1,140 results on '"Czerny M"'
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2. The Sac Evolution Imaging Follow-Up after EVAR: an international expert opinion-based Delphi consensus study
- Author
Tinelli, G, D'Oria, M, Sica, S, Mani, K, Rancic, Z, Resch, T, Beccia, F, Azizzadeh, A, Da Volta Ferreira, M, Gargiulo, M, Lepidi, S, Tshomba, Y, Oderich, G, Haulon, S, Beck, A, Hertault, A, Savlania, A, Froio, A, Giaquinta, A, Zimmermann, A, Psyllas, A, Wanhainen, A, Marchetti, A, Queiroz, A, Kahlberg, A, Reyes-Valdivia, A, Schanzer, A, Tambyraja, A, Freyrie, A, Lorido, A, Millon, A, Ippoliti, A, Abai, B, Mees, B, Reutersberg, B, Maurel, B, Michel, B, Wahlgren, C, Cavazzini, C, Setacci, C, Lee, C, Ferrer, C, Bicknell, C, Raphael, C, Clair, D, Dawson, D, Arnaoutakis, D, Bockler, D, Kotelis, D, Mujagic, E, Chisci, E, Cieri, E, Gallitto, E, Marone, E, Ducasse, E, Verzini, F, Pecoraro, F, Serracino-Inglott, F, Benedetto, F, Speziale, F, Stilo, F, Alvarez-Marcos, F, Pagliariccio, G, Piffaretti, G, Lanza, G, Philipp, G, Geenberg, G, Jung, G, Melissano, G, Veraldi, G, Parlani, G, Faggioli, G, de Donato, G, Simonte, G, Colacchio, G, De Caridi, G, Pratesi, G, Spinella, G, Torsello, G, Leong Tan, G, Magee, G, Verhagen, H, Andrew, H, Koleilat, I, Ohman, J, de Vries, J, Budtz-Lilly, J, Black, J, Eldrup-Jorgensen, J, Hockley, J, Bath, J, Sobocinski, J, van Herwaarden, J, Reinhard, K, Orion, K, Amankwah, K, Bertoglio, L, di Marzo, L, Garriboli, L, Rizzo, L, Hakimi, M, Sheahan, M, Khashram, M, Schermerhorn, M, Lescan, M, Conrad, M, Davies, M, Czerny, M, Orrico, M, Eagleton, M, Smeds, M, Taurino, M, Wohlauer, M, Sharafuddin, M, Anna-Leonie, M, Reijnen, M, Antonello, M, Piazza, M, Settembre, N, Mouawad, N, Tsilimparis, N, Dias, N, Martinelli, O, Frigatti, P, Sirignano, P, Chong, P, Bevis, P, Dimuzio, P, Henke, P, Duppers, P, Holt, P, Helmio, P, Vriens, P, Pulli, R, Bellosta, R, Micheli, R, Veeraswamy, R, Cuff, R, Chiappa, R, Gattuso, R, Pini, R, Dalman, R, Milner, R, Scali, S, Bahia, S, Laukontaus, S, Trimarchi, S, Fernandez-Alonso, S, Deglise, S, Bellmunt-Montoya, S, Hofer, S, Yusuf, S, Ronchey, S, Bartoli, S, Bonvini, S, Camparini, S, Fazzini, S, Pirrelli, S, Horer, T, Bisdas, T, Vasudevan, T, Lattmann, T, Wyss, T, Maldonado, T, Pfammatter, T, Kolbel, T, Jakimowicz, T, Donati, T, Tracci, M, Bracale, U, Tolva, V, Riambau, V, Palazzo, V, Makaloski, V, Von Allmen, R, Dorigo, W, Mansour, W, Van den Eynde, W, Tinelli G., D'Oria M., Sica S., Mani K., Rancic Z., Resch T. A., Beccia F., Azizzadeh A., Da Volta Ferreira M. M., Gargiulo M., Lepidi S., Tshomba Y., Oderich G. S., Haulon S., Beck A. W., Hertault A., Savlania A., Froio A., Giaquinta A., Zimmermann A., Psyllas A., Wanhainen A., Marchetti A. A., Queiroz A. B., Kahlberg A., Reyes-Valdivia A., Schanzer A., Tambyraja A., Freyrie A., Lorido A., Millon A., Ippoliti A., Abai B., Mees B., Reutersberg B., Maurel B., Michel B., Wahlgren C. M., Cavazzini C., Setacci C., Lee C. J., Ferrer C., Bicknell C., Raphael C., Clair D., Dawson D. L., Arnaoutakis D. J., Bockler D., Kotelis D., Mujagic E., Chisci E., Cieri E., Gallitto E., Marone E. M., Ducasse E., Verzini F., Pecoraro F., Serracino-Inglott F., Benedetto F., Speziale F., Stilo F., Alvarez-Marcos F., Pagliariccio G., Piffaretti G., Lanza G., Philipp G., Geenberg G., Jung G., Melissano G., Veraldi G. F., Parlani G., Faggioli G., de Donato G., Simonte G., Colacchio G., De Caridi G., Pratesi G., Spinella G., Torsello G., Leong Tan G. W., Magee G. A., Verhagen H., Andrew H., Koleilat I., Ohman J. W., de Vries J. P. P. M., Budtz-Lilly J., Black J., Eldrup-Jorgensen J., Hockley J., Bath J., Sobocinski J., van Herwaarden J. A., Reinhard K., Orion K. C., Amankwah K., Bertoglio L., di Marzo L., Garriboli L., Rizzo L., Hakimi M., Sheahan M., Khashram M., Schermerhorn M., Lescan M., Conrad M., Davies M. G., Czerny M., Orrico M., Eagleton M. J., Smeds M. R., Taurino M., Wohlauer M., Sharafuddin M. J., Anna-Leonie M., Reijnen M., Antonello M., Piazza M., Settembre N., Mouawad N. J., Tsilimparis N., Dias N., Martinelli O., Frigatti P., Sirignano P., Chong P., Bevis P., DiMuzio P., Henke P., Duppers P., Holt P., Helmio P., Vriens P., Pulli R., Bellosta R., Micheli R., Veeraswamy R., Cuff R., Chiappa R., Gattuso R., Pini R., Dalman R. L., Milner R., Scali S. T., Bahia S., Laukontaus S., Trimarchi S., Fernandez-Alonso S., Deglise S., Bellmunt-Montoya S., Hofer S., Yusuf S. W., Ronchey S., Bartoli S., Bonvini S., Camparini S., Fazzini S., Pirrelli S., Horer T., Bisdas T., Vasudevan T., Lattmann T., Wyss T. R., Maldonado T., Pfammatter T., Kolbel T., Jakimowicz T., Donati T., Tracci M., Bracale U. M., Tolva V. S., Riambau V., Palazzo V., Makaloski V., Von Allmen R. S., Dorigo W., Mansour W., Van den Eynde W., Tinelli, G, D'Oria, M, Sica, S, Mani, K, Rancic, Z, Resch, T, Beccia, F, Azizzadeh, A, Da Volta Ferreira, M, Gargiulo, M, Lepidi, S, Tshomba, Y, Oderich, G, Haulon, S, Beck, A, Hertault, A, Savlania, A, Froio, A, Giaquinta, A, Zimmermann, A, Psyllas, A, Wanhainen, A, Marchetti, A, Queiroz, A, Kahlberg, A, Reyes-Valdivia, A, Schanzer, A, Tambyraja, A, Freyrie, A, Lorido, A, Millon, A, Ippoliti, A, Abai, B, Mees, B, Reutersberg, B, Maurel, B, Michel, B, Wahlgren, C, Cavazzini, C, Setacci, C, Lee, C, Ferrer, C, Bicknell, C, Raphael, C, Clair, D, Dawson, D, Arnaoutakis, D, Bockler, D, Kotelis, D, Mujagic, E, Chisci, E, Cieri, E, Gallitto, E, Marone, E, Ducasse, E, Verzini, F, Pecoraro, F, Serracino-Inglott, F, Benedetto, F, Speziale, F, Stilo, F, Alvarez-Marcos, F, Pagliariccio, G, Piffaretti, G, Lanza, G, Philipp, G, Geenberg, G, Jung, G, Melissano, G, Veraldi, G, Parlani, G, Faggioli, G, de Donato, G, Simonte, G, Colacchio, G, De Caridi, G, Pratesi, G, Spinella, G, Torsello, G, Leong Tan, G, Magee, G, Verhagen, H, Andrew, H, Koleilat, I, Ohman, J, de Vries, J, Budtz-Lilly, J, Black, J, Eldrup-Jorgensen, J, Hockley, J, Bath, J, Sobocinski, J, van Herwaarden, J, Reinhard, K, Orion, K, Amankwah, K, Bertoglio, L, di Marzo, L, Garriboli, L, Rizzo, L, Hakimi, M, Sheahan, M, Khashram, M, Schermerhorn, M, Lescan, M, Conrad, M, Davies, M, Czerny, M, Orrico, M, Eagleton, M, Smeds, M, Taurino, M, Wohlauer, M, Sharafuddin, M, Anna-Leonie, M, Reijnen, M, Antonello, M, Piazza, M, Settembre, N, Mouawad, N, Tsilimparis, N, Dias, N, Martinelli, O, Frigatti, P, Sirignano, P, Chong, P, Bevis, P, Dimuzio, P, Henke, P, Duppers, P, Holt, P, Helmio, P, Vriens, P, Pulli, R, Bellosta, R, Micheli, R, Veeraswamy, R, Cuff, R, Chiappa, R, Gattuso, R, Pini, R, Dalman, R, Milner, R, Scali, S, Bahia, S, Laukontaus, S, Trimarchi, S, Fernandez-Alonso, S, Deglise, S, Bellmunt-Montoya, S, Hofer, S, Yusuf, S, Ronchey, S, Bartoli, S, Bonvini, S, Camparini, S, Fazzini, S, Pirrelli, S, Horer, T, Bisdas, T, Vasudevan, T, Lattmann, T, Wyss, T, Maldonado, T, Pfammatter, T, Kolbel, T, Jakimowicz, T, Donati, T, Tracci, M, Bracale, U, Tolva, V, Riambau, V, Palazzo, V, Makaloski, V, Von Allmen, R, Dorigo, W, Mansour, W, Van den Eynde, W, Tinelli G., D'Oria M., Sica S., Mani K., Rancic Z., Resch T. A., Beccia F., Azizzadeh A., Da Volta Ferreira M. M., Gargiulo M., Lepidi S., Tshomba Y., Oderich G. S., Haulon S., Beck A. W., Hertault A., Savlania A., Froio A., Giaquinta A., Zimmermann A., Psyllas A., Wanhainen A., Marchetti A. A., Queiroz A. B., Kahlberg A., Reyes-Valdivia A., Schanzer A., Tambyraja A., Freyrie A., Lorido A., Millon A., Ippoliti A., Abai B., Mees B., Reutersberg B., Maurel B., Michel B., Wahlgren C. M., Cavazzini C., Setacci C., Lee C. J., Ferrer C., Bicknell C., Raphael C., Clair D., Dawson D. L., Arnaoutakis D. J., Bockler D., Kotelis D., Mujagic E., Chisci E., Cieri E., Gallitto E., Marone E. M., Ducasse E., Verzini F., Pecoraro F., Serracino-Inglott F., Benedetto F., Speziale F., Stilo F., Alvarez-Marcos F., Pagliariccio G., Piffaretti G., Lanza G., Philipp G., Geenberg G., Jung G., Melissano G., Veraldi G. F., Parlani G., Faggioli G., de Donato G., Simonte G., Colacchio G., De Caridi G., Pratesi G., Spinella G., Torsello G., Leong Tan G. W., Magee G. A., Verhagen H., Andrew H., Koleilat I., Ohman J. W., de Vries J. P. P. M., Budtz-Lilly J., Black J., Eldrup-Jorgensen J., Hockley J., Bath J., Sobocinski J., van Herwaarden J. A., Reinhard K., Orion K. C., Amankwah K., Bertoglio L., di Marzo L., Garriboli L., Rizzo L., Hakimi M., Sheahan M., Khashram M., Schermerhorn M., Lescan M., Conrad M., Davies M. G., Czerny M., Orrico M., Eagleton M. J., Smeds M. R., Taurino M., Wohlauer M., Sharafuddin M. J., Anna-Leonie M., Reijnen M., Antonello M., Piazza M., Settembre N., Mouawad N. J., Tsilimparis N., Dias N., Martinelli O., Frigatti P., Sirignano P., Chong P., Bevis P., DiMuzio P., Henke P., Duppers P., Holt P., Helmio P., Vriens P., Pulli R., Bellosta R., Micheli R., Veeraswamy R., Cuff R., Chiappa R., Gattuso R., Pini R., Dalman R. L., Milner R., Scali S. T., Bahia S., Laukontaus S., Trimarchi S., Fernandez-Alonso S., Deglise S., Bellmunt-Montoya S., Hofer S., Yusuf S. W., Ronchey S., Bartoli S., Bonvini S., Camparini S., Fazzini S., Pirrelli S., Horer T., Bisdas T., Vasudevan T., Lattmann T., Wyss T. R., Maldonado T., Pfammatter T., Kolbel T., Jakimowicz T., Donati T., Tracci M., Bracale U. M., Tolva V. S., Riambau V., Palazzo V., Makaloski V., Von Allmen R. S., Dorigo W., Mansour W., and Van den Eynde W.
- Abstract
Objective: Management of follow-up protocols after endovascular aortic repair (EVAR) varies significantly between centers and is not standardized according to sac regression. By designing an international expert-based Delphi consensus, the study aimed to create recommendations on follow-up after EVAR according to sac evolution. Methods: Eight facilitators created appropriate statements regarding the study topic that were voted, using a 4-point Likert scale, by a selected panel of international experts using a three-round modified Delphi consensus process. Based on the experts' responses, only those statements reaching a grade A (full agreement ≥75%) or B (overall agreement ≥80% and full disagreement <5%) were included in the final document. Results: One-hundred and seventy-four participants were included in the final analysis, and each voted the initial 29 statements related to the definition of sac regression (Q1-Q9), EVAR follow-up (Q10-Q14), and the assessment and role of sac regression during follow-up (Q15-Q29). At the end of the process, 2 statements (6.9%) were rejected, 9 statements (31%) received a grade B consensus strength, and 18 (62.1%) reached a grade A consensus strength. Of 27 final statements, 15 (55.6%) were classified as grade I, whereas 12 (44.4%) were classified as grade II. Experts agreed that sac regression should be considered an important indicator of EVAR success and always be assessed during follow-up after EVAR. Conclusions: Based on the elevated strength and high consistency of this international expert-based Delphi consensus, most of the statements might guide the current clinical management of follow-up after EVAR according to the sac regression. Future studies are needed to clarify debated issues.
- Published
- 2024
3. Implantation of a Novel Stent Graft Accessory for Left Ventricular Assist Devices in a Pig
- Author
Meissner, F., primary, Schoen, M., additional, Vestner, H., additional, Schimmel, M., additional, Galbas, M. Costa, additional, Straky, H., additional, Czerny, M., additional, and Bothe, W., additional
- Published
- 2024
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4. Impact of a Novel Accessory for Left Ventricular Assist Devices on Hemolysis and Degradation of Von Willebrand Factor In Vitro
- Author
Meissner, F., primary, Eichelkraut, D., additional, Schimmel, M., additional, Buechsel, M., additional, Schoen, M., additional, Vestner, H., additional, Costa Galbas, M., additional, Czerny, M., additional, and Bothe, W., additional
- Published
- 2024
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5. Therapie von Aortenpathologien mit Beteiligung des Aortenbogens
- Author
Kreibich, M., Berger, T., Rylski, B., and Czerny, M.
- Published
- 2021
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6. Effect of B addition on the superelasticity in FeNiCoAlTa single crystals
- Author
Czerny, M., Cios, G., Maziarz, W., Chumlyakov, Y.I., Schell, N., and Chulist, R.
- Published
- 2021
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7. The effect of heat treatment on the precipitation hardening in FeNiCoAlTa single crystals
- Author
Czerny, M., Maziarz, W., Cios, G., Wójcik, A., Chumlyakov, Y.I., Schell, N., Fitta, M., and Chulist, R.
- Published
- 2020
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8. Effects of Prolonged Serum Calcium Suppression during Extra-corporeal Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in Pigs
- Author
Benk, J., additional, Pooth, J.S., additional, Liu, Y., additional, Petzold, R., additional, Scherer, C., additional, Benning, L., additional, Kreibich, M., additional, Czerny, M., additional, Beyersdorf, F., additional, Benk, C., additional, Trummer, G., additional, and Brixius, S., additional
- Published
- 2024
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9. In-hospital and 6-month outcomes in patients with COVID-19 supported with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (EuroECMO-COVID): a multicentre, prospective observational study
- Author
Lorusso, R, De Piero, M, Mariani, S, Di Mauro, M, Folliguet, T, Taccone, F, Camporota, L, Swol, J, Wiedemann, D, Belliato, M, Broman, L, Vuylsteke, A, Kassif, Y, Scandroglio, A, Fanelli, V, Gaudard, P, Ledot, S, Barker, J, Boeken, U, Maier, S, Kersten, A, Meyns, B, Pozzi, M, Pedersen, F, Schellongowski, P, Kirali, K, Barrett, N, Riera, J, Mueller, T, Belohlavek, J, Lo Coco, V, Van der Horst, I, Van Bussel, B, Schnabel, R, Delnoij, T, Bolotin, G, Lorini, L, Schmiady, M, Schibilsky, D, Kowalewski, M, Pinto, L, Silva, P, Kornilov, I, Blandino Ortiz, A, Vercaemst, L, Finney, S, Roeleveld, P, Di Nardo, M, Hennig, F, Antonini, M, Davidson, M, Jones, T, Staudinger, T, Mair, P, Kilo, J, Krapf, C, Erbert, K, Peer, A, Bonaros, N, Kotheletner, F, Krenner Mag, N, Shestakova, L, Hermans, G, Dauwe, D, Meersseman, P, Stockman, B, Nobile, L, Lhereux, O, Nrasseurs, A, Creuter, J, De Backer, D, Giglioli, S, Michiels, G, Foulon, P, Raes, M, Rodrigus, I, Allegaert, M, Jorens, P, Debeucklare, G, Piagnerelli, M, Biston, P, Peperstraete, H, Vandewiele, K, Germay, O, Vandeweghe, D, Havrin, S, Bourgeois, M, Lagny, M, Alois, G, Lavios, N, Misset, B, Courcelle, R, Timmermans, P, Yilmaz, A, Vantomout, M, Lehaen, J, Jassen, A, Guterman, H, Strauven, M, Lormans, P, Verhamme, B, Vandewaeter, C, Bonte, F, Vionne, D, Balik, M, Blaha, J, Lips, M, Othal, M, Bursa, F, Spacek, R, Christensen, S, Jorgensen, V, Sorensen, M, Madsen, S, Puss, S, Beljantsev, A, Saiydoun, G, Fiore, A, Colson, P, Bazalgette, F, Capdevila, X, Kollen, S, Muller, L, Obadia, J, Dubien, P, Ajrhourh, L, Guinot, P, Zarka, J, Besserve, P, Malfertheiner, M, Dreier, E, Heinze, B, Akhyari, P, Lichtenberg, A, Aubin, H, Assman, A, Saeed, D, Thiele, H, Baumgaertel, M, Schmitto, J, Ruslan, N, Haverich, A, Thielmann, M, Brenner, T, Ruhpawar, A, Benk, C, Czerny, M, Staudacher, D, Beyersdorf, F, Kalbhenn, J, Henn, P, Popov, A, Iuliu, T, Muellenbach, R, Reyher, C, Rolfes, C, Lotz, G, Sonntagbauer, M, Winkels, H, Fichte, J, Stohr, R, Kalverkamp, S, Karagiannidis, C, Schafer, S, Svetlitchny, A, Hopf, H, Jarczak, D, Groesdonk, H, Rommer, M, Hirsch, J, Kaehny, C, Soufleris, D, Gavriilidis, G, Pontikis, K, Kyriakopoulou, M, Kyriakoudi, A, O'Brien, S, Conrick-Martin, I, Carton, E, Makhoul, M, Ben-Ari, J, Hadash, A, Kogan, A, Kassif Lerner, R, Abu-Shakra, A, Matan, M, Balawona, A, Kachel, E, Altshuler, R, Galante, O, Fuchs, L, Almog, Y, Ishay, Y, Lichter, Y, Gal-oz, A, Carmi, U, Nini, A, Soroksky, A, Dekel, H, Rozman, Z, Tayem, E, Ilgiyaev, E, Hochman, Y, Miltau, D, Rapoport, A, Eden, A, Kompanietz, D, Yousif, M, Golos, M, Grazioli, L, Ghitti, D, Loforte, A, Di Luca, D, Baiocchi, M, Pacini, D, Cappai, A, Meani, P, Mondino, M, Russo, C, Ranucci, M, Fina, D, Cotza, M, Ballotta, A, Landoni, G, Nardelli, P, Fominski, E, Brazzi, L, Montrucchio, G, Sales, G, Simonetti, U, Livigni, S, Silengo, D, Arena, G, Sovatzis, S, Degani, A, Riccardi, M, Milanesi, E, Raffa, G, Martucci, G, Arcadipane, A, Panarello, G, Chiarini, G, Cattaneo, S, Puglia, C, Benussi, S, Foti, G, Giani, M, Bombino, M, Costa, M, Rona, R, Avalli, L, Donati, A, Carozza, R, Gasparri, F, Carsetti, A, Piciche, M, Marinello, A, Danzi, V, Zanin, A, Condello, I, Fiore, F, Moscarelli, M, Nasso, G, Speziale, G, Sandrelli, L, Montalto, A, Musumeci, F, Circelli, A, Russo, E, Agnoletti, V, Rociola, R, Milano, A, Pilato, E, Comentale, G, Montisci, A, Alessandri, F, Tosi, A, Pugliese, F, Giordano, G, Carelli, S, Grieco, D, Dell'Anna, A, Antonelli, M, Ramoni, E, Zulueta, J, Del Giglio, M, Petracca, S, Bertini, P, Guarracino, F, De Simone, L, Angeletti, P, Forfori, F, Taraschi, F, Quintiliani, V, Samalavicius, R, Jankuviene, A, Scupakova, N, Urbonas, K, Kapturauskas, J, Soerensen, G, Suwalski, P, Linhares Santos, L, Marques, A, Miranda, M, Teixeira, S, Salgueiro, A, Pereira, F, Ketskalo, M, Tsarenko, S, Shilova, A, Afukov, I, Popugaev, K, Minin, S, Shelukhin, D, Malceva, O, Gleb, M, Skopets, A, Kornelyuk, R, Kulikov, A, Okhrimchuk, V, Turchaninov, A, Petrushin, M, Sheck, A, Mekulov, A, Ciryateva, S, Urusov, D, Gorjup, V, Golicnik, A, Goslar, T, Ferrer, R, Martinez-Martinez, M, Argudo, E, Palmer, N, De Pablo Sanchez, R, Juan Higuera, L, Arnau Blasco, L, Marquez, J, Sbraga, F, Fuset, M, De Gopegui, P, Claraco, L, De Ayala, J, Peiro, M, Ricart, P, Martinez, S, Chavez, F, Fabra, M, Sandoval, E, Toapanta, D, Carraminana, A, Tellez, A, Ososio, J, Milan, P, Rodriguez, J, Andoni, G, Gutierrez, C, Perez de la Sota, E, Eixeres-Esteve, A, Garcia-Maellas, M, Gutierrez-Gutierrez, J, Arboleda-Salazar, R, Santa Teresa, P, Jaspe, A, Garrido, A, Castaneda, G, Alcantara, S, Martinez, N, Perez, M, Villanueva, H, Vidal Gonzalez, A, Paez, J, Santon, A, Perez, C, Lopez, M, Rubio Lopez, M, Gordillo, A, Naranjo-Izurieta, J, Munoz, J, Alcalde, I, Onieva, F, Gimeno Costa, R, Perez, F, Madrid, I, Gordon, M, Albacete Moreno, C, Perez, D, Lopez, N, Martinenz, D, Blanco-Schweizer, P, Diez, C, Prieto, A, Renedo, G, Bustamante, E, Cicuendez, R, Citores, R, Boado, V, Garcia, K, Voces, R, Domezain, M, Nunez Martinez, J, Vicente, R, Martin, D, Andreu, A, Gomez Casal, V, Chico, I, Menor, E, Vara, S, Gamacho, J, Perez-Chomon, H, Javier Gonzales, F, Barrero, I, Martin-Villen, L, Fernandez, E, Mendoza, M, Navarro, J, Colomina Climent, J, Gonzales-Perez, A, Muniz-Albaceita, G, Amado, L, Rodriguez, R, Ruiz, E, Eiras, M, Grins, E, Magnus, R, Kanetoft, M, Eidevald, M, Watson, P, Vogt, P, Steiger, P, Aigner, T, Weber, A, Grunefelder, J, Kunz, M, Grapow, M, Aymard, T, Reser, D, Agus, G, Consiglio, J, Haenggi, M, Hansjoerg, J, Iten, M, Doeble, T, Zenklusen, U, Bechtold, X, Faedda, G, Iafrate, M, Rohjer, A, Bergamaschi, L, Maessen, J, Reis Miranda, D, Endeman, H, Gommers, D, Meuwese, C, Maas, J, Van Gijlswijk, M, Van Berg, R, Candura, D, Van der Linden, M, Kant, M, Van der Heijden, J, Scholten, E, Van Belle-van Haren, N, Lagrand, W, Vlaar, A, De Jong, S, Cander, B, Sargin, M, Ugur, M, Kaygin, M, Daly, K, Agnew, N, Head, L, Kelly, L, Anoma, G, Russell, C, Aquino, V, Scott, I, Flemming, L, Gillon, S, Moore, O, Gelandt, E, Auzinger, G, Patel, S, Loveridge, R, Lorusso R., De Piero M. E., Mariani S., Di Mauro M., Folliguet T., Taccone F. S., Camporota L., Swol J., Wiedemann D., Belliato M., Broman L. M., Vuylsteke A., Kassif Y., Scandroglio A. M., Fanelli V., Gaudard P., Ledot S., Barker J., Boeken U., Maier S., Kersten A., Meyns B., Pozzi M., Pedersen F. M., Schellongowski P., Kirali K., Barrett N., Riera J., Mueller T., Belohlavek J., Lo Coco V., Van der Horst I. C. C., Van Bussel B. C. T., Schnabel R. M., Delnoij T., Bolotin G., Lorini L., Schmiady M. O., Schibilsky D., Kowalewski M., Pinto L. F., Silva P. E., Kornilov I., Blandino Ortiz A., Vercaemst L., Finney S., Roeleveld P. P., Di Nardo M., Hennig F., Antonini M. V., Davidson M., Jones T. J., Staudinger T., Mair P., Kilo J., Krapf C., Erbert K., Peer A., Bonaros N., Kotheletner F., Krenner Mag N., Shestakova L., Hermans G., Dauwe D., Meersseman P., Stockman B., Nobile L., Lhereux O., Nrasseurs A., Creuter J., De Backer D., Giglioli S., Michiels G., Foulon P., Raes M., Rodrigus I., Allegaert M., Jorens P., Debeucklare G., Piagnerelli M., Biston P., Peperstraete H., Vandewiele K., Germay O., Vandeweghe D., Havrin S., Bourgeois M., Lagny M. -G., Alois G., Lavios N., Misset B., Courcelle R., Timmermans P. J., Yilmaz A., Vantomout M., Lehaen J., Jassen A., Guterman H., Strauven M., Lormans P., Verhamme B., Vandewaeter C., Bonte F., Vionne D., Balik M., Blaha J., Lips M., Othal M., Bursa F., Spacek R., Christensen S., Jorgensen V., Sorensen M., Madsen S. A., Puss S., Beljantsev A., Saiydoun G., Fiore A., Colson P., Bazalgette F., Capdevila X., Kollen S., Muller L., Obadia J. -F., Dubien P. -Y., Ajrhourh L., Guinot P. G., Zarka J., Besserve P., Malfertheiner M. V., Dreier E., Heinze B., Akhyari P., Lichtenberg A., Aubin H., Assman A., Saeed D., Thiele H., Baumgaertel M., Schmitto J. D., Ruslan N., Haverich A., Thielmann M., Brenner T., Ruhpawar A., Benk C., Czerny M., Staudacher D. L., Beyersdorf F., Kalbhenn J., Henn P., Popov A. -F., Iuliu T., Muellenbach R., Reyher C., Rolfes C., Lotz G., Sonntagbauer M., Winkels H., Fichte J., Stohr R., Kalverkamp S., Karagiannidis C., Schafer S., Svetlitchny A., Hopf H. -B., Jarczak D., Groesdonk H., Rommer M., Hirsch J., Kaehny C., Soufleris D., Gavriilidis G., Pontikis K., Kyriakopoulou M., Kyriakoudi A., O'Brien S., Conrick-Martin I., Carton E., Makhoul M., Ben-Ari J., Hadash A., Kogan A., Kassif Lerner R., Abu-Shakra A., Matan M., Balawona A., Kachel E., Altshuler R., Galante O., Fuchs L., Almog Y., Ishay Y. S., Lichter Y., Gal-oz A., Carmi U., Nini A., Soroksky A., Dekel H., Rozman Z., Tayem E., Ilgiyaev E., Hochman Y., Miltau D., Rapoport A., Eden A., Kompanietz D., Yousif M., Golos M., Grazioli L., Ghitti D., Loforte A., Di Luca D., Baiocchi M., Pacini D., Cappai A., Meani P., Mondino M., Russo C. F., Ranucci M., Fina D., Cotza M., Ballotta A., Landoni G., Nardelli P., Fominski E. V., Brazzi L., Montrucchio G., Sales G., Simonetti U., Livigni S., Silengo D., Arena G., Sovatzis S. S., Degani A., Riccardi M., Milanesi E., Raffa G., Martucci G., Arcadipane A., Panarello G., Chiarini G., Cattaneo S., Puglia C., Benussi S., Foti G., Giani M., Bombino M., Costa M. C., Rona R., Avalli L., Donati A., Carozza R., Gasparri F., Carsetti A., Piciche M., Marinello A., Danzi V., Zanin A., Condello I., Fiore F., Moscarelli M., Nasso G., Speziale G., Sandrelli L., Montalto A., Musumeci F., Circelli A., Russo E., Agnoletti V., Rociola R., Milano A. D., Pilato E., Comentale G., Montisci A., Alessandri F., Tosi A., Pugliese F., Giordano G., Carelli S., Grieco D. L., Dell'Anna A. M., Antonelli M., Ramoni E., Zulueta J., Del Giglio M., Petracca S., Bertini P., Guarracino F., De Simone L., Angeletti P. M., Forfori F., Taraschi F., Quintiliani V. N., Samalavicius R., Jankuviene A., Scupakova N., Urbonas K., Kapturauskas J., Soerensen G., Suwalski P., Linhares Santos L., Marques A., Miranda M., Teixeira S., Salgueiro A., Pereira F., Ketskalo M., Tsarenko S., Shilova A., Afukov I., Popugaev K., Minin S., Shelukhin D., Malceva O., Gleb M., Skopets A., Kornelyuk R., Kulikov A., Okhrimchuk V., Turchaninov A., Petrushin M., Sheck A., Mekulov A., Ciryateva S., Urusov D., Gorjup V., Golicnik A., Goslar T., Ferrer R., Martinez-Martinez M., Argudo E., Palmer N., De Pablo Sanchez R., Juan Higuera L., Arnau Blasco L., Marquez J. A., Sbraga F., Fuset M. P., De Gopegui P. R., Claraco L. M., De Ayala J. A., Peiro M., Ricart P., Martinez S., Chavez F., Fabra M., Sandoval E., Toapanta D., Carraminana A., Tellez A., Ososio J., Milan P., Rodriguez J., Andoni G., Gutierrez C., Perez de la Sota E., Eixeres-Esteve A., Garcia-Maellas M. T., Gutierrez-Gutierrez J., Arboleda-Salazar R., Santa Teresa P., Jaspe A., Garrido A., Castaneda G., Alcantara S., Martinez N., Perez M., Villanueva H., Vidal Gonzalez A., Paez J., Santon A., Perez C., Lopez M., Rubio Lopez M. I., Gordillo A., Naranjo-Izurieta J., Munoz J., Alcalde I., Onieva F., Gimeno Costa R., Perez F., Madrid I., Gordon M., Albacete Moreno C. L., Perez D., Lopez N., Martinenz D., Blanco-Schweizer P., Diez C., Prieto A., Renedo G., Bustamante E., Cicuendez R., Citores R., Boado V., Garcia K., Voces R., Domezain M., Nunez Martinez J. M., Vicente R., Martin D., Andreu A., Gomez Casal V., Chico I., Menor E. M., Vara S., Gamacho J., Perez-Chomon H., Javier Gonzales F., Barrero I., Martin-Villen L., Fernandez E., Mendoza M., Navarro J., Colomina Climent J., Gonzales-Perez A., Muniz-Albaceita G., Amado L., Rodriguez R., Ruiz E., Eiras M., Grins E., Magnus R., Kanetoft M., Eidevald M., Watson P., Vogt P. R., Steiger P., Aigner T., Weber A., Grunefelder J., Kunz M., Grapow M., Aymard T., Reser D., Agus G., Consiglio J., Haenggi M., Hansjoerg J., Iten M., Doeble T., Zenklusen U., Bechtold X., Faedda G., Iafrate M., Rohjer A., Bergamaschi L., Maessen J., Reis Miranda D., Endeman H., Gommers D., Meuwese C., Maas J., Van Gijlswijk M. J., Van Berg R. N., Candura D., Van der Linden M., Kant M., Van der Heijden J. J., Scholten E., Van Belle-van Haren N., Lagrand W. K., Vlaar A. P., De Jong S., Cander B., Sargin M., Ugur M., Kaygin M. A., Daly K., Agnew N., Head L., Kelly L., Anoma G., Russell C., Aquino V., Scott I., Flemming L., Gillon S., Moore O., Gelandt E., Auzinger G., Patel S., Loveridge R., Lorusso, R, De Piero, M, Mariani, S, Di Mauro, M, Folliguet, T, Taccone, F, Camporota, L, Swol, J, Wiedemann, D, Belliato, M, Broman, L, Vuylsteke, A, Kassif, Y, Scandroglio, A, Fanelli, V, Gaudard, P, Ledot, S, Barker, J, Boeken, U, Maier, S, Kersten, A, Meyns, B, Pozzi, M, Pedersen, F, Schellongowski, P, Kirali, K, Barrett, N, Riera, J, Mueller, T, Belohlavek, J, Lo Coco, V, Van der Horst, I, Van Bussel, B, Schnabel, R, Delnoij, T, Bolotin, G, Lorini, L, Schmiady, M, Schibilsky, D, Kowalewski, M, Pinto, L, Silva, P, Kornilov, I, Blandino Ortiz, A, Vercaemst, L, Finney, S, Roeleveld, P, Di Nardo, M, Hennig, F, Antonini, M, Davidson, M, Jones, T, Staudinger, T, Mair, P, Kilo, J, Krapf, C, Erbert, K, Peer, A, Bonaros, N, Kotheletner, F, Krenner Mag, N, Shestakova, L, Hermans, G, Dauwe, D, Meersseman, P, Stockman, B, Nobile, L, Lhereux, O, Nrasseurs, A, Creuter, J, De Backer, D, Giglioli, S, Michiels, G, Foulon, P, Raes, M, Rodrigus, I, Allegaert, M, Jorens, P, Debeucklare, G, Piagnerelli, M, Biston, P, Peperstraete, H, Vandewiele, K, Germay, O, Vandeweghe, D, Havrin, S, Bourgeois, M, Lagny, M, Alois, G, Lavios, N, Misset, B, Courcelle, R, Timmermans, P, Yilmaz, A, Vantomout, M, Lehaen, J, Jassen, A, Guterman, H, Strauven, M, Lormans, P, Verhamme, B, Vandewaeter, C, Bonte, F, Vionne, D, Balik, M, Blaha, J, Lips, M, Othal, M, Bursa, F, Spacek, R, Christensen, S, Jorgensen, V, Sorensen, M, Madsen, S, Puss, S, Beljantsev, A, Saiydoun, G, Fiore, A, Colson, P, Bazalgette, F, Capdevila, X, Kollen, S, Muller, L, Obadia, J, Dubien, P, Ajrhourh, L, Guinot, P, Zarka, J, Besserve, P, Malfertheiner, M, Dreier, E, Heinze, B, Akhyari, P, Lichtenberg, A, Aubin, H, Assman, A, Saeed, D, Thiele, H, Baumgaertel, M, Schmitto, J, Ruslan, N, Haverich, A, Thielmann, M, Brenner, T, Ruhpawar, A, Benk, C, Czerny, M, Staudacher, D, Beyersdorf, F, Kalbhenn, J, Henn, P, Popov, A, Iuliu, T, Muellenbach, R, Reyher, C, Rolfes, C, Lotz, G, Sonntagbauer, M, Winkels, H, Fichte, J, Stohr, R, Kalverkamp, S, Karagiannidis, C, Schafer, S, Svetlitchny, A, Hopf, H, Jarczak, D, Groesdonk, H, Rommer, M, Hirsch, J, Kaehny, C, Soufleris, D, Gavriilidis, G, Pontikis, K, Kyriakopoulou, M, Kyriakoudi, A, O'Brien, S, Conrick-Martin, I, Carton, E, Makhoul, M, Ben-Ari, J, Hadash, A, Kogan, A, Kassif Lerner, R, Abu-Shakra, A, Matan, M, Balawona, A, Kachel, E, Altshuler, R, Galante, O, Fuchs, L, Almog, Y, Ishay, Y, Lichter, Y, Gal-oz, A, Carmi, U, Nini, A, Soroksky, A, Dekel, H, Rozman, Z, Tayem, E, Ilgiyaev, E, Hochman, Y, Miltau, D, Rapoport, A, Eden, A, Kompanietz, D, Yousif, M, Golos, M, Grazioli, L, Ghitti, D, Loforte, A, Di Luca, D, Baiocchi, M, Pacini, D, Cappai, A, Meani, P, Mondino, M, Russo, C, Ranucci, M, Fina, D, Cotza, M, Ballotta, A, Landoni, G, Nardelli, P, Fominski, E, Brazzi, L, Montrucchio, G, Sales, G, Simonetti, U, Livigni, S, Silengo, D, Arena, G, Sovatzis, S, Degani, A, Riccardi, M, Milanesi, E, Raffa, G, Martucci, G, Arcadipane, A, Panarello, G, Chiarini, G, Cattaneo, S, Puglia, C, Benussi, S, Foti, G, Giani, M, Bombino, M, Costa, M, Rona, R, Avalli, L, Donati, A, Carozza, R, Gasparri, F, Carsetti, A, Piciche, M, Marinello, A, Danzi, V, Zanin, A, Condello, I, Fiore, F, Moscarelli, M, Nasso, G, Speziale, G, Sandrelli, L, Montalto, A, Musumeci, F, Circelli, A, Russo, E, Agnoletti, V, Rociola, R, Milano, A, Pilato, E, Comentale, G, Montisci, A, Alessandri, F, Tosi, A, Pugliese, F, Giordano, G, Carelli, S, Grieco, D, Dell'Anna, A, Antonelli, M, Ramoni, E, Zulueta, J, Del Giglio, M, Petracca, S, Bertini, P, Guarracino, F, De Simone, L, Angeletti, P, Forfori, F, Taraschi, F, Quintiliani, V, Samalavicius, R, Jankuviene, A, Scupakova, N, Urbonas, K, Kapturauskas, J, Soerensen, G, Suwalski, P, Linhares Santos, L, Marques, A, Miranda, M, Teixeira, S, Salgueiro, A, Pereira, F, Ketskalo, M, Tsarenko, S, Shilova, A, Afukov, I, Popugaev, K, Minin, S, Shelukhin, D, Malceva, O, Gleb, M, Skopets, A, Kornelyuk, R, Kulikov, A, Okhrimchuk, V, Turchaninov, A, Petrushin, M, Sheck, A, Mekulov, A, Ciryateva, S, Urusov, D, Gorjup, V, Golicnik, A, Goslar, T, Ferrer, R, Martinez-Martinez, M, Argudo, E, Palmer, N, De Pablo Sanchez, R, Juan Higuera, L, Arnau Blasco, L, Marquez, J, Sbraga, F, Fuset, M, De Gopegui, P, Claraco, L, De Ayala, J, Peiro, M, Ricart, P, Martinez, S, Chavez, F, Fabra, M, Sandoval, E, Toapanta, D, Carraminana, A, Tellez, A, Ososio, J, Milan, P, Rodriguez, J, Andoni, G, Gutierrez, C, Perez de la Sota, E, Eixeres-Esteve, A, Garcia-Maellas, M, Gutierrez-Gutierrez, J, Arboleda-Salazar, R, Santa Teresa, P, Jaspe, A, Garrido, A, Castaneda, G, Alcantara, S, Martinez, N, Perez, M, Villanueva, H, Vidal Gonzalez, A, Paez, J, Santon, A, Perez, C, Lopez, M, Rubio Lopez, M, Gordillo, A, Naranjo-Izurieta, J, Munoz, J, Alcalde, I, Onieva, F, Gimeno Costa, R, Perez, F, Madrid, I, Gordon, M, Albacete Moreno, C, Perez, D, Lopez, N, Martinenz, D, Blanco-Schweizer, P, Diez, C, Prieto, A, Renedo, G, Bustamante, E, Cicuendez, R, Citores, R, Boado, V, Garcia, K, Voces, R, Domezain, M, Nunez Martinez, J, Vicente, R, Martin, D, Andreu, A, Gomez Casal, V, Chico, I, Menor, E, Vara, S, Gamacho, J, Perez-Chomon, H, Javier Gonzales, F, Barrero, I, Martin-Villen, L, Fernandez, E, Mendoza, M, Navarro, J, Colomina Climent, J, Gonzales-Perez, A, Muniz-Albaceita, G, Amado, L, Rodriguez, R, Ruiz, E, Eiras, M, Grins, E, Magnus, R, Kanetoft, M, Eidevald, M, Watson, P, Vogt, P, Steiger, P, Aigner, T, Weber, A, Grunefelder, J, Kunz, M, Grapow, M, Aymard, T, Reser, D, Agus, G, Consiglio, J, Haenggi, M, Hansjoerg, J, Iten, M, Doeble, T, Zenklusen, U, Bechtold, X, Faedda, G, Iafrate, M, Rohjer, A, Bergamaschi, L, Maessen, J, Reis Miranda, D, Endeman, H, Gommers, D, Meuwese, C, Maas, J, Van Gijlswijk, M, Van Berg, R, Candura, D, Van der Linden, M, Kant, M, Van der Heijden, J, Scholten, E, Van Belle-van Haren, N, Lagrand, W, Vlaar, A, De Jong, S, Cander, B, Sargin, M, Ugur, M, Kaygin, M, Daly, K, Agnew, N, Head, L, Kelly, L, Anoma, G, Russell, C, Aquino, V, Scott, I, Flemming, L, Gillon, S, Moore, O, Gelandt, E, Auzinger, G, Patel, S, Loveridge, R, Lorusso R., De Piero M. E., Mariani S., Di Mauro M., Folliguet T., Taccone F. S., Camporota L., Swol J., Wiedemann D., Belliato M., Broman L. M., Vuylsteke A., Kassif Y., Scandroglio A. M., Fanelli V., Gaudard P., Ledot S., Barker J., Boeken U., Maier S., Kersten A., Meyns B., Pozzi M., Pedersen F. M., Schellongowski P., Kirali K., Barrett N., Riera J., Mueller T., Belohlavek J., Lo Coco V., Van der Horst I. C. C., Van Bussel B. C. T., Schnabel R. M., Delnoij T., Bolotin G., Lorini L., Schmiady M. O., Schibilsky D., Kowalewski M., Pinto L. F., Silva P. E., Kornilov I., Blandino Ortiz A., Vercaemst L., Finney S., Roeleveld P. P., Di Nardo M., Hennig F., Antonini M. V., Davidson M., Jones T. J., Staudinger T., Mair P., Kilo J., Krapf C., Erbert K., Peer A., Bonaros N., Kotheletner F., Krenner Mag N., Shestakova L., Hermans G., Dauwe D., Meersseman P., Stockman B., Nobile L., Lhereux O., Nrasseurs A., Creuter J., De Backer D., Giglioli S., Michiels G., Foulon P., Raes M., Rodrigus I., Allegaert M., Jorens P., Debeucklare G., Piagnerelli M., Biston P., Peperstraete H., Vandewiele K., Germay O., Vandeweghe D., Havrin S., Bourgeois M., Lagny M. -G., Alois G., Lavios N., Misset B., Courcelle R., Timmermans P. J., Yilmaz A., Vantomout M., Lehaen J., Jassen A., Guterman H., Strauven M., Lormans P., Verhamme B., Vandewaeter C., Bonte F., Vionne D., Balik M., Blaha J., Lips M., Othal M., Bursa F., Spacek R., Christensen S., Jorgensen V., Sorensen M., Madsen S. A., Puss S., Beljantsev A., Saiydoun G., Fiore A., Colson P., Bazalgette F., Capdevila X., Kollen S., Muller L., Obadia J. -F., Dubien P. -Y., Ajrhourh L., Guinot P. G., Zarka J., Besserve P., Malfertheiner M. V., Dreier E., Heinze B., Akhyari P., Lichtenberg A., Aubin H., Assman A., Saeed D., Thiele H., Baumgaertel M., Schmitto J. D., Ruslan N., Haverich A., Thielmann M., Brenner T., Ruhpawar A., Benk C., Czerny M., Staudacher D. L., Beyersdorf F., Kalbhenn J., Henn P., Popov A. -F., Iuliu T., Muellenbach R., Reyher C., Rolfes C., Lotz G., Sonntagbauer M., Winkels H., Fichte J., Stohr R., Kalverkamp S., Karagiannidis C., Schafer S., Svetlitchny A., Hopf H. -B., Jarczak D., Groesdonk H., Rommer M., Hirsch J., Kaehny C., Soufleris D., Gavriilidis G., Pontikis K., Kyriakopoulou M., Kyriakoudi A., O'Brien S., Conrick-Martin I., Carton E., Makhoul M., Ben-Ari J., Hadash A., Kogan A., Kassif Lerner R., Abu-Shakra A., Matan M., Balawona A., Kachel E., Altshuler R., Galante O., Fuchs L., Almog Y., Ishay Y. S., Lichter Y., Gal-oz A., Carmi U., Nini A., Soroksky A., Dekel H., Rozman Z., Tayem E., Ilgiyaev E., Hochman Y., Miltau D., Rapoport A., Eden A., Kompanietz D., Yousif M., Golos M., Grazioli L., Ghitti D., Loforte A., Di Luca D., Baiocchi M., Pacini D., Cappai A., Meani P., Mondino M., Russo C. F., Ranucci M., Fina D., Cotza M., Ballotta A., Landoni G., Nardelli P., Fominski E. V., Brazzi L., Montrucchio G., Sales G., Simonetti U., Livigni S., Silengo D., Arena G., Sovatzis S. S., Degani A., Riccardi M., Milanesi E., Raffa G., Martucci G., Arcadipane A., Panarello G., Chiarini G., Cattaneo S., Puglia C., Benussi S., Foti G., Giani M., Bombino M., Costa M. C., Rona R., Avalli L., Donati A., Carozza R., Gasparri F., Carsetti A., Piciche M., Marinello A., Danzi V., Zanin A., Condello I., Fiore F., Moscarelli M., Nasso G., Speziale G., Sandrelli L., Montalto A., Musumeci F., Circelli A., Russo E., Agnoletti V., Rociola R., Milano A. D., Pilato E., Comentale G., Montisci A., Alessandri F., Tosi A., Pugliese F., Giordano G., Carelli S., Grieco D. L., Dell'Anna A. M., Antonelli M., Ramoni E., Zulueta J., Del Giglio M., Petracca S., Bertini P., Guarracino F., De Simone L., Angeletti P. M., Forfori F., Taraschi F., Quintiliani V. N., Samalavicius R., Jankuviene A., Scupakova N., Urbonas K., Kapturauskas J., Soerensen G., Suwalski P., Linhares Santos L., Marques A., Miranda M., Teixeira S., Salgueiro A., Pereira F., Ketskalo M., Tsarenko S., Shilova A., Afukov I., Popugaev K., Minin S., Shelukhin D., Malceva O., Gleb M., Skopets A., Kornelyuk R., Kulikov A., Okhrimchuk V., Turchaninov A., Petrushin M., Sheck A., Mekulov A., Ciryateva S., Urusov D., Gorjup V., Golicnik A., Goslar T., Ferrer R., Martinez-Martinez M., Argudo E., Palmer N., De Pablo Sanchez R., Juan Higuera L., Arnau Blasco L., Marquez J. A., Sbraga F., Fuset M. P., De Gopegui P. R., Claraco L. M., De Ayala J. A., Peiro M., Ricart P., Martinez S., Chavez F., Fabra M., Sandoval E., Toapanta D., Carraminana A., Tellez A., Ososio J., Milan P., Rodriguez J., Andoni G., Gutierrez C., Perez de la Sota E., Eixeres-Esteve A., Garcia-Maellas M. T., Gutierrez-Gutierrez J., Arboleda-Salazar R., Santa Teresa P., Jaspe A., Garrido A., Castaneda G., Alcantara S., Martinez N., Perez M., Villanueva H., Vidal Gonzalez A., Paez J., Santon A., Perez C., Lopez M., Rubio Lopez M. I., Gordillo A., Naranjo-Izurieta J., Munoz J., Alcalde I., Onieva F., Gimeno Costa R., Perez F., Madrid I., Gordon M., Albacete Moreno C. L., Perez D., Lopez N., Martinenz D., Blanco-Schweizer P., Diez C., Prieto A., Renedo G., Bustamante E., Cicuendez R., Citores R., Boado V., Garcia K., Voces R., Domezain M., Nunez Martinez J. M., Vicente R., Martin D., Andreu A., Gomez Casal V., Chico I., Menor E. M., Vara S., Gamacho J., Perez-Chomon H., Javier Gonzales F., Barrero I., Martin-Villen L., Fernandez E., Mendoza M., Navarro J., Colomina Climent J., Gonzales-Perez A., Muniz-Albaceita G., Amado L., Rodriguez R., Ruiz E., Eiras M., Grins E., Magnus R., Kanetoft M., Eidevald M., Watson P., Vogt P. R., Steiger P., Aigner T., Weber A., Grunefelder J., Kunz M., Grapow M., Aymard T., Reser D., Agus G., Consiglio J., Haenggi M., Hansjoerg J., Iten M., Doeble T., Zenklusen U., Bechtold X., Faedda G., Iafrate M., Rohjer A., Bergamaschi L., Maessen J., Reis Miranda D., Endeman H., Gommers D., Meuwese C., Maas J., Van Gijlswijk M. J., Van Berg R. N., Candura D., Van der Linden M., Kant M., Van der Heijden J. J., Scholten E., Van Belle-van Haren N., Lagrand W. K., Vlaar A. P., De Jong S., Cander B., Sargin M., Ugur M., Kaygin M. A., Daly K., Agnew N., Head L., Kelly L., Anoma G., Russell C., Aquino V., Scott I., Flemming L., Gillon S., Moore O., Gelandt E., Auzinger G., Patel S., and Loveridge R.
- Abstract
Background: Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) has been widely used in patients with COVID-19, but uncertainty remains about the determinants of in-hospital mortality and data on post-discharge outcomes are scarce. The aims of this study were to investigate the variables associated with in-hospital outcomes in patients who received ECMO during the first wave of COVID-19 and to describe the status of patients 6 months after ECMO initiation. Methods: EuroECMO-COVID is a prospective, multicentre, observational study developed by the European Extracorporeal Life Support Organization. This study was based on data from patients aged 16 years or older who received ECMO support for refractory COVID-19 during the first wave of the pandemic—from March 1 to Sept 13, 2020—at 133 centres in 21 countries. In-hospital mortality and mortality 6 months after ECMO initiation were the primary outcomes. Mixed-Cox proportional hazards models were used to investigate associations between patient and management-related variables (eg, patient demographics, comorbidities, pre-ECMO status, and ECMO characteristics and complications) and in-hospital deaths. Survival status at 6 months was established through patient contact or institutional charts review. This study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT04366921, and is ongoing. Findings: Between March 1 and Sept 13, 2020, 1215 patients (942 [78%] men and 267 [22%] women; median age 53 years [IQR 46–60]) were included in the study. Median ECMO duration was 15 days (IQR 8–27). 602 (50%) of 1215 patients died in hospital, and 852 (74%) patients had at least one complication. Multiorgan failure was the leading cause of death (192 [36%] of 528 patients who died with available data). In mixed-Cox analyses, age of 60 years or older, use of inotropes and vasopressors before ECMO initiation, chronic renal failure, and time from intubation to ECMO initiation of 4 days or more were associated with higher in-hospital mortality. 613 patients
- Published
- 2023
10. S2k guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of type B aortic dissection
- Author
Torsello, G., Czerny, M., Grundmann, R. T., Krankenberg, H., Nikol, S., Puls, R., Raddatz, A., Schelzig, H., Schmieder, R., and Zahn, R.
- Published
- 2019
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11. Aorta Related and All-cause Mortality in Patients with Aortic Intramural Haematoma
- Author
Schoenhoff, F.S., Zanchin, C., Czerny, M., Makaloski, V., Gahl, B., Carrel, T., and Schmidli, J.
- Published
- 2017
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12. Editor's Choice – Management of Descending Thoracic Aorta Diseases: Clinical Practice Guidelines of the European Society for Vascular Surgery (ESVS)
- Author
Riambau, V., Böckler, D., Brunkwall, J., Cao, P., Chiesa, R., Coppi, G., Czerny, M., Fraedrich, G., Haulon, S., Jacobs, M.J., Lachat, M.L., Moll, F.L., Setacci, C., Taylor, P.R., Thompson, M., Trimarchi, S., Verhagen, H.J., Verhoeven, E.L., ESVS Guidelines Committee, Kolh, P., de Borst, G.J., Chakfé, N., Debus, E.S., Hinchliffe, R.J., Kakkos, S., Koncar, I., Lindholt, J.S., Vega de Ceniga, M., Vermassen, F., Verzini, F., Document Reviewers, Black, J.H., III, Busund, R., Björck, M., Dake, M., Dick, F., Eggebrecht, H., Evangelista, A., Grabenwöger, M., Milner, R., Naylor, A.R., Ricco, J.-B., Rousseau, H., and Schmidli, J.
- Published
- 2017
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13. Ascending Geometry Changes after Thoracic Endovascular Aortic Repair for Descending Aortic Dissection.
- Author
Kletzer, J., Berger, T., Domin, P., Schlett, C.L., Kondov, S., Czerny, M. Prof., Kreibich, M., and Rylski, B.
- Subjects
ENDOVASCULAR aneurysm repair ,AORTIC dissection ,DISSECTION ,BRACHIOCEPHALIC trunk ,MULTIDETECTOR computed tomography - Abstract
This article, published in the journal Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgeon, examines the changes in the geometry of the ascending aorta up to three years after thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) for descending aortic dissection. The study analyzed 102 patients who underwent TEVAR at a single center in Germany. The results showed that there were no significant changes in the diameter, cross-area, or volume of the ascending aorta after the TEVAR procedure. However, there was a significant difference in the length of the ascending aorta between six months and three years post-op. The study also found that a history of coronary artery disease and increased body height were associated with decreased diameter and length of the ascending aorta one year after TEVAR. Overall, the findings suggest that TEVAR does not lead to ascending aortic enlargement after three years of follow-up, and certain patient characteristics may influence the changes in ascending aortic geometry. [Extracted from the article]
- Published
- 2024
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14. Analysis of Postoperative Stroke Following Emergent Type-A Aortic Dissection Repair.
- Author
Al-Hamami, Y., Berger, T., Kondov, S., Benk, J., Toma, P.A., Rylski, B., Czerny, M., and Kreibich, M.
- Subjects
STROKE ,AORTIC dissection ,DISSECTION ,STROKE patients - Abstract
This article analyzes the incidence, risk factors, and clinical consequences of postoperative stroke in patients undergoing immediate Type-A aortic dissection repair. The study, conducted on a cohort of 628 patients, found that 21.5% of patients experienced a postoperative stroke. Factors such as preoperative cardiopulmonary resuscitation, malperfusion syndrome, preoperative new neurologic deficit, and supra-aortic vessel dissection were significantly more common in patients who experienced postoperative strokes. Postoperative stroke was associated with increased morbidity, postoperative complications, and in-hospital mortality. However, approximately one third of stroke cases resulted in minimal disability. Surgeons should be aware of the risk of postoperative hemorrhagic transformation in these patients. [Extracted from the article]
- Published
- 2024
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15. Cardiopulmonary Bypass: Ready for Data Analysis Using Machine-learning Algorithms?
- Author
Maier, S., Schimmel, M., Klemm, R., Benk, C., and Czerny, M.
- Subjects
MACHINE learning ,DATA analysis ,MECHANICAL hearts ,ALGORITHMS ,FLOW sensors ,CARDIOPULMONARY bypass - Abstract
This article discusses the potential use of machine learning algorithms to analyze data from cardiopulmonary bypass during cardiac surgery. The authors evaluate the technical aspects of the heart-lung machine and data recording parameters, identifying missing and incorrectly recorded data that could be important for analysis and control of the bypass. They suggest that the current technology and data recording methods are not well-suited for evaluation and analysis using machine learning algorithms, and propose improvements to the sensor technology of the heart-lung machine to achieve complete and accurate data recording. [Extracted from the article]
- Published
- 2024
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16. Incidence and Relevance of Coronary Heart Disease in Patients undergoing Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair.
- Author
Chikvatia, S., Berger, T., Kondov, S., Benk, J., Rylski, B., Czerny, M., and Kreibich, M.
- Subjects
ABDOMINAL aortic aneurysms ,CARDIAC patients ,CORONARY disease ,CORONARY heart disease treatment - Abstract
This article, published in the journal Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgeon, examines the incidence and relevance of coronary heart disease in patients undergoing abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) repair. The study analyzed data from 652 patients who underwent elective AAA repair, with 532 of them having prior invasive coronary angiography. The results showed that 70% of patients had coronary heart disease, with 42% requiring coronary artery intervention. Preoperative revascularization was performed in 28% of patients, and postoperative revascularization was performed in 14% of patients. The study suggests that routine preoperative invasive coronary angiography can improve patient outcomes and potentially long-term survival in AAA patients. [Extracted from the article]
- Published
- 2024
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17. Comparison of LVAD Flow Estimation and Ultrasonic Flow Measurement in Pigs.
- Author
Meissner, F., Müller, L., Schimmel, M., Schoen, M., Maier, S., Czerny, M., and Bothe, W.
- Subjects
ULTRASONIC measurement ,HEART assist devices ,FLOW measurement ,SWINE - Abstract
This article compares the estimated and measured flow rates of a left ventricular assist device (LVAD) in pigs. The LVADs often use an algorithm to estimate the flow rate based on motor current, rotational speed, and pre-set viscosity. However, recent devices have also incorporated ultrasonic sensors to measure the flow rate. The study found that the estimated flow rate was greater than the measured flow rate, with a flow overestimation of 1.05 L/min or 21% at a physiological flow rate of 5 L/min. The accuracy of flow estimation was improved when considering hemodynamic and laboratory parameters in addition to pump parameters. [Extracted from the article]
- Published
- 2024
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18. Intraoperative Hemolysis during Left Ventricular Assist Device Implantation in Pigs.
- Author
Meissner, F., Reuter, J., Büchsel, M., Straky, HC., Galbas, M.C., Czerny, M., and Bothe, W.
- Subjects
HEART assist devices ,HEMOLYSIS & hemolysins ,SWINE - Abstract
This article discusses a study conducted on pigs to determine the extent of hemolysis (the breakdown of red blood cells) during left ventricular assist device (LVAD) implantation. The study compared the contribution of cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) and the LVAD itself to the amount of hemolysis. The results showed that hemolysis markers significantly increased from baseline to post-CPB and post-LVAD, with CPB being the primary cause of hemolysis. The study suggests that off-pump LVAD implantation may reduce hemolysis and its potential complications. [Extracted from the article]
- Published
- 2024
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19. Mechanical Behavior of the Left Ventricular Apex During Balloon Dilatation in Juvenile Pigs.
- Author
Schoen, M., Meissner, F., Danzer, M., Czerny, M., and Bothe, W.
- Subjects
INTRA-aortic balloon counterpulsation ,SWINE ,HEART assist devices - Abstract
This article explores the mechanical behavior of the left ventricular (LV) apex during balloon dilatation in juvenile pigs. The study found that myocardial tearing occurred at two different sites when the balloon diameter exceeded 17 mm ex vivo or 11 mm in vivo. The tearing locations varied, and the lengths of the lesions ranged from 2-8 mm. The authors suggest that surgical strategies to control myocardial tearing may be necessary if a greater displacement of the apical LV myocardium is required. [Extracted from the article]
- Published
- 2024
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20. Tendencias investigativas de la fragmentación urbana en América Latina y el Caribe: una revisión sistemática de literatura
- Author
Mejía Franco, N., Serna Mendoza, C. A., and Czerny, M.
- Abstract
El crecimiento urbano incontrolado en América Latina y el Caribe ha dado lugar a mayor presencia de habitantes en barrios pobres, infraestructuras y servicios inadecuados y sobrecargados, dando lugar a ciudades fragmentadas. La presente revisión utilizó técnicas de cartografía científica y sistemática de investigación para examinar 1486 documentos indexados en Scopus® sobre el desarrollo de la fragmentación urbana en América Latina y el Caribe; para el análisis de la información se utilizó Bibliometrix® y VOSviwer® para facilitar la comprensión de los datos. Los objetivos de la revisión son documentar el tamaño, el crecimiento y la distribución de esta literatura en la región, identificar sus principales autores y fuentes de publicación y resaltar la estructura intelectual emergente. Como parte de los resultados, se identifica que, a pesar de la urgencia de documentar y abordar los retos de la fragmentación urbana, se encontró que la mayoría de los estudios son de autoría procedente de solo ciertos países de la región. La revisión aporta tendencias investigativas para que se desarrollen estudios que favorezcan el desarrollo y las discusiones futuras en relación con su impacto sobre los sistemas socio-ecológicos, su relación con el desarrollo sustentable, y su incidencia con enfoque diferencial poblacional.
- Published
- 2023
21. S2k-Leitlinie zur Diagnostik und Therapie der Typ-B-Aortendissektion
- Author
Torsello, G., Czerny, M., Grundmann, R. T., Krankenberg, H., Nikol, S., Puls, R., Raddatz, A., Schelzig, H., Schmieder, R., and Zahn, R.
- Published
- 2018
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22. Endovaskuläre Behandlung des Aortenbogenaneurysmas
- Author
Rylski, B., Schröfel, H., Siepe, M., Kondov, S., Morlock, J., Scheumann, J., Kreibich, M., Riesterer, T., Czerny, M., and Beyersdorf, F.
- Published
- 2018
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23. Akute Non-A-non-B-Aortendissektion: Inzidenz, Behandlung und Ergebnisse
- Author
Rylski, B., Siepe, M., Pérez, M., Kondov, S., Kreibich, M., Beyersdorf, F., and Czerny, M.
- Published
- 2018
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24. Leitlinien Aortenerkrankungen der European Society of Cardiology: Zusammenfassung und Kommentar
- Author
Rylski, B., Siepe, M., Kari, F. A., Kondov, S., Morlock, J., Scheumann, J., Beyersdorf, F., and Czerny, M.
- Published
- 2018
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25. Infective Native Aortic Aneurysms: A Delphi Consensus Document on Terminology, Definition, Classification, Diagnosis, and Reporting Standards
- Author
Sörelius, K., primary, Wyss, T.R., additional, Adam, D., additional, Beck, A.W., additional, Berard, X., additional, Budtz-Lilly, J., additional, Chakfé, N., additional, Clough, R., additional, Czerny, M., additional, D’Oria, M., additional, Dang, M., additional, di Summa, P.G., additional, Eldrup, N., additional, Fourneau, I., additional, Heinola, I., additional, Hosaka, A., additional, Hsu, R.-B., additional, Huang, Y.-K., additional, Jutidamrongphan, W., additional, Kan, C.-D., additional, Kölbel, T., additional, Lau, C., additional, Lawaetz, M., additional, Mani, K., additional, Moulakakis, K., additional, Oderich, G.S., additional, Resch, T., additional, Schmidli, J., additional, Sedivy, P., additional, Shirasu, T., additional, Suwannanon, R., additional, Szeberin, Z., additional, Touma, J., additional, van den Berg, J.C., additional, Veger, H., additional, Wanhainen, A., additional, and Weiss, S., additional
- Published
- 2023
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26. Interdisziplinäre deutsche Leitlinien für die klinische Praxis zur Behandlung der Aortendissektion Typ B
- Author
Oberhuber, A., primary, Raddatz, A., additional, Betge, S., additional, Ploenes, C., additional, Ito, W., additional, Janosi, R. A., additional, Ott, C., additional, Langheim, E., additional, Czerny, M., additional, Puls, R., additional, Maßmann, A., additional, Zeyer, K., additional, and Schelzig, H., additional
- Published
- 2023
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27. (958) Impact of a Novel Left Ventricular Assist Device Adapter with Transvalvular Aortic Outflow on the Device Flow Rate In Vitro
- Author
Eichelkraut, D., primary, Meissner, F., additional, Wetzel, M., additional, Schimmel, M., additional, Czerny, M., additional, and Bothe, W., additional
- Published
- 2023
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28. Practice of neuromonitoring in open and endovascular thoracoabdominal aortic repair-an international expert-based modified Delphi consensus study
- Author
Schachner, T., Gottardi, R., Schmidli, J., Wyss, T.R., Berg, J.C. Van Den, Tsilimparis, N., Bavaria, J., Bertoglio, L., Heijmen, R.H., Martens, A., Czerny, M., Schachner, T., Gottardi, R., Schmidli, J., Wyss, T.R., Berg, J.C. Van Den, Tsilimparis, N., Bavaria, J., Bertoglio, L., Heijmen, R.H., Martens, A., and Czerny, M.
- Abstract
Item does not contain fulltext, OBJECTIVES: Spinal cord injury is detrimental for patients undergoing open or endovascular thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm (TAAA) repair. The aim of this survey and of the modified Delphi consensus was to gather information on current practices and standards in neuroprotection in patients undergoing open and endovascular TAAA. METHODS: The Aortic Association conducted an international online survey on neuromonitoring in open and endovascular TAAA repair. In a first round an expert panel put together a survey on different aspects of neuromonitoring. Based on the answers from the first round of the survey, 18 Delphi consensus questions were formulated. RESULTS: A total of 56 physicians completed the survey. Of these, 45 perform open and endovascular TAAA repair, 3 do open TAAA repair and 8 do endovascular TAAA repair. At least 1 neuromonitoring or protection modality is utilized during open TAAA surgery. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) drainage was used in 97.9%, near infrared spectroscopy in 70.8% and motor evoked potentials or somatosensory evoked potentials in 60.4%. Three of 53 centres do not utilize any form of neuromonitoring or protection during endovascular TAAA repair: 92.5% use CSF drainage; 35.8%, cerebral or paravertebral near infrared spectroscopy; and 24.5% motor evoked potentials or somatosensory evoked potentials. The utilization of CSF drainage and neuromonitoring varies depending on the extent of the TAAA repair. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this survey and of the Delphi consensus show that there is broad consensus on the importance of protecting the spinal cord to avoid spinal cord injury in patients undergoing open TAAA repair. Those measures are less frequently utilized in patients undergoing endovascular TAAA repair but should be considered, especially in patients who require extensive coverage of the thoracoabdominal aorta.
- Published
- 2023
29. Contemporary outcomes after treatment of aberrant subclavian artery and Kommerell's diverticulum
- Author
Bath, J., D'Oria, M., Rogers, R. T., Colglazier, J. J., Braet, D. J., Coleman, D. M., Scali, S. T., Back, M. R., Magee, G. A., Plotkin, A., Dueppers, P., Zimmermann, A., Afifi, R. O., Khan, S., Zarkowsky, D., Dyba, G., Soult, M. C., Mani, K., Wanhainen, A., Setacci, C., Lenti, M., Kabbani, L. S., Weaver, M. R., Bissacco, D., Trimarchi, S., Stoecker, J. B., Wang, G. J., Szeberin, Z., Pomozi, E., Moffatt, C., Gelabert, H. A., Tish, S., Hoel, A. W., Cortolillo, N. S., Spangler, E. L., Passman, M. A., De Caridi, G., Benedetto, F., Zhou, W., Abuhakmeh, Y., Newton, D. H., Liu, C. M., Tinelli, Giovanni, Tshomba, Yamume, Katoh, A., Siada, S. S., Khashram, M., Gormley, S., Mullins, J. R., Schmittling, Z. C., Maldonado, T. S., Politano, A. D., Rynio, P., Kazimierczak, A., Gombert, A., Jalaie, H., Spath, P., Gallitto, E., Czerny, M., Berger, T., Davies, M. G., Stilo, Francesco, Montelione, N., Mezzetto, L., Veraldi, G. F., Lepidi, S., Lawrence, P., Woo, K., Tinelli G. (ORCID:0000-0002-2212-3226), Tshomba Y. (ORCID:0000-0001-7304-7553), Stilo F., Bath, J., D'Oria, M., Rogers, R. T., Colglazier, J. J., Braet, D. J., Coleman, D. M., Scali, S. T., Back, M. R., Magee, G. A., Plotkin, A., Dueppers, P., Zimmermann, A., Afifi, R. O., Khan, S., Zarkowsky, D., Dyba, G., Soult, M. C., Mani, K., Wanhainen, A., Setacci, C., Lenti, M., Kabbani, L. S., Weaver, M. R., Bissacco, D., Trimarchi, S., Stoecker, J. B., Wang, G. J., Szeberin, Z., Pomozi, E., Moffatt, C., Gelabert, H. A., Tish, S., Hoel, A. W., Cortolillo, N. S., Spangler, E. L., Passman, M. A., De Caridi, G., Benedetto, F., Zhou, W., Abuhakmeh, Y., Newton, D. H., Liu, C. M., Tinelli, Giovanni, Tshomba, Yamume, Katoh, A., Siada, S. S., Khashram, M., Gormley, S., Mullins, J. R., Schmittling, Z. C., Maldonado, T. S., Politano, A. D., Rynio, P., Kazimierczak, A., Gombert, A., Jalaie, H., Spath, P., Gallitto, E., Czerny, M., Berger, T., Davies, M. G., Stilo, Francesco, Montelione, N., Mezzetto, L., Veraldi, G. F., Lepidi, S., Lawrence, P., Woo, K., Tinelli G. (ORCID:0000-0002-2212-3226), Tshomba Y. (ORCID:0000-0001-7304-7553), and Stilo F.
- Abstract
Objective: Aberrant subclavian artery (ASA) and Kommerell's diverticulum (KD) are rare vascular anomalies that may be associated with lifestyle-limiting and life-threatening complications. The aim of this study is to report contemporary outcomes after invasive treatment of ASA/KD using a large international dataset. Methods: Patients who underwent treatment for ASA/KD (2000-2020) were identified through the Vascular Low Frequency Disease Consortium, a multi-institutional collaboration to investigate uncommon vascular disorders. We report the early and mid-term clinical outcomes including stroke and mortality, technical success, and other operative outcomes including reintervention rates, patency, and endoleak. Results: Overall, 285 patients were identified during the study period. The mean patient age was 57 years; 47% were female and 68% presented with symptoms. A right-sided arch was present in 23%. The mean KD diameter was 47.4 mm (range, 13.0-108.0 mm). The most common indication for treatment was symptoms (59%), followed by aneurysm size (38%). The most common symptom reported was dysphagia (44%). A ruptured KD was treated in 4.2% of cases, with a mean diameter of 43.9 mm (range, 18.0-100.0 mm). An open procedure was performed in 101 cases (36%); the most common approach was ASA ligation with subclavian transposition. An endovascular or hybrid approach was performed in 184 patients (64%); the most common approach was thoracic endograft and carotid-subclavian bypass. A staged operative strategy was employed more often than single setting repair (55% vs 45%). Compared with endovascular or hybrid approach, those in the open procedure group were more likely to be younger (49 years vs 61 years; P < .0001), female (64% vs 36%; P < .0001), and symptomatic (85% vs 59%; P < .0001). Complete or partial symptomatic relief at 1 year after intervention was 82.6%. There was no association between modality of treatment and symptom r
- Published
- 2023
30. Evidence for correlations between fluctuations in 54Mn decay rates and solar storms
- Author
Mohsinally, T., Fancher, S., Czerny, M., Fischbach, E., Gruenwald, J.T., Heim, J., Jenkins, J.H., Nistor, J., and O’Keefe, D.
- Published
- 2016
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31. Postoperative Thrombus Detection within the FET Stent Graft
- Author
Walter, T., additional, Czerny, M., additional, Rylski, B., additional, Berger, T., additional, Kondov, S., additional, Gottardi, R., additional, Benk, J., additional, and Kreibich, M., additional
- Published
- 2023
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32. Incidence and Risk for Distal Aortic Failure after the Frozen Elephant Trunk Procedure
- Author
Berger, T., additional, Miriam, G., additional, Rylski, B., additional, Fagu, A., additional, Roman, G., additional, Kondov, S., additional, Czerny, M., additional, and Kreibich, M., additional
- Published
- 2023
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33. Endovaskuläre Aortentherapie
- Author
Rylski, B., Czerny, M., Kari, F. A., Kondov, S., Kreibich, M., Morlock, J., Scheumann, J., Schröfel, H., Siepe, M., Südkamp, M., and Beyersdorf, F.
- Published
- 2017
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34. Operieren mithilfe einer App
- Author
Rylski, B., Czerny, M., Siepe, M., Schröfel, H., Süßlin, C., and Beyersdorf, F.
- Published
- 2017
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35. Das kollaterale Netzwerk – inklusive des Vier-Regionen-Konzepts und des intraspinalen kollateralen Netzwerks
- Author
Czerny, M., Kari, F., Rylski, B., Jacobs, M., and Beyersdorf, F.
- Published
- 2017
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36. Notfall- und Intensivmedizin bei speziellen Krankheitsbildern
- Author
Weidenauer, D., Hamp, T., Holzer, M., Krawany, M., Schreiber, W., Röggla, M., Wolf, C., Neunteufl, T., Delle-Karth, G., Holfeld, J., Domanovits, H., Hülsmann, M., Gottardi, R., Czerny, M., Staudinger, T., Laggner, A., Sitzwohl, C., Holzer, A., Hetz, H., Madl, C., Metnitz, P., Krammel, M., Winnisch, M., Fridrich, P., Hüpfl, M., Frossard, M., Frey, R., Knapp, S., Zimpfer, D., Zuckermann, A., Trittenwein, G., Hamp, Thomas, editor, and Weidenauer, David, editor
- Published
- 2012
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37. Spätergebnisse nach Stentgraftimplantation bei penetrierendem Aortenulkus der thorakalen Aorta : Mid-Term Results after Endovascular Stent-graft Placement due to Perforating Atherosclerotic Ulcers of the Thoracic Aorta
- Author
Dorfmeister, M., Gottardi, R., Holfeld, J., Dumfarth, J., Zimpfer, D., Funovics, M., Schoder, M., Lammer, J., Wolner, E., Czerny, M., Grimm, M., Rückert, Ralph I., editor, Hepp, Wolfgang, editor, and Luther, Bernd, editor
- Published
- 2011
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38. A Combined Vascular and Endovascular Approach for Treating Aortic Arch Pathology : Ein kombiniertes vaskulär-endovaskuläres Verfahren zur Behandlung von Aortenbogenpathologien
- Author
Czerny, M., Grimm, M., Rückert, Ralph I., editor, Hepp, Wolfgang, editor, and Luther, Bernd, editor
- Published
- 2011
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39. Ergebnisse nach endovaskulärer Stentgraftimplantation bei arteriosklerotischen Aortadescendens-Aneurysmen : Endovascular Stent-Graft Placement in Atherosclerotic Aneurysms Involving the Descending Aorta – Long-Term Results
- Author
Dorfmeister, M., Gottardi, R., Juraszek, A., Dziodzio, T., Zimpfer, D., Dumfarth, J., Schoder, M., Funovics, M., Lammer, J., Czerny, M., Grimm, M., Rückert, Ralph I., editor, Hepp, Wolfgang, editor, and Luther, Bernd, editor
- Published
- 2011
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40. ECMO for COVID-19 patients in Europe and Israel
- Author
Lorusso, R, Combes, A, Coco, V, De Piero, M, Belohlavek, J, Delnoij, T, van der Horst, I, Miranda, D, van der Linden, M, van der Heijden, J, Scholten, E, van Belle-van Haren, N, Lagrand, W, de Jong, S, Candura, D, Maas, J, van den Berg, M, Malfertheiner, M, Dreier, E, Mueller, T, Boeken, U, Akhyari, P, Lichtenberg, A, Saeed, D, Thiele, H, Baumgaertel, M, Schmitto, J, Mariani, S, Thielmann, M, Brenner, T, Benk, C, Czerny, M, Kalbhenn, J, Maier, S, Schibilsky, D, Staudacher, D, Henn, P, Iuliu, T, Muellenbach, R, Reyher, C, Rolfes, C, Zacharowski, K, Lotz, G, Sonntagbauer, M, Kersten, A, Karagiannidis, C, Schafer, S, Fichte, J, Hopf, H, Samalavicius, R, Lorini, L, Ghitti, D, Grazioli, L, Loforte, A, Baiocchi, M, Checco, E, Pacini, D, Meani, P, Cappai, A, Russo, C, Bottiroli, M, Mondino, M, Ranucci, M, Fina, D, Ballotta, A, Scandroglio, A, Zangrillo, A, Pieri, M, Nardelli, P, Fominskiy, E, Landoni, G, Fanelli, V, Brazzi, L, Montrucchio, G, Sales, G, Simonetti, U, Urbino, R, Livigni, S, Degani, A, Raffa, G, Pilato, M, Martucci, G, Arcadipane, A, Chiarini, G, Latronico, N, Cattaneo, S, Puglia, C, Reina, G, Sponga, S, Livi, U, Foti, G, Giani, M, Rona, R, Avalli, L, Bombino, M, Costa, M, Carozza, R, Donati, A, Piciche, M, Favaro, A, Salvador, L, Danzi, V, Zanin, A, Condello, I, Fiore, F, Moscarelli, M, Nasso, G, Speziale, G, Sandrelli, L, Montalto, A, Musumeci, F, Circelli, A, Gamberini, E, Russo, E, Benni, M, Agnoletti, V, Rociola, R, Milano, A, Grasso, S, Civita, A, Murgolo, F, Pilato, E, Comentale, G, Montisci, A, Alessandri, F, Tosi, A, Pugliese, F, Carelli, S, Grieco, D, Antonelli, M, Ramoni, E, Di Nardo, M, Maisano, F, Bettex, D, Weber, A, Grunenfelder, J, Consiglio, J, Hansjoerg, J, Haenggi, M, Agus, G, Doeble, T, Zenklusen, U, Bechtold, X, Stockman, B, De Backer, D, Giglioli, S, Meyns, B, Vercaemst, L, Herman, G, Meersseman, P, Vandenbriele, C, Dauwe, D, Vlasselaers, D, Raes, M, Debeuckelaere, G, Rodrigus, I, Biston, P, Piagnerelli, M, Peperstraete, H, Germay, O, Vandewiele, K, Vandeweghe, D, Witters, I, Havrin, S, Bourgeois, M, Taccone, F, Nobile, L, Lheureux, O, Brasseur, A, Creteur, J, Defraigne, J, Misset, B, Courcelle, R, Timmermans, P, Lehaen, J, Frederik, B, Riera, J, Castro, M, Gallart, E, Martinez-Martinez, M, Argudo, E, Garcia-de-Acilu, M, de Pablo Sanchez, R, Ortiz, A, Cabanes, M, Higa, K, Cassina, A, Berbel, D, Sanchez-Salado, J, Arnau, B, de Gopegui, P, Ricart, P, Sandoval, E, Veganzones, J, Millan, P, de la Sota, P, Santa Teresa, P, Alcantara, S, Alvarez, J, Gonzalez, A, Lopez, M, Gordillo, A, Naranjo-Izurieta, J, Costa, R, Albacete Moreno, C, de Ayala, J, Blanco-Schweizer, P, Andres, N, Boado, V, Martinez, J, Casal, V, Garcia, E, Martin-Villen, L, Climent, J, Pinto, L, Leprince, P, Lebreton, G, Juvin, C, Schmidt, M, Pineton, M, Folliguet, T, Saiydoun, G, Gaudard, P, Colson, P, Obadia, J, Pozzi, M, Fellahi, J, Yonis, H, Richard, J, Parasido, A, Verhoye, J, Flecher, E, Ajrhourh, L, Nesseler, N, Mansour, A, Guinot, P, Zarka, J, Besserve, P, Makhoul, M, Bolotin, G, Kassif, Y, Soufleris, D, Schellongowski, P, Bonaros, N, Krapf, C, Ebert, K, Mair, P, Kothleutner, F, Kowalewsky, M, Christensen, S, Pedersen, F, Balik, M, Blaha, J, Lips, M, Otahal, M, Camporota, L, Daly, K, Agnew, N, Barker, J, Head, L, Garcia, M, Ledot, S, Aquino, V, Lewis, R, Worthy, J, Noor, H, Scott, I, O'Brien, S, Conrick-Martin, I, Carton, E, Gillon, S, Flemming, L, Broman, L, Grins, E, Ketskalo, M, Tsarenko, S, Popugaev, K, Minin, S, Kornilov, I, Skopets, A, Kornelyuk, R, Turchaninov, A, Gorjup, V, Shelukhin, D, Dsouki, Y, Sargin, M, Kaygin, M, Liana, S, Puss, S, Soerensen, G, Magnus, R, Kanetoft, M, Watson, P, Redfors, B, Krenner, N, Velia Antonini, M, Barrett, N, Belliato, M, Davidson, M, Finney, S, Fowles, J, Halbe, M, Hennig, F, Jones, T, Smith, J, Roeleveld, P, Swol, J, Lorusso R., Combes A., Coco V. L., De Piero M. E., Belohlavek J., Delnoij T., van der Horst I., Miranda D. R., van der Linden M., van der Heijden J. J., Scholten E., van Belle-van Haren N., Lagrand W., de Jong S., Candura D., Maas J., van den Berg M. J. G., Malfertheiner M., Dreier E., Mueller T., Boeken U., Akhyari P., Lichtenberg A., Saeed D., Thiele H., Baumgaertel M., Schmitto J. D., Mariani S., Thielmann M., Brenner T., Benk C., Czerny M., Kalbhenn J., Maier S., Schibilsky D., Staudacher D. L., Henn P., Iuliu T., Muellenbach R., Reyher C., Rolfes C., Zacharowski K., Lotz G., Sonntagbauer M., Kersten A., Karagiannidis C., Schafer S., Fichte J., Hopf H. -B., Samalavicius R., Lorini L., Ghitti D., Grazioli L., Loforte A., Baiocchi M., Checco E. D., Pacini D., Meani P., Cappai A., Russo C. F., Bottiroli M., Mondino M., Ranucci M., Fina D., Ballotta A., Scandroglio A. M., Zangrillo A., Pieri M., Nardelli P., Fominskiy E., Landoni G., Fanelli V., Brazzi L., Montrucchio G., Sales G., Simonetti U., Urbino R., Livigni S., Degani A., Raffa G., Pilato M., Martucci G., Arcadipane A., Chiarini G., Latronico N., Cattaneo S., Puglia C., Reina G., Sponga S., Livi U., Foti G., Giani M., Rona R., Avalli L., Bombino M., Costa M. C., Carozza R., Donati A., Piciche M., Favaro A., Salvador L., Danzi V., Zanin A., Condello I., Fiore F., Moscarelli M., Nasso G., Speziale G., Sandrelli L., Montalto A., Musumeci F., Circelli A., Gamberini E., Russo E., Benni M., Agnoletti V., Rociola R., Milano A. D., Grasso S., Civita A., Murgolo F., Pilato E., Comentale G., Montisci A., Alessandri F., Tosi A., Pugliese F., Carelli S., Grieco D. L., Antonelli M., Ramoni E., Di Nardo M., Maisano F., Bettex D., Weber A., Grunenfelder J., Consiglio J., Hansjoerg J., Haenggi M., Agus G., Doeble T., Zenklusen U., Bechtold X., Stockman B., De Backer D., Giglioli S., Meyns B., Vercaemst L., Herman G., Meersseman P., Vandenbriele C., Dauwe D., Vlasselaers D., Raes M., Debeuckelaere G., Rodrigus I., Biston P., Piagnerelli M., Peperstraete H., Germay O., Vandewiele K., Vandeweghe D., Witters I., Havrin S., Bourgeois M., Taccone F. S., Nobile L., Lheureux O., Brasseur A., Creteur J., Defraigne J. -O., Misset B., Courcelle R., Timmermans P. J., Lehaen J., Frederik B., Riera J., Castro M. A., Gallart E., Martinez-Martinez M., Argudo E., Garcia-de-Acilu M., de Pablo Sanchez R., Ortiz A. B., Cabanes M. -P. F., Higa K. O., Cassina A. M., Berbel D. O., Sanchez-Salado J. C., Arnau B. -L., de Gopegui P. R., Ricart P., Sandoval E., Veganzones J., Millan P., de la Sota P., Santa Teresa P., Alcantara S., Alvarez J. D., Gonzalez A. V., Lopez M., Gordillo A., Naranjo-Izurieta J., Costa R. G., Albacete Moreno C. L., de Ayala J. A., Blanco-Schweizer P., Andres N. H., Boado V., Martinez J. M. N., Casal V. G., Garcia E. F., Martin-Villen L., Climent J. C., Pinto L. F., Leprince P., Lebreton G., Juvin C., Schmidt M., Pineton M., Folliguet T., Saiydoun G., Gaudard P., Colson P., Obadia J. -F., Pozzi M., Fellahi J. L., Yonis H., Richard J. C., Parasido A., Verhoye J. -P., Flecher E., Ajrhourh L., Nesseler N., Mansour A., Guinot P. -G., Zarka J., Besserve P., Makhoul M., Bolotin G., Kassif Y., Soufleris D., Schellongowski P., Bonaros N., Krapf C., Ebert K., Mair P., Kothleutner F., Kowalewsky M., Christensen S., Pedersen F. M., Balik M., Blaha J., Lips M., Otahal M., Camporota L., Daly K., Agnew N., Barker J., Head L., Garcia M., Ledot S., Aquino V., Lewis R., Worthy J., Noor H., Scott I., O'Brien S., Conrick-Martin I., Carton E., Gillon S., Flemming L., Broman L. M., Grins E., Ketskalo M., Tsarenko S., Popugaev K., Minin S., Kornilov I., Skopets A., Kornelyuk R., Turchaninov A., Gorjup V., Shelukhin D., Dsouki Y. E., Sargin M., Kaygin M. A., Liana S., Puss S., Soerensen G., Magnus R., Kanetoft M., Watson P., Redfors B., Krenner N., Velia Antonini M., Barrett N. A., Belliato M., Davidson M., Finney S., Fowles J. -A., Halbe M., Hennig F., Jones T., Pinto L., Smith J., Roeleveld P., Swol J., Lorusso, R, Combes, A, Coco, V, De Piero, M, Belohlavek, J, Delnoij, T, van der Horst, I, Miranda, D, van der Linden, M, van der Heijden, J, Scholten, E, van Belle-van Haren, N, Lagrand, W, de Jong, S, Candura, D, Maas, J, van den Berg, M, Malfertheiner, M, Dreier, E, Mueller, T, Boeken, U, Akhyari, P, Lichtenberg, A, Saeed, D, Thiele, H, Baumgaertel, M, Schmitto, J, Mariani, S, Thielmann, M, Brenner, T, Benk, C, Czerny, M, Kalbhenn, J, Maier, S, Schibilsky, D, Staudacher, D, Henn, P, Iuliu, T, Muellenbach, R, Reyher, C, Rolfes, C, Zacharowski, K, Lotz, G, Sonntagbauer, M, Kersten, A, Karagiannidis, C, Schafer, S, Fichte, J, Hopf, H, Samalavicius, R, Lorini, L, Ghitti, D, Grazioli, L, Loforte, A, Baiocchi, M, Checco, E, Pacini, D, Meani, P, Cappai, A, Russo, C, Bottiroli, M, Mondino, M, Ranucci, M, Fina, D, Ballotta, A, Scandroglio, A, Zangrillo, A, Pieri, M, Nardelli, P, Fominskiy, E, Landoni, G, Fanelli, V, Brazzi, L, Montrucchio, G, Sales, G, Simonetti, U, Urbino, R, Livigni, S, Degani, A, Raffa, G, Pilato, M, Martucci, G, Arcadipane, A, Chiarini, G, Latronico, N, Cattaneo, S, Puglia, C, Reina, G, Sponga, S, Livi, U, Foti, G, Giani, M, Rona, R, Avalli, L, Bombino, M, Costa, M, Carozza, R, Donati, A, Piciche, M, Favaro, A, Salvador, L, Danzi, V, Zanin, A, Condello, I, Fiore, F, Moscarelli, M, Nasso, G, Speziale, G, Sandrelli, L, Montalto, A, Musumeci, F, Circelli, A, Gamberini, E, Russo, E, Benni, M, Agnoletti, V, Rociola, R, Milano, A, Grasso, S, Civita, A, Murgolo, F, Pilato, E, Comentale, G, Montisci, A, Alessandri, F, Tosi, A, Pugliese, F, Carelli, S, Grieco, D, Antonelli, M, Ramoni, E, Di Nardo, M, Maisano, F, Bettex, D, Weber, A, Grunenfelder, J, Consiglio, J, Hansjoerg, J, Haenggi, M, Agus, G, Doeble, T, Zenklusen, U, Bechtold, X, Stockman, B, De Backer, D, Giglioli, S, Meyns, B, Vercaemst, L, Herman, G, Meersseman, P, Vandenbriele, C, Dauwe, D, Vlasselaers, D, Raes, M, Debeuckelaere, G, Rodrigus, I, Biston, P, Piagnerelli, M, Peperstraete, H, Germay, O, Vandewiele, K, Vandeweghe, D, Witters, I, Havrin, S, Bourgeois, M, Taccone, F, Nobile, L, Lheureux, O, Brasseur, A, Creteur, J, Defraigne, J, Misset, B, Courcelle, R, Timmermans, P, Lehaen, J, Frederik, B, Riera, J, Castro, M, Gallart, E, Martinez-Martinez, M, Argudo, E, Garcia-de-Acilu, M, de Pablo Sanchez, R, Ortiz, A, Cabanes, M, Higa, K, Cassina, A, Berbel, D, Sanchez-Salado, J, Arnau, B, de Gopegui, P, Ricart, P, Sandoval, E, Veganzones, J, Millan, P, de la Sota, P, Santa Teresa, P, Alcantara, S, Alvarez, J, Gonzalez, A, Lopez, M, Gordillo, A, Naranjo-Izurieta, J, Costa, R, Albacete Moreno, C, de Ayala, J, Blanco-Schweizer, P, Andres, N, Boado, V, Martinez, J, Casal, V, Garcia, E, Martin-Villen, L, Climent, J, Pinto, L, Leprince, P, Lebreton, G, Juvin, C, Schmidt, M, Pineton, M, Folliguet, T, Saiydoun, G, Gaudard, P, Colson, P, Obadia, J, Pozzi, M, Fellahi, J, Yonis, H, Richard, J, Parasido, A, Verhoye, J, Flecher, E, Ajrhourh, L, Nesseler, N, Mansour, A, Guinot, P, Zarka, J, Besserve, P, Makhoul, M, Bolotin, G, Kassif, Y, Soufleris, D, Schellongowski, P, Bonaros, N, Krapf, C, Ebert, K, Mair, P, Kothleutner, F, Kowalewsky, M, Christensen, S, Pedersen, F, Balik, M, Blaha, J, Lips, M, Otahal, M, Camporota, L, Daly, K, Agnew, N, Barker, J, Head, L, Garcia, M, Ledot, S, Aquino, V, Lewis, R, Worthy, J, Noor, H, Scott, I, O'Brien, S, Conrick-Martin, I, Carton, E, Gillon, S, Flemming, L, Broman, L, Grins, E, Ketskalo, M, Tsarenko, S, Popugaev, K, Minin, S, Kornilov, I, Skopets, A, Kornelyuk, R, Turchaninov, A, Gorjup, V, Shelukhin, D, Dsouki, Y, Sargin, M, Kaygin, M, Liana, S, Puss, S, Soerensen, G, Magnus, R, Kanetoft, M, Watson, P, Redfors, B, Krenner, N, Velia Antonini, M, Barrett, N, Belliato, M, Davidson, M, Finney, S, Fowles, J, Halbe, M, Hennig, F, Jones, T, Smith, J, Roeleveld, P, Swol, J, Lorusso R., Combes A., Coco V. L., De Piero M. E., Belohlavek J., Delnoij T., van der Horst I., Miranda D. R., van der Linden M., van der Heijden J. J., Scholten E., van Belle-van Haren N., Lagrand W., de Jong S., Candura D., Maas J., van den Berg M. J. G., Malfertheiner M., Dreier E., Mueller T., Boeken U., Akhyari P., Lichtenberg A., Saeed D., Thiele H., Baumgaertel M., Schmitto J. D., Mariani S., Thielmann M., Brenner T., Benk C., Czerny M., Kalbhenn J., Maier S., Schibilsky D., Staudacher D. L., Henn P., Iuliu T., Muellenbach R., Reyher C., Rolfes C., Zacharowski K., Lotz G., Sonntagbauer M., Kersten A., Karagiannidis C., Schafer S., Fichte J., Hopf H. -B., Samalavicius R., Lorini L., Ghitti D., Grazioli L., Loforte A., Baiocchi M., Checco E. D., Pacini D., Meani P., Cappai A., Russo C. F., Bottiroli M., Mondino M., Ranucci M., Fina D., Ballotta A., Scandroglio A. M., Zangrillo A., Pieri M., Nardelli P., Fominskiy E., Landoni G., Fanelli V., Brazzi L., Montrucchio G., Sales G., Simonetti U., Urbino R., Livigni S., Degani A., Raffa G., Pilato M., Martucci G., Arcadipane A., Chiarini G., Latronico N., Cattaneo S., Puglia C., Reina G., Sponga S., Livi U., Foti G., Giani M., Rona R., Avalli L., Bombino M., Costa M. C., Carozza R., Donati A., Piciche M., Favaro A., Salvador L., Danzi V., Zanin A., Condello I., Fiore F., Moscarelli M., Nasso G., Speziale G., Sandrelli L., Montalto A., Musumeci F., Circelli A., Gamberini E., Russo E., Benni M., Agnoletti V., Rociola R., Milano A. D., Grasso S., Civita A., Murgolo F., Pilato E., Comentale G., Montisci A., Alessandri F., Tosi A., Pugliese F., Carelli S., Grieco D. L., Antonelli M., Ramoni E., Di Nardo M., Maisano F., Bettex D., Weber A., Grunenfelder J., Consiglio J., Hansjoerg J., Haenggi M., Agus G., Doeble T., Zenklusen U., Bechtold X., Stockman B., De Backer D., Giglioli S., Meyns B., Vercaemst L., Herman G., Meersseman P., Vandenbriele C., Dauwe D., Vlasselaers D., Raes M., Debeuckelaere G., Rodrigus I., Biston P., Piagnerelli M., Peperstraete H., Germay O., Vandewiele K., Vandeweghe D., Witters I., Havrin S., Bourgeois M., Taccone F. S., Nobile L., Lheureux O., Brasseur A., Creteur J., Defraigne J. -O., Misset B., Courcelle R., Timmermans P. J., Lehaen J., Frederik B., Riera J., Castro M. A., Gallart E., Martinez-Martinez M., Argudo E., Garcia-de-Acilu M., de Pablo Sanchez R., Ortiz A. B., Cabanes M. -P. F., Higa K. O., Cassina A. M., Berbel D. O., Sanchez-Salado J. C., Arnau B. -L., de Gopegui P. R., Ricart P., Sandoval E., Veganzones J., Millan P., de la Sota P., Santa Teresa P., Alcantara S., Alvarez J. D., Gonzalez A. V., Lopez M., Gordillo A., Naranjo-Izurieta J., Costa R. G., Albacete Moreno C. L., de Ayala J. A., Blanco-Schweizer P., Andres N. H., Boado V., Martinez J. M. N., Casal V. G., Garcia E. F., Martin-Villen L., Climent J. C., Pinto L. F., Leprince P., Lebreton G., Juvin C., Schmidt M., Pineton M., Folliguet T., Saiydoun G., Gaudard P., Colson P., Obadia J. -F., Pozzi M., Fellahi J. L., Yonis H., Richard J. C., Parasido A., Verhoye J. -P., Flecher E., Ajrhourh L., Nesseler N., Mansour A., Guinot P. -G., Zarka J., Besserve P., Makhoul M., Bolotin G., Kassif Y., Soufleris D., Schellongowski P., Bonaros N., Krapf C., Ebert K., Mair P., Kothleutner F., Kowalewsky M., Christensen S., Pedersen F. M., Balik M., Blaha J., Lips M., Otahal M., Camporota L., Daly K., Agnew N., Barker J., Head L., Garcia M., Ledot S., Aquino V., Lewis R., Worthy J., Noor H., Scott I., O'Brien S., Conrick-Martin I., Carton E., Gillon S., Flemming L., Broman L. M., Grins E., Ketskalo M., Tsarenko S., Popugaev K., Minin S., Kornilov I., Skopets A., Kornelyuk R., Turchaninov A., Gorjup V., Shelukhin D., Dsouki Y. E., Sargin M., Kaygin M. A., Liana S., Puss S., Soerensen G., Magnus R., Kanetoft M., Watson P., Redfors B., Krenner N., Velia Antonini M., Barrett N. A., Belliato M., Davidson M., Finney S., Fowles J. -A., Halbe M., Hennig F., Jones T., Pinto L., Smith J., Roeleveld P., and Swol J.
- Published
- 2021
41. Endovaskulärer Aortenklappen- und Aszendensersatz
- Author
Rylski, B., Schröfel, H., Beyersdorf, F., Siepe, M., Kreibich, M., Scheumann, J., Kondov, S., Morlock, J., and Czerny, M.
- Published
- 2016
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42. Transposition der Kopf- und Halsgefäße: Vorbereitung für eine endovaskuläre Stent-Graft-Insertion in den Aortenbogen
- Author
Czerny, M., Rylski, B., Kari, F., Kreibich, M., Morlock, J., Scheumann, J., Kondov, S., Südkamp, M., Siepe, M., and Beyersdorf, F.
- Published
- 2016
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43. Aortendissektion Stanford Typ A
- Author
Czerny, M. and Kreibich, M.
- Published
- 2016
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44. Retrograde Typ-A-Aortendissektion nach TEVAR: Inzidenz, Risikofaktoren und klinisches Ergebnis: Ein systematischer Review
- Author
Czerny, M., Rieger, M., and Schmidli, J.
- Published
- 2015
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45. Incidence, risk factors, and outcome of retrograde type A aortic dissection after TEVAR: A systematic review. English version
- Author
Czerny, M., Rieger, M., and Schmidli, J.
- Published
- 2015
- Full Text
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46. In-situ bypass is associated with superior infection-free survival compared with extra-anatomic bypass for the management of secondary aortic graft infections without enteric involvement
- Author
Janko, M.R. Hubbard, G. Back, M. Shah, S.K. Pomozi, E. Szeberin, Z. DeMartino, R. Wang, L.J. Crofts, S. Belkin, M. Davila, V.J. Lemmon, G.W. Wang, S.K. Czerny, M. Kreibich, M. Humphries, M.D. Shutze, W. Joh, J.H. Cho, S. Behrendt, C.-A. Setacci, C. Hacker, R.I. Sobreira, M.L. Yoshida, W.B. D'Oria, M. Lepidi, S. Chiesa, R. Kahlberg, A. Go, M.R. Rizzo, A.N. Black, J.H. Magee, G.A. Elsayed, R. Baril, D.T. Beck, A.W. McFarland, G.E. Gavali, H. Wanhainen, A. Kashyap, V.S. Stoecker, J.B. Wang, G.J. Zhou, W. Fujimura, N. Obara, H. Wishy, A.M. Bose, S. Smeds, M. Liang, P. Schermerhorn, M. Conrad, M.F. Hsu, J.H. Patel, R. Lee, J.T. Liapis, C.D. Moulakakis, K.G. Farber, M.A. Motta, F. Ricco, J.-B. Bath, J. Coselli, J.S. Aziz, F. Coleman, D.M. Davis, F.M. Fatima, J. Irshad, A. Shalhub, S. Kakkos, S. Zhang, Q. Lawrence, P.F. Woo, K. Chung, J.
- Abstract
Objective: The optimal revascularization modality following complete resection of aortic graft infection (AGI) without enteric involvement remains unclear. The purpose of this investigation is to determine the revascularization approach associated with the lowest morbidity and mortality using real-world data in patients undergoing complete excision of AGI. Methods: A retrospective, multi-institutional study of AGI from 2002 to 2014 was performed using a standardized database. Baseline demographics, comorbidities, and perioperative variables were recorded. The primary outcome was infection-free survival. Descriptive statistics, Kaplan-Meier survival analysis, and univariate and multivariable analyses were performed. Results: A total of 241 patients at 34 institutions from seven countries presented with AGI during the study period (median age, 68 years; 75% male). The initial aortic procedures that resulted in AGI were 172 surgical grafts (71%), 66 endografts (27%), and three unknown (2%). Of the patients, 172 (71%) underwent complete excision of infected aortic graft material followed by in situ (in-line) bypass (ISB), including antibiotic-treated prosthetic graft (35%), autogenous femoral vein (neo-aortoiliac surgery) (24%), and cryopreserved allograft (41%). Sixty-nine patients (29%) underwent extra-anatomic bypass (EAB). Overall median Kaplan-Meier estimated survival was 5.8 years. Perioperative mortality was 16%. When stratified by ISB vs EAB, there was a significant difference in Kaplan-Meier estimated infection-free survival (2910 days; interquartile range, 391-3771 days vs 180 days; interquartile range, 27-3750 days; P < .001). There were otherwise no significant differences in presentation, comorbidities, or perioperative variables. Multivariable Cox regression showed lower infection-free survival among patients with EAB (hazard ratio [HR], 2.4; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.6-3.6; P < .001), polymicrobial infection (HR, 2.2; 95% CI, 1.4-3.5; P = .001), methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection (HR, 1.7; 95% CI, 1.1-2.7; P = .02), as well as the protective effect of omental/muscle flap coverage (HR, 0.59; 95% CI, 0.37-0.92; P = .02). Conclusions: After complete resection of AGI, perioperative mortality is 16% and median overall survival is 5.8 years. EAB is associated with nearly a two and one-half-fold higher reinfection/mortality compared with ISB. Omental and/or muscle flap coverage of the repair appear protective. © 2022 Society for Vascular Surgery
- Published
- 2022
47. (582) - Implantation of a Novel Stent Graft Accessory for Left Ventricular Assist Devices in a Pig
- Author
Meissner, F., Vestner, H., Schimmel, M., Galbas, M. Costa, Straky, H., Czerny, M., and Bothe, W.
- Published
- 2024
- Full Text
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48. (1069) - Impact of a Novel Accessory for Left Ventricular Assist Devices on Hemolysis and Degradation of Von Willebrand Factor In Vitro
- Author
Meissner, F., Eichelkraut, D., Schimmel, M., Buechsel, M., Vestner, H., Costa Galbas, M., Czerny, M., and Bothe, W.
- Published
- 2024
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49. Pulmonary Artery Diameter: Means and Normal Limits: Assessment by Computed Tomography Angiography
- Author
Berger, T., additional, Siepe, M., additional, Simon, B., additional, Beyersdorf, F., additional, Bamberg, F., additional, Schlett, C. L., additional, Kondov, S., additional, Czerny, M., additional, Rylski, B., additional, and Kreibich, M., additional
- Published
- 2022
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50. Acute Aortic Syndromes: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Pathways
- Author
Bossone E., Ranieri B., Romano L., Russo V., Barbuto L., Cocchia R., Pezzullo F., Amato C., Vriz O., Di Tommaso L., Iannelli G., Czerny M., Bossone, E., Ranieri, B., Romano, L., Russo, V., Barbuto, L., Cocchia, R., Pezzullo, F., Amato, C., Vriz, O., Di Tommaso, L., Iannelli, G., and Czerny, M.
- Subjects
Intramural hematoma ,Multiparametric diagnostic algorithm ,Acute aortic syndrome ,Aortic dissection ,Penetrating aortic ulcer ,Thoracic endovascular aortic repair ,Surgical repair - Abstract
Acute aortic syndromes are life-threatening medical conditions that include classic acute aortic dissection (AAD), aortic intramural hematoma, penetrating aortic ulcer, and even aortic pseudoaneurysm and traumatic aortic injury. The European Society of Cardiology has designed a multiparametric diagnostic algorithm to provide stepwise diagnosis. All patients with AAD should receive aggressive medical therapy to control blood pressure and heart rate. Urgent surgical repair is recommended for type A AAD. Uncomplicated type B AAD requires aggressive medical therapy. In contrast thoracic endovascular repair is recommended for complicated type B. AAD should be considered a lifelong disease that affects the entire aorta.
- Published
- 2020
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