The (generalised) Mellin transforms of certain Chebyshev and Gegenbauer functions based upon the Chebyshev and Gegenbauer polynomials, have polynomial factors $p_n(s)$, whose zeros lie all on the `critical line' $\Re\,s=1/2$ or on the real axis (called critical polynomials). The transforms are identified in terms of combinatorial sums related to H. W. Gould's S:4/3, S:4/2 and S:3/1 binomial coefficient forms. Their `critical polynomial' factors are then identified as variants of the S:4/1 form, and more compactly in terms of certain $_3F_2(1)$ hypergeometric functions. Furthermore, we extend these results to a $1$-parameter family of polynomials with zeros only on the critical line. These polynomials possess the functional equation $p_n(s;\beta)=\pm p_n(1-s;\beta)$, similar to that for the Riemann xi function. It is shown that via manipulation of the binomial factors, these `critical polynomials' can be simplified to an S:3/2 form, which after normalisation yields the rational function $q_n(s).$ The denominator of the rational form has singularities on the negative real axis, and so $q_n(s)$ has the same `critical zeros' as the `critical polynomial' $p_n(s)$. Moreover as $s\rightarrow \infty$ along the positive real axis, $q_n(s)\rightarrow 1$ from below, mimicking $1/\zeta(s)$ on the positive real line. In the case of the Chebyshev parameters we deduce the simpler S:2/1 binomial form, and with $\mathcal{C}_n$ the $n$th Catalan number, $s$ an integer, we show that polynomials $4\mathcal{C}_{n-1}p_{2n}(s)$ and $\mathcal{C}_{n}p_{2n+1}(s)$ yield integers with only odd prime factors. The results touch on analytic number theory, special function theory, and combinatorics., Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1306.5281