Maurieseuma nontronense (Mauriès & Kime, 1999) gen. nov., comb. nov. Figs 1, 2 Hylebainosoma (?) nontronensis (sic!) Mauriès & Kime, 1999: 371–373, fig. 2, table 2. Hylebainosoma nontronensis (sic!) — Tajovský et al. (2014: 502, 516–521, fig. 39, table 1); Telfer et al. (2015: 22–29, figs 5–9, table 2). Hylebainosoma nontronense — Kime & Enghoff (2021: 111, 221, map 385). Diagnosis. As for the monospecific genus. Name. Mauriès & Kime (1999) named the species after Nontron, the region where it was discovered. Material examined. 1 ♂ (IZB, JSP200701-001), 3 ♀♀ (IZB, JSP200701-002), 6 ♂♂ (JSC, JSP130413-059 - 060 -061 -062, JSP141223-001), 8 ♀♀ (JSC, JSP130413-063 - 064 -065); FRANCE, Corrèze, Brive-la-Gaillarde, N Donzenac, 236 m a.l.s., 45.235°N, 1.5454°W; 22.10.2009; leg. A. Schönhofer. 3 ♂♂ (IZB, JSP150101-004; JSC, -002 -003); UK, Wales, Cefn Forest, N Blackwood, 51.697°N, 3.2044°W; 02.10.2014; leg. C. Owen. 3 ♂♂ (ZSM, GBOL11814, GBOL12287; JSC, JSP141209-036), 1 ♀ (JSC, JSP141209-033); UK, Wales, Groesfaen Woods, 51.701°N, 3.2559°W; 25.11.2014; leg. C. Owen. 2 ♂♂ (ZSM, GBOL11812; JSC, JSP141209-024), 2 ♀ (ZSM, GBOL12284; JSC, JSP141209-026); UK, Wales, Cwm Kendon Woods, 51.682°N, 3.1527°W; 25.11.2014; leg. C. Owen. 2 ♂♂ (ZSM, GBOL11813, GBOL12285); UK, Wales, Coed-y-moeth Comnon, 51.704°N, 3.2187°W; 26.11.2014; leg. C. Owen. 2 ♀♀ (ZSM, GBOL12286, GBOL12344); UK, Wales, Newbridge, 51.661°N, 3.1571°W; 27.11.2014; leg. C. Owen. Description. Medium-sized haaseid, with body length ca 8–10 mm, and with 30 rings (including telson) in adults. Colour yellowish-brown patterns, ommatidia black (Fig. 1A). Head with frontal side slightly concave in males (Fig. 1B), convex in females (Fig. 1C), with 12–14 ommatidia arranged in triangle. Antennae elongated, slender, with dorsomedial and ventromedial lines of small papillae-like outgrowths. Body rings with dorsolateral humps, bearing stout, long and trichoid macrochaetae (Haasea type sensu Spelda 2015). Leg-pairs 1 and 2 (typically reduced in size) in both sexes with tarsal combs, femora with several long and robust setae; postfemora and tibiae each with several long and robust setae arranged in a group (Fig. 1D). Males. Pregonopodal legs 3–6 enlarged, leg 7 only slightly enlarged (Fig. 1A, B). Tarsal papillae present only in distal halves of legs 3–7. Postgonopodal legs (including legs 10 and 11) without tarsal papillae. Leg-pair 10 reduced in size compared to other legs, without incrassate podomeres of telopodite; coxae enlarged, each with coxal sac and a prominent distal process directed mesad, with a single seta and nipples (Fig. 1B, F). Leg-pair 11 slightly reduced in size compared to other walking legs; with coxal sacs; no other peculiarities. Anterior gonopods (Figs 1G, H, 2A, B). Sternum (s) wide, with medial sternal process (msp) and three groups of setae on each half: anterior, lateral and anterolateral (similar to Tajovský et al. 2014: cf. figs 22, 27). Medial sternal process laterally flattened, rather sigmoid, directed anteriad, half the size of angiocoxites. Angiocoxites (a) robust, oriented rather anteriad, with several structures. In mesal view each angiocoxite with posteroproximal papillated cone (pc) partially covered with papillae-like outgrowths. Similar field with papillae-like outgrowths present anteriorly to pc. Mesal process (mp) long, acuminate, sabre-like or slightly sigmoid, similar in height as the other parts. Posterior lateral process (plp) rises from the posteroproximal shoulder completely straight up to half its length, and then abruptly bends anteriad at an angle of ca. 110°, distally bifurcated. Anterodistal part of angiocoxite (dp) massive, long, spoon-shaped, distally enclosed with fimbriae- and finger-like outgrowths, at the base of them slightly thickened. At base of the dp a complex structure with “seminal” opening (so) and numerous fimbriaelike outgrowths present. A “seminal” canal (sc) and “seminal” chamber (sch) visible. Unclear if posterior lamella present. Colpocoxites [= Opuntia -like membranous lobe sensu Antić & Akkari (2020)] with two lobes, smaller anterior one (cc1) and larger posterior one (cc2) digitiform in mesal and rather subtriangular in posterior view, both covered by spicule-like outgrowths. Posterior gonopods (Fig. 1I). Sternum reduced. Telopodite (t) 2-segmented, podomere 1 strongly developed with long setae distally, podomere 2 short, almost as long as its radius. Coxal process (cp) strongly developed, but apparently lower than telopodite, proximally with mesal bulge (b), distally wide with a posterior flange with teeth of variable appearance. Females. Leg-pair 3 reduced to sternum and one podomere (Fig. 1C–E); possibly with protective function. Vulvae merged posterobasally (Figs 1D, 2C); operculum (o) with lateral and mesal groups of setae (mainly 3+3) which are smaller in size than the setae of the bursa; lateral valve (lv) of bursa well-developed, with a bulge at the base, covered with numerous spicule-like outgrowths, nipples and long setae; mesal valve (mv) posteriorly with two ridges, of which mesal one covered with spicule-like outgrowths, nipples and long setae. Inside the bursa several ampullae (am). Without postgenital plate. Distribution. Known from the Massif Central in France and South Wales in UK (Kime & Enghoff 2021; Telfer et al. 2015)., Published as part of Antić, Dragan & Spelda, Jörg, 2022, Maurieseuma, a new genus to accommodate Hylebainosoma nontronense Mauriès & Kime, 1999, and the revalidation of the genus Romanosoma Mauriès, 2015 (Diplopoda: Chordeumatida: Haaseidae), pp. 193-200 in Zootaxa 5219 (2) on pages 195-198, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5219.2.8,, {"references":["Mauries, J. - P. & Kime, R. D. (1999) Description, ecologie et chorologie de trois especes nouvelles de diplopodes (Myriapoda, Diplopoda) des zones peripheriques du Massif central et du centre de la France. Zoosystema, 21 (2), 367 - 378.","Tajovsky, K., Mock, A. & Papac, V. (2014) The genus Hylebainosoma Verhoeff, 1899 (Diplopoda, Chordeumatida, Haaseidae): Redescription of Hylebainosoma tatranum, description of a new troglobiont species and notes to the Hylebainosoma - Romanosoma species group. Zootaxa, 3764 (5), 501 - 523. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 3764.5.1","Telfer, M. G., Gregory, S. J., Kime, R. D., Owen, C. & Spelda, J. (2015) Ceratosphys amoena Ribaut, 1920 and Hylebainosoma nontronensis Mauries & Kime, 1999 new to Britain (Diplopoda: Chordeumatida). Bulletin of the British Myriapod and Isopod Group, 28, 15 - 30.","Kime, R. D. & Enghoff, H. (2021) Atlas of European millipedes 3: Order Chordeumatida (Class Diplopoda). European Journal of Taxonomy, 769, 1 - 244. https: // doi. org / 10.5852 / ejt. 2021.769.1497","Spelda, J. (2015) Class Diplopoda Order Chordeumatida. Revista IDE @ - SEA, 26 B, 1 - 15.","Antic, D. & Akkari, N. (2020) Haasea Verhoeff, 1895 - a genus of tumultuous history and chaotic records - redefinition, revision of taxonomy and geographic distributions, with descriptions of two new species from Austria and Serbia (Diplopoda, Chordeumatida, Haaseidae). Zootaxa, 4798 (1), 1 - 77. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 4798.1.1"]}