ÖZETUnikameral ve anevrizmal kemik kistleri sıklıkla çocukların ve adölesanların kemiklerinde yerleşim gösteren benign tümörlerdir. Her iki lezyonun da çeşitli tedavileri vardır ve yüksek tekrarlama oranına sahiptirler. Unikameral ve anevrizmal kemik kistlerinin tedavisinde; perkütan aspirasyon sonrasında kortikosteroid veya kemik iliği enjeksiyonu, dekompresyon, rezeksiyon, greftleyerek veya greftlemeyerek küretaj veya bunların kombinasyonu gibi çeşitli cerrahi tedavi yöntemleri vardır. Retrospektif olarak 20 unikameral kemik kisti ve 20 anevrizmal kemik kisti olan hastaları inceledik. Unikameral kemik kisti olan hastaların 11'i erkek, 9'u kadın, anevrizmal kemik kisti olan hastaların 12'si erkek, 8'i kadındı. Unikameral kemik kisti olan hastaların yaş ortalaması 19, 80 yıl (4-50) ve kemik kisti olan hastaların yaş ortalaması 21, 76 yıl (4-56) idi. Unikameral kemik kistli 17 hastaya küretaj sonrasında greftleme, 2 hastaya perkütan aspirasyon sonrası kortikosteroid injeksiyonu, 1 hastaya küretaj sonrası kemik çimentosu uygulaması yapıldı. Anevrizmal kemik kistli 14 hastaya küretaj sonrasında greftleme, 1 hastaya perkütan aspirasyon sonrası kortikosteroid injeksiyonu, 1 hasta küretaj sonrası kemik çimetosu uygulaması, 1 hasta küretaj sonrası kemik dolgu materyali, 3 hasta rezeksiyon ile tedavisi uygulandı. Ortalama takip süremiz 36 aydı (6-60).Toplam 10 nüks görülürken, bunların 5 tanesi unikameral kemik kistli ve 5 tanesi de anevrizmal kemik kistli hastalardı. Unikameral kemik kisti olan 4 nüks hastasına küretaj sonrası greftleme ve 1 tanesine de perkütan aspirasyon sonrası kortikosteroid uygulanmıştı. Anevrizmal kemik kistli 3 nüks hastasına küretaj sonrası greftleme, 1 tanesine perkütan aspirasyon sonrası kortikosteroid ve 1 tanesine de rezeksiyon uygulanmıştı.Unikameral ve anevrizmal kemik kistleri kemiğin benign lezyonlarıdır. Genelde cerrahi tedavi ile iyi sonuçlar elde edilir. Ancak, her iki lezyonun da yüksek tekrarlama sıklığı vardır. Bu yüzden hastalar ilk yıl 3 ayda bir, ikinci yıl 6 ayda bir ve sonrasında yılda bir takip edilmelidirler. Anahtar Kelimeler: Unikameral ve anevrizmal kemik kisti, cerrahi tedavi, nüks. ABSTRACT SURGICAL RESULTS IN PATIENTS WITH UNICAMERAL AND ANEURYSMAL BONE CYSTSUnicameral and aneurysmal bone cyts are benign tumours which most often located in bones of children and adolescents. These lesions have different treatment options with high recurrence rates. Unicameral and aneurysmal bone cysts have different options for surgical treatment include percutaneous aspiration with injection of corticosteroids or bone narrow, decompression, resection, curretage with or without bone grafting or combinations of these options. We performed a retrospectif analysis of 20 patients with unicaneral bone cysts and 20 patients with aneurysmal bone cysts. 11 of patients were male and 9 of them were female in unicameral bone cysts and 12 of patients were male and 8 of them were female in aneurysmal bone cysts. The mean age of unicameral bone cysts was 19, 80 years (4-50) and the mean age of aneurysmal bone cysts was 21, 76 yesrs (4-56). 17 of the patients with unicameral bone cysts were terated by curretage and grafting, 2 of the patients were terated by percutaneous aspiration with injection of corticosteroids, 1 of the patient was terated by curretage and cementation, 14 of the patients with aneurysmal bone cysts were terated by curretage and grafting, 1 of the patient was terated by curretage and cementation, 1 of the patient was terated by curretage and bone filling material, 1 of the patient was terated by percutaneous aspiration with injection of corticosteroids, 3 of the patient were terated by resection. The mean follow-up period was 36 months (6-60).Recurrence were seen in 10 patients and 5 of the patients were in unicameral and 5 of the patients were in aneurysmal bone cysts groups. 4 of the recurrence in unicameral bone cysts were treated by curretage and grafting and 1 of the patient was treated by percutaneous aspiration with injection of corticosteroids. 3 of the recurrence in aneurysmal bone cysts were treated by curretage and grafting, 1 of the patient was treated by percutaneous aspiration with injection of corticosteroids and 1 of the recurrence was treated by resection.Unicameral and aneurysmal bone cyts are benign lesions. Surgical treatments usually give us good results. But, these lesions have high recurrence rate. For that reason, these patients should be seen every 3 months for first postoperative year, every 6 months for second year and annually after the second year.Key Words: Unicameral and aneurysmal bone cyts, surgical treatment, recurrence. 61