20 results on '"Cvetković, Milena"'
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2. Protected Natural Areas and Ecotourism - Priority Strategies for Future Development in Selected Serbian Case Studies
- Author
Cvetković, Milena, Cvetković, Milena, Brankov, Jovana, Ćurčić, Nevena, Pavlović, Sanja, Dobričić, Milica, Tretiakova, Tatiana N., Cvetković, Milena, Cvetković, Milena, Brankov, Jovana, Ćurčić, Nevena, Pavlović, Sanja, Dobričić, Milica, and Tretiakova, Tatiana N.
- Abstract
This research deals with the evaluation of tourist attractions in selected protected areas (PAs) in Serbia for the purpose of developing ecotourism. Using the integral AHP-SWOT method, two authentic mountain areas were analyzed—Stara Planina Nature Park and Suva Planina Special Nature Reserve. The results confirmed the presence of numerous natural and, to a lesser extent, anthropogenic resources that represent the basis for the future ecotourism activities. However, significant weaknesses were also registered, which are reflected in overall poverty, underdeveloped infrastructure and depopulation. The analysis also showed that the highest rated factors for the development of ecotourism are local products that should be offered on the regional market, as well as the use of the geographical position of both areas (near the state border) through the use of donor funds (IPA funds). The application of the AHP-SWOT method enabled the definition and prioritization of several development strategies, of which the ones with the greatest weight are based on the use of the variegated biodiversity of both PAs. This research advances knowledge about strategic decision-making in PAs and could be beneficial to destination managers for the creation of successful strategic plans. Results suggest that future actions should be aimed at maximizing the detected advantages, which means creating an appropriate development policy, drafting legislation, encouraging social mobilization activities and determining the institutional elements for the development and management of ecotourism.
- Published
- 2023
3. Protected Natural Areas and Ecotourism—Priority Strategies for Future Development in Selected Serbian Case Studies
- Author
Cvetković, Milena, primary, Brankov, Jovana, additional, Ćurčić, Nevena, additional, Pavlović, Sanja, additional, Dobričić, Milica, additional, and Tretiakova, Tatiana N., additional
- Published
- 2023
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4. Unimanual skills as hand lateralization predictors
- Author
Cvetković Milena and Vasiljević Perica
- Subjects
hand lateralization ,lateralization predictors ,left-handedness/right-handedness ,Anthropology ,GN1-890 - Abstract
The skill of writing with the left or right hand is often taken as a hand lateralization predictor. Taking into consideration that such a manifestation is usually practiced, left-handedness often becomes 'concealed', making it harder to be phenotypically measured. The aim of this study is to determine the predictability of multiple manual skills in relation to the type of handedness. The sample of 756 primary-school students with the aid of Edinburgh Handedness Inventory showed that writing and drawing skills using a particular hand have a very clear mutual correlation (0.86 with the left-handed, and 0.50 with the right-handed). However, the correlation was not determined with other observed unimanual skills, such as throwing, using scissors, using a tooth brush, using a key and holding a glass. In addition to that, writing as such is not a reliable hand lateralization predictor. In relation to hand lateralization, writing shows a low determination coefficient with the left-handed, whereas for other skills R2 varies within the range 0.43-0.66. The numbers are similar to the right-handed, where R2 varies within the range 0.28-0.53, for all skills, except writing and drawing. A conclusion can be drawn that writing is not a reliable predictor of lateralization to left or right, but that those are skills in relation to which there is no cultural pressure.
- Published
- 2018
5. Education through excursions in the function of sustainable development of tourism in the case of National Park Đerdap
- Author
Stanić-Jovanović Sara and Cvetković Milena
- Subjects
excursions ,tourism ,Đerdap ,sustainable ,development ,Geography. Anthropology. Recreation - Abstract
Excursions represent specific aspects of tourist movement that are related to the traveling of a group of people, usually for fun but also for educational purposes, when it comes to pupils and students who are traveling. Creating thematic excursions in the territory of the national park Đerdap with special emphasis on the attractive parts of protected area of the national park, among which there are natural and anthropogenic tourist potentials, contributes to raising the level of awareness and knowledge of possibilities of sustainable development of tourism. The Đerdap Gorge, the Danube River, Lepenski vir, Golubac, the remains of Trajan's bridge, Trajan's board (tabula Traiana), the Roman limes, the preserved richness and diversity of flora and fauna, are just a part of the tourist attractive motives that fit excursion tourist product of the Đerdap National Park and thus attract visitors. Apart from developing interest in the protection of the environment and acquiring traveling habits, as well as introducing adequate ways of staying and behaving in the national park Đerdap, the participants in excursions educate themselves indirectly, through this type of traveling, about the values of the national park, as well as the importance of specific forms for the sustainable development of tourism in the territory of Đerdap.
- Published
- 2016
6. Handedness
- Author
Cvetković Milena, Vasiljević Perica, and Najman Stevo
- Subjects
dominant arm ,the evolution of dominant arm ,genetics ,Anthropology ,GN1-890 - Abstract
Handedness (dominant arm) is a term used to describe the ability of using right or left arm not only for writing but also for performing delicate and precise tasks. In fact, dominant arm appears even in prehistoric time. From the aspect of evolution, dominant arm is seen as an ability which correlates with speech development, and as such is related to cerebral lateralization. However, various cognitive disorders are connected to the dominant arm. The influence of inheritance and environment are equally important for the dominant arm, however their influence prevents us to determine how a certain arm becomes dominant.
- Published
- 2015
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7. Applying Multi-Criteria Decision-Making in Prioritizing Strategies for Developing Protected Natural Areas and Their Ecotourism: the Case of Uvac, Serbia
- Author
Dobričić, Milica, primary, Šljivović, Mladen, additional, and Cvetković, Milena, additional
- Published
- 2022
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8. Валоризација слива Јужне Мораве у функцији развоја екотуризма
- Author
Cvetković, Milena, Pavlović, Sanja, Đurđić, Snežana, and Brankov, Jovana
- Subjects
valorization, ecotourism, protected natural assets, analytical hierarchial process (AHP), SWOT analysis, AʼWOT, ecotourism development strategy ,валоризација, екотуризам, заштићена природна добра, Аналитички хијерхијски процес (АХП), SWOT анализа, АꞌWOT, стратегија развоја екотуризма - Abstract
Последњих година у сектору туризма појавио се нови тренд – екотуризам као одговор на прекомерну употребу и експлоатацију необновљивих природних ресурса. Током путовања потенцијални екотуристи желе да доживе природу, а да притом својим боравком не угрожавају природно окружење. Екотуризам може допринети повећању одрживе продуктивности, развоју инфраструктуре у удаљеним областима и повећању запослености у локалним заједницама. Екотуризам као „главна манифестација” одрживог туризма представља сегмент туристичке индустрије који доприноси економском развоју земље и у последње време је постао мотор социјалног напретка. Употребом метода вишекритеријумске анализе у докторској дисертацији, међу којим издвајамо интеграцију аналитичко хијерхијског процеса (АХП) и SWOT анализе, добијени су доследни резултати и потврђено да геопросторни обухват слива Јужне Мораве поседује изузетан потенцијал за развој екотуризма. Основни критеријуми на основу којих је вршена валоризација су: снаге, слабости, шансе и претње заштићених природних добара (за свако заштићено природно добро урађена је појединачна валоризација) у сливу Јужне Мораве. На темељу ових параметара, односно SWOT фактора изведен је већи број субфактора имплементираних у поступку валоризације. Степен конзистентности матрице (CR) коришћен је за верификацију веродостојности тежинских коефицијената добијених помоћу АХП метода. Истраживање примењено у овој докторској дисертацији имало је за циљ утврђивање важности поменутих SWOT фактора и субфактора, а потом и позиционирање предложених стратегија за развој екотуризма. Експерти су оцењивали осам заштићених природних добара у геопросторном обухвату слива Јужне Мораве помоћу АХПметодологије (поређењем парова (поменутих) критеријума, где се поставља питање шта је значајније или шта има веће деловање, при чему се одређује степен њихове релативне важности). Резултати који су постигнути применом интегрисаног AHPSWOT метода представљају хронолошки распоред примене стратегија за развој екотуризма истраживаног простора. Предложени метод вишекритеријумског одлучивања примењен у раду дао је адекватне објашњења на дефинисана питања. Крајњи циљ његове примене су веродостојни резултати који се поистовећивају са објективном „сликом” на терену. Поменути резултати остварени у поступку овог истраживања имају апликативни карактер и могу послужити као полазна основа за истраживање сличних простора у будућности. Овај рад има практичну примену у реалном пословању заштићених природних добара и одрживом развоју туризма на њиховим просторима због универзалности предложеног модела. In recent years, a new trend has emerged in the tourism sector – ecotourism – as a response to overuse and exploitation of non-renewable natural resources. During their travels, potential ecotourists want to experience nature, while avoiding endangering the natural environment during their stay. Ecotourism can contribute to increased sustainable productivity, remote area infrastructure development and increased employment in local communities. Ecotourism as a ˮmain manifestation“ of sustainable tourism represents a segment of the tourism industry that contributes to the economic development of the country and has recently become the engine of social progress. Using the methods of multicriteria analysis in doctoral dissertation, among which we single out the integration of analytic hierarchical process (AHP) and SWOT analysis, consistent results are obtained and confirmed that the geospatial coverage of the South Morava basin has exceptional potential for ecotourism development. Basic criteria used valorization performance was: strenghts, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of protected natural assets in the South basin of Morava (Note: for each protected natural good, an individual valorization was performed). Based on these parameters, ie SWOT factors, a number of subfactors implemented in the valorization process were derived. The degree of matrix consistency (CR) was used to verify the reliability of the weighting coefficients obtained using the AHP method. The research conducted for the purposes of this doctoral dissertation aimed to determine the importance of the mentioned SWOT factors and subfactors, and then to position the proposed strategies for the development of ecotourism. Experts evaluated eight protected natural areas in the geospatial coverage of the South Morava basin with the help of AHP methodology (by comparing pairs of earlier mentioned criteria, where the question is asked what is more significant or what has a greater effect, where the degree of their relative importance is determined). Results achieved by applying the integrated AHP-SWOT methods represents a chronological schedule of strategy implemetation for the development of ecotourism of the investigated space. The proposed method of multi-criteria decision-making applied in the paper provided adequate answers to the defined questions and led to credible results that are identified with the objective "picture" in the field. The final results achieved in the process of this research have an applicative character and can serve as a starting point for exploring similar spaces in the future. This paper has a practical application in the real business of protected natural resources and sustainable development of tourism in their area due to the univesity of the proposed model.
- Published
- 2022
9. Anthropometrical characteristics of premenarcheal and postmenarcheal girls from Niš from different time periods
- Author
Cvetković Milena, Najman Stevo, Nikolić Miloš, and Živanov-Čurlis Jelena
- Subjects
Anthropology ,GN1-890 - Abstract
Menarche is the certain signal of girls puberty and is usually preceeded by a period of intensive growth. Anthropological investigation of height, weight and breadth of pelvic, and the age of menarche, was conducted on girls aged 8-15 years. The purpose of research was to establish presence of differences in some anthropometric measures between samples of girls measured 1983-84. (subject were 464 girls) and girls measured 2010. (subjects were 449 girls). The aim of investigation was to determine age of menarche, body status in premenarcheal and postmenarcheal girls, and differences in anthropometrical characteristics trough time. In this way, could be brought conclusion about the presence of acceleration or deceleration. In the both samples girls had menarche earliest on 11 years. Body indicators were higher in postmenarcheal girls. Numerically bigger values and BMI are marked at girls measured 2010.
- Published
- 2012
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10. Tourist event 'Days of plum' at Blace: Demographic and geographic analysis of visitors
- Author
Lović Suzana, Bjeljac Željko, and Cvetković Milena
- Subjects
days of plum ,event ,poll ,Blace ,Geography (General) ,G1-922 - Abstract
The event "Days of Plum - My Plum" at Blace has been one of 42 events dedicated to fruits and vegetables and one of three events dedicated to plum in Serbia. It has been held for nine consecutive years in the town situated in the wide Toplica valley at the foot of Jastrebac, where in a relatively favourable climate conditions there are good conditions for development of plum, so it has become a traditional event. This paper analyzes the results of a survey conducted during the last event, August 2011. The survey is used as methodical procedure because in relatively short time period a relatively large amount of information and data has been obtained. The survey includes 304 randomly selected respondents of different gender, age and educational structures. It was performed to examine the tourism market, attitudes and behaviour of visitors, as well as tourism promotion. In addition to the survey, the tourist valorisation of events is done in which the elements of geographic and economic groups of criteria are analyzed in order to investigate the tourism potential in terms of development of tourism as an economic sector that can contribute to the development of Blace as an underdeveloped area. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 47007]
- Published
- 2012
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11. Prioritization of Strategies for Development of Ecotourism by Means of Ahp-Swot on the Example of Kopaonik, Serbia
- Author
Cvetković, Milena, primary and Šljivović, Mladen, additional
- Published
- 2021
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12. Kоrelacija lateralizacije ruke sa fenotipskim i kognitivnim karakteristikama dece
- Author
Cvetković, Milena, Vasiljević, Perica, Najman, Stevo, and Đorđević, Ljubiša
- Subjects
adolescenti ,fenotipske karakteristike ,nasleđivanje ,kognitivne karakteristike ,lateralization ,inheritance ,lateralizacija ,adolescents ,phenotypic characteristics ,cognitive characteristics - Abstract
The lateralization of upper limbs, i.e. the tendency to use one arm more often in comparison to the other one while performing unimanual actions is the most obvious example of cerebral lateralization and it represents a characteristic of human population. The percentage representation of right-handed persons in comparison to the left-handed is approximately 90%-10% on the global level. The representation of left-handed persons is significantly lower than the right-handed, which was taken as the basis of a lateralization phenomenon research. For the sake of this research, lateralization is defined through seven unimanual skills, the performance of which requires precision. Based on the data analysis, both direction and degree of lateralization, as well as ipsilateral correlation with other organs (leg, eye and ear) were defined. The aim of this research was also to determine the potential correlation of hand lateralization with the observed phenotypic and cognitive characteristics of examinees, as well as to predictability of hand lateralization in relation to observed characteristics. It was concluded that the lateralization degree is more expressed with the right-handed, as well as with females. What was also observed was that this characteristic is stabilized later in life, meaning it is more expressed with older examinees in comparison to the younger ones. In addition to that, the higher lateralization degree indicates a more expressed ipsilateral correlation with the legs, eyes and ears. Hand lateralization is not a predictor of cognitive process speed, but can be correlated to learning and thinking styles. The representation of handedness direction in examinees’ families was observed through three generations of relatives and it indicates a genetic basis, especially in the cases of a left-handed mother or left-handedness in the mother’s family. Among the observed phenotypic characteristics of the examinees (hair and eye color, ear lobe shape, Darwin’s tubercle, finger overlapping, irregular articulation of the sound R, diastema), finger overlapping is the only characteristic that can be correlated to the hand lateralization.
- Published
- 2019
13. Kоrelacija lateralizacije ruke sa fenotipskim i kognitivnim karakteristikama dece
- Author
Vasiljević, Perica, Najman, Stevo, Đorđević, Ljubiša, Cvetković, Milena, Vasiljević, Perica, Najman, Stevo, Đorđević, Ljubiša, and Cvetković, Milena
- Abstract
The lateralization of upper limbs, i.e. the tendency to use one arm more often in comparison to the other one while performing unimanual actions is the most obvious example of cerebral lateralization and it represents a characteristic of human population. The percentage representation of right-handed persons in comparison to the left-handed is approximately 90%-10% on the global level. The representation of left-handed persons is significantly lower than the right-handed, which was taken as the basis of a lateralization phenomenon research. For the sake of this research, lateralization is defined through seven unimanual skills, the performance of which requires precision. Based on the data analysis, both direction and degree of lateralization, as well as ipsilateral correlation with other organs (leg, eye and ear) were defined. The aim of this research was also to determine the potential correlation of hand lateralization with the observed phenotypic and cognitive characteristics of examinees, as well as to predictability of hand lateralization in relation to observed characteristics. It was concluded that the lateralization degree is more expressed with the right-handed, as well as with females. What was also observed was that this characteristic is stabilized later in life, meaning it is more expressed with older examinees in comparison to the younger ones. In addition to that, the higher lateralization degree indicates a more expressed ipsilateral correlation with the legs, eyes and ears. Hand lateralization is not a predictor of cognitive process speed, but can be correlated to learning and thinking styles. The representation of handedness direction in examinees’ families was observed through three generations of relatives and it indicates a genetic basis, especially in the cases of a left-handed mother or left-handedness in the mother’s family. Among the observed phenotypic characteristics of the examinees (hair and eye color, ear lobe shape, Darwin’s tubercle
- Published
- 2019
- Author
Ilić Petković, Aleksandra, primary, Simić, Jovan, additional, and Cvetković, Milena, additional
- Published
- 2018
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15. Туристичка манифестација 'Дани шљиве – Шљиво моја' у Блацу – анализа географског порекла посетилаца и њихових одређених демографских карактеристика
- Author
Lović, Suzana, Bjeljac, Željko, and Cvetković, Milena
- Subjects
Days of plum ,дани шљиве ,Блаце ,манифестација ,event ,анкета ,poll - Abstract
Манифестација „Дани шљиве – шљиво моја“ у Блацу једна је од 42 посвећених воћу и поврћу и једна од три манифестације посвећених шљиви у Србији. Одржава се већ 9 година за редом у граду смештеном у широкој Топличкој котлини у подножју Јастрепца, где у условима умерено-континенталне климе постоје добри услови за развој шљиварства, тако да носи епитет традиционалне манифестације. У овом раду су анализирани резултати анкете која је спроведена током одржавања последње манифестације, августа 2011. године. Анкета је коршћена као методски поступак јер се у релативно краком временском периоду, уз минималне трошкове истраживања, дошло до великог броја информација и података. Анкета обухвата 304 случајно изабрана испитаника, различите полне, старосне и образовне структуре. Урађена је у циљу испитивања туристичког тржишта, ставова и понашања посетилаца, као и унапређења туристичке понуде. Поред метода анкете, урађена је туристичка валоризација манифестације, где су анализирани елементи географске и економске групе критеријума у циљу испитивања туристичког потенцијала са аспекта развоја туризма, као привредне гране која може допринети развоју Блаца као недовољно развијеног подручја. Међутим, и поред тога што методa анкете има ограничења у смислу давања субјективних одговора, она на основу утврђених критеријума, даје добре и брзе резултате. The event "Days of Plum - My Plum" at Blace has been one of 42 events dedicated to fruits and vegetables and one of three events dedicated to plum in Serbia. It has been held for nine consecutive years in the town situated in the wide Toplica valley at the foot of Jastrebac, where in a relatively favourable climate conditions there are good conditions for development of plum, so it has become a traditional event. This paper analyzes the results of a survey conducted during the last event, August 2011. The survey is used as methodical procedure because in relatively short time period a relatively large amount of information and data has been obtained. The survey includes 304 randomly selected respondents of different gender, age and educational structures. It was performed to examine the tourism market, attitudes and behaviour of visitors, as well as tourism promotion. In addition to the survey, the tourist valorisation of events is done in which the elements of geographic and economic groups of criteria are analyzed in order to investigate the tourism potential in terms of development of tourism as an economic sector that can contribute to the development of Blace as an underdeveloped area.
- Published
- 2012
16. Tourist event 'Days of plum' at Blace: Demographic and geographic analysis of visitors
- Author
Lović, Suzana, Lović, Suzana, Bjeljac, Željko, Cvetković, Milena, Lović, Suzana, Lović, Suzana, Bjeljac, Željko, and Cvetković, Milena
- Abstract
Манифестација „Дани шљиве – шљиво моја“ у Блацу једна је од 42 посвећених воћу и поврћу и једна од три манифестације посвећених шљиви у Србији. Одржава се већ 9 година за редом у граду смештеном у широкој Топличкој котлини у подножју Јастрепца, где у условима умерено-континенталне климе постоје добри услови за развој шљиварства, тако да носи епитет традиционалне манифестације. У овом раду су анализирани резултати анкете која је спроведена током одржавања последње манифестације, августа 2011. године. Анкета је коршћена као методски поступак јер се у релативно краком временском периоду, уз минималне трошкове истраживања, дошло до великог броја информација и података. Анкета обухвата 304 случајно изабрана испитаника, различите полне, старосне и образовне структуре. Урађена је у циљу испитивања туристичког тржишта, ставова и понашања посетилаца, као и унапређења туристичке понуде. Поред метода анкете, урађена је туристичка валоризација манифестације, где су анализирани елементи географске и економске групе критеријума у циљу испитивања туристичког потенцијала са аспекта развоја туризма, као привредне гране која може допринети развоју Блаца као недовољно развијеног подручја. Међутим, и поред тога што методa анкете има ограничења у смислу давања субјективних одговора, она на основу утврђених критеријума, даје добре и брзе резултате., The event "Days of Plum - My Plum" at Blace has been one of 42 events dedicated to fruits and vegetables and one of three events dedicated to plum in Serbia. It has been held for nine consecutive years in the town situated in the wide Toplica valley at the foot of Jastrebac, where in a relatively favourable climate conditions there are good conditions for development of plum, so it has become a traditional event. This paper analyzes the results of a survey conducted during the last event, August 2011. The survey is used as methodical procedure because in relatively short time period a relatively large amount of information and data has been obtained. The survey includes 304 randomly selected respondents of different gender, age and educational structures. It was performed to examine the tourism market, attitudes and behaviour of visitors, as well as tourism promotion. In addition to the survey, the tourist valorisation of events is done in which the elements of geographic and economic groups of criteria are analyzed in order to investigate the tourism potential in terms of development of tourism as an economic sector that can contribute to the development of Blace as an underdeveloped area.
- Published
- 2012
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Craniofacial characteristics are used to identify similarities and differences between human populations or within a single population. The aim of this study is to provide data on the differences/similarities between two groups of subjects, left-handed and right-handed children, based on the parameters that determine the phenotypic characteristics of the head and face: head dimensions, face dimensions, hair color, eye color and earlobe shape. The study participants included 1354 students aged 7 to 15 years from regular schools of southeastern Serbia. The instruments used include: the Edinburgh Handedness Questionnaire for handedness determination, the cephalometer, and the questionnaire. 135 students (9.97%) were identified as left-handed, and the differences in the observed parameters were recorded between left-handed and right-handed girls in relation to the cephalic index, nasal index, head breadth, face breadth, and eye color. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2015
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- Author
CVETKOVIĆ, Milena, NAJMAN, Stevo, and NIKOLIĆ, Miloš
- Subjects
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SECULAR changes (Child development) , *SCHOOL children , *CRANIOFACIAL abnormalities , *DIMORPHISM (Biology) , *PARAMETER estimation - Abstract
Craniofacial anthropometry is used to determine similarities and differences within a single population or between populations, as well as to determine the secular trends. The aim of the study is to determine differences in the cephalic index of school children from the city of Niš (southeastern Serbia) in two periods-in 1983 and 2010. Subjects were aged 7-15. The first group of subjects (from 1983) included 968 children of both genders, while the second group of subjects (from 2010) included 1037 children, also of both genders. The test was performed according to the instructions of the International Biology Program (IBP). The head length and head breadth were measured, and based on these parameters the cephalic index was determined. The results show that during the time debrachycephalization appeared, because brachycephalic was dominant with the children from 1983, while mesocephalic was dominant with the second group (2010). Genderual dimorphism exists in both groups of subjects. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2014
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19. Applying Multi-Criteria Decision-Making in Prioritizing Strategies for Developing Protected Natural Areas and Their Ecotourism: the Case of Uvac, Serbia.
- Author
Dobričić, Milica, Šljivović, Mladen, and Cvetković, Milena
- Subjects
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NATURE reserves , *ECOTOURISM , *ANALYTIC hierarchy process , *SWOT analysis , *MASS tourism - Abstract
Ecotourism is considered a sustainable form of travel that is more environmentally beneficial than the concept of mass tourism. In this context, protected natural areas are considered an essential potential for ecotourism development, which is underpinned and driven by the preparation of strategies. This paper prioritizes ecotourism development strategies on the example of the Uvac Special Nature Reserve in the Republic of Serbia. The SWOT analysis is strengthened by the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), a particularly suitable method for strategic planning of an area. The first step of the combined SWOT-AHP method implied a SWOT analysis. Afterward, in the second and third steps, the weighting coefficients of individual elements within the SWOT group and then the weights of the groups were determined. In the final step, the ecotourism development strategies for this area were formulated, weighted by their efficiency coefficients, and ranked. This paper aims to contribute to a better understanding and promotion of applying multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM), i.e., the combined SWOT-AHP method, in prioritizing strategies for developing protected natural areas and their ecotourism. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
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20. [Recombinant activated factor VII in haemostasis after radical nephrectomy].
- Author
Jovanović P, Ivanović D, Timotijević S, Trpković S, Bojović P, Dobricanin V, and Cvetković M
- Subjects
- Aged, Carcinoma, Renal Cell surgery, Humans, Kidney Neoplasms surgery, Male, Recombinant Proteins therapeutic use, Blood Loss, Surgical, Factor VIIa therapeutic use, Hemostatics therapeutic use, Nephrectomy
- Abstract
Introduction: The paper presents important facts in the application of recombinant human factor VIIa (rFVIIa) and in the treatment of renal cell carcer., Case Report: A 69-year old male with infiltrative renal cell carcer underwent radical nephrectomy using Hasagawa's approach. The extirpated tumor was 35 cm in diameter. During surgery, the patient suffered cardiac arrest with 3500 ml blood loss. Twenty-four hours after operation, he lost additional 2100 ml of blood. Despite adequate blood substitution with intensive surgical attempts to treat haemostasis, bleeding did not stop until the application of rFVIIa (300 IU). The patient survived and fully recovered., Conclusion: To control massive non-surgical bleeding additionally complicated by paraneoplastic syndrome, extensive surgical intervention, haemodilution and massive blood substitution, the application of rFVIIa has proved to be most successful.
- Published
- 2008
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