The need of high frame-rate imaging has been triggered by the new applications of ultrasound imaging to transient elastography and real-time 3D ultrasound. Using plane wave excitation (PWE) is one of the methods to achieve very high frame-rate imaging since an image can be formed with a single insonification. However, due to the lack of transmit focusing, the image quality with PWE is lower compared with those using conventional focused transmission. To solve this problem, we propose a filter-retrieved transmit focusing (FRF) technique combined with cross-correlation weighting (FRF+CC weighting) for high frame-rate imaging with PWE. A restrospective focusing filter is designed to simultaneously minimize the predefined sidelobe energy associated with single PWE and the filter energy related to the signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR). This filter attempts to maintain the mainlobe signals and to reduce the sidelobe ones, which gives similar mainlobe signals and different sidelobes between the original PWE and the FRF baseband data. Normalized cross-correlation coefficient at zero lag is calculated to quantify the degree of similarity at each imaging point and used as a weighting matrix to the FRF baseband data to further suppress sidelobes, thus improving the filter-retrieved focusing quality., {"references":["B. Delannoy, R. Torgue, C. Bruneel, and E. Bridou, \"Ultrafast electronical image reconstruction device\" in Echocardiology, vol. 1, C. T.\nLancee, Ed. (The Hague: Nijhoff, 1979), ch. 3, pp. 447-450.","B. Delannoy, R. Torgue, C. Bruneel, E. Bridoux, J. M. Rouvaen, and H.\nLaSota, \"Acoustical image reconstruction in parallel-processing analog\nelectronic systems,\" J. Appl. Phys., vol. 50, pp. 3153-3159, May 1979.","Shattuck, D., Weinshenker, M., Smith, S., and Ramm, O.V.,\n\"Explososcan: a parallel processing technique for high speed ultrasound\nimaging with linear phased arrays,\" J. Acoust. Soc. Am., vol. 75, no. 4, pp. 1273-1282, 1984.","Tanter, M., Bercoff, J., Sandrin, L., and Fink, M., \"Ultrafast Compound\nImaging for 2-D Motion Vector Estimation: Application to Transient Elastography,\" IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and\nfrequency control, vol. 4 , no. 10, pp. 1363-1374, 2002.","Jesper Udesen, F.G., Kristoffer Lindskov Hansen, Jorgen Arendt Jensen,\nCarsten Thomsen, and Michael Bachmann Nielsen, \"High Frame-Rate\nBlood Vector Velocity Imaging Using Plane Waves: Simulations and\nPreliminary Experiments,\" IEEE transactios on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics,\nand frequency control, vol. 55, no. 8, pp. 1729-1743, 2008.","Montaldo, G., Tanter, M., Bercoff, J., Benech, n., and Fink, M.,\n\"Coherent Plane-Wave Compounding for Very High Frame Rate\nUltrasonography and Transient Elastography,\" IEEE transactions on\nultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control, vol. 56, no. 3, pp.\n489-506, 2009.","Chang-Lin. Hu, Geng-Shi. Jeng, Yu-Hsin. Wang, Pai-Chi. Li, and\nMeng-Lin. Li, Improved Plane-Wave High Frame Rate Imaging Using\nRetrospective Transmit Focusing and Filter-derived Coherence-Index\nWeighting. in Proc. IEEE Ultrason. Symp., 2010.","Chi Hyung. Seo and Jesse T. Yen, Sidelobe Suppression in Ultrasound\nImaging using Dual Apodization with Cross-correlation. IEEE Trans.\nUltras., Ferro., And Freq. Control., 55(10), 2198-2210,2008","J. A. Jensen,\" Field: A program for simulating ultrasound systems,\"\nMedical & Biological Engineering & Computing, vol. 34, pp. 351–353,\n1996."]}