The bifunctional enzyme uridine diphosphate (UDP)1-N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) 2- epimerase/N-acetylmannosamine (ManNAc) kinase (GNE), encoded by the GNE gene, catalyzes the first two committed, rate-limiting steps in the biosynthesis of N-acetylneuraminic acid (Neu5Ac) (1, 2). Neu5Ac is the most abundant mammalian sialic acid and the precursor of most naturally existing sialic acids (3). Sialic acids are negatively charged, terminal residues on glycoconjugates, and assist in many cellular functions including cell-cell interactions, proliferation, and viral or bacterial infections (3, 4). The GNE enzyme consists of two enzymatic domains. The N-terminal domain carries out UDP-GlcNAc epimerase function, whereas the Cterminal domain is responsible for ManNAc kinase activity. In mammals, the end product of sialic acid synthesis, CMP-Neu5Ac, feedback-inhibits UDP-GlcNAc 2-epimerase activity of GNE by binding to its allosteric site (5). Two distinct human disorders, sialuria (OMIM 269921) and hereditary inclusion body myopathy (HIBM; OMIM 600737), are associated with predominantly missense mutations in GNE. Sialuria is an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by coarse facies, variable developmental delay, hepatomegaly and recurrent infections. To date, only seven sialuria patients are described worldwide. All patients have a heterozygous missense mutation affecting the allosteric site of GNE, leading to loss of feedback-inhibition of GNE-epimerase activity by CMP-Neu5Ac, resulting in excessive sialic acid production (6, 7). HIBM and its allelic Japanese disorder, distal myopathy with rimmed vacuoles, or DMRV (OMIM 605820), is an autosomal recessive neuromuscular disorder of adult onset, characterized by slowly progressive muscle weakness and atrophy. More than 500 HIBM\DMRV patients exist worldwide, harboring over 60 GNE mutations. HIBM\DMRV patients have recessive (predominantly missense) mutations in either enzymatic domain of GNE, leading to decreased enzyme activity and, presumably, decreased sialic acid production (2, 8, 9). Whether hyposialylation is the main cause of the neuromuscular symptoms in HIBM\DMRV patients remains unknown. In prokaryotes, GNE epimerase and kinase functions are carried out by two separate enzymes, and prokaryotic 2-epimerases have no allosteric feedback inhibition. In mammals, a bifunctional enzyme might have evolved by gene fusion of the two independent enzymes responsible for epimerase/kinase activity. Similarities between mammalian GNE N-terminal regions with prokaryotic UDP-GlcNAc 2-epimerases and mammalian GNE C-terminal regions with members of the sugar kinase superfamily previously assisted in identifying characteristic motifs of the GNE epimerase and kinase enzymatic domains (10, 11). Bacterial 2-epimerases are allosterically regulated by its substrate UDP-GlcNAc. A structural basis for allosteric activation was demonstrated by a crystallographic analysis of the B. subtilis 2 2-epimerase in complex with the reaction intermediate UDP (12). In addition, the crystallographic structures of the E. coli GNE enzyme unbound and in complex with UDP-N-acetylglucosamine (pdb code 1f6d, 1vgv), and the V. cholera (pdb code 1dzc) and B. anthracis (pdb code 3beo) enzymes in complex with UDP-N-acetylglucosamine were solved. Similarity of the N-terminal domain of the H. sapiens GNE to V. cholera (27% homology), E. coli (20% homology) and B. anthracis (18% homology) 2-epimerases was used to model its three-dimensional structure. In previous studies, structural elements and important ATP, ADP, Mg2+ and substrate-binding amino acids were assigned on the basis of these similarities (10, 11). The N-terminal epimerase domain of the human GNE enzyme contains two α/β domains (domains I and II) that form a cleft at the domain interface harboring the active site. Topology of both domains is similar to the Rossmann dinucleotide binding fold (13). Rossmann fold domains are conserved among mammalian and bacterial 2- epimerases. The human N-terminal GNE epimerase domain has a 7-stranded parallel β-sheet sandwiched between a total of 7 α-helices. The C-terminus of the GNE epimerase domain contains a 6-stranded β-sheet surrounded by a total of 7 α-helices (11). Other carriers of the Rossmann fold, including glycosyltransferases and the epimerase domains of 2-epimerases, have similar N-terminal and C-terminal domains (14, 15). The crystallographic structure of the ManNAc kinase domain of human GNE is solved at 2.84 A resolution (pdb code 3eo3) (16). Residues 409–431 of the mammalian GNE ManNAc kinase domain showed similarities with the phosphate 1 motif of the ATP-binding domain of eukaryotic hexokinases (10). Similar to hexokinases (17), mammalian GNE ManNAc kinase contains a 5-stranded β-sheet β3β2β1β4β5 with β2 being anti-parallel to four other parallel strands with a pair of parallel alpha-helices located on each side of the β-sheet (Domain I). Another 5-stranded β-sheet β8β7β6β9β1 with β7 being anti-parallel to four other parallel strands is surrounded by a pair of parallel α-helices on each side (Domain II). The structure of two similar domains involved in ATP binding is a common feature of the ASKHA (Acetate and Sugar Kinase/Hsp70/Actin) superfamily, described in detail for the bacterial poly(P)/ATP-glucomannokinase (18, 19). Recently, different human GNE mRNA splice variants and three predicted translated proteins, hGNE1, hGNE2 and hGNE3 were described (20, 21). Subsequently, two different mouse Gne mRNA splice variants were described, Gne1 and Gne2, together with their expression in selected tissues (22). In the current study we identified additional human isoforms hGNE4-8, and demonstrate expression of hGNE isoform transcripts in a wide variety of tissues. It is unknown which role these isoforms play in GNE regulation, or GNE-related disease pathology. Based on our previous modeling results of the hGNE1 isoform (11), we now analyze and compare the structural features, with respect to catalytic activity, ligand binding and allosteric regulation, of all eight human GNE isoforms.