Object: Review recent publications of patient safety culture to investigate the relationship between leadership behavior, safety culture, and safety performance in the healthcare industry. Method: This study is a cross-sectional study, 350 questionnaires were mailed to hospital workers with 195 valid responses obtained, and a 55.7% valid response rate. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was carried out to test the factor structure and determine if the composite reliability was significant with a factor loading of >0.5, resulting in an acceptable model fit. Results: Through the analysis of One-way ANOVA, the results showed that physicians significantly have more negative patient safety culture perceptions and safety performance perceptions than non- physicians. Conclusions: The path analysis results show that leadership behavior affects safety culture and safety performance in the health care industry. Safety performance was affected and improved with contingency leadership and a positive patient safety organization culture. The study suggests improving safety performance by providing a well-managed system that includes: consideration of leadership, hospital worker training courses, and a solid safety reporting system., {"references":["L. T. Kohn, J. M. Corrigan, and M.S. Donaldson, To Err is Human:\nBuilding a Safer Health System. Institute of Medicine Report,\nWashington, DC: National Academy Press, 2000.","Department of Health, \"An Organization with a Memory: Report of an\nexpert group on learning from adverse events in the NHS chaired by the\nChief Medical Officer,\" London, 2000, pp. 35.","G.R. Baker, P. 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