14 results on '"CANER, Abdurrahman"'
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2. Estetik Operasyonlara Yönelik Fıkhî Bir Değerlendirme
- Author
CANER, Abdurrahman, primary
- Published
- 2023
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3. Estetik Operasyonlara Yönelik Fıkhî Bir Değerlendirme.
- Author
CANER, Abdurrahman
- Abstract
This study deals with aesthetic operations in terms of jurisprudence. As it is known, in recent years, a great progress has been made in the field of aesthetic surgery in parallel with the developments in technology in our country as well as all over the world, and there has been a considerable increase in the demands and procedures for this field. In this; in addition to modern life and the opportunities it offers, factors such as the change in the value system, the imposition of certain shapes, and patterns on body organs through visual and written media, the increase in the income level of people, and the decrease in the costs of aesthetic operations. In addition, psychological and physical needs such as the desire of people to feel better or to gain a sense of self-confidence, and the desire to eliminate their physical defects and deficiencies also have an effect. Although various reasons have been put forward for the increase in aesthetic operations, basically such procedures are performed either to eliminate a congenital or subsequently formed defect or defect in the body or to become more beautiful. In fact, aesthetic operations are not just a practice of this age but have been performed by different cultures and civilizations with different tools and equipment throughout the history of humanity. As a matter of fact, the existence of practices such as making a nose made of silver or gold instead of a cut nose, applying henna to the hair and applying eyeliner in the Arab society from which the Prophet emerged reveals that they also had knowledge about aesthetic procedures and even made significant progress in this area. However, the real development in this field has emerged with the studies carried out to eliminate the deficiencies of the soldiers who were injured in the second world war and lost their various limbs and to hold them back to life. After this date, a rapid increase has been recorded in the number and especially in the variety of aesthetic procedures. Today, aesthetic procedures can be performed for all parts of the human body. Looking at the issue from a jurisprudence point of view, it can be said that some of these transactions are based on needs and interests, and some are performed without them. In particular, the aforementioned operations, which are performed on a need-based basis, can be triple classified as necessary interest, supporting need and complementary interest operations. It can be said that there is a great consensus that the excesses or deficiencies in the body, which are congenital or acquired and disturb people, can be eliminated by aesthetic operation. Because such procedures are basically considered as necessary interest or supporting need level, they are seen as therapeutic rather than aesthetic or as an operation to restore a deteriorated limb to its original origin. It can also be said that it is not permissible to talk about operations made just for whim, or fashion, without relying on any need or interest. The conflict is mostly about complementary interest level aesthetic operations performed to beautify or deceive the opposite sex, or to hide old age. Two different views emerged on the issue. Those who do not consider such operations permissible have based their reasons on several articles. These; there are texts about its prohibition, it means interference with human nature, there is a deception and confusion about the determination of the age of the person, the opening of objectionable places during the operation, although it is not necessary, and it has some risks related to health. Those who consider it permissible have based their reasons on the following grounds. The main thing in the thing is permissibility. There is no definite explicit expressing the prohibition. The text that is mentioned to be related cannot be evidence because they are open to interpretation. In addition, all kinds of adornments have been created for him, as man has been created with a fascination with beauty. Therefore, an aesthetic operation can be performed to look more beautiful and vigorous, provided that some basic criteria are met. However, both those who approve of such aesthetic operations and those who reject them have based their opinions on Qur’ân, sunnah and mental evidence. It has been observed that the nature of the disease that caused the judgment in the Qur’ân and sunnah and whether it has the characteristic of transitivity or not constitute the basis of the dispute. However, it has been concluded that it is more accurate to interpret the relevant texts in favor of those who approach aesthetic operations positively, provided that they comply with some conditions. Because in Islamic law, it is important to meet the physical needs as well as the spiritual and psychological needs. Although complementary interest-based aesthetic procedures are not at the lower levels of the hierarchy of needs as much as necessary interest and supporting need-based aesthetic procedures, they have taken place in the upper steps. In addition, a consensus could not be reached on the disease, which is the reason for the provision in the texts. In this case, it will be more convenient to act according to the principles of interest and facilitation. It has been observed that the rationale of the rational evidence that those who do not consider complementary interest aesthetic operations permissible are weak. Because, according to those who defend the prohibition, there is harm to the body in such transactions and deceiving the other party at the stage of tedlis, that is, marriage. However, medical technical tools are much more advanced than in the past. Although there is partial loss in such transactions, the benefit is greater. In this study, the view of Islamic law on aesthetic operations related to these processes, which continues to increase and occupy people's agenda, will be examined on the basis of need and interest, with reference to classical sources and today's works and fatwas, and the opinions put forward on the subject and the evidence on which these opinions are based will be included. The degree/effect of need and interest on aesthetic operations will be analyzed and tried to be determined. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
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4. The Attitude of The Fuqahāʾ in The Mongolian Invasion -Baghdad and Damascus Specific
- Author
CANER, Abdurrahman
- Subjects
Social ,Moğol,Fukaha,İstilâ,Cihad,Bağdat,Şam ,Sosyal - Abstract
Moğol istilâsı, etkileri ve sonuçları açısından İslâm tarihinin en büyük felaketi olarak kabul edilmiştir. Bir asra yakın süren bu istilâ süresince milyonlarca Müslüman öldürülmüş, sayısız âlim ve fakih katledilmiş, İslâm kültür ve medeniyetini yansıtan bütün değerler yok edilmeye çalışılmıştır. İslâm tarihinin bu en yıkıcı hadisesinde fukahânın, Moğollara karşı mücadelelerini; siyasi, fikri ve askeri alanda olmak üzere üç temel başlıkta özetlemek mümkündür. Fukahâ, Moğol istilâsı öncesi ve devamında elçilik ve yazışma görevlerinde bulunmuş, İslâm ülke liderlerini Moğollarla savaşmaya teşvik etmiş, Müslüman liderlerden dâhili çekişmeleri bir kenara bırakarak ortak düşmana karşı birlik içerisinde hareket etmelerini istemiş ve bu konuda bir kısım tavsiye ve girişimlerde bulunmuşlardır. İlim ehlinin ve eserlerinin yok edilmeye çalışıldığı bu felaket karşısında ulemâ ve fukahânın tavrının bilinmesi önemlidir. Aksi takdirde büyük bir töhmetin altında kalmaları söz konusu olacaktır. Amacımız; nisbeten kapalı kalan bu mevzunun açığa çıkmasına katkı sağlamak ve fukahânın Moğollara karşı tavırlarını daha bütüncül açıdan incelemeye çalışmaktır., The Mongol invasion has been regarded as the greatest disaster in Islamic history in terms of its effects and consequences. During this invasion that lasted for almost a century, millions of Muslims, countless scientists and jurists (fuqahāʾ) were killed, and attempts of all values reflecting the Islamic culture and civilization were seen. In this most destructive event in the history of Islam, the fight of the fuqahāʾ against the Mongols can be summarized under three main headings such as the political, intellectual and military headings. Fuqahāʾserved as messengers and correspondents before and after the Mongol invasion, encouraged the leaders of Islamic countries to fight the Mongols, they asked Muslim leaders to act in unity against the common enemy, leaving aside the internal conflicts and made some recommendations and initiatives on this issue. In addition, they mobilized the public with sermons (khuṭba) and sermons, which were among the most effective media tools. Also they compiled books to reveal the virtue of struggle (jihād), and reminded the necessity of avoiding all kinds of evils and paid attention to the necessity of spiritual struggle as well as material struggle. In addition, when necessary, regardless of their age and position, they fought with the Islamic soldiers against the enemy, either martyred or taken as prisoners and subjected to severe torture. It is important to know the attitude of scientists and fuqahāʾ towards this catastrophe in which the Mongols tried to destroy themselves and their works. Otherwise, people might think that the fuqahāʾ did not do anything against the Mongol attacks. Our aim is to contribute to the emergence of this relatively closed question and to try, in a more global way, to clarify the attitude of the fuqahāʾ towards the Mongols.
- Published
- 2021
5. Moğol İstilâsında Fukahanın Tavrı -Bağdat ve Şam Özelinde-
- Author
CANER, Abdurrahman, primary
- Published
- 2021
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6. Hayır Kurumlarının Gelirleri ve Bunların Sarf Yerleri
- Author
CANER, Abdurrahman, primary
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
CANER, Abdurrahman, primary
- Published
- 2021
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8. A Study on the Number of the Foreseen Congregation for Friday Pray’s Exanctness
- Author
Caner, Abdurrahman
- Subjects
Social ,Fıkıh,Mezhep,İhtilaf,Cuma,Cemaât ,Fıkıh Mezhep İhtilaf Cuma Cemaât ,Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence),Congregation,Sect,Cuma (Friday),Conflict ,Sosyal - Abstract
Tevhid dini olan İslâm,hak ve adaletin hâkim olması için Müslümanların bir araya gelip aynı amaç vehedefe yönelmelerini sağlamak üzere birlikte hareket etmelerini istemiş,uygulamaya dönük bazı taleplerde bulunmuştur. Bu yönüyle ibadetleri önemsemiş,ibadetler içerisinde özellikle namaza ve onun cemaatle kılınmasına ehemmiyetvermiştir. Bilhassa Cuma namazına ayrı bir değer vermiş, onun sahih olabilmesiiçin diğer ibadetlerde olmayan bazı şartları öne sürmüştür.İslam âlimleri, cumanamazının cemaatle kılınması gerektiği konusunda fikir birliğine varmış, fakatonun kaç kişiyle kılınması gerektiği hususunda ihtilaf etmişlerdir. Dinivecibeleri doğru anlamak ve onları hayata tatbik etmek için bu ihtilafnoktalarının bilinmesinde yarar vardır. Araştırmamız, eskiden beri süregelen veuygulamada birbirinden farklılık gösteren bu ihtilafların dayandığı delillerimezhepler bazında ortaya koyup yanlış algı ve uygulamaların giderilmesine birkatkı sunmayı amaçlamaktadır.Bu araştırmamızdakaynak olarak başta usûl-i fıkıh ve fıkıh olmak üzere tefsir ve hadisle ilgilitemel kaynaklar ile sonraki dönemlerde konu hakkında yapılmış çalışmalar esasalınmıştır., Islam, as a onenessreligion wanted Muslims to get action to lean to the same purpose and target bygetting together for dominating right and justice and demanded some requests asapplicable. In this respect, the Islam religion gave importance to the beliefs,and especially, it underlined to pray in the congregation. Especially it gave adistinct significance to Friday pray and to make it precise, and it put forwardsome conditions that do not exist in the other worships. Islamic scholarsreached a consensus about praying Friday pray all together, but they conflictedabout the number of people praying. It is beneficial to know these conflictingpoints to understand the religious duties correctly and carry out them. Ourresearch has two purposes. First, this study aims to uncover evidence of theseongoing conflicts, which differ in practice, based on sects. Second, thisarticle aims to contribute to the elimination of misperceptions and practices.In our study, it based on the primary sources about hadith and interpretation,notably usûl-i fiqh (the principles of fiqh) and fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence)as a source and studies which done in the modern era about this topic.
- Published
- 2019
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9. Tâcüddin es-sübkî'nin usul anlayışı (cem'u'l-cevâmi' özelinde)
- Author
Caner, Abdurrahman, Erdem, Mehmet, and Temel İslam Bilimleri Anabilim Dalı
- Subjects
Religion ,Din - Abstract
Tâcuddîn es-Sübkî, h. 728/1328-771/1370 yılları arasında Memlüklerin Bahriye kolunun hâkim olduğu Mısır ve Şam bölgesinde yaşamış önemli bir ilim adamıdır. Memlükler, Eyyubilerin varlığına son vererek onların hâkimiyet alanına kurulmuş ve yaklaşık 250 yıl hüküm sürmüşlerdir. İbnü's-Sübkî'nin yaşadığı dönem aralığında devlet yönetimi on üç defa el değiştirmiştir. Bu durum siyasi istikrarsızlığa neden olsa da ilmi üretkenliğe ve gelişmelere engel olmamıştır. Nitekim bu dönemde eğitim kurumlarının sayısındaki artış ve devlet yetkililerinin ilim adamlarına verdiği değer devam etmiştir.Tâcuddîn es-Sübkî, ilmi donanıma sahip köklü bir ailede doğmuş, ilk eğitim ve öğrenimini dönemin kâdu'l-kudat'ı olan babası Takiyuddîn Ali'den almıştır. Mısır ve Şam bölgesinin önemli âlimlerinden istifade eden İbnü's-Sübkî, on sekiz yaşında icazet alarak ifta ve tedris hakkını elde etmiş, yirmi sekiz yaşına geldiğinde ise Şam'ın kâdu'l-kudatlığı görevini üstlenmiştir. Fıkıh, fıkıh usulü, hadis, tefsir, kelam, tarih, gramer, şiir ve edebiyat gibi farklı alanlarda eserler telif eden Tâcuddîn es-Sübkî, üslubu ve metoduyla sonraki dönem âlimlerini etkilemiştir. Özellikle onun fıkıh usulü ile ilgili yazdığı Cem'u'l-cevâmi' adlı eseri başta Ezher olmak üzere yüzyıllarca İslam coğrafyasının birçok medresesinde ders kitabı olarak okutulmuş üzerine şerh, ihtisar, haşiye ve ta'likler yazılmış, şiir haline dönüştürülmüş ve ezberletilmiştir.Tez çalışmamızda İbnü's-Sübkî'nin söz konusu eserinden hareketle onun fıkıh usulüne katkıları ele alınmıştır. Bu bağlamda onun cumhura muhalif, Hanefîlere ve Mutezileye muvafık, bağlı bulunduğu mezhebin imamları olan Eş'arî ve Şâfiîye muhalif görüşleri, fıkhi kavramlara yaklaşım tarzı ve Şâfiî usulüne kazandırdığı kavramlar tezde yer alan başlıca konulardandır. Tâcuddîn es-Sübkî, was an important scientist who lived in Egypt and damascus region which was under the control of Bahriye of Mamelük between 728 and 771(hegira). Mamelüks put an end to Ayyubits domination and founded at this region and reigned nearly 250 years. The government changed 13 times during the era of İbnü's-Sübkî. Even this caused political instability, it didn't prevent scientific productivity and development. Thus, in this period, the number of the education institutions got higher and the value given to the scientists went on.Tacuddîn es-Sübkî was born in an established family which had scientific knowledge and he wase ducated by his father, Takuyiddîn Ali who was kudu'l-kudât(thehead of muslimjudge). İbnü's-Sübkî, who utilized from the important scientist of Egypt an Damascus regions, started to write at ten year soldand had fatwa and education right by taking permission at eight teen and at twenty-eigh the took on the responsibility of kudu'l-kudât of Damascus. Tâcuddîn es-Sübkî who wrote works in different fields such as İslâmic law, the manner of İslamic law, hadith, commentary, Kalam, history, grâmar, poetry and literature, affected the scholars of late period by his manner and method. Cem'u'l-cevâmi' which was about his Islâmic law manner, especially Ezher, was taught as a text book in Madrasahs in Islamic geography for centruies, commentaries, abbrevitions, and footnotes were written on it and it was converted into a poetand was memorized.In our thesis, we handle the contributions of İbnü's-Sübkî to the İslâmic law manner by means of his work above. In this regard, his opinions whic hwere contary to the most of İslamic scholars and in agreement with Hanafis and Mutezile and the contrary views of Eş'arî and Shâfiî who were imams of his sectarian, his approach manner to the terms of İslamic law, and the termsthat he added to Shâfiî manner are some of the topics that take place in this thesis. 341
- Published
- 2019
10. Hayır Kurumlarının Gelirleri ve Bunların Sarf Yerleri.
- Author
CANER, Abdurrahman
- Abstract
Organizations that aim to serve the society without any financial benefit, and act on a voluntary basis are called charity. Individual efforts were in solving social and familial problems that grew and diversified in the historical process, and as a result, charitable organizations were established. These organizations not only performed important duties in dressing the wounds of societies faced great disasters and calamities, but they also contributed to the development and spread of solidarity and welfare culture. Especially the teachings of the Qur’an, the practices of the Prophet and the Companions caused the rapid spread of the charity in Islamic lands. The charitable organizations that had been institutionalized over time performed important tasks in many fields ranging from the architectural and aesthetic appearance of Islamic cities to today's municipal services, from all levels of education and training to achieving economic, commercial, political and military goals. Leaders and families of Islamic countries also donated considerable amount of their personal possessions to the services of charity organizations, supported them and facilitated their operations by preparing certain legal regulations. Especially during the time of the Ottomans, these institutions produced unique monuments in Istanbul, Anatolia and Balkan cities, through trust institutions. The greatest sources of income for active and dynamic charity organizations were undoubtedly zakah, almsgiving, donations and gifts in kind and in cash. The legitimacy and continuity of charities depends on the use of the aforementioned revenues in line with their intended purpose. So that it becomes possible to act upon the Shari’ah rules regarding the giving away the possessions entrusted to them. In this context, the charity income and where the income are expended are of importance. In particular, whether zakah, the area of use of which is directly determined by the Naṣṣ, could be given away to organizations and institutions with a judicial personality. Fuqahā examined the issue within the scope of “fī sabīli llāh” which is one of the eight classes to be given more zakah, and in the context of “assignment condition”. Most of the fiqh scholars find it unfavorable to give zakah directly to such organizations. Some of the contemporary scholars confined the scope of zakat to the extent of jihad, and some of them approached the issue on the basis of "closeness to Allah" and "utilitas". Those who adopt this last approach expanded the scope of zakah and stated that zakah can be given to charity organizations to support them, and beyond that, a fund can be allocated from the zakah income and loaned to Muslims in the form of karz ḥasan and in a utilitas-based way who want to expand their business. When the evidence on which the stated opinions were based was examined, it was observed that the last opinion is weak. However, considering the practices of the Prophet and the Companions and pondering upon the broad meaning of jihad, it has been concluded that charity institutions can be supported with zakah income under certain conditions. The issue has been tried to be analyzed within the framework of the conceptual borderings of "attorney" and "client" regarding the use of income such as charity, grants and donations, which have a wider area of use than zakah does. Therefore, it is generally accepted that the will and declaration of a grantee or a donor is decisive, however, the differences between in-kind and in-cash aids have also been pointed out. In order for the charity officials to be able to act against the will of a donor, it is stipulated that the officials should know more than the donor in which areas the needs and interests of the society are concentrated, and this change of disposition is also subject to the knowledge and permission of the donor. The aim of our study is to examine, within the framework of Islamic law, the views of the fuqahā and the evidence on which these opinions are based on issues such as where the income of the charity organizations, especially zakat and charity could be spent, and who has the priority to receive the charity, whether the aid in kind and in cash could be used outside its purpose, what the responsibilities of the institution officials are, and as of which types of contract the aids are seen, and what the binding force of these contracts is; and, in the end it contributes to the studies made or will make about the issue. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
CANER, Abdurrahman
- Abstract
Abrogation was considered important from the sahabi period and was evaluated as a criterion to understand the religion correctly. So, Ulema (scholar) needed to examine this topic from different aspects. One of the ulema who takes the topic from different aspects is Tâcüddîn es_Sübkî who compiled many works in many fields and became prominent with his methodologist personality. He was belong to the shafii sectarian, and also from time to time he asserted different views from tradition, and even in some topics he opposed to the four well-known secterians' general views. One of the fields that he thought different from most scholars is abrogation matter. Especially, the view about haber-i vahid and comparision can abrogate the scripture and mutawatir sunnah is remarkable. In our study, we try to determine and analyse Tâcüddîn es_Sübkî's approach to the topic and his opposed views to the general view. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
12. Abdulvehhâb Eş-şa'Rânî'nin Mîzânu'l-Kubrâ adlı eserine göre teşdîd ve tahfîf
- Author
Caner, Abdurrahman, Narin, İsmail, and Temel İslam Bilimleri Anabilim Dalı
- Subjects
Religion ,Islamic Law ,Din ,Sharani ,Mizanu'l-Kubra ,Islam - Abstract
Bu tez, 15. yüzyıl Fâkih ve Sûfilerinin önde gelen isimlerinden biri olan Abdulvehhâb eş-Şa'rânî'nin hayatını, eserlerini ve onun Fıkıh ve Fıkıh usûlüne katkılarını ele almaktadır. Yaşadığı dönemde Mısır'da Memlükler hüküm sürüyorlardı. eş-Şa'rânî, ülkenin siyasi, ekonomik ve sosyal durumun zayıfladığı bir dönem olan Mısır Memlüklarının son döneminde yaşamıştır. Küçük yaşta anne ve babasını kaybeden eş-Şa'rânî, büyük meşakkatlerle eğitimini tamamlamıştır. Fıkıh, Tasavvuf, Kelâm, Hadis, Biyoğrafi, Gramer, Coğrafya, Etnoğrafya ve Tarih gibi alanlarda söz sahibi olacak kadar eğitim almıştır.Araştırmamızda eş-Şa'rânî'nin fıkıh usulüne dair yaklaşımını Mizânu'l-Kubrâ isimli eseri bağlamında ele aldık. eş-Şa'rânî, bu eserinde bir taraftan mezheplerin temel dayanaklarının aynı kaynaklar olduğu gerçeğinden yola çıkarak bir konuda birden fazla doğru olabileceğini ortaya koymaya çalışmış diğer taraftan farklı bir öneriyi dile getirmiştir. Bu öneriye göre insanlar temelde inanç ve beden bakımından iki gruba ayrılmıştır. Dini hassasiyeti ve bünyesi güçlü olan kişiler için teşdîd kavramı kullanılmış, İnancı ve bedeni zayıf olanlar için de tahfif kavramı kullanılmıştır. Tüm fıkhi meseleler de bu iki temel kavram üzerine bina edilmeye çalışılmıştır.Bu çalışmada, ilave olarak, hem eski hem de modern dönemde fıkıh alanında yazılmış ilgili kaynaklardan ihtiyaca göre faydalanılmış ve referans olarak verilmiştir. In this dissertation, Abdulvehhab eş-Şa'rani's life, works, and his contributions to fiqh (i.e. the system of jurisprudence in Islam) as well as to the procedures of fiqh are fo-cussed on. He was one of the leading jurists and sufis of the 15th century. During his life time, Memlukes were in power in Egypt. Eş-Şa'rani lived in the last period of Memlukes' reign in Egypt when the country's political, economic and social situation was weak. He lost his parents at a very young age, and completed his education with great difficulties. He was well educated in a wide range of subjects such as fiqh, sufism, theology, hadith, biog-raphy, grammar, geography, ethnography and history.In the study, Es-Şa'rânî's approach to the procedures of fiqh are discussed and interpreted in the light of his well-known work titled Mizânu'l-Kubrâ. In this book, Eş-Şa'rânî, on one hand, tried to demonstrate that it is possible to arrive at more than one correct con-clusion on one single subject by emphasising the fact that all sects are based on the same fundamental sources. On the other hand, he put forward a different proposal. According to this proposal, people are basically divided into two groups in terms of faith and body: `teşdîd` and `tahfif`. He used the concept `teşdid` (i.e. complicating, increasing the burden) for people who are sensitive in terms of religion as well as have strong working memory. In the same way, he used the concept `tahfif` (i.e. mitigation, reducing the burden) for those who are weak in terms of faith and body. In the book, all fiqh issues were tried to be built on these two basic concepts. 136
- Published
- 2014
- Author
CANER, Abdurrahman
- Subjects
Tâcüddîn es-Sübkî,Nesih,Beyan,İzâle,Hüküm ,Tâcüddîn es_Sübkî,Abrogation,Declaration,Removing,Judgment - Abstract
Nesih konusu sahabe döneminden itibaren önemsenmiş ve dini doğru anlamanın bir ölçütü olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Bu sebeple ulema konuyu değişik boyutlarıyla inceleme ihtiyacını hissetmiştir. Söz konusu meseleyi farklı açılardan ele alan âlimlerimizden biri de, birçok alanda eser telif eden ve usulcü kişiliğiyle öne çıkan Tâcüddîn es-Sübkî’dir. Kendisi, Şâfiî mezhebine mensup olmakla beraber zaman zaman gelenekten farklı görüşler ileri sürmüş hatta bazı konularda dört mezhebin genel görüşüne muhalefet edebilmiştir. Onun çoğu âlimden farklı düşündüğü alanlardan biri de nesih meselesidir. Özellikle haber-i vahid ve kıyasın, Kitap ve mütevatir sünneti nesih edebileceği görüşü dikkat çekicidir. Çalışmamızda Tâcüddîn es-Sübkî’nin nesih konusuna yaklaşımını ve konuyla ilgili genel görüşe muhalif görüşlerini tespit ve tahlil etmeye çalışacağız, Abrogation was considered important from the sahabi period and was evaluated as a criterion to understand the religion correctly. So, Ulema scholar needed to examine this topic from different aspects. One of the ulema who takes the topic from different aspects is Tâcüddîn es_Sübkî who compiled many works in many fields and became prominent with his methodologist personality. He was belong to the shafii sectarian, and also from time to time he asserted different views from tradition, and even in some topics he opposed to the four well
- Author
CANER, Abdurrahman
- Subjects
Fıgh methodoloğy,Equivalence,Paradox,Preference,Evidence,jurisprudence ,Usûl-i fıkıh,Teâdül,Teâruz,Tercih,Delil,Hüküm - Abstract
Tâcüddîn es-Sübkî ö. 771/1370 , hicri sekizinci asrın önemli âlimlerinden biridir. İbnü’s-Sübkî nisbesiyle meşhur olmuştur. Fıkıh, fıkıh usulü, hadis, akaid, tarih ve teracim, siyasi ve sosyal hayatla ilgili birçok eser telif eden İbnü’s-Sübkî, özellikle fıkıh usulü alanında yazdığı Cem‘u’l-Cevâmi‘ adlı eseriyle dikkat çekmiştir. Söz konusu eseri uzun yıllar medrese tedrisatında ders kitabı olarak okutulduğu gibi kendisi de üslubu, metodu ve ilmi kişiliğiyle araştırmalara konu olmuş ve incelenmiştir. İbnü’sSübkî, daha önce yazılan Şâfiî usul eserlerinin özeti konumunda olan Beyzâvî’nin ö. 687/1286 Minhâc’ı ile İbnü’l-Hâcib’in ö. 645/1249 Muhtasarü’l-Münteha’sını şerh ettiği için Şâfiî ulemanın usulle ilgili görüşlerini kolaylıkla mukayese etme imkânını elde etmiş ve onlar arasında tercihte bulunabilmiştir. Genelde fıkıh usulünde özelde ise Teâdül ve tercih konusundaki yaklaşımına bakıldığında sadece Şâfiî kaynaklardan değil, Hanefî ve diğer mezheplerin kaynaklarından da yararlandığı ve emsallerine oranla daha geniş bir perspektiften hükümleri ve delilleri değerlendirdiği söylenebilir. Çalışmamız, fıkıh usulünün en önemli konularından biri olan teâdül ve tercihle ilgili İbnü’sSübkî’nin yaklaşımını esas almaktadır. Çalışmamızda İbnü’s-Sübkî’nin bu iki kavrama yüklediği anlamlar, onların kapsamı, tercih sebepleri ve konuyla ilgili bağlı bulunduğu mezhep ile diğer mezheplere muvâfık ve muhâlif görüşlerinin tespiti ve tahlili üzerinde durulacaktır. Konumuz şahıs merkezli bir çalışma olduğundan başta İbnü’s-Sübkî’nin eserleri olmak üzere ilgili diğer kaynaklar taranarak sonuca ulaşılacaktır, Tâcüddîn es-Sübkî ö.771/1370 is one of the most important scholars 8th century, Hijri. Ibnü’s-Sübkî had been famous with his Nisbe. Ibnü’s-Subkî who wrote many works about fiqh, the method of fiqh, hadith, akaid, history, political and social life especially drew attention with the work of Cem‘u’l-Cevâmi in the field of the method of fiqh. The mentioned work had been taught as a course book at madrasahs for many years and he had been a subject for the researches by his style, method and his scholarly personality and examined. İbnü’s-Sübkî had the opportunity of comparing the opinions of shafii scholars about method easily as he expounded Beyzâvî’s Minhâc and İbnü’l-Hâcib’s Muhtasarü’l-Münteha which are assumed as summaries shafii method works written before and he was able to choose one of them. When looked at the approach about the topics of fiqh method in general and equivalence and preference in specific, not only from the shafii sources, but also he utilized from Hanafi and other sectarians’ sources and It can be said that he evaluated the evidences and judgements from a wide aspect when compared to his fellows. Our study based on Ibnü’s-Sübkî’s approach about equivalence and preference which are one of the most important fiqh methods. In our study, it will be dwelled on the meanings of these two concept attributed by Ibnü’s-Sübkî, their contents, the reasons of preference, the sectarian which they attached about the topic and the determination and analysis of eligible and contradict views to the other sectarians. As our topic is a person centered study, we will come to a conclusion by scanning the sources, initially Ibnü’s-Sübkî’s works and others
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