Pianta, Robert C., Cox, Martha J., Snow, Kyle L., Pianta, Robert C., Cox, Martha J., and Snow, Kyle L.
The follow-up to Pianta & Cox's groundbreaking "The Transition to Kindergarten," this book updates readers on what has happened in early childhood education in the past seven years; clarifies influential changes in demographics, policies, and practices; and describes promising early education programs and policies. More than 30 highly respected experts give readers the latest information on the most important topics surrounding early childhood education and kindergarten transition. Armed with this knowledge, administrators, program directors, and researchers will: make the most of learning opportunities in early childhood classrooms, build stronger connections between early childhood and elementary education programs, work to close racial and ethnic gaps in school readiness, understand health, emotion regulation, neurological development, and other factors that affect school readiness and academic success, and address the challenges faced by English language learners. A necessary resource for anyone with a role in shaping early education, this book will help readers develop programs that answer the demands of the high-pressure era of accountability--and start the youngest students on the road to school success. Following About the Editors, About the Contributors, a Foreword: (Ruby Takanishi and Fasaha Traylor), a Preface, and Acknowledgments, this book is divided into three sections. Section I, Early Education Opportunities in the United States, presents: (1) Early Education in Transition (Robert C. Pianta); (2) Reaching for the Whole: Integration and Alignment in Early Education Policy (Sharon Lynn Kagan and Kristie Kauerz); (3) Accountability in Early Childhood: No Easy Answers (Samuel J. Meisels); (4) Learning Opportunities in Preschool and Early Elementary Classrooms (Bridget K. Hamre and Robert C. Pianta); and (5) FirstSchool: A New Vision for Education (Sharon Ritchie, Kelly Maxwell, and Richard M. Clifford). Section II, Domains of Developmental Functioning in the P-3 Years, continues with: (6) Health and Nutrition as a Foundation for Success in School (John M. Pascoe, Ulfat Shaikh, Shalini G. Forbis, and Ruth A. Etzel); (7) The Roles of Emotion Regulation and Emotion Knowledge for Children's Academic Readiness: Are the Links Causal? (C. Cybele Raver, Pamela W. Garner, and Radiah Smith-Donald); (8) A Developmental Neuroscience Approach to the Study of School Readiness (Clancy Blair, Hilary Knipe, Eric Cummings, David P. Baker, David Gamson, Paul Eslinger, and Steven L. Thorne); (9) English-Language Learners as They Enter School (Linda M. Espinosa); and (10) Integrative Views of the Domains of Child Function: Unifying School Readiness (Kyle L. Snow). Sections III, Families and Communities, concludes with: (11) Demographic Trends and the Transition Years (Donald J. Hernandez, Nancy A. Denton, and Suzanne E. Macartney); (12) Racial and Ethnic Gaps in School Readiness (Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, Cecilia Elena Rouse, and Sara McLanahan); (13) Co-Constructing the Transition to School: Reframing the Novice Versus Expert Roles of Children, Parents, and Teachers from a Cultural Perspective (Fabienne Doucet and Jonathan Tudge); and (14) Father Involvement During Early Childhood (Jason Downer).