A mixed method by combining modified pole clustering technique and modified cauer continued fraction is proposed for reducing the order of the large-scale dynamic systems. The denominator polynomial of the reduced order model is obtained by using modified pole clustering technique while the coefficients of the numerator are obtained by modified cauer continued fraction. This method generated 'k' number of reduced order models for kth order reduction. The superiority of the proposed method has been elaborated through numerical example taken from the literature and compared with few existing order reduction methods., {"references":["V. Singh, D. Chandra and H. Kar, \"Improved Routh Pade approximants:\nA Computer aided approach\", IEEE Trans. Autom. Control, 49(2), 2004,\npp.292-296.","S.Mukherjee and R.N. Mishra, \"Reduced order modeling of linear\nmultivariable systems using an error minimization technique\", Journal\nof Franklin Inst., 325 (2), 1988., pp.235-245.","Sastry G.V.K.R Raja Rao G. and Mallikarjuna Rao P., \"Large scale\ninterval system modeling using Routh approximants\", Electronic Letters,\n36(8), 2000, pp.768-769.","R. Prasad, \"Pade type model order reduction for multivariable systems\nusing Routh approximation\", Computers and Electrical Engineering, 26,\n2000, pp.445-459.","G. Parmar, S. Mukherjee and R. Prasad, \" division algorithm and eigen\nspectrum analysis\", Applied Mathematical Modelling, Elsevier, 31, 2007,\npp.2542-2552.","C.B. Vishwakarma and R. Prasad, \"Clustering method for reducing\norder of linear system using Pade approximation\" IETE Journal of\nResearch, Vol.54, No. 5, Oct. 2008, pp. 323-327.","C.B. Vishwakarma and R. Prasad, \"Order reduction using the\nadvantages of differentiation method and factor division\", Indian\nJournal of Engineering & Materials Sciences, Niscair, New Delhi, Vol.\n15, No. 6, December 2008, pp. 447-451.","A.K. Sinha, J. Pal, Simulation based reduced order modeling using a\nclustering technique, Computer and Electrical Engg., 16(3), 1990,\npp.159-169.","CB Vishwakarma, \"Order reduction using Modified pole clustering and\npade approximans\", world academy of science, engineering and\nTechnology 80 2011.\n[10] Chen, C. F., and Shieh, L. S 'A novel approach to linear model\nsimplification', Intt. J. Control, 1968,8, pp. 561-570.\n[11] Chaung, S. G. 'Application of continued fraction methods for modeling\ntransfer function to give more accurate initial transient response',\nElectron . Lett., 1970,6, pp. 861-863\n[12] R. Parthasarathy and S. John, \"Cauer continued fraction method for\nmodel reduction,\" Electron. Lett., vol. 17, 1981, pp. 792-793. [13] R. Parthasarathy and S. John, \"State space models using modified Cauer\ncontinued fraction\", Proceedings IEEE (lett.), Vol. 70, No. 3, 1982, pp.\n300-301.\n[14] R. Parthasarathy and S. John, \"System reduction by Routh\napproximation and modified Cauer continued fraction\", Electronic\nLetters, Vol. 15, 1979, pp. 691-692.\n[15] A.K. Mittal, R. Prasad, and S.P. Sharma, \"Reduction of linear dynamic\nsystems using an error minimization technique\", Journal of Institution\nof Engineers IE(I) Journal – EL, Vol. 84, 2004, pp. 201-206.\n[16] J. Pal, \"Stable reduced order Pade approximants using the Routh urwitz\narray\", Electronic Letters , Vol. 15, No.8, 1979, pp. 225-226.\n[17] M. R. Chidambara, \"On a method for simplifying linear dynamic\nsystem\", IEEE Trans. Automat Control, Vol. AC-12, 1967, pp. 119-120.\n[18] L. S. Shieh and Y. J. Wei, \"A mixed method for multivariable system\nreduction\", IEEE Trans. Automat. Control, Vol. AC-20, 1975, pp. 429-\n432\n[19] Bistritz Y. and Shaked U., \"Stable linear systems simplification via pade\napproximation to Hurwitz polynomial\", Transaction ASME, Journal of\nDynamic System Measurement and Control, Vol. 103, 1981, pp. 279-\n284.\n[20] Girish Parmar and Manisha Bhandari, \"Reduced order modelling of\nlinear dynamic systems using eigen spectrum analysis and modified\ncauer continued fraction\" XXXII National Systems Conference, NSC\n2008, December 17-19, 2008.\n[21] R. Prasad and J. Pal, \"Use of continued fraction expansion for stable\nreduction of linear multivariable systems\", Journal of Institution of\nEngineers, India, IE(I) Journal – EL, Vol. 72, 1991, pp. 43-47."]}