47 results on '"Classes inverses"'
Search Results
2. Flipped classroom to teach digital skills during Covid-19
- Author
Molina Torres, María Pilar and Molina Torres, María Pilar
- Abstract
This paper deals with the implementation of flipped learning as a didactic method and its use through the Moodle platform. For this purpose, a quantitative research was carried out with the intention of analyzing the perceptions of new teachers in the acquisition of digital competences that they acquire during their teaching and learning process. The sample is made up of three groups of students in the subject Didactics of Social Sciences in the third year of primary education. The results obtained show that active learning methodologies promote digital literacy in higher education and the improvement of good teaching practices. In this way, through this research, students updated their use of new educational platforms, given the lack of initial training in digital literacy. In short, we can conclude that flipped learning is a useful and innovative teaching method that combines face-to-face and online learning for the education and training of new teachers, Peer Reviewed
- Published
- 2024
3. Experiencia de implementación de una metodología basada en docencia inversa y aprendizaje basado en problemas en una asignatura de enseñanza técnica.
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Màquines i Motors Tèrmics, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. TUAREG - Turbulence and Aerodynamics in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Research Group, Micó Reche, Carlos, Escofet Martín, David, Sanchís Pacheco, Enrique, Lopez Juárez, Marcos, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Màquines i Motors Tèrmics, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. TUAREG - Turbulence and Aerodynamics in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Research Group, Micó Reche, Carlos, Escofet Martín, David, Sanchís Pacheco, Enrique, and Lopez Juárez, Marcos
- Abstract
Entre las metodologías de docencia activas que se aplican en la actualidad, la docencia inversa juega un papel crucial para desarrollar el nivel de compromiso y autonomía del alumnado en educación superior. En este estudio se aplica esta metodología sobre la asignatura de Motores Térmicos y Máquinas Hidráulicas con el fin de evaluar su adecuación al ámbito de educación superior en ingeniería. Para ello, la aplicación de la docencia inversa se hace a través de una estructura por bloques donde se define y coordina el trabajo autónomo, el trabajo dirigido y los actos de evaluación. La metodología propuesta tiene como consecuencia claros niveles de compromiso y aceptación del alumnado, promoviendo de esta forma su autonomía y concentrando el tiempo de trabajo no presencial antes de cada sesión de aula. Además, se encuentra una clara correlación entre el tiempo dedicado a la asignatura y los resultados obtenidos, reforzando así la motivación del alumnado. Esto se ve reflejado en la alta aceptación de la metodología y en el nivel de seguimiento de la asignatura, ya que a aproximadamente el 70% del alumnado le ha gustado la docencia inversa y entre el 80% y 90% ha realizado un seguimiento adecuado de la misma., Postprint (published version)
- Published
- 2023
4. The role of asynchronous and synchronous activities in university academic performance: A comparative study of traditional and inverted class methodologies
- Author
Guevara Otero, Niurka, Diaz Iglesias, Susana, Cuevas Molano, Elena, Guevara Otero, Niurka, Diaz Iglesias, Susana, and Cuevas Molano, Elena
- Abstract
Purpose: The objective of this work is to investigate the effect of synchronous and asynchronous activities on the academic performance of university students. For this purpose, the academic results obtained and the involvement and motivation of the student and the teacher in the different learning methodologies involved are analyzed. Students’ perception of the effectiveness of the flipped class with the face-to-face classroom and online methodologies is compared to that of the traditional learning methodology. Design/methodology/approach: Data were collected from undergraduate students in three marketing courses and were analyzed through a quantitative descriptive, quasi-experimental and cross-sectional study. Academic performance with the different learning methodologies and the effect of synchronous and asynchronous activities on academic performance were compared using logistic regression on each course and methodology. Findings: The results showed that academic performance in synchronous and asynchronous activities was better in the flipped class, except for synchronous activities in the online flipped class. In addition, the best academic performance was obtained in the face-to-face inverted classes. The explanatory effect of asynchronous activities on academic performance was also identified. The greatest predictive capacity and the best prognosis were obtained in the online inverted classes. Students expect to obtain satisfactory results with the inverted class methodology and perceive it as effective, although they prefer a mixture of inverted classes and the traditional methodology. Originality/value: We contribute to theoretical and practical research with this new model to study the influence of the flipped learning methodology and asynchronous and synchronous activities on academic performance. We believe that these results, despite the specific and limited scope of the study, will be of great interest to the teaching community and contribute to improv, Peer Reviewed
- Published
- 2023
5. Implementació d'activitats formatives en anglès en el mòdul d'Electrotècnia del CFGM d'Instal·lacions Elèctriques i Automàtiques
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Utrera Iglesias, Gladys Miriam, Sanz Martinez, Vicente Francisco, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Utrera Iglesias, Gladys Miriam, and Sanz Martinez, Vicente Francisco
- Abstract
L'objectiu d'aquest treball és l'anàlisi de la metodologia AICLE i la implementació de la metodologia a una Unitat Formativa d'un Mòdul Professional de caire tècnic de la branca d'electricitat i electrònica. S'ha realitzat un anàlisi exhaustiu sobre en què consisteix la metodologia AICLE, les seves característiques i com es pot implementar a un aula. També s'han analitzat diferents metodologies actives per poder portar a terme aquesta implementació. A continuació, s'han definit tres Activitats d'Ensenyament-Aprenentatge que incorporen la metodologia AICLE i diferents metodologies actives com són la Flipped Classroom i la Gamificació. També, es detalla amb precisió com portar aquestes activitats a l'aula. Finalment, el treball conclou amb l'assoliment de tots els objectius definits a l'inici del treball.
- Published
- 2023
6. Application of the flipped classroom model to stimulate university students’ learning with online education
- Author
Cuetos Revuelta, María José and Cuetos Revuelta, María José
- Abstract
This work sets out the results of a teaching innovation project applying the flipped classroom model in the Knowledge of Mathematics module on a bachelor’s degree in primary education over two consecutive years at a university that exclusively uses online teaching. This model is used with the aim of stimulating the students’ working methods and improve their intrinsic motivation. The research evaluates the impact of the flipped classroom on academic performance in the subject and collects information on student satisfaction with the development of the experiment. This is a pioneering study as it analyses learning outcomes with mathematical content in university-level classes delivered online synchronously on a permanent basis and not owing to exceptional circumstances such as the Covid-19 pandemic. To do this, specific videos were developed, which students had to watch, with various practical exercises embedded in them to be done before classes. The marks from these exercises along with the final grades for the course are considered to assess the learning outcomes throughout the semester. The results obtained were clearly positive both in performance and in terms of students’ motivation and awareness of their own learning process, as well as the contribution of this proposal to improving their teaching–learning process, essentially through greater student involvement in and commitment to the subject, Peer Reviewed
- Published
- 2023
7. Aula invertida, gamificación y multimedia en Construcción con el uso de redes sociales
- Author
Serrano Jiménez, Antonio, Esquivias, Paula M., Fuentes García, Raquel, Valverde Palacios, Ignacio, Serrano Jiménez, Antonio, Esquivias, Paula M., Fuentes García, Raquel, and Valverde Palacios, Ignacio
- Abstract
The complexity of technical subjects related to the construction field, in Architecture Studies, is elevated in the first years of study due to the lack of fundamental knowledge of terms and properties in construction systems. Students enter their first year without previous fundamental training, in most cases, without having visited a construction site, generating pedagogical challenges. Given the complexity of the subject, traditional teaching causes mechanisation and memorisation, erroneous on many occasions, replacing reasoning and understanding of the usefulness of each system and constructive solution. Taking advantage of the entertaining and dynamic potential of Social Networks in students, this work analyses the design, development, and experimentation of a flipped classroom teaching model that combines explanations of main concepts and construction systems through recorded and explained videos by the students themselves, in search of an active, playful and motivating learning methodology., La complejidad de las asignaturas técnicas, correspondientes al área de Construcción del Grado en Estudios de Arquitectura, es incrementada aún más durante los primeros cursos por el desconocimiento de términos y propiedades fundamentales en los sistemas constructivos. Los alumnos acceden al primer curso sin una formación constructiva básica, en una mayoría de casos sin haber visitado una obra, lo cual genera un reto pedagógico, pues ante la complejidad de la materia, la enseñanza tradicional provoca la mecanización y memorización, en muchas ocasiones errónea, sustituyendo al razonamiento y compresión de la utilidad de cada sistema y solución constructiva. Aprovechando potencial lúdico y dinamizador de las Redes Sociales en los estudiantes, este trabajo analiza el diseño, desarrollo y experimentación desarrollada para integrar explicaciones de conceptos y sistemas constructivos mediante vídeos grabados y explicados por los propios estudiantes en la constitución de una metodología activa, lúdica y motivadora de aula invertida., La realización de esta experiencia de innovación docente se enmarca en el Proyecto de Innovación Docente Avanzado código PAID 22-44 financiado por la Unidad de Calidad, Innovación Docente y Prospectiva de la Universidad de Granada, titulado Virtualización de prácticas docentes mediante Rede Sociales y web – Prácticas_Tokers_UGR”. Los autores quieren agradecer a los demás compañeros del Departamento de Construcciones Arquitectónicas y de la Universidad de Granada, que han formado parte de este proyecto de innovación docente por apoyar la iniciativa y, especialmente, a los alumnos del grupo F de la asignatura Introducción a la Construcción del curso 2022-2023., Peer Reviewed
- Published
- 2023
8. Activitats per a la conscienciació de l'ús de mesures de control ambiental durant l'execució de projectes de Mecatrònica Industrial
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d’Enginyeria Gràfica i de Disseny, Farrerons Vidal, Óscar, Marza Mallol, Jaume, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d’Enginyeria Gràfica i de Disseny, Farrerons Vidal, Óscar, and Marza Mallol, Jaume
- Abstract
Al llarg d'aquest projecte, es treballarà en l'estudi de les diferents metodologies educatives treballades al llarg del curs 22-23 del Màster de formació del professorat de secundària especialitat FP realitzat a l'UPC, amb l'objectiu principal d'aconseguir escollir la més adient a l'hora de desenvolupar una activitat per a la conscienciació de l'ús de mesures de control ambiental durant l'execució de projectes de mecatrònica industrial. A més, es desenvoluparà l'activitat dins del marc d'un Cicle Formatiu de Grau Superior (CFGS) de mecatrònica industrial, concretament en el mòdul 13 de Projecte de Mecatrònica Industrial, amb la finalitat que l'alumnat integri dins del projecte que desenvolupa a l'assignatura ferramentes i mesures de control ambiental com el càlcul de la petjada de carboni. Una vegada implementada l'activitat, es conclou que el nivell de satisfacció amb l'activitat va ser elevat. Els alts nivells d'atenció i interès dels alumnes durant el desenvolupament de les sessions de l'activitat van ser sorprenents. Es creu que es varen deure al treball realitzat, per part del professorat, per a demostrar la relació directa que té la sostenibilitat amb la mecatrònica industrial. D'altra banda, es destaca l'èxit de l'ús del Kahoot com a eina avaluativa, la qual cosa va augmentar la motivació dels estudiants i va permetre que l'ambient a l'aula fos més distès i lúdic, i això, a més es va traduir en grans resultats.
- Published
- 2023
9. Training of the future teacher in the flipped learning model in an online environment
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria de Projectes i de la Construcció, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. ENMA - Enginyeria del Medi Ambient, Romero Garcia, Mª Carmen, Amante García, Beatriz, Buzón García, Olga, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria de Projectes i de la Construcció, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. ENMA - Enginyeria del Medi Ambient, Romero Garcia, Mª Carmen, Amante García, Beatriz, and Buzón García, Olga
- Abstract
The objective of this paper is to evaluate the effectiveness of a training program, based on the flipped learning model, for future teachers of Secondary Education and Vocational Training. For this study, a pre-experimental research design was used, and an instrument was applied to determine the level of training acquired in active methodologies, design of activities, technological tools, evaluation strategies, and student satisfaction with the training program. The results show the effectiveness of the program for training students in the active methodologies and technological tools most appropriate to implement the flipped model in the classroom., Peer Reviewed, Postprint (published version)
- Published
- 2023
10. Training of the future teacher in the flipped learning model in an online environment
- Author
Romero Garcia, Mª Carmen, Amante García, Beatriz, Buzón García, Olga, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria de Projectes i de la Construcció, and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. ENMA - Enginyeria del Medi Ambient
- Subjects
Classes inverses ,Ensenyament i aprenentatge::Formació del professorat (formació de formadors) [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Technology ,Active learning ,Teachers--Training of ,Aprenentatge actiu ,Online teacher training ,Active methodologies ,Higher education ,Flipped classrooms ,Flipped learning ,Professors--Formació - Abstract
The objective of this paper is to evaluate the effectiveness of a training program, based on the flipped learning model, for future teachers of Secondary Education and Vocational Training. For this study, a pre-experimental research design was used, and an instrument was applied to determine the level of training acquired in active methodologies, design of activities, technological tools, evaluation strategies, and student satisfaction with the training program. The results show the effectiveness of the program for training students in the active methodologies and technological tools most appropriate to implement the flipped model in the classroom.
- Published
- 2023
11. The role of asynchronous and synchronous activities in university academic performance: A comparative study of traditional and inverted class methodologies
- Author
ELENA CUEVAS MOLANO, Susana Diaz-Iglesias, and NIURKA Guevara-Otero
- Subjects
Ensenyament -- Metodologia ,Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management ,Inverted class ,Education, Higher ,Rendiment escolar ,Strategy and Management ,Educational innovations ,Teaching -- Methodology ,Flipped classrooms ,Academic achievement ,Academic performance ,Asynchronous ,Ensenyament -- Innovacions ,Education ,Ensenyament i aprenentatge::Metodologies docents [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Synchronous ,Classes inverses ,Management of Technology and Innovation ,Accounting ,Teaching innovation ,Ensenyament universitari ,Business and International Management ,Flipped learning - Abstract
Purpose: The objective of this work is to investigate the effect of synchronous and asynchronous activities on the academic performance of university students. For this purpose, the academic results obtained and the involvement and motivation of the student and the teacher in the different learning methodologies involved are analyzed. Students’ perception of the effectiveness of the flipped class with the face-to-face classroom and online methodologies is compared to that of the traditional learning methodology. Design/methodology/approach: Data were collected from undergraduate students in three marketing courses and were analyzed through a quantitative descriptive, quasi-experimental and cross-sectional study. Academic performance with the different learning methodologies and the effect of synchronous and asynchronous activities on academic performance were compared using logistic regression on each course and methodology. Findings: The results showed that academic performance in synchronous and asynchronous activities was better in the flipped class, except for synchronous activities in the online flipped class. In addition, the best academic performance was obtained in the face-to-face inverted classes. The explanatory effect of asynchronous activities on academic performance was also identified. The greatest predictive capacity and the best prognosis were obtained in the online inverted classes. Students expect to obtain satisfactory results with the inverted class methodology and perceive it as effective, although they prefer a mixture of inverted classes and the traditional methodology. Originality/value: We contribute to theoretical and practical research with this new model to study the influence of the flipped learning methodology and asynchronous and synchronous activities on academic performance. We believe that these results, despite the specific and limited scope of the study, will be of great interest to the teaching community and contribute to improving the motivation and performance of students, which constitutes a main challenge in the higher education system
- Published
- 2023
12. Construyendo aprendizajes desde el conocimiento del cerebro
- Author
Irene Ros-Martín
- Subjects
Aprendizaje basado en proyectos ,Sistemas constructivos ,Arquitectura [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Constructive systems ,Architecture -- Study and teaching (Higher) ,Flipped classrooms ,Proyecto de ejecución ,Project-based learning ,Classes inverses ,Neuroeducation ,Neuroeducación ,Execution project ,Arquitectura -- Ensenyament universitari ,Ensenyament i aprenentatge [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Flipped learning - Abstract
It presents an educational experience carried out in a building subject of a degree in architecture. Its foundation is based on neuroeducation, which is the application of cognitive psychology to education. Through the application of the active methodologies Project Based Learning and Flipped Learning, a didactic strategy is designed in which students must carry out a real execution project. The results are satisfactory, given the complexity of the subject. The main conclusion that is obtained is that the combination of these two methodologies, applied following the principles of neuroeducation, favors the acquisition of knowledge of the construction contents. Se presenta una experiencia educativa llevada a cabo en una asignatura de construcción de un grado en arquitectura. Su fundamentación está basada en la neuroeducación, que es la aplicación de la psicología cognitiva a la educación. Mediante la aplicación de las metodologías activas Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos y Flipped Learning, se diseña una estrategia didáctica en la que el estudiantado debe realizar un proyecto de ejecución real. Los resultados arrojan calificaciones satisfactorias, si se tiene en cuenta la complejidad de la materia. La principal conclusión que se obtiene es que la combinación de estas dos metodologías, aplicadas siguiendo los principios de la neuroeducación, favorece la adquisición del conocimiento de los contenidos de construcción.
- Published
- 2022
13. Design and evaluation of a chemistry subject in an engineering degree
- Author
María Pilar Almajano Pablos, Rosa Maria Darbra Roman, and Joana Lalueza Baro
- Subjects
Classes inverses ,Lideratge ,Leadership ,Executives -- Training of ,Self-culture ,Directius -- Formació ,Flipped classrooms ,Autoaprenentatge ,Ensenyament i aprenentatge::Metodologies docents [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Flipped classroom ,Continuous assessment ,Self-study - Abstract
The beginning of a new Degree at UPC was the opportunity to design a Chemistry subject from the start. It was designed under the criteria of focusing the process on student learning, following the indications of the last meeting of the European Higher Education Area in Rome, November 2020. The objective of the design was to comply with the regulatory requirements and incorporate the learning outcomes that were already defined in other engineering areas, as well as to facilitate the learning of students who had not studied chemistry in high school (between 20 and 30%). To this end, videos have been created with embedded questions, tests, summary preparation criteria, various cooperative work methodologies, ... to which part of the subject's grade (10%) has been assigned in order to facilitate student commitment to weekly completion. Each academic year (3 normal and one in confinement have been developed) an assessment has been made with the students, both of the methodology and the material. In all cases, they reflect that continuous work and immediate or very close feedback is one of the points that has helped them the most in their process. They have also commented (in each academic year) on possibilities for improvement in which they have been directly involved and have helped to bring it to completion. The material is currently ready to be made public on the University website and accessible to all students.
- Published
- 2022
14. Students' experiences with short videos in a flipped classroom design in physic
- Author
Knut Bjørkli Rolstad and Trine Andersen
- Subjects
Classes inverses ,Video recording ,Engineering -- Study and teaching ,Flipped classroom ,Physics ,Física ,Vídeo ,Ensenyament i aprenentatge::Metodologies docents::Aprenentatge actiu [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Short videos ,Teacher collaboration ,Multicampus ,Enginyeria -- Ensenyament - Abstract
We have implemented a methodology for using short videos as a part of a flipped classroom design in an introductory, multi-campus physics course for engineering students. These pre-recorded videos introduced theory and concepts to students ahead of in-class sessions, which enabled a reduction in the time used for traditional lectures. The time spent in classes puts emphasis on student activities, such as quizzes, Q&A sessions with the lecturer answering student-submitted questions, and problem solving. The physics course has a modular design for customized delivery to a multitude of study programmes and is coordinated by a team of teachers who provide localized classes at several campuses. Although teachers manage individual classes, the course uses an open learning environment which allows enrolled students access to all study materials published by any teacher. We present results from a questionnaire investigating student experiences with the use of short videos, by measuring the overall level of satisfaction with the videos, as well as collecting students’ comments to the videos. We investigate correlations between student satisfaction with the videos and the comments they make, and whether students whose teacher is featured in the video are more satisfied than students without a personal relationship with the featured teacher. Students report overall satisfaction with video length and level of precision, while requesting more worked examples and detailed calculations. We identify a set of good practices for flipped classroom designs, based on the students’ feedback.
- Published
- 2022
15. Experiences from the first implementation round of two electronics courses utilizing flipped learning method
- Author
Katja Laine, Erja Sipilä, Järvinen, Hannu-Matti, Silvestre, Santiago, Llorens, Ariadna, Nagy, Balázs, Tampere University, and Electrical Engineering
- Subjects
Classes inverses ,Engineering -- Study and teaching ,Electrònica ,Flipped learning ,Electronics ,213 Electronic, automation and communications engineering, electronics ,Ensenyament i aprenentatge::Innovació i Investigació educativa [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Flipped classrooms ,Enginyeria -- Ensenyament - Abstract
During the past years we have witnessed various development trends in learning. More and more the learning has moved online thus making it independent of time and place, students’ responsibility of their own learning has increased, methods that promote active learning have gained more interest as they result in better learning results, and the role of a teacher has shifted towards a facilitator of learning. Consequently, the flipped learning pedagogical approach has become more common in recent years as it is one way to answer these trends. This concept paper introduces two studies of practice in which flipped learning approach was implemented for the first time in a bachelor level university course of electronics at Tampere University (TU) during the academic year 2021 – 2022. The structure of the flipped courses consisted of online pre-class study materials and assignments, face-to-face learning events, various individual and group learning assignments and so-called prime time small group meetings with the teacher. Flexibility and versability of the learning experiences, both-way feedback possibilities as well as a combination of individual and collaborative face-to-face and online learning were emphasized in the course design. According to the feedback many students felt that this flipped learning approach promoted learning and encouraged to study evenly throughout the entire course. Furthermore, the teachers' thoughts after the first implementation round are considered e.g., which parts and practices were successes, and which need further development. In addition, thoughts about teachers' workload and institute's support in utilizing flipped learning method are shared. publishedVersion
- Published
- 2022
- Full Text
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16. Smart Products, engineering and services. An example of modern engineering education
- Author
Schmitt, Florian, Rudolph, Kris, Kirchner, Eckhard, Blat Belmonte, Benjamin, Kappes, Aaron, and Rinderknecht, Stephan
- Subjects
Classes inverses ,Engineering -- Study and teaching ,Agile development ,Flipped classroom ,Smart systems ,Rapid manufacturing ,Condition monitoring ,Enginyeria -- Ensenyament ,Ensenyament i aprenentatge::Metodologies docents [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] - Abstract
As digitization and Industry 4.0 progress, the need for smart products and innovative business models increases. This contribution presents the underlying novel concept of the collaborative course “Smart Products, Engineering and Services”. The objective is to enable students of mechanical engineering to develop and work with smart products, and to derive possible business models for their use. A combination of traditional lectures, flipped classroom exercises and a development project characterizes the unique character of the course. The presented topics range from the basics of sensing machine elements, intelligent mechatronic systems and the use of artificial intelligence in the latter. Further, it comprises product development methods such as agile development, V&V methods and the usage of rapid manufacturing technologies. The flipped classroom exercises serve as preparation for the project work and allow students to gain practical experience with additive manufacturing processes as well as cyber-physical systems. As part of the project work, students develop a smart product which must complete the control task of balancing a body on vertically excited surface by minimizing the bodies movement. For this purpose, the kinematics, the controller, and the usage of a force-measuring ball bearing as a sensing machine element are predetermined. Missing components must be designed and manufactured in a Makerspace using 3D printing or laser cutting and the developed controller must be implemented. The smart product is finally tested on a specially developed test rig.
- Published
- 2022
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17. Students' experiences with short videos in a flipped classroom design in physic
- Author
Rolstad, Knut Bjørkli, Andersen, Trine, Rolstad, Knut Bjørkli, and Andersen, Trine
- Abstract
We have implemented a methodology for using short videos as a part of a flipped classroom design in an introductory, multi-campus physics course for engineering students. These pre-recorded videos introduced theory and concepts to students ahead of in-class sessions, which enabled a reduction in the time used for traditional lectures. The time spent in classes puts emphasis on student activities, such as quizzes, Q&A sessions with the lecturer answering student-submitted questions, and problem solving. The physics course has a modular design for customized delivery to a multitude of study programmes and is coordinated by a team of teachers who provide localized classes at several campuses. Although teachers manage individual classes, the course uses an open learning environment which allows enrolled students access to all study materials published by any teacher. We present results from a questionnaire investigating student experiences with the use of short videos, by measuring the overall level of satisfaction with the videos, as well as collecting students’ comments to the videos. We investigate correlations between student satisfaction with the videos and the comments they make, and whether students whose teacher is featured in the video are more satisfied than students without a personal relationship with the featured teacher. Students report overall satisfaction with video length and level of precision, while requesting more worked examples and detailed calculations. We identify a set of good practices for flipped classroom designs, based on the students’ feedback.
- Published
- 2022
18. Design and evaluation of a chemistry subject in an engineering degree
- Author
Almajano Pablos, María Pilar, Darbra Roman, Rosa Maria, Lalueza Baro, Joana, Almajano Pablos, María Pilar, Darbra Roman, Rosa Maria, and Lalueza Baro, Joana
- Abstract
The beginning of a new Degree at UPC was the opportunity to design a Chemistry subject from the start. It was designed under the criteria of focusing the process on student learning, following the indications of the last meeting of the European Higher Education Area in Rome, November 2020. The objective of the design was to comply with the regulatory requirements and incorporate the learning outcomes that were already defined in other engineering areas, as well as to facilitate the learning of students who had not studied chemistry in high school (between 20 and 30%). To this end, videos have been created with embedded questions, tests, summary preparation criteria, various cooperative work methodologies, ... to which part of the subject's grade (10%) has been assigned in order to facilitate student commitment to weekly completion. Each academic year (3 normal and one in confinement have been developed) an assessment has been made with the students, both of the methodology and the material. In all cases, they reflect that continuous work and immediate or very close feedback is one of the points that has helped them the most in their process. They have also commented (in each academic year) on possibilities for improvement in which they have been directly involved and have helped to bring it to completion. The material is currently ready to be made public on the University website and accessible to all students.
- Published
- 2022
19. Experiences from the first implementation round of two electronics courses utilizing flipped learning method
- Author
Laine, Katja, Sipilä, Erja, Laine, Katja, and Sipilä, Erja
- Abstract
During the past years we have witnessed various development trends in learning. More and more the learning has moved online thus making it independent of time and place, students’ responsibility of their own learning has increased, methods that promote active learning have gained more interest as they result in better learning results, and the role of a teacher has shifted towards a facilitator of learning. Consequently, the flipped learning pedagogical approach has become more common in recent years as it is one way to answer these trends. This concept paper introduces two studies of practice in which flipped learning approach was implemented for the first time in a bachelor level university course of electronics at Tampere University (TU) during the academic year 2021 – 2022. The structure of the flipped courses consisted of online pre-class study materials and assignments, face-to-face learning events, various individual and group learning assignments and so-called prime time small group meetings with the teacher. Flexibility and versability of the learning experiences, both-way feedback possibilities as well as a combination of individual and collaborative face-to-face and online learning were emphasized in the course design. According to the feedback many students felt that this flipped learning approach promoted learning and encouraged to study evenly throughout the entire course. Furthermore, the teachers' thoughts after the first implementation round are considered e.g., which parts and practices were successes, and which need further development. In addition, thoughts about teachers' workload and institute's support in utilizing flipped learning method are shared.
- Published
- 2022
20. Students' perception of digital tools used with online teaching methodologies in a pandemic context: a case study in northern Chile
- Author
Peceño Capilla, Begoña, Lluch Molins, Laia, Bonilla Pérez, Enzo, Bakit, José, Cortés Pizarro, Niris, Peceño Capilla, Begoña, Lluch Molins, Laia, Bonilla Pérez, Enzo, Bakit, José, and Cortés Pizarro, Niris
- Abstract
In 2020, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is of interest to understand how students perceived the access, use, and utility of digital tools in online teaching. This study provides an insight into the needs of students in adjusting to online teaching. This study presents the methodological design of the course “Industrial Hygiene I,” part of a technology-based engineering bachelor’s degree from Universidad Católica del Norte (Chile). Once the theoretical framework was established, three surveys were designed throughout the course to measure students’ perceptions of the access, use, and utility of digital tools used in online teaching during the pandemic. Thirty-five students participated in this quantitative study. Following a data analysis, it was observed that 46% of students use their cell phones to access virtual classes and more than 50% are dissatisfied with the internet connection; therefore, it was necessary to adapt the learning methodology. After that, more than 50% of the students said that they preferred a flipped classroom over traditional methodology. In addition, the quality of the course was not affected by using the internet (60%), and the methodology generates advantages in terms of learning (72%). These findings have several implications in both the design of different subjects in the engineering degree and the practice of different learning methods. Future hybrid teaching designs require taking up the challenges of both improving technology-supported teaching and assessing competence in the same context, Peer Reviewed
- Published
- 2022
21. A flipped classroom experience in the context of a pandemic: Cooperative learning as a strategy for meaningful student learning
- Author
Fernández Ferrer, Maite, Espinoza Pizarro, Dario, Fernández Ferrer, Maite, and Espinoza Pizarro, Dario
- Abstract
Through an initial documentary analysis of the flipped classroom in the context of a pandemic and of the new pedagogical models based on active methodologies or pedagogies and cooperative learning, the experience presented below is part of an innovation project based on the design of cooperative activities focused on students to enhance their meaningful learning and with the aim of improving their satisfaction and motivation and thus, as a consequence, their academic performance. For the evaluation of this experience, in which 29 students from the theoretical-experimental subject of General Chemistry participated from the Technological Bases Engineering training plan of the Universidad Católica del Norte, three data collection instruments wre administered based on the use of the questionnaire and the interview with the students during and at the end of the experience. The main results show high acceptance and satisfaction with the design of the innovation; an improvement in the development of teamwork competence; and a significant impact of the active methodologies and cooperative learning strategies implemented in increasing the academic performance of students, Peer Reviewed
- Published
- 2022
22. Guia de bones pràctiques per a la creació d’un flipped classroom vídeo dins del model d’aula invertida a la FP
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Institut de Ciències de l'Educació, Ferré Ferré, Lídia, Merchán Alonso, Manuel, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Institut de Ciències de l'Educació, Ferré Ferré, Lídia, and Merchán Alonso, Manuel
- Abstract
El present treball estableix unes pautes de disseny i creació de material audiovisual propi per treballar a l'espai individual dintre del model d'aula inversa o Flipped Classroom. Degut a la manca de treballs fi de màster previs que es focalitzin a la fase prèvia a l'aula, és necessari dur a terme una investigació per guiar a qualsevol docent interessat en crear vídeos de qualitat per als seus alumnes. S'ha realitzat un estudi per determinar quins elements fonamentals ha de necessàriament complir un vídeo flipped que sigui considerat motivador i fomenti l'estudi previ, clau per a l'èxit del model d'aula inversa. En aquest sentit, la figura dels Edutubers, com a experts en la creació de material instructiu propi, ha estat de gran ajuda. La investigació s'ha dividit en dues fases. A la primera part, s'ha elaborat un estudi sobre les característiques de diferents canals educatius amb gran nombre de subscriptors i una enquesta posterior als seus creadors per determinar la clau del seu èxit. A la segona part, s'ha plantejat una guia de disseny i s'ha creat un vídeo instructiu, el qual ha estat projectat a un CFGS. A continuació, s'han recollit les impressions de l'alumnat on s'ha obtingut un alt grau de satisfacció amb el material audiovisual creat, un 90% dels alumnes recomanarien el vídeo a un company d'un curs similar. Futures investigacions hauran de confirmar la validesa de les conclusions d'aquest treball en altres cicles formatius de grau superior i mitjà.
- Published
- 2022
23. Disseny i aplicació d’una metodologia de classe invertida introduint eines digitals en el cicle formatiu d’Operacions de Laboratori
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Química, Almajano Pablos, María Pilar, Sánchez Roca, Júlia, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Química, Almajano Pablos, María Pilar, and Sánchez Roca, Júlia
- Abstract
L'aula invertida (AI) o flipped classroom és un model educatiu en què les activitats que tradicionalment es duen a terme a l'aula, com la presentació de continguts, es converteixen en activitats a fer a casa, mentre que les activitats que normalment es desenvolupen a casa passen a fer-se a la classe. En la classe invertida el professor passa del rol de transmissor de coneixement a un rol de guia i orientador, acompanyant a l'alumne en el seu procés d'aprenentatge. Aleshores, metre el contingut s'imparteix de manera asíncrona en format digital, les classes es dediquen a orientar l'alumne, proposar problemes i resoldre dubtes. Aquesta és una metodologia activa basada en l'alumne, que pretén incrementar l'interès i motivació de l'alumne així com també potenciar el seu aprenentatge. Alhora, permet que cada alumne construeixi coneixement de manera flexible seguint el seu ritme. Les noves tecnologies d'aprenentatge i coneixement (TAC) que es troben en contínua expansió i desenvolupament, proveeixen un ampli ventall de possibilitats per al disseny i aplicació de noves metodologies pedagògiques tals com el model d'aula invertida. Els objectius d'aquest treball són els de dissenyar i aplicar un model d'aula invertida utilitzant eines digitals per a un grup de formació professional del cicle formatiu de grau mitjà d'operacions de laboratori a mode de potenciar-ne l'autonomia, la motivació així com millorar els resultats acadèmics.
- Published
- 2022
24. Construyendo aprendizajes desde el conocimiento del cerebro
- Author
Ros-Martín, Irene and Ros-Martín, Irene
- Abstract
It presents an educational experience carried out in a building subject of a degree in architecture. Its foundation is based on neuroeducation, which is the application of cognitive psychology to education. Through the application of the active methodologies Project Based Learning and Flipped Learning, a didactic strategy is designed in which students must carry out a real execution project. The results are satisfactory, given the complexity of the subject. The main conclusion that is obtained is that the combination of these two methodologies, applied following the principles of neuroeducation, favors the acquisition of knowledge of the construction contents., Se presenta una experiencia educativa llevada a cabo en una asignatura de construcción de un grado en arquitectura. Su fundamentación está basada en la neuroeducación, que es la aplicación de la psicología cognitiva a la educación. Mediante la aplicación de las metodologías activas Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos y Flipped Learning, se diseña una estrategia didáctica en la que el estudiantado debe realizar un proyecto de ejecución real. Los resultados arrojan calificaciones satisfactorias, si se tiene en cuenta la complejidad de la materia. La principal conclusión que se obtiene es que la combinación de estas dos metodologías, aplicadas siguiendo los principios de la neuroeducación, favorece la adquisición del conocimiento de los contenidos de construcción., Peer Reviewed
- Published
- 2022
25. Guia de bones pràctiques per a la creació d’un flipped classroom vídeo dins del model d’aula invertida a la FP
- Author
Merchán Alonso, Manuel, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Institut de Ciències de l'Educació, and Ferré Ferré, Lídia
- Subjects
motivational videos in higher education ,principis de vídeos educatius ,vídeos motivacionals a educació secundària ,multimedia learning ,Flipped classrooms ,aprenentatge multimèdia ,Classes inverses ,Vocational education ,edutuber ,educational video principles ,Formació professional ,flipped classroom vídeo ,flipped classroom video ,Ensenyament i aprenentatge::TIC's aplicades a l'educació [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] - Abstract
El present treball estableix unes pautes de disseny i creació de material audiovisual propi per treballar a l'espai individual dintre del model d'aula inversa o Flipped Classroom. Degut a la manca de treballs fi de màster previs que es focalitzin a la fase prèvia a l'aula, és necessari dur a terme una investigació per guiar a qualsevol docent interessat en crear vídeos de qualitat per als seus alumnes. S'ha realitzat un estudi per determinar quins elements fonamentals ha de necessàriament complir un vídeo flipped que sigui considerat motivador i fomenti l'estudi previ, clau per a l'èxit del model d'aula inversa. En aquest sentit, la figura dels Edutubers, com a experts en la creació de material instructiu propi, ha estat de gran ajuda. La investigació s'ha dividit en dues fases. A la primera part, s'ha elaborat un estudi sobre les característiques de diferents canals educatius amb gran nombre de subscriptors i una enquesta posterior als seus creadors per determinar la clau del seu èxit. A la segona part, s'ha plantejat una guia de disseny i s'ha creat un vídeo instructiu, el qual ha estat projectat a un CFGS. A continuació, s'han recollit les impressions de l'alumnat on s'ha obtingut un alt grau de satisfacció amb el material audiovisual creat, un 90% dels alumnes recomanarien el vídeo a un company d'un curs similar. Futures investigacions hauran de confirmar la validesa de les conclusions d'aquest treball en altres cicles formatius de grau superior i mitjà.
- Published
- 2022
26. Disseny i aplicació d’una metodologia de classe invertida introduint eines digitals en el cicle formatiu d’Operacions de Laboratori
- Author
Sánchez Roca, Júlia, Almajano Pablos, María Pilar, and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Química
- Subjects
aula invertida (AI) ,unitat formativa ,autonomia ,motivació ,tecnologies per a l'aprenentatge i coneixement (TAC) ,Flipped classrooms ,nucli formatiu ,Classes inverses ,lleis dels gasos ideals ,Vocational education ,Formació professional ,Technology -- Study and teaching ,eines digitals ,activitat d'ensenyament i aprenentatge ,Tecnologia -- Ensenyament ,Ensenyament i aprenentatge::TIC's aplicades a l'educació [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] - Abstract
L'aula invertida (AI) o flipped classroom és un model educatiu en què les activitats que tradicionalment es duen a terme a l'aula, com la presentació de continguts, es converteixen en activitats a fer a casa, mentre que les activitats que normalment es desenvolupen a casa passen a fer-se a la classe. En la classe invertida el professor passa del rol de transmissor de coneixement a un rol de guia i orientador, acompanyant a l'alumne en el seu procés d'aprenentatge. Aleshores, metre el contingut s'imparteix de manera asíncrona en format digital, les classes es dediquen a orientar l'alumne, proposar problemes i resoldre dubtes. Aquesta és una metodologia activa basada en l'alumne, que pretén incrementar l'interès i motivació de l'alumne així com també potenciar el seu aprenentatge. Alhora, permet que cada alumne construeixi coneixement de manera flexible seguint el seu ritme. Les noves tecnologies d'aprenentatge i coneixement (TAC) que es troben en contínua expansió i desenvolupament, proveeixen un ampli ventall de possibilitats per al disseny i aplicació de noves metodologies pedagògiques tals com el model d'aula invertida. Els objectius d'aquest treball són els de dissenyar i aplicar un model d'aula invertida utilitzant eines digitals per a un grup de formació professional del cicle formatiu de grau mitjà d'operacions de laboratori a mode de potenciar-ne l'autonomia, la motivació així com millorar els resultats acadèmics.
- Published
- 2022
27. Students' perception of digital tools used with online teaching methodologies in a pandemic context: a case study in Northern Chile
- Author
Begoña Peceño Capilla, Laia Lluch Molins, Enzo Bonilla Pérez, José Bakit, and Niris Cortés Pizarro
- Subjects
Ensenyament -- Metodologia ,Pandemic ,Learning methodology ,Virtual teaching ,COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020 ,Flipped classrooms ,Teaching -- Methodology ,Ensenyament i aprenentatge::Metodologies docents [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Education ,Classes inverses ,Flipped classroom ,Pandèmia de COVID-19, 2020 ,Digital tools ,Student perception - Abstract
In 2020, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is of interest to understand how students perceived the access, use, and utility of digital tools in online teaching. This study provides an insight into the needs of students in adjusting to online teaching.This study presents the methodological design of the course “Industrial Hygiene I,” part of a technology-based engineering bachelor’s degree from Universidad Católica del Norte (Chile). Once the theoretical framework was established, three surveys were designed throughout the course to measure students’ perceptions of the access, use, and utility of digital tools used in online teaching during the pandemic. Thirty-five students participated in this quantitative study.Following a data analysis, it was observed that 46% of students use their cell phones to access virtual classes and more than 50% are dissatisfied with the internet connection; therefore, it was necessary to adapt the learning methodology. After that, more than 50% of the students said that they preferred a flipped classroom over traditional methodology. In addition, the quality of the course was not affected by using the internet (60%), and the methodology generates advantages in terms of learning (72%).These findings have several implications in both the design of different subjects in the engineering degree and the practice of different learning methods. Future hybrid teaching designs require taking up the challenges of both improving technology-supported teaching and assessing competence in the same context.
- Published
- 2022
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
28. A flipped classroom experience in the context of a pandemic: Cooperative learning as a strategy for meaningful student learning
- Author
Maite Fernández-Ferrer and Dario Espinoza Pizarro
- Subjects
Ensenyament i aprenentatge::Metodologies docents::Aprenentatge cooperatiu [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Team learning approach in education ,Cooperative learning ,Aprenentatge -- Treball en equip ,Flipped classrooms ,Web-based instruction ,Ensenyament virtual ,Education ,Classes inverses ,Cooperation -- Study and teaching ,Meaningful learning ,Self-regulation of learning ,Flipped classroom ,Cooperativisme -- Ensenyament ,Online education - Abstract
Through an initial documentary analysis of the flipped classroom in the context of a pandemic and of the new pedagogical models based on active methodologies or pedagogies and cooperative learning, the experience presented below is part of an innovation project based on the design of cooperative activities focused on students to enhance their meaningful learning and with the aim of improving their satisfaction and motivation and thus, as a consequence, their academic performance. For the evaluation of this experience, in which 29 students from the theoretical-experimental subject of General Chemistry participated from the Technological Bases Engineering training plan of the Universidad Católica del Norte, three data collection instruments were administered based on the use of the questionnaire and the interview with the students during and at the end of the experience. The main results show high acceptance and satisfaction with the design of the innovation; an improvement in the development of teamwork competence; and a significant impact of the active methodologies and cooperative learning strategies implemented in increasing the academic performance of students.
- Published
- 2022
- Full Text
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29. Aplicació de flipped classroom al cicle formatiu de grau superior d'automatització i robòtica industrials
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Teoria del Senyal i Comunicacions, Esquerra Llucià, Ignasi, Hidalgo López, Sonia, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Teoria del Senyal i Comunicacions, Esquerra Llucià, Ignasi, and Hidalgo López, Sonia
- Abstract
Les classes en que el professor donava una explicació magistral unidireccional i els alumnes només escoltaven aquests coneixements s'han demostrat com a poc eficients ja que no comporten un aprenentatge significatiu. La comunitat educativa actual, on les classes magistrals encara son majoritàries, necessita un canvi de paradigma en que s'introdueixin les metodologies actives, que milloren la motivació i l'aprenentatge dels alumnes. Entre les metodologies actives, la que hem trobat com a més recomanada per iniciar aquest canvi de paradigma és el Flipped classroom (en endavant FC) o classe invertida. El FC suposa un canvi en el rol de l'alumne, que passarà a ser protagonista de la seva formació, i també del rol del professorat, que ara acompanyarà i guiarà el procés d'aprenentatge. Revisarem aquest canvi de rols, les passes que s'haurien de seguir per introduir aquesta metodologia i algunes eines TIC de que disposem per tal de gestionar el treball individual i augmentar la participació en les activitats grupals, fora de l'aula. L'avaluació i la recollida de feedback també s'hauran d'adaptar a la nova metodologia, per tal de permetre reconèixer els coneixements pràctics adquirits i de revisar de manera continuada l'evolució de l'alumnat. Degut als avantatges del FC aquí exposats, he aplicat aquesta metodologia activa en el context en que he realitzat les pràctiques del màster, el CFGS d'automatització i robòtica industrials, i indicaré la implementació i les conclusions.
- Published
- 2021
30. Secondary school students' perception according to their learning style of a mathematics flipped classroom
- Author
Fornons, Vicent, Palau, Ramon, Santiago, Raúl, Fornons, Vicent, Palau, Ramon, and Santiago, Raúl
- Abstract
The Flipped Classroom (FC) has been gaining prominence over the past few years. Many articles have shown that the FC increases the interaction between students and between the teacher and students, allowing different learning rhythms, facilitating access to materials, increasing collaboration between students and enhancing active learning. The present research looks at how students perceive the FC based on their learning style. The research was carried out with a sample consisting of two groups of third-year compulsory secondary education students (37 students in total) in the subject of mathematics. A quantitative methodology was used. At the beginning of the term, all students were given a questionnaire (CHAEA) to determine their learning style. At the end of term they were given a questionnaire (Driscoll) on their perception of the FC . The results show that students with a theoretical style of learning value the uses of the FC more positively and perceive greater interaction with peers and the teacher. However, students with a reflective learning style rate the FC lowest and have a the worse perception of the different key characteristics of the FC. In all statements, most students answered that they agree or very agree. These results are in line with those obtained by other authors in other contexts. This study brings certain nuances to the existing literature on the perception of the FC based on the students’ learning style, Peer Reviewed
- Published
- 2021
31. Virtual escape room and STEM content: effects on the affective domain on teacher trainees
- Author
Yllana Prieto, Félix, Jeong, Jin Su, González Gómez, David, Yllana Prieto, Félix, Jeong, Jin Su, and González Gómez, David
- Abstract
In recent times, there has been growing disinterest by students in STEM disciplines (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics). This trend is especially acute in those students who do not take STEM content during their secondary or high school education. This disinterest might be conditioned by negative emotions towards science developed by students during the different educational stages, even from an early age. In this sense, active teaching methodologies, such as gamification, play a fundamental role in fostering positive emotions towards learning STEM content. Within the wide range of gamification methodologies, we find educational Escape Rooms. Due to the current situation generated by COVID-19, many of the lessons have had to be adapted to a virtual format through various online platforms. In this study, in a preliminary manner, we aim to analyze the effects on the affective domain produced by a virtual Escape Room used in a STEM course as an instructional tool to teach contents about the Universe to teachers in training. According to the results obtained, the positive emotions of “happiness”, “satisfaction” and “fun” are significantly increased after the intervention. At the same time, some negative emotions, such as “nervousness”, “frustration” and “worry” also increase, partly due to the components typically found in this type of games. Based on these results, it is concluded that, despite the existence of both positive and negative emotions, the results are promising and the intervention is motivating and stimulating for the students, Peer Reviewed
- Published
- 2021
32. Proposta metodològica de classe invertida (Flipped Classroom) per millora les competències del alumnat en el Mòdul Professional 06 d' Interpretació Gràfica al cicle formatiu de Mecanització de Grau Mig (CFPM FM20)
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Mecànica, Puig Ortiz, Joan, Rojas López, Enrique, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Mecànica, Puig Ortiz, Joan, and Rojas López, Enrique
- Abstract
Avui dia hi ha moltes metodologies que volen innovar la manera d'ensenyar dins de les nostres aules. Una d'elles és l'aula inversa (Flipped Classroom), però, com funciona realment? Quins beneficis té? Com ho hem de fer per poder aplicar-ho dins de les nostres aules? Amb aquest TFM volem apropar la metodologia d'Aula Inversa als docents, en especial als de Formació Professional, d'una manera molt més realista perquè perdin la por a aplicar-la dins de les aules. Per això el que fem és una introducció al que és i que no és una Aula Inversa, el que podem esperar realment d'una aula inversa i un procediment pas a pas per invertir una programació que ja tinguem feta. A més, perquè no sigui tant teòric, hem fet una aplicació real sobre la programació del Mòdul Professional 01 d'Interpretació Gràfica al cicle formatiu de Mecanització de Grau Mig.
- Published
- 2021
33. The World Café and the flipped class technique as collaborative learning methodologies in a translation course: a case study [Innovation and digital technologies in Languages for Specific Purposes]
- Author
Santini, Laura and Santini, Laura
- Abstract
When discussing translation, theory and practice seem at opposite ends. However, a mediation between the two cannot be discarded when designing and planning a postgraduate translation course. Translation teaching, though a relatively recent field, has traditional methods and manuals. In 2014, Kiraly argued for a revision of his cognitivist approach to translation teaching (first claimed in Pathways to translation, 1995) and its focus on mental translation processes, to embrace a constructivist perspective whereby meaning and knowledge are built in social interactions. Acknowledging previous research and aiming to stimulate students’ participation, a 30-hour theory and practice translation postgraduate module was designed. Flipped class activities and the World Café technique were implemented, aiming at dealing with short translation tasks (practice) alongside a focus on historical approaches and methods (theory) via selected readings from Venuti’s The Translation Studies Reader (2000). This research makes a case for the effectiveness of World café, a collaborative learning methodology, and of flipped class as a useful complement. The intention is to describe such teaching/learning strategies and the authentic assessment adopted alongside them to offer some provisional thoughts on the impact such learning experience had on students.
- Published
- 2021
34. Experiencias de aprendizaje activo en ingeniería gráfica
- Author
Olmedo Torre, Noelia, Peña Carrera, Marta, Baltà Salvador, Rosó, Olmedo Torre, Noelia, Peña Carrera, Marta, and Baltà Salvador, Rosó
- Abstract
En este estudio longitudinal y cuantitativo describimos diferentes actividades de aprendizaje activo (Flipped Classroom, Design Thinking, Visual Thinking y Project Based Learning) desarrolladas desde 2015 a 2018 en la asignatura obligatoria de Expresión Gráfica que se imparte durante el primer curso de todas las titulaciones. de la Escola d’Enginyeria de Barcelona Est de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - UPC BarcelonaTech. La introducción de metodologías de enseñanza de aprendizaje activo para la resolución de problemas con Diseño Asistido por Ordenador a lo largo del curso, con una complejidad creciente de realización de ejercicios, ha supuesto una mejora significativa en los resultados académicos de los estudiantes de esta asignatura. Project Based Learning es la metodología más apreciada por los estudiantes ya que les permite integrar todas las habilidades y conocimientos adquiridos a lo largo del curso y es también la actividad en la que obtienen mejores calificaciones
- Published
- 2021
35. Aplicació del model pedagògic flipped classroom/aula invertida per millorar les competències de dibuix de l’alumnat del primer curs del Cicle Formatiu de Grau Superior de Videojocs
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Mecànica, Puig Ortiz, Joan, Palet i Tort, Maria, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Mecànica, Puig Ortiz, Joan, and Palet i Tort, Maria
- Abstract
Al llarg dels últims anys s'han anat generant models d'ensenyament que es recolzen cada vegada més en l'ús de les noves tecnologies, creant nous espais d'aprenentatge i nous entorns col·laboratius, més participatius, dinàmics i personalitzats. En aquest context, el model pedagògic Flipped classroom o classe invertida apareix com una proposta educativa que canvia l'experiència de l'ensenyament i de l'aprenentatge, donant la volta al mètode tradicional d'instrucció, protagonitzat pels models expositius i les classes magistrals. Aquest projecte pretén, en primer lloc, estudiar el funcionament d'aquest model, examinar-ne els avantatges i inconvenients, tant per l'alumnat com pels docents, i sintetitzar les evidències que en valoren la seva eficàcia, a través de les experiències de diferents professors de formació professional o secundària que han invertit les seves classes per fer-les més interactives, motivadores i creatives i intentar aconseguir així un aprenentatge més cooperatiu, transversal i significatiu. En segon lloc, es vol aplicar aquest model pedagògic al Cicle Formatiu de Grau Superior de Videojocs i Entorns virtuals i dissenyar-ne una activitat amb l'objectiu que l'alumnat millori les competències de dibuix., Over the past few years, there have been generating teaching models that are increasingly relying on the use of new technologies, generating new learning spaces and new collaborative, participatory, dynamic and personal environments. In this context, the pedagogical model Flipped classroom or inverted class appears as an educational proposal that changes the experience of teaching and learning, flipping the traditional method of instruction, based on exhibition models and master classes. This project aims, first of all, to study the operation of this model, to examine the advantages and drawbacks, both for students and teachers, and to synthesize the evidence that values its effectiveness, through the experiences of different vocational or secondary teachers who have invested their classes to make them more interactive, motivating and creative, and thus to achieve more cooperative, cross-cutting and meaningful learning. Secondly, this pedagogical model is to be applied to the Videogames and Virtual Environments Higher degree training cycle, to design an activity with the aim of improving drawing skills.
- Published
- 2021
36. No se trata de ver videos: métodos de aprendizaje de la geometría descriptiva
- Author
Álvarez Atarés, Fco. Javier and Álvarez Atarés, Fco. Javier
- Abstract
Application of an active methodology in the study of theory in the subject of Geometry as a starting point for improving the theoretical knowledge necessary for its direct application in practical exercise. The problem of theoretical teaching in this subject and its understanding, the context in which this methodology is applied, its approach as well as its development during its application during three academic years are analyzed. The activity is planned as an exercise outside the classroom but has its direct implication from the moment you enter the classroom to work. Based on the Flipped Learning pedagogical model, it seeks for the student to learn at their own pace and appropriate to their needs and prior knowledge. It isn´t about eliminating theory; it works applied to those points that are verified and are more difficult to understand., Aplicación de una metodología activa en el estudio de la teoría en la asignatura de Geometria como punto de partida de la mejora del conocimiento teorico necesario para su aplicación directa en el ejercicio práctico. Se analiza la problemática de la enseñanza teórica en esta asignatura y su comprensión, el contexto en el que se aplica esta metodología, su planteamiento asi como el desarrollo de la misma durante su aplicación durante tres cursos académicos. La actividad se plantea como un ejercicio fuera del aula pero que tiene su implicación directa desde el momento en el que se entra en esta a trabajar. Basado en el modelo pedagógico Flipped Learning busca que el alumno aprenda con un ritmo propio y adecuado a sus necesidades y conocimientos previos. No se trata de eliminar la teoría; se trabaja aplicada a aquellos puntos que se comprueba son más difíciles de entender., Peer Reviewed
- Published
- 2021
37. Adaptación de un curso de tecnología a la docencia virtual en entornos con recursos económicos limitados.
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Electrònica, Cosp Vilella, Jordi, Muñoz Córdoba, Dora Yenny, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Electrònica, Cosp Vilella, Jordi, and Muñoz Córdoba, Dora Yenny
- Abstract
En el año 2020, debido a la situación de emergencia provocada por la pandemia del coronavirus, las diferentes instituciones educativas a nivel mundial se vieron obligadas a pasar de clases presenciales a telemáticas. Esta situación presionó a los docentes a enfrentarse a situaciones no acostumbradas a vivir en el desarrollo de sus clases, pasar de la presencialidad a la virtualidad. Tomando como referencia esta situación, el presente trabajo propone la adaptación de un curso a la docencia telemática por medio de la aplicación de la metodología Flipped Classroom, con un enfoque experimental dirigido a estudiantes de primero de bachillerato de un instituto público de la comarca del Barcelonés, con recursos tecnológicos limitados. Los resultados obtenidos, permiten tener una primera aproximación de la efectividad de la Flipped Classroom en entornos de recursos limitados, logrando un aumento de la participación de los estudiantes en las clases telemáticas y un aumento en la media de las notas. Basado en estos resultados se propone realizar una investigación más amplia que permita valorar su aplicación en futuros contextos similares.
- Published
- 2021
38. Flipped classroom for teaching digestive system to high school students: Performance, perception and inquiry competence level
- Author
Reinoso Tapia, Roberto, Collazos Martínez, Miguel Ángel, Martínez Martínez, María del Carmen, Delgado Iglesias, Jaime, Reinoso Tapia, Roberto, Collazos Martínez, Miguel Ángel, Martínez Martínez, María del Carmen, and Delgado Iglesias, Jaime
- Abstract
This article presents an educational experience with 30 high school students based on the flippedclassroom methodology and inquiry-based learning on aspects related to the pathophysiology of thedigestive system during the 2017/2018 academic year. The main goal of this study was to investigate theeffectiveness and acceptability of the flipped classroom approach at this educational level. This study wasalso used to assess the level of inquiry competence that high school students present when they have tocarry out a research project and the main difficulties encountered in carrying it out. The results of thestudy show that the experience was clearly positive, since there was not only a significant improvement instudent learning but also greater autonomy for students to work with the content, prepare for classes andactively participate in the tasks or practical activities that take place in the classroom, demonstrating itsapplicability in high school classrooms. The results also indicate that the students perceived advantages intheir learning after experiencing the flipped classroom pedagogical model. Most of the students presentedserious difficulties in carrying out their research work, probably due to a lack of experience when facingeach of the stages that make up the process of inquiry, Peer Reviewed
- Published
- 2021
39. Aplicació del model pedagògic flipped classroom/aula invertida per millorar les competències de dibuix de l’alumnat del primer curs del Cicle Formatiu de Grau Superior de Videojocs
- Author
Palet i Tort, Maria, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Mecànica, and Puig Ortiz, Joan
- Subjects
inverted classroom ,Active learning ,drawing class ,Aprenentatge actiu ,flipped classroom a secundària ,peer instruction ,eficiència Flipped classroom ,team based learning ,Flipped classrooms ,flipped learning ,Classes inverses ,grau superior ,Ensenyament i aprenentatge::Formació professional [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Flipped classroom [Keywords] ,aula inversa ,flipped classroom a FP ,flipped classroom i dibuix ,just in time learning - Abstract
Al llarg dels últims anys s'han anat generant models d'ensenyament que es recolzen cada vegada més en l'ús de les noves tecnologies, creant nous espais d'aprenentatge i nous entorns col·laboratius, més participatius, dinàmics i personalitzats. En aquest context, el model pedagògic Flipped classroom o classe invertida apareix com una proposta educativa que canvia l'experiència de l'ensenyament i de l'aprenentatge, donant la volta al mètode tradicional d'instrucció, protagonitzat pels models expositius i les classes magistrals. Aquest projecte pretén, en primer lloc, estudiar el funcionament d'aquest model, examinar-ne els avantatges i inconvenients, tant per l'alumnat com pels docents, i sintetitzar les evidències que en valoren la seva eficàcia, a través de les experiències de diferents professors de formació professional o secundària que han invertit les seves classes per fer-les més interactives, motivadores i creatives i intentar aconseguir així un aprenentatge més cooperatiu, transversal i significatiu. En segon lloc, es vol aplicar aquest model pedagògic al Cicle Formatiu de Grau Superior de Videojocs i Entorns virtuals i dissenyar-ne una activitat amb l'objectiu que l'alumnat millori les competències de dibuix. Over the past few years, there have been generating teaching models that are increasingly relying on the use of new technologies, generating new learning spaces and new collaborative, participatory, dynamic and personal environments. In this context, the pedagogical model Flipped classroom or inverted class appears as an educational proposal that changes the experience of teaching and learning, flipping the traditional method of instruction, based on exhibition models and master classes. This project aims, first of all, to study the operation of this model, to examine the advantages and drawbacks, both for students and teachers, and to synthesize the evidence that values its effectiveness, through the experiences of different vocational or secondary teachers who have invested their classes to make them more interactive, motivating and creative, and thus to achieve more cooperative, cross-cutting and meaningful learning. Secondly, this pedagogical model is to be applied to the Videogames and Virtual Environments Higher degree training cycle, to design an activity with the aim of improving drawing skills.
- Published
- 2021
40. Proposta metodològica de classe invertida (Flipped Classroom) per millora les competències del alumnat en el Mòdul Professional 06 d' Interpretació Gràfica al cicle formatiu de Mecanització de Grau Mig (CFPM FM20)
- Author
Rojas López, Enrique, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Mecànica, and Puig Ortiz, Joan
- Subjects
TIC ,Vocational Training ,Aula Invertida ,Flipped Classroom ,Methodology ,Metodologia ,TAC ,Flipped classrooms ,Classes inverses ,Vocational education ,Ensenyament i aprenentatge::Formació professional [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,ICT ,FP ,Formació professional ,Innovation - Abstract
Avui dia hi ha moltes metodologies que volen innovar la manera d'ensenyar dins de les nostres aules. Una d'elles és l'aula inversa (Flipped Classroom), però, com funciona realment? Quins beneficis té? Com ho hem de fer per poder aplicar-ho dins de les nostres aules? Amb aquest TFM volem apropar la metodologia d'Aula Inversa als docents, en especial als de Formació Professional, d'una manera molt més realista perquè perdin la por a aplicar-la dins de les aules. Per això el que fem és una introducció al que és i que no és una Aula Inversa, el que podem esperar realment d'una aula inversa i un procediment pas a pas per invertir una programació que ja tinguem feta. A més, perquè no sigui tant teòric, hem fet una aplicació real sobre la programació del Mòdul Professional 01 d'Interpretació Gràfica al cicle formatiu de Mecanització de Grau Mig.
- Published
- 2021
41. Flipped classroom for teaching digestive system to high school students: Performance, perception and inquiry competence level
- Author
Roberto Reinoso Tapia, Miguel Ángel Collazos Martínez, María del Carmen Martínez Martínez, and Jaime Delgado Iglesias
- Subjects
Active learning ,Aprenentatge actiu ,Process (engineering) ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Teaching method ,Ensenyament i aprenentatge::Metodologies docents::Aprenentatge actiu [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Flipped classrooms ,Flipped classroom ,lcsh:Technology ,Education ,Classes inverses ,Mètode de projectes ,0502 economics and business ,Alumnes d'ensenyament secundari ,Mathematics education ,ComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATION ,050207 economics ,Competence (human resources) ,media_common ,lcsh:LC8-6691 ,High school students ,Academic year ,lcsh:Special aspects of education ,Inquiry ,lcsh:T ,Knowledge level ,05 social sciences ,050301 education ,flipped classroom, active learning, inquiry, digestive system, high school students ,Digestive system ,lcsh:TA1-2040 ,Project method in teaching ,Psychology ,lcsh:L ,lcsh:Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) ,0503 education ,Autonomy ,lcsh:Education - Abstract
This article presents an educational experience with 30 high school students based on the flipped classroom methodology and inquiry-based learning on aspects related to the pathophysiology of the digestive system during the 2017/2018 academic year. The main goal of this study was to investigate the effectiveness and acceptability of the flipped classroom approach at this educational level. This case study was also used to assess the level of inquiry competence that high school students present when they have to carry out a research project and the main difficulties encountered in carrying it out. The results of the study show that the experience was clearly positive, since there was not only a significant improvement in student learning but also greater autonomy for students to work with the content, prepare for classes and actively participate in the tasks or practical activities that take place in the classroom, demonstrating its applicability in high school classrooms. The results also indicate that the students perceived advantages in their learning after experiencing the flipped classroom pedagogical model. Most of the students presented serious difficulties in carrying out their research work, probably due to a lack of experience when facing each of the stages that make up the process of inquiry.
- Published
- 2021
42. It's not about watching videos: descriptive geometry learning methods
- Author
Fco. Javier Álvarez Atarés
- Subjects
ABP ,Arquitectura [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Geometry ,Architecture -- Study and teaching (Higher) ,Autonomous learning ,Metodología activa ,Flipped classrooms ,Geometría ,Cuadernos de trabajo ,Classes inverses ,Aprendizaje autónomo ,Geometry, Descriptive ,PBL ,Active methodology ,Arquitectura -- Ensenyament universitari ,Geometria descriptiva ,Ensenyament i aprenentatge [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Workbooks - Abstract
Application of an active methodology in the study of theory in the subject of Geometry as a starting point for improving the theoretical knowledge necessary for its direct application in practical exercise. The problem of theoretical teaching in this subject and its understanding, the context in which this methodology is applied, its approach as well as its development during its application during three academic years are analyzed. The activity is planned as an exercise outside the classroom but has its direct implication from the moment you enter the classroom to work. Based on the Flipped Learning pedagogical model, it seeks for the student to learn at their own pace and appropriate to their needs and prior knowledge. It isn´t about eliminating theory; it works applied to those points that are verified and are more difficult to understand. Aplicación de una metodología activa en el estudio de la teoría en la asignatura de Geometria como punto de partida de la mejora del conocimiento teorico necesario para su aplicación directa en el ejercicio práctico. Se analiza la problemática de la enseñanza teórica en esta asignatura y su comprensión, el contexto en el que se aplica esta metodología, su planteamiento asi como el desarrollo de la misma durante su aplicación durante tres cursos académicos. La actividad se plantea como un ejercicio fuera del aula pero que tiene su implicación directa desde el momento en el que se entra en esta a trabajar. Basado en el modelo pedagógico Flipped Learning busca que el alumno aprenda con un ritmo propio y adecuado a sus necesidades y conocimientos previos. No se trata de eliminar la teoría; se trabaja aplicada a aquellos puntos que se comprueba son más difíciles de entender.
- Published
- 2021
43. Aplicació de flipped classroom al cicle formatiu de grau superior d'automatització i robòtica industrials
- Author
Hidalgo López, Sonia, Esquerra Llucià, Ignasi, and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Teoria del Senyal i Comunicacions
- Subjects
robotics ,flipped learning 3.0 ,metodologies actives ,inverted class ,motivació ,robòtica ,Flipped classrooms ,meta-estratègia ,meningful learning ,Classes inverses ,transversal ,Vocational education ,active methodologies ,motivation ,Ensenyament i aprenentatge::Formació professional [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,classe invertida ,automatització ,aprenentatge significatiu ,flipped classroom ,meta-strategy ,Formació professional ,automation - Abstract
Les classes en que el professor donava una explicació magistral unidireccional i els alumnes només escoltaven aquests coneixements s'han demostrat com a poc eficients ja que no comporten un aprenentatge significatiu. La comunitat educativa actual, on les classes magistrals encara son majoritàries, necessita un canvi de paradigma en que s'introdueixin les metodologies actives, que milloren la motivació i l'aprenentatge dels alumnes. Entre les metodologies actives, la que hem trobat com a més recomanada per iniciar aquest canvi de paradigma és el Flipped classroom (en endavant FC) o classe invertida. El FC suposa un canvi en el rol de l'alumne, que passarà a ser protagonista de la seva formació, i també del rol del professorat, que ara acompanyarà i guiarà el procés d'aprenentatge. Revisarem aquest canvi de rols, les passes que s'haurien de seguir per introduir aquesta metodologia i algunes eines TIC de que disposem per tal de gestionar el treball individual i augmentar la participació en les activitats grupals, fora de l'aula. L'avaluació i la recollida de feedback també s'hauran d'adaptar a la nova metodologia, per tal de permetre reconèixer els coneixements pràctics adquirits i de revisar de manera continuada l'evolució de l'alumnat. Degut als avantatges del FC aquí exposats, he aplicat aquesta metodologia activa en el context en que he realitzat les pràctiques del màster, el CFGS d'automatització i robòtica industrials, i indicaré la implementació i les conclusions.
- Published
- 2021
44. Virtual escape room and STEM content: effects on the affective domain on teacher trainees
- Author
Félix Yllana Prieto, David González-Gómez, and Jin Su Jeong
- Subjects
050103 clinical psychology ,Technology ,Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) ,Teaching method ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Emotions ,Flipped classrooms ,virtual escape room, gamification, emotions, stem, flipped-classroom ,Enginyeria -- Ensenyament ,Domain (software engineering) ,Education ,Ensenyament i aprenentatge::Metodologies docents [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Classes inverses ,Science -- Study and teaching ,Intervention (counseling) ,Mathematics education ,ComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATION ,Mathematics -- Study and teaching ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Content (Freudian dream analysis) ,Matemàtica -- Ensenyament ,Ciència -- Ensenyament ,School education ,media_common ,LC8-6691 ,Engineering -- Study and teaching ,05 social sciences ,050301 education ,STEM ,Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) ,Flipped-classroom ,Special aspects of education ,Gamification ,Virtual escape room ,Happiness ,Worry ,TA1-2040 ,Technology -- Study and teaching ,0503 education ,Ludificació ,Tecnologia -- Ensenyament - Abstract
In recent times, there has been growing disinterest by students in STEM disciplines (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics). This trend is especially acute in those students who do not take STEM content during their secondary or high school education. This disinterest might be conditioned by negative emotions towards science developed by students during the different educational stages, even from an early age. In this sense, active teaching methodologies, such as gamification, play a fundamental role in fostering positive emotions towards learning STEM content. Within the wide range of gamification methodologies, we find educational Escape Rooms. Due to the current situation generated by COVID-19, many of the lessons have had to be adapted to a virtual format through various online platforms. In this study, in a preliminary manner, we aim to analyze the effects on the affective domain produced by a virtual Escape Room used in a STEM course as an instructional tool to teach contents about the Universe to teachers in training. According to the results obtained, the positive emotions of “happiness”, “satisfaction” and “fun” are significantly increased after the intervention. At the same time, some negative emotions, such as “nervousness”, “frustration” and “worry” also increase, partly due to the components typically found in this type of games. Based on these results, it is concluded that, despite the existence of both positive and negative emotions, the results are promising and the intervention is motivating and stimulating for the students.
- Published
- 2021
45. Programació de les bases del comportament esportiu a l'EFTE-Escola Catalana de l'Esport
- Author
Pou Larraburu, Jordi, Escola Universitària de la Salut i l'Esport (EUSES), and Campos Rius, Josep
- Subjects
Classes inverses ,Aprenentatge actiu ,Active learning ,Problem-based learning ,Tecnologia de la informació ,Educational innovations ,Aprenentatge basat en problemes ,Educació física ,Information technology ,Flipped classrooms ,Escola Catalana de l'Esport ,Physical education and training ,Ensenyament -- Innovacions - Abstract
Durant el transcurs dels anys, l’educació ha anat canviant i evolucionant fins al punt actual. En aquests moments, sembla a ser que l’alumne, com a centre del procés d’e-a, és clau pel conjunt de les metodologies innovadores, i que l’aparició de les TIC i les TAC agafen un gran pes en les formacions educatives de l’actualitat. En aquest TFG, es realitza un projecte educatiu amb l’objectiu de programar l’assignatura de les “bases del comportament esportiu”, a través de metodologies innovadores i de les TIC, amb la finalitat de que l’alumne sigui el centre del procés d’aprenentatge. I que aquesta programació, estigui adaptada al context i les característiques de l’ECE. Durant el mateix projecte es cerca i es defensa la utilització de les noves tecnologies així com la necessitat d’adaptar les metodologies educatives, com l’ABP i el “Flipped Classroom” a les necessitats educatives del moment. Durant el projecte, es realitza un estudi previ en el marc teòric, sobre els elements d’una programació educativa, les TIC i 3 metodologies innovadores. Conseqüentment en el mateix marc s’estudia la legislació actual sobre el tipus de mòdul al qual s’ha de programar. Posteriorment, amb els apartats en relació a l’anàlisi del context i les qüestions organitzatives es contextualitzen les característiques de l’entorn de la proposta pedagògica. I finalment, trobarem l’aplicació pràctica de tot el projecte en la programació de l’assignatura del cicle inicial d’ensenyament esportius: Bases del Comportament Esportiu
- Published
- 2020
46. Secondary school students’ perception according to their learning style of a mathematics Flipped Classroom
- Author
Raúl Santiago, Ramon Palau, and Vicent Fornons
- Subjects
Technology ,Secondary education ,Reflective practice ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Education, Secondary ,Sample (statistics) ,Flipped classrooms ,Teaching -- Methodology ,Flipped classroom ,Ensenyament i aprenentatge::Metodologies docents [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Education ,Style (sociolinguistics) ,Classes inverses ,Perception ,ComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATION ,Mathematics -- Study and teaching ,Mathematics education ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Matemàtica -- Ensenyament ,media_common ,Ensenyament -- Metodologia ,LC8-6691 ,05 social sciences ,050301 education ,Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) ,flipped classroom, mathematics, learning style, secondary education, flipped learning ,Special aspects of education ,Learning style ,Active learning ,Educació secundària ,TA1-2040 ,Flipped learning ,0503 education ,Value (mathematics) ,Mathematics ,050104 developmental & child psychology - Abstract
The Flipped Classroom (FC) has been gaining prominence over the past few years. Many articles have shown that the FC increases the interaction between students and between the teacher and students, allowing different learning rhythms, facilitating access to materials, increasing collaboration between students and enhancing active learning. The present research looks at how students perceive the FC based on their learning style. The research was carried out with a sample consisting of two groups of third-year compulsory secondary education students (37 students in total) in the subject of mathematics. A quantitative methodology was used. At the beginning of the term, all students were given a questionnaire (CHAEA) to determine their learning style. At the end of term they were given a questionnaire (Driscoll) on their perception of the FC . The results show that students with a theoretical style of learning value the uses of the FC more positively and perceive greater interaction with peers and the teacher. However, students with a reflective learning style rate the FC lowest and have a the worse perception of the different key characteristics of the FC. In all statements, most students answered that they agree or very agree. These results are in line with those obtained by other authors in other contexts. This study brings certain nuances to the existing literature on the perception of the FC based on the students’ learning style.
- Published
- 2021
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47. Application of the flipped classroom model to stimulate university students’ learning with online education
- Author
Maria Jose Cuetos
- Subjects
Motivation ,Audio-visual education ,Performance factors ,Flipped classrooms ,Web-based instruction ,Ensenyament virtual ,Education ,Ensenyament i aprenentatge::Metodologies docents [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Videos ,Classes inverses ,Educational technology ,Flipped classroom ,Mathematics -- Study and teaching ,Higher education ,Matemàtica -- Ensenyament ,Ensenyament audiovisual - Abstract
This work sets out the results of a teaching innovation project applying the flipped classroom model in the Knowledge of Mathematics module on a bachelor’s degree in primary education over two consecutive years at a university that exclusively uses online teaching. This model is used with the aim of stimulating the students’ working methods and improve their intrinsic motivation. The research evaluates the impact of the flipped classroom on academic performance in the subject and collects information on student satisfaction with the development of the experiment. This is a pioneering study as it analyses learning outcomes with mathematical content in university-level classes delivered online synchronously on a permanent basis and not owing to exceptional circumstances such as the Covid-19 pandemic.To do this, specific videos were developed, which students had to watch, with various practical exercises embedded in them to be done before classes. The marks from these exercises along with the final grades for the course are considered to assess the learning outcomes throughout the semester. The results obtained were clearly positive both in performance and in terms of students’ motivation and awareness of their own learning process, as well as the contribution of this proposal to improving their teaching–learning process, essentially through greater student involvement in and commitment to the subject.
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