Despite our rich perceptual experience, the visual system is severely limited in capacity to simultaneously represent only a few objects in detail. In fact, attention and visual short-term memory (VSTM) are restricted to about four individual objects [1-3]. The visual system maintains our illusion of stable, complete perception by capitalizing on structure and redundancy inherent in the surrounding environment [4-10]. For example, previous work in our lab [11] demonstrated that the visual system relies on Gestalt-grouping principles like proximity, connectedness, and common region (Figure 1b in Design Plan) to organize information into meaningful chunks, summarized in average representations capturing their overall statistical properties. Gestalt-grouping and perceptual averaging likely boost attention and VSTM capacity well beyond the “four-item limit” by warping memory for individual items toward the means of Gestalt-defined groups, circumventing needs to represent individual objects. We plan to test this proposal using a psychophysical index of warping from averaging11 in conjunction with a well-established neural proxy of VSTM capacity, the Contralateral Delay Activity (CDA) [12]. CDA amplitude is typically used to measure capacity for four or fewer objects [13,14], and many investigations of perceptual averaging employ sets of only a few objects that can easily be individually encoded [15-17], raising the question of whether this sort of processing is naturally used when it would not be advantageous, or whether such “short-cuts” are only taken when necessary to represent collections that exceed VSTM capacity. Figure 1a in the Design Plan illustrates a CDA paradigm in which encephalographic (EEG) activity is recorded while the observer is cued to attend one side of an upcoming study display while remaining fixated in the centre. Observers’ task is to remember the sizes of the circles on the cued side of the study display over a blank retention interval. Study circles are ungrouped, or grouped into two, large-mean/small-mean sets, according to the Gestalt principles of proximity, connectedness, or common region (Figure 1b in the Design Plan). Importantly, half the circles are presented in both large and small mean size sets, such that “groups” are defined only by Gestalt grouping. Unbeknownst to participants, the test circles are always the same physical size. However, when the test was a member of large mean size Gestalt-defined set, participants tend to remember/adjust it larger than when it was a member of the small mean size set. The psychophysical index of averaging is therefore given by extent to which they adjust circles in the test display to the remembered sizes of the circles in the corresponding locations in the study display versus the average size of the Gestalt-defined group [11]. Groups of circles on the unattended side have equal mean sizes, with all other visual information held constant. Therefore, resultant EEG activity contralateral to the attended side, time-locked to the onset of study display (the CDA) indexes VSTM load, such that amplitude over the blank retention interval increases proportionally with the amount of information held in VSTM (Figure 1c in the Design Plan). There will be two baseline conditions, where only two circles are present in the study displays. Study circles will either be identical sizes, representing the grand mean in the Gestalt conditions, or different sizes, one representing the large Gestalt-defined group mean size and one representing the small mean size. We will manipulate Gestalt-groupings and study display set size (4 or 16 items). We will measure participants’ test circle adjustments and concomitant CDA amplitudes. References: 1. Luck, S. J., & Vogel, E. K. (1997). The capacity of visual working memory for features and conjunctions. Nature, 390, 279–281. 2. Pylyshyn, Z. W., & Storm, R. W. (1988). Tracking multiple independent targets: Evidence for a parallel tracking mechanism. Spatial Vision, 3, 179–197. 3. Cowan, N. (2001). The magical number 4 in short-term memory: A reconsideration of mental storage capacity. Behavioral & Brain Sciences, 24, 87-114. 4. Alvarez, G. A. (2011). Representing multiple objects as an ensemble enhances visual cognition. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 15, 122–131. 5. Ariely, D. (2001). Seeing sets: Representation by statistical properties. Psychological Science, 12, 157–162. 6. Brady, T.F. & Alvarez, G.A. (2011). 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The whole warps the sum of its parts: Gestalt- defined-group mean size biases memory for individual objects. Psychological Science, 28(1), 12–22. 12. Vogel, E.K., & Machizawa, M.R. (2004). Neural activity predicts individual differences in visual working memory capacity. Nature, 428, 748-751. 13. Gao, Z., Xu, X., Chen, Z., Yin, J., Shen, M., & Shui, R. (2011). Contralateral delay activity tracks object identity information in visual short term memory. Brain Research, 1406, 30–42. 14. Peterson, D. J., Gozenman, F., Arciniega, H., & Berryhill, M. E. (2015). Contralateral delay activity tracks the influence of Gestalt grouping principles on active visual working memory representations. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 77, 2270–2283. 15. Chong, S. C., & Treisman, A. (2003). Representation of statistical properties. Vision Research, 43, 393-404. 16. Haberman, J., & Whitney, D. (2007). Rapid extraction of mean emotion and gender from sets of faces. Current Biology, 17, 751–753. 17. 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