Mesoporous silica materials form an important class of nanostructured materials because, by adjusting the method of material synthesis, the formation of nanoporous networks with controlled channel size (2–20 nm), channel arrangement, as well as chemical constitution of the inner pore surfaces can be achieved. [1] Furthermore, the high surface area and the easy accessibility of the porous matrix make these materials ideal hosts for the incorporation of molecular guests. The many different available host–guest systems are used in a wide scope of applications like dye-sensitized photovoltaic cells, [2] ultrasmall dye lasers, [3,4] catalysts, [5,6] nanosensors, [7] and drug-delivery materials. [8,9] Crucial for the improvement in the design and the possibility to control these so-called smart materials is a thorough understanding of the dynamics of the guest molecules within the host matrix. How do the individual molecules move and reorient within the channels and how do they interact with the porous matrix? In this Communication, we report on single-molecule investigations of the dynamics of terrylenediimide (TDI) dye molecules within the unidimensional pores of a M41S templated mesoporous silica material. By measuring and correlating the molecules position, orientation, and emission spectrum, we demonstrate that single-molecule spectroscopy (SMS) allows molecular insight into host–guest dynamics within mesoporous systems, thus helping to understand host–guest properties. Characterization methods, such as NMR, IR, UV-vis spectroscopy, electron microscopy and X-ray diffractometry have been employed successfully to characterize host–guest materials. However, the behavior of the molecules on the nanometer scale is both spatially and temporally heterogeneous. A complete characterization of the host–guest material is not possible with these ensemble methods because information about such heterogeneities is lost in the inherent averaging process. SMS techniques are the methods of choice to directly observe details of molecular behavior because they work on a molecule-by-molecule basis. [10,11] The translational motion of individual fluorophores can be detected and characterized either by using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS), [12,13] or directly by following the molecule’s trajectory. [14–17] Orientational dynamics, on the other hand, can be studied by modulating the excitation polarization [18–20] or by analyzing the emission polarization. [18,21] Furthermore, spectral dynamics of single molecules reflect the energetic interactions of the fluorophore with its direct environment and can be detected at cryogenic temperatures [22–24] as well as at room temperature. [25,26] Moreover, by simultaneously applying different SMS techniques, one can investigate different properties, like the position, orientation, and emission spectrum of an individual molecule in the host matrix. The correlation of such data allows deeper insight into the interactions, that is, if and how the molecule’s properties are influenced by the nanoscaled heterogeneities of the material. In the case of molecules incorporated into porous solids, the molecules act as reporters and convey information from the material’s inner structure via their interactions. To date, there have been efforts to correlate the molecule’s orientation with its emission spectrum [27] as well as its orientation with its position. [28–31]