Extensive investigation of polymer layers confined in nanometer-sized geometries revealed that the presence of an absorbing substrate or a free surface alters properties of polymers such as biaxial creep behavior, flow and intermolecular entanglements, diffusion of small molecules inside the matrix, crystallization kinetics, physical aging, the glass transition temperature (Tg), 7 and thus local chain (segmental) mobility. In bulk, the local chain mobility can be investigated by means of several experimental approaches. On the contrary, due to obvious instrumental difficulties, a technique probing the local chain dynamics of freely standing ultrathin polymer films was not available so far. In this Communication, we introduce a novel experimental method taking advantage of the sensitivity of dielectric spectroscopy (DS) and being able to probe the segmental dynamics of freely standing ultrathin polymer layers over a broad frequency range (1 Hz-1 MHz) without altering or eliminating their two free surfaces. The glass transition temperatures assigned by the approach described in this Communication are in excellent agreement with data from the literature. In our approach, polymer films are suspended over interdigitated comb electrodes, IDE. The electric signal is measured by applying an ac voltage to elevated metallic electrodes made up by the two interdigitated comb structures deposited on a highly insulating substrate (see Figure 1a). For films of thickness D much smaller than the separation between two neighbored electrodes (∼10 μm), the electric field lines penetrate inside the layer with a direction parallel to the surface. Consequently, the individual complex electric capacitances of all sublayers (of thickness Di) constituting the polymer membrane add up to the total capacitance according to CTOT * (ω,T,D) ) ∑iCi(ω,T,Di), an expression that holds for any angular frequency ω and temperature T. Under these conditions, the different contributions to the relaxation spectra are linearly superimposed. The comb electrode geometry, in fact, avoids ambiguities arising from spectra of ultrathin films probed by an electric field orthogonal to the surface, as in the parallel plates geometry where capacitances enter in a series model, CTOT * (ω,T,D)-1 ) ∑iCi(ω,T,Di). To prove the feasibility of our technique, we investigated the structural relaxation dynamics of atactic * To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: simone.napolitano@fys.kuleuven.be (S.N.) or wubbenhorst@fys.kuleuven.be (M.W.). Figure 1. (a) Schematic representation of the IDE chip; the red and blue fingers are at opposite potential. The height of the structures is 0.8 μm, the width of each finger is 5 μm, and the mean distance between two neighbored fingers is 8 μm. The black arrows represent the direction of the E-field inside the film. (b) AFM image 20 μm × 20 μm (topography) of a 65 nm thick film of PS after annealing at 70 °C above its Tg (see text). The white dashed lines reproduce the structure of the empty chip. The peaks at the edge of the electrodes metal buildups already present in the empty chip. Volume 42, Number 5 March 10, 2009