Collaboration, LIGO Scientific, Collaboration, Virgo, Fermi, GBM, INTEGRAL, Collaboration, IceCube, Team, AstroSat Cadmium Zinc Telluride Imager, Collaboration, IPN, Collaboration, The Insight-Hxmt, Collaboration, ANTARES, Collaboration, The Swift, Team, AGILE, Team, The 1M2H, Collaboration, The Dark Energy Camera GW-EM, Collaboration, the DES, Collaboration, The DLT40, GRAWITA, TeAm, GRAvitational Wave Inaf, Collaboration, The Fermi Large Area Telescope, ATCA, Array, Australia Telescope Compact, ASKAP, Pathfinder, Australian SKA, Group, Las Cumbres Observatory, OzGrav, DWF, AST3, Collaborations, CAASTRO, Collaboration, The VINROUGE, Collaboration, MASTER, J-GEM, GROWTH, JAGWAR, Caltech-, NRAO, TTU-NRAO, Collaborations, NuSTAR, Pan-STARRS, Team, The MAXI, Consortium, TZAC, Collaboration, KU, Telescope, Nordic Optical, ePESSTO, GROND, University, Texas Tech, Group, SALT, TOROS, Collaboration, Transient Robotic Observatory of the South, Collaboration, The BOOTES, MWA, Array, Murchison Widefield, Collaboration, The CALET, Collaboration, IKI-GW Follow-up, Collaboration, H. E. S. S., Collaboration, LOFAR, LWA, Array, Long Wavelength, Collaboration, HAWC, Collaboration, The Pierre Auger, Collaboration, ALMA, Team, Euro VLBI, Collaboration, Pi of the Sky, University, The Chandra Team at McGill, DFN, Network, Desert Fireball, ATLAS, Survey, High Time Resolution Universe, RIMAS, RATIR, Africa/MeerKAT, SKA South, Van Eerten, Hendrik, Calloni, E., DE ROSA, Rosario, Garufi, F., De Laurentis, M., Di Girolamo, T., Milano, L., Barbato, F., Colalillo, R., Guarino, Fausto, Valore, L., Allocca, Annalisa, Fermi, Gbm, Integral, Icecube, Collaboration, AstroSat Cadmium Zinc Telluride Imager Team, Ipn, Collaboration, The Insight-Hxmt Collaboration, Antares, Collaboration, The Swift Collaboration, Agile, Team, The 1M2H Team, The Dark Energy Camera GW-EM Collaboration and the DES Collaboration, The DLT40 Collaboration, GRAWITA: GRAvitational Wave Inaf TeAm, The Fermi Large Area Telescope Collaboration, ATCA: Australia Telescope Compact Array, ASKAP: Australian SKA Pathfinder, Las Cumbres Observatory Group, Ozgrav, Dwf, (Deeper, Wider, Faster, Program), Ast3, and CAASTRO Collaborations, The VINROUGE Collaboration, Master, Collaboration, J-GEM, Growth, Jagwar, Caltech-, Nrao, TTU-NRAO, and NuSTAR Collaborations, Pan-STARRS, The MAXI Team, Tzac, Consortium, Collaboration, Ku, Nordic Optical Telescope, Epessto, Grond, Texas Tech University, Salt, Group, TOROS: Transient Robotic Observatory of the South Collaboration, The BOOTES Collaboration, MWA: Murchison Widefield Array, The CALET Collaboration, IKI-GW Follow-up Collaboration, Collaboration, H. E. S. S., Lofar, Collaboration, LWA: Long Wavelength Array, Hawc, Collaboration, The Pierre Auger Collaboration, Alma, Collaboration, Euro VLBI Team, Pi of the Sky Collaboration, The Chandra Team at McGill University, DFN: Desert Fireball Network, Atlas, High Time Resolution Universe Survey, RIMAS and RATIR, and SKA South Africa/MeerKAT, and Pinto, Innocenzo