OBJECTIVE: The Pleomorphic Adenoma is the most common among benign neoplasm derived from salivary glands and it might suggest malignancy when there is some sort of fast growth, pain, facial nerve involvement and cervical adenopathy. Its onset occurs between 40 and 60 years old and prevails on the female gender. Salivary glands tumor diagnosis depends on a precise pathological diagnosis as well as non-invasive examinations, which include ultrasonography, sialography, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. The most recommended surgical treatment is the complete lesion excision, indispensable to avoid possible recurrence. Depending on the lesion situs, size, depth, and volume, the surgical technique choice for the pleomorphic adenoma may vary. The adenoma keeps developing if it is not completely removed. CASE DESCRIPTION: The present paper aims to describe a clinical case of a female melanodermic patient, aged 29 years old, who attended the MaxilloFacial Surgery and Traumatology Service of Federal University of Pernambuco complaining of an increased volume in the left submandibular region. The clinical examination revealed a well-delimited lesion in the left parotid area, presenting with a firm and painless consistency. The required ultrasonography image confirmed the initial diagnosis and the patient was referred to the surgical facility in order to undertake tumor resection with partial parotidectomy under general anesthesia.CONCLUSION: The present study concludes that pleomorphic adenoma is a benign tumor with diverse characteristics and surgical technique choice depends on the lesion depth, as well as its extension and relation with the facial nerve. OBJECTIVE: The Pleomorphic Adenoma is the most common among benign neoplasm derived from salivary glands and it might suggest malignancy when there is some sort of fast growth, pain, facial nerve involvement and cervical adenopathy. Its onset occurs between 40 and 60 years old and prevails on the female gender. Salivary glands tumor diagnosis depends on a precise pathological diagnosis as well as non-invasive examinations, which include ultrasonography, sialography, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. The most recommended surgical treatment is the complete lesion excision, indispensable to avoid possible recurrence. Depending on the lesion situs, size, depth, and volume, the surgical technique choice for the pleomorphic adenoma may vary. The adenoma keeps developing if it is not completely removed. CASE DESCRIPTION: The present paper aims to describe a clinical case of a female melanodermic patient, aged 29 years old, who attended the MaxilloFacial Surgery and Traumatology Service of Federal University of Pernambuco complaining of an increased volume in the left submandibular region. The clinical examination revealed a well-delimited lesion in the left parotid area, presenting with a firm and painless consistency. The required ultrasonography image confirmed the initial diagnosis and the patient was referred to the surgical facility in order to undertake tumor resection with partial parotidectomy under general anesthesia.CONCLUSION: The present study concludes that pleomorphic adenoma is a benign tumor with diverse characteristics and surgical technique choice depends on the lesion depth, as well as its extension and relation with the facial nerve. *** Ressecção cirúrgica do adenoma pleomórfico ***OBJETIVO: O adenoma pleomórfico é o mais comum entre as neoplasias benignas derivadas de glândulas salivares e pode sugerir malignidade quando há algum tipo de crescimento rápido, dor, comprometimento do nervo facial e adenopatia cervical. Seu início ocorre entre os 40 e os 60 anos e predomina no sexo feminino. O diagnóstico do tumor nas glândulas salivares depende de um diagnóstico patológico preciso e de exames não invasivos, que incluem ultrassonografia, sialografia, tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética. O tratamento cirúrgico mais recomendado é a excisão completa da lesão, indispensável para evitar uma possível recidiva. Dependendo do local da lesão, tamanho, profundidade e volume, a escolha da técnica cirúrgica para o adenoma pleomórfico pode variar. O adenoma continua se desenvolvendo se não for completamente removido. RELATO DO CASO: O presente artigo tem como objetivo descrever um caso clínico de uma paciente melanodérmica, do sexo feminino, com 29 anos de idade, que compareceu ao Serviço de Cirurgia e Traumatologia Maxilofacial da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco com queixa de aumento de volume na região submandibular esquerda. O exame clínico revelou lesão bem delimitada na região da parótida esquerda, apresentando consistência firme e indolor. A imagem ultrassonográfica confirmou o diagnóstico inicial e a paciente foi encaminhada ao centro cirúrgico para realizar a ressecção do tumor com parotidectomia parcial sob anestesia geral.CONCLUSÃO: O presente estudo conclui que o adenoma pleomórfico é um tumor benigno com características diversas e a escolha da técnica cirúrgica depende da profundidade da lesão, bem como de sua extensão e relação com o nervo facial.Palavras-chave: adenoma pleomórfico; cirurgia bucal; doenças das glândulas salivares.