An expanding subgroup of chromosomal translocation-generated oncoproteins in human acute myeloid leukemias (AML) involve the FG repeat-containing nuclear pore complex (NPC) proteins NUP98 (39) and CAN/NUP214 (13, 22). The NUP98 gene is found at the breakpoints of two distinct chromosomal rearrangements: t(7;11)(p15;p15) (7, 18, 33), and inv(11)(p15;q22) (2), which link NUP98 to the class I homeotic transcription factor HOXA9 and the putative RNA helicase DDX10, respectively. In each rearrangement, the chromosomal breakpoints are located within two flanking introns of the NUP98 gene that separate the FG repeat-rich N terminus of NUP98 from its C terminus, which contains a ribonucleoprotein (RNP)-binding motif (39). Although each translocation generates two reciprocal chimeric products, only those driven by the NUP98 promoter and containing the FG repeat region are predicted to mediate leukemogenesis (2, 7, 33). Another nucleoporin gene, CAN/NUP214, is found at the breakpoint of two independent chromosomal rearrangements: t(6;9)(p23;q34), which fuses CAN/NUP214 to DEK (49), and inv(9;9)(q34;q34), which links it to SET (50). The leukemia-specific transcripts, DEK-CAN/NUP214 and SET-CAN/NUP214, both encode nuclear fusion proteins. The proteins contain identical C-terminal portions of CAN/NUP214, including its FG repeat-rich region, and a coiled-coil domain (13, 22). DEK and SET are both nuclear proteins that have no sequence similarity other than the presence of acidic motifs that may participate in DNA binding (13, 14, 31). The involvement of two FG repeat-containing nucleoporins in multiple translocations associated with human leukemia raises intriguing questions about their role in leukemogenesis. In particular, the consistent presence of FG repeat regions suggests that such domains could serve a common function in the transformation of hematopoietic cells. Many of the known components of the NPC have regions rich in FXFG, GLFG and/or FG repeats (amino acids are given in single-letter code, with X indicating any amino acid). Such repeats (called FG for simplicity) are presumed contact sites for soluble nucleocytoplasmic transport factors carrying different kinds of cargo; however, their precise functions in vivo remain to be determined (35, 36). HOXA9, expressed in both the primitive pluripotent precursors and the myeloid progenitors of human bone marrow (42), is the only nucleoporin fusion partner with an established physiological role in hematopoietic development. HOXA9 knockout mice have multiple hematopoietic defects, including reduced numbers of peripheral blood granulocytes and lymphocytes, as well as myeloid and pre-B-cell progenitors, and their spleens and thymuses are smaller than normal (25). Besides its involvement in t(7;11)-mediated myeloid leukemogenesis, HOXA9 has been implicated in the formation of myeloid leukemias in the BXH-2 strain of mice (29). BXH-2 mice carry an endogenous murine leukemia virus that acts as a viral mutagen predisposing the animals to myeloid malignancies (4, 5). In this experimental tumor model, about 3% of all leukemias in BXH-2 mice display proviral activation of HOXA9 (34). Constitutive expression of HOXA9 alone is not sufficient for efficient transformation of murine hematopoietic cells; it requires coexpression of MEIS1 (23, 34), a PBX1-related divergent homeodomain-containing protein that cooperatively binds DNA with HOXA9 in vitro (44). In this study, we show that the t(7;11)-derived fusion gene generates two chimeric proteins via alternative splicing within NUP98. Investigation of the structural and functional regions of the chimeric NUP98-HOXA9 proteins demonstrated that HOXA9-mediated DNA binding and interaction with PBX are essential for transformation of NIH 3T3 fibroblasts. In both chimeras, the NUP98 portions contained very potent transcription activation domains, which replace a strong transcriptional repressor domain within the amino-terminal half HOXA9. Interestingly, the transcriptional coactivators CREB binding protein (CBP) and potentially p300 interacted and functionally cooperated with the NUP98 FG-repeat-rich portions. Abbrogation of NUP98-HOXA9-mediated transformation corresponded to the loss of NUP98-mediated transcriptional activity and CBP binding. Thus, NUP98-HOXA9 seems to recruit CBP/p300 as part of its oncogenic mechanism. Because CBP and p300 are coactivators for a number of gene-specific transcription factors, they could also be critical accessory factors for other fusion proteins that deregulate transcription.