879 results on '"D. Demetriades"'
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2. Integration of model-predictive control in medium and high-voltage power electronics products: An industrial perspective on gaps and progress required.
3. Heuristic model predictive modulation in high power multi-level converters.
4. A control method for inductor current balancing in current source modular multilevel converter.
5. Technology Readiness Assessment of Model Predictive Control in Medium- and High-Voltage Power Electronics.
6. Heuristic Model Predictive Modulation for High-Power Cascaded Multilevel Converters.
7. Canadian Surgery Forum 201901. The future of general surgery training: a Canadian resident nationwide Delphi consensus statement02. Traumatized: Can mindfulness lead to improved mental health outcomes after multisystem trauma?03. Operating room availability for general surgery in 2007 versus 2017 at a regional hospital in BC04. Perceptions and barriers to Gastrografin protocol implementation05. Resident opinions and educational experience of a mixed night-float system for general surgery resident call06. A scoping review of best management for hepato-pancreatobiliary trauma07. Simultaneous versus staged resection for synchronous colorectal liver metastases: a population-based cohort study08. Weight loss following hepatopancreatobiliary surgery. How much is too much?09. Uptake and patient outcomes of laparoscopic liver resection for colon cancer liver metastases: a population-based analysis10. Simultaneous resection of colorectal cancer with synchronous liver metastases: a survey-based analysis11. When is it safe to start VTE prophylaxis after blunt solid organ injury? A prospective study from a level I trauma centre12. Undertriaged trauma patients: Who are we missing?13. Trauma team activation at a level I trauma centre: time of day matters14. The diagnostic dilemma of shotgun injuries15. Evaluating the efficacy of self-study videos for the surgery clerkship rotation: an innovative project in undergraduate surgical education16. Systematic review and meta-analysis: preoperative anti-TNF therapy does not increase the risk of postoperative complications in patients with inflammatory bowel disease undergoing elective surgery17. Simulation platforms to assess laparoscopic suturing skills: a scoping review18. Cost analysis of simultaneous versus staged resection of colorectal cancer liver metastases: a population-based study19. Complementary and alternative medicine use among general surgery patients in Nova Scotia20. General surgery in Canada: current scope of practice and future needs21. Impact of dedicated operating time on access to surgical care in an acute care surgery model22. Adolescent appendicitis management and outcomes: comparison study between adult and pediatric institutions23. A systematic review of behavioural interventions to improve opioid prescribing after surgery24. Resuscitative Endovascular Balloon Occlusion of the Aorta (REBOA) in trauma: a gap analysis of the Edmonton Zone Trauma Registry25. Learning by holographic anatomic models for surgical education26. The nature of learning from trauma team simulation27. Comparing reversing half-hitch alternating postsurgical knots and square knots for closure of enterotomy in a simulated deep body cavity: a randomized controlled trial28. Propagating the 'SEAD': exploring the value of an overnight call shift in the Surgical Exploration and Discovery Program29. Comparing 2 approaches to residency application file review30. A Canadian experience with posterior retroperitoneoscopic adrenalectomy31. A cost-efficient, realistic breast phantom for oncoplastic breast surgery training32. Impact of patient frailty on morbidity and mortality after common emergency general surgery operations33. Preventing opioid prescription after major surgery: a scoping review of the literature on opioid-free analgesia34. Correct usage of propensity score methodology in contemporary high-impact surgical literature35. Responsible blood compatibility testing for appendectomy: practice assessment at a single Canadian academic centre36. What patient factors are associated with participation in a provincial colorectal cancer screening program?37. Missed appendix tumours owing to nonoperative management for appendicitis38. Operative delay increases morbidity and mortality in emergency general surgery patients: a study of multiple EGS services within a single city39. Withdrawn40. Improved disease-free survival after prehabilitation for colorectal cancer surgery41. Development of a conceptual framework of recovery after abdominal surgery42. Comparison of Dor and Nissen fundoplication following laparoscopic paraesophageal hernia repair43. A systematic review and summary of clinical practice guidelines on the periprocedural management of patients on antithrombotic medications undergoing gastroenterological endoscopy44. Impact of socioeconomic status on postoperative complications following Whipple procedure for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma45. Clinical outcomes of high-risk breast lesions and breast cancer patients treated with total mastectomy and immediate reconstruction46. My On Call (MOC) Pager App: practising and assessing safe clinical decision-making47. Comprehensive complication index for major abdominal surgeries: an external validation using the American College of Surgeons’ National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (ACS NSQIP)48. The impact of surgeon experience on script concordance test scoring49. Decay of competence with extended research absences during postgraduate residency training: a scoping review50. Long-term outcomes of elderly patients managed nonoperatively for choledocholithiasis51. Predictors of mortality and cost among surgical patients admitted to hospital and requiring rapid response team activation52. Sex-based disparities in the hourly earnings of surgeons in Ontario’s fee-for-service system53. Outcomes of intestinal ischemia among patients undergoing cardiac surgery54. Factors influencing resident teaching evaluations: the relationship between resident interest in teaching, career plan, training level and their performance in teaching junior learners55. Validating a uniform system for measuring disease severity in acute colonic diverticulitis56. Active negative pressure peritoneal therapy and C-reactive protein (CRP) levels after abbreviated laparotomy for abdominal trauma or intraabdominal sepsis: the validity of serum and peritoneal CRP in measuring outcomes in critically ill patients57. Intraoperative use of indocyanine green fluorescence in emergency general surgery: a systematic review58. Is it safe? Nonoperaive management of blunt splenic injuries in geriatric trauma patients59. Bladder injury from laparoscopic appendicectomy: a multicentre experience over 5 years60. Perioperative cardiac investigations for chest pain after parathyroidectomy rarely yield a cardiac diagnosis61. Entero-hepatic axis injury following hemorrhagic shock: a role for uric acid62. Loss of functional independence after emergency abdominal surgery in older patients: a prospective cohort study63. Association between use of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, diuretics or angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor/receptor blockers after major surgery and acute kidney injury: a nested, population-based case–control study64. Timing of CT for adhesive small bowel obstructions (SBO)65. The ABDO (Acute Biliary Disease Optimization) Study: improving the management of biliary diseases in emergency general surgery66. Rates and predictors of advanced biliary imaging and interventions in acute care surgery: a quality improvement study67. The use of early warning scores in patients undergoing emergency general surgery: a systematic review68. Does primary closure versus resection and anastomosis in patients with hollow viscus injury affect 30-day mortality?69. Impact of sarcopenia on morbidity and mortality after Whipple procedure for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma70. Mind the speaker gap: a cross-specialty analysis of the representation of women at surgical meetings in 5 different geographic regions71. Immediate breast reconstruction in locally advanced breast cancer: Is it safe?72. An administrative review of the incidence of adverse events involving electrocautery73. If you don’t document it, did it really happen? A review of the documentation of informed consent in laparoscopic cholecystectomy74. Can an online module help medical students gain confidence and proficiency in writing orders?75. The influence of undergraduate medical education anatomy exposure on choice of surgical specialty: a national survey76. Association between patient engagement and surgical outcomes: a pilot study77. Guidelines on the intraoperative transfusion of red blood cells: a systematic review78. Cancer is common in missed appendicitis: a retrospective cohort study79. Everyone is awesome: analyzing letters of reference in a general surgery residency selection process80. Evaluating the true additional costs of general surgery complications using a propensity score weighted model81. Deriving literature-based benchmarks for surgical complications from national databases in high-income countries: a systematic review on pancreatectomy outcomes82. The impact of distance on postoperative follow-up in pediatric general surgery patients: a retrospective review83. Water-soluble contrast in adhesive small bowel obstruction management: a Canadian centre’s experience84. Recognizing predatory journals in general surgery and their common violations85. Prophylactic negative pressure wound therapy for closed laparotomy incisions: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials86. Choosing Wisely Canada: 2019 general surgery recommendations87. Content-specific resident teaching can improve medical student learning outcomes on certifying examinations88. Transition to practice: preparedness for independent practice in general surgery graduates89. CAGS Exam 2.0: maximizing the potential for teaching and learning90. Resident attitudes toward the introduction of synoptic operative reporting for appendectomy and cholecystectomy91. Determining the individual, hospital and environmental cost of unnecessary laboratory investigations for patients admitted to general surgery services at an academic centre92. Gender-based compensation disparity among general surgeons in British Columbia93. Transgastric robotic resection for gastrointestinal stromal tumours of the stomach94. Recurrent gallstone ileus after laparoscopic-assisted enterolithotomy treated with totally laparoscopic enterolithotomy01. Predictors and outcomes among patients requiring salvage APR for the treatment of squamous cell carcinoma of the anus: a population-based study02. Short-course radiotherapy with perioperative systemic chemotherapy for patients with rectal cancer and synchronous resectable liver metastases: a single-centre Canadian experience03. Compliance with preoperative elements of the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons rectal cancer surgery checklist improves pathologic and postoperative outcomes04. Clinical predictors of pathologic complete response following neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy for rectal cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis05. Rejected06. The impact of laparoscopic technique on the rate of perineal hernia after abdominoperineal resection of the rectum07. An assessment of the current perioperative practice, barriers and predictors for utilization of enhanced recovery after surgery protocols: a provincial survey08. Regional variation in the utilization of laparoscopy for the treatment of rectal cancer: the importance of fellowship training sites09. Local versus radical surgery for early rectal cancer with or without neoadjuvant or adjuvant therapy: a systematic review and meta-analysis10. The relation between the gut microbiota and anastomotic leak in patients with colorectal cancer: a preliminary feasibility study11. Optimizing discharge decision-making in colorectal surgery: an audit of discharge practices in a newly implemented enhanced recovery pathway12. Trends in colectomy for colorectal neoplasms in ulcerative colitis (UC) patients over 2 decades: a National Inpatient Sample database analysis13. Spin in minimally invasive transanal total mesorectal excision articles (TaTME): an assessment of the current literature14. Venous thromboembolism (VTE) in colon cancer: a population-based cohort study of VTE rates following surgery and during adjuvant chemotherapy15. Robotic-assisted lateral lymph node dissection for rectal neuroendocrine tumor16. Loop ileostomy and colonic lavage as an alternative to colectomy for fulminant Clostridium difficile colitis17. Recurrent diverticulitis: Is it all in the family?18. Le traitement des fistules entérocutanées complexes : expérience du Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CHUM)19. A North American single-blinded pilot randomized controlled trial for outpatient nonantibiotic management of acute uncomplicated diverticulitis (MUD TRIAL): feasibility and lessons learned20. Treatment failure after conservative management of acute diverticulitis: a nationwide readmission database analysis21. Impact of immunosuppression on mortality and major morbidity following sigmoid colectomy for diverticulitis: a propensity-score weighted analysis of the National Inpatient Sample22. Presentation and survival in colorectal cancer under 50 years of age: a systematic review and meta-analysis23. Genetics of postoperative recurrence of Crohn’s disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis24. Improving the identification and treatment of preoperative anemia in patients undergoing elective bowel resection25. Impact of postoperative complications on quality of life after colorectal surgery26. Colon cancer survival by subsite: a retrospective analysis of the National Cancer Database27. A second opinion for T1 colorectal cancer pathology reports results in frequent changes to clinical management28. Effects of the quadratus lumborum block regional anesthesia on postoperative pain after colorectal resection: a double-blind randomized clinical trial29. Safety of a short-stay postoperative unit for the early discharge of patients undergoing a laparosocpic right hemicolectomy30. What is the optimal bowel preparation to reduce surgical site infection in Crohn disease?31. TaTME surgery and the learning curve: our early experience32. Watch-and-wait experience in patients with rectal cancer: results in selected patients at a high-volume centre01. Automatic referral of suspicious findings detected on thoracic CT scan decreases delays in care without compromising referral quality02. Variation in receipt of therapy and survival with provider volume in noncurative esophagogastric cancer: a population-based analysis03. What makes patients high risk for lobectomy in the era of minimally invasive lobectomy?04. The value proposition of minimally invasive esophagectomy: a community hospital perspective05. Deviation from treatment plan in patients with potentially curable esophageal carcinoma06. Implementation of a standardized minimal opioid prescription for post-thoracic surgery patients is feasible and provides adequate pain control07. Sentinel node navigation surgery using indocyanine green in lung cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis08. Surgical outcomes with trimodality neoadjuvant versus adjuvant therapy for esophageal cancer: results of the QUINTETT randomized trial09. Enhanced invasive mediastinal staging in an academic thoracic surgical unit by employing a shared accountability model for quality improvement10. Evaluation and harmonization of international database elements for adverse events monitoring following thoracic surgery: the pursuit of a common language11. Endobronchial ultrasound staging of operable non–small cell lung carcinoma: triple-negative lymph nodes may not require routine biopsy12. Wait times in the management of non-small cell lung cancer before, during and after regionalization of lung cancer care: a high-resolution analysis13. Wearable technology for preconditioning before thoracic surgery: a feasibility study14. Impact of carbohydrate-loading enhanced recovery after surgery protocol on adverse cardiopulmonary events in a thoracic surgery population15. Heat production during pulmonary artery sealing with energy vessel-sealing devices in a porcine model16. Who can afford to wait? The effect of wait times on survival in lung cancer patients: clinical predictors of poor outcomes17. Impact of the Integrated Comprehensive Care Program after thoracic surgery: a propensity score matched study18. Incidence, severity and risk of postoperative pulmonary complications in patients undergoing pulmonary resection for cancer19. Evaluation of the limits of use of a thoracoscopic lung palpation device to identify artificial tumour nodules in ex-vivo tissue20. Personalized surgical management of esophagogastric junction cancers21. Validity of a model to predict the risk of atrial fibrillation after thoracic surgery22. Severe symptoms persist for up to 1 year after diagnosis of stage I–III lung cancer: an analysis of province-wide patient-reported outcomes23. Do postoperative infectious adverse events influence cancer recurrence and survival after surgical resection of esophagogastric cancers? Experience from a Canadian university centre24. Utilization, safety and efficacy of hybrid esophagectomy on a population level25. Endoscopic submucosal dissection for upper gastrointestinal neoplasia: lessons learned from a high-volume North American centre26. Long-term quality of life after esophagectomy27. Early and late outcomes after surgery for pT4 NSCLC reclassified by AJCC 8th edition criteria28. Early results on the learning curve for subxiphoid video-assisted thoracoscopic lobectomy29. Should adjuvant therapy be offered for patients undergoing esophagectomy after neoadjuvant CROSS protocol for esophageal cancer? A multicentre cohort study30. Outcomes of patients discharged home with a chest tube following anatomic lung resection: a multicentre cohort study01. Management of cancer-associated intestinal obstruction in the final year of life02. Evaluating the prognostic significance of lymphovascular invasion in stage II and III colon cancer03. A matched case–control study on real-time electromagnetic navigation for breast-conserving surgery using NaviKnife04. Gaps in the management of depression symptom screening following cancer diagnosis: a population-based analysis of prospective symptom screening05. Patterns of symptom burden in neuroendocrine tumours: a population-based analysis of patient-reported outcomes06. Outcomes of salvage surgery for anal canal squamous cell carcinoma: a systematic review and meta-analysis07. Expression of the Plk4 inhibitor FAM46C predicts better survival following resection of gastric adenocarcinoma08. Current treatment strategies and patterns of recurrence in locally advanced colon cancer09. A 5-year retrospective review of outcomes after cytoreductive surgery (CRS) and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) in a provincial peritoneal malignancy program10. Withdrawn11. Geographic disparities in care and outcomes for noncurative pancreatic adenocarcinoma: a population-based study12. How often is implant-based breast reconstruction following postmastectomy radiation unsuccessful?13. Comparison of partial mastectomy specimen volume and tumour volume following neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer14. Two-year experience with hookwire localized clipped node and sentinel node as alternative to targeted axillary dissection in a regional centre15. Opioid use among cancer patients undergoing surgery and their associated risk of readmissions and emergency department visits in the 1-year postsurgical period16. Preliminary results of a pilot randomized controlled trial comparing axillary reverse mapping with standard axillary surgery in women with operable breast cancer17. Complementary and alternative medicine among general surgery patients in Nova Scotia18. Improving wait times and patient experience through implementation of a provincial expedited diagnostic pathway for BI-RADS 5 breast lesions19. Population-based regional recurrence patterns in Merkel cell carcinoma: a 15-year review20. Survival and health care cost benefits of high-volume care in the noncurative management of pancreatic adenocarcinoma: a population-based analysis21. Trends in the use of sentinel node biopsy after neoadjuvant chemotherapy in the United States22. Predictors of grossly incomplete resection in primary retroperitoneal sarcoma (RPS)23. Mastectomy versus breast conservation therapy: an examination of how individual, clinicopathologic and physician factors influence decision making24. Immunophenotyping postoperative myeloid-derived suppressor cells in cancer surgery patients25. Adherence to sentinel lymph node biopsy guidelines in the management of cutaneous melanoma in the province of British Columbia26. Breast cancer with supraclavicular and internal mammary node metastases: therapeutic options27. Textbook outcomes and survival in patients with gastric cancer: an analysis of the population registry of esophageal and stomach tumours of Ontario (PRESTO)28. Withdrawn29. Symptomatic bowel complications in patients with metastatic cancer: comparison of surgical versus medical outcomes and development of a prediction model for successful surgical palliation30. Rejected31. Gastric cancer biopsies show distinct biomarker profiles compared with normal gastric mucosa in Canadian patients32. Withdrawn01. Management of high patient-reported pain scores in noncurative pancreatic adenocarcinoma: a population-based analysis02. Outcomes of liver donors with a future liver remnant less than or equal to 30%: a matched-cohort study03. The applicability of intraoperative fluorescent imaging with indocyanine green in hepatic resection for malignancy: a systematic review and meta-analysis04. Impact of adjuvant chemotherapy completion on outcomes following pancreaticoduodenectomy for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma05. Primary hepatic acinar cell carcinoma06. Laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy provides equivalent oncologic outcomes for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma07. Passive versus active intraabdominal drainage following pancreatic resection: Does a superior drainage system exist? A systematic review and meta-analysis08. Low yield of preoperative MRCP and ERCP in the management of low-intermediate suspicion choledocholithiasis09. Pancreatic cancer resection rates and survival in the United States and Canada10. Prognostic value of immune heterogeneity in colorectal cancer liver metastases11. Impact of intraoperative hypovolemic phlebotomy on blood loss and perioperative transfusion in patients undergoing hepatectomy for cancer12. Prediction of postoperative pancreatic fistula following pancreatectomy: a systematic review of clinical tools13. The impact of preoperative frailty in liver resection: an analysis of the American College of Surgeons’ National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (ACS NSQIP)14. Topical agents as adjuncts in pancreatic surgery for prevention of postoperative pancreatic fistula: a systematic review and meta-analysis15. Phlebotomy resulting in controlled hypovolemia to prevent blood loss in major hepatic resections (PRICE-1): a feasibility randomized controlled trial16. Pylorus-preserving versus classic pancreaticoduodenectomy: a single-centre retrospective review of total lymph node yield17. An audit and evaluation of appropriateness of intraoperative allogenic red blood cell transfusion in liver surgery: application of 3 decision rules18. A comparison of lymph node ratio with AJCC lymph node status for survival after Whipple resection for pancreatic adenocarcinoma19. Duodenopancréatectomie céphalique (intervention de Whipple) par voie laparoscopique pure20. Use of the Molecular Adsorbent Recirculating System (MARS) in acute liver failure: a multicentre experience21. Barriers to adjuvant chemotherapy after resection for pancreatic cancer22. Comparison of primary and metastatic pancreatic cancer by clinical and genomic features23. Factors associated with invasion and postoperative overall survival in resected IPMN01. Incisional hernia repair surgery improves patient-reported outcomes02. Prospective study of single-stage repair of contaminated hernias with the novel use of calcium sulfate antibiotic beads in conjunction with biologic porcine submucosa tissue matrix03. e-TEP transversus abdominus release04. Umbilical hernias05. Review of 1061 femoral hernias done at the Shouldice Hospital over a period of 6 years01. Metabolic outcomes after bariatric surgery for a provincial Indigenous population02. Outcomes of sleeve gastrectomy performed in a regional hospital03. A longitudinal analysis of wait times in a publicly funded, regionalized bariatric care system04. Concurrent laparoscopic ventral hernia repair with bariatric surgery: a propensity-matched analysis05. Outcomes from explantation of laparoscopic adjustable gastric band: experience from a Canadian bariatric centre of excellence06. Development of consensus-derived quality indicators for laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy07. Conversion of sleeve gastrectomy to laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass in intestinal nonrotation08. The utility of routine preoperative upper gastrointestinal series for laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy09. Body image concerns, depression, suicidality and psychopharmacological changes in postoperative bariatric surgery patients: a mixed-methods study10. Technical factors associated with early sleeve stenosis after sleeve gastrectomy: an analysis of the Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditation and Quality Improvement Program (MBSAQIP) database11. Analysis of complication and readmission rates after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy at a single bariatric surgery centre: a retrospective NSQIP study12. Management of common bile duct stones in patients after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass: a systematic review13. Improvement and resolution of urinary incontinence after bariatric surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis14. Bridging interventions for weight loss prior to bariatric surgery in patients with superobesity: a systematic review and meta-analysis15. Secondary and tertiary learning curves in bariatric surgery16. Achalasia following laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy: a case report17. Multidisciplinary approach to halving length of stay after bariatric surgery18. Prospective analysis of staple line haemostatic materials in stapled bariatric surgery19. Barriers and facilitators to managing patients with class II and III obesity in primary care: a qualitative study20. The Edmonton Obesity Staging System predicts risk of postoperative complications and mortality following bariatric surgery21. The impact of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder on bariatric surgery outcomes: systematic review and meta-analysis22. The effect of bariatric surgery on migraines: a systematic review and meta-analysis23. A population-based matched cohort study of mortality after bariatric surgery24. Safety and outcomes of bariatric surgery performed at an ambulatory site associated with a tertiary care hospital in Canada25. Race and sex predict adverse outcomes following bariatric surgery: a propensity-matched MBSAQIP analysis26. A survey of primary care physician referral to bariatric surgery: access, perceptions and barriers
8. Extremity Compartment Syndrome
9. Negative Pressure Therapy for Soft Tissue Wounds
10. Canadian Surgery Forum 2018: St. John’s, NL Sept. 13–15, 2018
11. HIV-1 transmission networks across cyprus (2010-2012)
12. Trauma Association of Canada (TAC) Annual Scientific Meeting. The Westin Whistler Resort & Spa, Whistler, BC, Thursday, Apr. 11 to Saturday, Apr. 13, 2013Testing the reliability of tools for pediatric trauma teamwork evaluation in a North American high-resource simulation settingThe association of etomidate with mortality in trauma patientsDefinition of isolated hip fractures as an exclusion criterion in trauma centre performance evaluations: a systematic reviewEstimation of acute care hospitalization costs for trauma hospital performance evaluation: a systematic reviewHospital length of stay following admission for traumatic injury in Canada: a multicentre cohort studyPredictors of hospital length of stay following traumatic injury: a multicentre cohort studyInfluence of the heterogeneity in definitions of an isolated hip fracture used as an exclusion criterion in trauma centre performance evaluations: a multicentre cohort studyPediatric trauma, advocacy skills and medical studentsCompliance with the prescribed packed red blood cell, fresh frozen plasma and platelet ratio for the trauma transfusion pathway at a level 1 trauma centreEarly fixed-wing aircraft activation for major trauma in remote areasDevelopment of a national, multi-disciplinary trauma crisis resource management curriculum: results from the pilot courseThe management of blunt hepatic trauma in the age of angioembolization: a single centre experienceEarly predictors of in-hospital mortality in adult trauma patientsThe impact of open tibial fracture on health service utilization in the year preceding and following injuryA systematic review and meta-analysis of the efficacy of red blood cell transfusion in the trauma populationSources of support for paramedics managing work-related stress in a Canadian EMS service responding to multisystem trauma patientsAnalysis of prehospital treatment of pain in the multisystem trauma patient at a community level 2 trauma centreIncreased mortality associated with placement of central lines during trauma resuscitationChronic pain after serious injury — identifying high risk patientsEpidemiology of in-hospital trauma deaths in a Brazilian university teaching hospitalIncreased suicidality following major trauma: a population-based studyDevelopment of a population-wide record linkage system to support trauma researchInduction of hmgb1 by increased gut permeability mediates acute lung injury in a hemorrhagic shock and resuscitation mouse modelPatients who sustain gunshot pelvic fractures are at increased risk for deep abscess formation: aggravated by rectal injuryAre we transfusing more with conservative management of isolated blunt splenic injury? A retrospective studyMotorcycle clothesline injury prevention: Experimental test of a protective deviceA prospective analysis of compliance with a massive transfusion protocol - activation alone is not enoughAn evaluation of diagnostic modalities in penetrating injuries to the cardiac box: Is there a role for routine echocardiography in the setting of negative pericardial FAST?Achievement of pediatric national quality indicators — an institutional report cardProcess mapping trauma care in 2 regional health authorities in British Columbia: a tool to assist trauma sys tem design and evaluationPatient safety checklist for emergency intubation: a systematic reviewA standardized flow sheet improves pediatric trauma documentationMassive transfusion in pediatric trauma: a 5-year retrospective reviewIs more better: Does a more intensive physiotherapy program result in accelerated recovery for trauma patients?Trauma care: not just for surgeons. Initial impact of implementing a dedicated multidisciplinary trauma team on severely injured patientsThe role of postmortem autopsy in modern trauma care: Do we still need them?Prototype cervical spine traction device for reduction stabilization and transport of nondistraction type cervical spine injuriesGoing beyond organ preservation: a 12-year review of the beneficial effects of a nonoperative management algorithm for splenic traumaAssessing the construct validity of a global disability measure in adult trauma registry patientsThe mactrauma TTL assessment tool: developing a novel tool for assessing performance of trauma traineesA quality improvement approach to developing a standardized reporting format of ct findings in blunt splenic injuriesOutcomes in geriatric trauma: what really mattersFresh whole blood is not better than component therapy (FFP:RBC) in hemorrhagic shock: a thromboelastometric study in a small animal modelFactors affecting mortality of chest trauma patients: a prospective studyLong-term pain prevalence and health related quality of life outcomes for patients enrolled in a ketamine versus morphine for prehospital traumatic pain randomized controlled trialDescribing pain following trauma: predictors of persistent pain and pain prevalenceManagement strategies for hemorrhage due to pelvic trauma: a survey of Canadian general surgeonsMajor trauma follow-up clinic: Patient perception of recovery following severe traumaLost opportunities to enhance trauma practice: culture of interprofessional education and sharing among emergency staffPrehospital airway management in major trauma and traumatic brain injury by critical care paramedicsImproving patient selection for angiography and identifying risk of rebleeding after angioembolization in the nonoperative management of high grade splenic injuriesFactors predicting the need for angioembolization in solid organ injuryProthrombin complex concentrates use in traumatic brain injury patients on oral anticoagulants is effective despite underutilizationThe right treatment at the right time in the right place: early results and associations from the introduction of an all-inclusive provincial trauma care systemA multicentre study of patient experiences with acute and postacute injury carePopulation burden of major trauma: Has introduction of an organized trauma system made a difference?Long-term functional and return to work outcomes following blunt major trauma in Victoria, AustraliaSurgical dilemma in major burns victim: heterotopic ossification of the tempromandibular jointWhich radiological modality to choose in a unique penetrating neck injury: a differing opinionThe Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) program in CanadaThe Rural Trauma Team Development Course (RTTDC) in Pakistan: Is there a role?Novel deployment of BC mobile medical unit for coverage of BMX world cup sporting eventIncidence and prevalence of intra-abdominal hypertension and abdominal compartment syndrome in critically ill adults: a systematic review and meta-analysisRisk factors for intra-abdominal hypertension and abdominal compartment syndrome in critically ill or injured adults: a systematic review and meta-analysisA comparison of quality improvement practices at adult and pediatric trauma centresInternational trauma centre survey to evaluate content validity, usability and feasibility of quality indicatorsLong-term functional recovery following decompressive craniectomy for severe traumatic brain injuryMorbidity and mortality associated with free falls from a height among teenage patients: a 5-year review from a level 1 trauma centreA comparison of adverse events between trauma patients and general surgery patients in a level 1 trauma centreProcoagulation, anticoagulation and fibrinolysis in severely bleeding trauma patients: a laboratorial characterization of the early trauma coagulopathyThe use of mobile technology to facilitate surveillance and improve injury outcome in sport and physical activityIntegrated knowledge translation for injury quality improvement: a partnership between researchers and knowledge usersThe impact of a prevention project in trauma with young and their learningIntraosseus vascular access in adult trauma patients: a systematic reviewThematic analysis of patient reported experiences with acute and post-acute injury careAn evaluation of a world health organization trauma care checklist quality improvement pilot programProspective validation of the modified pediatric trauma triage toolThe 16-year evolution of a Canadian level 1 trauma centre: growing up, growing out, and the impact of a booming economyA 20-year review of trauma related literature: What have we done and where are we going?Management of traumatic flail chest: a systematic review of the literatureOperative versus nonoperative management of flail chestEmergency department performance of a clinically indicated and technically successful emergency department thoracotomy and pericardiotomy with minimal equipment in a New Zealand institution without specialized surgical backupBritish Columbia’s mobile medical unit — an emergency health care support resourceRoutine versus ad hoc screening for acute stress: Who would benefit and what are the opportunities for trauma care?A geographical analysis of the Early Development Instrument (EDI) and childhood injuryDevelopment of a pediatric spinal cord injury nursing course'Kids die in driveways' — an injury prevention campaignEpidemiology of traumatic spine injuries in childrenA collaborative approach to reducing injuries in New Brunswick: acute care and injury preventionImpact of changes to a provincial field trauma triage tool in New BrunswickEnsuring quality of field trauma triage in New BrunswickBenefits of a provincial trauma transfer referral system: beyond the numbersThe field trauma triage landscape in New BrunswickImpact of the Rural Trauma Team Development Course (RTTDC) on trauma transfer intervals in a provincial, inclusive trauma systemTrauma and stress: a critical dynamics study of burnout in trauma centre healthcare professionalsUltrasound-guided pediatric forearm fracture reduction with sedation in the emergency departmentBlock first, opiates later? The use of the fascia iliaca block for patients with hip fractures in the emergency department: a systematic reviewRural trauma systems — demographic and survival analysis of remote traumas transferred from northern QuebecSimulation in trauma ultrasound trainingIncidence of clinically significant intra-abdominal injuries in stable blunt trauma patientsWake up: head injury management around the clockDamage control laparotomy for combat casualties in forward surgical facilitiesDetection of soft tissue foreign bodies by nurse practitioner performed ultrasoundAntihypertensive medications and walking devices are associated with falls from standingThe transfer process: perspectives of transferring physiciansDevelopment of a rodent model for the study of abdominal compartment syndromeClinical efficacy of routine repeat head computed tomography in pediatric traumatic brain injuryEarly warning scores (EWS) in trauma: assessing the 'effectiveness' of interventions by a rural ground transport service in the interior of British ColumbiaAccuracy of trauma patient transfer documentation in BCPostoperative echocardiogram after penetrating cardiac injuries: a retrospective studyLoss to follow-up in trauma studies comparing operative methods: a systematic reviewWhat matters where and to whom: a survey of experts on the Canadian pediatric trauma systemA quality initiative to enhance pain management for trauma patients: baseline attitudes of practitionersComparison of rotational thromboelastometry (ROTEM) values in massive and nonmassive transfusion patientsMild traumatic brain injury defined by GCS: Is it really mild?The CMAC videolaryngosocpe is superior to the glidescope for the intubation of trauma patients: a prospective analysisInjury patterns and outcome of urban versus suburban major traumaA cost-effective, readily accessible technique for progressive abdominal closureEvolution and impact of the use of pan-CT scan in a tertiary urban trauma centre: a 4-year auditAdditional and repeated CT scan in interfacilities trauma transfers: room for standardizationPediatric trauma in situ simulation facilitates identification and resolution of system issuesHospital code orange plan: there’s an app for thatDiaphragmatic rupture from blunt trauma: an NTDB studyEarly closure of open abdomen using component separation techniqueSurgical fixation versus nonoperative management of flail chest: a meta-analysisIntegration of intraoperative angiography as part of damage control surgery in major traumaMass casualty preparedness of regional trauma systems: recommendations for an evaluative frameworkDiagnostic peritoneal aspirate: An obsolete diagnostic modality?Blunt hollow viscus injury: the frequency and consequences of delayed diagnosis in the era of selective nonoperative managementEnding 'double jeopardy:' the diagnostic impact of cardiac ultrasound and chest radiography on operative sequencing in penetrating thoracoabdominal traumaAre trauma patients with hyperfibrinolysis diagnosed by rotem salvageable?The risk of cardiac injury after penetrating thoracic trauma: Which is the better predictor, hemodynamic status or pericardial window?The online Concussion Awareness Training Toolkit for health practitioners (CATT): a new resource for recognizing, treating, and managing concussionThe prevention of concussion and brain injury in child and youth team sportsRandomized controlled trial of an early rehabilitation intervention to improve return to work Rates following road traumaPhone call follow-upPericardiocentesis in trauma: a systematic review
13. Trauma Association of Canada Annual Scientific Meeting abstractsErythroopoietin resuscitated with normal saline, Ringer’s lactate and 7.5% hypertonic saline reduces small intestine injury in a hemorrhagic shock and resuscitation rat model.Analgesia in the management of pediatric trauma in the resuscitative phase: the role of the trauma centre.Multidisciplinary trauma team care in Kandahar, Afghanistan: current injury patterns and care practices.Does computed tomography for penetrating renal injury reduce renal exploration? An 8-year review at a Canadian level 1 trauma centre.The other side of pediatric trauma: violence and intent injury.Upregulation of activated protein C leads to factor V deficiency in early trauma coagulopathy.A provincial integrated model of improved care for patients following hip fracture.Sports concussion: an Olympic boxing model comparing sex with biomechanics and traumatic brain injury.A multifaceted quality improvement strategy to optimize monitoring and management of delirium in trauma patients: results of a clinician survey.Risk factors for severe all-terrain vehicle injuries in Alberta.Evaluating potential spatial access to trauma centre care by severely injured patients.Incidence of brain injury in facial fractures.Surgical outcomes and the acute care surgery service.The acute care general surgery population and prognostic factors for morbidity and mortality.Disaster preparedness of trauma.What would you like to know and how can we help you? Assessing the needs of regional trauma centres.Posttraumatic stress disorder screening for trauma patients at a level 1 trauma centre.Physical and finite element model reconstruction of a subdural hematoma event.Abdominal wall reconstruction in the trauma patient with an open abdomen.Development and pilot testing of a survey to measure patient and family experiences with injury care.Occult shock in trauma: What are Canadian traumatologists missing?Timeliness in obtaining emergent percutaneous procedures for the severely injured patient: How long is too long?97% of massive transfusion protocol activations do not include a complete hemorrhage panel.Trauma systems in Canada: What system components facilitate access to definitive care?The role of trauma team leaders in missed injuries: Does specialty matter?The adverse consequences of dabigatran among trauma and acute surgical patients.A descriptive study of bicycle helmet use in Montréal.Factor XIII, desmopressin and permissive hypotension enhance clot formation compared with normotensive resuscitation: uncontrolled hemorrhagic shock model.Negative pressure wound therapy for critically ill adults with open abdominal wounds: a systematic review.The 'weekend warrior:' Fact or fiction for major trauma?Canadian injury preventon curriculum: a means to promote injury prevention.Penetrating splenic trauma: Safe for nonoperative management?The pediatric advanced trauma life support course: a national initiative.The effectiveness of a psycho-educational program among outpatients with burns or complex trauma.Trauma centre performance indicators for nonfatal outcomes: a scoping review.The evaluation of short track speed skating helmet performance.Complication rates as a trauma care performance indicator: a systematic review.Unplanned readmission following admission for traumatic injury: When, where and why?Reconstructions of concussive impacts in ice hockey.How does head CT correlate with ICP monitoring and impact monitoring discontinuation in trauma patients with a Marshall CT score of I–II?Impact of massive transfusion protocol and exclusion of plasma products from female donors on outcome of trauma patients in Calgary region of Alberta Health Services.Primary impact arthrodesis for a neglected open Weber B ankle fracture dislocation.Impact of depression on neuropsychological functioning in electrical injury patients.Predicting the need for tracheostomy in patients with cervical spinal cord injury.Predicting crumping during computed tomography imaging using base deficit.Feasibility of using telehomecare technology to support patients with an acquired brain injury and family care-givers.Program changes impact the outcomes of severely injured patients.Do trauma performance indicators accurately reflect changes in a maturing trauma program?One-stop falls prevention information for clinicians: a multidisciplinary interactive algorithm for the prevention of falls in older adults.Use of focused assessment with sonography for trauma (FAST) for combat casualties in forward facilities.Alberta All-terrain Vehicle Working Group: a call to action.Observations and potential role for the rural trauma team development course (RTTDC) in India.An electronic strategy to facilitate information-sharing among trauma team leaders.Development of quality indicators of trauma care by a consensus panel.An evaluation of a proactive geriatric trauma consultation service.Celebrity injury-related deaths: Is a gangster rapper really gangsta?Prevention of delirium in trauma patients: Are we giving thiamine prophylaxis a fair chance?Intra-abdominal injury in patients who sustain more than one gunshot wound to the abdomen: Should non-operative management be used?Retrospective review of blunt thoracic aortic injury management according to current treatment recommendations.Telemedicine for trauma resuscitation: developing a regional system to improve access to expert trauma care in Ontario.Comparing trauma quality indicator data between a pediatric and an adult trauma hospital.Using local injury data to influence injury prevention priorities.Systems saving lives: a structured review of pediatric trauma systems.What do students think of the St. Michael’s Hospital ThinkFirst Injury Prevention Strategy for Youth?An evidence-based method for targeting a shaken baby syndrome prevention media campaign.The virtual mentor: cost-effective, nurse-practitioner performed, telementored lung sonography with remote physician guidance.Quality indicators used by teaching versus nonteaching international trauma centres.Compliance to advanced trauma life support protocols in adult trauma patients in the acute setting.Closing the quality improvement loop: a collaborative approach.National Trauma Registry: 'collecting' it all in New Brunswick.Does delay to initial reduction attempt affect success rates for anterior shoulder dislocation (pilot study)?Use of multidisciplinary, multi-site morbidity and mortality rounds in a provincial trauma system.Caring about trauma care: public awareness, knowledge and perceptions.Assessing the quality of admission dictation at a level 1 trauma centre.Trauma trends in older adults: a decade in review.Blunt splenic injury in patients with hereditary spherocytosis: a population-based analysis.Analysis of trauma team activation in severe head injury: an institutional experience.ROTEM results correlate with fresh frozen plasma transfusion in trauma patients.10-year trend of assault in Alberta.10-year trend in alcohol use in major trauma in Alberta.10-year trend in major trauma injury related to motorcycles compared with all-terrain vehicles in Alberta.Referral to a community program for youth injured by violence: a feasibility study.New impaired driving laws impact on the trauma population at level 1 and 3 trauma centres in British Columbia, Canada.A validation study of the mobile medical unit/polyclinic team training for the Vancouver 2010 Winter Games.Inferior vena cava filter use in major trauma: the Sunny-brook experience, 2000–2011.Relevance of cellular microparticles in trauma-induced coagulopathy: a systemic review.Improving quality through trauma centre collaboratives.Predictors of acute stress response in adult polytrauma patients following injury.Patterns of outdoor recreational injury in northern British Columbia.Risk factors for loss-to-follow up among trauma patients include functional, socio-economic, and geographic determinants: Would mandating opt-out consent strategies minimize these risks?Med-evacs and mortality rates for trauma from Inukjuak, Nunavik, Quebec.Review of open abdomens in McGill University Health Centre.Are surgical interventions for trauma associated with the development of posttraumatic retained hemothorax and empyema?A major step in understanding the mechanisms of traumatic coagulopathy: the possible role of thrombin activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor.Access to trauma centre care for patients with major trauma.Repeat head computed tomography in anticoagulated traumatic brain injury patients: still warranted.Improving trauma system governance
14. Preface
15. A study of pencil-lead bismuth-film electrodes for the determination of trace metals by anodic stripping voltammetry
16. Subtalar arthrodesis with the combined Batchelor–Grice technique
17. Analysis of a retrievedIsola spinal system fractured in service
18. Mediastinal trauma
19. Prehospital Intubation in Patients with Severe Head Injury
20. Abdominal compartment syndrome
21. Determinants of Survival after Inferior Vena Cava Trauma
22. The Use of Methylmethacrylate as an External Fixator in Children and Adolescents
23. Selected Nonoperative Management in 1,856 Patients with Abdominal Gunshot Wounds: Should Routine Laparotomy Still be the Standard of Care?
24. Hypospadias repair in children: Review of 250 cases
25. Penetrating Injuries to the Neck: Operation, Observation or Angiointervention
26. Colostomy type in anorectal malformations: 10-years experience
27. Prophylactic antibiotics after severe trauma: more is not better
28. Helical computed tomographic scan in the evaluation of mediastinal gunshot wounds
29. Fetal death after trauma in pregnancy
30. Pediatric falls: is height a predictor of injury and outcome?
31. Angiographic embolization of bilateral internal iliac arteries to control life-threatening hemorrhage after blunt trauma to the pelvis
32. Penetrating cardiac injuries. A complex challenge
33. Abdominal vascular injuries. The trauma surgeon's challenge
34. Invasive and non-invasive physiological monitoring of blunt trauma patients in the early period after emergency admission
35. Complex repair for the management of duodenal injuries
36. Management of shotgun wounds: do we need classification systems?
37. Bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein (rBPI21) in patients with hemorrhage due to trauma: results of a multicenter phase II clinical trial. rBPI21 Acute Hemorrhagic Trauma Study Group
38. Open versus closed diagnostic peritoneal lavage: a comparison on safety, rapidity, efficacy
39. The prevalence and effect of alcohol and drug abuse on cohort-matched critically injured patients
40. The high morbidity of colostomy closure after trauma: further support for the primary repair of colon injuries
41. Risk Factors for Pulmonary Embolism After Severe Extremity Injury: A National Trauma Data Bank Analysis
42. Factors predicting prolonged mechanical ventilation in critically injured patients: introducing a simplified quantitative risk score
43. Penetrating injuries to the thoracic great vessels
44. Use of large databases for resolving critical care problems
45. Early physiologic patterns in acute illness and accidents: toward a concept of circulatory dysfunction and shock based on invasive and noninvasive hemodynamic monitoring
46. Characteristics of Xanthomonas infections in critically ill surgical patients
47. The pattern of fungal infections in critically ill surgical patients
48. Gunshot wounds to the thoracic aorta in the '90s: only prevention will make a difference
49. Blunt injury to the left common iliac artery
50. Early morbidity and mortality of non-therapeutic operations for penetrating trauma
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