205 results on '"Díaz LA"'
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2. Mechanical Reinforcement of AISI1018 Steel by a Ni-based Self-fluxing Alloy Coating Applied by Plasma Transferred Arc (PTA)
- Author
Cáceres Díaz, LA, primary, González Ornelas, O, additional, Pérez Bustamante, R, additional, García Herrera, JE, additional, Nango Blanco, M, additional, González Carmona, JM, additional, Alvarado Orozco, JM, additional, and Muñoz Saldaña, J, additional
- Published
- 2022
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3. Effects of Processing Conditions on Powder Particle Size and Morphology in the Mechanical Milled H13 Alloy
- Author
Mercado-Lemus, VH, primary, Betancourt-Cantera, JA, additional, García-Herrera, JE, additional, Pérez-Bustamante, R, additional, Mayen, Jan, additional, Gallegos-Melgar, A, additional, Hernandez-Hernandez, M, additional, Caceres-Díaz, LA, additional, and Espinosa-Arbeláez, DG, additional
- Published
- 2022
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4. Synthesis of a Cr-Mn-Fe-Co-Ni-CNTs High Entropy Alloy
- Author
Macias-González, I, primary, Torres-Hernández, OIR, additional, Cáceres-Díaz, LA, additional, Gómez-Esparza, CD, additional, Pérez-Bustamante, F, additional, and Pérez-Bustamante, R, additional
- Published
- 2022
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5. Characterization of the satellite DNA Msat-160 from the species Chionomys nivalis (Rodentia, Arvicolinae)
- Author
Acosta, M. J., Marchal, J. A., Martínez, S., Puerma, E., Bullejos, M., de Guardia, R. Díaz la, and Sánchez, A.
- Published
- 2007
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6. Contra/Ilustración Tras la virtud, de A. MacIntyre ¿Una cruzada contra las sociedades democráticas modernas?
- Author
Díaz La Rosa, Nolberto Antenógenes and Banda Marroquín, Obdulio Italo
- Subjects
Epistemología social ,purl.org/pe-repo/ocde/ford#6.03.01 [https] ,Ciencias políticas - Filosofía ,Ética ,Ilustración - Abstract
Propone que MacIntyre en su libro Tras la virtud (1981), a diferencia de otros autores del comunitarismo, postuló una peculiar vena contrailustrada y francamente reaccionaria. Esta se hallaría especialmente ubicada en el concepto de “tradición”. Esta expresión, aunque de origen relacionada a la epistemología social y el problema de las discontinuidades en la transmisión del conocimiento, en particular en la ciencia física, habría sido trastocada y reelaborada bajo los presupuestos e incluso el horizonte histórico y normativo de la contrarrevolución religiosa católica, en la versión del catolicismo conservador propuesto en 1879 por el Papa León XIII para los filósofos católicos antiliberales. Muestra la articulación y la coherencia interna de esta manera de transferir los conceptos de un área de la filosofía (en este caso, la epistemología social), a los temas éticos, y finalmente políticos, a los que MacInytre quiere conducirlos. Tesis
- Published
- 2019
7. Planeamiento estratégico para el sector retail peruano de tiendas por departamento en el rubro textil
- Author
Díaz La Torre, Susan Margaret, Joo Han, Yeon, Jáuregui Aquino, Oscar Alberto, Valdivia López, Lizardo, and Bazán Tejada, Carlos Armando
- Subjects
Planificación estratégica ,Industria textil -- Perú - Abstract
El presente trabajo de investigación para obtener el grado de Magíster en Administración Estratégica de Empresas busca abordar los aspectos que componen el Proceso de Planeamiento Estratégico para el año 2022, enfocado en las empresas del sector retail peruano, aplicado a las tiendas por departamento, específicamente en el rubro textil. Con soporte en el Modelo Secuencial del Plan Estratégico Integral, el sector de tiendas por departamento en el rubro textil demuestra un notable crecimiento para 2022 por las buenas condiciones económicas del Perú; la atractiva inversión extranjera que está permitiendo el ingreso de nuevos competidores internacionales en el rubro textil como las tiendas fast fashion; la tendencia de los nuevos estilos de los consumidores peruanos, en especial el de la nueva clase media emergente; el poco desarrollo del sector retail en comparación con diferentes países de Latinoamérica; el crecimiento a nivel nacional de los centros comerciales; el acelerado crecimiento de ventas en plataformas electrónicas en el rubro textil; proveedores nacionales con potencial en la producción local; y la tendencia al uso de la tarjeta de crédito como medio de compras por impulso. Estos los elementos son indicadores de un alto crecimiento futuro para las tiendas por departamento en el rubro textil. Por ende, el Plan Estratégico está basado en 10 estrategias retenidas con ocho objetivos a largo plazo y 23 objetivos a corto plazo; todos basados en la implementación de estrategias intensivas y de integración, es decir, penetración de mercado al tener más puntos de venta en los nuevos centros comerciales; desarrollo de nuevos productos por la búsqueda de la diferenciación en marcas selectivas; y liderazgo en costos al tener una eficiente cadena de abastecimiento para los diferentes climas de la región. Ello tendrá como objetivo convertir al sector retail de tiendas por departamento en el rubro textil líder de ventas en Latinoamérica para 2022 The research work presented, as part of a master's degree in Strategic Business Administration, seeks to address all aspects that make up the Strategic Planning Process up until the year 2022, focusing on companies in the Peruvian retail sector, applied to department stores, and specifically in the textile industry. With support in the Sequential Model of the Integral Strategic Plan, the department stores in the textile sector show a remarkable growth for 2022, for the good economic conditions of Peru: the attractive foreign investment that is allowing the entry of new international competitors in the textile sector, such as fast fashion stores; the trend of new styles of Peruvian consumers, especially the emerging new middle class; the low development of the retail sector compared to different countries in Latin America; the nationwide growth of shopping centers/ malls; the accelerated growth of sales in electronic platforms within the textile sector; National suppliers with potential in local production; the tendency to use credit cards, which encourages impulse purchases; these elements are indicative of a high future growth for department stores in the textile sector. The Strategic Plan is based on 10 retained strategies with eight long-term goals and 23 short-term goals, all based on the implementation of intensive strategies and integration, i.e. market penetration by having more outlets in new shopping centers, development of new products by differentiation in selective brands, and cost leadership by having an efficient supply chain for the different climates of the region. This will aim to turn the retail sector of department stores into the leading textile sector in Latin America by 2022 Tesis
- Published
- 2017
8. Aplicación del programa: 'Nutriéndose adecuadamente para mejorar el estado nutricional de las alumnas de educación inicial de la Universidad César Vallejo de Piura III ciclo'
- Author
Díaz La Torre, Ana Maria de Jesus and Sánchez Charcape, María Hilda
- Subjects
Capacitación nutricional ,Estado nutricional ,Hábitos alimenticios ,Programa nutricional ,Cultura alimentaria ,Parámetro antropométrico - Abstract
La presente investigación desarrolla las características básicas de la orientación educativa y las estrategias de nutrición saludable, lo cual ha permitido sustentar las bases para la elaboración de un programa educativo “Nutriéndonos Adecuadamente”, es una investigación con diseño de tipo cuasi-experimental. Esta investigación permitió mejorar el estado nutricional de las alumnas de Educación Inicial de la Universidad César Vallejo de Piura III Ciclo”. Se hipotetiza que la aplicación del programa nutricional mejora significativamente el estado nutricional de las alumnas de Educación Inicial de la Universidad César Vallejo de Piura III Ciclo. En esta investigación se busca la unidad metodológica desde el planteamiento de la matriz de consistencia, el sistema de hipótesis, la dimensionalidad de las variables, los mismos que guardan una relación significativa con el trabajo de nuestro marco teórico. En el trabajo se utilizó como instrumento: prueba de conocimientos. La muestra para nuestro trabajo estuvo constituida por el total de 30 alumnas, de los cuales 15 alumnas conformaron el grupo experimental y 15 alumnas el grupo control. A dicha muestra se le aplicó una prueba de conocimientos que tuvo la condición de pre-test y post-test. Dicha prueba fue sometida a valides de contenido por criterio de juicio de expertos y luego para establecer la confiabilidad se utilizó la prueba de confiabilidad de Kuder-Richardson 20. Para la prueba de normalidad se utilizó la prueba de Kolmogorov-Smirnov y en la prueba de hipótesis se consideró la prueba estadística paramétrica t de Students para muestras independientes y para muestras relacionadas. Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle. Escuela de Posgrado. Tesis
- Published
- 2016
9. Spark plasma sintering of hydrothermally derived ultrafine Ca doped lanthanum chromite powders
- Author
Juan Carlos Rendón-Angeles, Rivas-Vázquez, L. P., Pech-Canul, M. I., Löpez-Cuevas, J., Díaz La Torre, S., Pena, P., Yanagisawa, K., Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (México), and Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional (México)
- Subjects
Síntesis Hidrotermal ,Perovskitas ,Cromita de Lantano ,lcsh:TP785-869 ,Solución Sólida ,Sintering ,lcsh:Clay industries. Ceramics. Glass ,Sinterización ,Interconector ,Solid Solution ,Perovskites ,Lanthanum Chromite ,Hydrothermal Treatment ,Interconnector - Abstract
[EN] Lanthanum chromite nano-particles, with a composition of La0.9Ca0.1CrO3 and La0.8Ca0.2CrO3, were produced by 1 h of hydrothermal reaction at 400 and 425°C respectively. The sintering of the powders was conducted using a spark plasma apparatus over the temperature range 1300-1550ºC for 1 min with a constant loading pressure of 45 MPa. Additional sintering experiments using conventional firing were carried out for comparison. Fully densified (98 % r.d.) lanthanum chromite pellets with fine equiaxial grains 2.3 μm in size were obtained using the SPS (spark plasma sintering) method. In contrast, a maximum relative density of 97 % was produced using La0.8Ca0.2CrO3 sintered conventionally at 1400ºC for 300 min, and the average grain size of the resulting sintered sample was 6 μm. [ES] Partículas ultrafinas de cromita de lantano, con una composición de La0.9Ca0.1CrO3 y La0.8Ca0.2CrO3, se obtuvieron después de 1 hora de síntesis hidrotermal a las temperaturas de 400 y 425°C respectivamente. Los compuestos obtenidos, con un tamaño de partícula de ~ 200 nm, se caracterizaron utilizando las técnicas de DRX, MEB y MET. La sinterización de estos polvos se efectuó en un equipo de chispa de plasma en el rango de temperatura de 1300-1500°C durante 1 min, y a una presión de compactación de 45 MPa. Ambos polvos también se sinterizaron siguiendo un tratamiento térmico convencional, en aire, con el propósito de comparar ambos métodos de sinterización. Las muestras de cromita de lantano sinterizadas por plasma presentaban una densidad relativa del 98 % (ρ/ρt); y una microestructura monofásica con granos equaxiales con un tamaño medio de grano menor de 2.3 μm. En contraste, la composición La0.8Ca0.2CrO3, sinterizada a 1400°C/300 min, por métodos convencionales alcanzó una densidad relativa máxima del 97 % y su microestructura estaba formada por una sola fase con un tamaño medio de grano de 6 μm. The authors acknowledge the support of CONACyT through the research grant (Project 34830-U) and CINVESTAV (Mexico). L.P.R.V. is indebted to the CONACyT for financial support in the form of a PhD scholarship.
- Published
- 2006
10. Quercus pollen season dynamics in the Iberian peninsula: response to meteorological parameters and possible consequences of climate change
- Author
García-Mozo, H., Galán, C., Jato, V., Belmonte, J., Díaz La Guardia, C., Fernández, D., Gutiérrez, M., Aira, M. J., Roure, J. M., Ruiz, L., M.Mar Trigo Pérez, and Domínguez-Vilches, E.
- Subjects
Air Pollutants ,Quercus ,Spain ,Air Pollution ,Climate ,Hypersensitivity ,Humans ,Pollen ,Seasons ,Allergens ,Environmental Monitoring ,Forecasting ,Retrospective Studies - Abstract
The main characteristics of the Quercus pollination season were studied in 14 different localities of the Iberian Peninsula from 1992-2004. Results show that Quercus flowering season has tended to start earlier in recent years, probably due to the increased temperatures in the pre-flowering period, detected at study sites over the second half of the 20th century. A Growing Degree Days forecasting model was used, together with future meteorological data forecast using the Regional Climate Model developed by the Hadley Meteorological Centre, in order to determine the expected advance in the start of Quercus pollination in future years. At each study site, airborne pollen curves presented a similar pattern in all study years, with different peaks over the season attributable in many cases to the presence of several species. High pollen concentrations were recorded, particularly at Mediterranean sites. This study also proposes forecasting models to predict both daily pollen values and annual pollen emission. All models were externally validated using data for 2001 and 2004, with acceptable results. Finally, the impact of the highly-likely climate change on Iberian Quercus pollen concentration values was studied by applying RCM meteorological data for different future years, 2025, 2050, 2075 and 2099. Results indicate that under a doubled CO(2) scenario at the end of the 21st century Quercus pollination season could start on average one month earlier and airborne pollen concentrations will increase by 50 % with respect to current levels, with higher values in Mediterranean inland areas.
- Published
- 2007
11. Characterization of the satellite DNA Msat-160 from the species Chionomys nivalis (Rodentia, Arvicolinae)
- Author
S. Martínez, Eva Puerma, M.J. Acosta, Mónica Bullejos, Antonio Sánchez, R. Díaz la de Guardia, and Juan A. Marchal
- Subjects
Male ,Satellite DNA ,Molecular Sequence Data ,Restriction Mapping ,Zoology ,Plant Science ,Biology ,DNA, Satellite ,Y chromosome ,Chionomys ,Sequence Homology, Nucleic Acid ,Genetics ,Animals ,Microtus ,X chromosome ,In Situ Hybridization, Fluorescence ,Phylogeny ,Autosome ,Phylogenetic tree ,Base Sequence ,Arvicolinae ,Karyotype ,General Medicine ,biology.organism_classification ,Insect Science ,Animal Science and Zoology ,Female - Abstract
The satellite DNA Msat-160 has been previously characterized in several species of the genus Microtus. Here we present the characterization of Msat-160 from Chionomys nivalis, a species with a very primitive karyotype. As in other Microtus species analyzed, C. nivalis Msat-160 is AT rich, has a monomer length of 160 bp, is undermethylated and is mainly located in all the pericentromeric heterochromatin of all autosomes and the X chromosome, but is completely absent from the Y chromosome. Hence, our results support the hypothesis that Msat-160 was initially distributed in the pericentromeric heterochromatin of all autosomes and the X chromosome. The taxonomic status of the genus Chionomys in relation to the genus Microtus is a very interesting issue, so we constructed phylogenetic dendrograms using Msat-160 sequences from several Microtus species. Although the results were not informative about this issue, the presence of Msat-160 in C. nivalis and Microtus species suggested that both genera are closely related and that this satellite DNA was present in the common ancestor. Studies of Msat-160 in different arvicoline species could help to determine the origin of this satellite and, perhaps, to establish the phylogenetic relationships of some arvicoline groups.
- Published
- 2006
12. Problemas del abastecimiento de agua a Villafranca de los Barros
- Author
Díaz La Orden, José Mª and Díaz La Orden, José Mª
- Published
- 2013
13. Sequential silver staining and in situ hybridization reveal a direct association between rDNA levels and the expression of homologous nucleolar organizing regions: a hypothesis for NOR structure and function
- Author
Zurita, F., Jiménez, R., Miguel Burgos, and Díaz La Guardia, R.
- Subjects
Moles ,Transcriptional Activation ,Silver Staining ,Chi-Square Distribution ,Nucleolus Organizer Region ,Animals ,Cell Biology ,DNA, Ribosomal ,Ribosomes ,Chromosomes ,In Situ Hybridization - Abstract
We have developed a procedure for sequential silver staining and in situ hybridization to analyze the relationship between the amount of rDNA present in nucleolar organizer regions, as estimated by in situ hybridization, and their level of expression, as estimated by the silver signal. For simplicity we used cells from the insectivorous mole Talpa occidentalis, which have a single pair of nucleolar organizer regions in chromosome pair 3. The relative content of ribosomal cistrons was also related to the hierarchy of activation of the nucleolar organizer regions present in this chromosomal pair. Statistical analyses demonstrated that both the relative level of expression and the activation hierarchy depended mainly on the number of ribosomal cistrons in nucleolar organizer regions. We propose a functional two-step hypothesis, which is consistent with most known data concerning interchromosomal, intercellular and interindividual variation in a number of plant and animal species, including Talpa occidentalis. In step one, the first available transcription factors bind randomly to the ribosomal promoters, such that larger nucleolar organizer regions are more likely to recruit them. In the second step the remaining transcription factors are recruited in a cooperative way, thus completing activation of one nucleolar organizer region, before the next one becomes active.
- Published
- 1998
14. Characterization of the satellite DNA Msat-160 from the species Chionomys nivalis (Rodentia, Arvicolinae)
- Author
Acosta, M. J., primary, Marchal, J. A., additional, Martínez, S., additional, Puerma, E., additional, Bullejos, M., additional, de Guardia, R. Díaz la, additional, and Sánchez, A., additional
- Published
- 2006
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15. Cocirculation of Rio Negro Virus (RNV) and Pixuna Virus (PIXV) in Tucumán province, Argentina.
- Author
Pisano MB, Dantur MJ, Ré VE, Díaz LA, Farías A, Sánchez Seco MP, Tenorio A, Almirón WR, and Contigiani MS
- Published
- 2010
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16. [Factors associated with daily cigarette smoking among 60-65 aged adults: a cross-sectional study].
- Author
Campo A and Díaz LA
- Abstract
Background: Cigarette smoking decreases gradually with aging. However, an important number of people older than 60 years continue smoking. Objective: To know the prevalence and associated factors with daily cigarette smoking among adults aged between 60- and 65-years old from the general population of Bucaramanga, Colombia. Method: A cross-sectional study was carried out among 60- and -65 years old adults. Sociodemographic characteristics, medical condition, coffee intake, abusive alcohol consumption, common mental disorders, personality features (DSM-IV), and daily cigarette smoking within the last month were evaluated. Confounding factors were controlled with non-conditional logistical regression. Results: A group of 208 people were interviewed. The mean age was 62.9 years (SD, 2.0); the mean education was 6.1 years (SD, 3.7); 67.3% of them were women; 68.3% were married; 45.2% had an employ; 77.4% lived in middle class neighborhood; 40.9% suffered from a medical condition; 40.9% drunk coffee within the last month; and 12% reported a common mental disorder. A ratio of 30.8% reported cluster A personality features; 37.5%, cluster B; and 53.8%, cluster C. The prevalence of daily cigarette smoking was 6.3% (95% CI 3.0-9.6), and it was associated with daily coffee drinking (OR 13.9); after controlling for sex and abusive alcohol consumption. Conclusions: Cigarette smoking is present in one out of sixteen people aged 60-65 years-old, and it is related to other risk-health behaviors. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2007
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17. Proposing a short version of Zung's self-rating depression scale.
- Author
Díaz LA, Campo A, Rueda GE, and Barros JA
- Abstract
Background: Criteria for the major depressive disorder have changed since introduction of Zung's self-rating depression scale (SDS); however, it is still used as a screening tool.Objective: To validate the SDS 20 item-version, and to design a short version of SDS.Method: One-hundred thirty-eight university students filled out the scale, they were 17 to 33 year-old (mean 22.8 year, SD 3.3), 79.7% were female. They were interviewed by a psychiatrist in order to identify a current major depressive episode (MDE) using SCID-I criteria. We estimated Cronbach' s alpha, criterion validity, factorial analysis, and ROC curve to define the best cut-off point for original SDS and new versions.Results: Twenty-six (18.8%) students met criteria for MDE according to SCID-I. We found that ten items of the original SDS screened as accurate as the original SDS did. The original SDS had Cronbach' s alpha of 0.875, sensitivity of 0.96, specificity of 0.71, Cohen's kappa of 0.441 and ROC curve area of 0.86 for a cut-point of fifty-three. Two salient factors explained near 38% of the variance. Ten-item version had Cronbach's alpha of 0.845, sensitivity of 0.92, specificity of 0.71, Cohen's kappa of 0.383 and ROC curve area of 0.84 for a cut-off point of twenty-two. One salient factor accounted for 40% of the variance approximately.Conclusions: Ten-item SDS is a valid scale to screen major depressive episode among university students. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2005
18. Beliefs of Chilean University English Teachers: Uncovering Their Role in the Teaching and Learning Process
- Author
Díaz Larenas Claudio, Alarcón Hernández Paola, Vásquez Neira Andrea, Pradel Suárez Boris, and Ortiz Navarrete Mabel
- Subjects
Learning ,teachers’ beliefs ,teaching of English ,university level ,Education ,Theory and practice of education ,LB5-3640 - Abstract
Beliefs continue to be an important source to get to know teachers’ thinking processes and pedagogical decisions. Research in teachers’ beliefs has traditionally come from English-speaking contexts; however, a great deal of scientific work has been written lately in Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, and Argentina. This study elicits 30 Chilean university teachers’ beliefs about their own role in the teaching and learning of English in university environments. Through a qualitative research design, the data collected from interviews and journals were analyzed, triangulated, and categorized based on semantic content analysis. Results of the study indicate that university teachers reveal challenging and complex views about what it is like to teach English as a foreign language in a university context in Chile. The article concludes with a call to reflect on the importance of beliefs unravelling in teacher education programmes.Las creencias continúan siendo una fuente de importancia para conocer los procesos de pensamiento y los estilos pedagógicos de los docentes. Los estudios sobre las creencias docentes provienen en su mayoría de contextos angloparlantes; sin embargo, en los últimos años se ha escrito una gran cantidad de trabajos científicos en Brasil, México, Colombia y Argentina. Este estudio recoge las creencias de treinta docentes universitarios chilenos sobre su papel en la enseñanza y aprendizaje del inglés en ambientes universitarios. A partir de un diseño de investigación cualitativo, los datos recolectados por medio de entrevistas y diarios personales fueron analizados, triangulados y categorizados según el análisis de contenido semántico. Los resultados indicaron que los docentes de educación superior tienen visiones desafiantes y complejas sobre lo que significa enseñar inglés como lengua extranjera en un contexto universitario en Chile. El artículo concluye con una invitación a reflexionar sobre la importancia de transparentar las creencias en los programas de formación inicial docente.
- Published
- 2013
19. Cuba [Material cartográfico] : mapa del teatro de la guerra
- Author
Giralt y Alemany, P. 1851-1924, Imprenta del Avisador Comercial de Pulido y Díaz (La Habana), Giralt y Alemany, P. 1851-1924, and Imprenta del Avisador Comercial de Pulido y Díaz (La Habana)
- Abstract
En el ángulo superior derecho: "Mapa de la Antillas con expresión de las distancias". - Escala de 200 leguas [= 6 cm]. - 14 x 18 cm, En el ángulo superior derecho: "Mapa de la Antillas con expresión de las distancias". - Escala de 200 leguas [= 6 cm]. - 14 x 18 cm, Escala también expresada en 20 leguas [= 17,9 cm], Escala también expresada en 20 leguas [= 17,9 cm], Relieve por normales. - Red hidrográfica, de caminos y del ferrocarril. - Abundante toponimia. - Costa sombreada en azul
- Published
- 1895
20. Calcaneous ultrasonography es measurement of osteoporosis prevalence in the general population in relation to the diagnostic criterion utilized. Data of the study GIUMO,Prevalencia e osteoporosis en la población española por ultrasonografía de calcáneo en función del criterio diagnóstico utilizado. Datos del estudio GIUMO
- Author
Sosa Henríquez, M., Saavedra Santana, P., Alegre López, J., Gómez Alonso, C., González Macías, J., Guañabens Gay, N., Hawkins Carranza, F., Lozano Tonkin, C., Martínez Izquierdo, M. T., Mosquera Martínez, J., Muñoz Torres, M., Pérez Cano, R., Quesada Gómez, J. M., Salas Heredia, E., Mínguez, M., Cannata Andía, J. B., Rodríguez Rebollar, A., Martín Ordóñez, F., Mateos Fernández, J. J., Díez Pérez, A., Nogués Solán, X., Álvarez Lario, B., Alonso Valdivieso, J. L., Olmos Martínez, J., Valero Díaz La Madrid, C., García Córdoba, B., Mezquita Raya, P., López Rodríguez, F., Hernández Hernández, D., Martín Alamo, N., Sarmiento Santana, J., Jódar Gimeno, E., Martínez, G., Jareño Chaumel, J., Castro Lago, A., Gómez Tejada Romero, M. J., and Pérez Temprano, A.
21. Z-DNA, a new in situ marker for transcription
- Author
Černá, A., Angeles Cuadrado, Jouve, N., Díaz La Espina, S. M., and La Torre, C.
- Subjects
Allium cepa ,In situ run-on transcription ,lcsh:Biology (General) ,FISH of rDNA ,Nucleoli ,Intermediate filaments ,lcsh:QH301-705.5 ,Z-DNA immunodetection - Abstract
8 p.-1 fig., Z-DNA forms transiently behind the active RNA polymerases, because of the mechanical torsional stress produced during transcription. In this paper, we explore the possibility that the distribution of Z-DNA stretches signals the sites related to nuclear transcription. To localize transcription, the in situ assay for active RNA polymerases, that allows the elongation of the already initiated transcripts but no initiation of new ones (runon experiments), was carried out in isolated nuclei of Allium cepa L. root meristems. Both nucleolar and non-nucleolar sites appeared labelled. Nucleoli were most active in transcription than the multiple non-nucleolar foci altogether. In situ immunodetection of Z-DNA provided images that were comparable to those obtained after the run-on assay, with one exception: while Z-DNA and transcription sites were scattered throughout the whole nucleus, Z-DNA also accumulated in the nuclear periphery, where no transcription foci were detected in the run-on assays. The peripheral Z-conformation signals might correspond to dsRNA segments present in the premRNA in the process of their export to cytoplasm. The Z-containing structures nearly disappeared when non-nucleolar RNA polymerase II-dependent transcription had been previously abolished by the adenosine analogue DRB (5,6- dichloro-1-b-D-ribofuranosylbenzimidazole). This inhibition selectively decreased the amount of all nucleoplasmic Z structures. On the other hand, the inhibition of the nucleolar RNA polymerase I by cordycepin (3’-deoxyadenosine) prevented the presence of Z-DNA in nucleoli. We propose to use the in situ immunodetection of Z-DNA as a marker of the transcription level in both nucleolus and non-peripheral nucleoplasmic regions of nuclei. Co-detection of Z-DNA and of intermediate filament (IF) proteins, the major components of the nuclear matrix, was also carried out. The IFA antibody recognises a conserved epitope essential for dimerization of the multiple IF proteins. They co-localized with most nucleolar Z-DNA, but not with the nucleoplasmic ones. In the nuclear periphery, the Zpositive signals were adjacent to the IF proteins constituting the lamina, though both signals did not often co-localize., The work has been partially supported by the Dirección General de Investigación del Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología of Spain (Project BMC 2001-2195). Adriana ˇCernà was supported by afellowship from the Spanish Agency of Internacional Cooperation (AECI), from the Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, Spain.
22. Calcaneous ultrasonography es measurement of osteoporosis prevalence in the general population in relation to the diagnostic criterion utilized. Data of the study GIUMO | Prevalencia e osteoporosis en la población española por ultrasonografía de calcáneo en función del criterio diagnóstico utilizado. Datos del estudio GIUMO
- Author
Manuel Sosa-Henríquez, Saavedra Santana, P., Alegre López, J., Gómez Alonso, C., González Macías, J., Guañabens Gay, N., Hawkins Carranza, F., Lozano Tonkin, C., Martínez Izquierdo, M. T., Mosquera Martínez, J., Muñoz Torres, M., Pérez Cano, R., Quesada Gómez, J. M., Salas Heredia, E., Mínguez, M., Cannata Andía, J. B., Rodríguez Rebollar, A., Martín Ordóñez, F., Mateos Fernández, J. J., Díez Pérez, A., Nogués Solán, X., Álvarez Lario, B., Alonso Valdivieso, J. L., Olmos Martínez, J., Valero Díaz La Madrid, C., García Córdoba, B., Mezquita Raya, P., López Rodríguez, F., Hernández Hernández, D., Martín Alamo, N., Sarmiento Santana, J., Jódar Gimeno, E., Martínez, G., Jareño Chaumel, J., Castro Lago, A., Gómez Tejada Romero, M. J., and Pérez Temprano, A.
23. Aerobiological and allergenic analysis of Cupressaceae pollen in Granada (Southern Spain)
- Author
Díaz La Guardia, C., Alba, F., Concepcion De Linares, Nieto-Lugilde, D., and López Caballero, J.
- Subjects
Predictive models ,Southern Spain ,Polen de Cupressaceae ,Allergy ,Aerobiología ,Modelos predictivos ,Cupressaceae pollen ,Sur de España ,otorhinolaryngologic diseases ,food and beverages ,Aerobiology ,Alergia - Abstract
Cupressaceae pollen has been cited in recent years as one of the major airborne allergens of the Mediterranean region, prompting us to conduct an exhaustive analysis on the aerobiological behaviour of this pollen in the Iberian Peninsula and the repercussion that it has had on the atopic population. The aerobiological study, performed from 1996 to 2003 in the city of Granada (S. Spain), used a volumetric Hirst collector. The results indicate that this pollen is present in the air most of the year, registering a high incidence during the winter months. This type of pollen behaved irregularly in the air, fluctuating yearly, seasonally, and within the same day. Temperature and humidity were the parameters that most directly influence the variability of this allergen, while rainfall prior to flowering increased pollen production. The predictive models used estimated a high percentage of the levels reached over the short term by this pollen in the atmosphere of Granada. The clinical study performed with atopic patients showed that some 30% of the population with pollinosis are sensitive to Cupressaceae pollen, affecting people of both genders equally. On the other hand, the most sensitive age group was 21-40 years of age, while children and the elderly registered almost negligible values. Most of the sensitive subjects resided within the city or in the metropolitan area, where environmental pollution reached high levels, while the pathology was found to be less frequent in rural zones. The most frequent symptoms were upper-respiratory ailments and an asthmatic profile., En los últimos años el polen de Cupressaceae se ha considerado uno de los principales alérgenos aéreos de la región Mediterránea, lo que motivó la realización de un análisis exhaustivo del comportamiento aerobiológico de este polen en la Península Ibérica y de la repercusión que tenía en la población atópica. En el estudio aerobiológico, llevado a cabo entre 1996 y 2003 en la ciudad de Granada (sur de España), se utilizó un captador volumétrico tipo Hirst. Los resultados indican que este polen se encuentra presente en el aire la mayor parte del año, pero registra una alta incidencia en los meses de invierno. Este tipo de polen mostró un comportamiento irregular en el aire, con fluctuaciones anuales, estacionales y en un mismo día. La temperatura y la humedad fueron los parámetros que influyeron más directamente en la variabilidad de este alérgeno, mientras que la lluvia antes de la floración incrementó la producción de polen. Los modelos predictivos utilizados estimaron un porcentaje elevado de los niveles alcanzados a corto plazo por este polen en la atmósfera de Granada. El estudio clínico realizado con pacientes atópicos mostró que un 30% de la población con polinosis es sensible al polen de Cupressaceae, afectando a ambos sexos por igual. Por otra parte, el grupo de edad más sensible fue el de 21 a 40 años, mientras que los niños y los ancianos registraron valores casi insignificantes. La mayoría de los sujetos sensibles residían en el núcleo urbano o en el área metropolitana, donde la contaminación ambiental alcanza niveles elevados, mientras que la patología fue menos frecuente en la zona rural. Los síntomas más frecuentes fueron afecciones de las vías respiratorias altas y un perfil asmático., The authors wish to thank the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology for financing this study with the “Análisis de la actividad alergénica de la atmósfera” project (BOS2002-03474).
24. Multiple mono- and polymorphic Y-linked copies of the SRY HMG-box in Microtidae
- Author
Bullejos, M., Sánchez, A., Miguel Burgos, Jiménez, R., and Díaz La Guardia, R.
25. Ovotestis variability in young and adult females of the mole Talpa occidentalis (Insectivora, Mammalia)
- Author
Jiménez, R., Francisco J Alarcón, Sánchez, A., Burgos, M., and Díaz La Guardia, R.
26. Bone mineral density and risk of fractures in aging, obese post-menopausal women with type 2 diabetes. The GIUMO study
- Author
Sosa, M., Saavedra, P., Jódar, E., Lozano-Tonkin, C., Quesada, J. M., Torrijos, A., Pérez-Cano, R., Nogués, X., Díaz-Curiel, M., Moro, M. J., Gómez, C., Mosquera, J., Alegre, J., Olmos, J., Muñoz-Torres, M., Guañabens, N., Del Pino, J., Hawkins, F., Díaz-Guerra, G. M., Cazorla, M. S., Amétigo García, M. J., Castiñeira, R. C., Cuenca, R., Coya, J., Hillman, N., Gómez Tejada, M. J., Montoya, M. J., Díez Pérez, A., Sevillano Collantes, C., Rodríguez, M., Cannata, J. B., Lago Castro, A., Álvarez Lario, B., Alonzo Valdivieso, J. L., Díaz La Madrid, C. V., González-Macías, J., Alonzo, G., Velasco, V., Pedrero, R., Hernández Hernández, D., and Sarmiento Santana, J.
27. The SRY gene HMG-box in micro- and megabats
- Author
Mónica Bullejos Martín, Sánchez, A., Burgos, M., Jiménez, R., and Díaz La Guardia, R.
28. Further cytogenetic variations in the karyotype of Erinaceus europaeus (Insectivora, Mammalia)
- Author
Sánchez, A., Jiménez, R., Miguel Burgos, Bullejos, M., and Díaz La Guardia, R.
29. Planeamiento estratégico para el sector retail peruano de tiendas por departamento en el rubro textil
- Author
Díaz La Torre, Susan Margaret, Joo Han, Yeon, Jáuregui Aquino, Oscar Alberto, Valdivia López, Lizardo, Díaz La Torre, Susan Margaret, Joo Han, Yeon, Jáuregui Aquino, Oscar Alberto, and Valdivia López, Lizardo
- Abstract
El presente trabajo de investigación para obtener el grado de Magíster en Administración Estratégica de Empresas busca abordar los aspectos que componen el Proceso de Planeamiento Estratégico para el año 2022, enfocado en las empresas del sector retail peruano, aplicado a las tiendas por departamento, específicamente en el rubro textil. Con soporte en el Modelo Secuencial del Plan Estratégico Integral, el sector de tiendas por departamento en el rubro textil demuestra un notable crecimiento para 2022 por las buenas condiciones económicas del Perú; la atractiva inversión extranjera que está permitiendo el ingreso de nuevos competidores internacionales en el rubro textil como las tiendas fast fashion; la tendencia de los nuevos estilos de los consumidores peruanos, en especial el de la nueva clase media emergente; el poco desarrollo del sector retail en comparación con diferentes países de Latinoamérica; el crecimiento a nivel nacional de los centros comerciales; el acelerado crecimiento de ventas en plataformas electrónicas en el rubro textil; proveedores nacionales con potencial en la producción local; y la tendencia al uso de la tarjeta de crédito como medio de compras por impulso. Estos los elementos son indicadores de un alto crecimiento futuro para las tiendas por departamento en el rubro textil. Por ende, el Plan Estratégico está basado en 10 estrategias retenidas con ocho objetivos a largo plazo y 23 objetivos a corto plazo; todos basados en la implementación de estrategias intensivas y de integración, es decir, penetración de mercado al tener más puntos de venta en los nuevos centros comerciales; desarrollo de nuevos productos por la búsqueda de la diferenciación en marcas selectivas; y liderazgo en costos al tener una eficiente cadena de abastecimiento para los diferentes climas de la región. Ello tendrá como objetivo convertir al sector retail de tiendas por departamento en el rubro textil líder de ventas en Latinoamérica para 2022, The research work presented, as part of a master's degree in Strategic Business Administration, seeks to address all aspects that make up the Strategic Planning Process up until the year 2022, focusing on companies in the Peruvian retail sector, applied to department stores, and specifically in the textile industry. With support in the Sequential Model of the Integral Strategic Plan, the department stores in the textile sector show a remarkable growth for 2022, for the good economic conditions of Peru: the attractive foreign investment that is allowing the entry of new international competitors in the textile sector, such as fast fashion stores; the trend of new styles of Peruvian consumers, especially the emerging new middle class; the low development of the retail sector compared to different countries in Latin America; the nationwide growth of shopping centers/ malls; the accelerated growth of sales in electronic platforms within the textile sector; National suppliers with potential in local production; the tendency to use credit cards, which encourages impulse purchases; these elements are indicative of a high future growth for department stores in the textile sector. The Strategic Plan is based on 10 retained strategies with eight long-term goals and 23 short-term goals, all based on the implementation of intensive strategies and integration, i.e. market penetration by having more outlets in new shopping centers, development of new products by differentiation in selective brands, and cost leadership by having an efficient supply chain for the different climates of the region. This will aim to turn the retail sector of department stores into the leading textile sector in Latin America by 2022
30. Planeamiento estratégico para el sector retail peruano de tiendas por departamento en el rubro textil
- Author
Díaz La Torre, Susan Margaret, Joo Han, Yeon, Jáuregui Aquino, Oscar Alberto, Valdivia López, Lizardo, Díaz La Torre, Susan Margaret, Joo Han, Yeon, Jáuregui Aquino, Oscar Alberto, and Valdivia López, Lizardo
- Abstract
El presente trabajo de investigación para obtener el grado de Magíster en Administración Estratégica de Empresas busca abordar los aspectos que componen el Proceso de Planeamiento Estratégico para el año 2022, enfocado en las empresas del sector retail peruano, aplicado a las tiendas por departamento, específicamente en el rubro textil. Con soporte en el Modelo Secuencial del Plan Estratégico Integral, el sector de tiendas por departamento en el rubro textil demuestra un notable crecimiento para 2022 por las buenas condiciones económicas del Perú; la atractiva inversión extranjera que está permitiendo el ingreso de nuevos competidores internacionales en el rubro textil como las tiendas fast fashion; la tendencia de los nuevos estilos de los consumidores peruanos, en especial el de la nueva clase media emergente; el poco desarrollo del sector retail en comparación con diferentes países de Latinoamérica; el crecimiento a nivel nacional de los centros comerciales; el acelerado crecimiento de ventas en plataformas electrónicas en el rubro textil; proveedores nacionales con potencial en la producción local; y la tendencia al uso de la tarjeta de crédito como medio de compras por impulso. Estos los elementos son indicadores de un alto crecimiento futuro para las tiendas por departamento en el rubro textil. Por ende, el Plan Estratégico está basado en 10 estrategias retenidas con ocho objetivos a largo plazo y 23 objetivos a corto plazo; todos basados en la implementación de estrategias intensivas y de integración, es decir, penetración de mercado al tener más puntos de venta en los nuevos centros comerciales; desarrollo de nuevos productos por la búsqueda de la diferenciación en marcas selectivas; y liderazgo en costos al tener una eficiente cadena de abastecimiento para los diferentes climas de la región. Ello tendrá como objetivo convertir al sector retail de tiendas por departamento en el rubro textil líder de ventas en Latinoamérica para 2022, The research work presented, as part of a master's degree in Strategic Business Administration, seeks to address all aspects that make up the Strategic Planning Process up until the year 2022, focusing on companies in the Peruvian retail sector, applied to department stores, and specifically in the textile industry. With support in the Sequential Model of the Integral Strategic Plan, the department stores in the textile sector show a remarkable growth for 2022, for the good economic conditions of Peru: the attractive foreign investment that is allowing the entry of new international competitors in the textile sector, such as fast fashion stores; the trend of new styles of Peruvian consumers, especially the emerging new middle class; the low development of the retail sector compared to different countries in Latin America; the nationwide growth of shopping centers/ malls; the accelerated growth of sales in electronic platforms within the textile sector; National suppliers with potential in local production; the tendency to use credit cards, which encourages impulse purchases; these elements are indicative of a high future growth for department stores in the textile sector. The Strategic Plan is based on 10 retained strategies with eight long-term goals and 23 short-term goals, all based on the implementation of intensive strategies and integration, i.e. market penetration by having more outlets in new shopping centers, development of new products by differentiation in selective brands, and cost leadership by having an efficient supply chain for the different climates of the region. This will aim to turn the retail sector of department stores into the leading textile sector in Latin America by 2022, Tesis
31. Diseño de un módulo de placa orificio para la planta térmica del laboratorio de energía de la PUCP
- Author
Díaz La Torre, Ronald Luis and Díaz La Torre, Ronald Luis
- Abstract
Actualmente, la energía en sus diferentes formas, es un recurso necesario para el aprovechamiento del ser humano. Entre todas estas formas, la energía eléctrica cumple un papel fundamental, no solo en el ámbito industrial, sino también en nuestro desenvolvimiento cotidiano, haciendo posibles muchas de nuestras actividades. Asimismo, se puede lograr la generación de electricidad mediante diversos métodos, entre los cuales se encuentra el uso de una planta térmica, que es el sistema en el cual se realiza el presente trabajo. Dicho sistema usa vapor de agua para transformar energía térmica en energía eléctrica usando un ciclo termodinámico. Así, para determinar el valor de la potencia eléctrica recibida, es importante una adecuada medición de dicho flujo de vapor, pues ambas magnitudes tienen una relación directamente proporcional. En primer lugar, se definieron requerimientos previos a la realización del diseño de monitoreo de flujo másico, dentro de los cuales se observa que la forma de cálculo se deriva de la obtención de señales de sensores de presión y de temperatura. De esta forma se puede valorar el flujo másico indirectamente, y bajo estas condiciones se realizaron los diseños presentados. En segundo lugar se implementaron dichos diseños para comprobar los resultados inicialmente esperados usando las etapas de hardware y software. En tercer lugar se comprobó el funcionamiento del sistema total implementado y la planta térmica, cuyos resultados fueron monitoreados y registrados satisfactoriamente. Con los resultados obtenidos se concluye que el diseño presentado puede realizar el monitoreo en los intervalos inicialmente establecidos de temperatura entre 100 °C y 200°C y de presión entre 0 y 10 bar, con errores de 0.5% y 0.33% respectivamente. Todos los ensayos se realizaron en la planta térmica del Laboratorio de Energía de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú., Tesis
32. Planeamiento estratégico para el sector retail peruano de tiendas por departamento en el rubro textil
- Author
Díaz La Torre, Susan Margaret, Joo Han, Yeon, Jáuregui Aquino, Oscar Alberto, Valdivia López, Lizardo, Díaz La Torre, Susan Margaret, Joo Han, Yeon, Jáuregui Aquino, Oscar Alberto, and Valdivia López, Lizardo
- Abstract
El presente trabajo de investigación para obtener el grado de Magíster en Administración Estratégica de Empresas busca abordar los aspectos que componen el Proceso de Planeamiento Estratégico para el año 2022, enfocado en las empresas del sector retail peruano, aplicado a las tiendas por departamento, específicamente en el rubro textil. Con soporte en el Modelo Secuencial del Plan Estratégico Integral, el sector de tiendas por departamento en el rubro textil demuestra un notable crecimiento para 2022 por las buenas condiciones económicas del Perú; la atractiva inversión extranjera que está permitiendo el ingreso de nuevos competidores internacionales en el rubro textil como las tiendas fast fashion; la tendencia de los nuevos estilos de los consumidores peruanos, en especial el de la nueva clase media emergente; el poco desarrollo del sector retail en comparación con diferentes países de Latinoamérica; el crecimiento a nivel nacional de los centros comerciales; el acelerado crecimiento de ventas en plataformas electrónicas en el rubro textil; proveedores nacionales con potencial en la producción local; y la tendencia al uso de la tarjeta de crédito como medio de compras por impulso. Estos los elementos son indicadores de un alto crecimiento futuro para las tiendas por departamento en el rubro textil. Por ende, el Plan Estratégico está basado en 10 estrategias retenidas con ocho objetivos a largo plazo y 23 objetivos a corto plazo; todos basados en la implementación de estrategias intensivas y de integración, es decir, penetración de mercado al tener más puntos de venta en los nuevos centros comerciales; desarrollo de nuevos productos por la búsqueda de la diferenciación en marcas selectivas; y liderazgo en costos al tener una eficiente cadena de abastecimiento para los diferentes climas de la región. Ello tendrá como objetivo convertir al sector retail de tiendas por departamento en el rubro textil líder de ventas en Latinoamérica para 2022, The research work presented, as part of a master's degree in Strategic Business Administration, seeks to address all aspects that make up the Strategic Planning Process up until the year 2022, focusing on companies in the Peruvian retail sector, applied to department stores, and specifically in the textile industry. With support in the Sequential Model of the Integral Strategic Plan, the department stores in the textile sector show a remarkable growth for 2022, for the good economic conditions of Peru: the attractive foreign investment that is allowing the entry of new international competitors in the textile sector, such as fast fashion stores; the trend of new styles of Peruvian consumers, especially the emerging new middle class; the low development of the retail sector compared to different countries in Latin America; the nationwide growth of shopping centers/ malls; the accelerated growth of sales in electronic platforms within the textile sector; National suppliers with potential in local production; the tendency to use credit cards, which encourages impulse purchases; these elements are indicative of a high future growth for department stores in the textile sector. The Strategic Plan is based on 10 retained strategies with eight long-term goals and 23 short-term goals, all based on the implementation of intensive strategies and integration, i.e. market penetration by having more outlets in new shopping centers, development of new products by differentiation in selective brands, and cost leadership by having an efficient supply chain for the different climates of the region. This will aim to turn the retail sector of department stores into the leading textile sector in Latin America by 2022
33. Diseño de un módulo de placa orificio para la planta térmica del laboratorio de energía de la PUCP
- Author
Díaz La Torre, Ronald Luis and Díaz La Torre, Ronald Luis
- Abstract
Actualmente, la energía en sus diferentes formas, es un recurso necesario para el aprovechamiento del ser humano. Entre todas estas formas, la energía eléctrica cumple un papel fundamental, no solo en el ámbito industrial, sino también en nuestro desenvolvimiento cotidiano, haciendo posibles muchas de nuestras actividades. Asimismo, se puede lograr la generación de electricidad mediante diversos métodos, entre los cuales se encuentra el uso de una planta térmica, que es el sistema en el cual se realiza el presente trabajo. Dicho sistema usa vapor de agua para transformar energía térmica en energía eléctrica usando un ciclo termodinámico. Así, para determinar el valor de la potencia eléctrica recibida, es importante una adecuada medición de dicho flujo de vapor, pues ambas magnitudes tienen una relación directamente proporcional. En primer lugar, se definieron requerimientos previos a la realización del diseño de monitoreo de flujo másico, dentro de los cuales se observa que la forma de cálculo se deriva de la obtención de señales de sensores de presión y de temperatura. De esta forma se puede valorar el flujo másico indirectamente, y bajo estas condiciones se realizaron los diseños presentados. En segundo lugar se implementaron dichos diseños para comprobar los resultados inicialmente esperados usando las etapas de hardware y software. En tercer lugar se comprobó el funcionamiento del sistema total implementado y la planta térmica, cuyos resultados fueron monitoreados y registrados satisfactoriamente. Con los resultados obtenidos se concluye que el diseño presentado puede realizar el monitoreo en los intervalos inicialmente establecidos de temperatura entre 100 °C y 200°C y de presión entre 0 y 10 bar, con errores de 0.5% y 0.33% respectivamente. Todos los ensayos se realizaron en la planta térmica del Laboratorio de Energía de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
34. Notas sobre Antonio Ribot y Fontseré
- Author
Díaz Larios, Luis Federico
- Subjects
French literature - Italian literature - Spanish literature - Portuguese literature ,PQ1-3999 - Abstract
A. Ribot es un ejemplo emblemático de romántico catalán que intenta armonizar la forma de la «nueva literatura» con el compromiso social de su ideología progresista. En este artículo se analiza la relación de sus obras doctrinales con las de creación compuestas entre 1836 y 1837, un período decisivo de su vida.
- Published
- 2008
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35. Trafalgar (1805): política, literatura y mito
- Author
Díaz Larios, Luis Federico
- Subjects
French literature - Italian literature - Spanish literature - Portuguese literature ,PQ1-3999 - Abstract
La batalla de Trafalgar es uno de los acontecimientos bélicos más comentados por los ilustrados españoles en la encrucijada de entre siglos. Una dolorosa catarsis que evidencia la debilidad y las contradicciones internas de la monarquía española.
- Published
- 2005
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36. Self-Assembling Peptides as an Emerging Platform for the Treatment of Metabolic Syndrome
- Author
Castillo-Díaz LA, Ruiz-Pacheco JA, Elsawy MA, Reyes-Martínez JE, and Enríquez-Rodríguez AI
- Subjects
peptide ,hydrogel ,nanomaterials ,metabolic syndrome ,diabetes ,obesity ,cardiovascular disease ,Medicine (General) ,R5-920 - Abstract
Luis Alberto Castillo-Díaz,1 Juan Alberto Ruiz-Pacheco,2 Mohamed Ahmed Elsawy,3 Juana Elizabeth Reyes-Martínez,4 Andrea Isabel Enríquez-Rodríguez1 1Department of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Sonora, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico; 2West Biomedical Research Center, National Council of Science and Technology, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico; 3Leicester Institute for Pharmaceutical Innovation, Leicester School of Pharmacy, De Montfort University, Leicester, Leicestershire, UK; 4Department of Biology, University of Guanajuato, Guanajuato, Guanajuato, MexicoCorrespondence: Luis Alberto Castillo-DíazDepartment of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Sonora, Hermosillo, Sonora 83000, MexicoTel +52 662 2592121Ext. 4593 Email luis.castillo@unison.mxAbstract: Metabolic syndrome comprises a cluster of comorbidities that represent a major risk of developing chronic diseases, such as type II diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and stroke. Alarmingly, metabolic syndrome reaches epidemic proportions worldwide. Today, lifestyle changes and multiple drug-based therapies represent the gold standard to address metabolic syndrome. However, such approaches face two major limitations: complicated drug therapeutic regimes, which in most cases could lead to patient incompliance, and limited drug efficacy. This has encouraged scientists to search for novel routes to deal with metabolic syndrome and related diseases. Within such approaches, self-assembled peptide formulations have emerged as a promising alternative for treating metabolic syndrome. In particular, self-assembled peptide hydrogels, either as acellular or cell-load three-dimensional scaffoldings have reached significant relevance in the biomedical field to prevent and restore euglycemia, as well as for controlling cardiovascular diseases and obesity. This has been possible thanks to the physicochemical tunability of peptides, which are developed from a chemical toolbox of versatile amino acids enabling flexibility of designing a wide range of self-assembled/co-assembled nanostructures forming biocompatible viscoelastic hydrogels. Peptide hydrogels can be combined with several biological entities, such as extracellular matrix proteins, drugs or cells, forming functional biologics with therapeutic ability for treatment of metabolic syndrome-comorbidities. Additionally, self-assembly peptides combine safety, tolerability, and effectivity attributes; by this presenting a promising platform for the development of novel pharmaceuticals capable of addressing unmet therapeutic needs for diabetes, cardiovascular disorders and obesity. In this review, recent advances in developing self-assembly peptide nanostructures tailored for improving treatment of metabolic syndrome and related diseases will be discussed from basic research to preclinical research studies. Challenges facing the development of approved medicinal products based on self-assembling peptide nanomaterials will be discussed in light of regulatory requirement for clinical authorization.Keywords: peptide, hydrogel, nanomaterials, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease
- Published
- 2020
37. Víctor Balaguer, Emilia Pardo Bazán: páginas inéditas
- Author
Díaz Larios, Luis Federico
- Subjects
French literature - Italian literature - Spanish literature - Portuguese literature ,PQ1-3999 - Published
- 1988
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38. Editorial: Balancing the Yin and Yang of Alcohol-Associated Liver Disease-Integrating Pathophysiology, Liver-Directed Therapy, and Addiction Management. Authors' Reply.
- Author
Díaz LA and Loomba R
- Published
- 2025
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39. Comparison Between Dynamic Models for Predicting Response to Corticosteroids in Alcohol-Associated Hepatitis: A Global Cohort Study.
- Author
Idalsoaga F, Díaz LA, Guizzetti L, Dunn W, Mehta H, Arnold J, Ayares G, Mortuza R, Mahli G, Islam AH, Sarin SK, Maiwall R, Zhang W, Qian S, Simonetto D, Singal AK, Elfeki MA, Ramirez-Cadiz C, Cabezas J, Echavarría V, Cots MV, La Tijera MFH, Abraldes JG, Al-Karaghouli M, Jalal PK, Ali Ibrahim M, García-Tsao G, Goyes D, Skladaný L, Havaj DJ, Sulejova K, Selcanova SA, Rincón D, Shah VH, Kamath PS, Arrese M, Bataller R, and Arab JP
- Abstract
Several dynamic models predict mortality and corticosteroid response in alcohol-associated hepatitis (AH), yet no consensus exists on the most effective model. This study aimed to assess predictive models for corticosteroid response and short-term mortality in severe AH within a global cohort. We conducted a multi-national study of patients with severe AH treated with corticosteroids for at least 7 days, enrolled between 2009 and 2019. Dynamic models-Lille-4, Lille-7, trajectory of serum bilirubin (TSB), and neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR)-were used to estimate 30- and 90-day mortality. Lille-7 demonstrated the highest accuracy for both 30- and 90-day mortality., (© 2025 The Author(s). Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.)
- Published
- 2025
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40. Management of alcohol use disorder: a gastroenterology and hepatology-focused perspective.
- Author
Díaz LA, König D, Weber S, Ayares G, Fuentealba JM, Vázquez V, Bataller R, Kamath PS, Winder GS, Leggio L, and Arab JP
- Abstract
Alcohol use disorder is a prevalent and major but preventable cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, causing several important health consequences, including chronic liver disease. Despite its substantial effects, most clinicians do not adequately assess alcohol intake in clinical practice, and there are several barriers to providing integrated management to patients with alcohol use disorder. Standardised questionnaires, such as the Alcohol Use Identification Test (AUDIT), can facilitate the identification of individuals at risk of alcohol use disorder, and alcohol biomarkers such as phosphatidylethanol aid in quantifying levels of alcohol consumption. Non-pharmacological interventions-including brief interventions, twelve-step facilitation, motivational enhancement therapy, contingency management, and cognitive behavioural therapy-are effective for patients with alcohol use disorder, regardless of the presence of advanced liver disease. Pharmacological treatments should be considered according to the severity of liver disease and other comorbidities, safety profile, and local availability. The management of patients with alcohol use disorder and associated liver disease should ideally be performed in the setting of integrated multidisciplinary teams., Competing Interests: Declaration of interests LL is a US federal employee at the National Institutes of Health, and is supported by the National Institute on Drug Abuse and National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Intramural Research Programs. All other authors declare no competing interests., (Copyright © 2025 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved, including those for text and data mining, AI training, and similar technologies.)
- Published
- 2025
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41. Alcohol-related liver and extrahepatic malignancies: burden of disease and socioeconomic disparities in 2019.
- Author
Danpanichkul P, Suparan K, Chaiyakunapruk N, Auttapracha T, Kongarin S, Wattanachayakul P, Ramadoss V, Suenghataiphorn T, Sukphutanan B, Pang Y, Lui RN, Yang JD, Noureddin M, Díaz LA, Liangpunsakul S, Arab JP, and Wijarnpreecha K
- Subjects
- Humans, Male, Female, Socioeconomic Factors, Disability-Adjusted Life Years, Developing Countries, Middle Aged, Alcohol Drinking adverse effects, Alcohol Drinking epidemiology, Health Status Disparities, Cost of Illness, Neoplasms epidemiology, Neoplasms mortality, Aged, Risk Factors, Socioeconomic Disparities in Health, Global Burden of Disease, Liver Neoplasms epidemiology, Liver Neoplasms mortality
- Abstract
Background: Alcohol is linked to various cancers. While many studies have focused on developed countries, the burden of alcohol-related cancers in developing countries remains underexplored., Methods: We analyzed data from the Global Burden of Disease Study (2000-2019) to assess mortality and disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) from alcohol-related cancers in low and low-to-middle sociodemographic index (SDI) countries., Results: In 2019, there were 494 730 mortality from alcohol-related cancer. Low and low-middle SDI countries contributed over 15% of global mortality of alcohol-related cancer. Among multiple types of cancer, other pharyngeal cancers in these countries accounted for over 30% of global mortality of alcohol-related cancer. Primary liver cancer exhibited the highest mortality ( n = 16 090) in low and low-middle SDI countries. While deaths and DALYs rates from alcohol-related cancers decreased globally between 2000 and 2019, the related burden increased in low and low-middle SDI countries with a rise in all types of alcohol-related cancers, except for primary liver cancer. The most rapidly growing mortality rates in low SDI were from other pharyngeal cancers (+2.25%), whereas in low-middle SDI countries, colorectal cancer evidenced the highest increase (+2.76%)., Conclusion: The burden from alcohol-related cancer has risen in countries with low and low-to-middle SDI, especially other pharyngeal cancers and colorectal cancer. Policymakers should focus on improving alcohol-related policies as well as screening availability to tackle the associated burden of cancer in resource-constrained countries. However, the difficulty in isolating the impact of alcohol due to limited data on other confounders necessitates caution in interpreting these findings., (Copyright © 2024 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2025
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42. Increased mortality from alcohol use disorder, alcohol-associated liver disease, and liver cancer from alcohol among older adults in the United States: 2000 to 2021.
- Author
Danpanichkul P, Duangsonk K, Tham EKJ, Tothanarungroj P, Auttapracha T, Prasitsumrit V, Sim B, Tung D, Barba R, Wong RJ, Leggio L, Yang JD, Chen VL, Noureddin M, Díaz LA, Arab JP, Wijarnpreecha K, and Liangpunsakul S
- Abstract
Background: To investigate the trends in alcohol-associated liver disease (ALD), liver cancer from alcohol, and alcohol use disorder (AUD) burden among older adults in the United States (US)., Methods: We gathered the ALD, liver cancer from alcohol, and AUD prevalence, mortality, and age-standardized rates (ASRs) from the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) Study 2021 between 2010 and 2021. We estimated the annual percent change (APC) with confidence intervals (CIs) for the burden of ALD, liver cancer from alcohol, and AUD in older adults (>70 years) in the United States. The findings were contrasted with global estimates and categorized by sex and state., Results: In 2021, there were approximately 512,340 cases of AUD, 56,990 cases of ALD, and 4490 cases of primary liver cancer from alcohol among older adults in the United States. In contrast to declining ASRs of prevalence and mortality in the global burden, these parameters were increased in older adults in the United States. From 2000 to 2021, prevalence from AUD (APC: 0.54%, 95% CI 0.43% to 0.65%), ALD (APC + 0.54%, 95% CI 0.22% to 0.86%), and primary liver cancer from alcohol (APC 2.93%, 95% CI 2.76% to 3.11%) increased. Forty states in the United States exhibited a rise in the prevalence rates of ALD in older adults., Conclusion: Our findings highlighted the increased prevalence and mortality of AUD, ALD, and primary liver cancer from alcohol among older adults in the United Sates, contrasting with the decline in global trends. Public health strategies on ALD, AUD, and primary liver cancer from alcohol, which targets older adults, are urgently needed., (© 2024 The Author(s). Alcohol, Clinical and Experimental Research published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of Research Society on Alcohol.)
- Published
- 2025
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43. RGD-functionalised self-assembling peptide hydrogel induces a proliferative profile in human osteoblasts in vitro.
- Author
Castillo-Díaz LA, Gough JE, Miller AF, and Saiani A
- Subjects
- Humans, Cell Survival drug effects, Tissue Scaffolds chemistry, Peptides chemistry, Peptides pharmacology, Cells, Cultured, Osteoblasts drug effects, Osteoblasts cytology, Osteoblasts metabolism, Cell Proliferation drug effects, Oligopeptides chemistry, Oligopeptides pharmacology, Hydrogels chemistry, Hydrogels pharmacology
- Abstract
Self-assembling peptide hydrogels (SAPHs) have been used in the past decade as reliable three-dimensional (3D) synthetic scaffolds for the culture of a variety of mammalian cells in vitro. Thanks to their versatile physicochemical properties, they allow researchers to tailor the hydrogel properties, including stiffness and functionality to the targeted cells and cells' behaviour. One of the advantages of using SAPH scaffolds is the ease of functionalisation. In the present work, we discuss the effect that functionalising the FEFEFKFK (F, phenylalanine; K, lysine; and E, glutamic acid) hydrogel scaffold using the cell-binding RGDS (fibronectin - R, arginine; G, glycine; D, aspartic acid; S, serine) epitope affects the material properties as well as the function of encapsulated human osteoblast cells. RGDS functionalisation resulted in cells adopting an elongated morphology, suggesting attachment and increased proliferation. While this led to higher cell viability, it also resulted in a decrease in extra-cellular matrix (ECM) protein production as well as a decrease in calcium ion deposition, suggesting lower mineralisation capabilities. The work clearly shows that SAPHs are a flexible platform that allow the modification of scaffolds in a controlled manner to investigate cell-material interactions., (© 2024 The Author(s). Journal of Peptide Science published by European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.)
- Published
- 2025
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44. Neurogastroenterology and motility disorders in patients with cirrhosis.
- Author
Idalsoaga F, Ayares G, Blaney H, Cabrera D, Chahuan J, Monrroy H, Matar A, Halawi H, Arrese M, Arab JP, and Díaz LA
- Subjects
- Humans, Gastrointestinal Diseases physiopathology, Quality of Life, Liver Cirrhosis complications, Liver Cirrhosis physiopathology, Gastrointestinal Motility drug effects
- Abstract
Neurogastroenterology and motility disorders are complex gastrointestinal conditions that are prevalent worldwide, particularly affecting women and younger individuals. These conditions significantly impact the quality of life of people suffering from them. There is increasing evidence linking these disorders to cirrhosis, with a higher prevalence compared to the general population. However, the link between neurogastroenterology and motility disorders and cirrhosis remains unclear due to undefined mechanisms. In addition, managing these conditions in cirrhosis is often limited by the adverse effects of drugs commonly used for these disorders, presenting a significant clinical challenge in the routine management of patients with cirrhosis. This review delves into this connection, exploring potential pathophysiological links and clinical interventions between neurogastroenterology disorders and cirrhosis., (Copyright © 2025 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. on behalf of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases.)
- Published
- 2025
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45. The burden of alcohol and substance use disorders in adolescents and young adults.
- Author
Danpanichkul P, Duangsonk K, Díaz LA, Chen VL, Rangan P, Sukphutanan B, Dutta P, Wanichthanaolan O, Ramadoss V, Sim B, Tung D, Siranart N, Noritake H, Takahashi H, Noureddin M, Leggio L, Yang JD, Fallon MB, Arab JP, Winder GS, Liangpunsakul S, Mellinger JL, and Wijarnpreecha K
- Subjects
- Humans, Adolescent, Male, Female, Young Adult, Prevalence, Child, Alcoholism epidemiology, Global Burden of Disease trends, Incidence, Cost of Illness, Disability-Adjusted Life Years trends, Substance-Related Disorders epidemiology
- Abstract
Background: Substance use disorders (SUDs) play a major role in global preventable disability and mortality. Even though they impact patients of all ages, adolescents and young adults (AYAs) are at increased risk of substance use at a later age. We aim to assess the burden of SUDs and alcohol-related harms in AYAs., Methods: This study employed the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019 data. We assessed the prevalence, incidence, years of life lost, years of living with disability, and disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) of SUDs, alcohol use disorder (AUD), and alcohol-related burden in AYAs (10-24 years)., Results: Among multiple SUDs, AUD had the highest prevalence (13.31 million), followed by cannabis use disorder (10.69 million) and opioid use disorder (4.27 million). From 2010-2019, while many SUDs saw a decrease in prevalence and incidence rates, opioid use disorder experienced increases across prevalence and incidence rates. Geographically, Europe and the Americas recorded the highest SUD burden. Higher Socio-demographic Index (SDI) levels correlated with increased SUD burden. Females showed a lower burden from SUDs and related health issues compared to males. The distribution of DALYs relative to prevalence varied across different SUDs and SDIs. The largest mortality caused by alcohol use were road injuries, interpersonal violence, and self-harm., Conclusion: The worldwide burden of SUDs, particularly AUD, cannabis use disorder, opioid use disorder, and alcohol-induced harms (particularly injuries) among AYAs, is significant. Addressing this issue urgently requires the implementation of effective policies targeting SUDs., Competing Interests: Declaration of Competing Interest Mazen Noureddin has been on the advisory board for 89BIO, Gilead, Intercept, Pfizer, Novo Nordisk, Blade, EchoSens, Fractyl, Terns, Siemens, and Roche diagnostic; has received research support from Allergan, BMS, Gilead, Galmed, Galectin, Genfit, Conatus, Enanta, Madrigal, Novartis, Pfizer, Shire, Viking and Zydus; and is a minor shareholder or has stocks in Anaetos, Rivus Pharma and Viking. Vincent Chen’s institution has received research grants from KOWA and AstraZeneca. Hirokazu Takahashi received a research grant from Astellas Pharma, AbbVie GK and Sysmex. Gerald Scott Winder: consulting fees from Alexion and GSK. Lorenzo Leggio is a federal employee at the National Institutes of Health Intramural Research Program and is supported by NIDA and NIAAA. Jessica Mellinger has received consulting fees from GlaxoSmithKline, (Copyright © 2024 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2025
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46. Psychological factors are associated with pain extent in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome.
- Author
Núñez-Cortés R, Carrasco JJ, Salazar-Méndez J, Torreblanca-Vargas S, Pérez-Alenda S, Calatayud J, Lluch E, Horment-Lara G, Cruz-Montecinos C, and Cerda M
- Subjects
- Humans, Male, Female, Middle Aged, Cross-Sectional Studies, Adult, Aged, Anxiety psychology, Depression psychology, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome psychology, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome physiopathology, Catastrophization, Pain Measurement, Disability Evaluation
- Abstract
Introduction: Widespread pain may be related to psychosocial aspects in several musculoskeletal conditions, but the literature on carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is scarce., Objective: To determine the relationship between pain extent and psychological factors (catastrophizing, kinesiophobia, anxiety symptoms, and depression) in people with CTS., Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted. The independent variables were: pain intensity, disability (QuickDASH), duration of symptoms, anxiety and depressive symptoms, catastrophizing, and kinesiophobia. The main outcome was: pain extent (% of total area and categories "pain within the median nerve-innervated territory" versus "extra-median nerve pain"). Correlation analysis was performed using Spearman's correlation coefficient. A linear regression model and binary logistic regression (both with forward selection) were performed to determine the main predictors of pain extent., Results: Forty-eight participants were included. A moderate positive correlation was found between catastrophizing ( r = 0.455; p = 0.024) and disability ( r = 0.448; p = 0.024) with total pain extent area. Regression models indicated that catastrophizing explained 22% of the variance in the pain extent (β = 0.003; 95% CI: 0.002-0.005), while kinesiophobia was the variable that best explained the distribution of pain in the extra-median territory (R
2 Nagelkerke = 0.182). Null or weak correlations were found for the rest of the associations., Conclusion: Catastrophizing and kinesiophobia were the main indicators of pain extent in people with CTS. Clinicians are advised to use specific questionnaires to check for the presence of catastrophizing or kinesiophobia in people with CTS and wider pain extension.- Published
- 2025
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47. Editorial: Metabolic Dysfunction and Alcohol-Two Sides of the Same Coin.
- Author
Ayares G and Díaz LA
- Published
- 2025
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48. Mexican Hispanics show significant improvement in lung function approximately 1 year after having severe COVID-19.
- Author
Cortes-Telles A, Solís-Díaz LA, Mateos-Toledo H, Guenette JA, and Zavorsky GS
- Subjects
- Adult, Aged, Female, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Longitudinal Studies, Mexico, Recovery of Function physiology, Severity of Illness Index, Tomography, X-Ray Computed, COVID-19 physiopathology, Hispanic or Latino, Lung physiopathology, Lung diagnostic imaging, Respiratory Function Tests
- Abstract
The long-term effects of COVID-19 on lung function are not understood, especially for periods extending beyond 1 year after infection. This observational, longitudinal study investigated lung function in Mexican Hispanics who experienced severe COVID-19, focusing on how the length of recovery affects lung function improvements. At a specialized COVID-19 follow-up clinic in Yucatan, Mexico, lung function and symptoms were assessed in patients who had recovered from severe COVID-19. We used z-scores, and Wilcoxon's signed rank test to analyse changes in lung function over time. Lung function was measured twice in 82 patients: the first and second measurements were taken a median of 94 and 362 days after COVID-19 diagnosis, respectively. Initially, 61% of patients exhibited at least one of several pulmonary function abnormalities (lower limit of normal = -1.645), which decreased to 22% of patients by 390 days post-recovery. Considering day-to-day variability in lung function, 68% of patients showed improvement by the final visit, while 30% had unchanged lung function from the initial assessment. Computed tomography (CT) scans revealed ground-glass opacities in 33% of patients. One year after infection, diffusing capacity of the lungs for carbon monoxide z-scores accounted for 30% of the variation in CT fibrosis scores. There was no significant correlation between the length of recovery and improvement in lung function based on z-scores. In conclusion, 22% of patients who recovered from severe COVID-19 continued to show at least one lung function abnormality 1 year after recovery, indicating a prolonged impact of COVID-19 on lung health., (© 2024 The Author(s). Experimental Physiology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of The Physiological Society.)
- Published
- 2024
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49. Microbiome-Centered Therapies for the Management of Metabolic Dysfunction-Associated Steatotic Liver Disease.
- Author
Saeed H, Díaz LA, Gil-Gómez A, Burton J, Bajaj J, Romero-Gomez M, Arrese M, Arab JP, and Khan MQ
- Abstract
Metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD) is a significant global health issue, affecting over 30% of the population worldwide due to the rising prevalence of metabolic risk factors such as obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). This spectrum of liver disease ranges from isolated steatosis to more severe forms such as steatohepatitis, fibrosis, and cirrhosis. Recent studies highlight the role of gut microbiota in MASLD pathogenesis, showing that dysbiosis significantly impacts metabolic health and the progression of liver disease. This review critically evaluates current microbiome-centered therapies in MASLD management, including prebiotics, probiotics, synbiotics, fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT), and emerging therapies such as engineered bacteria and bacteriophage therapy. We explore the scientific rationale, clinical evidence, and potential mechanisms by which these interventions influence MASLD. The gut-liver axis is crucial in MASLD, with notable changes in microbiome composition linked to disease progression. For instance, specific microbial profiles and reduced alpha diversity are associated with MASLD severity. Therapeutic strategies targeting the microbiome could modulate disease progression by improving gut permeability, reducing endotoxin-producing bacteria, and altering bile acid metabolism. Although promising, these therapies require further research to fully understand their mechanisms and optimize their efficacy. This review integrates findings from clinical trials and experimental studies, providing a comprehensive overview of microbiome-centered therapies' potential in managing MASLD. Future research should focus on personalized strategies, utilizing microbiome features, blood metabolites, and customized dietary interventions to enhance the effectiveness of these therapies.
- Published
- 2024
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50. Metabolic dysfunction and alcohol-related liver disease (MetALD): Position statement by an expert panel on alcohol-related liver disease.
- Author
Arab JP, Díaz LA, Rehm J, Im G, Arrese M, Kamath PS, Lucey MR, Mellinger J, Thiele M, Thursz M, Bataller R, Burton R, Chokshi S, Francque SM, Krag A, Lackner C, Lee BP, Liangpunsakul S, MacClain C, Mandrekar P, Mitchell MC, Morgan MY, Morgan TR, Pose E, Shah VH, Shawcross D, Sheron N, Singal AK, Stefanescu H, Terrault N, Trépo E, Moreno C, Louvet A, and Mathurin P
- Abstract
In this position statement, we explore the intricate relationship between alcohol intake and metabolic dysfunction in the context of the 2023 nomenclature update for steatotic liver disease (SLD). Recent and lifetime alcohol use should be accurately assessed in all patients with SLD to facilitate classification of alcohol use in grams of alcohol per week. Alcohol biomarkers (i.e., phosphatidylethanol), use of validated questionnaires (i.e. AUDIT-C [alcohol use disorders identification test consumption]), and collateral information from friends and relatives could help facilitate differentiation between alcohol-related liver disease (ALD) per se and liver disease with both metabolic and alcohol-related components (MetALD). Heavy alcohol use can contribute to cardiometabolic risk factors such as high blood pressure, hypertriglyceridaemia, and hyperglycaemia. As a result, caution should be exercised in the application of only one metabolic dysfunction criterion to diagnose MASLD, as suggested in the 2023 nomenclature document, particularly in individuals exceeding weekly alcohol use thresholds of 140 g for women and 210 g for men. This is particularly important in those individuals with isolated high blood pressure, hypertriglyceridaemia, or hyperglycaemia, where the disease process may be driven by alcohol itself. Additionally, metabolic dysfunction and alcohol use should be reassessed over time, especially after periods of change in risk factor exposure. This approach could ensure a more accurate prognosis and effective management of SLD, addressing both metabolic and alcohol-related factors., Competing Interests: Conflict of Interest Please refer to the accompanying ICMJE disclosure forms for further details., (Copyright © 2024 European Association for the Study of the Liver. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2024
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