This paper introduces an approach to include a surveillance performance monitoring functionality within Uspace. First, an introduction to the Performance-Based Surveillance (PBS) paradigm and the tools that make use of it has been made. Then, the U-space service framework and its surveillance functionality were put into context from a regulatory point of view. After this, the source where the surveillance monitoring will take place has been assessed. To validate the approach, a series of simulations of representative U-space scenarios with different densities and traffic mixes was carried out. The surveillance performance monitoring tool has been shown to accurately represent the performance of the surveillance sources in a scenario using different metrics. A discussion on the approach’s limitations and on how it could be applied to support U3-advanced U-space services is presented at the end of the paper., {"references":["SJU. (2021). BUBBLES: Defining the Building Basic Blocks for a Uspace Separation Management Service. Retrieved from SESAR JU:","DACUS. (2021). Demand and Capacity Optimisation for U-space: Keep the Balance in Drone Traffic. Retrieved from DACUS:","European Commission. (2021, April 22). Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/664. Retrieved from EUROPA:","European Commission. (2021, April 22). Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/665. Retrieved from EUROPA:","European Commission. (2021, April 22). Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/666. Retrieved from EUROPA:","European Commission. (2019, May 24). Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/974. Retrieved from EUROPA:","CORUS. (2019, September 9). SESAR Concept of Operations for Uspace. Retrieved from SESAR Joint Undertaking:","EUROCAE (November 2021). ED-261-1 - Safety and Performance Requirements Standard for a Generic Surveillance System (GEN-SUR SPR) - Volume 1.","CFR (2021, Januray 15). § 89.310 Minimum performance requirements for standard remote identification unmanned aircraft.","ASTM (2022, May 25). ASTM F3411 – 19 Standard Specification for Remote ID and Tracking.","EUROCAE (January 2022). ED-282 - Minimum Operational Performance Standard for UAS E-Reporting.","SJU. (2019) D11.2.050. Pj14 EECNS. Functional Requirements (FRD) for Surveillance Performance Monitoring (SPM) Tools for End-to-end Surveillance Chain.","Pongsakornsathien, N.; Bijjahalli, S.; Gardi, A.; Symons, A.; Xi, Y.; Sabatini, R.; Kistan, T. A Performance-Based Airspace Model for Unmanned Aircraft Systems Traffic Management. Aerospace 2020, 7, 154.","EUROCAE (March 2016). ED-129B - Technical Specification for a 1090 MHz Extended Squitter ADS-B Ground System.","R. Keating, M. Säily, J. Hulkkonen and J. Karjalainen, \"Overview of Positioning in 5G New Radio,\" 2019 16th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS), 2019, pp. 320-324, doi: 10.1109/ISWCS.2019.8877160","Redmon, J., Divvala, S., Girshick, R., & Farhadi, A. (2016). You only look once: Unified, real-time object detection. In Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (pp. 779-788)"]}