[[abstract]]學術界所謂的負微分電阻元件(Negative Differential Resistance, NDR),指的是共振穿透二極體(RTD),它是以化合物半導體的技術製作而成,其材料有高電子移動率等優點,但不容易與CMOS或BiCMOS製程技術互相配合。 在本研究中我們所製作的負微分電阻元件,則是以金屬氧化半導體場效電晶體(MOS)元件所架構而成的,我們以SiGe 0.35μm 3P3M BiCMOS製程製作的負微分電阻元件的晶片,其結構是由兩個增強型N通道MOS元件、一個增強型P通道MOS元件與雙載子接面電晶體BJT元件所組成的,由於它是以MOS元件和BJT元件所組成,因此我們稱此負微分電阻元件為MOS-BJT-NDR元件。我們藉由適當設計,可得到具有不同的峰值(peak)與谷值(valley)的電流-電壓特性曲線(Current-Voltage characteristics)。所以此元件具有極廣大範圍的調變特性,對於其應用電路的設計與開發,深具研究價值。 在本論文中我們介紹了以單穩態-雙穩態傳輸邏輯閘(MOBILE)架構而成的三位元邏輯閘電路。所謂的單穩態-雙穩態傳輸邏輯閘,它是使用二組負微分電阻元件串聯在一起,藉由改變二組負電阻元件的電流-電壓特性曲線,而獲得數種不同邏輯閘輸出結果的電路原理。 我們在本論文中亦介紹了以MOS-BJT-NDR所組成的除頻器電路。這電路由三個元件所組成,其中包括MOS-BJT-NDR、電感和電容。我們可以藉由控制輸入頻率、電壓等,得到不同的除頻倍數。我們將在本論文中深入探討此電路。, [[abstract]]The general conventionally negative differential resistance (NDR) device is resonant-tunneling-diode (RTD) device. The RTD device is fabricated by the technique of compound semiconductor. This kind of NDR device is possessed of the high electron mobility. But it can’t be provided the convenience in consisted of other devices and circuits based on the CMOS or BiCMOS technology. However in our works, we proposed a new NDR device which is composed of metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect-transistor (MOS) devices and bipolar junction transistor devices. Because this NDR device is consisted of two NMOS 、one PMOS, and one BJT, we call this novel NDR device as MOS-BJT-NDR device. The MOS-BJT-NDR device is fabricated by SiGe 0.35μm 3P3M BiCMOS process. The MOS-BJT-NDR device could exhibit the NDR current-voltage (I-V) characteristic with different peak and valley current just by suitably arranging the width and length parameters of the MOS devices. Therefore, this kind of device has a wide range of modulation in the I-V characteristics. Especially, it will have a benefit of the applied circuit design. A monostable-bistable transition logic element (MOBILE), employing two NDR devices connected in series, is a 3-bit logic gate. In this device, two NDR devices are connected in series, one of the NDR devices and a NMOS are connected in parallel. Therefore, the peak current of this NDR device can be controlled by means of an applied gate voltage of the NMOS device. For a two-input MOBILE gate, this implies the possibility of a variable function logic gate. Another R-BJT-NDR applied circuit is the frequency divider. This frequency divider consists of three components, including R-BJT-NDR, inductor and capacitance. We can get a different dividing ratio by changing frequency, voltage of input signal, etc.