114 results on '"Cardozo G"'
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2. Estudios ecológicos en el Páramo de Cruz Verde, Colombia. IV. La actividad biológica del suelo en diferentes asociaciones vegetales Estudios ecológicos en el Páramo de Cruz Verde, Colombia. IV. La actividad biológica del suelo en diferentes asociaciones vegetales
- Author
Schnetter Marie-Luise and Cardozo G. Hernán
- Subjects
Estudios ecológicos ,Asociaciones vegetales ,Celulosólisis del suelo ,Diplostephium revolutum ,Calamagrostis effusa ,Espeletia grandiflora ,Geranium santanderiense ,Science ,Zoology ,QL1-991 ,Botany ,QK1-989 - Abstract
Se determinaron la respiración y la actividad de celulosólisis del suelo en las asociaciones vegetales de Diplostephium revolutum degradada, de Calamagrostis effusa, Espeletia grandiflora y Geranium santanderiense, de Calamagrostis effusa y Altesteinia fimbriata y de un bosque bajo de páramo en el Páramo de Cruz Verde (Cundinamarca). La mayoría de los promedios de la respiración del suelo se situaba entre 120 y 190 mg CO2/m2h. Valores menores se determinaron dos veces en la asociación degradada de Diplostephium revolutum (82,4 mg CO2/m2h, 72,5 mg CO2/m2h), valores mayores una vez en la asociación de Colamagrostis effusa y Altesteinia fimbriata (220,2 mg CO2/m2h) y en el bosque bajo de páramo (245,1 mg CO2/m2h). La actividad de celulosólisis en el bosque bajo de páramo superaba notablemente la de las otras asociaciones vegetales mencionadas, en contraste en la asociación degradada de Diplostephium revolutum no se notó alguna descomposición de celulosa. In vier Pflanzengesellschaften des Páramo de Cruz Verde (Cundinamarca), nämlich der degradierten Diplostephium revolutum - Gesellschaft, der Calamagrostis effusa • Espeletia grandiflora - Geranium santanderiense - Gesellschaft, der Calamagrostis effusa - Altesteinia fimbriata - Gesellschaft und einer Gesellschaft des Páramo - Buschwaldes wurden Bodenatmung und zellulolytische Aktivität bestimmt. Die Mehrzahl der bei den Bodenatmungsbestimmungen gefundenen Mittelwerte lag zwischen 120 und 190 mg CO2/m2h. In der degradierten Diplostephium revolutum. - Gesellschaft wurde zweimal ein niedrigerer (82,4 mg CO2/m2h, 72,5 mg CO2/m2h), in der Calamagrostis effusa - Altesteinia fimbriata -Gesellschaft (220,2 mg CO2/m2h) und im Páramo -Buschwald (245,1 mg CO2/m2h) jeweils einmal ein höherer Wert bestimmt. Die zellulolytische Aktivität war im Päramo - Buschwald um ein Vielfaches höher als in den drei anderen Pflanzengesellschaften, wo in der degradierten Diplostephium. revolutum - Gesellschaft überhaupt kein Abbau feststellbar war.
- Published
- 1976
3. Estudios ecológicos en el Páramo de Cruz Verde, Colombia. III. La biomasa de tres asociaciones vegetales y la productividad de Calamagrostis Effusa (H. B. K.) Steud. Y Paepalanthus Columbiensis Ruhl. En comparación con la concentración de Clorofila Estudios ecológicos en el Páramo de Cruz Verde, Colombia. III. La biomasa de tres asociaciones vegetales y la productividad de Calamagrostis Effusa (H. B. K.) Steud. Y Paepalanthus Columbiensis Ruhl. En comparación con la concentración de Clorofila
- Author
Cardozo G. Hernán and Schnetter Marie Luise
- Subjects
Estudios ecológicos ,Calamagrostis Effusa (H. B. K.) ,Steud ,Paepalanthus Columbiensis Ruhl ,Science ,Zoology ,QL1-991 ,Botany ,QK1-989 - Abstract
Im Páramo de Cruz Verde (Depto, Cundinamarca) wurden in den Jahren 1970 und 1971 in der Calamagrostis effusa - Altesteinia fimbriata - Gesellschaft, der Calamagrostis effusa - Espeletia grandiflora - Geranium santanderiense - Gesellschaft und einer degradierten Diplostephium revolutum - Gesellschaft die Biomasse bestimmt und Untersuchungen der Produktivitätund des Chlorophyllgehaltes von Calamagrostis effusa und Paepalanthus columbiensis durchgeführt. Die Calamagrostis effusa - Espeletia grandiflora - Geranium santanderiense- Geselischaft wies die gröBte oberirdische Biomasse auf, was auf den groBen Anteil an Holzpflanzen in der Vegetation zurückzuführen ist. An zweiter Stelle, aber mit deutlich geringeren Werten, folgte die degradierte Diplostephium revolutum - Gesellschaft, die sich durch einen hohenMoosgehalt auszeichnete. Die niedrigsten Werte fanden sich in der Colamagrostis effusa - Altesteinia fimbriata - Gesellschaft. Die gröBte unterirdische Biomasse wurde in der degradierten Diplostephium revolutum - Gesellschaft hestimmt, während die beiden übrigen Gesellschaften nur wenig mehr als die Hälfte der Wurzelmasse, die in dem feuchten Gebiet gefunden worden war, aufwiesen. Nach Ablauf eines Jahres konnte keine Änderung des Trockengewichtes von Calamagrostis und Paepalanthus nachgewiesen werden, so daB die Nettoproduktion während des Untersuchungszeitraumes null war. Von Oktoher bis Januar wurde bei Calamagrostis in der Calamagrostis effusa - Altesteinia fimbriata - Gesellschaft und der Calamagrostis effusa - Espeletia grandiflora - Geranium santanderiense - Gesellschaft eine Ahnahme des Chlorophyllgehaltes heohachtet. Aus der Bestimmung der Trockensubstanz von Calamagrostis und Paepalanthus, die auf vorher abgeernteten Flächen gewachsen waren, geht hervor, daB Calamagrostis eine bessere Regenerationsfähigkeit besitzt als Paepalanthus. Doch wuchs innerhalb von neun Monaten nur maximal ein Drittel der ursprünglich vorhandenen Grasmenge nach.En el Páramo de Cruz Verde (Departamento de Cundinamarca) se realizaron estudios sobre la biomasa en las asociaciones de Calamagrostis effusa y Altesteinia fimbriata, de Calamagrostis effusa, Espeletia grandiflora y Geranium santanderiense y de Diplosteplhium revolutum degradada y sobre la productividad y el contenido de clorofila de Calamagrostis effusa y Paepalanthus columbiensis durante los años de 1970 y 1971.La asociación de Calamagrostis effusa, Espeletia grandiflora y Geranium santanderiense mostró la mayor biomosa aérea, ocasionada por el mayor porcentaje de plantas leñosas en la vegetación. En segundo lugar siguió la asociación degradada de Diplostephium revolutum, pero con valores claramente inferiores. Aquí se destacó la considerable cantidad demusgos. Los valores menores se encontraron en la asociación de Calamagrostis effusa y Altesteinia fimbriata. La mayor biomasa subterránea se obtuvo en la asociación degradada de Diplostephium revolutum, mientras en las dos asociaciones restantes sólo se determinó poco más de la mitadde la cantidad hallada en el terreno húmedo. Transcurrido un año no se pudo comprobar un cambio en el peso seco de Calamagrostis y Paepalanthus, así que la producción neta fue nula durante el período de la investigación. De octubre a enero se observó en Calamagrostis una disminución del contenido de clorofila en las asociaciones de Calamagrostis effusa y Altesteinia fimbriata y de Calamagrostis effusa, Espeletia grandiflora y Geranium santanderiense. La determinación del material seco de Calamagrostis y Paepalanthus, crecido sobre parcelas previamente cosechadas, dio por resultado un mejorpoder de regeneración para Calamagrostis. Pero en el lapso de nueve meses creció como máximo solo una tercera parte de la cantidad inicialmente presente.
- Published
- 1976
4. Estudios ecológicos en el Paramo de Cruz Verde, Colombia I. Ubicación geográfica, factores climáticos y edáficos Estudios ecológicos en el Paramo de Cruz Verde, Colombia I. Ubicación geográfica, factores climáticos y edáficos
- Author
Schnetter Reinhard, Lozano Contreras Gustavo, Schnetter Marie Luise, and Cardozo G. Hernán
- Subjects
Factores climáticos ,Factores edáficos ,Geranium multiceps ,Suelos humíferos de páramo ,Science ,Zoology ,QL1-991 ,Botany ,QK1-989 - Abstract
Im Páramo de Cruz Verde bei Bogotá wurden Untersuchungen über die klimatischen und edaphischen Bedingungen in einer Höhenlage von etwa 3300 - 3400 m durchgeführt. Die Temperatur in 1 m Tiefe betrug 10,3°C In den frühen Nachmittagsstunden wurden in 1 m Höhe Lufttemperaturen zwischen 9° C und 12,8° C bestimmt . Messungen der Globalstrahlung ergaben bei bedecktem Himmel fürdieselben Tagesstunden Werte zwischen 0,19 und 0,51 cal/cm2 min. Die WindgeschWindigkeit schwankt normalerweise zwischen 2 und 4 m/sec. Der Wind weht vornehmlich aus südöstlicher Richtung. Die jährliche Gesamtniederschlagsmenge betrug etwa 1800 mm. Dertrockenste Monat war der Februar (1971: 51,3 mm, 1972: 61 mm), die feuchtesten Monate Juni (1972: 296,9 mm und Juli (1971:248,1 mm). Als Bodentypen wurden nach JENNY flachgründige"andine Humusböden" und fiefgründige "Humusböden der Paramos" unterschieden. Danebentreten an nassen Stellen Moorböden auf. Die Böden zeichnen sich durch einen hohen Kohlenstoffgehalt in den oberen Bodenschichten aus. Die Stickstoffgehalte liegen zwischen 0,97 und 1,60 g/100 g trockenen Bodens. Die pH. Werte streuen in den oberen Bodenschichten zwischen 3,5 und 5,2. Mit zunehmender Tiefe steigen sie an und liegen in 1 m Tiefezwischen 4,5 und 6,1. Die niedrigste Wasserkapazität wurde für einen flachgründigen Boden unter der Calamagrostis effusa-Spiranthes vaginata - Gesellschaft bestimmt (84% des trockenen Bodens), die höchste für Moorboden unterder Diplostephium revolutum - Gesellschaft (1020% des trockenen Bodens). Die Wassergehalte der Böden zeirgen niederschlagsabhängige Schwankungen, die am auffälligsten in der Calamagrostis effusa - Spiranthes vaginata. Gesellschaft waren, wo auch die niedrigsten absoluten Wassergehalte gefunden wurden (18% des Bodenfrischgewichts). Nur im immer wassergesättigten Moorboden unter der Diplostephium revolutum - Gesellschaft sind derartige witterungsbedingte Schwankungen nicht nachweisbar. Die pF-Werte bewegen sich im allgemeinen um 0,5. In der Diplostephium revolutum - Gesellschaft sind sie immer niedriger als 0,5, den höchsten Wert wies die Calamagrostis effusa - Spiranthes vaginata - Gesellschaft mit 3, 85 auf. Laborversuche ergaben, daβ Geranium multiceps, Espeletia grandiflora und Hypericum goyanesii schon bei pF - Werten von 2,25 den permanenten Welkepunkt erreichten, wodurch das Fehlen dieser Arten an dentrockensten Standorten des Páramos erklärt werden kann.En el Páramo de Cruz Verde, situado cerca de Bogotá, se realizaron estudios sobre las condiciones climáticas y edáficas de la región, a una altura de 3300 - 3400 m aproximadamente. La temperatura medida a 1 m de profundidad fue de 10,3° C. Se determinaron temperaturas del aire en las horas tempranas de la tarde entre 9°'C y 12,8° C a 1 m de altura. Mediciones de la radiación global dieron por resultado valores entre 0,19 y 0,51 cal/cm2 min para las mismas horas del día, bajo condiciones de cielo nublado.La velocidad del viento oscila normalmente entre 2 y 4 m/ sec. El viento sopla particularmente del sureste. La precipitación anual total fue de 1800 mm aproximadamente. El mes más seco fue febrero (1971: 51,3 mm, 1972: 61 mm), los meses más humedos fueron junio (1972: 296,9 mm ) y julio (1971: 248,1 mm). Como tipos de suelo se diferenciaron segUn JENNY"suelos humiferos andinos" de poca profundidad y "suelos humíferos de páramo" más profundos. Además se encuentran turberas en sitios más húmedos. Los suelos se distinguen por un alto contenido de carbono en las capassuperiores. Los contenidos de nitrógeno oscilan entre 0,97 y 1,60 g/l00 g de suelo seco. Los valores de pH fluctúan entre 3,5 y 5,2 en los estratos superiores del suelo. Aumentan a mayor profundidad y se hallan entre 4,5 y 6,1 a 1m deprofundidad. La menor capacidad de retención de agua se determinó en un suelo poco profundo bajo la asociación de Calamagrostis effusa y Spiranthes vaginata (84% de suelo seco), la mayor en la turbera bajo la asociación deDiplostephium revolutum (1020% de suelo seco).Los contenidos de agua del suelo muestran oscilaciones dependientes de las precipitaciones siendo más llamativas en la asociación de Calamagrostis effusa y Spiranthes vaginata, donde se determinaron también los contenidos de agua más bajos (18,2% de peso fresco del suelo). Sólo en la turbera siempre saturada de agua no se pueden demostrar oscilaciones dependientes de la situación meteorológica.Los valores pF fluctúan generalmente alrededor de 0,5. En la asociación de Diplostephium revolutum son siempre menores de 0,5, mientras en la asociación de Calamagrostis effusa y Spiranthes vaginata alcanzaron una vez el valor de 3,85.De experimentos en el laboratorio resultó que Geranium multiceps. Espeletia grandiflora e Hypericum goyanesii llegan al punto de marchitamiento permanente a valores de pF de 2,25. Así se puede explicar la ausencia de estas especies en los sitios más secos del páramo.
- Published
- 1976
5. Effects of Resistance Training with Blood Flow Restriction on Muscle Strength and Biomarkers in Older People: A Systematic Review of Randomized Clinical Trials
- Author
Gama Linhares, D., primary, de Souza Alves, A., additional, Almeida Barreto, Y., additional, Brito Narciso, O., additional, de Souza Filho, A.V., additional, Gonçalves Cardozo, G., additional, Gomes da Costa, M., additional, Brandão Pinto de Castro, J., additional, and Gomes de Souza Vale, R., additional
- Published
- 2023
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6. Comparative sperm ultrastructure of two tegu lizards (genus Salvator) and its relation to sperm competition
- Author
Blengini, C.S., Naretto, S., Cardozo, G., Giojalas, L.C., and Chiaraviglio, M.
- Published
- 2017
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7. Sexual dichromatism and color diversity in the spiny lava lizard Tropidurus spinulosus using lizard visual modelling
- Author
Rossi, N., Benitez-Vieyra, S., Cocucci, A., Chiaraviglio, M., and Cardozo, G.
- Published
- 2019
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8. Automation of Evaluation Protocols of Stand-to-Sit Activity in Expert System
- Author
Cunha, M. J., Cardozo, G., de Azevedo, F., Magjarevic, Ratko, Editor-in-chief, Ładyzynsk, Piotr, Series editor, Ibrahim, Fatimah, Series editor, Lacković, Igor, Series editor, Rock, Emilio Sacristan, Series editor, and Roa Romero, Laura M., editor
- Published
- 2014
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9. Postural Assessment System to Support in the Process of Clinical Decision-Making
- Author
Cardozo, G., Cunha, M. J., Azevedo, F., and Long, Mian, editor
- Published
- 2013
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10. Factors associated with adverse COVID-19 outcomes in patients with psoriasis—insights from a global registry–based study
- Author
Mahil, S, Dand, N, Mason, K, Yiu, Z, Tsakok, T, Meynell, F, Coker, B, Mcateer, H, Moorhead, L, Mackenzie, T, Rossi, M, Rivera, R, Mahe, E, Carugno, A, Magnano, M, Rech, G, Balogh, E, Feldman, S, De La Cruz, C, Choon, S, Naldi, L, Lambert, J, Spuls, P, Jullien, D, Bachelez, H, Mcmahon, D, Freeman, E, Gisondi, P, Puig, L, Warren, R, Di Meglio, P, Langan, S, Capon, F, Griffiths, C, Barker, J, Smith, C, Shah, A, Barea, A, Romero-Mate, A, Singapore, A, Paolino, A, Mwale, A, Morales Callaghan, A, Martinez, A, Decrescenzo, A, Pink, A, Jones, A, Sergeant, A, Essex, A, Bewley, A, Makrygeorgou, A, van Huizen, A, Perez-Suarez, B, Farida, B, Clareus, B, Prims, C, Davis, C, Quinlan, C, Maybury, C, Cesar, G, Barclay, C, Greco, C, Brassard, D, Cummings, D, Kolli, D, Descamps, V, Genao, D, Carras, E, Hawryluk, E, Martinez-Garcia, E, Klujszo, E, Dwyer, E, Toni, E, Sonkoly, E, Loayza, E, Dauden, E, Valenzuela, F, Popov, G, King, G, Celine, G, Aparicio, G, Johnston, G, Cardozo, G, Pearson, I, Yanguas, I, Weisman, J, Carolan, J, Hughes, J, Ortiz-Salvador, J, Carrascosa, J, Schwartz, J, Jackson, K, Kerisit, K, Wu, K, Asfour, L, de Graaf, L, Lesort, C, Meuleman, L, Eidsmo, L, Skov, L, Gribben, L, Rustin, M, Velasco, M, Panchal, M, Lakhan, M, Franco, M, Svensson, M, Vandaele, M, Marovt, M, Zargari, O, De Caso, P, Varela, P, Jenkin, P, Phan, C, Hampton, P, Goldsmith, P, Bak, R, Speeckaert, R, Romiti, R, Woolf, R, Mercado-Seda, R, Khatun, R, Ceovic, R, Taberner, R, Cohen, R, Stefanescu, S, Kirk, S, Reeken, S, Ayob, S, Perez-Barrio, S, Piaserico, S, Hoey, S, Torres, T, Talme, T, Desai, T, van Geest, A, King, V, Di Lernia, V, Koreja, Z, Hasab, V, Mahil S. K., Dand N., Mason K. J., Yiu Z. Z. N., Tsakok T., Meynell F., Coker B., McAteer H., Moorhead L., Mackenzie T., Rossi M. T., Rivera R., Mahe E., Carugno A., Magnano M., Rech G., Balogh E. A., Feldman S. R., De La Cruz C., Choon S. E., Naldi L., Lambert J., Spuls P., Jullien D., Bachelez H., McMahon D. E., Freeman E. E., Gisondi P., Puig L., Warren R. B., Di Meglio P., Langan S. M., Capon F., Griffiths C. E. M., Barker J. N., Smith C. H., Shah A., Barea A., Romero-Mate A., Singapore A., Paolino A., Mwale A., Morales Callaghan A. M., Martinez A., DeCrescenzo A., Pink A. E., Jones A., Sergeant A., Essex A., Bewley A., Makrygeorgou A., van Huizen A., Perez-Suarez B., Farida B., Clareus B. W., Prims C. T., Davis C., Quinlan C., Maybury C., Cesar G. A., Barclay C., Greco C., Brassard D., Cummings D., Kolli D., Descamps V., Genao D. R., Carras E., Hawryluk E., Martinez-Garcia E., Klujszo E., Dwyer E., Toni E., Sonkoly E., Loayza E., Dauden E., Valenzuela F., Popov G., King G., Celine G., Aparicio G., Johnston G. A., Cardozo G. A., Pearson I., Yanguas I., Weisman J., Carolan J. E., Hughes J., Ortiz-Salvador J. -M., Carrascosa J. -M., Schwartz J. J., Jackson K., Kerisit K. G., Wu K., Asfour L., de Graaf L., Lesort C., Meuleman L., Eidsmo L., Skov L., Gribben L., Rustin M., Velasco M., Panchal M., Lakhan M., Franco M. D., Svensson M. -L., Vandaele M., Marovt M., Zargari O., De Caso P., Varela P., Jenkin P., Phan C., Hampton P., Goldsmith P., Bak R., Speeckaert R., Romiti R., Woolf R., Mercado-Seda R., Khatun R., Ceovic R., Taberner R., Cohen R. W., Stefanescu S., Kirk S., Reeken S., Ayob S., Perez-Barrio S., Piaserico S., Hoey S., Torres T., Talme T., Desai T. V., van Geest A. J., King V., Di Lernia V., Koreja Z., Hasab V. Z., Mahil, S, Dand, N, Mason, K, Yiu, Z, Tsakok, T, Meynell, F, Coker, B, Mcateer, H, Moorhead, L, Mackenzie, T, Rossi, M, Rivera, R, Mahe, E, Carugno, A, Magnano, M, Rech, G, Balogh, E, Feldman, S, De La Cruz, C, Choon, S, Naldi, L, Lambert, J, Spuls, P, Jullien, D, Bachelez, H, Mcmahon, D, Freeman, E, Gisondi, P, Puig, L, Warren, R, Di Meglio, P, Langan, S, Capon, F, Griffiths, C, Barker, J, Smith, C, Shah, A, Barea, A, Romero-Mate, A, Singapore, A, Paolino, A, Mwale, A, Morales Callaghan, A, Martinez, A, Decrescenzo, A, Pink, A, Jones, A, Sergeant, A, Essex, A, Bewley, A, Makrygeorgou, A, van Huizen, A, Perez-Suarez, B, Farida, B, Clareus, B, Prims, C, Davis, C, Quinlan, C, Maybury, C, Cesar, G, Barclay, C, Greco, C, Brassard, D, Cummings, D, Kolli, D, Descamps, V, Genao, D, Carras, E, Hawryluk, E, Martinez-Garcia, E, Klujszo, E, Dwyer, E, Toni, E, Sonkoly, E, Loayza, E, Dauden, E, Valenzuela, F, Popov, G, King, G, Celine, G, Aparicio, G, Johnston, G, Cardozo, G, Pearson, I, Yanguas, I, Weisman, J, Carolan, J, Hughes, J, Ortiz-Salvador, J, Carrascosa, J, Schwartz, J, Jackson, K, Kerisit, K, Wu, K, Asfour, L, de Graaf, L, Lesort, C, Meuleman, L, Eidsmo, L, Skov, L, Gribben, L, Rustin, M, Velasco, M, Panchal, M, Lakhan, M, Franco, M, Svensson, M, Vandaele, M, Marovt, M, Zargari, O, De Caso, P, Varela, P, Jenkin, P, Phan, C, Hampton, P, Goldsmith, P, Bak, R, Speeckaert, R, Romiti, R, Woolf, R, Mercado-Seda, R, Khatun, R, Ceovic, R, Taberner, R, Cohen, R, Stefanescu, S, Kirk, S, Reeken, S, Ayob, S, Perez-Barrio, S, Piaserico, S, Hoey, S, Torres, T, Talme, T, Desai, T, van Geest, A, King, V, Di Lernia, V, Koreja, Z, Hasab, V, Mahil S. K., Dand N., Mason K. J., Yiu Z. Z. N., Tsakok T., Meynell F., Coker B., McAteer H., Moorhead L., Mackenzie T., Rossi M. T., Rivera R., Mahe E., Carugno A., Magnano M., Rech G., Balogh E. A., Feldman S. R., De La Cruz C., Choon S. E., Naldi L., Lambert J., Spuls P., Jullien D., Bachelez H., McMahon D. E., Freeman E. E., Gisondi P., Puig L., Warren R. B., Di Meglio P., Langan S. M., Capon F., Griffiths C. E. M., Barker J. N., Smith C. H., Shah A., Barea A., Romero-Mate A., Singapore A., Paolino A., Mwale A., Morales Callaghan A. M., Martinez A., DeCrescenzo A., Pink A. E., Jones A., Sergeant A., Essex A., Bewley A., Makrygeorgou A., van Huizen A., Perez-Suarez B., Farida B., Clareus B. W., Prims C. T., Davis C., Quinlan C., Maybury C., Cesar G. A., Barclay C., Greco C., Brassard D., Cummings D., Kolli D., Descamps V., Genao D. R., Carras E., Hawryluk E., Martinez-Garcia E., Klujszo E., Dwyer E., Toni E., Sonkoly E., Loayza E., Dauden E., Valenzuela F., Popov G., King G., Celine G., Aparicio G., Johnston G. A., Cardozo G. A., Pearson I., Yanguas I., Weisman J., Carolan J. E., Hughes J., Ortiz-Salvador J. -M., Carrascosa J. -M., Schwartz J. J., Jackson K., Kerisit K. G., Wu K., Asfour L., de Graaf L., Lesort C., Meuleman L., Eidsmo L., Skov L., Gribben L., Rustin M., Velasco M., Panchal M., Lakhan M., Franco M. D., Svensson M. -L., Vandaele M., Marovt M., Zargari O., De Caso P., Varela P., Jenkin P., Phan C., Hampton P., Goldsmith P., Bak R., Speeckaert R., Romiti R., Woolf R., Mercado-Seda R., Khatun R., Ceovic R., Taberner R., Cohen R. W., Stefanescu S., Kirk S., Reeken S., Ayob S., Perez-Barrio S., Piaserico S., Hoey S., Torres T., Talme T., Desai T. V., van Geest A. J., King V., Di Lernia V., Koreja Z., and Hasab V. Z.
- Abstract
Background: The multimorbid burden and use of systemic immunosuppressants in people with psoriasis may confer greater risk of adverse outcomes of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), but the data are limited. Objective: Our aim was to characterize the course of COVID-19 in patients with psoriasis and identify factors associated with hospitalization. Methods: Clinicians reported patients with psoriasis with confirmed/suspected COVID-19 via an international registry, Psoriasis Patient Registry for Outcomes, Therapy and Epidemiology of COVID-19 Infection. Multiple logistic regression was used to assess the association between clinical and/or demographic characteristics and hospitalization. A separate patient-facing registry characterized risk-mitigating behaviors. Results: Of 374 clinician-reported patients from 25 countries, 71% were receiving a biologic, 18% were receiving a nonbiologic, and 10% were not receiving any systemic treatment for psoriasis. In all, 348 patients (93%) were fully recovered from COVID-19, 77 (21%) were hospitalized, and 9 (2%) died. Increased hospitalization risk was associated with older age (multivariable-adjusted odds ratio [OR] = 1.59 per 10 years; 95% CI = 1.19-2.13), male sex (OR = 2.51; 95% CI = 1.23-5.12), nonwhite ethnicity (OR = 3.15; 95% CI = 1.24-8.03), and comorbid chronic lung disease (OR = 3.87; 95% CI = 1.52-9.83). Hospitalization was more frequent in patients using nonbiologic systemic therapy than in those using biologics (OR = 2.84; 95% CI = 1.31-6.18). No significant differences were found between classes of biologics. Independent patient-reported data (n = 1626 across 48 countries) suggested lower levels of social isolation in individuals receiving nonbiologic systemic therapy than in those receiving biologics (OR = 0.68; 95% CI = 0.50-0.94). Conclusion: In this international case series of patients with moderate-to-severe psoriasis, biologic use was associated with lower risk of COVID-19–related hospitalization than with
- Published
- 2021
11. Relationships among Behavior, Chromatism, and Morphology in Male Aggressive Encounters in Tropidurus spinulosus
- Author
Rossi, N., primary, Chiaraviglio, M., additional, and Cardozo, G., additional
- Published
- 2022
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12. The application of ecologically intensive principles to the systemic redesign of livestock farms on native grasslands: A case of co-innovation in Rocha, Uruguay
- Author
Ruggia, A., Dogliotti, Santiago, Aguerre, V., Albicette, M.M., Albin, Alfredo, Blumetto, O., Cardozo, G., Leoni, C., Quintans, G., Scarlato, S., Tittonell, Pablo, Rossing, Walter A.H., Ruggia, A., Dogliotti, Santiago, Aguerre, V., Albicette, M.M., Albin, Alfredo, Blumetto, O., Cardozo, G., Leoni, C., Quintans, G., Scarlato, S., Tittonell, Pablo, and Rossing, Walter A.H.
- Abstract
CONTEXT: Family-run cow-calf farms based on native grasslands exhibit low economic and social sustainability, as reflected in low family incomes and high workloads. Experimental results have shown that pasture–herd interaction management could improve native grasslands and animal productivity. OBJECTIVE: This paper analyzes the extent to which the sustainability of family-run livestock farms based on native grasslands could be enhanced by a systemic redesign informed by ecological intensification practices. The research questions address the initial state of farm sustainability, key bottlenecks to improving farm sustainability, and changes in sustainability criteria achieved over three years of farm redesign. METHODS: The study was executed as part of a multi-level co-innovation project in Uruguay in which a team of scientist-practitioners and seven farm families participated in farm characterization, diagnosis, and redesign. The farm characterization took the form of indicators to describe the farms' management and bio-physical subsystems. Redesign plans were negotiated between the research team and the farmers. Frequent monitoring and evaluation cycles enabled finetuning across the years of implementation. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Improvements were observed in the economic indicators gross margin (+55%), return to labor (+71%), and family income (+53%) and in the social indicator workload (−22%), and the environmental indicators bird diversity and ecosystem integrity index were maintained or increased slightly. These changes were explained by the uptake of coherent sets of ecological intensification practices causing changes in forage height (+30%), forage allowance (+69%), pregnancy (+22), weight of weaning calf per mating cow (+32%), and presence of tussocks (+65%). Ecological intensification principles resulted in synergistic positive effects between productivity–biodiversity tradeoffs and the scope for enhanced farm resilience and stability. SIGNIFICANCE: Cow-c
- Published
- 2021
13. Revisiting the nonequilibrium phase transition of the triplet-creation model
- Author
Cardozo, G. O. and Fontanari, J. F.
- Published
- 2006
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14. The application of ecologically intensive principles to the systemic redesign of livestock farms on native grasslands: A case of co-innovation in Rocha, Uruguay
- Author
Ruggia, A., primary, Dogliotti, S., additional, Aguerre, V., additional, Albicette, M.M., additional, Albin, A., additional, Blumetto, O., additional, Cardozo, G., additional, Leoni, C., additional, Quintans, G., additional, Scarlato, S., additional, Tittonell, P., additional, and Rossing, W.A.H., additional
- Published
- 2021
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15. Oviductal fluid counterbalances the negative effect of high temperature on sperm in an ectotherm model
- Author
Rossi, N., primary, Lopez Juri, G., additional, Chiaraviglio, M., additional, and Cardozo, G., additional
- Published
- 2021
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16. Pacientes en Dialisis en Argentina Muestran Elevada Prevalencia de Hiperparatiroidismo Secundario. Factores Asociados y Comparacion a Otras Regiones: 0254
- Author
Guzmán, M., Cardozo, G., Sarmantano, D., Fernández, P., Rechene, J., Berenguer, L., Douthat, W., de Arteaga, J., Chiurchiu, C., Massari, P., and de la Fuente, J.
- Published
- 2014
17. Dificultades Para Acanzar los Objetivos Propuestos por las Guias de Metabolismo Mineral en Pacientes en Dialisis: 0251
- Author
Fernández, P., Sarmantano, D., Rechene, J., Guzmán, M., Berenguer, L., Cardozo, G., Douthat, W., de Arteaga, J., Chiurchiu, C., Massari, P., and de la Fuente, J.
- Published
- 2014
18. La fertilización fosfatada disminuye la riqueza y aumenta el número de especies exóticas de plantas en pastizales intersembrados con leguminosas
- Author
- Subjects
Resumen: El Uruguay forma parte de los Pastizales del Río de la Plata, una de las áreas más extensas de pastizal en el mundo, con una biodiversidad destacada. Actualmente, la presión derivada de la intensificación en el uso del suelo determina que estos ecosistemas se encuentren deteriorados. A nivel productivo, una práctica usual es sembrar leguminosas exóticas en cobertura, con fertilización fosforada, sobre pastizal natural. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el impacto de niveles crecientes de fertilización sobre la riqueza de especies vegetales, la presencia de exóticas y la productividad primaria neta. También se revisaron posibles mecanismos que expliquen los cambios observados en la diversidad. Se establecieron dos sitios experimentales: PA, en las Sierras del Este, y GL, en la Cuesta Basáltica. Se dispuso de ocho tratamientos con niveles variables de fertilización fosforada en parcelas sembradas con Lotus angustissimus. Se calculó la productividad primaria neta total y de L. angustissimus (PPNAt y PPNALa) para los primeros tres años del experimento. Además, se realizó un muestreo florístico al tercer año y medio, en el que se evaluó la riqueza de especies vegetales (total y de exóticas). La riqueza total disminuyó con la fertilización y la riqueza de exóticas aumentó. La PPNAt y la PPNALa aumentaron con la fertilización en PA, pero no en GL. Para PA no es posible afirmar qué mecanismos actúan detrás de la pérdida de especies, mientras que en GL es posible que entren en juego mecanismos de las hipótesis de 'dimensionamiento del nicho' y de 'competencia total'. Concluimos que se debe estudiar más esta tecnología en búsqueda de estrategias de fertilización que logren mejoras en la productividad sin comprometer la biodiversidad.Abstract. Phosphorus fertilization lowers richness and increases the number of exotic plant species in grasslands overseeded with legumes. Uruguay sits in the Rio de la Plata Grasslands, one of the biggest grassland biomes in the world, with a pronounced biodiversity. Nowadays, intensification of land use has led to the degradation of this ecosystem. A common practice for enhancing productivity of natural grasslands in the region is the overseeding of an exotic legume, alongside phosphorus fertilization. The objective of this study is to measure the impact of a phosphorous fertilization gradient on total plant species richness, the presence of exotic species and the net primary productivity. With the data obtained, we explored possible mechanisms that explain the changes in diversity observed. Two experimental sites were used: PA (in the geomorphological region ?Sierras del Este?), and GL (in the geomorphological region ?Cuesta Basáltica?). Eight plots were established, with different amounts of phosphorus fertilization, with overseeding of Lotus angustissimus. A vegetation sampling of each treatment was done on the third year and a half after the establishment of the experiment. Total and exotic species richness was evaluated, alongside the effect of each treatment on the total and the L. angustissimus net primary productivity of the first three years of the experiment. We found that total species richness decreased with increasing amounts of phosphorus fertilization, while exotic species richness increased with increasing amounts of phosphorus fertilization. The total and the L. angustissimus net primary productivity increased with fertilization for PA, but didn?t for GL. This suggests that, in GL, mechanisms regarding the ?niche dimension? and the ?total competition? hypothesis are taking place. In PA, it isn?t possible to distinguish which mechanisms are the predominant ones behind the species loss observed. We conclude that more studies need to be done on this technology, in search of fertilization thresholds that allow for greater productivity without putting biodiversity in jeopardy.
- Published
- 2020
19. Number of samples for accurate visual estimation of mean herbage mass in Campos grasslands
- Author
Do Carmo, M, Cardozo, G, Mecatti, F, Soca, P, Hirata, M, Do Carmo, Martin, Cardozo, Gerónimo, Mecatti, Fulvia, Soca, Pablo, Hirata, Masahiko, Do Carmo, M, Cardozo, G, Mecatti, F, Soca, P, Hirata, M, Do Carmo, Martin, Cardozo, Gerónimo, Mecatti, Fulvia, Soca, Pablo, and Hirata, Masahiko
- Abstract
The number of samples is a major issue when estimating the mean herbage mass of grazed paddocks. The aim of this study was to assess the number of samples required for accurate visual estimation of mean herbage mass in relation to the herbage mass heterogeneity and size of paddocks. Data were collected across scales of space and time (273 sampling events) from paddocks on Campos grasslands in Uruguay, using the visual estimation technique. The mean herbage mass of the paddocks ranged from 270 to 6350 kg of dry matter (DM) per hectare with coefficient of variation (CV) of 0.13 to 1.26. Twenty-four events representing four levels of herbage mass hetero- geneity (CV = 0.3, 0.5, 0.7 and 1.0) × three levels of paddock size (small, 5–13 ha; medium, 41–67 ha; large, 100–140 ha) were chosen (two replicates per group), and analyzed for the probability that the estimation error exceeded 10% of the mean (10% error probability) using the bootstrap technique. The number of samples required for controlling the 10% error probability below 0.1 increased gradually from 50 to 150 per paddock as the CV increased from 0.3 to 0.7, then sharply to 350 until the CV increased to 1.0, with no effect of paddock size. Taking account of the distribution of CV (< 0.7 in nearly 80% of the events), we propose a general recommendation to take a minimum of 150 samples per paddock for accurate estimation of mean herbage mass in Campos grasslands irrespective of the size of paddocks.
- Published
- 2020
20. Cystic echinococcosis: analysis of the serological profile related to the risk factors in individuals without ultrasound liver changes living in an endemic area of Tacuarembó, Uruguay
- Author
- Published
- 2005
21. Analogue modelling of a prograding strike-slip fault: Case study of the Balatonfö fault, western Hungary
- Author
Lopes Cardozo, G., Bada, G., Lankreijer, A., and Nieuwland, D.
- Published
- 2018
22. Molecular analysis of the rRNA genes of Babesia spp and Ehrlichia canis detected in dogs from Ribeirão Preto, Brazil Análise dos genes rRNA de Babesia spp e Ehrlichia canis detectados em cães de Ribeirão Preto, Brasil
- Author
Oliveira, L. P., Cardozo, G. P., Santos, E. V., Mansur, M. A. B., Donini, I. A. N., Zissou, V. G., Roberto, P. G., and Mozart Marins
- Subjects
PCR ,Ehrlichia canis ,carrapatos ,lcsh:QR1-502 ,Babesia canis vogeli ,rRNA gene ,gene RNAr ,lcsh:Microbiology ,ticks - Abstract
The partial DNA sequences of the 18S rRNA gene of Babesia canis and the 16S rRNA gene of Ehrlichia canis detected in dogs from Ribeirão Preto, Brazil, were compared to sequences from other strains deposited in GenBank. The E. canis strain circulating in Ribeirão Preto is identical to other strains previously detected in the region, whereas the subspecies Babesia canis vogeli is the main Babesia strain circulating in dogs from Ribeirão Preto.As sequências parciais dos genes RNAr 18S de Babesia canis e RNAr 16S e Ehrlichiacanis detectados em cães de Ribeirão Preto, Brasil, foram comparadas à sequências de outras linhagens depositadas no GeneBank. A linhagem de E. canis circulando em Ribeirão Preto é idêntica a outras detectadas previamente na região, enquanto a sub-espécie B. canis vogeli é a principal linhagem de Babesia circulando em cães de Ribeirão Preto.
- Published
- 2009
- Author
da SILVA, A. C., primary, de MACÊDO, L. S., additional, de CARDOZO, G. H. A., additional, SILVA, A. J. D., additional, and de FREITAS, A. C., additional
- Published
- 2017
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- Author
da SILVA, A. C., primary, CARDOZO, G. H. A., additional, CAMPOS, A. P. F., additional, SILVA, A. J. D., additional, de MACÊDO, L. S., additional, and de FREITAS, A. C., additional
- Published
- 2017
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25. Management strategies for a win-win relationship between increasing productivity an environmental protection: proposal bases and first results
- Author
- Subjects
Birds ,Water Quality ,Sustainable Production ,Natural Livestock Production ,Agriculture ,Spiders ,Biodiversity ,Ecosystem Services - Abstract
Most of Uruguay land is under agricultural use, which remarks the necessity to think about lands with productive systems within a general strategy for biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services preservation. Extensive livestock production is able to reach this objectives but needs to improve productivity for not to compromise economic viability. We present a model for evaluate sustainability in a co-innovation work with 16 pilot farms distributed all around the country. Base line levels of productivity, water quality and biodiversity were established and are periodically monitored. The first results of a study case are presented. The base line of water quality was optimal for streams with a 96 WQI. Regarding to biodiversity a large number of wild species were registered: herbaceous plants (47), trees (25), birds (69) and spiders (19). Ecosystem integrity index was 3.8 for this farm. After diagnosis, a redesign of productive system was accorded with the farmer and one year later productivity has increased 24 % with no environmental changes detected in short term monitoring.
- Published
- 2014
26. Spatial distribution of exotic flora invasion rate in Vaquerías Nature Reserve - Province of Córdoba (Argentina)
- Author
Salazar, Julian, Barri, Fernando Rafael, and Cardozo, G.
- Subjects
Ciencias Biológicas ,Imágenes satelitales ,Ecología del Paisaje ,CIENCIAS NATURALES Y EXACTAS ,Conservación de la Biodiversidad - Abstract
Nos propusimos usar como herramienta imágenes satelitales de alta resolución a fin de concretar los siguientes objetivos: 1. Determinar la configuración espacial actual (área, forma y contigüidad) de las coberturas de flora exótica invasora Siempre verde, Acacia negra y Crataegus. y 2. Estimar la tasa de invasión anual de las tres especies exóticas invasoras (período 2005-2012). This study was carried out in the Vaquerias Nature Reserve owned by the National University of Cordoba, located in the Department of Punilla, Province of Cordoba-Argentina, during the years 2012-2013. The objective was to obtain information about the process and state of invasion of exotic flora in the reserve and its buffer zone. A baseline survey at landscape scale was undertaken, to make appropriate management decisions for the control of these invasive species. The current spatial configuration (area, shape, and contiguity) of the following species was determined: Ligustrum lucidum (Glossy privet), Gleditsia tricanthos (Honey locust) and Pyracantha coccinea (Scarlet firethorn). The rate of invasion was estimated and priority actions for the management of invasive exotic plants are proposed. The discrimination of plant cover was performed with a SPOT-5 merged satellite image (spatial resolution 2.5 m) using the Parallelepiped classification with an accuracy of 83.84% and an index Kappa of 0.80. Of the 522 ha that form the reserve, invasive alien flora covers a total area of 135.6 ha, distributed as follows: 20.9 ha of Scarlet firethorn, 39.5 ha of Glossy privet and 75.2 ha of Honey locust. In the buffer zone, the quadrants North, South and West represent the areas of greatest risk of invasion to the reserve. The areas dominated by invasion are: roads, trails, streams, creeks, and burnt areas. The invasion rate between 2005 and 2012 for Scarlet firethorn was 0.03 ha/year and the average increase per year was 49.16%. For the mixed association of Glossy privet and Honey locust the rate of invasion was 0.031 ha/year and the average increase per year was 4.73%. Fil: Salazar, Julian. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; Argentina Fil: Barri, Fernando Rafael. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Centro de Ecología y Recursos Naturales Renovables; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnologico Cordoba. Instituto de Diversidad y Ecologia Animal; Argentina Fil: Cardozo, G.. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnologico Cordoba. Instituto de Diversidad y Ecologia Animal; Argentina
- Published
- 2013
27. Analogue modelling of a prograding strike-slip fault: the case study of the Balatonfo fault, western Hungary
- Author
Lopes Cardozo, G., Bada, G., Lankreijer, A.C., Nieuwland, D.A., Tectonics, and Earth Sciences
- Published
- 2002
28. Kinematic analysis of the Upper Rhine Graben boundary fault system
- Author
Gideon, G. O., Lopes Cardozo, G., Behrmann, Jan Hinrich, Gideon, G. O., Lopes Cardozo, G., and Behrmann, Jan Hinrich
- Abstract
This paper presents a new set of kinematic data for the central part of the Upper Rhine Graben. Fault slip measurements were gathered covering the near field of a 200-km-long segment of the graben boundary faults, on both sides. The resulting kinematic analysis shows a strong predominance of strike-slip faulting and some oblique-slip and pure normal faulting. Overall, there is a regional coherence in the orientations of the extensional and shortening axes associated with both types of faulting throughout the entire study area. The data set is best interpreted as the result of more or less continuous, sinistrally transtensive kinematics with a NW–SE to NNW–SSE oriented, or subvertical shortening, and a NE–SW to E–W oriented extensional direction. Local transpressive overprints are not reflected in the pattern of brittle deformation in the near field of the boundary fault system. We conclude that the opening history of the Rhine Graben may be less complex than hitherto assumed.
- Published
- 2006
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29. Neotectonics and intraplate continental topography of the northern Alpine Foreland
- Author
Cloetingh, S., Cornu, T., Ziegler, P. A., Beekman, F., Ustaszewski, K., Schmid, S.M., Dèzes, P., Hinsch, R., Decker, K., Lopes Cardozo, G., Granet, M., Bertrand, G., Behrmann, Jan Hinrich, van Balen, R., Michon, L., Pagnier, H., Rozsa, S., Heck, B., Tesauro, M., Kahle, H. G., Dewez, T., Carretier, S., Winter, T., Hardebol, N., Bada, G., Dost, B., van Eck, T., Cloetingh, S., Cornu, T., Ziegler, P. A., Beekman, F., Ustaszewski, K., Schmid, S.M., Dèzes, P., Hinsch, R., Decker, K., Lopes Cardozo, G., Granet, M., Bertrand, G., Behrmann, Jan Hinrich, van Balen, R., Michon, L., Pagnier, H., Rozsa, S., Heck, B., Tesauro, M., Kahle, H. G., Dewez, T., Carretier, S., Winter, T., Hardebol, N., Bada, G., Dost, B., and van Eck, T.
- Abstract
Research on neotectonics and related seismicity has hitherto been mostly focused on active plate boundaries that are characterized by generally high levels of earthquake activity. Current seismic hazard estimates for intraplate domains are mainly based on probabilistic analyses of historical and instrumental earthquake catalogues. The accuracy of such hazard estimates is limited by the fact that available catalogues are restricted to a few hundred years, which, on geological time scales, is insignificant and not suitable for the assessment of tectonic processes controlling the observed earthquake activity. More reliable hazard prediction requires access to high quality data sets covering a geologically significant time span in order to obtain a better understanding of processes controlling on-going intraplate deformation. The Alpine Orogen and the intraplate sedimentary basins and rifts in its northern foreland are associated with a much higher level of neotectonic activity than hitherto assumed. Seismicity and stress indicator data, combined with geodetic and geomorphologic observations, demonstrate that deformation of the Northern Alpine foreland is still on-going and will continue in the future. This has major implications for the assessment of natural hazards and the environmental degradation potential of this densely populated area. We examine relationships between deeper lithospheric processes, neotectonics and surface processes in the northern Alpine Foreland, and their implications for tectonically induced topography. For the Environmental Tectonics Project (ENTEC), the Upper and Lower Rhine Graben (URG and LRG) and the Vienna Basin (VB) were selected as natural laboratories. The Vienna Basin developed during the middle Miocene as a sinistral pull-apart structure on top of the East Alpine nappe stack, whereas the Upper and Lower Rhine grabens are typical intracontinental rifts. The Upper Rhine Graben opened during its Late Eocene and Oligocene initial riftin
- Published
- 2006
30. Brief Note: A glass bead protocol for recovery of host cell free Ehrlichia canis and quantification by Sybr-green real-time PCR
- Author
P. CARDOZO, G., primary, V. SANTOS, E., additional, L. FACHIN, A., additional, C. FRAN茿, S., additional, and M. MARINS, AND, additional
- Published
- 2011
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31. Molecular characterisation of two strains of Anaplasma platys in Brazil
- Author
Cardozo, G. P., primary, Oliveira, L. P., additional, Mansur, M. A. B., additional, Santos, E. V., additional, Roberto, P. G., additional, and Marins, M., additional
- Published
- 2009
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32. The ultrastructure of the spermatozoa of Boa constrictor occidentalis, with considerations on its mating system and sperm competition theories
- Author
Tourmente, M., primary, Cardozo, G., additional, Bertona, M., additional, Guidobaldi, A., additional, Giojalas, L., additional, and Chiaraviglio, M., additional
- Published
- 2006
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33. Cystic echinococcosis: analysis of the serological profile related to the risk factors in individuals without ultrasound liver changes living in an endemic area of Tacuarembó, Uruguay
- Author
HERNÁNDEZ, A., primary, CARDOZO, G., additional, DEMATTEIS, S., additional, BAZ, A., additional, TRIAS, N., additional, NUÑEZ, H., additional, BARRAGUÉ, A., additional, LÓPEZ, L., additional, FUENTES, J., additional, LÓPEZ, O., additional, and FERREIRA, C., additional
- Published
- 2004
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34. New insight in the tectonics of the southern Rhine Graben‐Jura region using local earthquake seismology
- Author
Lopes Cardozo, G. G. O., primary and Granet, M., additional
- Published
- 2003
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35. Analogue modelling of a prograding strike-slip fault: Case study of the Balatonfö fault, western Hungary
- Author
Lopes Cardozo, G., primary, Bada, G., additional, Lankreijer, A., additional, and Nieuwland, D., additional
- Published
- 2002
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36. Sperm motility parameters to evaluate the seminal quality of Boa constrictor occidentalis, a threatened snake species.
- Author
Tourmente, M., Cardozo, G. A., Guidobaldi, H. A., Giojalas, L. C., Bertona, M., and Chiaraviglio, M.
- Subjects
- *
SPERM motility , *SEMEN , *BOA constrictor , *WILDLIFE conservation , *VIDEO microscopy , *IMAGE analysis software , *FERTILIZATION (Biology) , *REPTILE populations - Abstract
Semen quality analysis constitutes a powerful tool to evaluate the fertility potential of males in threatened species. The Argentine boa constrictor or lampalagua (Boa constrictor occidentalis) is a threatened snake species and has been included in Appendix 1 of CITES. The objective of this work is to characterize the sperm of B. c. occidentalis on the bases of dynamic parameters to improve this species conservation. Dynamic parameters were measured in sperm samples using videomicroscopy and image analysis software. The sperm population showed a high degree of heterogeneity in velocity parameter values and 95% of the cells showed a linear pattern of movement. Studies in other species indicate that the number of motile spermatozoa and their movement speed is directly correlated with fertilization success. This work will help to establish basic parameter values for the evaluation of the reproductive potential of populations of B. c. occidentalis and to resolve questions referred to its reproductive strategies. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2007
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37. Estudios ecológicos en el páramo de cruz verde, colombia. iii. la biomasa de tres asociaciones vegetales y la productividad de calamagrostis effusa (h. b. k.) steud. y paepalanthus columbiensis ruhl. en comparación con la concentración de clorofila
- Author
Cardozo G., Hernán and Schnetter, Marie Luise
- Subjects
Biología ,Ornitología ,Ciencias Naturales ,animales ,Ictiología ,Steud ,Historia Natural ,Plantas ,Paleozoología ,Estudios ecológicos ,Calamagrostis Effusa (H. B. K.) ,Paepalanthus Columbiensis Ruhl ,Paleobotánica - Abstract
En el Páramo de Cruz Verde (Departamento de Cundinamarca) se realizaron estudios sobre la biomasa en las asociaciones de Calamagrostis effusa y Altesteinia fimbriata, de Calamagrostis effusa, Espeletia grandiflora y Geranium santanderiense y de Diplosteplhium revolutum degradada y sobre la productividad y el contenido de clorofila de Calamagrostis effusa y Paepalanthus columbiensis durante los años de 1970 y 1971.La asociación de Calamagrostis effusa, Espeletia grandiflora y Geranium santanderiense mostró la mayor biomosa aérea, ocasionada por el mayor porcentaje de plantas leñosas en la vegetación. En segundo lugar siguió la asociación degradada de Diplostephium revolutum, pero con valores claramente inferiores. Aquí se destacó la considerable cantidad demusgos. Los valores menores se encontraron en la asociación de Calamagrostis effusa y Altesteinia fimbriata. La mayor biomasa subterránea se obtuvo en la asociación degradada de Diplostephium revolutum, mientras en las dos asociaciones restantes sólo se determinó poco más de la mitadde la cantidad hallada en el terreno húmedo. Transcurrido un año no se pudo comprobar un cambio en el peso seco de Calamagrostis y Paepalanthus, así que la producción neta fue nula durante el período de la investigación. De octubre a enero se observó en Calamagrostis una disminución del contenido de clorofila en las asociaciones de Calamagrostis effusa y Altesteinia fimbriata y de Calamagrostis effusa, Espeletia grandiflora y Geranium santanderiense. La determinación del material seco de Calamagrostis y Paepalanthus, crecido sobre parcelas previamente cosechadas, dio por resultado un mejorpoder de regeneración para Calamagrostis. Pero en el lapso de nueve meses creció como máximo solo una tercera parte de la cantidad inicialmente presente. Im Páramo de Cruz Verde (Depto, Cundinamarca) wurden in den Jahren 1970 und 1971 in der Calamagrostis effusa - Altesteinia fimbriata - Gesellschaft, der Calamagrostis effusa - Espeletia grandiflora - Geranium santanderiense - Gesellschaft und einer degradierten Diplostephium revolutum - Gesellschaft die Biomasse bestimmt und Untersuchungen der Produktivitätund des Chlorophyllgehaltes von Calamagrostis effusa und Paepalanthus columbiensis durchgeführt. Die Calamagrostis effusa - Espeletia grandiflora - Geranium santanderiense- Geselischaft wies die gröBte oberirdische Biomasse auf, was auf den groBen Anteil an Holzpflanzen in der Vegetation zurückzuführen ist. An zweiter Stelle, aber mit deutlich geringeren Werten, folgte die degradierte Diplostephium revolutum - Gesellschaft, die sich durch einen hohenMoosgehalt auszeichnete. Die niedrigsten Werte fanden sich in der Colamagrostis effusa - Altesteinia fimbriata - Gesellschaft. Die gröBte unterirdische Biomasse wurde in der degradierten Diplostephium revolutum - Gesellschaft hestimmt, während die beiden übrigen Gesellschaften nur wenig mehr als die Hälfte der Wurzelmasse, die in dem feuchten Gebiet gefunden worden war, aufwiesen. Nach Ablauf eines Jahres konnte keine Änderung des Trockengewichtes von Calamagrostis und Paepalanthus nachgewiesen werden, so daB die Nettoproduktion während des Untersuchungszeitraumes null war. Von Oktoher bis Januar wurde bei Calamagrostis in der Calamagrostis effusa - Altesteinia fimbriata - Gesellschaft und der Calamagrostis effusa - Espeletia grandiflora - Geranium santanderiense - Gesellschaft eine Ahnahme des Chlorophyllgehaltes heohachtet. Aus der Bestimmung der Trockensubstanz von Calamagrostis und Paepalanthus, die auf vorher abgeernteten Flächen gewachsen waren, geht hervor, daB Calamagrostis eine bessere Regenerationsfähigkeit besitzt als Paepalanthus. Doch wuchs innerhalb von neun Monaten nur maximal ein Drittel der ursprünglich vorhandenen Grasmenge nach.
- Published
- 1976
38. Estudios ecológicos en el páramo de cruz verde, colombia. iv. la actividad biológica del suelo en diferentes asociaciones vegetales
- Author
Schnetter, Marie-Luise and Cardozo G., Hernán
- Subjects
Diplostephium revolutum ,Ictiología ,Calamagrostis effusa ,Plantas ,Paleozoología ,Ornitología ,Asociaciones vegetales ,Espeletia grandiflora ,Celulosólisis del suelo ,animales ,Geranium santanderiense ,Historia Natural ,Estudios ecológicos ,Paleobotánica - Abstract
Se determinaron la respiración y la actividad de celulosólisis del suelo en las asociaciones vegetales de Diplostephium revolutum degradada, de Calamagrostis effusa, Espeletia grandiflora y Geranium santanderiense, de Calamagrostis effusa y Altesteinia fimbriata y de un bosque bajo de páramo en el Páramo de Cruz Verde (Cundinamarca). La mayoría de los promedios de la respiración del suelo se situaba entre 120 y 190 mg CO2/m2h. Valores menores se determinaron dos veces en la asociación degradada de Diplostephium revolutum (82,4 mg CO2/m2h, 72,5 mg CO2/m2h), valores mayores una vez en la asociación de Colamagrostis effusa y Altesteinia fimbriata (220,2 mg CO2/m2h) y en el bosque bajo de páramo (245,1 mg CO2/m2h). La actividad de celulosólisis en el bosque bajo de páramo superaba notablemente la de las otras asociaciones vegetales mencionadas, en contraste en la asociación degradada de Diplostephium revolutum no se notó alguna descomposición de celulosa. In vier Pflanzengesellschaften des Páramo de Cruz Verde (Cundinamarca), nämlich der degradierten Diplostephium revolutum - Gesellschaft, der Calamagrostis effusa • Espeletia grandiflora - Geranium santanderiense - Gesellschaft, der Calamagrostis effusa - Altesteinia fimbriata - Gesellschaft und einer Gesellschaft des Páramo - Buschwaldes wurden Bodenatmung und zellulolytische Aktivität bestimmt. Die Mehrzahl der bei den Bodenatmungsbestimmungen gefundenen Mittelwerte lag zwischen 120 und 190 mg CO2/m2h. In der degradierten Diplostephium revolutum. - Gesellschaft wurde zweimal ein niedrigerer (82,4 mg CO2/m2h, 72,5 mg CO2/m2h), in der Calamagrostis effusa - Altesteinia fimbriata -Gesellschaft (220,2 mg CO2/m2h) und im Páramo -Buschwald (245,1 mg CO2/m2h) jeweils einmal ein höherer Wert bestimmt. Die zellulolytische Aktivität war im Päramo - Buschwald um ein Vielfaches höher als in den drei anderen Pflanzengesellschaften, wo in der degradierten Diplostephium. revolutum - Gesellschaft überhaupt kein Abbau feststellbar war.
- Published
- 1976
39. Estudios ecológicos en el paramo de cruz verde, colombia i. ubicación geográfica, factores climáticos y edáficos
- Author
Schnetter, Reinhard, Lozano Contreras, Gustavo, Schnetter, Marie Luise, and Cardozo G., Hernán
- Subjects
Biología ,Ornitología ,Factores edáficos ,Ciencias Naturales ,animales ,Factores climáticos ,Ictiología ,Geranium multiceps ,Historia Natural ,Suelos humíferos de páramo ,Plantas ,Paleozoología ,Paleobotánica - Abstract
En el Páramo de Cruz Verde, situado cerca de Bogotá, se realizaron estudios sobre las condiciones climáticas y edáficas de la región, a una altura de 3300 - 3400 m aproximadamente. La temperatura medida a 1 m de profundidad fue de 10,3° C. Se determinaron temperaturas del aire en las horas tempranas de la tarde entre 9°'C y 12,8° C a 1 m de altura. Mediciones de la radiación global dieron por resultado valores entre 0,19 y 0,51 cal/cm2 min para las mismas horas del día, bajo condiciones de cielo nublado.La velocidad del viento oscila normalmente entre 2 y 4 m/ sec. El viento sopla particularmente del sureste. La precipitación anual total fue de 1800 mm aproximadamente. El mes más seco fue febrero (1971: 51,3 mm, 1972: 61 mm), los meses más humedos fueron junio (1972: 296,9 mm ) y julio (1971: 248,1 mm). Como tipos de suelo se diferenciaron segUn JENNY"suelos humiferos andinos" de poca profundidad y "suelos humíferos de páramo" más profundos. Además se encuentran turberas en sitios más húmedos. Los suelos se distinguen por un alto contenido de carbono en las capassuperiores. Los contenidos de nitrógeno oscilan entre 0,97 y 1,60 g/l00 g de suelo seco. Los valores de pH fluctúan entre 3,5 y 5,2 en los estratos superiores del suelo. Aumentan a mayor profundidad y se hallan entre 4,5 y 6,1 a 1m deprofundidad. La menor capacidad de retención de agua se determinó en un suelo poco profundo bajo la asociación de Calamagrostis effusa y Spiranthes vaginata (84% de suelo seco), la mayor en la turbera bajo la asociación deDiplostephium revolutum (1020% de suelo seco).Los contenidos de agua del suelo muestran oscilaciones dependientes de las precipitaciones siendo más llamativas en la asociación de Calamagrostis effusa y Spiranthes vaginata, donde se determinaron también los contenidos de agua más bajos (18,2% de peso fresco del suelo). Sólo en la turbera siempre saturada de agua no se pueden demostrar oscilaciones dependientes de la situación meteorológica.Los valores pF fluctúan generalmente alrededor de 0,5. En la asociación de Diplostephium revolutum son siempre menores de 0,5, mientras en la asociación de Calamagrostis effusa y Spiranthes vaginata alcanzaron una vez el valor de 3,85.De experimentos en el laboratorio resultó que Geranium multiceps. Espeletia grandiflora e Hypericum goyanesii llegan al punto de marchitamiento permanente a valores de pF de 2,25. Así se puede explicar la ausencia de estas especies en los sitios más secos del páramo. Im Páramo de Cruz Verde bei Bogotá wurden Untersuchungen über die klimatischen und edaphischen Bedingungen in einer Höhenlage von etwa 3300 - 3400 m durchgeführt. Die Temperatur in 1 m Tiefe betrug 10,3°C In den frühen Nachmittagsstunden wurden in 1 m Höhe Lufttemperaturen zwischen 9° C und 12,8° C bestimmt . Messungen der Globalstrahlung ergaben bei bedecktem Himmel fürdieselben Tagesstunden Werte zwischen 0,19 und 0,51 cal/cm2 min. Die WindgeschWindigkeit schwankt normalerweise zwischen 2 und 4 m/sec. Der Wind weht vornehmlich aus südöstlicher Richtung. Die jährliche Gesamtniederschlagsmenge betrug etwa 1800 mm. Dertrockenste Monat war der Februar (1971: 51,3 mm, 1972: 61 mm), die feuchtesten Monate Juni (1972: 296,9 mm und Juli (1971:248,1 mm). Als Bodentypen wurden nach JENNY flachgründige"andine Humusböden" und fiefgründige "Humusböden der Paramos" unterschieden. Danebentreten an nassen Stellen Moorböden auf. Die Böden zeichnen sich durch einen hohen Kohlenstoffgehalt in den oberen Bodenschichten aus. Die Stickstoffgehalte liegen zwischen 0,97 und 1,60 g/100 g trockenen Bodens. Die pH. Werte streuen in den oberen Bodenschichten zwischen 3,5 und 5,2. Mit zunehmender Tiefe steigen sie an und liegen in 1 m Tiefezwischen 4,5 und 6,1. Die niedrigste Wasserkapazität wurde für einen flachgründigen Boden unter der Calamagrostis effusa-Spiranthes vaginata - Gesellschaft bestimmt (84% des trockenen Bodens), die höchste für Moorboden unterder Diplostephium revolutum - Gesellschaft (1020% des trockenen Bodens). Die Wassergehalte der Böden zeirgen niederschlagsabhängige Schwankungen, die am auffälligsten in der Calamagrostis effusa - Spiranthes vaginata. Gesellschaft waren, wo auch die niedrigsten absoluten Wassergehalte gefunden wurden (18% des Bodenfrischgewichts). Nur im immer wassergesättigten Moorboden unter der Diplostephium revolutum - Gesellschaft sind derartige witterungsbedingte Schwankungen nicht nachweisbar. Die pF-Werte bewegen sich im allgemeinen um 0,5. In der Diplostephium revolutum - Gesellschaft sind sie immer niedriger als 0,5, den höchsten Wert wies die Calamagrostis effusa - Spiranthes vaginata - Gesellschaft mit 3, 85 auf. Laborversuche ergaben, daβ Geranium multiceps, Espeletia grandiflora und Hypericum goyanesii schon bei pF - Werten von 2,25 den permanenten Welkepunkt erreichten, wodurch das Fehlen dieser Arten an dentrockensten Standorten des Páramos erklärt werden kann.
- Published
- 1976
40. Estudio comparativo del valor nutritivo de torta de palma africana, quinua y leche descremada en polvo
- Author
Cardozo G, Armando, Instituto Interamericano de Ciencias Agrícolas (IICA), and Bateman, J. V.
- Subjects
Tesis (Mag.Sc.) - IICA, Turrialba (Costa Rica), 1959 En el Departamento de Industria Animal del Instituto Interamericano de Ciencias Agrícolas, se realizaron dos experimentos. En el primero, se comparó el crecimiento de tres grupos de 5 cerdos en crecimiento, cada uno. Un grupo, testigo, recibió una ración que contenía afrecho de arroz, torta de ajonjolí, maíz amarillo molido, melaza de caña y leche descremada en polvo. En las otras dos raciones, la leche descremada en polvo fue sustituida por torta de palma africana o quinua, en cantidades equivalentes de proteína. Las tres raciones fueron suplementadas con minerales, antibióticos y vitaminas y suministraban los requisitos alimenticios de cerdos. Los aumentos de peso realizados por los cerdos del grupo testigo, fueron superiores, estadísticamente, a los realizados por los cerdos alimentados con los concentrados que incluían torta de palma africana o quinua. Entre tanto, no hubo diferencia, estadísticamente significativa entre los aumentos de peso de los grupos con los concentrados bajo prueba. El consumo de alimento en los tres grupos fue mayor que el esperado y la eficiencia de utilización de alimentos fue mejor a la esperada en cerdos de óptimo crecimiento. Ambos hechos, como una indicación que el contenido, relativamente alto, de fibra cruda en la ración, disminuyó por igual, la calidad nutritiva de los tres concentrados. En la suposición de que la saponina contenida en la quinua deprimió el crecimiento de los cerdos alimentados con quinua, se realizó el segundo experimento. Cuarenta pollos machos, de 4 semanas, fueron alimentados por 21 días, con una ración basal con los siguientes ingredientes: torta de ajonjolí, harina de pescado y maíz amarillo molido. El grupo testigo, con 8 pollos, recibía además leche descremada en polvo. Los otros 4 grupos, con 8 pollos cada uno, recibían en su ración quinua cocida y lavada, quinua lavada, quinua con extracto crudo de colesterol obtenido de cerebro de cerdo o quinua cruda con saponina. Los resultados indican que los pollos alimentados con la ración testigo tuvieron aumentos de peso iguales a los realizados por el grupo alimentado con la ración que incluía quinua cocida y lavada. Además, los aumentos de peso de los grupos testigo y con quinua cocida, fueron estadísticamente superiores a los otros 3 grupos. Los aumentos de peso de los pollos que recibieron colesterol en su ración, fueron superiores a los realizados por pollos que recibieron quinua cruda, pero la diferencia no fue significativa. De los resultados obtenidos en ambos experimentos se concluye: 1. Los cerdos alimentados con la ración testigo tuvieron un crecimiento óptimo, como indicación de que sus requisitos alimenticios fueron satisfechos. Entre tanto, los cerdos alimentados con raciones que incluían torta de palma africana o quinua, mostraron comparativamente, un subdesarrollo. 2. Se considera que habiendo sido la fuente de proteína la unica variación de las raciones, la diferencia en el crecimiento se debe a que la torta de palma africana y la quinua, no suministraron los requisitos proteicos que, en comparación, fueron suministrados por la leche descremada en polvo. 3. Los resultados obtenidos en la alimentación de pollos, indican que, la saponina tiene un efecto depresor del crecimiento en pollos alimentados con quinua cruda. Implica, por extensión, que este efecto haya influido en la actuación de la quinua en la alimentación de cerdos. 4. La saponina de la quinua tiene propiedades similares a las saponinas de la alfalfa y, en este experimento, se han empleado procesos semejantes para inhibir el efecto depresor del crecimiento de pollos, que los procesos empleados en la eliminación de las saponinas de alfalfa. 5. Quinua libre de saponina ha mostrado que es capaz de suministrar los requisitos alimenticios de los pollos en óptimo crecimiento. 6. Es posible influir en la absorción de la saponina de quinua con colesterol, sin embargo, en este experimento preliminar, la influencia no alcanzó significación estadística.
- Published
- 1959
41. Tests of cement
- Author
Cardozo, G. N. and Dodge, Arthur Charles
- Published
- 1904
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42. A glass bead protocol for recovery of host cell free ehrlichia canis and quantification by sybr-green real-time PCR
- Author
Cardozo, G. P., Santos, E. V., Fachin, A. L., França, S. C., and Mozart Marins
43. Case management: evolution of the concept in the 80's and 90's
- Author
Casarin Santina Nunes Alves, Villa Tereza Cristina Scatena, Cardozo Gonzáles Roxana Isabel, Freitas Maria Celia de, Caliri Maria Helena Larcher, and Sassaki Cinthia Midori
- Subjects
case management ,nursing care ,managed care program ,Nursing ,RT1-120 - Abstract
Case Management is a term that is present in almost every American health care situation. It is mostly used to coordinate community services with satisfactory results for the patient within a certain period of time, with limited resources. Through time, it has been used for different purposes. The goal of this study was to show the historical evolution of case management as expressed by the American nursing literature, in the 80's and 90's, according to its use, meaning, and application, and following a theoretical framework for concept analysis. The data was extracted from two journals: "Nursing Management" and "Journal of Nursing Administration". The publications showed case management portrayed as a process that serves a common goal; where quality and cost of care were the prevalent and influential elements along time, and its practice focusing in a given population defined as of high risk and high cost for health care.
- Published
- 2002
44. Regional differences in clinical care among patients with type 1 diabetes in Brazil: Brazilian Type 1 Diabetes Study Group
- Author
Gomes Marília B, Cobas Roberta A, Matheus Alessandra S, Tannus Lucianne R, Negrato Carlos, Rodacki Melanie, Braga Neuza, Cordeiro Marilena M, Luescher Jorge L, Berardo Renata S, Nery Marcia, Marques MariadoCarmo A, Calliari Luiz E, Noronha Renata M, Manna Thais D, Zajdenverg Lenita, Salvodelli Roberta, Penha Fernanda G, Foss Milton C, Foss-Freitas Maria C, Pires Antonio C, Robles Fernando C, Guedes MariadeFátimaS, Dib Sergio A, Dualib Patricia, Silva Saulo C, Sepulvida Janice, Almeida Henriqueta G, Sampaio Emerson, Rea Rosangela, Faria Ana Cristina R, Tschiedel Balduino, Lavigne Suzana, Cardozo Gustavo A, Azevedo Mirela J, Canani Luis, Zucatti Alessandra T, Coral Marisa Helena C, Pereira Daniela, Araujo Luiz, Tolentino Monica, Pedrosa Hermelinda C, Prado Flaviane A, Rassi Nelson, Araujo Leticia B, Fonseca Reine Marie C, Guedes Alexis D, Matos Odelissa S, Faria Manuel, Azulay Rossana, Forti Adriana C, Façanha Cristina, Montenegro Ana, Montenegro Renan, Melo Naira H, Rezende Karla F, Ramos Alberto, Felicio João, Santos Flavia M, and Jezini Deborah L
- Subjects
Type 1 diabetes ,Glycemic control ,Cardiovascular risk factors ,Chronic complications ,Economic status ,Nutritional diseases. Deficiency diseases ,RC620-627 - Abstract
Abstract Background To determine the characteristics of clinical care offered to type 1 diabetic patients across the four distinct regions of Brazil, with geographic and contrasting socioeconomic differences. Glycemic control, prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors, screening for chronic complications and the frequency that the recommended treatment goals were met using the American Diabetes Association guidelines were evaluated. Methods This was a cross-sectional, multicenter study conducted from December 2008 to December 2010 in 28 secondary and tertiary care public clinics in 20 Brazilian cities in north/northeast, mid-west, southeast and south regions. The data were obtained from 3,591 patients (56.0% females and 57.1% Caucasians) aged 21.2 ± 11.7 years with a disease duration of 9.6 ± 8.1 years ( Results Overall, 18.4% patients had HbA1c levels Conclusions A majority of patients, mainly in the north/northeast and mid-west regions, did not meet metabolic control goals and were not screened for diabetes-related chronic complications. These results should guide governmental health policy decisions, specific to each geographic region, to improve diabetes care and decrease the negative impact diabetes has on the public health system.
- Published
- 2012
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45. Factors associated with adverse COVID-19 outcomes in patients with psoriasis—insights from a global registry–based study
- Author
Silvia Pérez-Barrio, Lucy Moorhead, Manpreet Lakhan, Saskia Reeken, Vito Zeeshaan Hasab, Rogelio Mercado-Seda, Gustavo Anibal Cardozo, Georgi Popov, Enrique Loayza, Marie-Louise Svensson, Emmanuel Mahe, Fernando Valenzuela, Victoria King, Michela Magnano, Danielle Brassard, Annette Essex, Deanna Cummings, Manisha Panchal, Trupti V. Desai, Jennifer E. Carolan, Areti Makrygeorgou, Zenas Z N Yiu, Teena Mackenzie, Esteban Daudén, Emmanuel Toni, Ian Pearson, Andrea Carugno, Lorraine Gribben, Leontien de Graaf, Liv Eidsmo, Esther A. Balogh, Gloria Aparicio, Andrew Pink, Manel Velasco, Adrienne J. van Geest, Steven R. Feldman, Tiago Torres, Elzbieta Klujszo, Malcolm H.A. Rustin, Ignacio Yanguas, Anthony Bewley, Eliseo Martínez-García, Benhadou Farida, Emily Dwyer, Susannah Hoey, Richard B. Warren, Esther E. Freeman, Diana Ruiz Genao, Rohima Khatun, Giulia Rech, Elena B. Hawryluk, Zahira Koreja, Ricardo Romiti, Gonzalez A. Cesar, Alice Mwale, Charlotte Barclay, Aadarsh Shah, Catherine Quinlan, Kathryn G. Kerisit, Christopher E.M. Griffiths, Carla Tubau Prims, Lone Skov, Céline Phan, Vincent Descamps, Jenny Hughes, Siew Eng Choon, Shanti Ayob, Efrossini Carras, Girard Celine, Jo Lambert, Alberto Barea, Jonathan Barker, Reinhart Speeckaert, Raquel Rivera, Portia Goldsmith, Nick Dand, Beatriz Pérez-Suárez, Andrew DeCrescenzo, F. Meynell, Francesca Capon, Toomas Talme, Teresa Tsakok, Deepti Kolli, Stefano Piaserico, Jamie Weisman, Manuel D. Franco, K.J. Mason, Pablo De Caso, Catriona Maybury, Rachel Bak, Ann Sergeant, Keith Wu, Graham A. Johnston, Alexandra Paolino, Cécile Lesort, Mark Vandaele, H. McAteer, Birgitta Wilson Claréus, Sinead Langan, Jose-Manuel Carrascosa, Enikö Sonkoly, Claudia de la Cruz, Maruska Marovt, Luigi Naldi, Leila Asfour, Paola Di Meglio, Jose-Maria Ortiz-Salvador, Alekya Singapore, Peter Jenkin, Romana Ceovic, R. Taberner, P.J. Hampton, Alberto Romero-Maté, Russell W. Cohen, Omid Zargari, Maria Teresa Rossi, Devon E. McMahon, Denis Jullien, Bola Coker, Carrie Davis, Georgie King, Catherine H. Smith, Richard Woolf, Luis Puig, Ann Jones, Astrid van Huizen, Joseph J. Schwartz, Paolo Gisondi, Phyllis I. Spuls, Satveer K. Mahil, Sarah Kirk, Paulo Varela, K. Jackson, Ana Maria Morales Callaghan, Vito Di Lernia, Lieve Meuleman, Claudio Greco, Simina Stefanescu, Hervé Bachelez, Ana Martinez, Dermatology, AII - Inflammatory diseases, APH - Methodology, APH - Quality of Care, Mahil, S, Dand, N, Mason, K, Yiu, Z, Tsakok, T, Meynell, F, Coker, B, Mcateer, H, Moorhead, L, Mackenzie, T, Rossi, M, Rivera, R, Mahe, E, Carugno, A, Magnano, M, Rech, G, Balogh, E, Feldman, S, De La Cruz, C, Choon, S, Naldi, L, Lambert, J, Spuls, P, Jullien, D, Bachelez, H, Mcmahon, D, Freeman, E, Gisondi, P, Puig, L, Warren, R, Di Meglio, P, Langan, S, Capon, F, Griffiths, C, Barker, J, Smith, C, Shah, A, Barea, A, Romero-Mate, A, Singapore, A, Paolino, A, Mwale, A, Morales Callaghan, A, Martinez, A, Decrescenzo, A, Pink, A, Jones, A, Sergeant, A, Essex, A, Bewley, A, Makrygeorgou, A, van Huizen, A, Perez-Suarez, B, Farida, B, Clareus, B, Prims, C, Davis, C, Quinlan, C, Maybury, C, Cesar, G, Barclay, C, Greco, C, Brassard, D, Cummings, D, Kolli, D, Descamps, V, Genao, D, Carras, E, Hawryluk, E, Martinez-Garcia, E, Klujszo, E, Dwyer, E, Toni, E, Sonkoly, E, Loayza, E, Dauden, E, Valenzuela, F, Popov, G, King, G, Celine, G, Aparicio, G, Johnston, G, Cardozo, G, Pearson, I, Yanguas, I, Weisman, J, Carolan, J, Hughes, J, Ortiz-Salvador, J, Carrascosa, J, Schwartz, J, Jackson, K, Kerisit, K, Wu, K, Asfour, L, de Graaf, L, Lesort, C, Meuleman, L, Eidsmo, L, Skov, L, Gribben, L, Rustin, M, Velasco, M, Panchal, M, Lakhan, M, Franco, M, Svensson, M, Vandaele, M, Marovt, M, Zargari, O, De Caso, P, Varela, P, Jenkin, P, Phan, C, Hampton, P, Goldsmith, P, Bak, R, Speeckaert, R, Romiti, R, Woolf, R, Mercado-Seda, R, Khatun, R, Ceovic, R, Taberner, R, Cohen, R, Stefanescu, S, Kirk, S, Reeken, S, Ayob, S, Perez-Barrio, S, Piaserico, S, Hoey, S, Torres, T, Talme, T, Desai, T, van Geest, A, King, V, Di Lernia, V, Koreja, Z, and Hasab, V
- Subjects
Male ,IMID, immune-mediated inflammatory disease ,immunosuppressant ,BMI, body mass index ,ACEi, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor ,PsoProtect, Psoriasis Patient Registry for Outcomes, Therapy and Epidemiology of COVID-19 infecTion ,Logistic regression ,Systemic therapy ,030207 dermatology & venereal diseases ,0302 clinical medicine ,RC705 ,Interquartile range ,COVID-19 ,biologics ,hospitalization ,immunosuppressants ,psoriasis ,risk factors ,Risk Factors ,Epidemiology ,Immunology and Allergy ,030212 general & internal medicine ,Registries ,NSAID, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug ,610 Medicine & health ,COVID-19, Coronavirus disease 2019 ,TNF, tumor necrosis factor ,Age Factors ,Middle Aged ,Hospitalization ,risk factor ,95% CI, 95% confidence interval ,Female ,JAK, Janus kinase ,biologic ,Adult ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Immunology ,Lower risk ,SARS-CoV-2, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 ,Article ,03 medical and health sciences ,Sex Factors ,Internal medicine ,Psoriasis ,medicine ,Humans ,SARS-CoV-2 ,IFN, interferon ,IQR, interquartile range ,psoriasi ,business.industry ,Odds ratio ,medicine.disease ,ARB, angiotensin II receptor blocker ,IL, interleukin ,OR, odds ratio ,business ,Body mass index - Abstract
Background The multi-morbid burden and use of systemic immunosuppressants in people with psoriasis may confer greater risk of adverse COVID-19 outcomes but data are limited. Objective Characterize the course of COVID-19 in psoriasis and identify factors associated with hospitalization. Methods Clinicians reported psoriasis patients with confirmed/suspected COVID-19 via an international registry, PsoProtect. Multiple logistic regression assessed the association between clinical/demographic characteristics and hospitalization. A separate patient-facing registry characterized risk-mitigating behaviours. Results Of 374 clinician-reported patients from 25 countries, 71% were receiving a biologic, 18% a non-biologic and 10% no systemic treatment for psoriasis. 348 (93%) fully recovered from COVID-19, 77 (21%) were hospitalized and nine (2%) died. Increased hospitalization risk was associated with older age (multivariable-adjusted OR 1.59 per 10 years, 95% CI 1.19-2.13), male sex (OR 2.51, 95% CI 1.23-5.12), non-white ethnicity (OR 3.15, 95% CI 1.24-8.03) and comorbid chronic lung disease (OR 3.87, 95% CI 1.52-9.83). Hospitalization was more frequent in patients using non-biologic systemic therapy than biologics (OR 2.84, 95% CI 1.31-6.18). No significant differences were found between biologic classes. Independent patient-reported data (n=1,626 across 48 countries) suggested lower levels of social isolation in individuals receiving non-biologic systemic therapy compared to biologics (OR 0.68, 95% CI 0.50-0.94). Conclusion In this international moderate-severe psoriasis case series, biologics use was associated with lower risk of COVID-19-related hospitalization than non-biologic systemic therapies, however further investigation is warranted due to potential selection bias and unmeasured confounding. Established risk factors (being older, male, non-white ethnicity, comorbidities) were associated with higher hospitalization rates. Clinical Implications We identify risk factors for COVID-19-related hospitalization in psoriasis patients, including older age, male sex, non-white ethnicity and comorbidities. Use of biologics was associated with lower hospitalization risk than non-biologic systemic therapies., Capsule summary: In this global registry-based study, risk factors for COVID-19-related hospitalization in psoriasis patients were older age, male sex, non-white ethnicity and comorbidities. Use of biologics was associated with lower hospitalization risk than non-biologic systemic treatment.
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
Jaurena, M., Giorello, D., Gomar, E. Pérez, Carmo, M. Do, and Cardozo, G.
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FORAGE plant yield , *IRRIGATION research , *EFFECT of nitrogen fertilizers on plants , *EFFECT of phosphatic fertilizers on plants , *COMPOSITION of forage plants , *FERTILIZER application , *GRASSLANDS - Abstract
Supplementary irrigation is a strategic option to ensure the forage production in a scenario of high climate variability. Nevertheless, Uruguay lacks of information to be able to generate technical coefficients about responses. An experiment was performed with the objective to evaluate the effects of irrigation and N-P fertilization on forage yield and botanical composition in a basaltic natural grassland. In the period October 2011 to June 2012 was carried out an experiment to determine the effect of supplemental irrigation and fertilization N-P in a split plot design. Supplementary irrigation and rainfed were located in the big plots, while the fertilizer ones were established at smaller plots. Fertilizer treatments consisted on one unfertilized control and seven fertilization treatments: one with phosphorus only (80 kg P2O5.ha-1), three nitrogen rates (50, 100 and 200 kg N.ha-1) and three N-P combinations (80 P2O5-50 N, 80 P2O5-100 N, P2O5 and 80-200 N). The interaction of irrigation with nitrogen fertilization explained the short-term variations in productivity and botanical compo sition. Irrigation imp roved the re sponse to nitrogen fer tilization doubling forage production, and allowed conditions to increase the contribution of the most valuable forage productive types. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2013
47. Number of samples for accurate visual estimation of mean herbage mass in Campos grasslands
- Author
Fulvia Mecatti, Masahiko Hirata, Gerónimo Cardozo, P. Soca, Martin Do Carmo, Do Carmo, M, Cardozo, G, Mecatti, F, Soca, P, and Hirata, M
- Subjects
Agronomy ,Statistics ,Visual estimation ,Sampling error ,bootstrap, sampling error, sample size computation, bias, simulations ,Agronomy and Crop Science ,Mathematics - Abstract
The number of samples is a major issue when estimating the mean herbage mass of grazed paddocks. The aim of this study was to assess the number of samples required for accurate visual estimation of mean herbage mass in relation to the herbage mass heterogeneity and size of paddocks. Data were collected across scales of space and time (273 sampling events) from paddocks on Campos grasslands in Uruguay, using the visual estimation technique. The mean herbage mass of the paddocks ranged from 270 to 6350 kg of dry matter (DM) per hectare with coefficient of variation (CV) of 0.13 to 1.26. Twenty-four events representing four levels of herbage mass hetero- geneity (CV = 0.3, 0.5, 0.7 and 1.0) × three levels of paddock size (small, 5–13 ha; medium, 41–67 ha; large, 100–140 ha) were chosen (two replicates per group), and analyzed for the probability that the estimation error exceeded 10% of the mean (10% error probability) using the bootstrap technique. The number of samples required for controlling the 10% error probability below 0.1 increased gradually from 50 to 150 per paddock as the CV increased from 0.3 to 0.7, then sharply to 350 until the CV increased to 1.0, with no effect of paddock size. Taking account of the distribution of CV (< 0.7 in nearly 80% of the events), we propose a general recommendation to take a minimum of 150 samples per paddock for accurate estimation of mean herbage mass in Campos grasslands irrespective of the size of paddocks.
- Published
- 2020
48. Behavioural plasticity in activity and sexual interactions in a social lizard at high environmental temperatures.
- Author
Rossi N, Chiaraviglio M, and Cardozo G
- Subjects
- Humans, Animals, Male, Female, Temperature, Hot Temperature, Body Temperature Regulation, Courtship, Lizards
- Abstract
Sexual selection often shapes social behavioural activities, such as movement in the environment to find possible partners, performance of displays to signal dominance and courtship behaviours. Such activities may be negatively influenced by increasing temperatures, especially in ectotherms, because individuals either have to withstand the unfavourable condition or are forced to allocate more time to thermoregulation by increasing shelter seeking behaviour. Thus, they "miss" opportunities for social and reproductive interactions. Moreover, behavioural displays of ectotherms closely depend on temperature; consequently, mate choice behaviours may be disrupted, ultimately modifying sexual selection patterns. Therefore, it would be interesting to elucidate how increasing temperatures associated with global warming may influence activity and social interactions in the species' natural habitat and, specifically how high temperatures may modify intersexual interactions. Consequently, our aim was to explore differences in the daily pattern of social interactions in an ectotherm model, Tropidurus spinulosus, in two thermally different habitats and to determine how high temperatures modify mate choice. High environmental temperatures were found to be associated with a bimodal pattern in daily activity, which was closely linked to the daily variations in the thermal quality of the habitat; whereas the pattern and frequency of social displays showed less plasticity. The time allocated to mate choice generally decreased with increasing temperature since individuals increased the use of thermal refuges; this result supports the hypothesis of "missed opportunities". Moreover, at high temperatures, both sexes showed changes in mate selection dynamics, with females possibly "rushing" mate choice and males showing an increase in intermale variability of reproductive displays. In our ectotherm model, plastic adjustments in the behavioural activity pattern induced by high temperatures, plus the modification of the displays during courtship may ultimately modify mate choice patterns and sexual selection dynamics., Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist., (Copyright: © 2023 Rossi et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.)
- Published
- 2023
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49. Transfer of β-lactam and tetracycline antibiotics from spiked bovine milk to Dambo-type cheese, whey, and whey powder.
- Author
Escobar Gianni D, Pelaggio R, Cardozo G, Moreno S, De Torres E, Rey F, Martínez I, Suarez Veirano G, and Olazabal L
- Subjects
- Animals, Milk chemistry, beta-Lactams analysis, Tetracycline analysis, Powders analysis, Whey chemistry, Dicloxacillin analysis, Chromatography, Liquid, Tandem Mass Spectrometry, Anti-Bacterial Agents analysis, Tetracyclines analysis, Cloxacillin, Ampicillin, Cephalexin, Cheese analysis, Oxytetracycline analysis, Drug Residues analysis
- Abstract
The aim of this study was to investigate the transfer of residues of five β-lactam antibiotics (ampicillin, penicillin G, cloxacillin, dicloxacillin and cephalexin) and two tetracyclines (tetracycline and oxytetracycline) in the processing of cheese and whey powder, evaluating the effect of the processes and the final concentration in each product generated. Raw milk was fortified at two concentration levels with the seven antibiotics. The first concentration level (C1) was chosen according to the maximum residue limit (MRL) of each antibiotic (ampicillin and penicillin G: 4 µg kg
-1 ; cloxacillin and dicloxacillin: 30 µg kg-1 ; cephalexin, tetracycline and oxytetracycline: 100 µg kg-1 ). The second concentration level (C2) was spiked as follows according to each antibiotic: 0.5 MRL (cloxacillin, dicloxacillin, cephalexin), 0.1 MRL (tetracycline and oxytetracycline) and 3 MRL (ampicillin and penicillin G). The antibiotics were analyzed by LC-MS/MS. No ampicillin or penicillin G residues were found in cheese or whey powder, although they were detected in whey at concentrations similar to those added to raw milk. Cephalexin was mostly distributed in whey between 82% and 96%, being the antibiotic that presented the highest concentration in whey powder (784 ± 98 µg kg-1 ) when milk was spiked at the MRL. The whey distribution of cloxacillin and dicloxacillin ranged from 57% to 59% for cloxacillin and from 46% to 48% for dicloxacillin, and both concentrated in whey powder. Tetracyclines were the antibiotics that concentrated in cheese, with retentions between 75% and 80% for oxytetracycline and between 83% and 87% for tetracycline. The distribution of antibiotics in the dissimilar stages of the cheese and whey powder production processes, as well as their concentration in the final products, depend on each type of antibiotic. Knowledge of the transfer of antibiotic residues during the process and final disposal is an input for the risk assessment of their consumption.- Published
- 2023
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50. Mitochondrial Peroxiredoxin 3 Is Rapidly Oxidized and Hyperoxidized by Fatty Acid Hydroperoxides.
- Author
Cardozo G, Mastrogiovanni M, Zeida A, Viera N, Radi R, Reyes AM, and Trujillo M
- Abstract
Human peroxiredoxin 3 ( Hs Prx3) is a thiol-based peroxidase responsible for the reduction of most hydrogen peroxide and peroxynitrite formed in mitochondria. Mitochondrial disfunction can lead to membrane lipoperoxidation, resulting in the formation of lipid-bound fatty acid hydroperoxides (
L FA-OOHs) which can be released to become free fatty acid hydroperoxides (f FA-OOHs). Herein, we report that Hs Prx3 is oxidized and hyperoxidized byf FA-OOHs including those derived from arachidonic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid peroxidation at position 15 with remarkably high rate constants of oxidation (>3.5 × 107 M-1 s-1 ) and hyperoxidation (~2 × 107 M-1 s-1 ). The endoperoxide-hydroperoxide PGG2 , an intermediate in prostanoid synthesis, oxidized Hs Prx3 with a similar rate constant, but was less effective in causing hyperoxidation. Biophysical methodologies suggest that Hs Prx3 can bind hydrophobic structures. Indeed, molecular dynamic simulations allowed the identification of a hydrophobic patch near the enzyme active site that can allocate the hydroperoxide group off FA-OOHs in close proximity to the thiolate in the peroxidatic cysteine. Simulations performed using available and herein reported kinetic data indicate that Hs Prx3 should be considered a main target for mitochondrialf FA-OOHs. Finally, kinetic simulation analysis support that mitochondrialf FA-OOHs formation fluxes in the range of nM/s are expected to contribute to Hs Prx3 hyperoxidation, a modification that has been detected in vivo under physiological and pathological conditions.- Published
- 2023
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