9 results on '"Cropley, D"'
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Adams, R, Bahnson, M, Bhaduri, S, Adams, T, Bairaktarova, D, Bielefeldt, A, Aguirre-Munoz, Z, Balakrishnan, B, Blosser, EG, Ahn, B, Beagon, U, Bodnar, C, Aleong, R, Becker, K, Borgford-Parnell, J, Amelink, C, Beddoes, K, Maura, B, Anderson, R, Bego, C, Bowe, B, Andrews, CJ, Beigpourian, B, Bowen, B, Angel, J, Bekki, J, Boyd, J, Fonseca, MA, Bennett, D, Bradburn, I, Kranov, AA, Berdanier, C, Brady, C, Bae, CL, Bernhard, J, Brawner, C, Brose, A, Case, J, Cropley, D, Brown, F, Cassady, R, Cross, K, Brown, P, Celik, S, Cunningham, P, Ben, C, Cutler, S, Brown, S, Chance, SM, Dabbagh, N, Brozina, C, Chen, H, Dallal, A, Brunhaver, S, Chen, O, Daly, S, Bryant, A, Cheville, RA, Daniel, S, Bucciarelli, L, Chiu, J, Danowitz, A, Burkholder, E, Choe, NH, Darolia, R, Burks, G, Clark, R, Davis, K, Burt, B, Clevenger, C, Davis, S, Canney, N, Cole, J, de Jong, T, Cao, Y, Coley, B, De Vries, C, Caratozzolo, P, Cooper, L, Delaine, D, Carballo, R, Cooper, M, DeMonbrun, R, Cardella, M, Craig, T, Denton, M, Di Stefano, M, Erdman, AM, Gilmartin, S, DiBiasio, D, Eris, O, Gladstone, J, Diefes-Dux, H, Evangelou, D, Glancy, A, Dika, S, Ewen, B, Godwin, A, Direito, I, Faber, C, Goldsmith, R, Dohn, N, Falconer, J, Grigg, SJ, Dolansky, M, Fantz, T, Grohs, J, Faulkner, B, Doom, D, Felder, R, Gummer, E, Douglas, E, Ferris, T, Guzey, S, Douglas, KA, Figueiredo, J, Hadgraft, R, Dounas-Frazer, D, Fiorella, L, Hammack, R, Dringenberg, E, Flores, L, Han, K, Duffy, G, Fong, C, Harding, T, Easley, D, Fowler, RR, Harper, K, Eccles, J, Friedrichsen, D, Hartmann, B, Edstrom, K, Ge, J, Hattingh, T, Ellestad, R, Gelles, L, Henderson, R, Henderson, TS, Immekus, J, Kamphorst, J, Herman, G, Inda, M, Karatas, F, Hess, J, Itabashi-Campbell, R, Kartal, O, Hieb, J, Jackson, A, Karwat, D, Higbee, S, Jankowski, N, Katz, A, Hilton, E, Javernick-Will, A, Keipi, T, Hira, A, Jensen, KJ, Kim, D, Hirshfield, L, Smith, J, Kirn, A, Knaphus-Soran, E, Holly, J, Jesiek, B, Knight, D, Horng, S-M, Johnson, A, Knott, T, Huang-Saad, A, Johnson, B, Kohl, P, Huerta, M, Johri, A, Kohtala, C, Huff, J, Jones, B, Komives, S, Hughes, B, Jones, L, Korsunskiy, E, Hughes, R, Jones, T, Kotys-Schwartz, D, Hunsu, N, Kaminski, J, Kramer, J, Hunter, C, Kampe, J-C, Inkelas, KK, Lamm, M, Lonngren, J, McCall, C, Lande, M, Lottero-Perdue, PS, McCave, E, Lappalainen, P, Aguilar, JFL, McCray, E, Lawanto, O, Lucena, J, McGee, E, Lawson, J, Luk, LYY, McGough, C, Leath, S, Lutz, B, McGowan, V, Lee, D, Ma, Y, McNair, LD, Lee, W, Madon, T, McNaughtan, J, Liberatore, M, Mamaril, N, McNeill, N, Lichtenstein, G, Mangiante, E, Mejia, J, Lima, M, Martin, B, Diaz, NM, Lima, RM, Martin, K, Menekse, M, Lin, J, Lippard, C, Mones, AM, Mesquita, DIDA, Michell, K, Litzler, E, Matthews, M, Miller, S, Lo, CK, Matusovich, H, Minichiello, A, London, J, Maynard, N, Miskioglu, EE, Longwell-Grice, R, Mazzurco, A, Yusof, KM, Mohedas, I, Nghia, TLH, Pearson, A, Monat, J, Norton, P, Pearson, N, Monteiro, F, Novoselich, BJ, Pembridge, J, Moote, J, Noy, S, Perez-Felkner, L, Mora, M, O'Hara, R, Perkins, H, O'Moore, L, Peters-Burton, E, Morgan, D, Ohland, M, Pfirman, A, Morgan, T, Okai, B, Pinto, C, Morton, T, Olds, B, Pitterson, N, Mosyjowski, E, Orr, M, Polmear, M, Murphy, T, Ortega-Alvarez, JD, Prince, T, Murray, J, Oseguera, L, Purzer, S, Murzi, H, Owen, C, Quan, GM, Nagy, G, Ozkan, DS, Quillin, K, Natarajathinam, M, Panther, G, Rayess, N, Nelson, M, Patrick, A, Reed, T, Newberry, B, Paul, K, Reeping, D, Newstetter, W, Pawley, A, Reese, M, Reid, K, Rulifson, G, Shivy, V, Renn, K, Rynearson, AM, Simpson, Z, Ricco, G, Sanchez-Pena, ML, Sitomer, A, Richards, L, Saunders-Smits, G, Siverling, E, Rios, L, Sax, L, Slaton, A, Ro, HK, Schimpf, C, Sleezer, R, Roberts, D, Rodgers, K, Schippers, M, Smith-On, C, Rodriguez, S, Schnittka, C, Schunn, C, Rogers, C, Seah, LH, Rohde, J, Rohrer, D, Secules, S, Smith, K, Smith, N, Romine, W, Seifert, C, Sochacka, N, Ross, L, Sessa, V, Stearns, E, Ross, M, Sharp, H, Steif, M, Rottmann, C, Sharp, J, Stephan, P, Rucks, L, Shaw, C, Stevens, R, Streveler, R, Tolbert, D, van Der Marel, F, Strobel, J, Toraman, S, van Hattum, N, Stump, G, Tougaw, D, Verdin, D, Su, X, Trautvetter, LC, Verleger, M, Sundararaja, N, Trenshaw, KF, Vieira, C, Trevelyan, J, Svihla, V, Troussas, C, Villanueva, I, Swan, C, Tsai, J, Vinck, D, Virguez, L, Swanson, R, Tsugawa, MA, Vitasari, P, Sweeny, K, Tuononen, T, Vossoughi, S, Swenson, J, Turner, J, Wallin, P, Talley, K, Turner, S, Tan, L, Tyson, W, Watted, A, Tang, Y, Utley, J, Webber, K, Tank, K, Vasquez, RV, Weintrop, D, Thomas, K, Valdivia, A, Weiss, E, Thompson, JD, Valentine, A, West, R, Tierney, G, Van den Bogaard, M, Wiles, D, Wilson-Lopez, AA, Xinrui, X, Zastavker, Y, Wilson, D, Xu, YJ, Zhang, G, Wolmarans, N, Yang, Y, Zhu, J, Wong, R, Yi, S, Zoltowski, CB, Woollacott, L, Yoon, SY, Adams, R, Bahnson, M, Bhaduri, S, Adams, T, Bairaktarova, D, Bielefeldt, A, Aguirre-Munoz, Z, Balakrishnan, B, Blosser, EG, Ahn, B, Beagon, U, Bodnar, C, Aleong, R, Becker, K, Borgford-Parnell, J, Amelink, C, Beddoes, K, Maura, B, Anderson, R, Bego, C, Bowe, B, Andrews, CJ, Beigpourian, B, Bowen, B, Angel, J, Bekki, J, Boyd, J, Fonseca, MA, Bennett, D, Bradburn, I, Kranov, AA, Berdanier, C, Brady, C, Bae, CL, Bernhard, J, Brawner, C, Brose, A, Case, J, Cropley, D, Brown, F, Cassady, R, Cross, K, Brown, P, Celik, S, Cunningham, P, Ben, C, Cutler, S, Brown, S, Chance, SM, Dabbagh, N, Brozina, C, Chen, H, Dallal, A, Brunhaver, S, Chen, O, Daly, S, Bryant, A, Cheville, RA, Daniel, S, Bucciarelli, L, Chiu, J, Danowitz, A, Burkholder, E, Choe, NH, Darolia, R, Burks, G, Clark, R, Davis, K, Burt, B, Clevenger, C, Davis, S, Canney, N, Cole, J, de Jong, T, Cao, Y, Coley, B, De Vries, C, Caratozzolo, P, Cooper, L, Delaine, D, Carballo, R, Cooper, M, DeMonbrun, R, Cardella, M, Craig, T, Denton, M, Di Stefano, M, Erdman, AM, Gilmartin, S, DiBiasio, D, Eris, O, Gladstone, J, Diefes-Dux, H, Evangelou, D, Glancy, A, Dika, S, Ewen, B, Godwin, A, Direito, I, Faber, C, Goldsmith, R, Dohn, N, Falconer, J, Grigg, SJ, Dolansky, M, Fantz, T, Grohs, J, Faulkner, B, Doom, D, Felder, R, Gummer, E, Douglas, E, Ferris, T, Guzey, S, Douglas, KA, Figueiredo, J, Hadgraft, R, Dounas-Frazer, D, Fiorella, L, Hammack, R, Dringenberg, E, Flores, L, Han, K, Duffy, G, Fong, C, Harding, T, Easley, D, Fowler, RR, Harper, K, Eccles, J, Friedrichsen, D, Hartmann, B, Edstrom, K, Ge, J, Hattingh, T, Ellestad, R, Gelles, L, Henderson, R, Henderson, TS, Immekus, J, Kamphorst, J, Herman, G, Inda, M, Karatas, F, Hess, J, Itabashi-Campbell, R, Kartal, O, Hieb, J, Jackson, A, Karwat, D, Higbee, S, Jankowski, N, Katz, A, Hilton, E, Javernick-Will, A, Keipi, T, Hira, A, Jensen, KJ, Kim, D, Hirshfield, L, Smith, J, Kirn, A, Knaphus-Soran, E, Holly, J, Jesiek, B, Knight, D, Horng, S-M, Johnson, A, Knott, T, Huang-Saad, A, Johnson, B, Kohl, P, Huerta, M, Johri, A, Kohtala, C, Huff, J, Jones, B, Komives, S, Hughes, B, Jones, L, Korsunskiy, E, Hughes, R, Jones, T, Kotys-Schwartz, D, Hunsu, N, Kaminski, J, Kramer, J, Hunter, C, Kampe, J-C, Inkelas, KK, Lamm, M, Lonngren, J, McCall, C, Lande, M, Lottero-Perdue, PS, McCave, E, Lappalainen, P, Aguilar, JFL, McCray, E, Lawanto, O, Lucena, J, McGee, E, Lawson, J, Luk, LYY, McGough, C, Leath, S, Lutz, B, McGowan, V, Lee, D, Ma, Y, McNair, LD, Lee, W, Madon, T, McNaughtan, J, Liberatore, M, Mamaril, N, McNeill, N, Lichtenstein, G, Mangiante, E, Mejia, J, Lima, M, Martin, B, Diaz, NM, Lima, RM, Martin, K, Menekse, M, Lin, J, Lippard, C, Mones, AM, Mesquita, DIDA, Michell, K, Litzler, E, Matthews, M, Miller, S, Lo, CK, Matusovich, H, Minichiello, A, London, J, Maynard, N, Miskioglu, EE, Longwell-Grice, R, Mazzurco, A, Yusof, KM, Mohedas, I, Nghia, TLH, Pearson, A, Monat, J, Norton, P, Pearson, N, Monteiro, F, Novoselich, BJ, Pembridge, J, Moote, J, Noy, S, Perez-Felkner, L, Mora, M, O'Hara, R, Perkins, H, O'Moore, L, Peters-Burton, E, Morgan, D, Ohland, M, Pfirman, A, Morgan, T, Okai, B, Pinto, C, Morton, T, Olds, B, Pitterson, N, Mosyjowski, E, Orr, M, Polmear, M, Murphy, T, Ortega-Alvarez, JD, Prince, T, Murray, J, Oseguera, L, Purzer, S, Murzi, H, Owen, C, Quan, GM, Nagy, G, Ozkan, DS, Quillin, K, Natarajathinam, M, Panther, G, Rayess, N, Nelson, M, Patrick, A, Reed, T, Newberry, B, Paul, K, Reeping, D, Newstetter, W, Pawley, A, Reese, M, Reid, K, Rulifson, G, Shivy, V, Renn, K, Rynearson, AM, Simpson, Z, Ricco, G, Sanchez-Pena, ML, Sitomer, A, Richards, L, Saunders-Smits, G, Siverling, E, Rios, L, Sax, L, Slaton, A, Ro, HK, Schimpf, C, Sleezer, R, Roberts, D, Rodgers, K, Schippers, M, Smith-On, C, Rodriguez, S, Schnittka, C, Schunn, C, Rogers, C, Seah, LH, Rohde, J, Rohrer, D, Secules, S, Smith, K, Smith, N, Romine, W, Seifert, C, Sochacka, N, Ross, L, Sessa, V, Stearns, E, Ross, M, Sharp, H, Steif, M, Rottmann, C, Sharp, J, Stephan, P, Rucks, L, Shaw, C, Stevens, R, Streveler, R, Tolbert, D, van Der Marel, F, Strobel, J, Toraman, S, van Hattum, N, Stump, G, Tougaw, D, Verdin, D, Su, X, Trautvetter, LC, Verleger, M, Sundararaja, N, Trenshaw, KF, Vieira, C, Trevelyan, J, Svihla, V, Troussas, C, Villanueva, I, Swan, C, Tsai, J, Vinck, D, Virguez, L, Swanson, R, Tsugawa, MA, Vitasari, P, Sweeny, K, Tuononen, T, Vossoughi, S, Swenson, J, Turner, J, Wallin, P, Talley, K, Turner, S, Tan, L, Tyson, W, Watted, A, Tang, Y, Utley, J, Webber, K, Tank, K, Vasquez, RV, Weintrop, D, Thomas, K, Valdivia, A, Weiss, E, Thompson, JD, Valentine, A, West, R, Tierney, G, Van den Bogaard, M, Wiles, D, Wilson-Lopez, AA, Xinrui, X, Zastavker, Y, Wilson, D, Xu, YJ, Zhang, G, Wolmarans, N, Yang, Y, Zhu, J, Wong, R, Yi, S, Zoltowski, CB, Woollacott, L, and Yoon, SY
- Published
- 2021
3. Differences in creativity across Art and STEM students: We are more alike than unalike
- Author
Broekhoven, K.C.M. van, Cropley, D., Seegers, P., Broekhoven, K.C.M. van, Cropley, D., and Seegers, P.
- Abstract
13 augustus 2020, Contains fulltext : 228251pub.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access), The aim of the present research is to investigate creativity differences, and the magnitude and nature of those differences, among university students. More specifically, we examined differ-ences in creativity within and between: (a) General Thematic Areas (Art and Science); (b) Specific Science domains (STEM), and; (c) Engineering micro-domains, for a total of 2277 students in German tertiary institutions. The results showed many statistically significant, but uniformly small, differences at all levels, across a range of Person, Process and Product variables. The pattern of results suggests that Openness, Creative Self-Efficacy and Divergent Thinking may be general pre-requisites for creativity. In contrast, the way that characteristics of creative products (e.g. originality) are perceived appears more complex. This research sheds additional light on long-standing debates regarding domain-generality/specificity and creativity.
- Published
- 2020
4. Creativity in design special section
- Author
Childs, P and Cropley, D
- Subjects
Engineering, Mechanical ,Technology ,Science & Technology ,Engineering ,0913 Mechanical Engineering - Published
- 2019
5. The Creative Designer: Educating Divergent Thinkers in a Convergent Climate
- Author
Surovek, A. E., primary, Cropley, D. H., additional, Jensen, D. H., additional, and Benning, J. L., additional
- Published
- 2015
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6. Towards formulating a semiotic theory of measurement information - Part 2 Semiotics and related concepts
- Author
Cropley, D. H.
- Published
- 1998
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7. Towards formulating a semiotic theory of measurement information - Part 1 Fundamental concepts and measurement theory
- Author
Cropley, D. H.
- Published
- 1998
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8. Dangling from a Tassel on the Fabric of Socially Constructed Reality: Reflections on the Creative Writing Process
- Author
Liane Gabora, Nancy Holmes, Cropley, A., Cropley, D., Kaufman, J., Runco, M., and Centre Leo Apostel
- Subjects
Creativity ,Process (engineering) ,Aesthetics ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Culture ,Tassel ,Creative writing ,Social constructionism ,Psychology ,media_common - Abstract
Years ago, one of the authors of this chapter was explaining an unusual idea to a close friend, and poetically admitted that the idea was "out there on the edge of the fabric of accepted reality". The friend laughed and said, "You're not just out there at the edge, you're swinging from a tassel!" We talked about how we both spent much of our lives 'swinging from a tassel', and one of us inadvertently changed the metaphor from 'swinging' to 'dangling'. It seems that when ideas are flowing, the creative process feels like swinging. But when they dry up it can feel as if you are dangling, alone, in darkness. This chapter begins with an investigation into the prevalence of experiences of depression, alienation, and self-abuse amongst the highly creative, focusing primarily on creative writers, followed by a speculative exploration of some subjective aspects of such experiences. After this journey to the dark side, it may be uplifting to see that Mother Nature may have a few tricks up her sleeve to minimize the extent to which we succumb to the negative aspects of creativity while still benefiting from its riches. Finally, we discuss another sobering aspect of creativity--the fact that many of our inventions are dangerous to ourselves, our planet, and the other living things we share it with--and discuss how a creation intimately reflects the structure of the worldview(s) of its creators.
- Published
- 2010
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9. Personality Traits as Predictors of Malevolent Creative Ideation in Offenders.
- Author
Szabó E, Körmendi A, Kurucz G, Cropley D, Olajos T, and Pataky N
- Abstract
Malevolent creativity, which can be defined as creativity that is deliberately planned to damage others, is a concept that explains how the capacity to generate novel and effective outcomes (creativity) may, on occasion, be misapplied. The present study used 130 male inmates of the Oradea Maximum Security Penitentiary in Romania to explore the ability of a set of personality variables (the dark triad, self-efficacy, and self-esteem) to predict malevolent creative ideation. The findings indicate that Machiavellianism and self-efficacy were significant predictors of malevolent creative ideation in the form of lying, while only Machiavellianism was a significant predictor of malevolent creative ideation in the form of hurting people. In addition, the present study found significant differences among subgroups in the sample, with more experienced offenders showing higher levels of malevolent creative ideation.
- Published
- 2022
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