In this note we improve a previous result to show that euclidean nspace (n > 3) is the only simply connected manifold without conjugate points which is flat outside a compact set. Our goal is to prove the following: Theorem. If M is a complete, simply connected Riemannian manifold of dimension n > 3 which has no conjugate points and is flat outside a compact set, then M is isometric to IRn. This is an improvement of Theorem A of [C], where we prove the same theorem under the assumption that the complement of a compact set is isometric to the complement of a compact set in IRn . The proof here consists of reducing the above theorem to Theorem A of [C]. The theorem is clearly false for n = 2. However, as had been shown earlier in [G-G], Theorem A of [C] does hold in this case as well. Proof. Pick x E M, and choose R so large that M B(x, R/2) is flat, where B(x, R) represents the ball of radius R about x. Let S(x, R) be the boundary of B(x, R). Since M has no conjugate points and is simply connected, M is diffeomorphic to RIn, B(x, R) is diffeomorphic to an n-ball, and S(x, R) is diffeomorphic to an n 1 sphere. We claim that the second fundamental form of S(x, R) is definite. Let y E S(x, R) and y be the geodesic with y(O) = x, and y(R) = y. Let e be an eigenvalue of the second fundamental form of S(x, R) at y, and let X E T7S(x, R) be a corresponding eigenvector. If T(S) E S(x, R) is a curve with T'(0) = X, then the variation of geodesics H(s, t) = ExpT(S) (t-R)N(T(s)), where N(T(s)) is the outward normal to S(x, R) at T(S), has as variation field the Jacobi field J(t) with J(R) = X and J'(R) = eX. Further, since H(s, 0) = x, J(O) = 0. Since there are no conjugate points, J cannot vanish for t :# 0 and, by [E-O], must get arbitrarily large as t -+ oo. For t > R, M Received by the editors September 22, 1989. 1980 Mathematics Subject Classification (1985 Revision). Primary 53C20: Secondary 53C25. Research supported by NSF grant DMS87-22998 and M.S.R.I. ? 1991 American Mathematical Society 0002-9939/91 $1.00 + $.25 per page