Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has received increasing attention in recent decades. The concept of social responsibility is being applied in universities. Because universities have goals that differ significantly from corporations, the notion of university social responsibility (USR) has emerged in the academic field. The Ministry of Education in Taiwan has regularly implemented USR practice plans since 2018 (Executive Yuan, Taiwan, ROC, 2019). The core values of these plans are "local coalition" and "talent cultivation". Moreover, these plans encourage universities to use the power of professional knowledge and creation to minimize the gap between learning and application for students and to integrate local resources and hands-on strategies to better collaborate with universities around the world and expand participation in international academic activities. Sustainable development (SD) is a core objective of both CSR and USR. The United Nations has advocated for sustainable development since 1987 and formalized the five-component paradigm (people, partnership, peace, planet, and prosperity, 5Ps) in 2015. UN Agenda 2030 addresses 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs), 169 targets, and 3,155 actions, encouraging all national governments to establish national SD action plans (United Nations, 2015). Based on the review of the literature and conceptual frameworks related to USR and SD (Bokhari, 2017), we integrate practice experiences and propose three suggestions for universities: 1) diversities universities could create a campus-wide climate of and comprehensive practice for social responsibility using their professional knowledge; 2) the social, economy, and environment are included in universities SD. The curriculum development of universities links to social practice activities to achieve the goals of talent cultivation to meet social needs; 3) The university projects include specific actions and timeline. The impacts and achievements of USR and SD may be appraised by internal and external experts. Fooyin University is a school of science and technology related to "Big Health". Based on the above theoretical frameworks, the outcome evaluation model of the Center for USR, the Ministry of Education, and the UN's SDGs, we implemented the "Time Wheel Sustainable Model of Social Responsibility at Fooyin University" (Figure 1) and began cooperating with private and government organizations. The model is an intervention and evaluation guideline for the time-dynamic wheel, with the target goal of cultivating health promotion and sustainable development talent. The outcomes and impacts of the model comprise four domains and sixteen indicators. Stakeholders of this model are students/alumni, teaching faculties and administration staff, communities, and the public. USR curriculum designs involve the School of Nursing, School of Medical and Health Sciences, School of Environment and Life Sciences, and College of Humanities and Management. In 2020, 718 faculties and 2,012 students participated in USR projects. In 2021, the participation numbers were 679 faculties and 2,303 students. The Fooyin USR is now firmly rooted in thirty communities. Starting in 2022, The Fooyin USR has collaborated with local private companies (CSR) and local youths and communities (regional revitalization, RR) to launch the 3 R formula framework of the USR. The goal of the 3 R action plan is to use artificial intelligence technology to provide innovative, community-based care. The USR operations of university sustainable development around Taiwan are achieving wonderful results, with even better achievements expected. This special column presents case studies of innovative community care and sustainable development within the context of university social responsibility at four universities, including Fooyin University, Siaogang Hospital, Kaohsiung Medical University, National Cheng Kung University, and Taipei Medical University. Since 2020, nations around the world have fought off COVID-19. The strategies of national prevention have evolved to better respond to disasters and to live with the virus. Therefore, in the post-pandemic period, universities around Taiwan have been implementing sustainable development practices. These universities are making strong efforts to develop innovative care for communities through academic exchange and publishing in order to accomplish social responsibility.後疫情時代之創新社區照護與大學社會責任的永續發展.過去數十年,企業社會責任(corporate social responsibility, CSR)日益受到重視,這樣的概念被應用至大學,然而大學與商業利益模式不同,因此被稱為大學社會責任(university social responsibility, USR)。教育部呼應世界潮流,自2018年起推動「大學社會責任實踐計畫」,核心價值為「在地連結」與「人才培育」,並且強調各大學發揮專業學術知識和創意的影響力,改善學生的學用差距,以鏈結整合區域資源的在地深耕策略,朝向與世界各大學合作,以及擴大國際社會參與(行政院,2019)。不論CSR或是USR都追求永續發展(sustainable development, SD),聯合國自1987年起提倡SD,2015年發展5P模式(人people;夥伴partnership;和平peace;地球planet;繁榮prosperity),並訂出2030年永續發展目標(sustainable development goals, SDGs),制定17項SDGs及169項細標和3,155項目,透過高峰會議,鼓勵各國規劃永續發展的具體方針(United Nations, 2015),並且Bokhari於2017年已經綜合USR和SD定義和模式架構的文獻回顧。因此,筆者參考上述文獻及實務經驗,提出幾項總結性的建議,包括:(1)各大學應該透過自身的專業學術知識,營造全校性和全面性之社會實踐的內部校園氣氛;(2)必須包含社會、經濟和環境三方面的目標和策略,而且要持續改進全校內部課程發展與外部社會實踐活動的串聯,以培育出可以滿足社會需求的人才培育為目標;(3)執行計畫過程,大學應該擘劃出彈性細節和具體可行的目標和時間表,以供校內及校外專家進行USR和SD的影響評價和成就評值。筆者所服務的大學,是以大健康為特色的技職科技大學,也依循上述理論架構,呼應聯合國SDGs,並且公私協力合作,融入教育部大學社會責任推動中心所公布的「中長期效益評估參考面向與重點指標」,提出「輔英科技大學社會責任實踐之滾動式轉輪永續運作模式」(圖一),這是一個動態轉輪的策略方針運作,此模式可以作為策略方針和效益評價,以永續健康促進人才培育為總體目標,進行四大面向及16項指標的成果和影響評價;效益評估利害關係人,包括學生和校友、教職員工、參與社區、社會大眾;USR課程設計橫跨護理學院、醫學與健康學院、環境與生命學院,以及人文與管理學院的四大學院師生參與,2020年718位教師和2,012位學生參與,2021年679位教師和2,303位學生參與,深耕30個社區。2022年與地方企業(CSR)的深度鏈結,並且和在地青年合作推動地方創生計畫(regional revitalization, RR),啟動三R共構的大學永續方程式(USR X CSR X RR),營造智慧科技的創新社區照護。各大學的USR和SD運作都有獨特性和精彩可期,本次專欄邀請輔英科技大學、高雄醫學大學小港醫院、國立成功大學和臺北醫學大學的USR夥伴團隊,撰述闡明永續發展架構下,四所大學社會責任實踐的社區創新與地方永續案例分享。自2020年起,全世界各國仍然在和新冠病毒疫情對抗中,疫情下的新生活模式,各國防疫策略以減災和共存為目標,因此在後疫情時代,臺灣各大學的永續發展時間轉輪不會停止,將透過夥伴學校交流學習及學術發表,為臺灣的創新社區照護而努力不懈,持續實踐大學的社會責任。.