Straipsnyje aptariama, kaip galima konstruktyviai ugdyti IV klasės mokinių teksto analizės gebėjimus taikant mokymosi bendradarbiaujant strategiją. Aprašomos dvi praktinės veiklos, aptariami mokinių pasiekimai, kai dirbdami porose ir nedidelėse grupėse analizavo grožinius ir negrožinius tekstus, perdavė ir priėmė informaciją apie skaitytą kūrinį, apmąstė veiklą. Mokslinės literatūros ir empirinio tyrimo duomenų analizė atskleidė, kad siekiant veiksmingai taikyti mokymosi bendradarbiaujant strategiją analizuojant tekstus, mokiniams reikia pateikti tikslingų, įdomių, prasmingų, teigiamas emocijas keliančių užduočių. Išsakyti kūrinio pagrindines idėjas ketvirtos klasės mokiniams sunkiai sekasi net pasitarus su suolo draugu. Dažniausiai ketvirtokai linkę atpasakoti kūrinio siužetą, matydami pavienes detales, o neįžvelgdami gilios prasmės ir reikšmės. IV klasės mokiniai labai teigiamai vertina galimybę rinktis tekstą. This article discusses the issues of the possible ways to constructively develop the fourth-formers‘ text analysis abilities when applying the strategy of learning in cooperation. The article describes two practical activities and discusses pupils’ achievements they attained while analyzing fiction and non-fiction texts, rendering and accepting information about the text and reflecting on their activity in pairs and in small groups. The aim of the research: to reveal the fourth-formers‘ text analysis achievements when applying the strategy of learning in cooperation on the basis of the results of pedagogical experiment. Conclusions: 1. In order to successfully apply the strategy of learning in cooperation while analyzing a text, pupils should be supplied with purposeful, interesting and expedient tasks, which raise positive emotions. It is recommended to choose interesting multi-layered (poly-semantic) and diverse texts. Learning in cooperation develops pupils‘ activeness, initiative, creative thinking, independence and social skills. 2. Fourth-formers find it hard to tell the main ideas of a text even after being consulted by their desk-mate. Pupils usually tend to retell the plot of a piece of writing indicating separate details without pointing out the depth of its sense and meaning. In order to achieve better results, it is suggested to afford pupils to read, analyze, and evaluate writings in cooperation with a friend or a group of friends. Listening to others helps to create the meaning of a text, to check the rightness of personal opinion. 3. Fourth-formers have a positive attitude towards the possibility to choose a text, because the respondents were well disposed towards the text they have read. After the detailed analysis of pupils‘ answers it became clear that in most cases pupils indicated that they had learnt a lot from the text. A positive remark is that many fourth-formers are able to tell very concrete arguments related to the content and experience. 4. The strategy of learning in cooperation is an appropriate way to study the way pupils understand a text and to develop their reading skillsas well as to encourage a positive attitude towards reading. When talking about the text, that has been read, pupils base their position on their life experience; give a meaning to their feelings and emotions in relation to content. Discussion in a group encourages pupils to ask new questions, be interested in a text and relate it with their personal and group members‘ experience, develop critical attitude towards the text being read. The process of learning in cooperation will be successful when pupils learn to reflect on their personal and their group-mates‘ contribution to joint work.