49 results on '"Cvetić, Jovan"'
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2. Tesla’s high voltage and high frequency generators with oscillatory circuits
- Author
Cvetić Jovan M.
- Subjects
high frequency oscillators ,high voltages ,antennas ,wirelles energy transmission ,electromagnetic compatibility ,Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering ,TK1-9971 - Abstract
The principles that represent the basics of the work of the high voltage and high frequency generator with oscillating circuits will be discussed. Until 1891, Tesla made and used mechanical generators with a large number of extruded poles for the frequencies up to about 20 kHz. The first electric generators based on a new principle of a weakly coupled oscillatory circuits he used for the wireless signal transmission, for the study of the discharges in vacuum tubes, the wireless energy transmission, for the production of the cathode rays, that is x-rays and other experiments. Aiming to transfer the signals and the energy to any point of the surface of the Earth, in the late of 19th century, he had discovered and later patented a new type of high frequency generator called a magnifying transmitter. He used it to examine the propagation of electromagnetic waves over the surface of the Earth in experiments in Colorado Springs in the period 1899-1900. Tesla observed the formation of standing electromagnetic waves on the surface of the Earth by measuring radiated electric field from distant lightning thunderstorm. He got the idea to generate the similar radiation to produce the standing waves. On the one hand, signal transmission, i.e. communication at great distances would be possible and on the other hand, with more powerful and with at least three magnifying transmitters the wireless transmission of energy without conductors at any point of the Earth surface could also be achieved. The discovery of the standing waves on the surface of the Earth and the invention of the magnifying transmitter he claimed his greatest inventions. Less than two years later, at the end of 1901, he designed and started to build a much stronger magnifying transmitter on Long Island near New York City (the Wardenclyffe tower) wishing to become a world telecommunication center. During the tower construction, he elaborated the plans for an even stronger transmitter based on new principles. Due to lack of the funds Tesla was forced to sell or to return the devices and apparatus, he gathered in the Wardenclyffe tower facility, which intended to use to operate the tower. He left the tower in 1907 and since then he was mainly engaged in inventions that were not directly related to the electrical engineering. The unfinished magnifying transmitter on Long Island was demolished in June 1917 by the American government.
- Published
- 2016
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3. The Maxwellian nature of free-electrons' gas spectrum of noble gases at low pressure
- Author
Alimpijević, Mališa, Stanković, Koviljka, Ignjatovic, Milan, and Cvetić, Jovan
- Published
- 2014
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4. The influence of the breakdown electric field in the configuration of lightning corona sheath on charge distribution in the channel
- Author
Ignjatovic, Milan, Cvetic, Jovan, Heidler, Fridolin, Markovic, Slavoljub, and Djuric, Radivoje
- Published
- 2014
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5. Dynamics of a lightning corona sheath—A constant field approach using the generalized traveling current source return stroke model
- Author
Cvetic, Jovan, Heidler, Fridolin, Markovic, Slavoljub, Radosavljevic, Radovan, and Osmokrovic, Predrag
- Published
- 2012
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6. MIVOC method at the mVINIS ion source
- Author
Jovović Jovica, Cvetić Jovan, Dobrosavljević Aleksandar, Nedeljković Tanja, Jovanović Biljana, and Draganić Ilija
- Subjects
electron cyclotron resonance ,heavy ion source ,multiply charged ions ,ion beam irradiation ,modification of materials ,fullerenes ,Nuclear and particle physics. Atomic energy. Radioactivity ,QC770-798 - Abstract
Based on the metal-ions-from-volatile-compounds (MIVOC) method with the mVINIS ion source, we have produced multiply charged ion beams from solid substances. Highly in tense, stable multiply charged ion beams of several solid substances with high melting points were extracted by using this method. The spectrum of multiply charged ion beams obtained from the element hafnium is presented here. For the first time ever, hafnium ion beam spectra were recorded at an electron cyclotron resonance ion source. Multiply charged ion beams from solid substances were used to irradiate the polymer, fullerene and glassy carbon samples at the channel for the modification of materials.
- Published
- 2007
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7. Dejstvo impulsnog lasera na titanijumsku metu: površinski efekti
- Author
Matavulj, Petar, Mihailović, Peđa, Stašić, Jelena, Momčilović, Miloš, Cvetić, Jovan, Ciganović, Jovan, Matavulj, Petar, Mihailović, Peđa, Stašić, Jelena, Momčilović, Miloš, Cvetić, Jovan, and Ciganović, Jovan
- Abstract
Interakcija lasera sa metalima proučava se decenijama, a posebno je intenzivirana u poslednje vreme, usled razvoja novih, efikasnih impulsnih lasera. Istraživanja u ovoj tezi su fokusirana na titanijum, koji poseduje niz odličnih osobina, što ga čini primenljivim u različitim savremenim tehnologijama. Obrada i procesiranje titanijuma mogući su različitim tehnikama, a primena lasera daje poseban kvalitet, poput visoke preciznosti obrade ili dobijanja specifičnih struktura na površini koje nije moguće generisati drugim metodama. Cilj ove doktorske disertacije je eksperimentalna optimizacija površinskog modifikovanja titanijuma impulsnim nano-, piko-, i femto-sekundnim laserima. Kao izvori laserskog zračenja korišćeni su nanosekundni CO2 laser, pikosekundni Nd:YAG, i femtosekundni Ti:safirni laser. Poznato je da stepen površinske modifikacije mete zavisi od parametara laserskog zračenja (talasne dužine, dužine trajanja impulsa, energije impulsa, itd.), od geometrije fokusiranja, od stanja površine i apsorptivnosti mete, kao i od sredine u kojoj se interakcija odvija. U cilju nalaženja optimalnih uslova za površinsku modifikaciju titanijuma ispitan je uticaj pojednih parametara lasera, kao i uticaj ambijenta. Utvrđeno je da primenjeni intenziteti laserskog zračenja dovode do modifikacija površine mete, pri čemu impulsi različitog trajanja drugačije modifikuju titanijumsku metu. Nanosekundni i pikosekundni laseri dovode do difuznog karaktera oštećenja uz prisustvo termalnih efekata, dok korišćenje femtosekundnih impulsa rezultuje u bolje definisanim oblastima oštećenja. Pokazano je da promena sredine ozračivanja presudno utiče na hemijski sastav i morfologiju površine mete., The interaction of lasers with metals has been studied for decades, and has been especially intensified lately, due to the development of new, efficient pulsed lasers. Research in this thesis is focused on titanium, which has a number of excellent properties, making it applicable in various modern technologies. Treatment and processing of titanium is possible with various techniques, and the application of lasers gives a special quality, such as high precision machining or obtaining specific structures on the surface which cannot be generated by other methods. The goal of this doctoral dissertation is the experimental optimization of surface processing of titanium by pulsed nano-, pico-, and femto-second lasers. Laser radiation sources used were nanosecond CO2 laser, picosecond Nd:YAG, and femtosecond Ti: sapphire laser. It is known that the degree of surface modification of the target depends on laser radiation parameters (wavelength, pulse duration, pulse energy, etc.), focus geometry, the state of the surface and the absorption of the target, as well as from the environment in which the interaction takes place. In order to find the optimal conditions for surface modification of titanium, the influence of certain laser parameters, as well as the influence of the ambient, was examined. It has been found that the applied laser radiation intensities lead to the modification of the target surface, and that the pulses of different duration modify the titanium target in various way. Nanosecond and picosecond lasers lead to a diffuse character of damaged area with the presence of thermal effects, while the use of femtosecond pulses results in better defined area of damage. It has been shown that the change in the ambient of the irradiation affects the chemical composition and morphology of the target surface.
- Published
- 2020
8. Principles of Magnifying Transmitter
- Author
Cvetić, Jovan M.
- Abstract
Tesla magnifying transmitter ( Wardenclyffe tower 1901/1917). It is the advanced, more powerful, but essentially the same version of the transformer with the extra coil used in the experiments in Colorado Springs. According to Tesla’s patent No. 1,119,732 (applied in 1902, patented in 1914) with some changes in the shape of the dome. The maximum voltage < 30MV. Estimated power for the wireless energy transmission is about 10 MW.
- Published
- 2019
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9. Утицај лоших електричних контаката на настанак почетног пожара и метода за њихово откривање у нисконапонским електричним инсталацијама
- Author
Kostić, Miomir, Radaković, Zoran, Đorđević, Dragana, Cvetić, Jovan, Trifunović, Jovan, Хаџиефендић, Неџад, Kostić, Miomir, Radaković, Zoran, Đorđević, Dragana, Cvetić, Jovan, Trifunović, Jovan, and Хаџиефендић, Неџад
- Abstract
Поуздано функционисањe нисконапонских електричних инсталација представља важан предуслов за нормално одвијање технолошких процеса у индустрији, нормалан рад јавних установа (школа, позоришта, музеја, болница...), неометано функционисање домаћинстава итд. Услед лошег избора или неадекватне уградње, коришћења или одржавања електричних инсталација, јављају се кварови који могу да доведу до пожара, електричног удара или прекида у напајању (дела) објекта електричном енергијом. Посебна пажња мора да се посвети кваровима који могу да изазову пожар, а које класичне заштитне компоненте (аутоматски прекидач, осигурач са топљивим уметком, заштитни уређај диференцијалне струје итд.) не могу да детектују. Такве кварове најчешће изазивају лоши електрични контакти..., Reliable functioning of low-voltage electrical installations represents an important prerequisite for normal functioning of technological processes in the industry, normal operation of public institutions (schools, theaters, museums, hospitals,...), proper operation of households, etc. Due to poor selection or inadequate installation, improper use or maintenance of electrical installations, failures can occur causing fire, electric shock or interruption in power supply of a facility (or its part). Special attention must be given to fire-causing failures, which cannot be detected by conventional protecting devices (such as: miniature circuit breakers, fuse-links, residual current devices, etc.). Such failures are most often caused by poor electrical contacts...
- Published
- 2019
10. Plasma channel evolution in the triggered lightning discharges
- Author
Cvetić, Jovan, Šekara, Tomislav, Kuraica, Milorad, Milovanović, Gradimir V., Kolundžija, Branko, Pavlović, Dragan, Cvetić, Jovan, Šekara, Tomislav, Kuraica, Milorad, Milovanović, Gradimir V., Kolundžija, Branko, and Pavlović, Dragan
- Abstract
Plasma channel evolution is of fundamental interest for the study of the lightning physics, the electrodynamics of the atmosphere and for electrical engineering practice. The subject of this dissertation is the development of detailed and efficient numerical algorithms for application in the study of the lightning channel evolution. First off all, the classical numerical methods for the calculating the three - dimensional integrals were used to calculate the axial electric field along the lightning channel axis. The results measurement of the negative triggered lightning discharge have been used as input parameters during calculation. Different engineering models were used in the calculation - the TL, the MTLE, the MTLP, the MTLE and the GTCS model. Obtained results for electric field as well as the point form of Ohm’s law have been used to calculate the profile of longitudinal electrical conductivity on the lightning channel. The comparison with the experimental results was performed. It has been shown that the mean values of the mentioned physical quantities are in accordance with the experimental results. On the basis of the experimental results and semi-empirical formulas, other essential parameters of the lightning channel (the concentration and the temperature of the carriers) can be estimated. After a detailed overview of all methods used in the literature to study the lightning channel dynamics, the decision was to use the GTCS model. For this purpose, it is necessary to precisely calculate the channel discharge function from Volterra integral equation of the first kind. This equation is solved analytically by Laplace transformation, as well as by the convolution quadrature method (CQ method). The Volterra equation is also solved by the modified composite trapezoidal formula method (MCTF method), which is one of the numerical methods used to provide a very high degree of accuracy with minimal approximations. Results showed excellent agreement with the analyt, Еволуција канала је од базичног значаја за проучавање физик канала муње, електродинамика атмосфере као и за електроинжењерску праксу. Циљ ове дисертације је развој детаљних аналитичких и нумеричких алгоритама.
- Published
- 2019
11. Modelovanje proboja u gasovima Monte Karlo tehnikom
- Author
Petrović, Zoran Lj., Cvetić, Jovan, Đorđević, Antonije, Puač, Marija, Petrović, Zoran Lj., Cvetić, Jovan, Đorđević, Antonije, and Puač, Marija
- Abstract
Zbog velike zastupljenosti radiofrekvencijskih (RF) plazmi u industriji javila se potreba za definisanjem osnovnih fizičkih principa koji određuju proboj u RF električnim poljima. Uslovi, u vidu probojnog napona i pritiska, mogu se prikazati naponskom probojnom krivom, predstavljenom u V-p ravni. Oblik i položaj krive definisani su kako prirodom pozadinskog gasa tako i karakteristikama spoljašnjeg RF električnog izvora. Ova disertacija ima za cilj da nedvosmisleno definiše fizičke procese koji su odgovorni za proboj pri RF električnim poljima. Za to je korišćena Monte Karlo tehnika. Odabirom slučajnih brojeva, uz poznavanje preseka za određene procese, moguće je verno (čak se može tvrditi egzaktno) opisati kretanje roja naelektrisanih čestica između dve elektrode koje su pobuđene RF generatorom. Izgradnja modela je započeta posmatranjem kretanja elektrona u argonu pri frekvenciji od 13,56 MHz. Na primeru argona objašnjeni su osnovni mehanizmi proboja koji definišu oblik naponske probojne krive. Nadogradnja modela, kao verodostojne predstave RF proboja, uključuje efekte na površinama elektroda (refleksiju i emisiju sekundarnih elektrona), uticaj promene frekvencije i dvofrekvencijskih izvora, kao i teških čestica. Model je primenjen na različite gasove: helijum, kiseonik, sintetički vazduh i atmosfera Marsa., The wide range of radiofrequency (RF) plasma applications in industry rely on research of fundamental physical processes responsible for the RF breakdown. Conditions, such as the breakdown voltage and pressure, can be presented by breakdown voltage curves in the V-p plane. The shape and coordinates of the curve are defined by the nature of the background gas and characteristics of the applied RF electric field. The goal of this dissertation is to define physical processes responsible for the RF breakdown. For that purpose a Monte Carlo computational code has been used. If one knows cross sections for different processes by employing a random number generator, the transport of electrons between two electrodes can be determined. The development of the RF breakdown model begun by observing the motion of electrons in argon at the field frequency of 13.56 MHz. Argon was used to explain the basic mechanisms that define the shape of the breakdown voltage curve. Further upgrade of the model involved inclusion of the surface effects on electrodes (reflection and secondary electron emission), the influence of frequency and dual frequency RF power supplies, as well as the influence of heavy particles on the breakdown. The model was applied to different gases: helium, oxygen, and synthetic air, as well as the atmosphere of Mars.
- Published
- 2019
12. Унапређена метода за одређивање рефлексионих особина коловозних површина мерењима на терену
- Author
Kostić, Miomir, Radaković, Zoran, Gojanović, Jovana, Dramlić, Dragan, Cvetić, Jovan, Штрбац Хаџибеговић, Наташа, Kostić, Miomir, Radaković, Zoran, Gojanović, Jovana, Dramlić, Dragan, Cvetić, Jovan, and Штрбац Хаџибеговић, Наташа
- Abstract
За постизање добре видљивости и адекватног видног комфора потребно је постићи стандардима или међународним препорукама захтеване вредности нивоа сјајности и опште и подужне равномерности сјајности, као и учинити прихватљивим физиолошко бљештање. У циљу испуњења наведених фотометријских захтева при пројектовању осветљења посматране саобраћајнице, који зависе од њене светлотехничке класе, неопходно је познавати геометријске параметре саобраћајнице, светлосни флукс извора светлости, расподелу светлости светиљке, и рефлексионе особине коловозне површине. Пошто су геометрија саобраћајнице, светлосни флукс изабраног извора светлости и расподела светлосног интензитета светиљке познати (реномирани произвођачи извора светлости и светиљки публикују прецизне податке о својим производима), тачност прорачуна сјајности доминантно зависи од тачности одређивања рефлексионих особина коловоза..., In order to achieve good visibility and adequate visual comfort, it is necessary to achieve the luminance level and overall and longitudinal luminance uniformities, as well as reduce physiological glare, in accordance with the relevant international standards or recommendations. In order to fulfill the stated photometric requirements when designing the illumination of the observed road, which depend on its lighting class, it is necessary to possess all data regarding the geometric parameters of the roadway, the luminous flux of the light source, the light distribution of the luminaire and the reflection properties of the roadway surface. Since the geometry of the roadway, the luminous flux of the selected light source and the luminous intensity distribution of the luminaire are known (renowned producers of light sources and luminaires publish precise data about their products), the accuracy of luminance calculations predominantly depends on the accuracy of the determination of the carriageway reflection properties...
- Published
- 2019
13. The Influence of Corona on the Lightning Surge Propagation Along Transmission Lines.
- Author
Ignjatović, Milan, Cvetić, Jovan, and Pavlović, Dragan
- Subjects
ELECTRIC lines ,IMPACT ionization ,LIGHTNING ,PARTIAL discharges ,ANIONS - Abstract
Corona is the partial discharge that occurs around the wires and edges in inhomogeneous electric field. Minimum intensity of the electric field for the impact ionization of the gas is around 2.6 MV/m in dry air. In power systems, the corona is the unwanted effect caused by overvoltages. In this study the propagation of the overvoltage wave due to negative lightning along the transmission line is numerically simulated. The effect of the corona is modelled by the drift-diffusion-reaction equations for the electrons, the positive and the negative ions. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
14. Заштита надземних водова од атмосферских пренапона у екстремним условима
- Author
Stojković, Zlatan, Mikulović, Jovan, Salamon, Dragutin, Cvetić, Jovan, Stojanović, Zoran, Banjanin, Mladen S., Stojković, Zlatan, Mikulović, Jovan, Salamon, Dragutin, Cvetić, Jovan, Stojanović, Zoran, and Banjanin, Mladen S.
- Abstract
Основни задатак сваког електроенергетског система (ЕЕС) јесте снадбијевање потрошача квалитетном и јефтином електричном енергијом. Да би се овај задатак испунио многи проблеми који се јављају у раду ЕЕС-а морају бити рјешени, а један од израженијих је заштита његових дијелова од атмосферских пренапона..., The fundamental task of every electric power system (EPS) is to provide the consumers with a quality and cheap electrical energy. To accomplish this task, many problems occurring in the operation of an EPS must be solved, and one of the significant ones is the protection of its parts against lightning overvoltages...
- Published
- 2017
15. Monte Karlo simulacija transporta pozitrona u realnim sistemima ispunjenim gasom
- Author
Petrović, Zoran Lj., Cvetić, Jovan, Kolundžija, Branko, Marjanović, Srđan D., Petrović, Zoran Lj., Cvetić, Jovan, Kolundžija, Branko, and Marjanović, Srđan D.
- Abstract
Napredak uređaja za akumulaciju i skladištenje pozitrona omogućava sve preciznija merenja preseka za interakciju pozitrona sa atomima i molekulima. Nedavno kompletirani setovi sudarnih podataka za molekule koji se najčešće javljaju u pozitronskim uređajima i primenama (najpre N2, CF4 i H2O ali i drugi) omogućili su detaljne simulacije transporta pozitrona u takvim sredinama, kao i detaljan opis uređaja koji se na njima baziraju. Osnovni cilj ove disertacije jeste da na osnovu izmerenih sudarnih podataka, pomoću računarskih Monte Karlo simulacija, detaljno analizira realne uređaje i sisteme ispunjene gasom koji svoju funkciju baziraju na elementarnim procesima u kojima učestvuju pozitroni. Disertacija se fokusira na tri konkretna sistema: pozitronski trap, kompresiju snopa pozitrona rotirajućim poljem i termalizaciju pozitrona u biološki relevantnoj sredini. Otkriće i razvoj pozitronskog (Surko) trapa početkom devedesetih godina, predstavlja prekretnicu u polju fizike niskoenergijskih pozitrona i dovelo je do velikog napretka u razumevanju interakcije niskoenergijskih pozitrona sa atomima i molekulima. Trapovi su omogućili akumulaciju velikog broja pozitrona (106-108), niske energije sa energijskom raspodelom koja odgovara sobnoj temperaturi ( <50 meV ) što omogućava formiranje intenzivnih snopova pozitrona sa precizno definisanom energijom. Kao takvi, pozitronski trapovi predstavljaju osnovi alat u brojnim eksperimentima poput merenja preseka za interakciju, proizvodnje antivodonika, proizvodnje i proučavanja pozitronijuma, pozitronske anihilacione spektroskopije i slično. Od trenutka kada je prvi put primenjen, princip rada i dizajn pozitronskog trapa se nije značajnije menjao i standardno je obezbeđivao efikasnost trapovanja od 10-20%. U zavisnosti od konkretne primene trapa, kroz empirijske pokušaje su optimizovani različiti parametri rada, kao što su: efikasnost trapovanja, vreme života akumuliranih pozitrona, maksimalna koncentracija pozitrona ili broj emitovan, Development and advancement of positron accumulation and storage devices has enabled increaesingly accurate measurements of cross-sections for positron interaction with atoms and molecules...
- Published
- 2017
16. Interplay of cavitation bubble and plasma emision during single pulse laser induced breakdown on submerged target
- Author
Cvetić, Jovan, Matavulj, Petar, Cvejić, Marko, Gavrilović, Marijana, Cvetić, Jovan, Matavulj, Petar, Cvejić, Marko, and Gavrilović, Marijana
- Abstract
Although the experimental setup needed for the plasma and cavitation bubble creation with the laser is relatively simple, enormous variety of physical processes take place in this experiment, covering the topics from uid dynamics, to heat and mass transfer, to chemical reactions, plasma physics and light emission. Laser induced plasma (LIP) shows a wide range of characteristics depending on the experimental parameters used for its creation. In addition to the complexity of the LIP itself, when such a plasma is created inside the liquid environment several extra factors come into play, making both the experimental and theoretical investigation highly challenging tasks. In a liquid environment, besides plasma formation due to the laser action, the shock wave and cavitation bubble are created, all of them sharing the input laser energy. Due to the interrelation of the phenomena occurring after laser induced breakdown (LIB) in liquid environment, shock wave, bubble and plasma emission, in order to get real insight into the physics of the processes, one need to study more than one eect at the same time. In this study main focus was on the last two aspects of the LIB, i.e. cavitation bubble and plasma emission, while the subject of the shock wave emergence and propagation was also discussed in short. The mutual impact of these two extremely interesting phenomena, laser produced plasma and the cavitation bubble, is considered very important for numerous applications, the production of nanoparticles being one of the more popular recently. Cavitation bubble plays a crucial role in determining the size, shape and chemistry of the products of laser ablation in liquid. Although its importance have been recognized and many research groups are dealing with this topic, a lots of speculations about the role of the cavitation bubble in nanoparticles production still exist. Another point on which the opinions about the cavitation bubble are divergent regards the question of double pu, Eksperimentalna postavka potrebna za stvarae plazme i mehura u vodi rel- ativno je jednostavna, ali je raznovrsnost fiziqkih procesa koji se odigravaju u ovom eksperimentu ogromna, obuhvatajui po a od dinamike fluida, prenosa toplote i mase, hemijskih reakcija, fizike plazme i emisije svetlosti. Laser- ski proizvedena plazma LPP moe imati xirok spektar karakteristika u zav- isnosti od korixenih ekpserimentalnih parametara. Pored sloenosti same LPP, kada se takva plazma formira unutar teqnosti, nekoliko dodatnih fak- tora postaje relevantno, xto qini i teorijska i eksperimentalna istraivaa izazovnim zadatkom. U teqnom okrueu, pored formiraa plazme dolazi i do formiraa udarnog talasa i kavitacionog mehura od kojih svaki proces troxi deo energije. Usled meusobne povezanosti ovih pojava, kako bi se dobio pravi uvid u fiziku procesa, potrebno je prouqavati vixe procesa istovremeno. U ovom radu glavni akcenat istraivaa je na kavitacionom mehuru i zraqeu plazme, dok je pitae pojav ivaa udarnog talasa i egovog prostiraa disku- tovano u kratkim crtama. Uzajamno dejstvo ova dva veoma interesantna fenom- ena, laserski proizvedene plazme i kavitacionog mehura, veoma je vano za veliki broj primena, od kojih je u poslede vreme proizvoda nanoqestica najpopularnija. Kavitacioni mehur ima presudnu ulogu u odreivau veli- qine, oblika i hemije proizvoda laserske ablacije u teqnosti. Iako je vanost mehura prepoznata i mnoge istraivaqke grupe se bave ovom tematikom i da e postoji dosta nejasnoa oko uloge kavitacionog mehura u proizvodi nanoqes- tica. Druga tema oko koje takoe postoje neslagaa oko kavitacionog mehura je spektroskopija laserski indukovanog proboja sa dva laserska impulsa. (DP LIBS). Odnosi izmeu plazme i mehura u DP LIBS-u jox uvek nisu dovo no dokumentovani, dok je takav odnos kod laserskog proboja jednim impulsom (SP LIBS) apsolutna nepoznanica...
- Published
- 2017
17. Elektrodinamički procesi u kanalu pri atmosferskom pražnjenju sa uticajem strujne refleksije
- Author
Živanić, Jeroslav, Cvetić, Jovan, Mitrović, Nebojša, Milovanović, Alenka, Taušanović, Milica, Živanić, Jeroslav, Cvetić, Jovan, Mitrović, Nebojša, Milovanović, Alenka, and Taušanović, Milica
- Abstract
Teza se bavi elektrodinamikom kanala atmosferskog pražnjenja oblak-zemlja pri povratnom udaru nastalom posle deponovanja naelektrisanja usled prolaska dart lidera. Analiziran je tzv. negativan povratni udar u kojemu se negativna naelektrisanja (elektroni) iz omotača kanala aktiviraju (odvajaju od molekula) i kreću ka površi zemlje gde se neutralizuju sa pozitivnim naelektrisanjima. U tezi je primenjen generalisani model povratnog udara sa putujućim strujnim izvorom (GTCS) koji predstavlja generalizaciju jedne grupe inženjerskih modela. Ovaj model je odabran iz dva razloga. Sa jedne strane dovoljno jednostavan za inženjersku upotrebu, a sa druge strane omogućava detaljnije izučavanje elektrodinamike kanala u cilju objašnjavanja elektrodinamičkih procesa pri povratnom udaru. Model je proširen uzimanjem u obzir refleksija strujnih impulsa od tla i gornjeg dela kanala kao i slabljenja struje duž jezgra kanala. Sa aspekta fizike plazme kanal atmosferskog pražnjenja predstavlja naglo stvorenu plazmu sa temperaturom od oko 30 000 K u jezgru kanala. Vrednosti nekih parametara ove plazme mogu se dosta grubo procenjeni dok su vrednosti većine potpuno nepoznate. Od interesa je objasniti stabilnost ovakve strukture plazme, jer je laboratorijski generisana cilindrična plazma jako nestabilna. Plazmeni stub se usled samosažimanja (pinch efekat) raspada unutar mikrosekunde (sausage instability) dok je u slučaju atmosferskih pražnjenja plazma stabilna najmanje nekoliko stotina mikrosekundi koliko je potrebno da se završi povratni udar. Često se, posle povratnog udara, detektuje kontinualna struja u kanalu između oblaka i zemlje koja može da se održava i po nekoliko desetina milisekundi odnosno do trenutka kada se generiše novi dart lider. Ovo jasno ukazuje na stabilnost kanala plazme u atmosferskim pražnjenjima. U tezi je korišćen model korona omotača sa dve naelektrisane zone i konstantnom prostornom gustinom naelektrisanja. Funkcija pražnjenja korona omotača potrebna za primenu GT, The thesis deals with the electrodynamics of the lightning channel of an atmospheric cloud-to-ground discharge during the return stroke, generated after charge is deposited by the dart leader. The so-called negative return stroke is analyzed, in which negative charge in the corona sheath envelope is activated (electrons are detached from molecules) and sent to the ground, where it neutralizes the positive charge at the Earth's surface.The generalized traveling current source return stroke model (GTCS) is applied, which represents a generalization of one type of engineering models. This model has been chosen for two reasons. On one hand, it is simple enough for engineering practice, while on the other it permits a more comprehensive study of the lightning channel electrodynamics during the return stroke. The model is extended by taking into account the reflections of current pulses from the ground and from the upper part of the channel as well as the current attenuation along the channel core. From the standpoint of plasma physics, the lightning channel represents a suddenly created thin plasma column with a temperature of about 30 000 K in the channel core. Values of certain parameters of this plasma can be estimated, albeit rather roughly, whereas the values of most other remain completely unknown. It is of practical interest to explain the stability of this plasma structure, since the cylindrical plasma generated in a laboratory is very unstable. The plasma column in laboratory conditions decays within a microsecond due to the pinch effect (sausage instability), while in the case of a natural atmospheric discharge the plasma channel is stable for at least a few hundred microseconds, the time interval necessary for the return stroke to complete. Moreover, after the return stroke has ceased, a continuous current is often established between the cloud and the ground, for a period of up to a few tens of milliseconds, until a new dart leader is generated. This clearly
- Published
- 2016
18. Uticaj parametara ekspozicije i tehnike snimanja na pacijentnu dozu i kvalitet slike u kompjuterizovanoj tomografiji
- Author
Ciraj Bjelac, Olivera, Marinković, Predrag, Cvetić, Jovan, Maksimović, Ružica, Drndarević, Vujo, Aranđić, Danijela D., Ciraj Bjelac, Olivera, Marinković, Predrag, Cvetić, Jovan, Maksimović, Ružica, Drndarević, Vujo, and Aranđić, Danijela D.
- Abstract
U okviru ove doktorske disertacije prikazani su rezultati ispitivanja nivoa izlaganja pacijenata u kompjuterizovanoj tomografiji (KT). S obzirom na aktuelnost tema akcenat istraživanja bio je na visokosenzitivnim grupama pacijenata i visokodoznim KT pregledima. U tom smislu izvršeno je sakupljanje podataka i analiza pacijentnih doza, KT protokola i postojeće KT prakse u pedijatrijskoj KT dijagnostici. Ispitana je i primenjenost osnovnih principa zaštite od zračenja, opravdanost pregleda i optimizacija KT protokola, u pedijatrijskim bolnicama u Srbiji. Istraživanje u okviru ove doktorske disertacije obuhvatilo je i visokodoznu proceduru KT perfuzija mozga u smislu poređenja dostupnih KT protokola, "šatl" i fiksni režim rada, i ispitivanja mogućnosti za nastanak tkivnih reakcija kod pacijenata podvrgnutih ovoj vrsti KT pregleda. Preliminarno ispitivanje nivoa pacijentnih izlaganja u KT dijagnostici u Srbiji pokazalo je da su rezultati u rangu sa do sada publikovanim podacima osim na jednom od KT uređaja. Međutim, rezultati takođe pokazuju i da se vrednosti drastično razlikuju za isti tip KT pregleda u zavisnosti od KT uređaja. Analiza uticaja broja detektora i modela KT uređaja na vrednosti doznih parametara nije pokazala jasnu vezu između tipa uređaja i pacijentne doze što ukazuje da se na postojećim KT uređajima koriste noptimizovani protokoli snimanja. Kod procedure KT perfuzije mozga "šatl" režim rada pokazao je značajno manje vrednosti doznih veličina. Smanjene su vrednosti CTDIvol i DLP te je smanjena i efektivna doza kao mera rizika za nastanak stohastičkih efekata. Pored toga, doza na koži pacijenta manja je u poređenju sa fiksnim režimom rada i nalazi se ispod preporučene vrednosti od 0.5 Gy što značajno smanjuje verovatnoću za nastanak determinističkih efekata čak i u slučaju ponovljenih pregleda. Stoga, prednost u proceduri KT perfuzija mozga treba dati "šatl" režimu rada u odnosu na KT protokole sa fiksnim režimima rada. Izmerene vrednosti doze za očno soč, This doctoral thesis presents the results of the investigation on patient exposure level in computed tomography (CT). The research focus was on highly sensitive groups of patients and high-dose CT procedures. Data on patient doses, existing CT protocols and CT practices in pediatric CT diagnostics were collected and analyzed. The application of basic principles of radiation protection, justification and optimization, was investigated in pediatric hospitals in Serbia. A high-dose procedure cerebrale perfusion CT was also included in this research in terms of comparisons of available protocols, "shuttle" and fixed mode. The possibility for tissue reactions in patients undergoing this type of procedure was also investigated. Preliminary results on patient exposure level in CT practice in Serbia has shown that the results are in line with previously published data except on one CT unit. However, the results also show a wide range for dose values for the same type of the CT examination. Analysis of the relation between the number of detectors and the model of CT unit on the radiation dose didn’t show the clear link between the type of device and the dose values. For cerebrale perfusion CT procedure the "shuttle" mode showed significantly lower dose values in terms of CTDIvol and DLP compared to fixed mode. The effective dose as a measure of the risk for stochastic effects was also lower. In addition, the dose to the skin of the patient is less than the fixed mode of operation, which is below the recommended value of 0.5 Gy, which significantly reduces the likelihood of the occurrence of deterministic effects even in the case of repeated examinations. Therefore, the advantage in the process of CT brain perfusion should be given to "shuttle" mode, compared to CT protocols with fixed modes. The measured values for the lens of the eye dose were 10 times below the threshold for cataract formation. The analysis of the obtained values for CTDIvol and DLP in pediatrics’ CT showe
- Published
- 2016
19. Modelovanje i dizajn optičkih rezonatora u integrisanoj silicijumskoj tehnologiji
- Author
Matavulj, Petar, Gvozdić, Dejan, Mashanovich, Goran, Radunović, Jovan, Cvetić, Jovan, Keča, Tatjana P., Matavulj, Petar, Gvozdić, Dejan, Mashanovich, Goran, Radunović, Jovan, Cvetić, Jovan, and Keča, Tatjana P.
- Abstract
Optički sistemi prenosa preuzimaju primat u telekomunikacijama, zahvaljujući sve većoj brzini prenosa signala, većem propusnom opsegu i mogućnostima koje imaju tehnike multipleksiranja. Na prostiranje svetlosti kroz gusto integrisane fotonske komponente ključnu ulogu imaju dimenzije i oblici talasovoda, kao i vrsta materijala od kog su napravljeni. Od načina prostiranja i specifičnosti fizičkih procesa će zavisiti i funcionalnost svake integrisane komponente, te je neophodno proučiti sve aspekte procesa i parametre koji na njih utiču. U okviru ove disertacije opisano je prostiranje elektromagnetskih talasa u fotonskim komponentama sa osvrtom na rebraste talasovode, pravolinijske i zakrivljene, kao i direkcione sprežnjake, što čini strukturu optičkog rezonatora. Objašnjeni su modeli koji opisuju fizičke procese u rezonatoru, sa posebnim naglaskom na teoriju spregnutih modova (CMT, Coupled Mode Theory). Dat je i kratak osvrt na silicijumske optičke strukture i proces izrade integrisanih silicijumskih rezonatora..., Optical systems are becoming more and more important in the field of telecommunications, due to their higher transportation speed, greater bandwidth and multiplexing techniques possibilities. Dimensions and shapes of waveguides play a major role in the physical aspect of light propagation through integrated photonic devices. Functionality of each integrated component depends on light propagation and specificity of physical processes. That is why it is necessary to examine all the aspects of propagation process and parameters that affect it. In this thesis, the propagation of electromagnetic waves in photonic components is described, especially in straight and curved rib waveguides and directional couplers, which represents the main structure of optical resonators. Models which describe physical processes in an optical resonator are fully explained, with special attention is devoted to Coupled Mode Theory (CMT). A short insight to silicon optical structures is given, as well as a description of integrated silicon resonator’s manufacturing process...
- Published
- 2016
20. Spektrometrija fotonskog zračenja u radiološkom opsegu energija pomoću CdTe detektora
- Author
Marinković, Predrag, Cvetić, Jovan, Lazarević, Đorđe, Ciraj-Bjelac, Olivera, Stanković, Koviljka, Stanković-Petrović, Jelena S., Marinković, Predrag, Cvetić, Jovan, Lazarević, Đorđe, Ciraj-Bjelac, Olivera, Stanković, Koviljka, and Stanković-Petrović, Jelena S.
- Abstract
Nuklearna tehnika / Nuclear Engineering, U ovoj disertaciji je prikazan metod za korišćenje detektora od kadmijum-telurida (CdTe) u spektrometriji fotona u medicinskoj dijagnostičkoj radiologiji. Detekcija fotonskog zračenja i određivanje njegovog spektra CdTe poluprovodničkim detektorom podrazumeva i analizu deformacija spektra. Ove deformacije se javljaju usled neželjenih posledica interakcije upadnih fotona i elektrona detektora, kao i usled nekompletnog transporta nosilaca naelektrisanja unutar detektora. Da bi se te posledice uklonile potrebno je upotrebiti metod anfoldinga (unfolding). Anfolding je jedna vrsta dekonvolucuje i njime se izračunava pravi energetski spektar upadnog zračenja, a prema deformisanom, izmerenom spektru. Ovaj metod je podrazumevao rad u više etapa: (1) eksperimentalna merenja CdTe spektrometrom; (2) simulaciju realnog eksperimenta primenom Monte Karlo metoda, (3) modelovanje uticaja električnog polja unutar poluprovodničkog detektora na nosioce naelektrisanja, i (4) numeričko rešavanje sistema jednačina u slučaju loše uslovljene matrice sistema. Simulacija eksperimenta je izvršena programom MCNP5 i PTRAC izlaznom datotekom. Datoteka PTRAC je omogućila uključivanje modela transporta nosilaca u Monte Karlo simulaciju i algoritam je predstavljen dalje u tekstu. Izabrana numerička metoda za rešavanje sistema jednačina u slučaju loše uslovljene matrice je metod dekompozicije na singularne vrednosti sa odsecanjem. Pokazano je da se rezultati primenjenog anfolding metoda dobro slažu sa referentnim spektrom. Anfolding metod je onda uspešno iskorišćen za postprocesiranje nekolicine spektara X-zračenja koji se koristi u medicinskoj radiologiji snimljenih pomoću CdTe detektora, The method for using a cadmium-telluride (CdTe) radiation detector for the photon spectrometry in the diagnostic medical radiology is presented here. The detection of photon radiation and the determination of its spectrum with the CdTe semiconductor, also involves the analysis of the deformation of the spectrum. These distortions are due to the unwanted consequence of the interaction of photons with detector electrons, as well as due to the incomplete charge carrier transport within the detector. In order to eliminate these consequences, it is necessary to use the unfolding method. The unfolding method is a deconvolution method that calculates true energy spectrum of incident radiation according to convoluted, measured spectrum. This method involved working in several phases: (1) real spectrum measurement; (2) simulation of the real experiment using the Monte Carlo method, (3) modeling of the influence of the electric field within the semiconductor detector to the charge carriers transport, and (4) the numerical solution of systems of equations in the case of poorly conditioned system matrix. The experiment was simulated with the program MCNP5 and a PTRAC output file. The PTRAC file enabled the inclusion of carrier transport model into Monte Carlo simulation and the algorithm is presented in the text. A truncated single value decomposition method was used as the numerical method for solving systems of equations in the case of poorly conditioned system matrix. The results showed that the results of applied unfolding method agree well with the referential spectrum. The unfolding method was than succesfuly used for the post-processing of several X-spectra used in the field of diagnostic radiology recorded using the CdTe detectors
- Published
- 2016
21. Optimizacija dinamičkih karakteristika gasnih odvodnika prenapona na niskonaponskom nivou
- Author
Osmokrović, Predrag, Cvetić, Jovan, Vasić-Milovanović, Aleksandra, Vujisić, Miloš, Stanković, Koviljka, Brajović, Dragan V., Osmokrović, Predrag, Cvetić, Jovan, Vasić-Milovanović, Aleksandra, Vujisić, Miloš, Stanković, Koviljka, and Brajović, Dragan V.
- Abstract
Electrical Engineering / Materials in Electrical Engineering, Nuclear Engineering, Cilj rada je da se poprave karakteristike gasnih odvodnika prenapona na niskonaponskom nivou istraživanjem kroz eksperimente koji se vrše na modelu gasnog odvodnika prenapona, kao i na komercijalnim gasnim odvodnicima u dobro kontrolisanim laboratorijskim uslovima. U uvodnim poglavljima rada navode se osnove električnog pražnjenja u gasovima, daju osnovne klasifikacije prenapona, propratnih efekata i prenaponske zaštite. Opisuju se gasni odvodnici prenapona i njihovo funkcionisanje koje se zasniva na električnom proboju gasova. Polazeći od poznatih efekata električnog pražnjenja u gasovima, jonskog izbijanja, fotoelektričnog efekta, memorijskog efekta, hladne i tople emisije i efekta jonizujućeg zračenja u gasovima, ispituju se uslovi koji obezbeđuje pouzdan rad gasnih odvodnika prenapona za koordinaciju izolacije na niskonaponskom nivou u uslovima opterećenja impulsnim naponima proizvoljnog oblika. Rad je teoretskog, eksperimentalnog i numeričkog karaktera. U radu se proverava mogućnost primene kinetičke teorije gasova na gas slobodnih elektrona kao komponentu smeše gasa unutar kojeg je nastao usled dejstva sekundarnog kosmičkog zračenja i sudarnih procesa atoma gasa sa desnog kraja Maksvelovog spektra pri niskim pritiscima. Na bazi ove analize izvode se novi izrazi za jonizacione koeficijente izražene preko ekvivalentne probojne temperature Maksvelovog spektra gasa slobodnih elektrona. To omogućava sagledavanje elementarnih procesa pražnjenja u gasovima, a sve u cilju ostvarenja krajnjeg cilja koji se sastoji u tome da se uz zadržavanje svih dobrih osobina gasnih odvodnika prenapona poprave njegove karakteristike. Na osnovu teoretskih razmatranja izvedeni su izrazi zavisnosti probojnog napona od pd (proizvod pritiska i medjuelektrodnog rastojanja) kao i zavisnost probojnog napona od probojne temperature Maksvelovog spektra gasa slobodnih elektrona. Prethodno navedena teoretska razmatranja su eksperimentalno proverena pod dobro kontrolisanim laboratorijskim uslovim, The purpose of this paper is to improve the characteristics of overvoltage gass arresters on a low-voltage level, through experiments which were done on a model of overvoltage gass arresters in well controlled laboratory conditions. In the first chapters of the paper, the bases of electrical discharge in gasses are given, the basic classification of overvoltage, overvoltage effects and safety issues are given as well. We have described overvoltage gass arresters and their functioning which is based on electrical gass breakage. We have also discussed the known effects of electrical discharge in gasses, ionian outbreak, photoelectric effect, memory effect, cold and warm emissions and effects of Ionic emissions in gasses, and we have examined the conditions which provide reliable operating of overvoltage gass arresters for coordination of isolation on a low-voltage level, in the conditions of a load by impuls voltage, of an arbitary shape. The paper is of a theoretical, experimental and numerical character. It examines a possibility of application of kinetic gass theory onto the gass of free electrones as a component of a gass mixture within which it was created, as a result of the effect of the secondary cosmic emission and collision processes of gass atoms from the right end of the Makswel spectrum, upon low pressure. Based on the results of this analysis, we have given new expressions for Ionic coefficients, expressed by equivalent breakdown temperature of the Makswel spectrum of the gass of the free electrones. That allows insight into elementary processes in gass discharge, in the purpose of reaching the final goal – to improve the characteristcs of gass arresters while keeping their positive traits. Based on theoretical discussions, we have given expressions of dependance on breakdown voltage of pd (product of pressure and inter-electrode distance), as well as the dependance of overvoltage power on breakdown temparature of the Makswel spectrum of the gass of the
- Published
- 2014
22. Prostorna i vremenski razložena spektroskopska dijagnostika laserski indukovane plazme na čvrstoj meti u vazduhu na atmosferskom pritisku
- Author
Cvetić, Jovan, Jovićević, Sonja, Tadić, Milan, Cvejić, Marko B., Cvetić, Jovan, Jovićević, Sonja, Tadić, Milan, and Cvejić, Marko B.
- Abstract
LIBS ili LIPS (Laser Induced Plasma Spectroscopy) - spektroskopija laserski indukovane plazme je relativno nova tehnika za analizu materijala, čiji je razvoj uslovljen tehnološkim napretkom na polju lasera, spektrometara i detektora. Tehnika omogućava multi-elementarnu analizu svih vrsta materijala u realnom vremenu, u raznim sredinama transparentnim za lasersko zračenje, bez zahteva za pripremom uzorka. To je čini pogodnom za mnoge primene, poput kontrole kvaliteta, zaštite čovekove okoline, recikliranje materijala i analize u nedostupnim sredinama. Kvantitativna merenja pomoću LIBS-a, međutim, i dalje pokazuju nižu granicu detekcije i generalno slabiju tačnost u odnosu na druge analitičke metode, iako je postignut značajan napredak u pouzdanosti i preciznosti LIBS merenja za različite tipove materijala. Razlog je nedovoljno poznavanje složene interakcije laserskog zračenja sa ispitivanim uzorkom, koja zavisi od karakteristika lasera (talasna dužina, vreme trajanja impulsa, energije) i svojstva materijala ispitivanog uzorka, kao i nedovoljna proučenost, prostorno i vremenski zavisne interakcije plazme i čestica. Kako su kvantitativna merenja zasnovana na povezivanju (integralnog) intenziteta spektralne linije sa gustinom svih emitujućih čestica u plazmi, i preko toga sa koncentracijom elemenata u uzorku, razumevanje fizičkih procesa i njihove povezanosti u laserski indukovanoj plazmi od suštinskog je značaja za analitičke primene. Najveći deo informacija iz LIBS-a dobija se analizom zračenja plazme. Emisioni spektar je diskretan i sastoji se od atomskih, jonskih i molekulskih linija elemenata prisutnih u plazmi (metala, oksida, stena, legura, itd.). čijim ispitivanjem se može izvršiti detaljna analiza i dijagnostika plazme. Međutim, nehomogenost i vremenske promene oblika LIBS plazme, praćene promenom parametara plazme i emisijom materijala nastalog ablacijom u plazmenom oblaku, znatno otežavaju primenu spektroskopske dijagnostike. Ovaj rad obuhvata analizu tehnika, LIBS (Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy) or LIPS (Laser Induced Plasma Spectrosropy) is a relatively new technique for material analysis, recently developed due to advances in laser technology, spectrometers and detectors. This technique enables a multi-element real time analysis of all kinds of materials without previous sample preparation, making it useful for various applications, like quality control, environmental protection, material recycling and analysis in unavailable environments. Even with advances in reliability and precision of LIBS measurements of different kinds of materials, quantitative measurements that are based on the connection between integral intensity of the spectral line and density of emitting particles in plasma, and via that with concentration of elements in sample, are still challenging for most of the materials and suffer from lower accuracy and detection limits compared to other analytical techniques. The main reasons for that is the complex nature of the lasersample interaction process which is dependent on several laser parameters (wavelength, pulse duration, energy) and on the characteristics of material under investigation, and space and time dependent plasma-particle interactions. Thus, understanding the physical processes and their interactions in laser induced plasma is essential for analytical applications. Most of the information obtained from LIBS measurements come from plasma radiation. Emission spectrum is discreet and includes atomic, ionic and molecular lines of all the elements present in the plasma (metals, oxides, alloys, etc.). Analysis of these spectral lines shapes is a part of analysis and diagnostics of plasma. Difficulties in applying spectral diagnostics in LIBS plasma originate from plasma inhomogeneity, changes in a plasma shape that occur over time followed by changes in plasma parameters and emission of materials due to ablation in the plasma cloud. This work includes the analysis of techniques, fast phot
- Published
- 2014
23. Generalized Traveling Current Return Stroke Model with Current Reflections and Attenuation Along the channel
- Author
Heidler, Fridolin, Cvetić, Jovan, Trifković, Zoran, Ignjatović, Milan, Pavlović, Dragan, Đurić, Radivoje, Ponjavić, Milan, Šumarac Pavlović, Dragana, Mijajlović, Nikola, Heidler, Fridolin, Cvetić, Jovan, Trifković, Zoran, Ignjatović, Milan, Pavlović, Dragan, Đurić, Radivoje, Ponjavić, Milan, Šumarac Pavlović, Dragana, and Mijajlović, Nikola
- Abstract
The generalized traveling current source return stroke model (GTCS), Cvetic and Stanic [1995] is extended to take into account current reflections occurring at ground and at the upper end of the lightning channel, as well as current attenuation along the channel. The ground reflection factor and the top reflection factor of the current pulses are taken from the extended TCS model, Heidler [2007]. Current sources are placed along the activated length of the lightning channel, represented by the channel discharge function introduced in the GTCS model. Multiple reflections give rise to current waves moving up and down along the lightning channel. The total current is composed of the source current according to the original GTCS model and the reflected currents. The current along the channel can be represented as a sum of integrals of current sources along the channel. The traveling-current-source-type of “engineering” return stroke models can be regarded as special cases of the extended GTCS model. Moreover, for a convenient set of input parameters, the transmission-line-type of return stroke models can be also derived from the extended GTCS model. Simultaneously, the existence of the current source at the channel base, inherently built in all transmission-line-type of models is explained. This result is purely theoretical, since these two classes of “engineering” models are based on different physical pictures that describe processes in the lightning channel during the return stroke.
- Published
- 2014
24. Lightning Corona Sheath Dynamics Based on a Generalized Space Charge Distribution
- Author
Heidler, Fridolin, Cvetić, Jovan, Ignjatović, Milan, Pavlović, Dragan, Đurić, Radivoje, Ponjavić, Milan, Šumarac-Pavlović, Dragana, Trifković, Zoran, Mijajlović, Nikola, Heidler, Fridolin, Cvetić, Jovan, Ignjatović, Milan, Pavlović, Dragan, Đurić, Radivoje, Ponjavić, Milan, Šumarac-Pavlović, Dragana, Trifković, Zoran, and Mijajlović, Nikola
- Abstract
A model of corona sheath that surrounds the thin core of the lightning channel has been investigated by using a new space charge function. The lightning channel is modeled by a charged corona sheath that stretches around a highly conductive central core through which the main current flows. The channel core with the negatively charged outer channel sheath forms a strong electric field, with an overall radial orientation. The return stroke process is modeled as the negative leader charge in the corona sheath being discharged by the positive charge coming from the channel core. The corona sheath model [1-5], divides the sheath onto two zones with charges: zone 1 (surrounding the channel core with net positive charge) and zone 2 (surrounding zone 1 with negative charge). We introduced a new expression of the space charge distribution inside both zones that represents the generalization of the previously used space charges. Using certain values of the parameters one can get the previously examined corona charge densities as the special cases of this generalized distribution. Simultaneously, the influence of the new distribution of the space charge on the corona sheath dynamics is examined. Expressions that describe how the corona sheath radius evolves during the return stroke are obtained from the accepted corona sheath model and the new sheath space charge density. The new distribution can be easily applied in the transmission-linetype of models as well.
- Published
- 2014
25. Iniciranje i razvoj proboja u tačkama levo od Pašenovog minimuma
- Author
Osmokrović, Predrag, Cvetić, Jovan, Vasić-Milovanović, Aleksandra, Vujisić, Miloš, Stanković, Koviljka, Jovanović, Bojan, Osmokrović, Predrag, Cvetić, Jovan, Vasić-Milovanović, Aleksandra, Vujisić, Miloš, Stanković, Koviljka, and Jovanović, Bojan
- Abstract
Pašenovom krivom se prikazuje zavisnost vrednosti probojnog napona dvoelektrodnogsistema izolovanog gasom od proizvoda pritiska (p) i meĊuelektrodnog rastojanja (d).Jednoznaĉna zavisnost vrednosti dc probojnog napona od proizvoda pd direktna jeposledica vaţenja zakona sliĉnosti za elektriĉno praţnjenje u gasovima. Pašenova krivaima oblik asimetriĉne U-krive sa izrazitim minimumom koji se naziva Pašenovimminimumom. Pašenov minimum je odreĊen vrednošću pritiska gasa (tj. gustine) prikojoj Tausendov jonizacioni koeficijent ima maksimalnu vrednost u zavisnosti ododnosa meĊuelektrodnog rastojanja srednje slobodne duţine puta elektrona. U taĉkamadesno od Pašenovog minimuma dc probojni napon se moţe, uslovno, smatratideterministiĉkom veliĉinom tj. veliĉinom prilikom ĉijeg odreĊivanja je dominantnamerna nesigurnost tip B. To je posledica ĉinjenice da se u taĉkama desno od Pašenovogminimuma dc proboj odvija samoodrţavajućim gasnim multiplikativnim procesom uzvremensku konstatu promene napona mnogo veću od vremena karakteristiĉnog zaodvijanje elementarnih procesa gasnog praţnjenja. U taĉkama levo od Pašenovogminimuma dc proboj se odvija kombinacijom gasnih mehanizama i vakuumskihmehanizmima, a javlja se i takozvani anomalni Pašenov efekat. To uslovljava da dcprobojni napon u taĉkama levo od Pašenovog minimuma bude statistiĉka veliĉina tj.veliĉina prilikom ĉijeg odreĊivanja je dominantna merna nesigurnost tip A. Vrednostimpulsnog probojnog napona je stohastiĉka veliĉina i levo i desno od Pašenovogminimuma. To je posledica ĉinjenice da je vremenska konstanta promene impulsnognapona istog reda veliĉine kao vreme karakteristiĉno za odvijanje elementarnih procesgasnog praţnjenja. U radu se razmatraju mehanizmi iniciranja i razvoja proboja gasovau taĉkama levo od Pašenovog minimuma. Statistiĉkom analizom eksperimentalnihrezultata, dobijenih pod dobro kontrolisanim laboratirijskim uslovima, pokazano je dase oblast levo od Pašenovog minimuma moţe, uslovno, podeliti na tri podoblasti., Paschen curve illustrates the dependence of the breakdown voltage of a gas insulatedtwo-electrode system on the product of pressure (p) and inter-electrode distance (d). Thevalidity of the similarity law for gas electrical breakdown produces direct dependence ofthe dc breakdown voltage on the pd product. Paschen curve is an asymmetrical U shapewith a prominent minimum, called the Paschen minimum. The Paschen minimumcorresponds to the gas pressure (i.e. density) at which the Townsend ionizationcoefficient is largest, with respect to the ratio between the inter-electrode distance andthe electron mean free path.The dc breakdown voltage which occurs in the region to the right of the Paschenminimum, can be regarded as a deterministic quantity, i.e. a quantity for which type Buncertainty dominates its measurement. This results from the fact that to the right of thePaschen minimum dc breakdown occurs via self-sustained multiplication process in thegas, where the time constant of voltage change is much greater than the timecharacteristic of elementary gas discharge processes. In the range to the left of thePaschen minimum, dc breakdown occurs through a combination of gas mechanisms andvacuum mechanisms, and also as the so called anomalous Paschen effect. Because ofthis, in the range to the left of the Paschen minimum the dc breakdown voltage is astochastic quantity, i.e. a quantity for which type A measurement uncertainty isdominant. The impulse breakdown voltage value is stochastic both to the left and to theright of the Paschen minimum. This derives from the fact that the time constant of avoltage pulse change is on the same order of magnitude as the time characteristic ofelementary gas discharge processes. Mechanisms of gas breakdown initiation anddevelopment in the range to the left of the Paschen minimum are investigated in thispaper. Experiments were conducted for gas pressures from 10-9to 10-1bar and interelectrodegaps from 0.1 to 1 mm. The statistical analysis shows
- Published
- 2013
26. Generalized TCS Model with the Current Reflection at Ground and at the Upper End of the Lightning Channel
- Author
Cvetić, Jovan, Trifković, Zoran, Pavlović, Dragan, Marković, Slavoljub, Đurić, Radivoje, Ponjavić, Milan, Šumarac Pavlović, Dragana, Trajkovski, Bojan, Cvetić, Jovan, Trifković, Zoran, Pavlović, Dragan, Marković, Slavoljub, Đurić, Radivoje, Ponjavić, Milan, Šumarac Pavlović, Dragana, and Trajkovski, Bojan
- Abstract
The generalized travelling current source model (GTCS) is extended to take into account the current reflections occurring at ground and at the upper end of the lightning channel. The ground reflection and the top reflection factors are overtaken from the extended TCS model. The current sources are placed along the activated length of the lightning channel and represented by the channel discharge function introduced earlier in the GTCS model. The multiple reflections originate current waves moving up and down on the lightning channel. The total current is composed by the source current according to the original GTCS model and the reflected currents. The current along the channel can be represented as two sums of the integrals of the current sources along the channel.
- Published
- 2013
27. Modified Lightning Traveling Current Source Return Stroke Model
- Author
Cvetić, Jovan, Trifković, Zoran, Pavlović, Dragan, Marković, Slavoljub, Đurić, Radivoje, Ponjavić, Milan, Šumarac Pavlović, Dragana, Trajkovski, Bojan, Cvetić, Jovan, Trifković, Zoran, Pavlović, Dragan, Marković, Slavoljub, Đurić, Radivoje, Ponjavić, Milan, Šumarac Pavlović, Dragana, and Trajkovski, Bojan
- Abstract
The classical lightning traveling current source (TCS) return stroke model without current reflections is considered. The TCS model is modified to take into account the current component caused by the transferred line charge density along the channel core below the return stroke wave-front. For the TCS model without current reflections this modification has yielded the final results similar to those of the Bruce-Golde model (BG). In the modified TCS model (MTCS) the distribution of the channel current is uniform i.e. there is no line charge along the core below the return stroke wave-front. Nevertheless, the physical picture of the discharge differs significantly from that of the BG model. For the TCS model with the current reflections from the ground and from the upper end of the lightning channel the modification is more complex. In this case the transferred line charge density along the channel core can be calculated from the equation of continuity.
- Published
- 2013
28. The Influence of the Breakdown Electric Field in the Lightning Corona Sheath on the Dynamics of the Return Stroke
- Author
Trifković, Zoran, Ponjavić, Milan, Šumarac Pavlović, Dragana, Radosavljević, Ana, Cvetić, Jovan, Heidler, Fridolin, Đurić, Radivoje, Trifković, Zoran, Ponjavić, Milan, Šumarac Pavlović, Dragana, Radosavljević, Ana, Cvetić, Jovan, Heidler, Fridolin, and Đurić, Radivoje
- Abstract
A generalized lightning traveling current source (GTCS) return stroke model has been used to examine the characteristics of the lightning channel corona sheath surrounding a thin channel core. The return stroke process is modeled with positive charge coming from the channel core discharging negative leader charge in the corona sheath. The corona sheath model that predicts charge motion in the sheath is used to derive sheath radius vs. time expressions during the return stroke. According to the corona sheath model, previously proposed by Maslowski and Rakov [2006] and Maslowski et al. [2009], it consists of two zones, zone 1 (surrounding the channel core with net positive charge) and zone 2 (surrounding zone 1 with negative charge). We adopted the assumption of a constant electric field inside zone 1 of the corona sheath observed in laboratory experimental research of corona discharges. We examined the influence of different magnitudes of the breakdown electric field at the boundaries of both zones on the dynamics of the return stroke. This approach can be viewed as a generalization of the corona sheath model given in the previous study by Cvetic et al. [2011]. The calculations have shown that the radii of zones 1 and 2 decrease with the increase of the breakdown electric field in the corresponding zone. Similar conclusion holds for the velocities of zone 1 and 2 boundaries. However, their velocities are much lower (about three orders of magnitude) than the return stroke velocity, Tausanovic et al. [2010]. Simultaneously, a slight decrease of zero crossing time of the velocity of zone 1 boundary, as well as a decrease of the quotient of maximum radii of both zones are observed.
- Published
- 2012
29. Extension of Lightning Corona Sheath Model during Return Stroke
- Author
Cvetić, Jovan, Osmokrović, Predrag, Heidler, Fridolin, Trifković, Zoran, Cvetić, Jovan, Osmokrović, Predrag, Heidler, Fridolin, and Trifković, Zoran
- Abstract
A generalized lightning traveling current source return stroke model has been used to examine the characteristics of the lightning channel corona sheath. A model of lightning channel consisting of a charged corona sheath and a narrow, high conducting central core is assumed. The return stroke process is modeled with the positive charge coming from the channel core discharging the negative leader charge in the corona sheath. According to the corona sheath model proposed earlier by Maslowski and Rakov, it consists of three zones, zone 1 (inner zone containing net positive charge), zone 2 (surrounding zone 1 with negative charge and outer zone 3 without charge. We adopted the assumption of a constant electric field inside zone 1 of the corona sheath proved in the experimental research of the corona discharges in a coaxial geometry of Cooray. This assumption seems to be more realistic than the assumption of a uniform corona space charge density used previously in the study of Maslowski and Rakov, Marjanovic and Cvetic, and Tausanovic et al. Based on the measurements of the electric field performed by Miki et al, the conductivity of the channel sheath in zone 1 is calculated.
- Published
- 2011
30. Predavanja iz fizike
- Author
Georgijević, Veljko, Cvetić, Jovan, Stanić, Božidar, Ilić, Jelena, Marinković, Predrag, Brajović, Ljiljana, Trifković, Zoran, Jovanović, Jasmina, Nikolić, Konstantin, Kočinac, Saša, Lončar, Boris, Osmokrović, Predrag, Ostojić, Stanko, Stanković, Dragan, Šašić, Rajko, Vasić, Aleksandra, Georgijević, Julijana, Konjajev-Mihajlidi, Tatjana, Mitrinović, Mihailo, Georgijević, Veljko, Cvetić, Jovan, Stanić, Božidar, Ilić, Jelena, Marinković, Predrag, Brajović, Ljiljana, Trifković, Zoran, Jovanović, Jasmina, Nikolić, Konstantin, Kočinac, Saša, Lončar, Boris, Osmokrović, Predrag, Ostojić, Stanko, Stanković, Dragan, Šašić, Rajko, Vasić, Aleksandra, Georgijević, Julijana, Konjajev-Mihajlidi, Tatjana, and Mitrinović, Mihailo
- Published
- 2005
31. Stochastic Nature of Electrical Breakdown in Vacuum.
- Author
Osmokrović, Predrag, Vujisić, Miloš, Cvetić, Jovan, and Pešić, Miroslav
- Subjects
ELECTRIC insulators & insulation ,DIELECTRICS ,ELECTRICAL conductors ,ELECTRICAL engineering ,ELECTRIC potential - Abstract
This paper presents measurement results for the random variable "vacuum breakdown voltage", obtained by the application of pulse, dc, and ac voltage. Parameters varied during the measurements were: 1) vacuum pressure and 2) inter-electrode gap width. The measurements were performed under strictly controlled laboratory conditions. Conclusions about the influence that the variable parameters in the experiment exert on the parameters of theoretical statistical distributions have been drawn, based on the statistical analysis of the obtained experimental results. The obtained results have been explained by the mechanisms constituting the process of electrical breakdown in vacuum. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2007
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32. Радијациона стабилност полимерних, геополимерних и композитних материјала за примене у управљању радиоактивним отпадом
- Author
Vujović, Milan, Vujisić, Miloš, Cvetić, Jovan, Đurišić, Željko, and Vujičić, Ivica
- Subjects
Radioactive Waste, Radioactive Waste Storage, Radioactive Waste Disposal, Polymeric materials, Geopolymer materials, Composite materials, Radiation Hardness, Numerical Modeling, Monte Carlo Simulations, Radiation Effects ,Радиоактивни отпад, складиштење радиоактивног отпада, одлагање радиоактивног отпада, полимерни материјали, геополимерни материјали, композитни материјали, радијациона стабилност, нумеричко моделовање, Монте Карло симулације, радијациони ефекти - Abstract
Радиоактивни материјали користе се у бројним гранама медицине, привреде, за производњу електричне енергије и у научно-истраживачком раду. Радиоактивни материјали чија се даља употреба не планира проглашавају се радиоактивним отпадом. Радиоактивни отпад који садржи довољно активности или има време полураспада довољно дуго да се не може одмах испустити у животну средину мора се на адекватан начин сакупити а потом складиштити, обрађивати и коначно, ако се не може ослободити у животну средину, одложити. Сигурност управљања радиоактивним отпадом, у значајној мери заснива се на поузданости контејнера у које је радиоактивни отпад смештен. Правилан избор типа и материјала контејнера и његових елемената као што је испуна одредиће његово понашање у условима дугорочног излагања јонизујућем зрачењу и другим условима током складиштења и одлагања радиоактивног отпада како у нормалним условима тако и у случају потенцијалног акцидента. У овој дисертацији анализирано је неколико полимерних, геополимерних и композитних материјала као потенцијални кандидати за испуну у различитим типовима контејнера за складиштење и одлагање ислужених радиоактивних извора и радиоактивног отпада, са становишта утицаја јонизујућег зрачења. Погодност испитиваних материјала за наведене примене испитивана је Монте Карло симулацијама које дају вредности апсорбоване енергије у испунама контејнера различитих састава и димензија. Радиоактивни извори који се користе у симулационим моделима укључују најчешће ислужене радиоактивне изворе као и најчешће радионуклиде који се налазе у ниско, средње и високо активном радиоактивном отпаду. У симулационим моделима примењени су тачни геометријски модели испитиваних ситуација а такође је узет у обзир утицај слагања контејнера, било у складишту или у одлагалишту, на дозу у испуни. Резултати симулација коришћени су за израчунавање натпритиска унутар контејнера, узрокованог гасом који се ствара у унутрашњој испуни услед радиолизе. За сваки од испитиваних материјала одређују се и две врсте граница активности отпада: једна испод које се натпритисак смањује након почетног скока изазваног топлотом и друга која резултира натпритиском који остаје испод максимално дозвољене вредности. Промене молекуларне масе полимерних и композитних материјала услед излагања јонизујућем зрачењу су такође израчунате, како би се проверило да ли се може очекивати деградација механичких карактеристика оклопа изазвана радијацијом. Добијени резултати показују да су, у погледу ефеката изазваних излагањем јонизујућем зрачењу, испитивани материјали компатибилни са предложеном употребом као унутрашња испуна у контејнерима за складиштење и одлагање ислужених радиоактивних извора, ниско, средње и високо активног радиоактивног отпада. Radioactive materials have various applications in medicine, industry, for electricity production and in scientific and research applications. Radioactive materials whose further use is not planned are declared as radioactive waste. Radioactive waste that contains activity high enough or has a half-life long enough that it cannot be immediately released into the environment must be adequately collected and then stored, processed and finally, if it cannot be released into the environment, disposed of. The safety of radioactive waste management is largely based on the reliability of the containers in which the radioactive waste is stored. Proper choice of container type and material and its elements such as inner shielding will determine its behavior under conditions of long-term exposure to ionizing radiation and other conditions during storage and disposal of radioactive waste both under normal conditions and in the case of a potential accident. In this dissertation, several polymeric, geopolymeric and composite materials are analyzed as potential candidates for inner shielding in different types of containers for storage and disposal of disused sealed radioactive sources and radioactive waste, from the point of view of ionizing radiation. The suitability of the investigated materials for these applications was tested by Monte Carlo simulations that give the values of the absorbed dose in the inner shielding of containers of different compositions and dimensions. Radioactive sources used in simulation models include the most commonly used sealed radioactive sources as well as the most common radionuclides found in low-, intermediate- and high-level radioactive waste. Accurate geometric models of the tested situations were applied in the simulation models, and the influence of stacking of containers, either in the storage or in the disposal facility, on the dose to inner shielding was also taken into account. The simulation results were used to calculate the overpressure inside the container, caused by the gas generated in the inner shielding due to radiolysis. For each of the investigated materials, two types of waste activity limits are determined: one below which the overpressure decreases after the initial increase caused by heat and the other which results in an overpressure that remains below the maximum allowable value. Changes in the molecular weight of polymeric and composite materials due to exposure to ionizing radiation were also calculated, in order to check whether degradation of the mechanical characteristics of the inner shielding caused by exposure to radiation can be expected. The obtained results show that, in terms of the effects caused by exposure to ionizing radiation, the investigated materials are compatible with the proposed use as internal shielding in containers for storage and disposal of spent radioactive sources, low-, medium- and high-level radioactive waste.
- Published
- 2022
33. Динамика наелектрисања короне у цилиндричноj геометриjи услед атмосферских пражњења
- Author
Ignjatović, Milan, Cvetić, Jovan, Vujisić, Miloš, Javor, Vesna, Đurišić, Željko, and Olćan, Dragan
- Subjects
атмосферско пражњење, повратни удар, корона , дрифт-дифузиони модел, QV крива, ударни талас ,lightning, return stroke, corona, drift-diffusion model, QV curve, surge wave - Abstract
Корона jе парциjално пражњење коjе се jавља у нехомогеном електричном пољу у ваздуху на атмосферском притиску. Представља спољни део канала атмосферског пра- жњења и jавља се око жичаних проводника у присуству пренапона. Удари атмосферских пражњења су jедан од наjчешћих узрока кварова на надземним водовима и разводним по- строjењима. Када атмосферско пражњење удари у надземни вод, ударни талас пренапона се простире дуж проводника. Инjектована струjа атмосферског пражњења jе последица неутрализациjе наелектрисања у корона омотачу током фазе повратног удара. Поред тога, корона коjа се формира око проводника надземног вода jе ефекат коjи наjвише утиче на временску зависност импулса током простирања. Долази до смањења амплитуде и стрми- не импулса, што се се узима у обзир приликом проjектовања заштите. Дисертациjа се бави изучавањем корона пражњења у цилиндричноj геометриjи, каквo постоjи код канала ат- мосферског пражњења и високонапонских жичаних проводника. Разматраће се динамика наелектрисања корона пражњења коjе се jавља при негативном поларитету напона, с об- зиром да негативна силазна атмосферска пражњења чине већину свих пражњења између облака и земље. За анализу расподеле наелектрисања унутар канала атмосферског пражњења током повратног удара коришћен jе генералисани модел са путуjућим струjним извором. Прет- постављено jе да унутар корона омотача постоjе две зоне наелектрисања чиjе су грани- це одређене радиjалним електростатичким пољем коjе има доминантан утицаj. Уведена jе нова генерална функциjа радиjалне расподеле наелектрисања унутар зона. Валидност усвоjених модела jе проверавана поређењем са резултатима мерења блиског електричног поља до коjих су раниjа истраживања дошла у експериментима вештачки изазваних ат- мосферских пражњења. Показано jе да се поjава премашаjа позитивног електричног поља може обjаснити разматрањем рефлексиjа струjних импулса од земље. Извршена jе про- вера претпоставке да jе електрично поље унутар канала у претежно радиjалном правцу и спроведена jе процедура оптимизациjе вредности полупречника канала атмосферског пражњења, како би се узео у обзир утицаj вертикалног електричног поља. Инжењерски модели короне коjи се користе за процену укупног генерисаног наелек- трисања у зависности од примењеног напона се засниваjу на феноменолошком опису фи- зичких процеса током пражњења. Ради провере физиких претпоставки коjе се наjчешће усваjаjу, коришћен jе детаљан физички дрифт-дифузиони модел кинетике честица. Реша- вањем jедначина континуитета за честице коjе учествуjу у пражњењу, долази се до про- сторне расподеле и временске зависности концентрациjа честица и електричног поља око жице. Зависност генерисаног наелектрисања од примењеног напона (QV крива) добиjена дрифт-дифузионим моделом jе показала добро слагање са резултатима мерења у експери- ментима спроведеним у раниjим истраживањима. Приказана jе детаљна теориjска анализа процеса пражњења коjи jе подељен у три фазе. Показано jе да се дрифт-дифузиони модел може имплементирати код прорачуна простирања ударног таласа дуж надземног вода. Притом се мора извести модификациjа вредности коефициjената jонизациjе, како би се узео у обзир ефекат стримера коjи представљаjу танка филаментарна пражњења. Corona is a partial discharge that occurs in nonuniform electric field in air under atmospheric pressure. Corona sheath represents the outer part of the lightning channel and the corona discharge is generated around wire conductors in the presence of overvoltages. Lightning strike is one of the most significant cause of failures on power lines and substations. When the lightning strikes the overhead wire, surge wave starts to travel along the transmission line. Injected lighting current is the consequence of the charge neutralization inside the corona sheath during the return stroke phase. Besides, corona discharge around the wire is the most significant effect that causes the distortion of the travelling pulse. Decrease of the pulse amplitude and steepness is considered during protection design. In this dissertation, corona discharge is studied in cylindrical geometry of lightning channel and wires. The charge dynamics in the corona of the negative polarity will be analyzed, since the negative downward lightning is the most frequent type of the discharges between clouds and ground. Generalized travelling current source model is used for the analysis of the charge distribution inside the lightning channel during the return stroke. It is hypothesized that there are two zones of charges in the corona sheath, with the boundaries determined by the dominant radial electrostatic field. New generalized function for the radial distribution of charge inside the zones is introduced. Validity of the adopted models is checked by the comparison with the results of the measured near electric field in the triggered lightning experiments which were performed by Miki. It is showed that the positive electric field overshoot can be explained by considering current reflections from the ground. The assumption that the electric field inside the lightning channel is predominantly in the radial direction is checked and the procedure for determining the lightning channel radius considering vertical electric field is developed. Engineering models of the corona discharge which are used for the estimation of the total generated charge depending on the voltage magnitude are based on a phenomenological description of the physical processes. The detailed physical drift-diffusion model for the particle kinetics is used to investigate the validity of the most common assumptions adopted in the formulation of engineering models. The radial distribution and time dependence of the particles’ concentrations and the electric field are obtained by solving the continuity equations for the particles participating in the discharge. Total generated charge dependence versus voltage magnitude (QV curve) showed good agreement with the results of the experiments performed by Cooray and Noda. Detailed theoretical analysis of the three stage discharge process is presented. It is showed that the drift-diffusion model can be implemented for the calculation of the travelling surge wave along the overhead wire. For that, the modification of the ionization coefficient value must be performed in order to take into account the effect of the thin filamentary discharges called streamers.
- Published
- 2021
34. Карактеризација термовизијских система са панорамским приказом за надзор покретних објеката
- Author
Knežević, Dragan, Matavulj, Petar, Nikolić, Zoran, and Cvetić, Jovan
- Subjects
Contrast threshold value, IR aircraft signature, IRST systems, multisensor passive network, prefiltering, spatial filter, target models, temporal filter, thermography, triangulation ,временски филтер, ИЦ сигнатура авиона, IRST системи, модел циља, мултисензорска пасивна мрежа, праг контраста, предфилтрирање, просторни филтер, термографија, триангулација - Abstract
Предложена тема припада области инфрацрвене (ИЦ) оптоелектронске технике. Најсавременији приступ решавању проблема квалитетног надзора, ране детекције и праћење промена у оквиру посматране сцене, заснива се на термовизијским системима са панорамским приказом, ИРСТ (Infrared Search and Tracking) система у оквиру мрежноцентричног концепта, чијом применом се остварује правовремено уочавање циља и превентивни одзив самог система у зависности од његове намене, одговарајућим управљањем КИС надзора, на енергетски ефикасан начин... Suggested theme belongs to domain infrared (IR) optoelectronic technique. The most recent approach of solving the problem of quality monitoring, early detection and tracking changes of infrared search and tracking (IRST) systems with panoramic display.
- Published
- 2021
35. Dejstvo impulsnog lasera na titanijumsku metu: površinski efekti
- Author
Ciganović, Jovan, Matavulj, Petar, Mihailović, Peđa, Stašić, Jelena, Momčilović, Miloš, and Cvetić, Jovan
- Subjects
picosecond and femtosecond laser ,titanijum ,femtosekundnim laserom ,Interaction with nanosecond ,pikosekundnim ,titanium ,modifikacija površine ,surface modification ,Interakcija sa nanosekundnim - Abstract
Interakcija lasera sa metalima proučava se decenijama, a posebno je intenzivirana u poslednje vreme, usled razvoja novih, efikasnih impulsnih lasera. Istraživanja u ovoj tezi su fokusirana na titanijum, koji poseduje niz odličnih osobina, što ga čini primenljivim u različitim savremenim tehnologijama. Obrada i procesiranje titanijuma mogući su različitim tehnikama, a primena lasera daje poseban kvalitet, poput visoke preciznosti obrade ili dobijanja specifičnih struktura na površini koje nije moguće generisati drugim metodama. Cilj ove doktorske disertacije je eksperimentalna optimizacija površinskog modifikovanja titanijuma impulsnim nano-, piko-, i femto-sekundnim laserima. Kao izvori laserskog zračenja korišćeni su nanosekundni CO2 laser, pikosekundni Nd:YAG, i femtosekundni Ti:safirni laser. Poznato je da stepen površinske modifikacije mete zavisi od parametara laserskog zračenja (talasne dužine, dužine trajanja impulsa, energije impulsa, itd.), od geometrije fokusiranja, od stanja površine i apsorptivnosti mete, kao i od sredine u kojoj se interakcija odvija. U cilju nalaženja optimalnih uslova za površinsku modifikaciju titanijuma ispitan je uticaj pojednih parametara lasera, kao i uticaj ambijenta. Utvrđeno je da primenjeni intenziteti laserskog zračenja dovode do modifikacija površine mete, pri čemu impulsi različitog trajanja drugačije modifikuju titanijumsku metu. Nanosekundni i pikosekundni laseri dovode do difuznog karaktera oštećenja uz prisustvo termalnih efekata, dok korišćenje femtosekundnih impulsa rezultuje u bolje definisanim oblastima oštećenja. Pokazano je da promena sredine ozračivanja presudno utiče na hemijski sastav i morfologiju površine mete. The interaction of lasers with metals has been studied for decades, and has been especially intensified lately, due to the development of new, efficient pulsed lasers. Research in this thesis is focused on titanium, which has a number of excellent properties, making it applicable in various modern technologies. Treatment and processing of titanium is possible with various techniques, and the application of lasers gives a special quality, such as high precision machining or obtaining specific structures on the surface which cannot be generated by other methods. The goal of this doctoral dissertation is the experimental optimization of surface processing of titanium by pulsed nano-, pico-, and femto-second lasers. Laser radiation sources used were nanosecond CO2 laser, picosecond Nd:YAG, and femtosecond Ti: sapphire laser. It is known that the degree of surface modification of the target depends on laser radiation parameters (wavelength, pulse duration, pulse energy, etc.), focus geometry, the state of the surface and the absorption of the target, as well as from the environment in which the interaction takes place. In order to find the optimal conditions for surface modification of titanium, the influence of certain laser parameters, as well as the influence of the ambient, was examined. It has been found that the applied laser radiation intensities lead to the modification of the target surface, and that the pulses of different duration modify the titanium target in various way. Nanosecond and picosecond lasers lead to a diffuse character of damaged area with the presence of thermal effects, while the use of femtosecond pulses results in better defined area of damage. It has been shown that the change in the ambient of the irradiation affects the chemical composition and morphology of the target surface.
- Published
- 2020
36. Еволуција плазма канала код тригерованих атмосферских пражњена
- Author
Pavlović, Dragan, Cvetić, Jovan, Šekara, Tomislav, Kuraica, Milorad, Milovanović, Gradimir V., and Kolundžija, Branko
- Subjects
analytical methods ,електрична проводност ,динамика канала муње ,Волтерина интегрална једначина ,конволуционе квадратуре ,electric conductivity ,Laplace transform ,convolution quadrature ,numerical methods ,lightning channel dynamic ,Лапласова трансформација ,Volterra integral equation ,electric field - Abstract
Plasma channel evolution is of fundamental interest for the study of the lightning physics, the electrodynamics of the atmosphere and for electrical engineering practice. The subject of this dissertation is the development of detailed and efficient numerical algorithms for application in the study of the lightning channel evolution. First off all, the classical numerical methods for the calculating the three - dimensional integrals were used to calculate the axial electric field along the lightning channel axis. The results measurement of the negative triggered lightning discharge have been used as input parameters during calculation. Different engineering models were used in the calculation - the TL, the MTLE, the MTLP, the MTLE and the GTCS model. Obtained results for electric field as well as the point form of Ohm’s law have been used to calculate the profile of longitudinal electrical conductivity on the lightning channel. The comparison with the experimental results was performed. It has been shown that the mean values of the mentioned physical quantities are in accordance with the experimental results. On the basis of the experimental results and semi-empirical formulas, other essential parameters of the lightning channel (the concentration and the temperature of the carriers) can be estimated. After a detailed overview of all methods used in the literature to study the lightning channel dynamics, the decision was to use the GTCS model. For this purpose, it is necessary to precisely calculate the channel discharge function from Volterra integral equation of the first kind. This equation is solved analytically by Laplace transformation, as well as by the convolution quadrature method (CQ method). The Volterra equation is also solved by the modified composite trapezoidal formula method (MCTF method), which is one of the numerical methods used to provide a very high degree of accuracy with minimal approximations. Results showed excellent agreement with the analytical method. Obtained channel discharge function is used in the calculations of other physical parameters along radial and axial directions of the channel. Based on the afore stated results, the guidelines for further study of the lightning channel dynamics are given. Еволуција канала је од базичног значаја за проучавање физик канала муње, електродинамика атмосфере као и за електроинжењерску праксу. Циљ ове дисертације је развој детаљних аналитичких и нумеричких алгоритама.
- Published
- 2019
37. Modelovanje proboja u gasovima Monte Karlo tehnikom
- Author
Puač, Marija, Petrović, Zoran Lj., Cvetić, Jovan, and Đorđević, Antonije
- Subjects
radiofrekvencijski proboj ,radiofrekvencijske plazme ,Radiofrequency breakdown ,Charged particles transport ,Radiofrequency plasma ,Monte Karlo tehnika ,Monte Carlo technique ,kretanje naelektrisanih čestica - Abstract
Zbog velike zastupljenosti radiofrekvencijskih (RF) plazmi u industriji javila se potreba za definisanjem osnovnih fizičkih principa koji određuju proboj u RF električnim poljima. Uslovi, u vidu probojnog napona i pritiska, mogu se prikazati naponskom probojnom krivom, predstavljenom u V-p ravni. Oblik i položaj krive definisani su kako prirodom pozadinskog gasa tako i karakteristikama spoljašnjeg RF električnog izvora. Ova disertacija ima za cilj da nedvosmisleno definiše fizičke procese koji su odgovorni za proboj pri RF električnim poljima. Za to je korišćena Monte Karlo tehnika. Odabirom slučajnih brojeva, uz poznavanje preseka za određene procese, moguće je verno (čak se može tvrditi egzaktno) opisati kretanje roja naelektrisanih čestica između dve elektrode koje su pobuđene RF generatorom. Izgradnja modela je započeta posmatranjem kretanja elektrona u argonu pri frekvenciji od 13,56 MHz. Na primeru argona objašnjeni su osnovni mehanizmi proboja koji definišu oblik naponske probojne krive. Nadogradnja modela, kao verodostojne predstave RF proboja, uključuje efekte na površinama elektroda (refleksiju i emisiju sekundarnih elektrona), uticaj promene frekvencije i dvofrekvencijskih izvora, kao i teških čestica. Model je primenjen na različite gasove: helijum, kiseonik, sintetički vazduh i atmosfera Marsa. The wide range of radiofrequency (RF) plasma applications in industry rely on research of fundamental physical processes responsible for the RF breakdown. Conditions, such as the breakdown voltage and pressure, can be presented by breakdown voltage curves in the V-p plane. The shape and coordinates of the curve are defined by the nature of the background gas and characteristics of the applied RF electric field. The goal of this dissertation is to define physical processes responsible for the RF breakdown. For that purpose a Monte Carlo computational code has been used. If one knows cross sections for different processes by employing a random number generator, the transport of electrons between two electrodes can be determined. The development of the RF breakdown model begun by observing the motion of electrons in argon at the field frequency of 13.56 MHz. Argon was used to explain the basic mechanisms that define the shape of the breakdown voltage curve. Further upgrade of the model involved inclusion of the surface effects on electrodes (reflection and secondary electron emission), the influence of frequency and dual frequency RF power supplies, as well as the influence of heavy particles on the breakdown. The model was applied to different gases: helium, oxygen, and synthetic air, as well as the atmosphere of Mars.
- Published
- 2019
38. Заштита надземних водова од атмосферских пренапона у екстремним условима
- Author
Banjanin, Mladen S., Stojković, Zlatan, Mikulović, Jovan, Salamon, Dragutin, Cvetić, Jovan, and Stojanović, Zoran
- Subjects
атмосферски пренапони ,модели елемената ,models of elements ,lightning overvoltages ,надземни водови ,overhead electric power lines ,lightning protection systems ,системи заштите - Abstract
Основни задатак сваког електроенергетског система (ЕЕС) јесте снадбијевање потрошача квалитетном и јефтином електричном енергијом. Да би се овај задатак испунио многи проблеми који се јављају у раду ЕЕС-а морају бити рјешени, а један од израженијих је заштита његових дијелова од атмосферских пренапона... The fundamental task of every electric power system (EPS) is to provide the consumers with a quality and cheap electrical energy. To accomplish this task, many problems occurring in the operation of an EPS must be solved, and one of the significant ones is the protection of its parts against lightning overvoltages...
- Published
- 2017
39. Interplay of cavitation bubble and plasma emision during single pulse laser induced breakdown on submerged target
- Author
Gavrilović, Marijana, Cvetić, Jovan, Matavulj, Petar, and Cvejić, Marko
- Subjects
OES ,underwater plasma ,kavitacioni mehur ,SP LIBS ,plazma pod vodom ,cavitation bubble - Abstract
Although the experimental setup needed for the plasma and cavitation bubble creation with the laser is relatively simple, enormous variety of physical processes take place in this experiment, covering the topics from uid dynamics, to heat and mass transfer, to chemical reactions, plasma physics and light emission. Laser induced plasma (LIP) shows a wide range of characteristics depending on the experimental parameters used for its creation. In addition to the complexity of the LIP itself, when such a plasma is created inside the liquid environment several extra factors come into play, making both the experimental and theoretical investigation highly challenging tasks. In a liquid environment, besides plasma formation due to the laser action, the shock wave and cavitation bubble are created, all of them sharing the input laser energy. Due to the interrelation of the phenomena occurring after laser induced breakdown (LIB) in liquid environment, shock wave, bubble and plasma emission, in order to get real insight into the physics of the processes, one need to study more than one eect at the same time. In this study main focus was on the last two aspects of the LIB, i.e. cavitation bubble and plasma emission, while the subject of the shock wave emergence and propagation was also discussed in short. The mutual impact of these two extremely interesting phenomena, laser produced plasma and the cavitation bubble, is considered very important for numerous applications, the production of nanoparticles being one of the more popular recently. Cavitation bubble plays a crucial role in determining the size, shape and chemistry of the products of laser ablation in liquid. Although its importance have been recognized and many research groups are dealing with this topic, a lots of speculations about the role of the cavitation bubble in nanoparticles production still exist. Another point on which the opinions about the cavitation bubble are divergent regards the question of double pulse laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (DP-LIBS). Plasma-bubble relations in DP-LIBS are still not very well documented, while the relation between the plasma and bubble in single pulse laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (SP-LIBS) are almost completely missing... Eksperimentalna postavka potrebna za stvarae plazme i mehura u vodi rel- ativno je jednostavna, ali je raznovrsnost fiziqkih procesa koji se odigravaju u ovom eksperimentu ogromna, obuhvatajui po a od dinamike fluida, prenosa toplote i mase, hemijskih reakcija, fizike plazme i emisije svetlosti. Laser- ski proizvedena plazma LPP moe imati xirok spektar karakteristika u zav- isnosti od korixenih ekpserimentalnih parametara. Pored sloenosti same LPP, kada se takva plazma formira unutar teqnosti, nekoliko dodatnih fak- tora postaje relevantno, xto qini i teorijska i eksperimentalna istraivaa izazovnim zadatkom. U teqnom okrueu, pored formiraa plazme dolazi i do formiraa udarnog talasa i kavitacionog mehura od kojih svaki proces troxi deo energije. Usled meusobne povezanosti ovih pojava, kako bi se dobio pravi uvid u fiziku procesa, potrebno je prouqavati vixe procesa istovremeno. U ovom radu glavni akcenat istraivaa je na kavitacionom mehuru i zraqeu plazme, dok je pitae pojav ivaa udarnog talasa i egovog prostiraa disku- tovano u kratkim crtama. Uzajamno dejstvo ova dva veoma interesantna fenom- ena, laserski proizvedene plazme i kavitacionog mehura, veoma je vano za veliki broj primena, od kojih je u poslede vreme proizvoda nanoqestica najpopularnija. Kavitacioni mehur ima presudnu ulogu u odreivau veli- qine, oblika i hemije proizvoda laserske ablacije u teqnosti. Iako je vanost mehura prepoznata i mnoge istraivaqke grupe se bave ovom tematikom i da e postoji dosta nejasnoa oko uloge kavitacionog mehura u proizvodi nanoqes- tica. Druga tema oko koje takoe postoje neslagaa oko kavitacionog mehura je spektroskopija laserski indukovanog proboja sa dva laserska impulsa. (DP LIBS). Odnosi izmeu plazme i mehura u DP LIBS-u jox uvek nisu dovo no dokumentovani, dok je takav odnos kod laserskog proboja jednim impulsom (SP LIBS) apsolutna nepoznanica...
- Published
- 2017
40. Monte Karlo simulacija transporta pozitrona u realnim sistemima ispunjenim gasom
- Author
Marjanović, Srđan D., Petrović, Zoran Lj., Cvetić, Jovan, and Kolundžija, Branko
- Subjects
Pozitroni ,positrons ,positronium formation ,carbon tetrafluoride ,Pozitronski trap ,positron trap ,simulation ,Formiranje pozitronijuma ,nitrogen ,Vodena para ,Azot ,water vapor ,Karbon tetrafluorid ,Monte Carlo ,Simulacija - Abstract
Napredak uređaja za akumulaciju i skladištenje pozitrona omogućava sve preciznija merenja preseka za interakciju pozitrona sa atomima i molekulima. Nedavno kompletirani setovi sudarnih podataka za molekule koji se najčešće javljaju u pozitronskim uređajima i primenama (najpre N2, CF4 i H2O ali i drugi) omogućili su detaljne simulacije transporta pozitrona u takvim sredinama, kao i detaljan opis uređaja koji se na njima baziraju. Osnovni cilj ove disertacije jeste da na osnovu izmerenih sudarnih podataka, pomoću računarskih Monte Karlo simulacija, detaljno analizira realne uređaje i sisteme ispunjene gasom koji svoju funkciju baziraju na elementarnim procesima u kojima učestvuju pozitroni. Disertacija se fokusira na tri konkretna sistema: pozitronski trap, kompresiju snopa pozitrona rotirajućim poljem i termalizaciju pozitrona u biološki relevantnoj sredini. Otkriće i razvoj pozitronskog (Surko) trapa početkom devedesetih godina, predstavlja prekretnicu u polju fizike niskoenergijskih pozitrona i dovelo je do velikog napretka u razumevanju interakcije niskoenergijskih pozitrona sa atomima i molekulima. Trapovi su omogućili akumulaciju velikog broja pozitrona (106-108), niske energije sa energijskom raspodelom koja odgovara sobnoj temperaturi (
- Published
- 2017
41. Influence of exposure parameters and examination technique on patient dose and image quality in computed tomography
- Author
Aranđić, Danijela D., Ciraj Bjelac, Olivera, Marinković, Predrag, Cvetić, Jovan, Maksimović, Ružica, and Drndarević, Vujo
- Subjects
kvalitet slike ,dijagnostički referentni nivoi ,KT dijagnostika ,cerebrale perfusion CT ,Diagnostics Reference Levels (DRL) ,CT diagnostics ,KT perfuzije mozga ,patient dose ,pedijatrijska KT dijagnostika ,optimizacija protokola ,protocol optimization ,image quality ,paediatrics CT ,pacijentna doza - Abstract
U okviru ove doktorske disertacije prikazani su rezultati ispitivanja nivoa izlaganja pacijenata u kompjuterizovanoj tomografiji (KT). S obzirom na aktuelnost tema akcenat istraživanja bio je na visokosenzitivnim grupama pacijenata i visokodoznim KT pregledima. U tom smislu izvršeno je sakupljanje podataka i analiza pacijentnih doza, KT protokola i postojeće KT prakse u pedijatrijskoj KT dijagnostici. Ispitana je i primenjenost osnovnih principa zaštite od zračenja, opravdanost pregleda i optimizacija KT protokola, u pedijatrijskim bolnicama u Srbiji. Istraživanje u okviru ove doktorske disertacije obuhvatilo je i visokodoznu proceduru KT perfuzija mozga u smislu poređenja dostupnih KT protokola, "šatl" i fiksni režim rada, i ispitivanja mogućnosti za nastanak tkivnih reakcija kod pacijenata podvrgnutih ovoj vrsti KT pregleda. Preliminarno ispitivanje nivoa pacijentnih izlaganja u KT dijagnostici u Srbiji pokazalo je da su rezultati u rangu sa do sada publikovanim podacima osim na jednom od KT uređaja. Međutim, rezultati takođe pokazuju i da se vrednosti drastično razlikuju za isti tip KT pregleda u zavisnosti od KT uređaja. Analiza uticaja broja detektora i modela KT uređaja na vrednosti doznih parametara nije pokazala jasnu vezu između tipa uređaja i pacijentne doze što ukazuje da se na postojećim KT uređajima koriste noptimizovani protokoli snimanja. Kod procedure KT perfuzije mozga "šatl" režim rada pokazao je značajno manje vrednosti doznih veličina. Smanjene su vrednosti CTDIvol i DLP te je smanjena i efektivna doza kao mera rizika za nastanak stohastičkih efekata. Pored toga, doza na koži pacijenta manja je u poređenju sa fiksnim režimom rada i nalazi se ispod preporučene vrednosti od 0.5 Gy što značajno smanjuje verovatnoću za nastanak determinističkih efekata čak i u slučaju ponovljenih pregleda. Stoga, prednost u proceduri KT perfuzija mozga treba dati "šatl" režimu rada u odnosu na KT protokole sa fiksnim režimima rada. Izmerene vrednosti doze za očno sočivo iznosile su 10 puta manje o praga za nastanak katarakte. Analiza dobijenih vrednosti za CTDIvol i DLP u pedijatrjskoj KT dijagnostici pokazala je mogućnosti za dodatnu optimizaciju KT protokola iako se na datim KT uređajima koriste protokoli prilagođeni snimanju dece... This doctoral thesis presents the results of the investigation on patient exposure level in computed tomography (CT). The research focus was on highly sensitive groups of patients and high-dose CT procedures. Data on patient doses, existing CT protocols and CT practices in pediatric CT diagnostics were collected and analyzed. The application of basic principles of radiation protection, justification and optimization, was investigated in pediatric hospitals in Serbia. A high-dose procedure cerebrale perfusion CT was also included in this research in terms of comparisons of available protocols, "shuttle" and fixed mode. The possibility for tissue reactions in patients undergoing this type of procedure was also investigated. Preliminary results on patient exposure level in CT practice in Serbia has shown that the results are in line with previously published data except on one CT unit. However, the results also show a wide range for dose values for the same type of the CT examination. Analysis of the relation between the number of detectors and the model of CT unit on the radiation dose didn’t show the clear link between the type of device and the dose values. For cerebrale perfusion CT procedure the "shuttle" mode showed significantly lower dose values in terms of CTDIvol and DLP compared to fixed mode. The effective dose as a measure of the risk for stochastic effects was also lower. In addition, the dose to the skin of the patient is less than the fixed mode of operation, which is below the recommended value of 0.5 Gy, which significantly reduces the likelihood of the occurrence of deterministic effects even in the case of repeated examinations. Therefore, the advantage in the process of CT brain perfusion should be given to "shuttle" mode, compared to CT protocols with fixed modes. The measured values for the lens of the eye dose were 10 times below the threshold for cataract formation. The analysis of the obtained values for CTDIvol and DLP in pediatrics’ CT showed possibilities for further protocol optimization, although the CT units are currently using protocols dedicated to children. Analysis of dose values for different age groups of pediatric patients showed that the irregularities commonly occur at the transition from the age group of 1-5 years in the group of 5-10 years...
- Published
- 2016
42. Elektrodinamički procesi u kanalu pri atmosferskom pražnjenju sa uticajem strujne refleksije
- Author
Taušanović, Milica, Živanić, Jeroslav, Cvetić, Jovan, Mitrović, Nebojša, and Milovanović, Alenka
- Subjects
lightning return stroke ,surge ground impedance ,suddenly created plasma ,coefficient of reflection ,atmospheric discharge ,conductivity ,naglo stvorena plazma ,provodljivost ,atmosfersko pražnjenje ,povratni udar ,koeficijent refleksije ,impulsna otpornost uzemljenja - Abstract
Teza se bavi elektrodinamikom kanala atmosferskog pražnjenja oblak-zemlja pri povratnom udaru nastalom posle deponovanja naelektrisanja usled prolaska dart lidera. Analiziran je tzv. negativan povratni udar u kojemu se negativna naelektrisanja (elektroni) iz omotača kanala aktiviraju (odvajaju od molekula) i kreću ka površi zemlje gde se neutralizuju sa pozitivnim naelektrisanjima. U tezi je primenjen generalisani model povratnog udara sa putujućim strujnim izvorom (GTCS) koji predstavlja generalizaciju jedne grupe inženjerskih modela. Ovaj model je odabran iz dva razloga. Sa jedne strane dovoljno jednostavan za inženjersku upotrebu, a sa druge strane omogućava detaljnije izučavanje elektrodinamike kanala u cilju objašnjavanja elektrodinamičkih procesa pri povratnom udaru. Model je proširen uzimanjem u obzir refleksija strujnih impulsa od tla i gornjeg dela kanala kao i slabljenja struje duž jezgra kanala. Sa aspekta fizike plazme kanal atmosferskog pražnjenja predstavlja naglo stvorenu plazmu sa temperaturom od oko 30 000 K u jezgru kanala. Vrednosti nekih parametara ove plazme mogu se dosta grubo procenjeni dok su vrednosti većine potpuno nepoznate. Od interesa je objasniti stabilnost ovakve strukture plazme, jer je laboratorijski generisana cilindrična plazma jako nestabilna. Plazmeni stub se usled samosažimanja (pinch efekat) raspada unutar mikrosekunde (sausage instability) dok je u slučaju atmosferskih pražnjenja plazma stabilna najmanje nekoliko stotina mikrosekundi koliko je potrebno da se završi povratni udar. Često se, posle povratnog udara, detektuje kontinualna struja u kanalu između oblaka i zemlje koja može da se održava i po nekoliko desetina milisekundi odnosno do trenutka kada se generiše novi dart lider. Ovo jasno ukazuje na stabilnost kanala plazme u atmosferskim pražnjenjima. U tezi je korišćen model korona omotača sa dve naelektrisane zone i konstantnom prostornom gustinom naelektrisanja. Funkcija pražnjenja korona omotača potrebna za primenu GTCS modela je izračunata iz merenja veoma bliskog električnog polja. Dobijene su vrednosti poluprečnika korona omotača za obe zone u funkciji vremena kao i njihove brzine konfinacije. Izračunato je podužno naelektrisanje u kanalu i brzina povratnog udara. Obe vrednosti se dobro slažu sa nezavisnim merenjima ovih veličina u drugim studijama što potvrđuje ispravnost kako GTCS modela tako i usvojenog modela korona omotača kanala. Izračunata je provodljivost omotača kanala. Ovaj parametar je od suštinskog značaja za razumevanje elektrodinamičkih procesa tokom povratnog udara, jer pražnjenjem naelektrisanja iz omotača nastaje ukupna radijalna struja u omotaču kanala. Provodljivost jezgra se može indirektno izmeriti merenjem temperature jezgra kanala (spektroskopska merenja). Temperatura omotača je mnogo manja pa su zbog prostorne bliskosti sa jezgrom merenja temperature omotača zasenjena i nepouzdana. Zbog toga je proračun provodljivosti omotača kanala, u ovoj fazi studiranja pojave, jedini način da se izučava elektrodinmika kanala povratnog udara. U poslednjoj glavi disertacija je posvećena izučavanju elektrodinamike kanala atmosferskog pražnjenja u prisustvu refleksija strujnih impulsa od površi zemlje. Pokazano je da refleksije struje jako utiču na elektrodinamiku omotača kanala u blizini tačke udara. Objašnjenja je pojava nekompenzovanog pozitivnog polja izmerenog u eksperimentalnim studijama trigerovanih pražnjenja. Sa jedne strane rezultati potvrđuju nelinearnu zavisnost koeficijenta refleksije od struje u tački udara i postojanje zone proboja u tlu tokom povratnog udara sa strujama preko 15 kA. Sa druge strane, indirektno, potvrđen je validnost koncepta proširenog GTCS modela. The thesis deals with the electrodynamics of the lightning channel of an atmospheric cloud-to-ground discharge during the return stroke, generated after charge is deposited by the dart leader. The so-called negative return stroke is analyzed, in which negative charge in the corona sheath envelope is activated (electrons are detached from molecules) and sent to the ground, where it neutralizes the positive charge at the Earth's surface.The generalized traveling current source return stroke model (GTCS) is applied, which represents a generalization of one type of engineering models. This model has been chosen for two reasons. On one hand, it is simple enough for engineering practice, while on the other it permits a more comprehensive study of the lightning channel electrodynamics during the return stroke. The model is extended by taking into account the reflections of current pulses from the ground and from the upper part of the channel as well as the current attenuation along the channel core. From the standpoint of plasma physics, the lightning channel represents a suddenly created thin plasma column with a temperature of about 30 000 K in the channel core. Values of certain parameters of this plasma can be estimated, albeit rather roughly, whereas the values of most other remain completely unknown. It is of practical interest to explain the stability of this plasma structure, since the cylindrical plasma generated in a laboratory is very unstable. The plasma column in laboratory conditions decays within a microsecond due to the pinch effect (sausage instability), while in the case of a natural atmospheric discharge the plasma channel is stable for at least a few hundred microseconds, the time interval necessary for the return stroke to complete. Moreover, after the return stroke has ceased, a continuous current is often established between the cloud and the ground, for a period of up to a few tens of milliseconds, until a new dart leader is generated. This clearly points to a certain stability of the lightning plasma channel in atmospheric discharges. The thesis implements a two-zone corona sheath model with constant space charge density. The corona sheath discharge function, needed within the GTCS model, is calculated from the measured values of electric field in close proximity to the channel core. Time dependencies are obtained for the radii of both zones of the corona sheath, as well as for the velocities of their boundaries. Linear charge density in the channel and the return stroke velocity are calculated. Both values are in good agreement with independent measurements of the same parameters obtained in other studies. This clearly confirms the validity of both the GTCS model and the adopted corona sheath model. Finally, corona sheath conductivity is calculated. This parameter is essential for the understanding of electrodynamic processes during the return stroke, because it determines the rate of sheath charge depletion that generates the total radial current in the corona sheath. Conductivity of the channel core can be measured indirectly, by means of temperature (spectroscopic) measurements. The temperature of the corona sheath is comparatively much smaller, and due to the proximity of the core, corona temperature measurements are screened by core temperature variations and unreliable. Consequently, at this stage of the study, calculation of channel sheath conductivity is the only way to investigate return stroke channel electrodynamics.
- Published
- 2016
43. Modelovanje gasnih detektora čestica visokih energija primenom tehnike elektronskih rojeva
- Author
Bošnjaković, Danko V., Petrović, Zoran Lj., Đorđević, Antonije, Cvetić, Jovan, Marinković, Predrag, and Dujko, Saša
- Subjects
transport elektrona u gasovima ,gasni detektori čestica ,gaseous particle detectors ,fluidni model ,Boltzmann equation analysis ,Monte Karlo tehnika ,fluid model ,electron transport in gases ,Monte Carlo technique ,Boltzmannova jednačina - Abstract
Zahvaljujući svojim dobrim performansama i niskoj ceni po jedinici zapremine, gasni detektori su najčešće korišćeni detektori u eksperimentalnoj fizici visokih energija. Pored fizike visokih energija, ovi detektori nalaze primene u mnogim drugim oblastima, poput dozimetrije i zaštite od zračenja, medicine, fizike kosmičkog zračenja i geofizike. Postoje brojni modeli ovih uređaja. Bez obzira da li su analitički ili numerički, stohastički ili deterministrički, svi ovi modeli koriste transportne i/ili sudarne podatke za elektrone u gasovima. Nažalost, uobičajeno je da se unutar detektorske zajednice, ovi podaci kao i tehnike za njihov proračun primenjuju nekritički. Ova praksa, kao što je diskutovano u ovoj disertaciji, veoma često vodi ka pojednostavljenim modelima detektora i neadekvatnoj metodologiji za pristup i analizu. Imajući ove činjenice u vidu, osnovni cilj ove disertacije je da na osnovama transportne teorije rojeva elektrona, ukaže na čitav spektar važnih aspekata u proračunu i implemetanciji transportnih podataka u modelovanju kao i da na konkretnim modelima detektora pokaže kako podaci i njihova implementacija utiču na izračunate signale i performanse detektora. Osim toga, u ovom radu su detaljno analizirane netipične pojave u transportu elektrona indukovane eksplicitnim efektima nekonzervativnih sudara i njihove potencijalne implikacije u modelima. Specifičnosti transporta elektrona u ukrštenom električnom i magnetskom polju, ilustrovane su na primeru detektora tipa Time Projection Chamber (TPC) koji se koriste za trodimenzionalnu rekonstrukciju putanje čestica. Kod ovih detektora magnetsko polje ima ulogu u redukciji bočne difuzije od koje direktno zavisi prostorna rezolucija dok npr. linearnost rekonstrukcije zavisi od osetljivosti brzine drifta na temperaturu i nehomogenost magnetskog polja. U ovom kontekstu potencijalne optimizacije radnih uslova, a takođe imajući u vidu i neželjene varijacije parametara tokom rada, sistematski je razmotren uticaj električnog i magnetskog polja, temperature i pritiska gasa kao i udela nečistoća u gasnoj smeši, na transportne osobine elektrona u TPC detektoru. Posebna pažnja posvećena je detektoru sa pločastim elektrodama visoke otpornosti (Resistive Plate Chamber, RPC) koji se koriste za timing i triggering u brojnim eksperimentima fizike visokih energija kao i u drugim oblastima. Rešavanjem Boltzmannove jednačine i primenom Monte Karlo tehnike, koju smo sa jedne strane koristili da proverimo rezultate dobijene Boltzmannovom jednačinom, a sa druge strane za dobijanje prostorno razloženih transportnih parametara elektrona, identifikovani su iobjašnjeni transportni fenomeni elektrona poput negativne diferencijalne provodnosti i grejanja zahvatom elektrona koji su uočeni u gasnim smešama RPC detektora koji se primenjuju na eksperimentima u CERN-u. U ovoj disertaciji, razmotreni su teorijski principi klasičnog fluidnog modela i modela zasnovanog na difuzionoj jednačini i hidrodinamičkoj aproksimaciji na osnovu kojih je razvijen numerički 1.5-dimenizionalni fluidni model RPC detektora. Ovim modelom, ispitivan je razvoj elektronske lavine i strimera pod dejstvom efekata prostornog naelektrisanja i fotojonizacije u gasu. Pokazano je da nepravilna implementacija transportnih podataka, zanemarivanjem eksplicitnih efektata nekonzervativnih sudara, može dovesti do greške od nekoliko stotina procenata u proračunu indukovanog signala. Razmatrana je i osetljivost izračunatog signala detektora na promene setova preseka za rasejanje elektrona u individualnim gasovima gasnih smeša. Konačno, u ovoj disertaciji razvijen je i mikroskopski Monte Karlo model RPC detektora koji se zasniva na praćenju pojedinačnih trajektorija elektrona i njihovih sudara sa molekulima gasa. Pomoću ovog modela, ipitivana je stohastika elektronskog lavinskog procesa. Takođe, koristeći različite setove preseka za rasejanje elektrona u individualnim gasovima gasne smeše, izračunate su vremenska rezolucija i efikasnost RPC detektora koje se dobro slažu sa eksperimentalnim vrednostima. Owing to their good performance characteristics and low price per unit volume, gaseous particle detectors remained the most commonly used detectors in high energy physics experiments. In addition to high energy physics, these detectors have also found applications in other fields such as radiation protection and dosimetry, medicine, cosmic ray physics and geophysics. A number of methods to model particle detectors have been developed. Being analytical or numerical, stochastic or deterministic, detailed knowledge of electron swarm transport properties as well as reliable cross sections for electron scattering are required as an input in modeling. The highly applied nature of the field, has inevitably driven the modeling of these systems more towards empiricism, and unfortunately often away from its roots in the fundamental transport theory of electron swarms. Thus, the main goal of this work is to bridge the gap between the fundamental transport theory of electron swarms and applications in the field of particle detectors. This goal is achieved by considering many elements of the theory which are important for accurate calculation and correct implementation of electron transport data in modeling. In addition, we provide the examples of specific detector models in which the incorrect implementation of data affects the calculated signal and detector performance characteristics. In this work, we discuss atypical manifestation of electron transport phenomena induced by the explicit effects of non-conservative collisions and potential implications arising from their inclusion in the models. The peculiarities of electron transport in crossed electric and magnetic fields are illustrated using the example of Time Projection Chamber (TPC), a detector employed for three-dimensional reconstruction of particle trajectories. In this detector, the magnetic field suppresses the transverse diffusion, which directly affects the spatial resolution. On the other hand, the reconstruction linearity depends on the sensitivity of drift velocity on the gas temperature and non-uniformity of the magnetic field. With this as one of the motivating factors, and also having in mind the unwanted variation of detector parameters with time, we systematically study the influence of the electric and magnetic fields, gas pressure and temperature, as well as the impact of impurities in the gaseous mixture, on the electron transport properties in TPC. Special attention is given to the Resistive Plate Chambers (RPCs) which are used for timing and triggering purposes in many high energy physics experiments and elsewhere. The Boltzmann equation is used for the determination of electron swarm transport properties under conditions when transport is greatly affected by nonconservative collisions. A Monte Carlo simulation technique has been used with the aim of verifying the results based on the Boltzmann equation as well as for the evaluation of spatially resolved electron transport data. This segment of data is used to explain the existence of certain kinetic phenomena, including negative differential conductivity and attachment heating, which are important for the detector behavior. Within the framework of the classical fluid model and using the diffusion equation in association with the hydrodynamic approximation, we have developed a numerical 1.5-dimension fluid model of an RPC. This model is used to study the electron avalanche and streamer development under the influence of space charge effects and photoionization. We have shown that improper use of the data, especially the lack of correct representation of the explicit effects of non-conservative collisions, can lead to errors of a several hundred percents for the calculated signals. In addition, we discuss the sensitivity of the output detector signals with respect to the sets of cross sections for electron scattering. Finally, in this thesis we present our microscopic Monte Carlo model of RPC based on the tracking of individual electron trajectories and their collisions with the gas molecules. Using this model, we study the electron avalanche fluctuations and the related processes. The detection efficiency and timing resolution are calculated using different sets of cross sections for electron scattering. We have found that our results agree very well with the measured data.
- Published
- 2016
44. Modelovanje i dizajn optičkih rezonatora u integrisanoj silicijumskoj tehnologiji
- Author
Keča, Tatjana P., Matavulj, Petar, Gvozdić, Dejan, Mashanovich, Goran, Radunović, Jovan, and Cvetić, Jovan
- Subjects
fotonika ,optički rezonatori ,SOI strukture ,repeated passing principle ,CMT ,modelovanje ,photonics ,modeling ,racetrack resonators ,SOI structures ,simulacija višestrukih prolaza - Abstract
Optički sistemi prenosa preuzimaju primat u telekomunikacijama, zahvaljujući sve većoj brzini prenosa signala, većem propusnom opsegu i mogućnostima koje imaju tehnike multipleksiranja. Na prostiranje svetlosti kroz gusto integrisane fotonske komponente ključnu ulogu imaju dimenzije i oblici talasovoda, kao i vrsta materijala od kog su napravljeni. Od načina prostiranja i specifičnosti fizičkih procesa će zavisiti i funcionalnost svake integrisane komponente, te je neophodno proučiti sve aspekte procesa i parametre koji na njih utiču. U okviru ove disertacije opisano je prostiranje elektromagnetskih talasa u fotonskim komponentama sa osvrtom na rebraste talasovode, pravolinijske i zakrivljene, kao i direkcione sprežnjake, što čini strukturu optičkog rezonatora. Objašnjeni su modeli koji opisuju fizičke procese u rezonatoru, sa posebnim naglaskom na teoriju spregnutih modova (CMT, Coupled Mode Theory). Dat je i kratak osvrt na silicijumske optičke strukture i proces izrade integrisanih silicijumskih rezonatora... Optical systems are becoming more and more important in the field of telecommunications, due to their higher transportation speed, greater bandwidth and multiplexing techniques possibilities. Dimensions and shapes of waveguides play a major role in the physical aspect of light propagation through integrated photonic devices. Functionality of each integrated component depends on light propagation and specificity of physical processes. That is why it is necessary to examine all the aspects of propagation process and parameters that affect it. In this thesis, the propagation of electromagnetic waves in photonic components is described, especially in straight and curved rib waveguides and directional couplers, which represents the main structure of optical resonators. Models which describe physical processes in an optical resonator are fully explained, with special attention is devoted to Coupled Mode Theory (CMT). A short insight to silicon optical structures is given, as well as a description of integrated silicon resonator’s manufacturing process...
- Published
- 2016
45. Uticaj ekvivalentne temperature Maksvelovog spektra gasa slobodnih elektrona na proboj gasova pri malim vrednostima pritiska i međuelektrodnog rastojanja
- Author
Alimpijević, Mališa, Cvetić, Jovan, Marinković, Predrag, Kuraica, Milorad, Jelenković, Branislav, and Stanković, Koviljka
- Subjects
gas slobodnih elektrona ,statistička raspodela ,noble gas ,statistical distribution ,ionization coefficient ,free electron gas ,plemenit gas ,jonizacioni koeficijent - Abstract
Električno pražnjenje u gasovima pri niskom pritisku / еlectrical discharge in gases at low pressure
- Published
- 2016
46. Spektrometrija fotonskog zračenja u radiološkom opsegu energija pomoću CdTe detektora
- Author
Stanković-Petrović, Jelena S., Marinković, Predrag, Cvetić, Jovan, Lazarević, Đorđe, Ciraj-Bjelac, Olivera, and Stanković, Koviljka
- Subjects
anfolding ,poluprovodnički detektor ,Monte Karlo simulacija ,dijagnostička radiologija ,semiconductive detector ,diagnostic radiology ,cadmium-telluride ,kadmijum-telurid ,Fotonska spektrometrija ,Photon spectrometry ,Monte Carlo simulation ,unfolding - Abstract
Nuklearna tehnika / Nuclear Engineering U ovoj disertaciji je prikazan metod za korišćenje detektora od kadmijum-telurida (CdTe) u spektrometriji fotona u medicinskoj dijagnostičkoj radiologiji. Detekcija fotonskog zračenja i određivanje njegovog spektra CdTe poluprovodničkim detektorom podrazumeva i analizu deformacija spektra. Ove deformacije se javljaju usled neželjenih posledica interakcije upadnih fotona i elektrona detektora, kao i usled nekompletnog transporta nosilaca naelektrisanja unutar detektora. Da bi se te posledice uklonile potrebno je upotrebiti metod anfoldinga (unfolding). Anfolding je jedna vrsta dekonvolucuje i njime se izračunava pravi energetski spektar upadnog zračenja, a prema deformisanom, izmerenom spektru. Ovaj metod je podrazumevao rad u više etapa: (1) eksperimentalna merenja CdTe spektrometrom; (2) simulaciju realnog eksperimenta primenom Monte Karlo metoda, (3) modelovanje uticaja električnog polja unutar poluprovodničkog detektora na nosioce naelektrisanja, i (4) numeričko rešavanje sistema jednačina u slučaju loše uslovljene matrice sistema. Simulacija eksperimenta je izvršena programom MCNP5 i PTRAC izlaznom datotekom. Datoteka PTRAC je omogućila uključivanje modela transporta nosilaca u Monte Karlo simulaciju i algoritam je predstavljen dalje u tekstu. Izabrana numerička metoda za rešavanje sistema jednačina u slučaju loše uslovljene matrice je metod dekompozicije na singularne vrednosti sa odsecanjem. Pokazano je da se rezultati primenjenog anfolding metoda dobro slažu sa referentnim spektrom. Anfolding metod je onda uspešno iskorišćen za postprocesiranje nekolicine spektara X-zračenja koji se koristi u medicinskoj radiologiji snimljenih pomoću CdTe detektora The method for using a cadmium-telluride (CdTe) radiation detector for the photon spectrometry in the diagnostic medical radiology is presented here. The detection of photon radiation and the determination of its spectrum with the CdTe semiconductor, also involves the analysis of the deformation of the spectrum. These distortions are due to the unwanted consequence of the interaction of photons with detector electrons, as well as due to the incomplete charge carrier transport within the detector. In order to eliminate these consequences, it is necessary to use the unfolding method. The unfolding method is a deconvolution method that calculates true energy spectrum of incident radiation according to convoluted, measured spectrum. This method involved working in several phases: (1) real spectrum measurement; (2) simulation of the real experiment using the Monte Carlo method, (3) modeling of the influence of the electric field within the semiconductor detector to the charge carriers transport, and (4) the numerical solution of systems of equations in the case of poorly conditioned system matrix. The experiment was simulated with the program MCNP5 and a PTRAC output file. The PTRAC file enabled the inclusion of carrier transport model into Monte Carlo simulation and the algorithm is presented in the text. A truncated single value decomposition method was used as the numerical method for solving systems of equations in the case of poorly conditioned system matrix. The results showed that the results of applied unfolding method agree well with the referential spectrum. The unfolding method was than succesfuly used for the post-processing of several X-spectra used in the field of diagnostic radiology recorded using the CdTe detectors
- Published
- 2016
47. Prostorna i vremenski razložena spektroskopska dijagnostika laserski indukovane plazme na čvrstoj meti u vazduhu na atmosferskom pritisku
- Author
Cvejić, Marko B., Cvetić, Jovan, Jovićević, Sonja, and Tadić, Milan
- Subjects
optical emission spectroscopy ,gustina elektrona u plazmi ,forbidden transitions ,Stark broadening ,laser induced plasma ,Stark-ovo širenje ,electron number density ,optička emisiona spektroskopija ,zabranjeni prelazi ,laserski indukovana plazma - Abstract
LIBS ili LIPS (Laser Induced Plasma Spectroscopy) - spektroskopija laserski indukovane plazme je relativno nova tehnika za analizu materijala, čiji je razvoj uslovljen tehnološkim napretkom na polju lasera, spektrometara i detektora. Tehnika omogućava multi-elementarnu analizu svih vrsta materijala u realnom vremenu, u raznim sredinama transparentnim za lasersko zračenje, bez zahteva za pripremom uzorka. To je čini pogodnom za mnoge primene, poput kontrole kvaliteta, zaštite čovekove okoline, recikliranje materijala i analize u nedostupnim sredinama. Kvantitativna merenja pomoću LIBS-a, međutim, i dalje pokazuju nižu granicu detekcije i generalno slabiju tačnost u odnosu na druge analitičke metode, iako je postignut značajan napredak u pouzdanosti i preciznosti LIBS merenja za različite tipove materijala. Razlog je nedovoljno poznavanje složene interakcije laserskog zračenja sa ispitivanim uzorkom, koja zavisi od karakteristika lasera (talasna dužina, vreme trajanja impulsa, energije) i svojstva materijala ispitivanog uzorka, kao i nedovoljna proučenost, prostorno i vremenski zavisne interakcije plazme i čestica. Kako su kvantitativna merenja zasnovana na povezivanju (integralnog) intenziteta spektralne linije sa gustinom svih emitujućih čestica u plazmi, i preko toga sa koncentracijom elemenata u uzorku, razumevanje fizičkih procesa i njihove povezanosti u laserski indukovanoj plazmi od suštinskog je značaja za analitičke primene. Najveći deo informacija iz LIBS-a dobija se analizom zračenja plazme. Emisioni spektar je diskretan i sastoji se od atomskih, jonskih i molekulskih linija elemenata prisutnih u plazmi (metala, oksida, stena, legura, itd.). čijim ispitivanjem se može izvršiti detaljna analiza i dijagnostika plazme. Međutim, nehomogenost i vremenske promene oblika LIBS plazme, praćene promenom parametara plazme i emisijom materijala nastalog ablacijom u plazmenom oblaku, znatno otežavaju primenu spektroskopske dijagnostike. Ovaj rad obuhvata analizu tehnika, brze fotografije i optičke emisione spektroskopije, potrebnih za prostornu i vremenski razloženu dijagnostiku laserski indukovane plazme na čvrstoj meti u vazduhu na atmosferskom pritisku. Tehnikom brze fotografije određeno je optimalno vreme posmatranja plazme za merenje oblika i intenziteta spektralnih linija prisutnih u plazmi, kako bi se izbegle teškoće vezane za nehomogenost i vremensku promenljivost LIBS plazme. Pored toga uzeto je u obzir dejstvo samoapsorpcije na oblik i intenzitet spektralnih linija. Zatim je primenjena procedura Abel-ove inverzije za određivanje radijalne raspodele intenziteta linija korišćenih za merenje novih Stark-ovih parametara pre svega ne-vodoničnih linija koje su dominantne u ispitivanoj plazmi. U radu je izvršeno i nezavisno određivanje elektronske gustine i temperature što predstavlja uslov potreban za precizno određivanje Stark-ovih parametara. Dobijeni eksperimentalni rezultati predstavljaju značajan doprinos za dijagnostiku i modelovanje laserski indukovanih plazmi a time i bolje razumevanje složenih fizičkih procesa, što vodi do ostvarivanje uslova za još širu primenu LIBS-a u različitim oblastima. LIBS (Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy) or LIPS (Laser Induced Plasma Spectrosropy) is a relatively new technique for material analysis, recently developed due to advances in laser technology, spectrometers and detectors. This technique enables a multi-element real time analysis of all kinds of materials without previous sample preparation, making it useful for various applications, like quality control, environmental protection, material recycling and analysis in unavailable environments. Even with advances in reliability and precision of LIBS measurements of different kinds of materials, quantitative measurements that are based on the connection between integral intensity of the spectral line and density of emitting particles in plasma, and via that with concentration of elements in sample, are still challenging for most of the materials and suffer from lower accuracy and detection limits compared to other analytical techniques. The main reasons for that is the complex nature of the lasersample interaction process which is dependent on several laser parameters (wavelength, pulse duration, energy) and on the characteristics of material under investigation, and space and time dependent plasma-particle interactions. Thus, understanding the physical processes and their interactions in laser induced plasma is essential for analytical applications. Most of the information obtained from LIBS measurements come from plasma radiation. Emission spectrum is discreet and includes atomic, ionic and molecular lines of all the elements present in the plasma (metals, oxides, alloys, etc.). Analysis of these spectral lines shapes is a part of analysis and diagnostics of plasma. Difficulties in applying spectral diagnostics in LIBS plasma originate from plasma inhomogeneity, changes in a plasma shape that occur over time followed by changes in plasma parameters and emission of materials due to ablation in the plasma cloud. This work includes the analysis of techniques, fast photography and optical emission spectroscopy, needed for space and time resolved diagnostics of laser induced plasma on a solid target in air at atmospheric pressure. Using the technique of fast photography, optimal time of plasma spectral observation is determined needed for recording line shapes of elements which are present in plasma. Influence of selfabsorption on spectral line shapes is taken into account during analysis. Abel inversion procedure is applied to determine radial intensity distributions of spectral lines used for measurements of new Stark broadening parameters of, in the first place, non-hydrogenic spectral lines. These lines are predominant in this kind of plasma. Independent determination of electron density and temperature is done which is necessary condition for measurements of Stark broadening parameters. Obtained experimental results represent significant a contribution to diagnostics and modeling of laser induced plasmas and to better understanding of complex physical processes. This leads to achieving a broader application of LIBS technique in different areas. Key words: laser induced plasma, electron number density, optical emission spectroscopy, Stark broadening, forbidden transitions. Scientific field: physics of plasma, lasers, electrical engineering Specific topic: plasma spectroscopy UDC number
- Published
- 2014
48. Optimizacija dinamičkih karakteristika gasnih odvodnika prenapona na niskonaponskom nivou
- Author
Brajović, Dragan V., Osmokrović, Predrag, Cvetić, Jovan, Vasić-Milovanović, Aleksandra, Vujisić, Miloš, and Stanković, Koviljka
- Subjects
overvoltages ,free electron gas Maxwell spectrum ,dielektrik ,gas breakdown ,prenaponi ,Maksvelov spektar gasa slobodnih elektrona ,proboj gasova ,dielectric - Abstract
Electrical Engineering / Materials in Electrical Engineering, Nuclear Engineering Cilj rada je da se poprave karakteristike gasnih odvodnika prenapona na niskonaponskom nivou istraživanjem kroz eksperimente koji se vrše na modelu gasnog odvodnika prenapona, kao i na komercijalnim gasnim odvodnicima u dobro kontrolisanim laboratorijskim uslovima. U uvodnim poglavljima rada navode se osnove električnog pražnjenja u gasovima, daju osnovne klasifikacije prenapona, propratnih efekata i prenaponske zaštite. Opisuju se gasni odvodnici prenapona i njihovo funkcionisanje koje se zasniva na električnom proboju gasova. Polazeći od poznatih efekata električnog pražnjenja u gasovima, jonskog izbijanja, fotoelektričnog efekta, memorijskog efekta, hladne i tople emisije i efekta jonizujućeg zračenja u gasovima, ispituju se uslovi koji obezbeđuje pouzdan rad gasnih odvodnika prenapona za koordinaciju izolacije na niskonaponskom nivou u uslovima opterećenja impulsnim naponima proizvoljnog oblika. Rad je teoretskog, eksperimentalnog i numeričkog karaktera. U radu se proverava mogućnost primene kinetičke teorije gasova na gas slobodnih elektrona kao komponentu smeše gasa unutar kojeg je nastao usled dejstva sekundarnog kosmičkog zračenja i sudarnih procesa atoma gasa sa desnog kraja Maksvelovog spektra pri niskim pritiscima. Na bazi ove analize izvode se novi izrazi za jonizacione koeficijente izražene preko ekvivalentne probojne temperature Maksvelovog spektra gasa slobodnih elektrona. To omogućava sagledavanje elementarnih procesa pražnjenja u gasovima, a sve u cilju ostvarenja krajnjeg cilja koji se sastoji u tome da se uz zadržavanje svih dobrih osobina gasnih odvodnika prenapona poprave njegove karakteristike. Na osnovu teoretskih razmatranja izvedeni su izrazi zavisnosti probojnog napona od pd (proizvod pritiska i medjuelektrodnog rastojanja) kao i zavisnost probojnog napona od probojne temperature Maksvelovog spektra gasa slobodnih elektrona. Prethodno navedena teoretska razmatranja su eksperimentalno proverena pod dobro kontrolisanim laboratorijskim uslovima. Primenjujući različitu topografiju elektrodnih površina, efekat šuplje katode i radioaktivnog zračenja daje se doprinos konstruktivnom rešenju za brzinu odziva gasnih odvodnika prenapona. U cilju provere pretpostavke o važenju Maksvelove raspodele za gas slobodnih elektrona i primenljivosti izvedenih izraza za Taunzendove(Townsend) koeficijente razvijen je originalni merni postupak pomoću kojeg je moguće merenje jednosmernog i dinamičkog probojnog napona uz uzimanje u obzir memorijskog efekta. Tako razvijen merni postupak se koristi za fino podešavanje impulsnih karakteristika gasnih odvodnika prenapona koje omogućavaju veliku brzinu odziva i stabilnu radnu tačku na duži vremenski period. To je postignuto varijacijom elektrodnih efekata koji utiču na jednosmerni i dinamički proboj gasova i primenom radioaktivnih izotopa. Rezultati dobijeni realnim i numeričkim eksperimentom su pokazali dobro slaganje, kako međusobno, tako i sa teoretski očekivanim rezultatima The purpose of this paper is to improve the characteristics of overvoltage gass arresters on a low-voltage level, through experiments which were done on a model of overvoltage gass arresters in well controlled laboratory conditions. In the first chapters of the paper, the bases of electrical discharge in gasses are given, the basic classification of overvoltage, overvoltage effects and safety issues are given as well. We have described overvoltage gass arresters and their functioning which is based on electrical gass breakage. We have also discussed the known effects of electrical discharge in gasses, ionian outbreak, photoelectric effect, memory effect, cold and warm emissions and effects of Ionic emissions in gasses, and we have examined the conditions which provide reliable operating of overvoltage gass arresters for coordination of isolation on a low-voltage level, in the conditions of a load by impuls voltage, of an arbitary shape. The paper is of a theoretical, experimental and numerical character. It examines a possibility of application of kinetic gass theory onto the gass of free electrones as a component of a gass mixture within which it was created, as a result of the effect of the secondary cosmic emission and collision processes of gass atoms from the right end of the Makswel spectrum, upon low pressure. Based on the results of this analysis, we have given new expressions for Ionic coefficients, expressed by equivalent breakdown temperature of the Makswel spectrum of the gass of the free electrones. That allows insight into elementary processes in gass discharge, in the purpose of reaching the final goal – to improve the characteristcs of gass arresters while keeping their positive traits. Based on theoretical discussions, we have given expressions of dependance on breakdown voltage of pd (product of pressure and inter-electrode distance), as well as the dependance of overvoltage power on breakdown temparature of the Makswel spectrum of the gass of the free electrones. Previously mentioned theoretical discussions are experimentally checked under well controlled laboratory conditions. By applying different topography of electrode surfaces, the effect of hollow cathode and radioactive emission, a significant contribution is given to the constructive solution for the speed of response of gass arresters of the voltage. In order to check the assumptions of the validity of Makswel distribution for the gass of the free elctrones and the application of the expressions for Thousand’s coefficient, we have developed an original measuring method by which it is possible to measure unilateral dynamic breakdown voltage, taking into consideration the memory effect. Such measuring method is used for fine adjustments of impulse charatcteristics of overvoltage gass arresters which allow high speed of response and stable operating point in a longer period. It is achieved by variations of electrode effects which influence unilateral and dynamic gass breakdown and by application of radioactive isotopes. The results which are made by real and numerical experiments have proven good compatibility with themselves as well as with theoretical results
- Published
- 2014
49. Iniciranje i razvoj proboja u tačkama levo od Pašenovog minimuma
- Author
Jovanović, Bojan, Osmokrović, Predrag, Cvetić, Jovan, Vasić-Milovanović, Aleksandra, Vujisić, Miloš, and Stanković, Koviljka
- Subjects
vacuum cathode emission mechanism ,anomalni Pašenov efekat ,vakuumski emisioni mehanizam katodnog tipa ,Gas breakdown ,Paschen minimum ,anomalous Paschen effect ,Pašenov minimum ,vakuumski mehanizam lavinskog tipa ,vacuum avalanche mechanism - Abstract
Pašenovom krivom se prikazuje zavisnost vrednosti probojnog napona dvoelektrodnog sistema izolovanog gasom od proizvoda pritiska (p) i meĊuelektrodnog rastojanja (d). Jednoznaĉna zavisnost vrednosti dc probojnog napona od proizvoda pd direktna je posledica vaţenja zakona sliĉnosti za elektriĉno praţnjenje u gasovima. Pašenova kriva ima oblik asimetriĉne U-krive sa izrazitim minimumom koji se naziva Pašenovim minimumom. Pašenov minimum je odreĊen vrednošću pritiska gasa (tj. gustine) pri kojoj Tausendov jonizacioni koeficijent ima maksimalnu vrednost u zavisnosti od odnosa meĊuelektrodnog rastojanja srednje slobodne duţine puta elektrona. U taĉkama desno od Pašenovog minimuma dc probojni napon se moţe, uslovno, smatrati deterministiĉkom veliĉinom tj. veliĉinom prilikom ĉijeg odreĊivanja je dominantna merna nesigurnost tip B. To je posledica ĉinjenice da se u taĉkama desno od Pašenovog minimuma dc proboj odvija samoodrţavajućim gasnim multiplikativnim procesom uz vremensku konstatu promene napona mnogo veću od vremena karakteristiĉnog za odvijanje elementarnih procesa gasnog praţnjenja. U taĉkama levo od Pašenovog minimuma dc proboj se odvija kombinacijom gasnih mehanizama i vakuumskih mehanizmima, a javlja se i takozvani anomalni Pašenov efekat. To uslovljava da dc probojni napon u taĉkama levo od Pašenovog minimuma bude statistiĉka veliĉina tj. veliĉina prilikom ĉijeg odreĊivanja je dominantna merna nesigurnost tip A. Vrednost impulsnog probojnog napona je stohastiĉka veliĉina i levo i desno od Pašenovog minimuma. To je posledica ĉinjenice da je vremenska konstanta promene impulsnog napona istog reda veliĉine kao vreme karakteristiĉno za odvijanje elementarnih proces gasnog praţnjenja. U radu se razmatraju mehanizmi iniciranja i razvoja proboja gasova u taĉkama levo od Pašenovog minimuma. Statistiĉkom analizom eksperimentalnih rezultata, dobijenih pod dobro kontrolisanim laboratirijskim uslovima, pokazano je da se oblast levo od Pašenovog minimuma moţe, uslovno, podeliti na tri podoblasti. Pokazano je da se u prvoj podoblasti, neposredno uz Pašenov minimum proboj odvija se iviĉnim mehanizmima ĉesto tumaĉenim kao anomalni Pašenov efekat. U sledećoj podoblasti do proboja dolazi vakuumskim mehanizmom lavinskog tipa, a u trećoj podoblasti proboj se odvija vakuumskim emisionim mehanizmom katodnog tipa. Paschen curve illustrates the dependence of the breakdown voltage of a gas insulated two-electrode system on the product of pressure (p) and inter-electrode distance (d). The validity of the similarity law for gas electrical breakdown produces direct dependence of the dc breakdown voltage on the pd product. Paschen curve is an asymmetrical U shape with a prominent minimum, called the Paschen minimum. The Paschen minimum corresponds to the gas pressure (i.e. density) at which the Townsend ionization coefficient is largest, with respect to the ratio between the inter-electrode distance and the electron mean free path. The dc breakdown voltage which occurs in the region to the right of the Paschen minimum, can be regarded as a deterministic quantity, i.e. a quantity for which type B uncertainty dominates its measurement. This results from the fact that to the right of the Paschen minimum dc breakdown occurs via self-sustained multiplication process in the gas, where the time constant of voltage change is much greater than the time characteristic of elementary gas discharge processes. In the range to the left of the Paschen minimum, dc breakdown occurs through a combination of gas mechanisms and vacuum mechanisms, and also as the so called anomalous Paschen effect. Because of this, in the range to the left of the Paschen minimum the dc breakdown voltage is a stochastic quantity, i.e. a quantity for which type A measurement uncertainty is dominant. The impulse breakdown voltage value is stochastic both to the left and to the right of the Paschen minimum. This derives from the fact that the time constant of a voltage pulse change is on the same order of magnitude as the time characteristic of elementary gas discharge processes. Mechanisms of gas breakdown initiation and development in the range to the left of the Paschen minimum are investigated in this paper. Experiments were conducted for gas pressures from 10-9 to 10-1 bar and interelectrode gaps from 0.1 to 1 mm. The statistical analysis shows that the region left of the Paschen minimum can be divided into three subregions. It is established that the so called anomalous Paschen effect refers to breakdown occuring by way of the edge mechanisms in the first subregion, just next to the Paschen minimum. In the second subregion, breakdown emerges through the vacuum avalanche mechanism, and in the third subregion it occurs through the vacuum cathode emission mechanism.
- Published
- 2013
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