Owen Setiawan, Faustine Gultom, Larry Narron, Boris Zhinin, Odalys Peralta Rios, Christopher Lorenzo, Ankhi Thakurta, Marco Kosasih, Martin Ponce, H. Gerald Campano, Patricia Sengbounpheng, Yvonne Colson, Sina Ward, Chloe Kannan, Frianna Gultom, David Setiawan, Erick Perez, Jasmine Lie, Frederick Hidayat, Minghui Li, and Olivia Vazquez
This piece reflects the work of a group of middle- and high-school students who are exploring issues of social justice, educational equity, and access in the context of a community- based partnership between the University of Pennsylvania and the St. Thomas Aquinas community in South Philadelphia. The youth, who represent a range of racial, linguistic, and cultural backgrounds, each explored what “home” meant to them through multiple rounds of writing and revision. Then, after reflecting further through art projects and group conversations, they collaboratively assembled these final compositions with their peers.