Representing cloud microphysical processes in large scale atmospheric models is challenging because many processes depend on the details of the droplet size distribution (DSD, the spectrum of droplets with different sizes in a cloud). While full or partial statistical moments of droplet size distributions are the typical variables used in bulk models, prognostic moments are limited in their ability to represent microphysical processes across the range of conditions experienced in the atmosphere. Microphysical parameterizations employing prognostic moments are known to suffer from structural uncertainty in their representations of inherently higher dimensional cloud processes, which limit model fidelity and lead to forecasting errors. Here we investigate how data‐driven reduced‐order modeling can be used to learn predictors for microphysical process rates in bulk microphysics schemes in an unsupervised manner from higher dimensional bin distributions. Using simulations characteristic of marine stratiform clouds, we simultaneously learn lower dimensional representations of droplet size distributions and predict the evolution of the microphysical state of the system. Droplet collision‐coalescence, the main process for generating warm rain, is estimated to have an intrinsic dimension of three. This intrinsic dimension provides a lower limit on the number of degrees of freedom needed to accurately represent collision‐coalescence in models. We demonstrate how deep learning based reduced‐order modeling can be used to discover intrinsic coordinates describing the microphysical state of the system, where process rates such as collision‐coalescence are globally linearized. These implicitly learned representations of the DSD retain more information about the DSD than typical moment‐based representations. Plain Language Summary: Clouds are made from many ice particles and liquid droplets, with a variety of sizes, shapes, and chemical compositions. Traditional approaches for representing small‐scale (microphysical) cloud processes start by defining some set of variables, which is expected to contain key information about cloud properties. These variables are "moments" corresponding to important statistics of the population of cloud particles, such as total mass of cloud water, or total number of particles. One can use physical arguments to develop a set of equations that describe how these bulk properties evolve in time. Traditional moment‐based models require much less computational power than more sophisticated microphysical models, but have limited accuracy. In this study, we explore an alternative approach, where a model "learns" how to represent the state of a cloud using a small number of variables. By investigating the geometry of this compressed representation, we find that we can represent the merging of cloud droplets (coalescence) using only three variables, so this approach may lead to more accurate models without requiring excessive computational resources. We can use this approach to design new models with favorable features, such as representing droplet coalescence using linear functions. Key Points: We use deep learning to find reduced‐order representations of the droplet size distribution from spectral bin microphysics simulationsDroplet coalescence has an intrinsic dimension of three, providing a lower limit on the number of degrees of freedom needed for bulk modelsWe obtain reduced‐order representations of the droplet size distribution where droplet coalescence can be represented as a linear process [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]