis Lainas, Jean-Marc Catheline, Nelson Trelles, Hadrian Tranchart, Roberto Arienzo, Filippo Pacini, Jean-Marc Chevalier, Ibrahim Dagher, Donatelli, G., Cereatti, F., Dumont, J. -L., Trelles, N., Lainas, P., Dammaro, C., Tranchart, H., Pacini, F., Arienzo, R., Chevalier, J. -M., Danan, D., Catheline, J. -M., and Dagher, I.
- Subjects
Bypa ,Sleeve gastrectomy ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Esophageal Neoplasms ,Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Enucleation ,POEM ,Bariatric Surgery ,030209 endocrinology & metabolism ,Lesion ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Retrospective Studie ,Gastrectomy ,Stomach Neoplasms ,Gastroscopy ,Medicine ,Humans ,Stromal tumor ,Esophageal Neoplasm ,Retrospective Studies ,Nutrition and Dietetics ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,GiST ,Leiomyoma ,business.industry ,Endoscopy ,Lipoma ,medicine.disease ,STER ,Surgery ,Obesity, Morbid ,Treatment Outcome ,Gastric Mucosa ,030211 gastroenterology & hepatology ,Female ,Submucosal tumor ,medicine.symptom ,business ,GIST ,Human - Abstract
Background: Submucosal tumors (SMTs) of the gastrointestinal tract are a rare pathological entity comprising a wide variety of neoplastic and non-neoplastic lesions. Even if most SMTs are benign tumors (e.g., leiomyomas), a smaller portion may have a malignant potential (e.g., gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST)). Preoperative diagnosis of SMT in bariatric patients may arise challenging clinical dilemmas. Long-term surveillance may be difficult after bariatric surgery. Moreover, according to SMT location, its presence may interfere with planned surgery. Submucosal tunneling endoscopic resection (STER) has emerged as an effective approach for minimally invasive en bloc excision of SMTs. This is the first case series of STER for SMTs before bariatric surgery. Methods: Seven female patients underwent STER for removal of SMTs before bariatric surgery. All lesions were incidentally diagnosed at preoperative endoscopy. STER procedural steps comprised mucosal incision, submucosal tunneling, lesion enucleation, and closure of mucosal defect. Results: En bloc removal of SMT was achieved in all cases. Mean procedural time was of 45 min (SD 18.6). No adverse event occurred. Mean size of the lesions was 20.6 mm (SD 5.8). Histological diagnoses were 5 leyomiomas, 1 lipoma, and 1 low grade GIST. Bariatric procedure was performed after a mean period of 4.1 months (SD 1.6) from endoscopic resection. Conclusion: STER is a safe and effective treatment for the management of SMT even in bariatric patients awaiting surgery. Preoperative endoscopic resection of SMTs has the advantages of reducing the need for surveillance and removing lesions that could interfere with planned surgery. STER did not altered accomplishment of bariatric procedures.
- Published
- 2020
10. Safety and short-term outcomes of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy for patients over 65 years old with severe obesity
- Author
Carmelisa Dammaro, Panagiotis Lainas, Ibrahim Dagher, Gianfranco Donatelli, Martin Gaillard, Hadrien Tranchart, Lainas, P, Dammaro, C, Gaillard, M, Donatelli, G, Tranchart, H, and Dagher, I.
- Subjects
Male ,Sleeve gastrectomy ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Time Factors ,Databases, Factual ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Bariatric Surgery ,030209 endocrinology & metabolism ,Risk Assessment ,Body Mass Index ,Cohort Studies ,03 medical and health sciences ,Patient safety ,Sex Factors ,0302 clinical medicine ,Quality of life ,Gastrectomy ,Weight loss ,Humans ,Medicine ,Mass index ,Laparoscopy ,Aged ,Retrospective Studies ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,business.industry ,Patient Selection ,Age Factors ,medicine.disease ,Obesity ,Obesity, Morbid ,Surgery ,Treatment Outcome ,Female ,030211 gastroenterology & hepatology ,Median body ,France ,Patient Safety ,medicine.symptom ,business ,Follow-Up Studies - Abstract
Background: Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) is a widely accepted, stand-alone bariatric operation. Data on elderly patients undergoing LSG are scarce. Objectives: The aim of this study was to demonstrate that LSG is safe and effective for patients>65 years old with severe obesity. Setting: Department of Minimally Invasive Digestive Surgery, Antoine-Beclere Hospital, AP-HP, Paris-Saclay University, France. Methods: Prospectively collected data from consecutive patients undergoing LSG were retrospectively analyzed. Patients with>1-year follow-up were included in the analysis for weight loss and co-morbidities evaluation. Quality of life was evaluated using the Short-Form 36 questionnaire. Results: Fifty-four patients>65 years old (range, 65-75 yr) underwent LSG. Median weight was 119 kg, and median body mass index was 43 kg/m2. Median duration of surgery was 86.5 minutes. Two patients (3.7%) suffered a gastric staple-line leak, 1 treated by pure endoscopic internal drainage and 1 by relaparoscopy with subsequent endoscopic internal drainage. Mortality was null. Median length of hospital stay was 5 days. Six, 12, and 24 months after LSG, median body mass index decreased significantly to 35, 32.9, and 30.7 kg/m2, respectively (P65 years old, resulting in significant weight loss, co-morbidities remission, and quality of life improvement. Careful patient selection after adequate risk versus benefit evaluation by an expert multidisciplinary team is essential for patient safety and optimal results.
- Published
- 2018
11. Endoscopic Fistula-jejunostomy for Chronic Gastro-jejunal Fistula After Sleeve Gastrectomy
- Author
Carmelisa Dammaro, Gianfranco Donatelli, Fabrizio Cereatti, Silvana Perretta, Jean-Loup Dumont, Kostantinos Arapis, David Fuks, Ludovica Guerriero, Donatelli, G, Guerriero, L, Cereatti, F, Arapis, K, Dammaro, C, Dumont, Jl, Fuks, D, and Perretta, S.
- Subjects
Gastric Fistula ,Male ,Sleeve gastrectomy ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Leak ,Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Fistula ,030209 endocrinology & metabolism ,Anastomotic Leak ,Anastomosis ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Gastrectomy ,Surgical Stapling ,Intestinal Fistula ,Medicine ,Humans ,Nutrition and Dietetics ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,business.industry ,Gold standard ,Stomach ,Stent ,Endoscopy ,Middle Aged ,medicine.disease ,Surgery ,Obesity, Morbid ,Jejunum ,Treatment Outcome ,Jejunostomy ,Chronic Disease ,Drainage ,030211 gastroenterology & hepatology ,Stents ,business ,Gastroenterostomy - Abstract
Proximal gastric leak is one of the most common complications after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG). Endoscopy is the gold standard treatment for acute staple-line leaks. Surgery is the most effective treatment modality in case of chronic fistula. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A 55-year- old man presented an acute leak after LSG. The leak was treated with metal stent deployment with temporary closure. After 6 months, he presented leak recurrence with general sepsis, perigastric-infected collection, and gastro-jejunal fistula. RESULTS: Endoscopic internal drainage (EID) was performed; however, due to fistula persistence, a surgical procedure was proposed. The patient refused revisional surgery; therefore, endoscopic salvage procedure was decided. A fully covered metal stent was deployed in order to bypass the perigastric collection creating an endoscopic gastro-jejunal anastomosis. CONCLUSION: Revisional surgery is the gold standard treatment for chronic fistula after SG. Endoscopic treatment with SEMS deployment may be a sound option in selected cases especially after failure of other endoscopic techniques or refusal of revisional surgery.
- Published
- 2018
12. Low Impact Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery: a New Concept Aiming to Reduce Surgical Trauma in Patients with Severe Obesity.
- Author
Lainas P, Dammaro C, Zervaki S, and Dagher I
- Subjects
- Humans, Obesity surgery, Obesity, Morbid surgery, Bariatric Surgery, Laparoscopy
- Published
- 2023
- Full Text
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13. Predicting the Need for Surgery in Uncomplicated Adhesive Small Bowel Obstruction: A Scoring Tool.
- Author
Maraux L, Dammaro C, Gaillard M, Lainas P, Derienne J, Maitre S, Chague P, Rocher L, Dagher I, and Tranchart H
- Subjects
- Humans, Intestine, Small surgery, Retrospective Studies, Tissue Adhesions complications, Tissue Adhesions surgery, Treatment Outcome, Adhesives, Intestinal Obstruction etiology, Intestinal Obstruction surgery
- Abstract
Introduction: Nonoperative treatment can be attempted for uncomplicated adhesive small bowel obstruction (ASBO), but carries a risk of delayed surgery. Highlighting initial parameters predicting risk of failure of nonoperative management would be of great interest., Methods: Patients initially managed conservatively for uncomplicated ASBO were retrospectively analyzed. Univariate and multivariate analysis were performed to identify predictive failure's factors. Based on the risk factors, a score was created and then prospectively validated in a different patients' population., Results: Among 171 patients included, 98 (57.3%) were successfully managed conservatively. In a multivariate analysis, three independent nonoperative management failure's factors were identified: Charlson Index ≥4 (P = 0.016), distal obstruction (P = 0.009), and maximum small bowel diameter over vertical abdominal diameter ratio >0.34 (P = 0.023). A score of two or three was associated with a risk of surgery of 51.4% or 70.3% in the retrospective analysis and 62.2% or 75% in the validation cohort, respectively., Conclusions: This clinical-radiological score may help guide surgical decision-making in uncomplicated ASBO. A high score (≥2) was predictive of failure of nonoperative management. This tool could assist surgeons to determine who would benefit from early surgery., (Copyright © 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2022
- Full Text
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14. Prevention of incisional hernia after single-port sleeve gastrectomy (PRISM): a prospective non-randomized controlled study.
- Author
Tranchart H, Gaillard M, Bekkhoucha S, Dammaro C, Schoucair N, Lainas P, Voican CS, Chague P, Rocher L, and Dagher I
- Subjects
- Gastrectomy adverse effects, Humans, Prospective Studies, Surgical Mesh adverse effects, Surgical Wound Infection epidemiology, Surgical Wound Infection etiology, Surgical Wound Infection prevention & control, Hernia, Ventral etiology, Incisional Hernia complications, Incisional Hernia prevention & control
- Abstract
Background: SPSG carries a risk of incisional hernia, particularly in patients with high body mass index. Prophylactic mesh placement with either permanent or absorbable mesh could decrease the occurrence of incisional hernia, with uncertainty on other postoperative parietal complications., Methods: This is a non-randomized monocentric single-blinded prospective study. High-risk patients (body mass index ≥ 45 kg/m
2 ) underwent either 3 strategies of parietal closure (suture with or without permanent or absorbable mesh) during SPSG. The primary outcome was the occurrence of radiologically defined incisional hernia during the first postoperative year. Secondary outcomes included surgical site infection rates and postoperative pain., Results: Between November 2018 and November 2019, 255 patients were included (85 in each group). All patients reached one-year postoperative follow-up. Significantly more incisional hernias were observed in the no mesh group in comparison with permanent and absorbable mesh groups, respectively (20% vs. 7.1% vs. 5.1%, P = 0.005). No difference was observed in mesh groups. No difference was observed regarding other parietal complications. One patient in the absorbable mesh group presented a superficial surgical site infection and required surgical drainage without mesh removal and one patient in the permanent mesh group presented a parietal hematoma and required surgical drainage with mesh removal. Twenty-six (92.8%) asymptomatic patients presented incisional hernia discovered on the one-year CT-scan., Conclusions: Prophylactic mesh placement during SPSG decreases the occurrence of postoperative incisional hernia. Routine permanent mesh placement could be proposed in high-risk patients., (© 2022. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.)- Published
- 2022
- Full Text
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15. Routine Early Computed Tomography Scanner After Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy in High-Risk Severely Obese Patients Is Effective for Bleeding or Hematoma Diagnosis but not for Staple-Line Leak Detection: a Prospective Study.
- Author
Lainas P, Triantafyllou E, Chagué P, Dammaro C, Maitre S, Rocher L, and Dagher I
- Subjects
- Adult, Anastomotic Leak etiology, Gastrectomy methods, Hematoma etiology, Humans, Obesity surgery, Postoperative Complications etiology, Postoperative Hemorrhage diagnostic imaging, Postoperative Hemorrhage etiology, Prospective Studies, Surgical Stapling adverse effects, Tomography adverse effects, Treatment Outcome, Laparoscopy methods, Obesity, Morbid surgery
- Abstract
Purpose: Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) is the most frequently performed bariatric procedure worldwide. Postoperative staple-line leak and intraabdominal hemorrhage can increase associated morbidity and mortality. The value of routine early computed tomography (CT) scanner examination in the early diagnosis of complications in high-risk severely obese patients undergoing LSG is studied., Methods: This was a prospective, non-randomized study including all patients undergoing LSG in our department from 2014 to 2020. Patients presenting at least one potential risk factor for postoperative gastric leak and bleeding (as defined by the current literature) were included. Primary endpoint was the efficacy of postoperative day (POD) 2 CT-scanner examination in diagnosing these complications., Results: One thousand fifty-one high-risk patients were included. Median age was 44 years. Early postoperative surgical complications occurred in 48 patients (4.5%): 25 (2.3%) intraabdominal hemorrhage and 23 (2.2%) staple-line leak. Early CT-scanner detected intraabdominal bleeding or hematoma in 22/25 patients, with 95.6% sensitivity (Youden's index = 0.95), while specificity was 100%, positive predictive value (PPV) 100%, and negative predictive value (NPV) 99.9%. Sensitivity of early postoperative CT-scanner was 43.4% (10/23 patients; Youden's index = 0.43) for staple-line leak detection, with specificity of 100%, PPV 100%, and NPV 98.7%., Conclusion: POD 2 CT-scanner in high-risk severely obese patients undergoing LSG is an excellent tool for early diagnosis of intraabdominal hemorrhage, but sensitivity remains low for staple-line leak detection. Close postoperative clinical follow-up of these patients is essential and any suspicion of postoperative surgical complication should motivate the performance of a CT-scanner., (© 2022. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.)
- Published
- 2022
- Full Text
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16. Endoscopic internal drainage for the management of leak, fistula, and collection after sleeve gastrectomy: our experience in 617 consecutive patients.
- Author
Donatelli G, Spota A, Cereatti F, Granieri S, Dagher I, Chiche R, Catheline JM, Pourcher G, Rebibo L, Calabrese D, Msika S, Dammaro C, Tranchart H, Lainas P, Tuszynski T, Pacini F, Arienzo R, Chevallier JM, Trelles N, Lazzati A, Paolino L, Papini F, Torcivia A, Genser L, Arapis K, Soprani A, Randone B, Chosidow D, Bouillot JL, Marmuse JP, and Dumont JL
- Subjects
- Adult, Anastomotic Leak etiology, Anastomotic Leak surgery, Drainage, Endoscopy, Female, Gastrectomy adverse effects, Humans, Male, Retrospective Studies, Stents, Treatment Outcome, Gastric Fistula etiology, Gastric Fistula surgery, Obesity, Morbid surgery
- Abstract
Background: Endoscopy plays a pivotal role in the management of adverse events (AE) following bariatric surgery. Leaks, fistulae, and post-operative collection after sleeve gastrectomy (SG) may occur in up to 10% of cases., Objectives: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of endoscopic internal drainage (EID) for the management of leak, fistula, and collection following SG., Setting: Retrospective, observational, single center study on patients referred from several bariatric surgery departments to an endoscopic referral center., Methods: EID was used as first-line treatment for the management of leaks, fistulae, and collections. Leaks and fistulae were treated with double pigtail stent (DPS) deployment in order to guarantee internal drainage and second intention cavity obliteration. Collections were treated with endoscropic ultrasound (EUS)-guided deployment of DPS or lumen apposing metal stents., Results: A total of 617 patients (83.3% female; mean age, 43.1 yr) were enrolled in the study for leak (n = 300, 48.6%), fistula (n = 285, 46.2%), and collection (n = 32, 5.2%). Median follow-up was 19.5 months. Overall clinical success was 84.7% whereas 15.3% of cases required revisional surgery after EID failure. Clinical success according to type of AE was 89.5%, 78.5%, and 90% for leak, fistula, and collection, respectively. A total of 10 of 547 (1.8%) presented a recurrence during follow-up. A total of 28 (4.5%) AE related to the endoscopic treatment occurred. At univariate logistic regression predictors of failure were: fistula (OR 2.012), combined endoscopic approach (OR 2.319), need for emergency surgery (OR 1.755), and previous endoscopic treatment (OR 4.818)., Conclusion: Early EID for the management of leak, fistula, and post-operative collection after SG seems a safe and effective first-line approach with good long-term results., (Copyright © 2021 American Society for Bariatric Surgery. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2021
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17. Submucosal Tunnel Endoscopic Resection of Gastric Lesion Before Obesity Surgery: a Case Series.
- Author
Donatelli G, Cereatti F, Dumont JL, Trelles N, Lainas P, Dammaro C, Tranchart H, Pacini F, Arienzo R, Chevalier JM, Danan D, Catheline JM, and Dagher I
- Subjects
- Female, Gastrectomy, Gastric Mucosa, Gastroscopy, Humans, Retrospective Studies, Treatment Outcome, Bariatric Surgery, Esophageal Neoplasms surgery, Obesity, Morbid surgery, Stomach Neoplasms surgery
- Abstract
Background: Submucosal tumors (SMTs) of the gastrointestinal tract are a rare pathological entity comprising a wide variety of neoplastic and non-neoplastic lesions. Even if most SMTs are benign tumors (e.g., leiomyomas), a smaller portion may have a malignant potential (e.g., gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST)). Preoperative diagnosis of SMT in bariatric patients may arise challenging clinical dilemmas. Long-term surveillance may be difficult after bariatric surgery. Moreover, according to SMT location, its presence may interfere with planned surgery. Submucosal tunneling endoscopic resection (STER) has emerged as an effective approach for minimally invasive en bloc excision of SMTs. This is the first case series of STER for SMTs before bariatric surgery., Methods: Seven female patients underwent STER for removal of SMTs before bariatric surgery. All lesions were incidentally diagnosed at preoperative endoscopy. STER procedural steps comprised mucosal incision, submucosal tunneling, lesion enucleation, and closure of mucosal defect., Results: En bloc removal of SMT was achieved in all cases. Mean procedural time was of 45 min (SD 18.6). No adverse event occurred. Mean size of the lesions was 20.6 mm (SD 5.8). Histological diagnoses were 5 leyomiomas, 1 lipoma, and 1 low grade GIST. Bariatric procedure was performed after a mean period of 4.1 months (SD 1.6) from endoscopic resection., Conclusion: STER is a safe and effective treatment for the management of SMT even in bariatric patients awaiting surgery. Preoperative endoscopic resection of SMTs has the advantages of reducing the need for surveillance and removing lesions that could interfere with planned surgery. STER did not altered accomplishment of bariatric procedures.
- Published
- 2020
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18. Single-port Laparoscopic Surgery for the Treatment of Severe Obesity: Review and Perspectives.
- Author
Lainas P, Derienne J, Dammaro C, Schoucair N, Devaquet N, and Dagher I
- Subjects
- Gastrectomy, Humans, Retrospective Studies, Treatment Outcome, Weight Loss, Gastric Bypass, Gastroplasty, Laparoscopy, Obesity, Morbid surgery
- Abstract
This report aims to review current data on single-incision (single-port) laparoscopic surgery (SILS) for bariatric surgery. A comprehensive research of Pubmed database and Cochrane library on SILS bariatric surgery was conducted. Twenty-eight articles met inclusion criteria (3611 patients). Intraoperative and clinical outcomes for SILS sleeve gastrectomy (SG), Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB), and adjustable gastric banding (AGB) seem comparable to conventional laparoscopy. SILS for SG was safe and feasible with good outcomes. The same stands for RYGB but more studies are necessary for safe conclusions, while additional trocars are necessary to perform the procedure. AGB is feasible and safe by SILS but the declining number of annual procedures will probably limit the use of SILS. Major studies are unavailable for SILS and other bariatric procedures.
- Published
- 2020
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19. Lifesaving transarterial embolization using absorbable gelatin sponge particles for massive bleeding of ruptured metastatic hepatic melanoma.
- Author
Lainas P, Rodda GA, Rafek G, Millereux M, Dammaro C, Trouiller P, Maitre S, and Dagher I
- Subjects
- Adult, Female, Hemorrhage etiology, Hepatic Artery, Humans, Liver Neoplasms complications, Melanoma complications, Rupture, Spontaneous complications, Embolization, Therapeutic methods, Gelatin Sponge, Absorbable administration & dosage, Hemorrhage therapy, Liver Neoplasms secondary, Melanoma secondary
- Published
- 2020
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20. Endoscopic Internal Drainage Coupled to Prompt External Drainage Mobilization Is an Effective Approach for the Treatment of Complicated Cases of Sleeve Gastrectomy.
- Author
Dammaro C, Lainas P, Dumont JL, Tranchart H, Donatelli G, and Dagher I
- Subjects
- Adult, Anastomotic Leak etiology, Female, Gastrectomy methods, Humans, Laparoscopy methods, Male, Middle Aged, Reoperation methods, Retrospective Studies, Stomach, Young Adult, Anastomotic Leak surgery, Drainage methods, Gastrectomy adverse effects, Laparoscopy adverse effects, Obesity, Morbid surgery
- Abstract
Introduction: Despite advances in treating gastric staple line leaks after bariatric surgical procedures, chronic leaks have been reported. Failure of their treatment frequently leads to radical surgery. We aimed to describe a strategy for preventing occurrence of chronic gastric leaks after complicated sleeve gastrectomy in patients necessitating relaparoscopy and external drainage as a first step of gastric leak management., Methods: Data from 14 consecutive patients admitted for gastric leak after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy were prospectively collected and retrospectively analyzed. Patients included underwent relaparoscopy and external drainage as first step of management., Results: Median time to gastric leak detection was 4 days. Emergency relaparoscopy allowed peritoneal lavage and external drainage placement next to the leak. Median time between surgery and endoscopic internal drainage (EID) was 4 days. Progressive external drainage mobilization started after 2 days. Control endoscopy was performed every 4 weeks until healing. A median interval of 112 days was necessary before healing in 13 patients. Thirteen patients (92.8%) had no gastric leak recurrence at 1 year. In one patient, EID was considerably delayed and external drainage mobilization prolonged, leading to chronic gastric leak and total gastrectomy after 18 months., Conclusion: This study reports for the first time a well-standardized protocol of early EID after relaparoscopy coupled to rapid external drainage removal for effectively treating complicated cases of sleeve gastrectomy. Bariatric surgeons should be aware of such therapeutic strategies and include them in their arsenal against postoperative gastric staple line leaks in severely obese patients.
- Published
- 2019
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21. Salvage procedures for chronic gastric leaks after sleeve gastrectomy: the role of laparoscopic Roux-en-Y fistulo-jejunostomy.
- Author
Lainas P, Schoucair N, Dammaro C, and Dagher I
- Abstract
Competing Interests: Conflicts of Interest: The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
- Published
- 2019
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22. Appendiceal endometriosis invading the sigmoid colon: a rare entity.
- Author
Lainas P, Dammaro C, Rodda GA, Morcelet M, Prevot S, and Dagher I
- Subjects
- Adult, Appendix diagnostic imaging, Colon, Sigmoid diagnostic imaging, Endometriosis diagnostic imaging, Female, Humans, Tomography, X-Ray Computed, Appendix pathology, Colon, Sigmoid pathology, Endometriosis pathology
- Abstract
Purpose: We report an unusual case of endometriosis of the appendix with simultaneous invasion of the sigmoid colon., Methods: Clinical, radiological, surgical, and histological data of the patient were reviewed, as well as the current literature on gastrointestinal endometriosis., Results: A 41-year-old woman presented to the emergency department of our hospital with acute right lower quadrant pain, pronounced tenderness elevated white blood cell count, and increased C-reactive protein. Abdominal CT scan suggested a mucocele of the appendix. The patient was first treated with antibiotics, followed by en bloc resection of the appendix and of the sigmoid colon 2 months later. Histological examination revealed an endometriotic nodule of the appendix filling the appendiceal lumen and resulting in a mucocele which invaded the sigmoid colon wall., Conclusions: The diagnosis of gastrointestinal endometriosis can be challenging due to the variety of symptoms it can produce. Although extremely rare, a concomitant double gastrointestinal location of endometriosis may be possible and should be considered in women of reproductive age.
- Published
- 2019
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23. Safety and short-term outcomes of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy for patients over 65 years old with severe obesity.
- Author
Lainas P, Dammaro C, Gaillard M, Donatelli G, Tranchart H, and Dagher I
- Subjects
- Age Factors, Aged, Bariatric Surgery adverse effects, Body Mass Index, Cohort Studies, Databases, Factual, Female, Follow-Up Studies, France, Gastrectomy adverse effects, Humans, Laparoscopy adverse effects, Male, Obesity, Morbid diagnosis, Patient Selection, Retrospective Studies, Risk Assessment, Sex Factors, Time Factors, Treatment Outcome, Bariatric Surgery methods, Gastrectomy methods, Laparoscopy methods, Obesity, Morbid surgery, Patient Safety
- Abstract
Background: Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) is a widely accepted, stand-alone bariatric operation. Data on elderly patients undergoing LSG are scarce., Objectives: The aim of this study was to demonstrate that LSG is safe and effective for patients>65 years old with severe obesity., Setting: Department of Minimally Invasive Digestive Surgery, Antoine-Beclere Hospital, AP-HP, Paris-Saclay University, France., Methods: Prospectively collected data from consecutive patients undergoing LSG were retrospectively analyzed. Patients with>1-year follow-up were included in the analysis for weight loss and co-morbidities evaluation. Quality of life was evaluated using the Short-Form 36 questionnaire., Results: Fifty-four patients>65 years old (range, 65-75 yr) underwent LSG. Median weight was 119 kg, and median body mass index was 43 kg/m
2 . Median duration of surgery was 86.5 minutes. Two patients (3.7%) suffered a gastric staple-line leak, 1 treated by pure endoscopic internal drainage and 1 by relaparoscopy with subsequent endoscopic internal drainage. Mortality was null. Median length of hospital stay was 5 days. Six, 12, and 24 months after LSG, median body mass index decreased significantly to 35, 32.9, and 30.7 kg/m2 , respectively (P<.0001), with mean excess weight loss of 76.3% at 2 years. Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, and arthralgia showed statistically significant remission at 1- and 2-year follow-up, while 6 of 8 SF-36 scale scores of quality of life assessment improved significantly., Conclusions: This study suggests that LSG is effective for patients>65 years old, resulting in significant weight loss, co-morbidities remission, and quality of life improvement. Careful patient selection after adequate risk versus benefit evaluation by an expert multidisciplinary team is essential for patient safety and optimal results., (Copyright © 2018 American Society for Bariatric Surgery. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)- Published
- 2018
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24. Endoscopic Fistula-jejunostomy for Chronic Gastro-jejunal Fistula After Sleeve Gastrectomy.
- Author
Donatelli G, Guerriero L, Cereatti F, Arapis K, Dammaro C, Dumont JL, Fuks D, and Perretta S
- Subjects
- Anastomotic Leak surgery, Chronic Disease, Drainage methods, Endoscopy adverse effects, Gastrectomy methods, Gastric Fistula surgery, Gastroenterostomy instrumentation, Humans, Intestinal Fistula surgery, Jejunum surgery, Male, Middle Aged, Obesity, Morbid surgery, Stents, Stomach surgery, Surgical Stapling adverse effects, Treatment Outcome, Anastomotic Leak etiology, Gastrectomy adverse effects, Gastric Fistula etiology, Gastroenterostomy methods, Intestinal Fistula etiology
- Abstract
Introduction: Proximal gastric leak is one of the most common complications after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG). Endoscopy is the gold standard treatment for acute staple-line leaks. Surgery is the most effective treatment modality in case of chronic fistula., Material and Methods: A 55-year- old man presented an acute leak after LSG. The leak was treated with metal stent deployment with temporary closure. After 6 months, he presented leak recurrence with general sepsis, perigastric-infected collection, and gastro-jejunal fistula., Results: Endoscopic internal drainage (EID) was performed; however, due to fistula persistence, a surgical procedure was proposed. The patient refused revisional surgery; therefore, endoscopic salvage procedure was decided. A fully covered metal stent was deployed in order to bypass the perigastric collection creating an endoscopic gastro-jejunal anastomosis., Conclusion: Revisional surgery is the gold standard treatment for chronic fistula after SG. Endoscopic treatment with SEMS deployment may be a sound option in selected cases especially after failure of other endoscopic techniques or refusal of revisional surgery.
- Published
- 2018
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25. Cardiac remodeling in obese patients after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy.
- Author
Cavarretta E, Casella G, Calì B, Dammaro C, Biondi-Zoccai G, Iossa A, Leonetti F, Frati G, and Basso N
- Subjects
- Adult, Bariatric Surgery adverse effects, Bariatric Surgery methods, Body Mass Index, Cohort Studies, Diabetes Mellitus physiopathology, Diabetes Mellitus prevention & control, Echocardiography, Doppler, Female, Follow-Up Studies, Gastrectomy adverse effects, Humans, Hypertension physiopathology, Hypertension prevention & control, Laparoscopy adverse effects, Lipoproteins, HDL analysis, Lipoproteins, HDL metabolism, Male, Middle Aged, Multivariate Analysis, Obesity, Morbid diagnosis, Retrospective Studies, Risk Assessment, Treatment Outcome, Weight Loss, Young Adult, Gastrectomy methods, Laparoscopy methods, Obesity, Morbid surgery, Quality of Life, Ventricular Remodeling physiology
- Abstract
Background: Obesity is associated with high morbidity and represents an increasing health care problem worldwide. Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) has been used effectively for weight loss and co-morbidity remission. In this retrospective study, we evaluated cardiac reverse remodeling at medium-term follow-up by echocardiography, the amount of cardiovascular medications, and the impact of co-morbidities after sleeve gastrectomy., Methods: Altogether, 16 obese patients (4 men, 12 women; 46.4 ± 10.3 years) underwent complete clinical evaluation, laboratory tests, and color Doppler/tissue Doppler imaging echocardiography preoperatively and 12-20 months after bariatric surgery., Results: Body weight (mean body mass index) was significantly reduced (from 44.8 ± 8.0 to 31.2 ± 7.8 kg/m2; p = 0.001). Lipid profile significantly improved: total cholesterol and triglycerides decreased (respectively: 215.5 ± 53.8 vs. 205.3 ± 46.6 mg/dl and 184.9 ± 109.3 vs. 116.1 ± 49.9 mg/dl, both p ≤ 0.05), and high-density lipoprotein increased (43.1 ± 10.9 vs. 51.4 ± 12.8 mg/dl, p = 0.005). Systolic blood pressure significantly decreased (from 133.0 ± 17.1 to 120.6 ± 13.7 mmHg; p = 0.04). Diabetes remission was complete in five of six patients (83%) and sleep apnea in four of five (80 %). Echocardiography showed significantly reduced interventricular septum and posterior wall thickness (11.3 ± 1.8 to 9.4 ± 2.1 mm and 10.4 ± 1.7 to 8.6 ± 1.9 mm, respectively; both p < 0.007) and reduced left ventricular mass (absolute value and indexed by height, respectively: 222.41 ± 78.2 to 172.75 ± 66.3 g (p = 0.003) and 55.9 ± 14.3 to 43.8 ± 17.2 g/m(2.7) (p = 0.0004). Antihypertensive drug intake was significantly reduced (p = 0.03), as shown by the 10-year Framingham Risk Score (from 14.2 ± 9.3 to 8.3 ± 9.5%, p = 0.003)., Conclusions: Sleeve gastrectomy is associated with marked improvement in terms of weight loss, lipid profile, type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, hypertension, and left ventricular hypertrophy, with a significantly reduced Framingham Risk Score.
- Published
- 2013
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