41 results on '"C. Iniguez"'
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- Author
Jose C. Iniguez
- Subjects
General Earth and Planetary Sciences ,General Environmental Science - Published
- 2022
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3. An accurate solar axions ray-tracing response of BabyIAXO
- Author
IAXO collaboration, S. Ahyoune, K. Altenmüller, I. Antolín, S. Basso, P. Brun, F. R. Candón, J. F. Castel, S. Cebrián, D. Chouhan, R. Della Ceca, M. Cervera-Cortés, V. Chernov, M. M. Civitani, C. Cogollos, E. Costa, V. Cotroneo, T. Dafní, A. Derbin, K. Desch, M. C. Díaz-Martín, A. Díaz-Morcillo, D. Díez-Ibáñez, C. Diez Pardos, M. Dinter, B. Döbrich, I. Drachnev, A. Dudarev, A. Ezquerro, S. Fabiani, E. Ferrer-Ribas, F. Finelli, I. Fleck, J. Galán, G. Galanti, M. Galaverni, J. A. García, J. M. García-Barceló, L. Gastaldo, M. Giannotti, A. Giganon, C. Goblin, N. Goyal, Y. Gu, L. Hagge, L. Helary, D. Hengstler, D. Heuchel, S. Hoof, R. Iglesias-Marzoa, F. J. Iguaz, C. Iñiguez, I. G. Irastorza, K. Jakovčić, D. Käfer, J. Kaminski, S. Karstensen, M. Law, A. Lindner, M. Loidl, C. Loiseau, G. López-Alegre, A. Lozano-Guerrero, B. Lubsandorzhiev, G. Luzón, I. Manthos, C. Margalejo, A. Marín-Franch, J. Marqués, F. Marutzky, C. Menneglier, M. Mentink, S. Mertens, J. Miralda-Escudé, H. Mirallas, F. Muleri, V. Muratova, J. R. Navarro-Madrid, X. F. Navick, K. Nikolopoulos, A. Notari, A. Nozik, L. Obis, A. Ortiz-de-Solórzano, T. O’Shea, J. von Oy, G. Pareschi, T. Papaevangelou, K. Perez, O. Pérez, E. Picatoste, M. J. Pivovaroff, J. Porrón, M. J. Puyuelo, A. Quintana, J. Redondo, D. Reuther, A. Ringwald, M. Rodrigues, A. Rubini, S. Rueda-Teruel, F. Rueda-Teruel, E. Ruiz-Chóliz, J. Ruz, J. Schaffran, T. Schiffer, S. Schmidt, U. Schneekloth, L. Schönfeld, M. Schott, L. Segui, U. R. Singh, P. Soffitta, D. Spiga, M. Stern, O. Straniero, F. Tavecchio, E. Unzhakov, N. A. Ushakov, G. Vecchi, J. K. Vogel, D. M. Voronin, R. Ward, A. Weltman, C. Wiesinger, R. Wolf, A. Yanes-Díaz, and Y. Yu
- Subjects
CP Violation ,Dark Matter and Double Beta Decay (experiments) ,Dark Matter ,Nuclear and particle physics. Atomic energy. Radioactivity ,QC770-798 - Abstract
Abstract BabyIAXO is the intermediate stage of the International Axion Observatory (IAXO) to be hosted at DESY. Its primary goal is the detection of solar axions following the axion helioscope technique. Axions are converted into photons in a large magnet that is pointing to the sun. The resulting X-rays are focused by appropriate X-ray optics and detected by sensitive low-background detectors placed at the focal spot. The aim of this article is to provide an accurate quantitative description of the different components (such as the magnet, optics, and X-ray detectors) involved in the detection of axions. Our efforts have focused on developing robust and integrated software tools to model these helioscope components, enabling future assessments of modifications or upgrades to any part of the IAXO axion helioscope and evaluating the potential impact on the experiment’s sensitivity. In this manuscript, we demonstrate the application of these tools by presenting a precise signal calculation and response analysis of BabyIAXO’s sensitivity to the axion-photon coupling. Though focusing on the Primakoff solar flux component, our virtual helioscope model can be used to test different production mechanisms, allowing for direct comparisons within a unified framework.
- Published
- 2025
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4. Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome following adenovirus vector-based vaccines to prevent COVID-19: Epidemiology and clinical presentation in Spain
- Author
D. García-Azorín, E. Lázaro, D. Ezpeleta, R. Lecumberri, R. de la Cámara, M. Castellanos, C. Iñiguez Martínez, L. Quiroga-González, G. Elizondo Rivas, A. Sancho-López, P. Rayón Iglesias, E. Segovia, C. Mejías, and D. Montero Corominas
- Subjects
MeSH Terms ,COVID-19 ,Efectos adversos de medicamentos y reacciones adversas ,Vacunas ,Embolia y trombosis ,Trastornos plaquetarios ,Neurology. Diseases of the nervous system ,RC346-429 - Abstract
Background: We describe the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS) cases reported in Spain. Methods: We included all cases of venous or arterial thrombosis with thrombocytopenia following administration of adenoviral vector vaccines (AstraZeneca or Janssen) against COVID-19 disease between 1 February and 26 September 2021. We describe the crude rate and the standardised morbidity ratio. We assessed the predictors of mortality. Results: Sixty-one cases were reported and 45 fulfilled eligibility criteria; 82% of patients were women. The crude TTS rate was 4 cases/1 000 000 doses, and 14-15 cases/1 000 000 doses among patients aged 30-49 years. The number of observed cases of cerebral venous thrombosis was 6-18 times higher than that expected in patients younger than 49 years. Symptoms started a median (quartiles 1 and 3 [Q1-Q3]) of 10 (7-14) days after vaccination. Eighty percent (95% confidence interval [CI]: 65%-90%) had thrombocytopenia at the time of the emergency department visit, and 65% (49%-78%) had D-dimer levels > 2000 ng/mL. Patients had thromboses affecting multiple locations in 36% of cases and fatal outcomea in 24%. Platelet nadir 2.000 ng/mL). La trombosis fue de múltiples localizaciones en 36% y fatal en 24% de los pacientes. Un valor nadir de trombocitopenia
- Published
- 2024
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5. Síndrome de trombosis con trombocitopenia asociado a vacunas de adenovirus frente a la COVID-19: Epidemiología y presentación clínica de la serie española
- Author
D. García-Azorín, E. Lázaro, D. Ezpeleta, R. Lecumberri, R. de la Cámara, M. Castellanos, C. Iñiguez Martínez, L. Quiroga-González, G. Elizondo Rivas, A. Sancho-López, P. Rayón Iglesias, E. Segovia, C. Mejías, and D. Montero Corominas
- Subjects
MeSH Terms ,COVID-19 ,Drug-related side effects and adverse reactions ,Vaccines ,Embolism and thrombosis ,Blood platelet disorders ,Neurology. Diseases of the nervous system ,RC346-429 - Abstract
Resumen: Introducción: Se describen las características epidemiológicas y clínicas de los casos de síndrome de trombosis con trombocitopenia (STT) notificados en España. Métodos: Se incluyeron los casos de trombosis venosa o arterial con trombocitopenia tras recibir vacuna con vectores de adenovirus no replicantes frente a la COVID-19 (AstraZeneca y Janssen) del 1 de febrero al 26 de septiembre de 2021. Se describe la tasa de notificación (número de casos notificados/número de dosis administradas), y el análisis de casos observados vs. esperados (O/E). Se evaluaron los predictores de mortalidad. Resultados: Se notificaron 61 casos, cumpliendo 45 los criterios de elegibilidad, 82% mujeres. La tasa de notificación global fue 4/1.000.000 dosis y 14-15/1.000.000 dosis entre los 30-49 años. El número de casos de trombosis de senos cerebrales observados fue 6-18 veces superior al esperado en menores de 49 años. Los síntomas comenzaron 10 (rango intercuartílico: 7-14) días tras la vacunación. El 80% (intervalo de confianza [IC] al 95%: 65-90%) tenía trombocitopenia en el momento de su visita a urgencias y el 65% (IC 95%: 49-78%) elevación del dímero D (> 2.000 ng/mL). La trombosis fue de múltiples localizaciones en 36% y fatal en 24% de los pacientes. Un valor nadir de trombocitopenia < 50.000 /μL (odds ratio [OR]: 7,4; IC 95%: 1,2-47,5) y la presencia de hemorragia cerebral (OR: 7,9; IC 95%: 1,3-47,0) se asociaron a un desenlace fatal. Conclusiones: Debe sospecharse el STT en pacientes que presenten síntomas unos 10 días tras la vacunación y presenten trombocitopenia y/o elevación de dímero D. Abstract: Background: We describe the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS) cases reported in Spain. Methods: We included all venous or arterial thrombosis with thrombocytopenia following adenovirus vector-based vaccines (AstraZeneca or Janssen) to prevent COVID-19 disease between February 1st and September 26th, 2021. We describe the crude rate and the standardized morbidity ratio. We assessed the predictors of mortality. Results: Sixty-one cases were reported and 45 fulfilled eligibility criteria, 82% women. The crude TTS rate was 4/1,000,000 doses and 14-15/1,000,000 doses between 30-49 years. The number of observed cases of cerebral venous thrombosis was 6-18 higher than the expected in patients younger than 49 years. Symptoms started 10 (interquartile range [IQR]: 7-14) days after vaccination. Eighty percent (95% confidence interval [CI]: 65-90%) had thrombocytopenia at the time of the emergency department visit, and 65% (95% CI: 49-78%) had D-dimer >2,000 ng/mL. Patients had multiple location thrombosis in 36% and fatal outcome in 24% cases. A platelet nadir < 50,000/μL (odds ratio [OR]: 7.4; CI 95%: 1.2-47.5) and intracranial hemorrhage (OR: 7.9; IC 95%: 1.3-47.0) were associated with fatal outcome. Conclusion: TTS must be suspected in patients with symptoms 10 days after vaccination and thrombocytopenia and/or D-dimer increase.
- Published
- 2024
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- Author
E. Fonseca Pérez, G. Olivé Cirera, E. Martínez Hernández, M. Guasp, L. Naranjo, R. Ruiz, J. Cabrera Maqueda, J. Benito, C. Íñiguez, J. García, C. Calles, T. Cano, G. Álvarez, I. González, C. Oreja, M. Ros, J. Millán, J. Meca, L. Borrega, J. Martín, M. Palao, J. Gracia, R. Villaverde, S. Llufriú, Y. Blanco, A. Saiz, J. Dalmau, M. Sepúlveda, and T. Armangué
- Subjects
Neurology. Diseases of the nervous system ,RC346-429 - Published
- 2024
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- Author
J. Matías-Guiu Antem, J. Álvarez Sabín, E. Botia, I. Casado Naranjo, M. Castellanos Rodrigo, A. Frank, C. Íñiguez, M. Jiménez Hernández, F. Jiménez-Jiménez, J. Láinez, E. Moral, D. Pérez Martínez, A. Rodríguez-Antigüedad, N. Ruiz Lavilla, T. Segura, P. Serrano Castro, and J. Matías-Guiu Guía
- Subjects
Neurology. Diseases of the nervous system ,RC346-429 - Published
- 2024
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- Author
M. Garcés Redondo, M. Almeida Zurita, D. Cheli Gracia, B. del Moral Sahuquillo, J. Cajape Mosquera, E. Noroña Vásconez, S. Atienza Ayala, A. de Val Lafaja, and C. Íñiguez Martínez
- Subjects
Neurology. Diseases of the nervous system ,RC346-429 - Published
- 2024
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9. Advocating for Our Youngest Victims: Wisconsin's Approach to Testing Drug-Endangered Children
- Author
Hillary W, Petska, Ann E, Budzak-Garza, Arne H, Graff, Judy, Guinn, Kristin C, Iniguez, Barbara L, Knox, Carolyn R, Nash, Rita, Ventura, and Lynn K, Sheets
- Subjects
Substance Abuse Detection ,Wisconsin ,Child of Impaired Parents ,Substance-Related Disorders ,Child Welfare ,Humans ,Child Abuse ,Child - Published
- 2019
10. [Study of the diagnostic agreement on headaches between neurology and primary care]
- Author
S, Santos-Lasaosa, P R, Vinueza-Buitron, A, Velazquez-Benito, C, Iniguez-Martinez, P, Larrode-Pellicer, L J, Lopez Del Val, J A, Mauri-Llerda, S, Sanchez-Valiente, and J L, Millan-Morales
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,Cross-Sectional Studies ,Neurology ,Primary Health Care ,Migraine Disorders ,Headache ,Humans ,Neuralgia ,Female ,Referral and Consultation - Abstract
Headache as a symptom is a very common disease and one of the main reasons for consultation in primary care.To analyze the characteristics of patients referred from primary care to general neurology whose chief complaint was headache and/or neuralgia and diagnostic agreement.Cross-sectional study of all patients referred from primary care; demographic/clinical variables were collected and diagnostic hypothesis by primary care and general neurology were compared by determining their agreement.2,514 were referred from primary care patients (588 of them on a preferential basis); in 378 cases the reason for consultation was headache and/or neuralgia (average 42.46 years; 77.8% female). In 139 patients it was established only a semiological diagnostic and other episodic migraine predominated (49.79%), chronic tension headache (18.41%) and trigeminal neuralgia (12.13%). Since general neurology, the most common diagnoses were, respectively, 33.86%, 24.05% and 18.67%. A compatible kappa coefficient of 0.543 (p0.05) with a moderate agreement when considering only those patients referred from primary care to a specific diagnosis was obtained.Headaches are a very common reason for consultation in primary care (15%). The diagnostic agreement is moderate in our health sector so it is necessary to design training programs to help outline the criteria for referral to specialists and improve care for our patients.Estudio de concordancia diagnostica en cefalea entre neurologia y atencion primaria.Introduccion. La cefalea como sintoma es una patologia frecuente y uno de los principales motivos de consulta por parte de atencion primaria. Objetivo. Analizar las caracteristicas de los pacientes derivados desde atencion primaria a la consulta de neurologia general con cefalea o neuralgia como motivo de consulta, y la concordancia diagnostica. Pacientes y metodos. Estudio descriptivo transversal de todos los pacientes remitidos desde atencion primaria; se recogieron variables demograficas/clinicas y se compararon las hipotesis diagnosticas de atencion primaria y neurologia, determinando su concordancia. Resultados. Se remitieron desde atencion primaria 2.514 pacientes (588 de ellos con caracter preferente); en 378 casos el motivo de la consulta fue cefalea o neuralgia (42,46 años de media; el 77,8%, mujeres). En 139 pacientes se establecio tan solo un diagnostico semiologico y en el resto predominaron la migraña episodica (49,79%), la cefalea tensional cronica (18,41%) y la neuralgia del trigemino (12,13%). Desde neurologia, los diagnosticos mas frecuentes fueron, respectivamente, 33,86%, 24,05% y 18,67%. Se obtuvo un coeficiente kappa de 0,543 (p0,05), compatible con una concordancia moderada al considerar solo los pacientes remitidos desde atencion primaria con un diagnostico concreto. Conclusiones. Las cefaleas constituyen un motivo de consulta desde atencion primaria muy frecuente (15%). La concordancia diagnostica es moderada en nuestro sector sanitario, por lo que es necesario diseñar programas de formacion que ayuden a perfilar los criterios de derivacion al especialista y mejorar la atencion a nuestros pacientes.
- Published
- 2016
11. Adverse Childhood Experiences and Health in Adulthood in a Rural Population-Based Sample
- Author
Rachel V. Stankowski and Kristen C. Iniguez
- Subjects
Child abuse ,Adult ,Male ,Rural Population ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Adolescent ,Substance-Related Disorders ,Health Status ,Poison control ,Occupational safety and health ,03 medical and health sciences ,Young Adult ,0302 clinical medicine ,Wisconsin ,Risk Factors ,Surveys and Questionnaires ,Outcome Assessment, Health Care ,medicine ,Electronic Health Records ,Humans ,030212 general & internal medicine ,Child Abuse ,Psychiatry ,Psychological abuse ,Child ,Aged ,Original Research ,Community and Home Care ,030505 public health ,business.industry ,Depression ,Medical record ,Data Collection ,General Medicine ,Middle Aged ,medicine.disease ,Substance abuse ,Physical abuse ,Sexual abuse ,Female ,0305 other medical science ,business - Abstract
BACKGROUND: Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), including emotional abuse, substance abuse in the household, separation or divorce, physical abuse, violence between adults, mental illness in the household, sexual abuse, or incarceration of a household member, have the potential to profoundly impact health and well-being in adulthood. To assess whether previously reported relationships between ACEs and health outcomes withstand validation, we conducted a community-based ACE study with the unique capacity to link self-reported ACEs and other survey results to validated health data in an electronic medical record (EMR). METHODS: Information regarding ACEs and health outcomes was captured from 2013-2014 via a telephone survey of residents of the predominantly rural northern and central regions of Wisconsin and electronic abstraction of EMR data. ACE score was calculated by counting each exposure as one point. We examined the relationship between ACE score and ACE type and self-reported and validated health outcomes. RESULTS: A total of 800 participants completed the telephone survey. Overall, 62% reported at least one ACE and 15% reported experiencing four or more. All self-reported measures of poor health were associated with increased ACE score. EMR data were positively correlated with ACE score for increased body mass index and diagnoses of depression, anxiety, and asthma. In contrast, diagnoses of hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, myocardial infarction, and skin and other cancers were inversely related to ACE score. Emotional abuse was the most common ACE reported followed by substance abuse in the household. ACEs tended to cluster so that people who reported at least one ACE were likely to have experienced multiple ACEs. There was no clear correlation between abuse type (e.g., direct abuse vs. household dysfunction) and health outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: In the first community-based study to link self-reported ACEs to comprehensive health measures documented in the medical record, we observed previously reported associations between childhood adversity and poor outcomes in adulthood, but also noted an inverse relationship between ACE score and certain medical diagnoses. Potential explanations for this finding warrant further investigation.© 2016 Marshfield Clinic. Language: en
- Published
- 2015
12. Fourth meeting of the European Neurological Society 25–29 June 1994 Barcelona, Spain
- Author
H. Hattig, C. Delli Pizzi, M. C. Addonizio, Michelle Davis, A. R. Giovagnoli, L. Florensa, M. Roth, J. de Kruijk, Francisco Lacruz, Ph. Dewailly, A. Toygar, C. Avendano, P.P. De Deyn, J. F. Hurtevent, F. Lomeila, T. W. Wong, Gordon T. Plant, M. Bud, H. J. Willison, DH Miller, D. W. Langdon, R. Cioni, J. Servan, A. Kaygisiz, E. Racadot, D. B. Schens, E. Picciola, L. Falip, C. Bouchard, J. Jotova, A. Jorge-Santamaria, P. Misra, A. Dufour, C. P. Panagopoulos, A. Venneri, B. Sredni, B. Angelard, M. Janelidze, M. Carreno, J. Obenberger, J. Pouget, H. W. Moser, R. Kaufmann, J. A. Molina, D. Linden, A. Martin Urda, E. Uvestad, A. Krone, J. P. Cochin, J. Mallecourt, A. Cambon-Thomsen, K. Violleau, P. Osschmann, A. M. Durocher, E. Bussaglia, D. M. Danielle, H. Efendi, C. Van Broeckhoven, K. G. Jordan, W. Rautenberg, C. Iniguez, J. M. Delgado, Graham Watson, M. Lawden, Gareth J. Barker, K. Stiasny, James T. Becker, G. Campanella, E. Peghi, A. Poli, A. Haddad, T. Yamawaki, Giacomo P. Comi, S. Sotgiu, B. Ersmark, A. Pomes, M. Ziegler, P. Ferrante, P. Ruppi, H. KuÇukoglu, R. Bouton, U. K. Rinne, P. Vieregge, M. Dary, P. Giunti, Peter J. Goadsby, S. Jung, E. Secor, A. Steinberg, N. Vila, M. A. Hernandez, M. Cursi, A. Enqelhardt, A. Engelhardt, J. Veitch, F. Di Silverio, F. Arnaud, B. Neundörfer, R. Brucher, Dominique Caparros-Lefebvre, B. Meyer, Marianne Dieterich, M. H. Snidaro, R. Gomez, R. Cerbo, M. Ragno, J. M. Vance, S. Nemni, A. Caliskan, F. Barros, I. Velcheva, D. Ceballos-Baumann, V. Barak, A. Avila, N. Antonova, F. Resche, S. Pappata, L. Varela, S. R. Silveira Santos, A. Cammarota, L. Naccache, Y. Nara, E. Tournier-Lasserves, R. Mobner, T. Chase, A. Ensenyat, J. Ulrich, G. Giegerich, M. Rother, M. Revilla, N. Nitschke, K. Honczarenko, E. Basart Tarrats, J. Blin, B. Jacob, J. Santamaria, S. Knezevic, J. L. Castillo, M. Antem, J. Colomer, O. Busse, Didier Hannequin, S. Carrier, J. B. Ruidavets, C. Rozman, J. Bogoussslavsky, J. Pascual Calvet, E. Monros, J. M. Polo, M. Zucconl, Javier Muruzabal, R. R. Allen, R. Rivolta, K. Haugaard, A. Nespolo, K. Hoang-Xuang, G. Bussone, T. Avramidis, E. Corsini, Christiana Franke, T. Vinogradova, H. Boot, K. Vestergaard, G. H. Jansen, N. Argentino, M. Raltzig, W. Linssen, Mark B. Pepys, P. Roblot, L. Lauritzen, E. Fainardi, D. Morin, T. X. Arbizu Urdiain, J. Wollenhaupt, S. Bostantjopoulou, G. Pavesi, A. D. Forman, Giovanni Fabbrini, D. Jean, J. J. Archelos, M. I. Blanchs, M. Del Gobbo, Anna Carla Turconi, Ch. Derouesné, Elio Scarpini, A. Visbeck, P. Castejon, J. P. Renou, F. Mounier-Vehier, G. Potagas, Ch. Duyckaerts, A. Filla, R. Schneider, G. Ronen, K. Nagata, J. P. Vedel, A. Henneberg, G. van Melle, C. Baratti, H. Knott, M. C. Prevett, A. Bes, B. Metin, Jos V. Reempts, L. Martorell, Mefkure Eraksoy, H. O. Handwerker, D. S. Younger, O. Oktem, D. Frongillo, C. Soriano-Soriano, L. Niehaus, F. Zipp, A. Tartaro, S Newman, R. H. Browne, P. Davous, R. Sanchez, M. Muros, M. E. Kornhuber, A. Lavarone, M. Mohr, M. R. Garcia, S. Russell, H. Kellar-Wood, M. R. Tola, B. Ostermeyer, Ch. Tzekov, K. Sartor, E. B. Ringelstein, P. P. Gazzaniga, Paul Krack, H. Fidaner, H. Rico, T. Dbaiss, F. Alameda, E. Torchiana, L. Rumbach, I. Charques, J. M. Bogaard, C. D. Frith, L. J. Rappelle, R. Brenner, A. Joutel, K. Fuxe, G. HÄcker, M. J. Blaser, J. Valls-SolÇ, G. Ulm, M. Alberdi, A. Bock, F. W. Bertelsmann, U. Wieshmann, J. Visa, J. R. Lupski, D. D'Amico, L. M. P. Ramos, A. A. Vanderbark, R. Horn, M. Warmuth, Dietmar Kühne, Mark S. Palmer, C. Ehrenheim, E. Canga, S. Viola, O. Scarpino, P. Naldi, R. Almeida, A. A. Raymond, J. Gamez, Stephan Arnold, A. DiGiovanni, J. Dalmau, C. C. Chari, H. F. Beer, J. C. Koetsier, J. Iriarte, E. Yunis, J. Casadevall, E. Le Guern, E. Stenager, S. R. Benbadis, J. M. Warter, F. Burklin, I. Theodorou, L. Johannesen, G. A. Graveland, X. Leclerc, I. Vecchio, L. Ozelius, G. Nicoletti, R. K. Gherardi, E. Esperet, M. L. Delodovici, F. Cattin, F. Paiau, Giorgio Sacilotto, C. A. J. Broere, D. Chavdarov, J. P. Willmer, C. H. Hawkes, Th. Naegele, E. Ellie, E. Dartigues, M. J. Guardiola, S. Hesse, Z. Levic, Marco Rovaris, P. Saugeir-Veber, B. A. Yaqub, H. F. Durwen, R. Larumbe, J. Ballabrina, M. Sendtner, J. Röther, M. Horstink, C. Kluglein, M.P. Montesi, H. Apaydin, J. Montoya, E. Waubant, Ch. Verellen-Dunoulin, A. Nicolai, J. Lopez-Delval, R. Lemon, G. Cantinho, E. Granieri, A. Zeviani, Wolfgang H. Oertel, U. Ficola, V. Di Piero, V. Fragola, K. Sabev, M. V. Guitera, I. Turki, F. Bolgert, P. Ingrand, J. M. Gobernado, L. M. E. Grimaldi, S. Baybas, B. Eymard, Y. Rolland, Y. Robitaille, Ta. Pampols, P. J. Koehler, A. Carroacedo, J. Vilchez, S. Di Vittorio, I. R. Rise, T. Nagy, M. Kuffner, E. Palazzini, A. Ott, J. Pruim, T. X. Arbizu, E. Manetti, C. Cervera, S. Felber, G. Gursoy, J. Scholz, G. A. Buscaino, M. S. Chen, A. Pascual, J. Hazan, J. U. Gajda, J. G. Cea, G. Bottini, G. Damalik, F. Le Doze, G. Bonaldi, J. M. Hew, C. Messina, A. M. Kennedy, J. M. Carney, N. M. F. Murray, M. Parent, M. Koepp, V. Dimova, D. De Leo, K. Jellinger, G. Salemi, S. Mientus, M. L. Hansen, F. Mazzucchelli, J. Vieth, M. Mauri, E. Bartels, L. Johannsen, C. Humphreys, J. Emile, D. N. Landon, E. Kansu, R. Sanchez-Pernaute, Rsj Frackowiak, M. Gonzalez Torres, L. Oller, C. Machedo, J. Kother, M. Billiard, H. Durak, T. Schindler, A. Frank, A. Uncini, A. Sbriccoli, C. Farinas, D. W. Paty, N. Fast, A. T. Zangaladze, A. Kerkhofs, J. M. Pino Garcia, I. De la Fuente, B. Marini, L. Gomez, I. Rubio, Alessandra Bardoni, C. Brodie, P. Acin, U. Sliwka, S. A. Hawkins, S. Tardieu, F. Vitullo, J. M. Pereira Monteino, R. Gagliardi, T. Jezewski, A. Cano, T. Lempert, F. Abad Alegria, G. Rotondo, D. Ince, C. Martinez Parra, Y. Huang, H. Luders, Y. Steinvil, F. G. A. Van Der Meche, R. Bianchi, A. Sanchez, T. Sevilla, J. M. Ketelslegers, A. Domzal-Stryga, M. Pandolfo, M. O. Josse, K. W. Neff, I. Blanco, G. W. Bruyn, O. W. Witte, J. L. Thibault, G. Andersen, J. Pariset, A. Marcone, R. J. M. Lane, A. Hofman, M. Verin, T. Matilla, P. Bedoucha, J. Roche, M. Lai, M. Collard, A. Ugarte, F. Gallecho, D. Silbersweig, C. Kennard, J. P. Azulay, T. W. Ho, P. L. I. Dellemijn, R. Girardello, F. Baas, B. Voss, F. Rozenberg, E. M. Brocker, V. Stanev, A. A. J. Soeterboek, A. Marra, A. Rey, E. Ertem, M. Sawradewicz-Rybak, J. De Keyser, P. Cavallari, F. Proust, Y. Chevalier, H. C. Hansen, D. Leys, C. A. Davie, K. Hoang-Xuan, C. Bairati, H. van Crevel, Thomas T. Warner, B. Bompais, A. Dobbeleir, T Campbell, C. Macko, C. J. M. Klijn, M. Dussallant, T. P. Berlit, W. Rozenbaum, M. J. van den Bent, W. A. Rocca, M. Muller, H. Hundemer, U. Zifko, M. Campera, F. Drislane, D. Ranoux, T. M. Kloss, Anil Kumar, I. Ruolt, C. Bargnani, B. Marescau, N. A. Losseff, S. Notermans, B. Kint, E. T. Burke, C. Aykut, J. Matias Guiu, P. Maquet, T. Drogendijk, M. Leone, K. von Ammon, M. Pepeliarska, C. Prados, L. DiGiamberardino, T. Logtenberg, G. Lenoir, I. Castaldo, Damhaut, M. Radionova, G. Sirabian, R. Navon, Giovanni Antonini, K. Al Moutaery, E. Chamas, R. Schönhuber, M. Giannini, B. Debilly, I. Labatut, H. Henon, J. A. Egido, M. Baudrimont, J. N. Lorenzo, J. E. C. Bromberg, R. Antonacci, J. J. Vilchez, T. Moulin, B. Rautenstrauss, Giovanni Meola, J. Noth, S Mammi, P. Laforet, F. Lopez, C. Gehring, S. Bort, G. Rancurel, D. Decamps, S. Kostadinova, Y. Shapira, B. Neundoerfer, D. Chavrot, M. Solimena, J. P. Salier, W. Deberdt, R. Hoff-Jörgensen, A. Messina, S. Meairs, G. Rosoklija, E. Nelis, I. Bertran, C. Ertekin, J. Lohmeyer, Mitermayer Galvao dos Reis, L. Calo, E. Maccagnano, A. P. Hays, J. Verlooy, M. G. Forno, T. Blanco, L. Bail, Gabriella Silvestri, J. Montero, F. Bertrand, R. T. Ghnassia, C. Besses, T. Sereghy, F. Shalit, G. Bogliun, S. Braghi, St. Baykouchev, C. Franke, A. Lasa, L. C. Archard, J. Kriebel, S. Shaunak, M. Nocito, Alexander Tsiskaridze, E. Manfredini, T. Seigal, David G. Gadian, M. Barlas, J. D. Degos, C. Seeber, J. Caemert, J. L. Mas, R. B. Pepinsky, M. G. D'Angelo, N. Baumann, S. Yorifuji, H. P. Endtz, M. A. Cassatella, R. A. C. Hughes, V. Golzi, A. Bittencourt, A. Ferreira, M. Sanson, C. Alper, M. Vermeulen, M. A. A. van Walderveen, E. Alexiou, C. H. Lucas, M. Fiorelli, Y. N. Debbink, R. Gil, S. Congia, T. Banerjee, J. M. Bouchard, A. N. Pinto, A. Ceballos-Baumann, G. Grollier, P. I. M. Schmitz, M. D. Catata, N. Lahat, N. S. Rao, P. Papathanasopoulos, J. Valls-Solé, D. Claus, G. Schroter, A. Castro, C. Videbaek, R. Martinez Dreke, A. D. Platts, M. Hermesl, A. C. PeÇanha-Martins, M. Cardoso Silva, P. Masnou, M. J. A. Tanner, Ch. Confavreux, B. Mishu, H. Rasmussen, L. Valenciano, Carlo Pozzilli, S. W. Li, V. Salzman, Y. Vashtang, Massimo Franceschi, M. Severo, G. Deuschl, S. Setien, G. Mariani, A. Protti, J. Castillo, M. J. B. Taphoorn, M. Frontali, I. Milonas, D. Decoq, J. A. Navarro, S. Castellvi-Pel, C. Ertikin, M. Urtasun, Y. Lajat, B. E. Kendall, E. Verdu, B. Gueguen, E. Boisen, R. Couderc, A Danek, JM Stevens, F. Nicoli, L. Feltri, M. L. Vazquez-Andre, J. A. Morgan-Hughes, L. D'Angelo, F. Y. Liew, L. F. Pascual, J. Patrignani Ochoa, Vittorio Martinelli, J. Cophignon, L. Zhang, S. Martin, J. F. Meder, H. C. Buschmann, L. Bertin, J. van Gijn, A. Barreiro, A. Cools, C. Leon, A. Berod, E. A. Anllo, E. Zanette, L. Petrov, R. Barona, B. Gallicchio, P. J. Cozzone, N. Diederich, G. Cancel, L. Schelosky, P. Orizaola, K. Yulug, S. Ozer, Valeria A. Sansone, B. Guiraud-Chaumeil, K. Voigt, P. Labauge, M. Eoli, J. Zhu, J. Aguirre, M. Ferrarini, B. Zyluk, E. Planas, A. Cadilha, C. Tortorella, H. Bismuth, C. E. Counsell, A. Laun, A. Ferlini, Rio J. Montalban, N. Biary, L. Becker, M. Fardeau, M. Poloni, V. M. S. de Bruin, C. Fornada, J. Barros, E. Ganzmann, E. Touze, D. Wallach, J. Peila, H. Fujimura, M. T. Iba-Zizen, G. Macchi, C. Villoslada, R. Gouider, Ph. Rondepierre, P. Grummich, P. Chiodi, C. Conte, M. Michels, P. Annunziata, G. Semana, C. Sommer, J. Vajsar, D. Zekin, J. Kulisevsky, David G. Munoz, B. Jacotot, M. Magoni, A. Luxen, T. Garcia-Silva, S. Di Cesare, Christophe Tzourio, M. Gomori, I. Picomell, L. Santoro, F. Villa, Giovanni Pennisi, T. Ribalta, J. M. Molto, L. Marzorati, P. Loiseau, F. Gemignani, A. Gironell, J. Wissel, A. Prusinski, F. Cailloux, P. Villanueva-Hemandez, P. Cozzone, T. Del Ser, J. Sans-Sabrafen, M. Zappia, P. W. A. Willems, G. Tchernia, D. Gardeur, R. Bauer, F. Palomo, H. Metz, S. Lamoureux, C. Chastang, I. Reinhard, A. Goldfarb, S. Harder, Jordi Río, C. Ozkara, E. Tekinsoy, P. Vontobell, J. De Recondo, M. Rabasa, L. Lacomblez, F. Boon, Dgt Thomas, V. Palma, Renato Mantegazza, A. Dervis, M. Nueckel, B. YalÇinerner, I. Duran, G. Dalla Volta, A. Zubimendi, J. Pinheiro, A. Marbini, Xavier Montalban, H. Wekerle, X. Pereira Monteino, F. Crespo, F. Koskas, N. Battistini, C. Ruiz, H. Offner, J. de Pommery, P. Kanovsky, J. Y. Barnett, J. Pardo, G. Tomei, R. Rene, H. M. Lokhorst, P. Thajeb, H. Bilgin, D. McGehee, R. Fahsold, L. Morgante, Katie Sidle, C. Delwaide, M. N. Diaye, P. H. Rice, A. Creange, C. Sabev, K. Stephan, K. WeilBenborn, G. Magnani, L. Grymonprez, F. Cardellach, M. Kaps, N. G. Meco, F. Vega, V. Bonifati, A. Desomer, M. Baldy-Moulinier, G. Kvale, F. J. Authier, B. Yegen, T. Ho, J. M. Rozet, E. A. Cabanis, L. Bruce, L. Ambrosoli, M. A. Petrella, M. Hernandez, P. Timmings, H. B. van der Worp, F. Mahieux, A. Urbano-Marquez, D. A. Krendel, A. A. Garcia, R. Divari, R. Michalowicz, M. R. Piedmonte, M. Bondavalli, M. Zanca, P. F. Ippel, Onofre Combarros, B. Tavitian, E. Hirsch, I. Anastasopoulos, A. Roses, A. Köhler, P. Vienna, V. Timmerman, P. Sergi, F. Cornelio, A. Di Pasquale, R. Verleger, S. Castellvirel, J. Proano, B. van Moll, F. Rubio, W. Hacke, I. Lavenu, L. Zetta, M. W. Tas, N. Bittmann, M. Bonamini, O. R. Hommes, V. Dousset, N. Afsar, S. Belal, R. R. Myers, J. Goes, Giuseppe Vita, E. Clementi, V. G. Karepov, M. Jueptner, A Vincent, P. Emmrich, Th. Heb, A. Caballo, J. Gallego, T. Mokrusch, C. Perla, L. Gebuhrer, O. Titlbach, Alessandro Prelle, A. Czlonkowska, M. Russo, D. Hadjiev, T. S. Chkhikvishvili, M. Oehlschlager, G. Becker, I. Günther, E. N. Stenager, J. Garcia Agundez, J. Casademont, J. Batlle, S. Podobnik-Sarkanji, C. Alonso-Villaverde, B. Delaguillaume, B. Genc, B. Mazoyer, A. Rodriguez-Al-barino, Ch. Hilger, B. Ferrero, R. Price, W. Grisold, L. Fuhry, D. Oulbani, D. Ewing, A. Petkov, W. Walther, A. Gokyigit, John Newsom-Davis, J. Tayot, D. Seliak, G. Pelliccioni, D. Campagne, K. Kessler, F. Boureau, D. Perani, J. P. N'Guyen, N. Tchalucova, B. A. Antin-Ozerkis, C. Lacroix, B. D. Aronovich, I. H. Jenkins, E. A. dos Reis, M. Hortells, H. M. Meinck, H. Ch. Buschmann, S. C. J. M. Jacobs, T. Wetter, P. Creissard, N. Martinez, J. Weidenfeldl, H. J. Sturenburg, G. Damlacik, V. Gracia, J. C. Turpin, A. Pou-Serradell, J. P. Vincent, T. Gagoshidze, U. Ozkutlu, M. McLeod, K. Siegfried, I. Tchaoussoglou, J. Hildebrand, S. Kowalska, M. C. Picot, G. Galardin, L. Crevits, F. Andreetta, S. Larumbe-Lobalde, G. de la Sierra, J. C. Alvarez-Cermeno, R. J. Seitz, P. L. Oey, L. Ptacek, A. M. J. Paans, A. Wirrwar, A. Schmied, J. Uilchez, H. Tounsi, D. Hipola, V. Avoledo, Y. Hirata, P. Vermersch, T. M. Aisonobe, J. Valls-SoIè, H. Staunton, J. Dichgans, R. Karabudak, I. Dones, G. Porta, E. Janssens, Maria Martinez, J. M. Fernandez-Real, R. Villagra, Y. Yoshino, C. Kabus, K. Schimrigk, I. Girard-Buttaz, F. Piccoli, F. Aichner, P. Zuchegna, S. M. Al Deeb, F. Bono, N. Busquets, A. Jobert, Patrizia Ciscato, M. Martin, L. Polman, S. Darbra, V. Le Cam-Duchez, F. Baldissera, B. Baykan-Kurt, D. Guez, M. Bratoeva, H. Matsui, M. Mila, H. Perron, L. Bjorge, G. Husby, Steven T. DeKosky, D. R. Cornblath, J. M. Gabriel, J. J. Poza, Y. Wu, A. Toscano, R. P. Kleyweg, J. Kuhnen, S. O. Confort-Gouny, A. Barcelo, A. M. Conti, C. Fiol, C. Steichen-Wiehn, J. Rodes, M. Cavenaile, C. Vedeler, M. Drlicek, C. Argentino, M. L. Peris, A. Cervello, A. Z. GinaÏ, S. Yancheva, D. Passingham, S. Aoba, D. L. Lopez, T. Rechlin, K. Sonka, L. Grazzi, V. Folnegovic-Smalc, Maurizio Moggio, S. Rivaud, F. G. I. Jennekens, C. H. Hartard, H. Meierkord, G. Stocklin, M. D. Catala, W. C. McKay, E. Salmon, C. Navarro, I. Pastor, L. Canafoglia, M. De Braekeleer, P. K. Thomas, C. Mocellini, C. Pierre-Jerome, M. C. Dalakas, P. Pollak, M. Levivier, Niall Quinn, G. E. Rivolta, Z. Tunca, H. Zeumer, J. Garcia Tena, St. Guily, P. Gaudray, Johannes Kornhuber, V. Petrunjashev, R. Montesanti, R. J. Abbott, H. Petit, G. Kiteva-Trencevska, F. Carletto, C. Ramo, I. M. Pino, P. Beau, G. F. Mennuni, F. Moschian, F. Meneghini, B. Zdziarska, B. Fontaine, C. Stephens, G. Meco, K. Reiners, G. Badlan, M. Sessa, I. Degaey, S. M. Hassan, C. Albani, F. Caroeller, M. Schroeder, G. Savettieri, A. Novelletto, R. Kurita, P. Oschmann, I. Plaza, M. Oliveres, Simone Spuler, A. Molins, M. Schwab, J. R. Kalden, C. P. Gennaula, Y. Baklan, O. Picard, J. M. Léger, B. Mokri, E. Ghidoni, M. Jacob, D. Deplanque, W. JÄnisch, C. De Andres, P. De Deyn, G. Guomundsson, B. Herron, J. Barado, J. L. Gastaut, Guglielmo Scarlato, F. Poron, Nicola Jones, H. Teisserenc, C. P. Hawkins, A. J. Steck, H. C. Chandler, S. Blanc, J. H. Faiss, Jm. Soler Insa, I. Sarova-Ponchas, M. Malberin, A. Sackmann, G. De Vuono, K. Kaiser-Rub, K. Badhia, E. Szwabowska-Orzeszko, S. Ramm, C. Jodice, G. Franck, J. Marta-Moreno, R. Sciolla, C. Fritz, A. Attaccalite, F. Weber, E. Neuman, M. Cannata, A. Rodriguez, I. Nachainkin, R. Raffaele, T. S. Yu, N. Losseff, E. Fabrizio, C. Khati, M. Keipes, M. P. Ortega, M. Ramos-Alvarez, E. Brambilla, A. Tarasov, K. H. Wollinsky, O. B. Paulson, F. Boller, G. Bozzato, H. Wagnur, R. Canton, D. Testa, E. Kutluaye, M. Calopa, D. Smadja, G. Malatesta, F. Baggi, A. Stracciari, G. Daral, G. Avanzini, J. Perret, J. Arenas, P. Boon, I. Gomes, A. Vortmeyer, P. Cesaro, S. Venz, E. Bernd Ringelstein, N. Milani, D. Laplane, P. Seibel, E. Tournier-Lasserve, Alexis Brice, L. Motti, E. Wascher, R. J. Abbot, F. Miralles, A. Turon, P. De Camilli, G. Luz, G. C. Guazzi, S. Tekin, F. Lesoin, T. Kryst, N. Lannoy, F. Gerstenbrand, S. Ballivet, H. A. M. van Diemen, J. Lopez-ArLandis, P. Bell, A. Silvani, M. A. Garcia, S. Vorstrup, D. Langdon, S. Ueno, B. Sander, V. Ozurk, C. Gurses, P. Berlit, J. M. Martinez-Lage, M. Treacy, S. O. Rodiek, S. Cherninkova, J. Grimaud, P. Marozzi, K. Hasert, S. Goldman, S. H. Ingwersen, A. Taghavy, T. Roig, R. Harper, I. Sarova-Pinchas, Anthony H.V. Schapira, R. Lebtahi, A. Vidaller, B. Stankov, D. Link, J. p. Malin, V. Petrova, Ludwig Kappos, J. L. Ochoa, T. Torbergsen, M. Carpo, M. Donato, Simon Shorvon, J. Mieszkowski, J. Perez-Serra, Raymond Voltz, G. Comi, S. Rafique, A. Perez-Sempere, N. Khalfallah, S. Bailleul, M. Borgers, S. Banfi, S. Mossman, A. Laihinen, G. Filippini, R. A. Grunewald, E. Stern, H. D. Herrmann, A. G. Droogan, P. Xue, A. Grilo, L. La Mantia, J. H. J. Wokke, S. Pizzul, Kie Kian Ang, S. Rapaport, W. Szaplyko, B. Romero, P. Brunet, A. Albanese, C. Davie, V. Crespi, F. Birklein, H. Sharif, L. Jose, D. Auer, N. Heye, Martin N. Rossor, C. E. Henderson, M. J. Koepp, J. Rubio, P. L. Baron, S. Mahal, Juha O. Rinne, J. I. Emparanza, S. E. C. Davies, Frederik Barkhof, M. Riva, R. E. Brenner, B. A. Pope, Lemaire, E. Dupont, D. Ulbricht, G. C. Pastorino, R. Retska, E. Chroni, A. Danielli, V. Malashkhia, T. Canet, J. C. Garcia-Valdecasas, J. Serena, R. A. Pfeiffer, B. Wirk, B. Muzzetto, V. Caruso, M. L. Giros, A. Ming Wang, E. L. E. Guern, F. Bille-Turg, Y. Satoh, C. H. Franke, M. Ait-Kaci-Ahmed, D. Genis, T. Pasierski, D. Riva, M. Panisset, A. Chamorro, P.A. van Doorn, S. Schellong, H. Hamer, F. Durif, P. Krauseneck, Y. Bahou, B. A. Pickut, M. Rijnites, H. Nyland, G. Jager, L. L. Serra, A. Rohl, X. P. Li, O. Arena, Hubert Kwieciński, N. Milpied, M. C. Bourdel, S. Assami, L. Law, J. Moszkowski, J. W. Thorpe, M. Aguennouz, R. Martin, D. Hoffmann, P. Morris, A. Destée, D. J. Charron, U. Senin, A. P. SempereE, M. Dreyfus, A. L. Benabid, M. Gomez, S. Heindle, M. C. Morel-Kopp, M. Hennerici, A. I. Santos, M. Djannelidze, N. Artemis, John Collinge, T. Rundek, M. Y. Voloshin, P. de Castro, Th. Wiethege, D. A. S. Compston, D. Schiffer, A. J. Hughes, D. Jimenez, V. Parlato, A. Papadimitriou, J. M. Gergaud, R. Sterzi, J. Arpa, G. de Pinieux, F. Buggle, P. Gimbergues, H. Ruottinen, R. Marzella, W. Koehler, Y. Yurekli, A. Haase, Z. Privorkin, G. K. Harvey, B. Chave, A. J. Grau, E. M. Stadlan, J. List, C. Zorzi, B.W. van Oosten, P. Derkinderen, B. Casati, J. M. Maloteaux, K. Vahedi, W. L. J. van Putten, J. C. Sabourin, D. Lorenzetti, Plenevaux, J. W. B. Moll, A. Morento Fernandez, M. Lema, M. A. Horsfleld, P. De Jongh, S. Gikova, K. Kutluk, Monique M.B. Breteler, P. Saddier, A. Berbinschi, R. E. Cull, P. Echaniz, H. Kober, C. Minault, V. Kramer, A. L. Edal, S. Passero, T. Eckardt, K. E. Davies, A. Salmaggi, R. Kaiser, A. A. Grasso, Claudio Mariani, G. Egersbach, Hakan Gurvit, O. Dereeper, C. Vital, L. Wrabetz, A. Vecino, M. Aguilar, G. Bielicki, H. Becher, J. Castro, S. Iotti, M. G. Natali-Sora, E. Berta, S. Carlomagno, L. Ayuso-Peralta, P. H. Rondepierre, I. Bonaventura, B. V. Deuren, N. Van Blercom, M. Sciaky, J. Faber, M. Alberoni, M. Nieto, F. Sellal, C. Stelmasiak, M. Takao, J. Bradley, D. Zegers de Beyl, H. Porsche, G. Goi, H. Pongratz, F. Chapon, S. Happe, Robin S. Howard, B. Weder, S. Vlaski-Jekic, J. M. Ferro, R. Nemni, A. Daif, Herbert Budka, W. Van Paesschen, B. Waldecker, F. Carceller, J. Lacau, F. Soga, J. Peres Serra, E. Timmerman, A. M. vd Vliet, J. L. Emparanza, N. Vanacore, A. Pizzuti, N. Marti, A. Davalos, N. Ayraud, U. Zettl, J. Vivancos, Z. Katsarou, H. M. Mehdorn, G. Geraud, M. Merlini, M. Schröter, A. Ebner, M. Lanteri-Minet, R. Soler, G. P. Anzola, S. L. Hauser, L. Cahalon, S. DiDonato, R. Cantello, M. Marchau, J. Gioanni, F. Heidenreich, J. Manuel Martinez Lage, P. Descoins, F. Woimant, J. F. Campo, M. H. Verdier-taillefer, M. S. F. Barkhof, G. J. Kemp, A. O. Ceballos-Baumann, J. Berciano, M. Guidi, Tarek A. Yousry, B. Chandra, A. Rapoport, P. Canhao, A. Spitzer, T. Maeda, J. M. Pereira Monteiro, V. Paquis, Th. Mokrusch, F. J. Arrieta, I. Sangla, F. Canizares-Liebana, Lang Chr, André Delacourte, V. Fetoni, P. Kovachev, D. Kidd, L. Ferini-Strambi, E. Donati, E. Idman, A. Chio, C. Queiros, D. Michaelis, S. Boyacigil, A. Rodrigo, S. M. Yelamos, B. Chassande, P. Louwen, C. Tranchant, E. Ciafalon, A. Lombardo, A. Twijnstra, A. L. Fernandez, H. Kott, A. Cannas, N. Zsurger, T. Zileli, E. Metin, P. C. Bain, G. Fromont, B. Tedesi, A. Liberani, X. Navarro, M. C. Rowbotham, V. Hachinski, F. Cavalcanti, W. Rostene, R. M. Gardiner, F. Gonzalez, B. Köster, E. A. van der Veen, J. P. Lefaucheur, C. Marescaux, D. Boucquey, E. Parati, S. Yamaguchi, A. S. Orb, R. Grant, G. D. P. Smith, P. Goethals, M. Haguenau, G. Georgiev, I. N. van Schaik, Guy A. Rouleau, E. Iceman, G. Fayet, M. G. Kaplitt, C. Baracchini, H. Magnusson, G. Meneghetti, N. Malichard, M. L. Subira, D. Mancia, A. Berenguer, D. Navarrete Palau, H. Franssen, G. Kiziltan, M. P. Lopez, J. Montalt, S. Norby, R. Piedra Crespo, T. L. Rothstein, R. Falip, B. YalÇiner, F. Chedru, I. W. Thorpe, F. W. Heatley, D. S. C. Ochoa, C. Labaune, M. Devoti, O. Lider, Jakob Korf, N. Suzuki, E. A. Maguire, A. Moulignier, J. C. van Swieten, F. Monaco, J. Cartron, A. Steck, B. Uludag, M. Alexandra, H. Reichmann, T. Rossi, L. E. Claveria, A. M. Crouzel, M. A. Mena, J. Gasnault, J. W. Kowalski, S. I. Mellgren, V. Feigin, L. Demisch, J. Montalban, J. Renato, J. Mathieu, N. Goebels, L. Bava, K. Kunre, M. Pulik, S. Di Donato, C. Tzekov, H. Veldman, S. Giménez-Roldan, B. Lechevalier, L. Redondo, B. Pillon, M. Gugenheim, E. Roullet, J. M. Valdueza, C. Gori, H. J. Friedrich, L. de Saint Martin, F. Block, E. Basart, M. Heilmann, B. Becq Giraudon, C. Rodolico, G. Stevanin, Elizabeth K. Warrington, A. T. M. Willemsen, K. Kunze, C. Ben Hamida, M. Alam, J. R. ùther, A. Battistel, G. Della Marca, Richard S. J. Frackowiak, F. Palau, T. Brandt, Chicoutimi, L. Bove, L. Callea, A. Jaspert, T. Klopstock, K. Fassbender, Alan J. Thomas, A. Ferbert, V. Nunes, Douglas Russell, P. Garancini, C. Sanz-Sebastian, O. Santiag, G. Dhaenens, G. Seidel, I. Savic, A. Florea-Strat, M. Rousseaux, N. Catala, E. O'Sullivan, M. J. Manifacier, H. Kurtel, T. Mendel, P. Chariot, M. Salas, D. Brenton, R. Lopez, J. Thorpe, Jimmy D. Bell, E. Hofmann, E. Botia, J. Pacquereau, A. Struppler, C. d'Aniello, D. Conway, A. Garcia-Merino, K. Toyooka, S. Hodgkinson, E. Ciusani, Stefano Bastianello, A. Andrade Filho, M. Zaffaroni, G. Pleiffer, F. Coria, A. Schwartz, D. Baltadjiev, I. Rother, K. Joussen, J. Touchon, K. Kutlul, P. Praamstra, H. Sirin, S. Richard, C. Mariottu, L. Frattola, S. T. Dekesky, G. Wieneke, M. Chatel, O. Godefroy, C. Desnuelle, S. OzckmekÇi, C. H. Zielinski, P. van Deventer, S. Jozwiak, I. Galan, J. M. Grau, V. Vieira, T. A. Treves, S. Ertan, A. Pujol, S. Blecic, E. M. Zanette, F. Ceriani, W. Camu, L. Aquilone, A. Benomar, F. Greco, A. Pascual-Leone Pascual, T. Yanagihara, F. A. Delfino, R. Damels, S. Merkelbach, J. Beltran, A. Barrientos, S. Brugge, B. Hildebrandt-Müller, M. H. Nascimento, M. Rocchi, F. Cervantes, E. Castelli, R. M. Pressler, S. Yeil, A. del Olmo, J. L. Herranz, L. J. Kappelle, Y. Demir, N. Inoue, R. Hershkoviz, A. Luengo, S. Bien, F. Viallet, P. Malaspina, G. De Michele, G. Nolfe, P. Adeleine, T. Liehr, G. Fenelon, H. Masson, Kailash P. Bhatia, W. Haberbosch, S. Mederer, R. S. J. Frackowiak, Tanya Stojkovic, S. Previtali, A. E. Harding, W. Kohler, N. P. Quin, T. R. Marra, J. P. Moisan, A. Melchor, M. L. Viguera, Mary G. Sweeney, G. L. Romani, J. Hezel, R. A. Dierckx, R. Torta, A. Kratzer, T. Pauwels, D. Decoo, Adriana Campi, Neil Kitchen, J. Haas, U. Neubauer, J. J. Merland, A. Yagiz, A. Antonuzzo, A. Zangaladze, J. Parra, Pablo Martinez-Lage, D. J. Brooks, S. Hauser, R. Di Pierri, M. Campero, R. Caldarelli-Stefano, A. M. Colangelo, J. L. Pozo, C. Estol, F. Picard, A. Palmieri, J. Massons, JT Phillips, G. B. Groozman, R. Pentore, L. M. Ossege, C. Bayon, Hans-Peter Hartung, R. Konyalioglu, R. Lampis, D. Ancri, M. Miletta, F. J. Claramonte, W. Retz, F. Hentges, JM Cooper, M. Cordes, M. Limburg, M. Brock, G. R. Coulton, K. Helmke, Rosa Larumbe, A. Ohly, F. Landgraf, A. M. Drewes, Claudia Trenkwalder, M. Keidel, T. Segura, C. Scholz, J. HÄgele, D. Baudoin-Martin, P. Manganelli, J. Valdueza, M. Farinotti, U. Zwiener, M. P. Schiavalla, Y. P. Young, O. Barlas, G. Hertel, E. H. Weiss, M. Eiselt, A. Lossos, M. Bartoli, L. Krolicki, W. Villafana, W. Peterson, Nicoletta Meucci, C. Agbo, R. Luksch, F. Fiacco, G. Ponsot, M. Lopez, Howard L. Weiner, M. D. Alonso, K. Petry, Sanjay M. Sisodiya, P. Giustini, S. Tyrdal, R. Poupon, J. Blanke, P. Oubary, A. A. Kruize, H. Trabucchi, R. R. C. Stewart, H. Grehl, B. M. Kulig, V. Vinhas, D. Spagnoli, B. Mahe, J. Tatay, C. Hess, M. D. Albadalejo, G. Birbamer, M. Alonso, F. Valldeoriola, J. Figols, I. Wirguin, E. Diez Tejedor, C. S. Weiller, L.H. van den Berg, P. Barreiro, L. Pianese, S. Cocozza, R. Kohnen, E. Redolfi, F. Faralli, G. Gosztonyl, A. J. Gur, A. Keyser, V. Fichter-Gagnepain, B. Wildemann, E. Omodeo-Zorini, Gregoire, J. Schopohl, F. Fraschini, G. Wunderlich, B. Jakubowska, F. P. Serra, N. B. Jensen, O. Delattre, C. Leno, A. Dario, P. Grafe, F. Graus, M. C. Vigliani, J. L. Dobato, Philip N. Hawkins, R. Marés, A. Rimola, N. Meussi, G. Aimard, W. Hospers, A. M. Robertson, C. Kaplan, W. Lamadé, Karen E. Morrison, Amadio, E. Kieffer, F. Dromer, P. Bernasconi, M. Repeto, Davide Pareyson, Jeremy Rees, A. Guarneri, P. Odin, P. Bouche, L. Nogueira, J. Munoz, L. Leocani, M. J. Arcusa, R. S. J. Frackowiack, John S. Duncan, D. Karacostas, D. Edwin, I. Costa, M. Menetrey, P. Grieb, A. M. Salvan, S. Cunha, P. Merel, P. Pfeiffer, A. Astier, F. Federico, A. Mrabet, M. G. Buzzi, L. Knudsen, I. F. Pye, L. Falqui, C. R. Hornig, C. E. Shaw, C. Brigel, T. C. Britton, R. Codoceo, T. Pampols, Vincent J. Cunningham, N. Archidiacono, G. Chazot, J. B. Posner, L. L. O. Befalo, M. Monclus, C. Cabezas, H. Moser, H. Stodal, J. Ley-Pozo, L. Brusa, R. Di Mascio, P. Giannini, J. Fernandez, R. Santiago Luis, J. Garcia Tigera, J. Wilmink, P. Pignatelli, M. El Amrani, V. Lucivero, M. Baiget, R. Lodi, P. H. Cabre, L. Grande, A. Korczyn, R. Fahlbusch, C. Milanese, W. Huber, J. Susseve, H. C. Nahser, K. Mondrup, X. O. Breakefield, J. Sarria, T. H. Vogt, A. Alessandri, M. Daffertshofer, I. Nelson, M. L. Monticelli, O. Dammann, G. G. Farnarier, G. Felisari, A. Quattrini, A. Boiardi, P. Mazetti, H. Liu, J. Duarte, M. E. Gaunt, H. Strik, N. Yulug, A. Urman, J. Posner, Aida Suarez Gonzalez, Ma. L. Giros, Z. Matkovic, D. Kompf, A. D. Korczyn, A. Steinbrecher, R. Wenzel, M. C. de Rijk, R. Doronzo, J. Julien, O. Hasegawa, M. Kramer, V. Collado-Scidel, M. Alonso de Lecinana, L. Dell'Arciprete, S. Rapuzzi, S. Bahar, H. Willison, M. T. Ramacci, J.J. Martin, Lopez-Bresnahan, C. Malapani, R. Haaxma, T. Rosenberg, J. Patrignani, R. Vichi, Martin R. Farlow, J. Roquer, L. Krols, M. Pimenta, C. Bucka, U. Klose, M. Roberts, J. Salas-Puig, R. Ghnassia, A. Mercuri, C. Maltempo, I. Tournev, P. Homeyer, D. Caparros-Lefevre, E. P. O. Sullivan, T. Vashadze, Ph. Lyrer, A. Deltoro, H. Kondo, M. Steinling, A. Graham, G. C. Miescher, A. Pace, D. Branca, G. Avello, H. H. Kornhuber, D. Fernandes, H. Friedrich, R. Chorao, H. O. Lüders, R. T. Bax, J. A. Macias, N. Yilmaz, J. Veroust, M. Miller, S. Confort-Gouny, J. L. Sastre, D. Servello, G. Boysen, S. Koeppen, V. Planté-Bordeneuve, H. Albrecht, R. H. M. King, G. Orkodashili, R. Doornbos, H. Toyooka, V. Larrue, M. Sabatelli, K. Williams, M. Stevens, V. Maria, M. Comabella, C. Lammers, R. M. L. Poublon, E. Tizzano, P. Pazzaglia, F. Zoeller, M. B. Delisle, J. P. Goument, J. M. Minderhoud, A. Sghirlanzoni, V. Meininger, M. Al Deeb, C. Bertelt, A. Cagni, A. Algra, F. Morales, K. A. Flugel, M. Maidani, M. Noya, Z. Seidl, U. Roelcke, D. Cannata, E. Katiane EmbiruÇu, E. M. Wicklein, K. Willmes, L. Hanoglu, J. F. Pellissier, Yves Agid, E. Cuadrado, S. Brock, D. Maimone, Z. G. Nadareishvili, E. Matta, S. Hilmi, V. Assuerus, F. Lomena, R. Springer, F. Cabrera-Valdivia, Oscar L. Lopez, M. Casazza, F. Vivancos, Ralf Gold, T. Crawford, B. Moulard, M. Poisson, W. l. McDonald, D. E. Grobbe, Alan Connelly, H. Ozcan, S. Abeta, H. Severo Ochoa, A. C. van Loenen, E. Libson, M. J. Marti, B. George, C. Ferrarese, B. Jacobs, L. Divano, T. Ben-Hur, A. L. Bootsma, V. Martinez, A. Conti, R. P. Maguire, B. Schmidt, D. M. Campos, D. A. Guzman, E. Meary, C. Richart, P. B. Christensen, T. Schroeder, Massimo Zeviani, K. Jensen, R. Aliaga, S. Seitz-Dertinger, J. W. Griffin, C. Fryze, H. Baas, S. Braun, A. M. Porrini, B. Yemez, M. J. Sedano, C. Creisson, A. Del Santo, A. Mainz, R. Kay, S. Livraghi, R. de Waal, D. Macgregor, H. Hefter, R. Garghentino, U. Ruotsalainen, M. Matsumoto, M. G. Beaudry, P. M. Morrison, J. C. Petit, C. Walon, Ph. Chemouilli, F. Henderson, R. Massa, A. Cruz Martinez, U. Liska, F. Hecht, Ernst Holler, V. S. de Bruin, B. B. Sheitman, S. M. Bentzen, C. Bayindir, F. Pallesta, P. E. Roland, J. Parrilla, P. Zunker, L. F. Burchinskaya, G. Mellino, S. Ben Ayed, D. Bonneau, P. Nowacki, M. Goncalves, P. Riederer, N. Mavroudakis, J. Togores, L. Rozewicz, S. Robeck, Y. Perez Gilabert, L. Rampello, A. Rogopoulos, S. Martinez, F. Schildermans, C. Radder, P. B. Hedlund, J. Cambier, M. Aabed, G. D. Jackson, P. Gasparini, P. Santacruz, J. Vandevivere, H. Dural, A. Mantel, W. Dorndorf, N. Ediboglu, A. Lofgren, J. Bogousslavsky, P. Thierauf, L. Goullard, R. Maserati, B. Moering, M. Ryba, J. Serra, G. G. Govan, A. Pascual-Leone, S. Schaeffer, M. R. Rosenfeld, A. P. Correia, K. Ray Chaudhuri, L. Campbell, R. Spreafico, B. Genetet, A. M. Tantot, R. A. G. Hughes, J. A. Vidal, G. Erkol, J. Y. Delattre, B. Yaqub, B. K. Hecht, E. Mayayo, Ph. Scheltens, J. Corral, M. Calaf, L. Henderson, C. Y. Li, U. Bogdahn, R. Sanchez-Roy, M. Navasa, J. Ballabriga, G. Broggi, T. Gudeva, C. Rose, J. Vion-Dury, J. A. Gastaut, J. Pniewski, Nicola J. Robertson, G. Kohncke, M. Billot, S. Gok, E. Castellli, F. Denktas, P. Bazzi, F. Spinelli, I. F. Moseley, C. D. Mardsen, B. Barbiroli, O. M. Koriech, A. Miller, Hiroaki Yoshikawa, F. X. Borruat, J. Zielasek, P. Le Coz, J. Pascual, A. Drouet, L. T. Giron, F. Schondube, R. Midgard, M. Alizadeh, M. Liguori, Lionel Ginsberg, L. Harms, C. Tilgner, G. Tognoni, F. Molteni, Mar Tintoré, M. Psylla, C. Goulon-Goeau, M. V. Aguilar, Massimo Filippi, K. H. Mauritz, Thomas V. Fernandez, C. Basset, S. Rossi, P. Meneses, B. Jandolo, T. Locatelli, D. Shechtcr, C. Magnani, R. Ferri, Bruno Dubois, J. M. Warier, S. Berges, F. Idiman, M. Schabet, R. R. Diehl, P. D'aurelio, M. Musior, Reinhard Hohlfeld, P. Smeyers, M. Olivé, A. Riva, C. A. Broere, N. Egund, S. Franceschetti, V. Bonavita, Nicola Canal, E. Timmermans, M. Ruiz, S. Barrandon, G. Vasilaski, B. Deweer, L. Galiano, S. F. T. M. de Bruijn, L. Masana, A. Goossens, B. Heye, K. Lauer, Heinz Gregor Wieser, Stephen R. Williams, B. Garavaglia, A. P. Sempere, F. Grigoletto, P. Poindron, R. Lopez-Pajares, I. Leite, T. A. McNell, C. Caucheteur, J. M. Giron, A. D. Collins, P. Freger, J. Sanhez Del Rio, D. A. Harn, K. Lindner, S. S. Scherer, G. Serve, M. Juncadella, X. Estivill, R. Binkhorst, M. Anderson, B. Tekinsoy, C. Sagan, T. Anastopoulos, G. Japaridze, S. Guillou, F. Erminio, Jon Sussman, P. G. Oomes, D. S. Rust, S. Mascheroni, O. Berger, M. Peresson, K. V. Toyka, T. W. Polder, M. Huberman, B. Arpaci, H. Ramtami, I. Martinez, Ph. Violon, P. P. Gazzaniga Pozzill, R. Ruda, P. Auzou, J. Parker, S. P. Morrissey, Jiahong Zhu, F. Rotondi, P. Baron, W. Schmid, P. Doneda, M. Spadaro, M. C. Nargeot, I. Banchs, J.S.P. van den Berg, R. Ferrai, M. Robotti, M. Fredj, Pedro M. Rodríguez Cruz, B. Erne, D. G. Piepgras, M. C. Arne-Bes, J. Escudero, C. Goetz, A. R. Naylor, M. Hallett, O. Abramsky, E. Bonifacio, L. E. Larsson, R. Pellikka, P. Valalentino, D. Guidetti, B. Buchwald, C. H. Lücking, D. Gauvreau, F. Pfaff, A. Ben Younes-Chennoufi, R. Kiefer, R. Massot, K. A. Hossmann, L. Werdelin, P. J. Baxter, U. Ziflo, S. Allaria, C. D. Marsden, M. Cabaret, S. P. Mueller, E. Calabrese, R. Colao, S. I. Bekkelund, M. Yilmaz, O. Oktem-Tanor, R. Gine, M. E. Scheulen, J. Beuuer, A. Melo, Z. Gulay, M. D. Have, C. Frith, D. Liberati, J. Gozlan, P. Rondot, Ch. Brunholzl, M. Pocchiari, J. Pena, L. Moiola, C. Salvadori, A. Cabello, T. Catarci, S. Webb, C. Dettmers, N. A. Gregson, Alexandra Durr, F. Iglesias, U. Knorr, L. Ferrini-Strambi, F. Kruggel, P. Allard, A. Coquerel, P. Genet, F. Vinuels, C. Oberwittler, A. Torbicki, P. Leffers, B. Renault, B. Fauser, C. Ciano, G. Uziel, J. M. Gibson, F. Anaya, C. Derouesné, C. N. Anagnostou, M. Kaido, W. Eickhoff, G. Talerico, M. L. Berthier, A. Capdevila, M. Alons, D. Rezek, E. Wondrusch, U. Kauerz, D. Mateo, M. A. Chornet, Holon, N. Pinsard, I. Doganer, E. Paoino, H. Strenge, C. Diaz, J. R. Brasic, W. Heide, I. Santilli, W. M. Korn, D. Selcuki, M. J. Barrett, D. Krieger, T. Leon, T. Houallah, M. Tournilhac, C. Nos, D. Chavot, F. Barbieri, F. J. Jimenez-Jimenez, J. Muruzabal, K. Poeck, A. Sennlaub, L. M. Iriarte, L. G. Lazzarino, C. Sanz, P. A. Fischer, S. D. Shorvon, R. Hoermann, F. Delecluse, M. Krams, O. Corabianu, F. H. Hochberg, Christopher J. Mathias, B. Debachy, C. M. Poser, L. Delodovici, A. Jimenez-Escrig, F. Baruzzi, F. Godenberg, D. Cucinotta, P. J. Garcia Ruiz, K. Maier-Hauff, P. R. Bar, R. Mezt, R. Jochens, S. Karakaneva, C. Roberti, E. Caballero, Joseph E. Parisi, M. Zamboni, T. Lacasa, B. Baklan, J. C. Gautier, J. A. Martinez-Matos, W. Pollmann, G. Thomas, L. Verze, E. Chleide, R. Alvarez Sala, I. Noel, E. Albuisson, O. Kastrup, S. I. Rapoport, H. J. Braune, H. Lörler, M. Le Merrer, A. Biraben, S. Soler, S. J. Taagholt, U. Meyding-Lamadé, K. Bleasdale-Barr, Isabella Moroni, Y. Campos, J. Matias-Guiu, G. Edan, M. G. Bousser, John B. Clark, J. Garcia de Yebenes, N. K. Olsen, P. Hitzenberger, S. Einius, Aj Thompson, Ch. J. Vecht, T. Crepin-Leblond, Klaus L. Leenders, A. Di Muzio, L. Georgieva, René Spiegel, K. Sabey, D. Ménégalli, J. Meulstee, U. Liszka, P. Giral, C. Sunol, J. M. Espadaler, A. D. Crockar, K. Varli, G. Giraud, P. J. Hülser, A. Benazzouz, A. Reggio, M. Salvatore, K. Genc, M. Kushnir, S. Barbieri, J. Ph. Azulay, M. Gianelli, N. Bathien, A. AlMemar, F. Hentati, I. Ragueneau, F. Chiarotti, R. C. F. Smits, A. K. Asbury, F. Lacruz, B. Muller, Alan J. Thompson, Gordon Smith, K. Schmidt, C. Daems Monpeun, Juergen Weber, A. Arboix, G. R. Fink, A. M. Cobo, M. Ait Kaci Ahmed, E. Gencheva, Israel-Biet, G. Schlaug, P. De Jonghe, Philip Scheltens, K. Toyka, P. Gonzalez-Porque, A. Cila, J. M. Fernandez, P. Augustin, J. Siclia, S. Medaglini, D. E. Ziogas, A. Feve, L. Kater, G. J. E. Rinkel, D. Leppert, Rüdiger J. Seitz, S. Ried, C. Turc-Carel, G. Smeyers, F. Godinho, M. Czygan, M. Rijntjes, E. Aversa, M. Frigo, Leif Østergaard, J. L. Munoz Blanco, A. Cruz-Matinez, J. De Reuck, C. Theillet, T. Barroso, V. Oikonen, Florence Lebert, M. Kilinc, C. Cordon-Cardon, G. Stoll, E. Thiery, F. Pulcinelli, J. Solski, M. Schmiegelow, L. J. Polman, P. Fernandez-Calle, C. Wikkelso, M. Ben Hamida, M. Laska, E. Kott, W. Sulkowski, C. Lucas, N. M. Bornstein, D. Schmitz, M. W. Lammers, A. de Louw, R. J. S. Wise, P. A. van Darn, C. Antozzi, P. Villanueva, P. H. E. Hilkens, C. Constantin, W. Ricart, A. Wolf, M. Gamba, P. Maguire, Alessandro Padovani, B. M. Patten, Marie Sarazin, H. Ackermann, L. Durelli, S. Timsit, Sebastian Jander, B. W. Scheithauer, G. Demir, J. P. Neau, P. Barbanti, A. Brand, N. AraÇ, V. Fischer-Gagnepain, R. Marchioli, G. Serratrice, C. Maugard-Louboutin, G. T. Spencer, D. Lücke, G. Mainardi, K. Harmant Van Rijckevorsel, G. B. Creel, R. Manzanares, Francesco Fortunato, A. May, J. Workman, K. Johkura, E. Fernandez, Carlo Colosimo, L. Calliauw, L. Bet, Félix F. Cruz-Sánchez, M. Dhib, H. Meinardi, F. Carrara, J. Kuehnen, C. Peiro, H. Lassmann, K. Skovgaard Olsen, A. McDonald, L. Sciulli, A. Cobo, A. Monticelli, B. Conrad, J. Bagunya, J. Benitez, V. Desnizza, B. Dupont, O. Delrieu, D. Moraes, J. J. Heimans, F. Garcia Rio, M. Matsumto, A. Fernandez, R. Nermni, R. Chalmers, M. J. Marchau, F. Aguado, P. Velupillai, P. J. Martin, P. Tassan, V. Demarin, A. Engelien, T. Gerriets, Comar, J. L. Carrasco, J. P. Pruvo, A. Lopez de Munain, D. Pavitt, J. Alarcon, Chris H. Polman, B. Guldin, N. Yeni, Hartmut Brückmann, N. Wilczak, H. Szwed, R. Causaran, G. Kyriazis, M. E. Westarp, M. Gasparini, N. Pecora, J. M. Roda, E. Lang, V. Scaioli, David R. Fish, D. Caputo, O. Gratzl, R. Mercelis, A. Perretti, G. Steimetz, I. Link, C. Rigoletto, A. Catafau, G. Lucotte, M. Buti, G. Fagiolari, A. Piqueras, C. Godinot, J. C. Meurice, Erodriguez J. Dominigo, F. Lionnet, H. Grzelec, David J. Brooks, P. M. G. Munro, F. X. Weilbach, M. Maiwald, W. Split, B. Widjaja-Cramer, V. Ozturk, J. Colas, E. Brizioli, J. Calleja, L. Publio, M. Desi, R. Soffietti, P. Cortinovis-Tourniaire, E. F. Gonano, G. Cavaletti, S. Uselli, K. Westerlind, H. Betuel, C. O. Dhiver, H. Guggenheim, M. Hamon, R. Fazio, P. Lehikoinen, A. Esser, B. Sadzot, G. Fink, Angelo Antonini, D. Bendahan, V. Di Carlo, G. Galardi, A. F. Boller, M. Aksenova, Del Fiore, V. de la Sayette, H. Chabriat, A. Nicoletti, A. Dilouya, M. L. Harpin, E. Rouillet, J. Stam, A. Wolters, M. R. Delgado, Eduardo Tolosa, G. Said, A. J. Lees, L. Rinaldi, A. Schulze-Bonhage, MA Ron, C. Lefebvre, E. W. Radü, R. Alvarez, M. L. Bots, P. Reganati, S. Palazzi, A. Poggi, N. J. Scolding, V. Sazdovitch, T. Moreau, E. Maes, M. A. Estelies, P. Petkova, Jose-Felix Marti-Masso, G De La Meilleure, N. Mullatti, M. Rodegher, N. C. Notermans, T. A. T. Warner, S. Aktan, J. P. Louboutin, L. Volpe, C. Scheidt, W. Aust, C. M. Wiles, U. Schneider, S. K. Braekken, W. R. Willems, K. Usuku, Peter M. Rothwell, C. Talamon, M. L. Sacchetti, A. Codina, M. H. Marion, A. Santoro, J. Roda, A. Bordoni, D. J. Taylor, S. Ertas, H. H. Emmen, J. Vichez, V. BesanÇon, R. E. Passingham, M. L. Malosio, A. Vérier, M. Bamberg, A. W. Hansen, E. Mostacero, G. Gaudriault, Marie Vidailhet, B. Birebent, K. Strijckmans, F. Giannini, T. Kammer, I. Araujo, J. Nowicki, E. Nikolov, A. Hutzelmann, R. Gherardi, J. Verroust, L. Austoni, A. Scheller, A. Vazquez, S. Matheron, H. Holthausen, J. M. Gerard, M. Bataillard, S. Dethy, V. H. Patterson, V. Ivanez, N. P. Hirsch, F. Ozer, M. Sutter, C. Jacomet, M. Mora, Bruno Colombo, A. Sarropoulos, T. H. Papapetropoulos, M. Schwarz, D. S. Dinner, N. Acarin, B. Iandolo, J. O. Riis, P. R. J. Barnes, F. Taroni, J. Kazenwadel, L. Torre, A. Lugaresi, I. L. Henriques, S. Pauli, S. Alfonso, Pedro Quesada, A. S. T. Planting, J. M. Castilla, Thomas Gasser, M. Van der Linden, A. Alfaro, E. Nobile-Orazio, G. Popova, W. Vaalburg, F. G. A. van der Mech, L. Williams, F. Medina, J. P. Vernant, J. Yaouanq, B. Storch-Hagenlocher, A. Potemkowski, R. Riva, M. H. Mahagne, M. Ozturk, Ve. Drory, N. Konic, C. Jungreis, A. Pou Serradell, J. L. Gauvrit, G. J. Chelune, S. Hermandez, T. Dingus, L. Hewer, Ch. Koch, M. N. Metz-Lutz, G. Parlato, M. Sinaki, Charles Pierrot-Deseilligny, H. C. Diener, J. Broeckx, J. Weill-Fulazza, M. L. Villar, M. Rizzo, O. Ganslandt, C. Duran, N. A. Fletcher, G. Di Giovacchino, Susan T. Iannaccone, C. Kolig, N. Fabre, H. A. Crockard, Rita Bella, M. Tazir, E. Papagiannuli, K. Overgaard, Emma Ciafaloni, I. Lorenzetti, F. Viader, P. A. H. Millac, I. Montiel, L. H. Visser, M. Palomar, P. L. Murgia, H. Pedersen, Rafael Blesa, S. Seddigh, W. O. Renier, I. Lemahieu, H. M. L. Jansen, L. Rosin, J. Galofre, K. Mattos, M. Pondal, G. M. Hadjigeorgiou, D. Francis, L. Cantin, D. Stegeman, M. Rango, A. B. M. F. Karim, S. Schraff, B. Castellotti, I. Iriarte, E. Laborde, T. J. Tjan, R. Mutani, D. Toni, B. Bergaasco, J. G. Young, C. Klotzsch, A. Zincone, X. Ducrocq, M. Uchuya, O. J. Kolar, A. Quattrone, T. Bauermann, Nereo Bresolin, J. Vallée, B. C. Jacobs, A. Campos, Werner Poewe, J. A. Villanueva, A. W. Kornhuber, A. Malafosse, E. Diez-Tejedor, G. Jungreia, M. J. A. Puchner, A. Komiyama, O. Saribas, V. Volpini, L. Geremia, S. Bressi, A. Nibbio, Timothy E. Bates, T. z. Tzonev, E. Ideman, G. A. Damlacik, G. Martino, G. Crepaldi, T. Martino, Kjell Någren, E. Idiman, D. Samuel, J. M. Perez Trullen, Y. van der Graaf, J. O. Thorell, M. J. M. Dupuis, E. Sieber, R. D'Alessandro, C. Cazzaniga, J. Faiss, A. Tanguy, A. Schick, I. Hoksergen, A. Cardozo, R. Shakarishvili, G. K. Wennlng, J. L. Marti-Vilalta, J. Weissenbach, I. L. Simone, Amalia C. Bruni, Darius J. Adams, C. Weiller, A. Pietrangeli, F. Croria, C. Vigo-Pelfrey, Patricia Limousin, A. Ducros, G. Conti, O. Lindvall, E. Richter, M. Zuffi, A. Nappo, T. Riise, J. Wijdenes, M. J. Fernandez, J. Rosell, P. Vermersh, S. Servidei, M. S. C. Verdugo, F. Gouttiere, W. Solbach, M. Malbezin, I. S. Watanabe, A. Tumac, W. I. McDonald, D. A. Butterfield, P. P. Costa, F. deRino, F. Bamonti, J. M. Cesar, C. H. Lahoz, I. Mosely, M. Starck, M. H. Lemaitre, K. M. Stephan, S. Tex, R. Bokonjic, I. Mollee, L. Pastena, M. Gutierrez, F. Boiler, M. C. Martinez-Para, M. Velicogna, O. Obuz, A. Grinspan, M. Guarino, L. M. Cartier, E. Ruiz, D. Gambi, S. Messina, M. Villa, Michael G. Hanna, J. Valk, Leone Pascual, M. Clanet, Z. Argov, B. Ryniewicz, E. Magni, B. Berlanga, K. S. Wong, C. Gellera, C. Prevost, F. Gonzalez-Huix, R. Petraroli, J. E. G. Benedikz, I. Kojder, C. Bommelaer, L. Perusse, M. R. Bangioanni, Guy M. McKhann, A. Molina, C. Fresquet, E. Sindern, Florence Pasquier, M. J. Rosas, M. Altieri, O. Simoncini, M. Koutroumanidis, C. A. F. Tulleken, M. Dary-Auriol, S. Oueslati, H. Kruyer, I. Nishisho, C. R. Horning, A. Vital, G. V. Czettritz, J. Ph. Neau, B. Mihout, A. Ameri, M. Francis, S. Quasthoff, D. Taussig, S. Blunt, P. Valentin, C. Y. Gao, O. Heinzlef, H. d'Allens, C. Coudero, M. Erfas, G. Borghero, P. J. Modrego Pardo, M. C. Patrosso, N. L. Gershfeld, P. A. J. M. Boon, O. Sabouraud, M. Lara, J. Svennevig, G. L. Lenzi, A. Barrio, H. Villaroya, JosÇ M. Manubens, O. Boespflug-Tanguy, M. Carreras, D. A. Costiga, J. P. Breux, S. Lynn, C. Oliveras Ley, A. G. Herbaut, J. Nos, C. Tornali, Y. A. Hekster, J. L. Chopard, J. M. Manubens, P. Chemouilli, A. Jovicic, F. Dworzak, S. Smirne, S. E. Soudain, B. Gallano, D. Lubach, G. Masullo, G. Izquierdo, A. Pascual Leone Pascual, A. Sessa, V. Freitas, O. Crambes, L. Ouss, G. W. Van Dijk, P. Marchettini, P. Confalonieri, M. Donaghy, A. Munnich, M. Corbo, and M. E. L. van der Burg
- Subjects
Neurology ,business.industry ,Media studies ,Library science ,Medicine ,Neurology (clinical) ,business - Published
- 1994
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13. Conceptual design of BabyIAXO, the intermediate stage towards the International Axion Observatory
- Author
The IAXO collaboration, A. Abeln, K. Altenmüller, S. Arguedas Cuendis, E. Armengaud, D. Attié, S. Aune, S. Basso, L. Bergé, B. Biasuzzi, P. T. C. Borges De Sousa, P. Brun, N. Bykovskiy, D. Calvet, J. M. Carmona, J. F. Castel, S. Cebrián, V. Chernov, F. E. Christensen, M. M. Civitani, C. Cogollos, T. Dafní, A. Derbin, K. Desch, D. Díez, M. Dinter, B. Döbrich, I. Drachnev, A. Dudarev, L. Dumoulin, D. D. M. Ferreira, E. Ferrer-Ribas, I. Fleck, J. Galán, D. Gascón, L. Gastaldo, M. Giannotti, Y. Giomataris, A. Giuliani, S. Gninenko, J. Golm, N. Golubev, L. Hagge, J. Hahn, C. J. Hailey, D. Hengstler, P. L. Henriksen, T. Houdy, R. Iglesias-Marzoa, F. J. Iguaz, I. G. Irastorza, C. Iñiguez, K. Jakovčić, J. Kaminski, B. Kanoute, S. Karstensen, L. Kravchuk, B. Lakić, T. Lasserre, P. Laurent, O. Limousin, A. Lindner, M. Loidl, I. Lomskaya, G. López-Alegre, B. Lubsandorzhiev, K. Ludwig, G. Luzón, C. Malbrunot, C. Margalejo, A. Marin-Franch, S. Marnieros, F. Marutzky, J. Mauricio, Y. Menesguen, M. Mentink, S. Mertens, F. Mescia, J. Miralda-Escudé, H. Mirallas, J. P. Mols, V. Muratova, X. F. Navick, C. Nones, A. Notari, A. Nozik, L. Obis, C. Oriol, F. Orsini, A. Ortiz de Solórzano, S. Oster, H. P. Pais Da Silva, V. Pantuev, T. Papaevangelou, G. Pareschi, K. Perez, O. Pérez, E. Picatoste, M. J. Pivovaroff, D. V. Poda, J. Redondo, A. Ringwald, M. Rodrigues, F. Rueda-Teruel, S. Rueda-Teruel, E. Ruiz-Choliz, J. Ruz, E. O. Saemann, J. Salvado, T. Schiffer, S. Schmidt, U. Schneekloth, M. Schott, L. Segui, F. Tavecchio, H. H. J. ten Kate, I. Tkachev, S. Troitsky, D. Unger, E. Unzhakov, N. Ushakov, J. K. Vogel, D. Voronin, A. Weltman, U. Werthenbach, W. Wuensch, and A. Yanes-Díaz
- Subjects
Beyond Standard Model ,Dark matter ,CP violation ,Other experiments ,Nuclear and particle physics. Atomic energy. Radioactivity ,QC770-798 - Abstract
Abstract This article describes BabyIAXO, an intermediate experimental stage of the International Axion Observatory (IAXO), proposed to be sited at DESY. IAXO is a large-scale axion helioscope that will look for axions and axion-like particles (ALPs), produced in the Sun, with unprecedented sensitivity. BabyIAXO is conceived to test all IAXO subsystems (magnet, optics and detectors) at a relevant scale for the final system and thus serve as prototype for IAXO, but at the same time as a fully-fledged helioscope with relevant physics reach itself, and with potential for discovery. The BabyIAXO magnet will feature two 10 m long, 70 cm diameter bores, and will host two detection lines (optics and detector) of dimensions similar to the final ones foreseen for IAXO. BabyIAXO will detect or reject solar axions or ALPs with axion-photon couplings down to g aγ ∼ 1.5 × 10 −11 GeV −1, and masses up to m a ∼ 0.25 eV. BabyIAXO will offer additional opportunities for axion research in view of IAXO, like the development of precision x-ray detectors to identify particular spectral features in the solar axion spectrum, and the implementation of radiofrequency-cavity-based axion dark matter setups.
- Published
- 2021
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14. Repercusión de la pandemia por COVID-19 en la formación de los residentes de neurología españoles
- Author
D.M. Cerdán Santacruz, S. Arias Rivas, P. Eguia del Río, F. Escamilla Sevilla, D. Ezpeleta Echávarri, D. García Azorín, S. Gil Navarro, C. Íñiguez Martínez, Á. Lambea Gil, J. Marta Enguita, P. Martínez Agredano, M.T. Martínez de Albéniz Zabaleta, J. Porta Etessam, S. Quintas, and J.M. Laínez Andrés
- Subjects
COVID-19 ,SARS-CoV-2 ,Neurology residency ,Medical specialty training ,Telemedicine ,Neurology. Diseases of the nervous system ,RC346-429 - Abstract
Resumen: Introducción: La pandemia ocasionada por la aparición del SARS-CoV-2, ha transformado la práctica médica, y ha alterado gravemente la formación de los médicos residentes a nivel mundial. Desde la Sociedad Española de Neurología (SEN) se ha querido conocer el grado de repercusión que la COVID-19 ha tenido en el ámbito formativo entre los residentes de neurología. Método: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal mediante el envío de una encuesta por email a todos los residentes de neurología miembros de dicha sociedad. Se incluyeron preguntas relativas a aspectos demográficos, actividad asistencial y repercusión a nivel formativo y personal durante la pandemia, así como su previsión sobre el futuro laboral «post-COVID». Resultados: De 422 encuestas, respondió un total de 152 (36%) residentes, 79 mujeres (52%) y 73 varones (48%). La distribución por año de residencia fue R4: 51 (33,6%), R3: 45 (29,6%), R2: 28 (18,4%) y R1: 28 (18,4%). La actividad de hospitalización se vio alterada en 139 (90,8%) casos. Consideraron que la situación afectaría negativamente a su formación 126 (82,8%) residentes, de los que 99 (64,7%) perdieron rotaciones no recuperables. Manifestaron deseo de alargar el periodo de residencia 101 (66%). Conclusiones: La pandemia ha tenido un gravísimo impacto en todo el sistema sanitario, siendo los médicos en formación uno de los colectivos más afectados. En los residentes de neurología ha provocado notables deficiencias de su actividad formativa y asistencial como consecuencia de la suspensión de rotaciones específicas. Un alto porcentaje manifestó deseo de ampliar el periodo de residencia. Abstract: Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed medical practice and severely disrupted the training of medical residents worldwide. The Spanish Society of Neurology conducted a study to assess its impact on the training of neurology residents in Spain. Methods: We performed a descriptive, cross-sectional study through a survey distributed by e-mail to all neurology residents belonging to the Society. The survey included questions on demographic variables, care activity, and personal and educational impact of the pandemic, as well as respondents’ expectations for the future of their work in the post-pandemic era. Results: Of 422 surveys sent, we received a total of 152 responses (36%); 79 respondents (52%) were women and 73 (48%) were men. By year of residency, 51 respondents (33.6%) were in the fourth year, 45 (29.6%) in the third year, 28 (18.4%) in the second year, and 28 (18.4%) in the first year. A total of 139 respondents (90.8%) reported changes in hospital activity, and 126 (82.8%) considered the situation to have had a negative impact on their training, with 99 (64.7%) having lost non-recoverable rotations. Sixty-six percent of respondents (n=101) expressed a desire to extend their residency period. Conclusions: The pandemic has had an extremely severe impact on all areas of the health system, with trainee physicians being one of the most affected groups. Among neurology residents, the crisis has caused significant shortcomings in their training and clinical activities, through the suspension of specific rotations. A high percentage of respondents wished to extend the residency period.
- Published
- 2021
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15. The vapor pressures, derived enthalpies of sublimation, enthalpies of fusion, and resonance energies of acridine and phenazine
- Author
D.M. McEachern, Oscar Sandoval, and Jose C. Iniguez
- Subjects
Fusion ,Phenazine ,chemistry.chemical_element ,Nitrogen ,Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics ,Standard enthalpy of formation ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Quinoxaline ,chemistry ,Acridine ,Physical chemistry ,General Materials Science ,Sublimation (phase transition) ,Physical and Theoretical Chemistry ,Standard enthalpy change of formation - Abstract
The vapor pressures, enthalpies of sublimation, (21.9 ± 0.6) and (21.6 ± 0.4) kcalth mol−1, and enthalpies of fusion, (4.44 ± 0.09) and (5.00 ± 0.17) kcalth mol−1, were measured for acridine and phenazine, respectively. The sublimation enthalpies were combined with combustion enthalpies of the solids to obtain the standard enthalpies of formation of the ideal-gas phase, (69.9 ± 1.7) and (80.7 ± 1.5) kcalth mol−1. From these and other data an accurate estimate of the ideal-gas standard enthalpy of formation of quinoxaline, (62.7 ± 1.0) kcalth mol−1, was obtained. Resonance energies obtained by several methods for selected aromatic compounds containing nitrogen are compared.
- Published
- 1975
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16. Lambing Date and Lamb Production of Spring-Mated Rambouillet, Dorset and Finnsheep Ewes and Their F1 Crosses1
- Author
Okeyo A. Mwai, G. E. Bradford, and L. C. Iniguez
- Subjects
Litter (animal) ,Heterosis ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Domestic sheep reproduction ,Group ii ,Fertility ,General Medicine ,Biology ,Crossbreed ,Animal science ,Genetics ,Seasonal breeder ,Animal Science and Zoology ,Reproduction ,Food Science ,media_common - Abstract
The reproductive performance of 255 Rambouillet (R), Dorset (D), Finnsheep (F) and F1 ewes born in 1978-1979 (group I) and 1979-1980 (group II) and managed in a semiconfinement fall/winter lambing system was evaluated through 4 yr of age of all ewes and through 5 yr for a portion of group I ewes. Ewes were with rams from approximately May 1 to late September each year, with a 2-wk break late in July/early August. Traits considered were fertility (ewes lambed/ewes exposed), lambing date, litter size, lamb survivial and 70-d lamb weights. Breeds and crossbred groups differed significantly in lambing date, with DR crossbred ewes earliest and F ewes latest. Repeatabilities for groups I and II were .31 and .22, .24 and .24 and .11 and .07 for lambing date, fertility and litter size, respectively. There was no significant heterosis in lambing date, although DR ewes in both groups I and II were superior to (D + R)/2, by about 1 wk on average. There was significant positive heterosis for fertility and traits of which fertility is a component in FR ewes in group I, but none in group II. The FD ewes showed negative heterosis for litter size, -.23 (P less than .05) for group I and -.09 for group II. The results indicate: F and FD ewes are not well adapted to the Mediterranean climate where this experiment was conducted; there is little, if any, useful heterosis in crosses among these three breeds for lambing date or other reproduction traits and RD and R ewes are most suitable of the groups tested, while late onset of the breeding season limits the usefulness of even 50% Finnsheep ewes for an autumn lambing system in this environment.
- Published
- 1986
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17. Number, diameter and distribution of the rat optic nerve fibers
- Author
J. Carreres, C. Iniguez, J. De Juan, Biotecnología, and Universidad de Alicante. Departamento de Biotecnología
- Subjects
Histology ,Materials science ,Optic nerve ,Rat Optic Nerve ,Quantitative Biology::Tissues and Organs ,Nerve fibers ,Cell Count ,Nerve fiber ,Fiber measurement ,Biología Celular ,law.invention ,Nerve Fibers ,law ,Mathematics::Category Theory ,Electron microscopy ,medicine ,Animals ,Quantitative Biology::Neurons and Cognition ,Morphometry ,Optic Nerve ,Anatomy ,Rats ,Microscopy, Electron ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Rat ,Electron microscope ,Optic microscopy ,Biomedical engineering - Abstract
Light- and electron-microscopic methods for nerve fiber counting and diameter measuring are described. These methods were applied to the rat optic nerve. Differences between light- and electron-microscopic results are shown. Coincidences and divergences with the current literature data are discussed.
- Published
- 1978
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18. Errores en el procedimiento del bloqueo epidural
- Author
P. Murad, A. Baltazar, M.E. Zabala, C. Iñiguez, E. Martínez, and J. Mattanó
- Subjects
Bloqueo epidural ,Errores ,Experiencia ,Radiculopatía ,Espinal ,Medical physics. Medical radiology. Nuclear medicine ,R895-920 - Abstract
Objetivo: Presentar en una serie de casos los posibles errores técnicos durante el bloqueo epidural, ya que se pueden prevenir y corregir durante el procedimiento. Materiales y métodos: Se evaluaron retrospectivamente, entre enero de 2013 y abril de 2014, 118 pacientes con dolor lumbar y/o radicular tratados con antiinflamatorio/analgésico mínimamente invasivo mediante una inyección selectiva guiada por tomografía computada (TC) en el espacio epidural. En todos los casos se utilizó una aguja espinal 21 G, y se inyectó esteroide de depósito (betametasona 3 mg) y anestésicos (lidocaína 1 ml al 2% + bupivacaína 0,5 ml al 0,5%) o solo esteroide en los pacientes con sospecha de duramadre perforada. Se seleccionaron únicamente aquellos casos en los que hubo errores de técnica durante el procedimiento. Resultados: Cinco pacientes (4,23%) tuvieron complicaciones técnicas durante el bloqueo epidural. Estas se observaron luego de una inadecuada posición del extremo de la aguja (perforación de la duramadre y falta de acceso al espacio epidural) y se objetivaron por la aspiración directa del líquido cefalorraquídeo (LCR) o por la disposición del aire, utilizado como trazador antes de la inyección del medicamento. Los errores se detectaron y corrigieron con rapidez, sin mayores inconvenientes ni necesidad de tratamientos complementarios. Conclusión: El bloqueo epidural es una práctica frecuentemente usada en el manejo del dolor lumbar crónico. Los errores técnicos y las complicaciones del procedimiento son poco comunes, pero para su manejo y posterior corrección es importante conocerlos y contar con un médico experimentado.
- Published
- 2015
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19. Influencia del aditivo Roughage Mate ® en dosis crecientes sobre actividad uterina y ovárica en vacas lecheras criadas al pastoreo durante el período de transición
- Author
A. Guallpa, Juan Garzón, Andrés Galarza, and C. Íñiguez
- Subjects
Science (General) ,Q1-390 ,Social sciences (General) ,H1-99 - Abstract
INTRODUCCIÓN La producción lechera y sus sistemas de alimentación, a base de pastoreo, en el austro ecuatoriano (sierra sur) se encuentran ante una problemática de importancia debido a los efectos de las alteraciones del tipo nutricional, metabólico y reproductivo que se presentan durante el periodo de transición. La vaca lechera, en el periodo de transición, enfrenta un gran desafío metabólico asociado a desequilibrios homeostáticos, siendo las características más importantes la disminución del consumo de materia seca y el balance energético negativo (BEN), causados por el aumento progresivo de la producción de leche hacia el pico de lactancia (Chapinal, Carson, Le Blanc, Leslie, Godden et al 2012). En lo referente a prácticas de nutrición en rumiantes, Ipek (2012) propone una modificación mediante la suplementación de aditivos para piensos, con propiedades antioxidantes, que mitiguen los efectos nocivos de estrés oxidativo y tenga un impacto beneficioso sobre el comportamiento productivo y reproductivo de las vacas lecheras. Es probable que los factores dietéticos tales como los antioxidantes y el balance de energía positivo sean importantes para la función de neutrófilos y la respuesta inmune (Garzón et al 2017). En los rumiantes, las bacterias ruminales requieren cobalto para producir vitaminas B12 y ácidos grasos volátiles (Asimbaya & Fernando, 2014). La endometritis subclínica (ES) está asociada con una involución uterina tardía y afecta negativamente algunos índices reproductivos (Rutter, 2015), entre ellos una reducción de la tasa de concepción (TC) presentando un 53% en vacas con ES y del 47% de las vacas sin ES (Maurino, Bernardi, Rinaudo, & Marini, 2012). En consecuencia, esta investigación fue dirigida a investigar si el aditivo Roughage MateÒ, en dosis crecientes, influye sobre la involución uterina, salud uterina y retorno de la actividad ovárica en vacas lecheras criadas al pastoreo durante el período de transición en la provincia de Cañar en Ecuador.
- Published
- 2017
20. Enthalpies of combustion and sublimation and vapor pressures of three benzoquinolines
- Author
Jose C. Iniguez, Hector C. Ornelas, and Douglas M. McEachern
- Subjects
Vapor pressure ,Chemistry ,General Chemical Engineering ,Vapour pressure of water ,Thermodynamics ,Sublimation (phase transition) ,General Chemistry ,Combustion - Published
- 1975
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21. Psicosis epiléptica periictal, una causa de psicosis reversible
- Author
C. González Mingot, M.P. Gil Villar, D. Calvo Medel, T. Corbalán Sevilla, L. Martínez Martínez, C. Iñiguez Martínez, S. Santos Lasaosa, and J.A. Mauri Llerda
- Subjects
Neurology. Diseases of the nervous system ,RC346-429 - Abstract
Resumen: Introducción: Las psicosis epilépticas se dividen respecto de su relación con las crisis en periictales e interictales. Las psicosis periictales tienen una estrecha relación temporal con las crisis epilépticas y ocurren antes (preictales), durante (ictales) o después de las mismas (postictales). Generalmente, tienen un inicio y final agudo, corta duración y una remisión completa, con riesgo de recurrencia. Las psicosis interictales o crónicas no guardan relación temporal con las crisis epilépticas. Existe otro tipo de psicosis epilépticas que se relaciona con la respuesta al tratamiento de la epilepsia: psicosis epiléptica por fenómeno de normalización forzada (psicosis alternativa) y dentro de esta se encuentra la psicosis epiléptica secundaria a cirugía de la epilepsia. Aunque se ha generalizado la combinación de antiepilépticos y neurolépticos para su manejo, no existen unas pautas estandarizadas de tratamiento en las psicosis epilépticas. Casos clínicos: Presentamos 5 casos de psicosis epilépticas periictales y remarcamos la excelente respuesta al tratamiento con levetiracetam. Consiguiendo un buen control tanto de las crisis como de los episodios psicóticos. Este fármaco resultó inocuo al asociarlo con neurolépticos en nuestros pacientes y no se precisaron dosis elevadas de estos últimos. Conclusiones: La diferenciación de los estados psicóticos asociados con la epilepsia según la relación temporal con las crisis epilépticas tiene utilidad clínica y pronóstica, dado que aporta aspectos importantes respecto al tratamiento y a la evolución de la enfermedad. El tratamiento de los trastornos mentales periictales o agudos se basa en el control de las crisis epilépticas, mientras que el tratamiento de los interictales o crónicos guarda más similitud con el de los trastornos de origen puramente psiquiátrico. El control estricto de las crisis puede, además de mejorar la calidad de vida del paciente y su discapacidad, prevenir el desarrollo de una psicosis interictal, por lo que consideramos que sería necesario establecer un protocolo de tratamiento para estos casos. Abstract: Introduction: Epileptic psychoses are categorised as peri-ictal and interictal according to their relationship with the occurrence of seizures. There is a close temporal relationship between peri-ictal psychosis and seizures, and psychosis may present before (preictal), during (ictal) or after seizures (postictal). Epileptic psychoses usually have acute initial and final phases, with a short symptom duration and complete remission with a risk of recurrence. There is no temporal relationship between interictal or chronic psychosis and epileptic seizures. Another type of epileptic psychosis is related to the response to epilepsy treatment: epileptic psychosis caused by the phenomenon of forced normalisation (alternative psychosis), which includes epileptic psychosis secondary to epilepsy surgery. Although combination treatment with antiepileptic and neuroleptic drugs is now widely used to manage this condition, there are no standard treatment guidelines for epileptic psychosis. Clinical cases: We present 5 cases of peri-ictal epileptic psychosis in which we observed an excellent response to treatment with levetiracetam. Good control was achieved over both seizures and psychotic episodes. Levetiracetam was used in association with neuroleptic drugs with no adverse effects, and our patients did not require high doses of the latter. Conclusions: Categorising psychotic states associated with epilepsy according to their temporal relationship with seizures is clinically and prognostically useful because it provides important information regarding disease treatment and progression. The treatment of peri-ictal or acute mental disorders is based on epileptic seizure control, while the treatment of interictal or chronic disorders has more in common with managing disorders which are purely psychiatric in origin. In addition to improving the patient's quality of life and reducing disability, achieving strict control over seizures may also prevent the development of interictal psychosis. For this reason, we believe that establishing a treatment protocol for such cases is necessary. Palabras clave: Epilepsia, Crisis, Levetiracetam, Periictal, Psicosis, Psicosis epiléptica, Keywords: Epilepsy, Seizure, Levetiracetam, Peri-ictal, Psychosis, Epileptic psychosis
- Published
- 2013
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22. Epileptic peri-ictal psychosis, a reversible cause of psychosis
- Author
C. González Mingot, M.P. Gil Villar, D. Calvo Medel, T. Corbalán Sevilla, L. Martínez Martínez, C. Iñiguez Martínez, S. Santos Lasaosa, and J.A. Mauri Llerda
- Subjects
Neurology. Diseases of the nervous system ,RC346-429 - Abstract
Introduction: Epileptic psychoses are categorised as peri-ictal and interictal according to their relationship with the occurrence of seizures. There is a close temporal relationship between peri-ictal psychosis and seizures, and psychosis may present before (preictal), during (ictal) or after seizures (postictal). Epileptic psychoses usually have acute initial and final phases, with a short symptom duration and complete remission with a risk of recurrence. There is no temporal relationship between interictal or chronic psychosis and epileptic seizures. Another type of epileptic psychosis is related to the response to epilepsy treatment: epileptic psychosis caused by the phenomenon of forced normalisation (alternative psychosis), which includes epileptic psychosis secondary to epilepsy surgery. Although combination treatment with antiepileptic and neuroleptic drugs is now widely used to manage this condition, there are no standard treatment guidelines for epileptic psychosis. Clinical cases: We present 5 cases of peri-ictal epileptic psychosis in which we observed an excellent response to treatment with levetiracetam. Good control was achieved over both seizures and psychotic episodes. Levetiracetam was used in association with neuroleptic drugs with no adverse effects, and our patients did not require high doses of the latter. Conclusions: Categorising psychotic states associated with epilepsy according to their temporal relationship with seizures is clinically and prognostically useful because it provides important information regarding disease treatment and progression. The treatment of peri-ictal or acute mental disorders is based on epileptic seizure control, while the treatment of interictal or chronic disorders has more in common with managing disorders which are purely psychiatric in origin. In addition to improving the patient's quality of life and reducing disability, achieving strict control over seizures may also prevent the development of interictal psychosis. For this reason, we believe that establishing a treatment protocol for such cases is necessary. Resumen: Introducción: Las psicosis epilépticas se dividen respecto de su relación con las crisis en periictales e interictales. Las psicosis periictales tienen una estrecha relación temporal con las crisis epilépticas y ocurren antes (preictales), durante (ictales) o después de las mismas (postictales). Generalmente, tienen un inicio y final agudo, corta duración y una remisión completa, con riesgo de recurrencia. Las psicosis interictales o crónicas no guardan relación temporal con las crisis epilépticas. Existe otro tipo de psicosis epilépticas que se relaciona con la respuesta al tratamiento de la epilepsia: psicosis epiléptica por fenómeno de normalización forzada (psicosis alternativa) y dentro de esta se encuentra la psicosis epiléptica secundaria a cirugía de la epilepsia. Aunque se ha generalizado la combinación de antiepilépticos y neurolépticos para su manejo, no existen unas pautas estandarizadas de tratamiento en las psicosis epilépticas. Casos clínicos: Presentamos 5 casos de psicosis epilépticas periictales y remarcamos la excelente respuesta al tratamiento con levetiracetam. Consiguiendo un buen control tanto de las crisis como de los episodios psicóticos. Este fármaco resultó inocuo al asociarlo con neurolépticos en nuestros pacientes y no se precisaron dosis elevadas de estos últimos. Conclusiones: La diferenciación de los estados psicóticos asociados con la epilepsia según la relación temporal con las crisis epilépticas tiene utilidad clínica y pronóstica, dado que aporta aspectos importantes respecto al tratamiento y a la evolución de la enfermedad. El tratamiento de los trastornos mentales periictales o agudos se basa en el control de las crisis epilépticas, mientras que el tratamiento de los interictales o crónicos guarda más similitud con el de los trastornos de origen puramente psiquiátrico. El control estricto de las crisis puede, además de mejorar la calidad de vida del paciente y su discapacidad, prevenir el desarrollo de una psicosis interictal, por lo que consideramos que sería necesario establecer un protocolo de tratamiento para estos casos. Keywords: Epilepsy, Seizure, Levetiracetam, Peri-ictal, Psychosis, Epileptic psychosis, Palabras clave: Epilepsia, Crisis, Levetiracetam, Periictal, Psicosis, Psicosis epiléptica
- Published
- 2013
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- Author
- Subjects
General Medicine - Published
- 1975
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24. Lambing date and lamb production of spring-mated Rambouillet, Dorset and Finnsheep ewes and their F1 crosses
- Author
L C, Iniguez, G E, Bradford, and O A, Mwai
- Subjects
Male ,Sheep ,Species Specificity ,Pregnancy ,Climate ,Animals ,Pregnancy, Animal ,Female ,Seasons ,California ,Crosses, Genetic - Abstract
The reproductive performance of 255 Rambouillet (R), Dorset (D), Finnsheep (F) and F1 ewes born in 1978-1979 (group I) and 1979-1980 (group II) and managed in a semiconfinement fall/winter lambing system was evaluated through 4 yr of age of all ewes and through 5 yr for a portion of group I ewes. Ewes were with rams from approximately May 1 to late September each year, with a 2-wk break late in July/early August. Traits considered were fertility (ewes lambed/ewes exposed), lambing date, litter size, lamb survivial and 70-d lamb weights. Breeds and crossbred groups differed significantly in lambing date, with DR crossbred ewes earliest and F ewes latest. Repeatabilities for groups I and II were .31 and .22, .24 and .24 and .11 and .07 for lambing date, fertility and litter size, respectively. There was no significant heterosis in lambing date, although DR ewes in both groups I and II were superior to (D + R)/2, by about 1 wk on average. There was significant positive heterosis for fertility and traits of which fertility is a component in FR ewes in group I, but none in group II. The FD ewes showed negative heterosis for litter size, -.23 (P less than .05) for group I and -.09 for group II. The results indicate: F and FD ewes are not well adapted to the Mediterranean climate where this experiment was conducted; there is little, if any, useful heterosis in crosses among these three breeds for lambing date or other reproduction traits and RD and R ewes are most suitable of the groups tested, while late onset of the breeding season limits the usefulness of even 50% Finnsheep ewes for an autumn lambing system in this environment.
- Published
- 1986
25. Postnatal development of microtubules and neurofilaments in the rat optic nerve: a quantitative study
- Author
J. Carreres, C. Iniguez, Nicolás Cuenca, Eduardo Fernández, and J. De Juan
- Subjects
Neurofilament ,Rat Optic Nerve ,Axonal caliber ,General Neuroscience ,Intermediate Filaments ,Nerve fiber ,Optic Nerve ,Rats, Inbred Strains ,Anatomy ,Biology ,Optic nerve maturation ,Microtubules ,Axons ,Cell biology ,Rats ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Animals, Newborn ,Microtubule ,medicine ,General pattern ,Animals ,sense organs ,Cytoskeleton ,Myelin Sheath - Abstract
In this paper the postnatal changes in the cytoskeleton of the rat optic nerve fibers are described and quantified. These changes are also compared with other parameters such as myelination and axonal caliber with the aim of describing a general pattern of optic nerve maturation from a morphological point of view. The results showed that during the first postnatal week microtubules outnumbered neurofilaments but between days 8 and 20 the neurofilaments rapidly increased and on day 20 were about twice as numerous as microtubules. This proportion remained almost unaltered from the end of the third weak to the 44th postnatal day. The comparison with other parameters suggested that the cytoskeleton, and in particular the proportion between its components, may be a more reliable index for measuring optic nerve maturation than other variables commonly used.
- Published
- 1987
26. Comparación de dos métodos en el análisis del efecto a corto plazo de la contaminación atmosférica en la salud Comparison of two methods in the analysis of the short-term effect of air pollution on health
- Author
C. Iñíguez, S. Pérez-Hoyos, F. Ballester, and M. Sáez
- Subjects
Series temporales ,Modelo aditivo generalizado ,Modelo lineal generalizado ,Contaminación atmosférica ,Time series ,Generalized linear model ,Generalized additive model ,Ar pollution ,Public aspects of medicine ,RA1-1270 - Abstract
Objetivo: Se comparan dos metodologías para el análisis de la relación entre contaminación atmosférica y salud. Una de las metodologías (ME) está basada en el modelo lineal generalizado, mientras que la otra (MN) incorpora el modelo aditivo generalizado (GAM). Aparte del modelo estadístico utilizado, las dos metodologías presentan discrepancias adicionales en cuanto al tipo y número de variables empleadas en el control de la confusión. Método: Se realizó un análisis para cada retardo de humos negros (de 0 a 5) y diversos indicadores de salud con datos relativos a la ciudad de Valencia y siguiendo ambas metodologías. Los resultados obtenidos se compararon mediante el examen de la secuencia y retardo de mayor efecto, el cálculo de la razón de las amplitudes de los intervalos de confianza y el cálculo de la diferencia porcentual en las estimaciones. Resultados: El cambio en los resultados según la metodología fue pequeño. La forma de la secuencia y, en general, el retardo de mayor efecto permanecieron invariables. Los coeficientes se mantuvieron estables (la diferencia porcentual de MN metodológicas con respecto a ME no superó el 10%) y los intervalos de confianza resultaron más precisos con MN, aunque la disminución de la amplitud de los intervalos de confianza no fue drástica (la razón de amplitudes se situó en torno al 90%). Conclusiones: La escasa variación de los resultados ofrece garantías en cuanto a la aplicabilidad de ambas metodologías, MN y ME, si bien la reducción sistemática del error estándar con MN apoya el uso de este último método como el procedimiento más eficiente en el control de la confusión.Objective: We compare two methods to analyse the relationship between air pollution and health. One of them (ME) is based on a generalized linear model, while the other one (MN) incorporates a generalized additive model (GAM). Besides the statistical model used, both methods schow additional discrepancies for the type and number of variables used in the control of confounding. Method: An analysis was carried out for each lag of black smoke (0 to 5) and several health indicators from the city of Valencia (Spain) following both methods. Results were compared examining the sequence and the lag of the higher coefficient. The ratio between confidence intervals width and the percent difference in the estimates were also obtained. Results: The discrepancies in results according to the methodology were small. The sequence shaped and the lag of higher coefficient generally remained invariant. Coefficients were similar (percent difference of MN over ME was not greater than 10%). Confidence intervals were more precise for MN, although the reduction was not very strong (the width ratio was around 90%). Conclusions: The short variation of the results guarantees the applicability of both MN and ME methods, although the systematic reduction of the standard error of MN supports its use as a more efficient procedure to control for confounding.
- Published
- 2003
27. Contaminación atmosférica por partículas y salud en Valencia, 1994-1996 Particulate air pollution and health in Valencia [Spain] 1994-1996
- Author
F. Ballester, C. Iñiguez, S. Pérez-Hoyos, and J.M. Tenías
- Subjects
Contaminación atmosférica ,Partículas en suspensión ,Mortalidad ,Ingresos hospitalarios ,Visitas a urgencias ,Enfermedades circulatorias ,Asma ,EPOC ,Series temporales ,Air pollution ,Suspended particles ,Mortality ,Hospital admissions ,Emergency visits ,Cardiovascular diseases ,Asthma ,COPD ,Time series ,Public aspects of medicine ,RA1-1270 - Abstract
Objetivo: Estimar la asociación a corto plazo entre los valores de contaminación atmosférica por partículas en suspensión y diferentes indicadores de morbilidad y mortalidad en la ciudad de Valencia. Métodos: Estudio ecológico de series temporales en el que se relacionan las variaciones diarias en los valores de contaminación atmosférica por humos negros e indicadores de mortalidad, ingresos hospitalarios y visitas a urgencias en la ciudad de Valencia, durante el período 1994-1996. La magnitud de la asociación se estimó mediante regresión autorregresiva de Poisson utilizando modelos aditivos generalizados. Se examinó la forma de la relación, el efecto retardado de la contaminación y la posible modificación de efecto por otros contaminantes o períodos del año. Resultados: Existe una asociación significativa entre los valores de partículas en suspensión y varios indicadores analizados en Valencia. La forma de dicha relación es lineal. Un incremento de 10 μg/m³ en los valores diarios de humos negros se asoció con un incremento del 1,8% (intervalo de confianza [IC] del 95%, 0,9-2,7%) en el número de defunciones del día siguiente. El mismo incremento en la contaminación se asoció con un aumento del 1,5% (0,1-2,8%) en las defunciones por causa circulatoria, en un 1,3% (0,0-2,6%) en los ingresos por causas circulatorias y en un 5,4 (0,6-10,4%) en el número de visitas a urgencias por asma. Esta asociación no está confundida por los valores de otros contaminantes. No se encontró asociación de los humos negros con la mortalidad por enfermedades respiratorias, los ingresos hospitalarios por enfermedades cerebrovasculares ni las visitas a urgencias por enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC). Conclusiones: Este estudio proporciona evidencia de que los valores de partículas en suspensión en Valencia se asocian con las urgencias por asma, los ingresos por enfermedades circulatorias y las defunciones diarias. La asociación encontrada es consistente con los resultados de otros estudios realizados y es coherente con conocimientos recientes sobre los mecanismos fisiopatológicos.Objective: To estimate the short-term association between levels of air pollution due to suspended particulates and several indicators of morbidity and mortality in the city of Valencia, Spain. Methods: We performed an ecological time-series study. Daily levels of air pollution from black smoke were related to indicators of mortality, hospital admissions, and visits to emergency departments in the city of Valencia between 1994 and 1996. The magnitude of the association was estimated through Poisson autoregression using generalized additive models. The form of the relationship, the delayed effect of pollution, and the possible modification of this effect by other pollutants or periods of the year were assessed. Results: A significant association was found between levels of suspended particulates and several of the indicators analyzed in Valencia. The form of this relationship was linear. An increment of 10 μg/m3 in the daily levels of black smoke was associated with an increase of 1.8% (95% confidence interval: 0.9-2.7%) in the number of deaths on the following day. The same increment in pollutant levels was associated with an increase of 1.5% (0.1-2.8%) in deaths from all cardiovascular causes, an increase of 1.3% (0.0-2.6%) in admissions for all cardiovascular diseases and in an increase of 5.4% (0.6-10.4%) in the number of emergency visits for asthma. This association was not confounded by levels of other pollutants. Black smoke was not associated with mortality from respiratory diseases, with hospital admissions for cerebrovascular diseases, or with emergency visits for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Conclusions: This study provides evidence that levels of suspended particles in Valencia are associated with emergency visits for asthma, hospital admissions for cardiovascular diseases, and daily deaths. The association found is consistent with the results of previous studies and fits with recent knowledge of psychopathological mechanisms.
- Published
- 2002
28. Temperature-mortality associations by age and cause: a multi-country multi-city study.
- Author
Scovronick N, Sera F, Vu B, Vicedo-Cabrera AM, Roye D, Tobias A, Seposo X, Forsberg B, Guo Y, Li S, Honda Y, Abrutzky R, de Sousa Zanotti Stagliorio Coelho M, Nascimento Saldiva PH, Lavigne E, Kan H, Osorio S, Kyselý J, Urban A, Orru H, Indermitte E, Jaakkola JJ, Ryti N, Pascal M, Katsouyanni K, Mayvaneh F, Entezari A, Goodman P, Zeka A, Michelozzi P, de'Donato F, Hashizume M, Alahmad B, Zanobetti A, Schwartz J, Hurtado Diaz M, De La Cruz Valencia C, Rao S, Madureira J, Acquaotta F, Kim H, Lee W, Iniguez C, Ragettli MS, Guo YL, Dang TN, Dung DV, Armstrong B, and Gasparrini A
- Abstract
Background: Heterogeneity in temperature-mortality relationships across locations may partly result from differences in the demographic structure of populations and their cause-specific vulnerabilities. Here we conduct the largest epidemiological study to date on the association between ambient temperature and mortality by age and cause using data from 532 cities in 33 countries., Methods: We collected daily temperature and mortality data from each country. Mortality data was provided as daily death counts within age groups from all, cardiovascular, respiratory, or noncardiorespiratory causes. We first fit quasi-Poisson regression models to estimate location-specific associations for each age-by-cause group. For each cause, we then pooled location-specific results in a dose-response multivariate meta-regression model that enabled us to estimate overall temperature-mortality curves at any age. The age analysis was limited to adults., Results: We observed high temperature effects on mortality from both cardiovascular and respiratory causes compared to noncardiorespiratory causes, with the highest cold-related risks from cardiovascular causes and the highest heat-related risks from respiratory causes. Risks generally increased with age, a pattern most consistent for cold and for nonrespiratory causes. For every cause group, risks at both temperature extremes were strongest at the oldest age (age 85 years). Excess mortality fractions were highest for cold at the oldest ages., Conclusions: There is a differential pattern of risk associated with heat and cold by cause and age; cardiorespiratory causes show stronger effects than noncardiorespiratory causes, and older adults have higher risks than younger adults., Competing Interests: The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest with regard to the content of this report., (Copyright © 2024 The Authors. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. on behalf of The Environmental Epidemiology. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2024
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29. Relation of prenatal and postnatal PM 2.5 exposure with cognitive and motor function among preschool-aged children.
- Author
Whitworth KW, Rector-Houze AM, Chen WJ, Ibarluzea J, Swartz M, Symanski E, Iniguez C, Lertxundi A, Valentin A, González-Safont L, Vrijheid M, and Guxens M
- Subjects
- Pregnancy, Female, Humans, Child, Preschool, Child, Infant, Bayes Theorem, Particulate Matter analysis, Cognition, Environmental Exposure, Air Pollutants analysis, Prenatal Exposure Delayed Effects, Air Pollution
- Abstract
The literature informing susceptible periods of exposure on children's neurodevelopment is limited. We evaluated the impacts of pre- and postnatal fine particulate matter (PM
2.5 ) exposure on children's cognitive and motor function among 1303 mother-child pairs in the Spanish INMA (Environment and Childhood) Study. Random forest models with temporal back extrapolation were used to estimate daily residential PM2.5 exposures that we averaged across 1-week lags during the prenatal period and 4-week lags during the postnatal period. The McCarthy Scales of Children's Abilities (MSCA) were administered around 5 years to assess general cognitive index (GCI) and several subscales (verbal, perceptual-performance, memory, fine motor, gross motor). We applied distributed lag nonlinear models within the Bayesian hierarchical framework to explore periods of susceptibility to PM2.5 on each MSCA outcome. Effect estimates were calculated per 5 μg/m3 increase in PM2.5 and aggregated across adjacent statistically significant lags using cumulative β (βcum) and 95% Credible Intervals (95%CrI). We evaluated interactions between PM2.5 with fetal growth and child sex. We did not observe associations of PM2.5 exposure with lower GCI scores. We found a period of susceptibility to PM2.5 on fine motor scores in gestational weeks 1-9 (βcum = -2.55, 95%CrI = -3.53,-1.56) and on gross motor scores in weeks 7-17 (βcum = -2.27,95%CrI = -3.43,-1.11) though the individual lags for the latter were only borderline statistically significant. Exposure in gestational week 17 was weakly associated with verbal scores (βcum = -0.17, 95%CrI = -0.26,-0.09). In the postnatal period (from age 0.5-1.2 years), we observed a window of susceptibility to PM2.5 on lower perceptual-performance (β = -2.42, 95%CrI = -3.37,-1.46). Unexpected protective associations were observed for several outcomes with exposures in the later postnatal period. We observed no evidence of differences in susceptible periods by fetal growth or child sex. Preschool-aged children's motor function may be particularly susceptible to PM2.5 exposures experienced in utero whereas the first year of life was identified as a period of susceptibility to PM2.5 for children's perceptual-performance., Competing Interests: Declaration of competing interest All authors declare they have no actual or potential competing financial interest., (Copyright © 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier GmbH.. All rights reserved.)- Published
- 2024
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30. Prenatal Vitamin D Levels Influence Growth and Body Composition until 11 Years in Boys.
- Author
Sanguesa J, Marquez S, Bustamante M, Sunyer J, Iniguez C, Vioque J, Rodriguez LS, Jimeno-Romero A, Torrent M, Casas M, and Vrijheid M
- Subjects
- Child, Male, Female, Pregnancy, Humans, Overweight epidemiology, Prospective Studies, Vitamins, Cholecalciferol, Body Composition, Vitamin D, Vitamin D Deficiency epidemiology
- Abstract
Background: Gestational vitamin D levels may influence offspring growth and modulate adipogenesis. Findings from prospective studies are inconsistent, and few have evaluated the persistence of these associations into late childhood., Objective: To examine the association between prenatal vitamin D levels and growth and adiposity in late childhood., Methods: We included 2027 mother-child pairs from the INMA birth cohort. 25-hydroxyvitamin D
3 (vitamin D3 ) levels were measured in serum at 13 weeks of pregnancy. Sex- and age-specific body mass index z-scores were calculated at 7 and 11 years, overweight was defined as z-score ≥ 85th percentile, and body fat mass was measured at 11 years. Z-score body mass index (zBMI) trajectories from birth to 11 years were identified using latent class growth analysis., Results: The prevalence of vitamin D3 deficiency (<20 ng/mL) was 17.5%, and around 40% of the children had overweight at both ages. Associations between vitamin D levels and outcomes differed by sex. In boys, maternal vitamin D3 deficient status was associated with higher zBMI, higher fat mass percentage, higher odds of being overweight, and with an increased risk of belonging to lower birth size followed by accelerated BMI gain trajectory. In girls no associations were observed., Conclusion: Our results support a sex-specific programming effect of early pregnancy vitamin D3 levels on offspring body composition into late childhood observed in boys.- Published
- 2023
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31. Susceptible windows of exposure to fine particulate matter and fetal growth trajectories in the Spanish INMA (INfancia y Medio Ambiente) birth cohort.
- Author
Chen WJ, Rector AM, Guxens M, Iniguez C, Swartz MD, Symanski E, Ibarluzea J, Ambros A, Estarlich M, Lertxundi A, Riano-Galán I, Sunyer J, Fernandez-Somoano A, Chauhan SP, Ish J, and Whitworth KW
- Subjects
- Humans, Female, Pregnancy, Particulate Matter toxicity, Particulate Matter analysis, Maternal Exposure adverse effects, Birth Cohort, Bayes Theorem, Cohort Studies, Fetal Development, Fetal Weight, Air Pollutants toxicity, Air Pollutants analysis, Air Pollution adverse effects, Air Pollution analysis
- Abstract
While prior studies report associations between fine particulate matter (PM
2.5 ) exposure and fetal growth, few have explored temporally refined susceptible windows of exposure. We included 2328 women from the Spanish INMA Project from 2003 to 2008. Longitudinal growth curves were constructed for each fetus using ultrasounds from 12, 20, and 34 gestational weeks. Z-scores representing growth trajectories of biparietal diameter, femur length, abdominal circumference (AC), and estimated fetal weight (EFW) during early (0-12 weeks), mid- (12-20 weeks), and late (20-34 weeks) pregnancy were calculated. A spatio-temporal random forest model with back-extrapolation provided weekly PM2.5 exposure estimates for each woman during her pregnancy. Distributed lag non-linear models were implemented within the Bayesian hierarchical framework to identify susceptible windows of exposure for each outcome and cumulative effects [βcum , 95% credible interval (CrI)] were aggregated across adjacent weeks. For comparison, general linear models evaluated associations between PM2.5 averaged across multi-week periods (i.e., weeks 1-11, 12-19, and 20-33) and fetal growth, mutually adjusted for exposure during each period. Results are presented as %change in z-scores per 5 μg/m3 in PM2.5 , adjusted for covariates. Weeks 1-6 [βcum = -0.77%, 95%CrI (-1.07%, -0.47%)] were identified as a susceptible window of exposure for reduced late pregnancy EFW while weeks 29-33 were positively associated with this outcome [βcum = 0.42%, 95%CrI (0.20%, 0.64%)]. A similar pattern was observed for AC in late pregnancy. In linear regression models, PM2.5 exposure averaged across weeks 1-11 was associated with reduced late pregnancy EFW and AC; but, positive associations between PM2.5 and EFW or AC trajectories in late pregnancy were not observed. PM2.5 exposures during specific weeks may affect fetal growth differentially across pregnancy and such associations may be missed by averaging exposure across multi-week periods, highlighting the importance of temporally refined exposure estimates when studying the associations of air pollution with fetal growth., Competing Interests: Declaration of competing interest The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper., (Copyright © 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)- Published
- 2023
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32. Use of Mutagenesis and Functional Screens to Characterize Essential Genes Involved in Lipopolysaccharide Transport.
- Author
Wilson A, Iniguez C, and Ruiz N
- Subjects
- Escherichia coli genetics, Escherichia coli metabolism, Genes, Bacterial, Mutagenesis, Plasmids genetics, Genes, Essential, Lipopolysaccharides metabolism
- Abstract
Structure-function analysis is a powerful strategy to characterize the contribution of specific residues to the biogenesis and function of a protein. This approach requires the characterization of strains that express mutant alleles in the absence of the wild-type protein. When studying nonessential bacterial genes, collections of mutants can be easily constructed by introducing plasmid-encoded alleles of interest into a strain that already lacks the wild-type gene. However, this high-throughput approach is not applicable to studying essential genes since their respective null strains are not viable. While there are several tools currently available to modify essential genes, they can be greatly limited by the amount of effort it takes to build and analyze each mutant strain. Here, we describe a high-throughput system for the rapid structure-function analysis of essential genes involved in lipopolysaccharide transport in Escherichia coli. This method, which can be applied to study any essential gene, relies on the initial construction of a single bacterial strain that can be used to generate and functionally characterize multiple plasmid-encoded alleles in under 24 h. We will discuss the advantages and possible shortcomings of our protocol in comparison to other commonly used methods., (© 2022. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.)
- Published
- 2022
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33. The burden of heat-related mortality attributable to recent human-induced climate change.
- Author
Vicedo-Cabrera AM, Scovronick N, Sera F, Royé D, Schneider R, Tobias A, Astrom C, Guo Y, Honda Y, Hondula DM, Abrutzky R, Tong S, de Sousa Zanotti Stagliorio Coelho M, Saldiva PHN, Lavigne E, Correa PM, Ortega NV, Kan H, Osorio S, Kyselý J, Urban A, Orru H, Indermitte E, Jaakkola JJK, Ryti N, Pascal M, Schneider A, Katsouyanni K, Samoli E, Mayvaneh F, Entezari A, Goodman P, Zeka A, Michelozzi P, de'Donato F, Hashizume M, Alahmad B, Diaz MH, De La Cruz Valencia C, Overcenco A, Houthuijs D, Ameling C, Rao S, Ruscio FD, Carrasco-Escobar G, Seposo X, Silva S, Madureira J, Holobaca IH, Fratianni S, Acquaotta F, Kim H, Lee W, Iniguez C, Forsberg B, Ragettli MS, Guo YLL, Chen BY, Li S, Armstrong B, Aleman A, Zanobetti A, Schwartz J, Dang TN, Dung DV, Gillett N, Haines A, Mengel M, Huber V, and Gasparrini A
- Abstract
Climate change affects human health; however, there have been no large-scale, systematic efforts to quantify the heat-related human health impacts that have already occurred due to climate change. Here, we use empirical data from 732 locations in 43 countries to estimate the mortality burdens associated with the additional heat exposure that has resulted from recent human-induced warming, during the period 1991-2018. Across all study countries, we find that 37.0% (range 20.5-76.3%) of warm-season heat-related deaths can be attributed to anthropogenic climate change and that increased mortality is evident on every continent. Burdens varied geographically but were of the order of dozens to hundreds of deaths per year in many locations. Our findings support the urgent need for more ambitious mitigation and adaptation strategies to minimize the public health impacts of climate change., Competing Interests: Competing interests The authors declare no competing interests.
- Published
- 2021
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34. Mother's education and offspring asthma risk in 10 European cohort studies.
- Author
Lewis KM, Ruiz M, Goldblatt P, Morrison J, Porta D, Forastiere F, Hryhorczuk D, Zvinchuk O, Saurel-Cubizolles MJ, Lioret S, Annesi-Maesano I, Vrijheid M, Torrent M, Iniguez C, Larranaga I, Harskamp-van Ginkel MW, Vrijkotte TGM, Klanova J, Svancara J, Barross H, Correia S, Jarvelin MR, Taanila A, Ludvigsson J, Faresjo T, Marmot M, and Pikhart H
- Subjects
- Asthma etiology, Child, Child, Preschool, Cross-Cultural Comparison, Europe epidemiology, Female, Humans, Male, Maternal Age, Prevalence, Risk Factors, Asthma epidemiology, Educational Status, Mothers psychology, Mothers statistics & numerical data
- Abstract
Highly prevalent and typically beginning in childhood, asthma is a burdensome disease, yet the risk factors for this condition are not clarified. To enhance understanding, this study assessed the cohort-specific and pooled risk of maternal education on asthma in children aged 3-8 across 10 European countries. Data on 47,099 children were obtained from prospective birth cohort studies across 10 European countries. We calculated cohort-specific prevalence difference in asthma outcomes using the relative index of inequality (RII) and slope index of inequality (SII). Results from all countries were pooled using random-effects meta-analysis procedures to obtain mean RII and SII scores at the European level. Final models were adjusted for child sex, smoking during pregnancy, parity, mother's age and ethnicity. The higher the score the greater the magnitude of relative (RII, reference 1) and absolute (SII, reference 0) inequity. The pooled RII estimate for asthma risk across all cohorts was 1.46 (95% CI 1.26, 1.71) and the pooled SII estimate was 1.90 (95% CI 0.26, 3.54). Of the countries examined, France, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands had the highest prevalence's of childhood asthma and the largest inequity in asthma risk. Smaller inverse associations were noted for all other countries except Italy, which presented contradictory scores, but with small effect sizes. Tests for heterogeneity yielded significant results for SII scores. Overall, offspring of mothers with a low level of education had an increased relative and absolute risk of asthma compared to offspring of high-educated mothers.
- Published
- 2017
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35. A systematic review of maternal smoking during pregnancy and fetal measurements with meta-analysis.
- Author
Abraham M, Alramadhan S, Iniguez C, Duijts L, Jaddoe VW, Den Dekker HT, Crozier S, Godfrey KM, Hindmarsh P, Vik T, Jacobsen GW, Hanke W, Sobala W, Devereux G, and Turner S
- Subjects
- Birth Weight, Female, Head embryology, Humans, Pregnancy, Pregnancy Trimester, First, Pregnancy Trimester, Second, Pregnancy Trimester, Third, Fetal Development, Fetal Growth Retardation etiology, Smoking adverse effects, Tobacco Smoke Pollution adverse effects
- Abstract
Background: Maternal smoking during pregnancy is linked to reduced birth weight but the gestation at onset of this relationship is not certain. We present a systematic review of the literature describing associations between maternal smoking during pregnancy and ultrasound measurements of fetal size, together with an accompanying meta-analysis., Methods: Studies were selected from electronic databases (OVID, EMBASE and Google Scholar) that examined associations between maternal smoking or smoke exposure and antenatal fetal ultrasound measurements. Outcome measures were first, second or third trimester fetal measurements., Results: There were 284 abstracts identified, 16 papers were included in the review and the meta-analysis included data from eight populations. Maternal smoking was associated with reduced second trimester head size (mean reduction 0.09 standard deviation (SD) [95% CI 0.01, 0.16]) and femur length (0.06 [0.01, 0.10]) and reduced third trimester head size (0.18 SD [0.13, 0.23]), femur length (0.27 SD [0.21, 0.32]) and estimated fetal weight (0.18 SD [0.11, 0.24]). Higher maternal cigarette consumption was associated with a lower z score for head size in the second (mean difference 0.09 SD [0, 0.19]) and third (0.15 SD [0.03, 0.26]) trimesters compared to lower consumption. Fetal measurements were not reduced for those whose mothers quit before or after becoming pregnant compared to mothers who had never smoked., Conclusions: Maternal smoking during pregnancy is associated with reduced fetal measurements after the first trimester, particularly reduced head size and femur length. These effects may be attenuated if mothers quit or reduce cigarette consumption during pregnancy.
- Published
- 2017
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36. [Knowledge of cerebrovascular disease in the population of Zaragoza].
- Author
Perez-Lazaro C, Santos-Lasaosa S, Velazquez-Benito A, Bellosta-Diago E, Tejero-Juste C, and Iniguez-Martinez C
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Adult, Age Factors, Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Female, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Risk Factors, Sampling Studies, Socioeconomic Factors, Spain, Surveys and Questionnaires, Young Adult, Cerebrovascular Disorders psychology, Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice
- Abstract
Introduction: Acute cerebrovascular disease is a major cause of disability and mortality, with important socio-economic and health impacts. Early stroke care can reduce mortality and improve prognosis. Right now, we can apply treatments in the acute phase, with capacity to reverse the symptoms, but few patients who benefit not reach the hospital soon. One reason for this delay is the lack of recognition of symptoms and poor perception of gravity., Aim: To find out the knowledge of the public about the stroke., Subjects and Methods: The sample analyzed was the population of Sector III of Zaragoza, with random selection. The tool used was a telephone survey structured. We analyzed 583 surveys., Results: 63.5% of respondents did not know any symptoms of stroke. 48% do not know any vascular risk factor. Only 9% recognized at least two symptoms and two risk factors. Regarding the attitude, 56% act properly against 44% who do not. Multivariate analysis showed that the factors more related to knowledge are the cultural level and young age. Living in town, and female, they are associated with the best attitude., Conclusions: Knowledge about stroke is poor, with a low sense of urgency. The factors most associated with the best knowledge are young age and cultural level.
- Published
- 2017
37. [Occipital neuralgia as the first symptom of a hepatocarcinoma].
- Author
Velazquez-Benito A, Bellosta-Diago E, Santos-Lasaosa S, Iniguez-Martinez C, and Perez-Lazaro C
- Subjects
- Headache, Humans, Liver Neoplasms complications, Neck Pain, Neuralgia etiology, Occipital Bone, Liver Neoplasms diagnosis, Neuralgia diagnosis
- Published
- 2016
38. [Study of the diagnostic agreement on headaches between neurology and primary care].
- Author
Santos-Lasaosa S, Vinueza-Buitron PR, Velazquez-Benito A, Iniguez-Martinez C, Larrode-Pellicer P, Lopez Del Val LJ, Mauri-Llerda JA, Sanchez-Valiente S, and Millan-Morales JL
- Subjects
- Adult, Cross-Sectional Studies, Female, Humans, Male, Migraine Disorders, Neurology, Primary Health Care, Headache diagnosis, Neuralgia diagnosis, Referral and Consultation
- Abstract
Introduction: Headache as a symptom is a very common disease and one of the main reasons for consultation in primary care., Aim: To analyze the characteristics of patients referred from primary care to general neurology whose chief complaint was headache and/or neuralgia and diagnostic agreement., Patients and Methods: Cross-sectional study of all patients referred from primary care; demographic/clinical variables were collected and diagnostic hypothesis by primary care and general neurology were compared by determining their agreement., Results: 2,514 were referred from primary care patients (588 of them on a preferential basis); in 378 cases the reason for consultation was headache and/or neuralgia (average 42.46 years; 77.8% female). In 139 patients it was established only a semiological diagnostic and other episodic migraine predominated (49.79%), chronic tension headache (18.41%) and trigeminal neuralgia (12.13%). Since general neurology, the most common diagnoses were, respectively, 33.86%, 24.05% and 18.67%. A compatible kappa coefficient of 0.543 (p < 0.05) with a moderate agreement when considering only those patients referred from primary care to a specific diagnosis was obtained., Conclusions: Headaches are a very common reason for consultation in primary care (15%). The diagnostic agreement is moderate in our health sector so it is necessary to design training programs to help outline the criteria for referral to specialists and improve care for our patients.
- Published
- 2016
39. [A study of sexual function in migraine and cluster headache].
- Author
Bellosta-Diago E, Velazquez-Benito A, Viloria-Alebesque A, Iniguez-Martinez C, and Santos-Lasaosa S
- Subjects
- Case-Control Studies, Cross-Sectional Studies, Humans, Male, Penile Erection, Personal Satisfaction, Surveys and Questionnaires, Cluster Headache physiopathology, Erectile Dysfunction epidemiology, Migraine Disorders physiopathology
- Abstract
Introduction: The sexual erectile dysfunction are common symptoms and many chronic diseases whose diagnosis will determine the therapeutic management of patients., Aim: To assess sexual function in men with migraine or cluster headache (CH) compared with a control group., Subjects and Methods: Cross-sectional study of 34 patients with migraine, 31 patients with CH and 60 control subjects less than 46 years old. Erectile dysfunction was assessed using the International Index of Erectile Dysfunction (IIEF). Emotional state was evaluated using the Beck Depression Inventory., Results: The average score on the IIEF was 68.41 ± 10.09, 64.26 ± 5.73 and 59.33 ± 15.89 in the control group, migraine and CH respectively (p = 0.041) being the significant difference between controls and CH (p = 0.036). In the group of migraine patients, three patients had mild and one moderate erectile dysfunction. In the group of patients with CH, twelve scored in rank of mild erectile dysfunction, and two met the criteria for severe erectile dysfunction (p < 0.05). By analyzing differences in the different domains of IIEF, they were significant in the domain of overall satisfaction (p = 0.015) between the control group and patients with CH (p = 0.012)., Conclusions: In our study we found a higher frequency of and involvement in sexual function in terms of overall satisfaction in patients with migraine and CH. We believe that the evaluation of sexual function in this type of headache should be integrated into our clinical practice.
- Published
- 2016
40. Epidemiologic tools to study the influence of environmental factors on fecundity and pregnancy-related outcomes.
- Author
Slama R, Ballester F, Casas M, Cordier S, Eggesbø M, Iniguez C, Nieuwenhuijsen M, Philippat C, Rey S, Vandentorren S, and Vrijheid M
- Subjects
- Birth Weight drug effects, Causality, Congenital Abnormalities etiology, Environmental Exposure adverse effects, Environmental Exposure analysis, Environmental Pollutants adverse effects, Female, Fertility drug effects, Fetal Membranes, Premature Rupture epidemiology, Fetal Membranes, Premature Rupture etiology, Humans, Patient Outcome Assessment, Pregnancy, Pregnancy Complications etiology, Pregnancy Outcome epidemiology, Premature Birth epidemiology, Premature Birth etiology, Congenital Abnormalities epidemiology, Environmental Exposure statistics & numerical data, Environmental Monitoring methods, Environmental Pollutants analysis, Epidemiologic Research Design, Pregnancy Complications epidemiology, Prenatal Exposure Delayed Effects epidemiology
- Abstract
Adverse pregnancy outcomes entail a large health burden for the mother and offspring; a part of it might be avoided by better understanding the role of environmental factors in their etiology. Our aims were to review the assessment tools to characterize fecundity troubles and pregnancy-related outcomes in human populations and their sensitivity to environmental factors. For each outcome, we reviewed the possible study designs, main sources of bias, and their suggested cures. In terms of study design, for most pregnancy outcomes, cohorts with recruitment early during or even before pregnancy allow efficient characterization of pregnancy-related events, time-varying confounders, and in utero exposures that may impact birth outcomes and child health. Studies on congenital anomalies require specific designs, assessment of anomalies in medical pregnancy terminations, and, for congenital anomalies diagnosed postnatally, follow-up during several months after birth. Statistical analyses should take into account environmental exposures during the relevant time windows; survival models are an appropriate approach for fecundity, fetal loss, and gestational duration/preterm delivery. Analysis of gestational duration could distinguish pregnancies according to delivery induction (and possibly pregnancy-related conditions). In conclusion, careful design and analysis are required to better characterize environmental effects on human reproduction.
- Published
- 2014
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41. Postnatal development of microtubules and neurofilaments in the rat optic nerve: a quantitative study.
- Author
Cuenca N, Fernandez E, de Juan J, Carreres J, and Iniguez C
- Subjects
- Animals, Axons physiology, Myelin Sheath physiology, Optic Nerve anatomy & histology, Optic Nerve physiology, Rats, Inbred Strains, Animals, Newborn growth & development, Cytoskeleton physiology, Intermediate Filaments physiology, Microtubules physiology, Optic Nerve growth & development, Rats growth & development
- Abstract
In this paper the postnatal changes in the cytoskeleton of the rat optic nerve fibers are described and quantified. These changes are also compared with other parameters such as myelination and axonal caliber with the aim of describing a general pattern of optic nerve maturation from a morphological point of view. The results showed that during the first postnatal week microtubules outnumbered neurofilaments but between days 8 and 20 the neurofilaments rapidly increased and on day 20 were about twice as numerous as microtubules. This proportion remained almost unaltered from the end of the third week to the 44th postnatal day. The comparison with other parameters suggested that the cytoskeleton, and in particular the proportion between its components, may be a more reliable index for measuring optic nerve maturation than other variables commonly used.
- Published
- 1987
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