When commonly used police practices as to confessions and searches were found by our highest court to be in conflict with the basic constitutional rights of citizens, the predictable results were loud emotional outbursts from two groups of extremists. There was highest praise of the Court's holdings and strongest denunciation, hosannas as at the dawn of an awaited Bill of Rights milennium, and doleful despair and predictions of complete collapse of safety and of society. The din has now subsided, at least for the moment, and so the time is right for unemotional appraisal and adjustment. Let us go at once to what I consider the prime point. The police forces of America are in immediate need of better training and counsel, first, as to how, when and where confessions can be taken so as to be permitted in evidence; and, second, as to what ground rules must be obeyed in order to make a no-warrant search, or one backed up by a search warrant, valid under the Mapp rule, so as to allow in evidence proof about fruits of the search. This urgent necessity for more intensive criminal evidence training for police officers explains, I suppose, the name and purpose of Northwestern University Law School's new "Police Legal Advisor Program", of which this meeting is a part. But looming up behind these most urgent demands is a societal need of highest priority-the need everywhere in America, but especially in the smaller communities, to improve the status, pay, training and procedures of the police, including where necessary the consolidation of rural police forces into larger organizations and the provision of state-wide highway controls and mobile, highly trained, special investigative groups. Until the American public and its leaders are ready with the resources and supply necessary to accomplish these improvements, present efforts to explain the new constitutional concepts and to adjust to them will be but temporary expedients awaiting a better day. Now, as to confessions, let me start with a question to which I can give no answer: Are we moving