Liliane Roskamp, Cleber Machado Souza, Sergio Aparecido Ignácio, Camila Paiva Perin, Natanael Henrique Ribeiro Mattos, Isabela Roskamp Sunye, Letícia Capote Santos, Vania Portela Ditzel Westphalen, Carolina da Silveira Jacob, and Flares Baratto-Filho
To investigate the genetic association in a sample of replanted teeth, it is necessary to observe the extreme phenotypes, such as, teeth that underwent functional healing and those extracted due to severe external root resorption. Thus, this study aimed to investigate the association of age of the patients, root development, storage media, and polymorphisms in the interleukin 4 (IL4) and interleukin 6 (IL6) genes with teeth that presented extreme outcomes, as functional healing or extraction, in a group whose replantation techniques did not follow the International Association of Dental Traumatology (IADT) 2012 guidelines. Forty-three avulsed and replanted teeth that did not follow IADT 2012 guidelines and underwent functional healing or were extracted were included. Periapical radiographs employed for this study were taken soon after tooth replantation and after 1 year. For genotypic IL4 and IL6 genes analysis, DNA of oral mucosa cells was extracted. Real-time- PCR performed for genotyping polymorphisms in IL4 and IL6 genes. Clinical and genetic variables were analyzed by the Chi-square test and the “Z” test. P values < .05 were considered significant. The results showed that functional healing and extraction were associated with storage media and with the rs2243268 of IL- 4 gene polymorphisms. As conclusion, the C rs2243268 allele of IL4 gene may have a positive relationship with functional healing teeth that were replanted not following the 2012 IADT guidelines. Keeping the tooth dry is associated to a fast loss of avulsed and replanted teeth after 1-year follow-up. Resumo Para investigar a influência genética em uma amostra de dentes reimplantados, é necessário observar os fenótipos extremos, como os dentes que sofreram cura funcional e os extraídos devido à reabsorção radicular externa severa. Assim, este estudo teve como objetivo investigar a associação da idade dos pacientes, desenvolvimento radicular dos dentes, assim como o meio de transporte até o reimplante e polimorfismos nos genes da interleucina 4 (IL4) e da interleucina 6 (IL6) com dentes que apresentaram cura funcional ou extração, em um grupo cujas técnicas de reimplante não seguiu a International Association of Dental Traumatology (IADT) 2012. Foram incluídos 43 dentes avulsionados e reimplantados que não seguiram as diretrizes do IADT, e tiveram cura funcional ou foram extraídos. As radiografias periapicais utilizadas para este estudo foram feitas logo após o reimplante dentário e após 1 ano. Para a análise genotípica dos genes IL4 e IL6, foi extraído DNA de células da mucosa oral. PCR em tempo real realizou a análise dos polimorfismos dos genes. As variáveis clínicas e genéticas foram analisadas pelos testes Qui-quadrado e “Z”. Valores de p