226 results on '"Bushnell, J"'
Search Results
2. Effects of empagliflozin on progression of chronic kidney disease: a prespecified secondary analysis from the empa-kidney trial
- Author
Staplin, N, Haynes, R, Judge, PK, Wanner, C, Green, JB, Emberson, J, Preiss, D, Mayne, KJ, Ng, SYA, Sammons, E, Zhu, D, Hill, M, Stevens, W, Wallendszus, K, Brenner, S, Cheung, AK, Liu, ZH, Li, J, Hooi, LS, Liu, WJ, Kadowaki, T, Nangaku, M, Levin, A, Cherney, D, Maggioni, AP, Pontremoli, R, Deo, R, Goto, S, Rossello, X, Tuttle, KR, Steubl, D, Petrini, M, Seidi, S, Landray, MJ, Baigent, C, Herrington, WG, Abat, S, Abd Rahman, R, Abdul Cader, R, Abdul Hafidz, MI, Abdul Wahab, MZ, Abdullah, NK, Abdul-Samad, T, Abe, M, Abraham, N, Acheampong, S, Achiri, P, Acosta, JA, Adeleke, A, Adell, V, Adewuyi-Dalton, R, Adnan, N, Africano, A, Agharazii, M, Aguilar, F, Aguilera, A, Ahmad, M, Ahmad, MK, Ahmad, NA, Ahmad, NH, Ahmad, NI, Ahmad Miswan, N, Ahmad Rosdi, H, Ahmed, I, Ahmed, S, Aiello, J, Aitken, A, AitSadi, R, Aker, S, Akimoto, S, Akinfolarin, A, Akram, S, Alberici, F, Albert, C, Aldrich, L, Alegata, M, Alexander, L, Alfaress, S, Alhadj Ali, M, Ali, A, Alicic, R, Aliu, A, Almaraz, R, Almasarwah, R, Almeida, J, Aloisi, A, Al-Rabadi, L, Alscher, D, Alvarez, P, Al-Zeer, B, Amat, M, Ambrose, C, Ammar, H, An, Y, Andriaccio, L, Ansu, K, Apostolidi, A, Arai, N, Araki, H, Araki, S, Arbi, A, Arechiga, O, Armstrong, S, Arnold, T, Aronoff, S, Arriaga, W, Arroyo, J, Arteaga, D, Asahara, S, Asai, A, Asai, N, Asano, S, Asawa, M, Asmee, MF, Aucella, F, Augustin, M, Avery, A, Awad, A, Awang, IY, Awazawa, M, Axler, A, Ayub, W, Azhari, Z, Baccaro, R, Badin, C, Bagwell, B, Bahlmann-Kroll, E, Bahtar, AZ, Bains, D, Bajaj, H, Baker, R, Baldini, E, Banas, B, Banerjee, D, Banno, S, Bansal, S, Barberi, S, Barnes, S, Barnini, C, Barot, C, Barrett, K, Barrios, R, Bartolomei Mecatti, B, Barton, I, Barton, J, Basily, W, Bavanandan, S, Baxter, A, Becker, L, Beddhu, S, Beige, J, Beigh, S, Bell, S, Benck, U, Beneat, A, Bennett, A, Bennett, D, Benyon, S, Berdeprado, J, Bergler, T, Bergner, A, Berry, M, Bevilacqua, M, Bhairoo, J, Bhandari, S, Bhandary, N, Bhatt, A, Bhattarai, M, Bhavsar, M, Bian, W, Bianchini, F, Bianco, S, Bilous, R, Bilton, J, Bilucaglia, D, Bird, C, Birudaraju, D, Biscoveanu, M, Blake, C, Bleakley, N, Bocchicchia, K, Bodine, S, Bodington, R, Boedecker, S, Bolduc, M, Bolton, S, Bond, C, Boreky, F, Boren, K, Bouchi, R, Bough, L, Bovan, D, Bowler, C, Bowman, L, Brar, N, Braun, C, Breach, A, Breitenfeldt, M, Brettschneider, B, Brewer, A, Brewer, G, Brindle, V, Brioni, E, Brown, C, Brown, H, Brown, L, Brown, R, Brown, S, Browne, D, Bruce, K, Brueckmann, M, Brunskill, N, Bryant, M, Brzoska, M, Bu, Y, Buckman, C, Budoff, M, Bullen, M, Burke, A, Burnette, S, Burston, C, Busch, M, Bushnell, J, Butler, S, Büttner, C, Byrne, C, Caamano, A, Cadorna, J, Cafiero, C, Cagle, M, Cai, J, Calabrese, K, Calvi, C, Camilleri, B, Camp, S, Campbell, D, Campbell, R, Cao, H, Capelli, I, Caple, M, Caplin, B, Cardone, A, Carle, J, Carnall, V, Caroppo, M, Carr, S, Carraro, G, Carson, M, Casares, P, Castillo, C, Castro, C, Caudill, B, Cejka, V, Ceseri, M, Cham, L, Chamberlain, A, Chambers, J, Chan, CBT, Chan, JYM, Chan, YC, Chang, E, Chant, T, Chavagnon, T, Chellamuthu, P, Chen, F, Chen, J, Chen, P, Chen, TM, Chen, Y, Cheng, C, Cheng, H, Cheng, MC, Ching, CH, Chitalia, N, Choksi, R, Chukwu, C, Chung, K, Cianciolo, G, Cipressa, L, Clark, S, Clarke, H, Clarke, R, Clarke, S, Cleveland, B, Cole, E, Coles, H, Condurache, L, Connor, A, Convery, K, Cooper, A, Cooper, N, Cooper, Z, Cooperman, L, Cosgrove, L, Coutts, P, Cowley, A, Craik, R, Cui, G, Cummins, T, Dahl, N, Dai, H, Dajani, L, D'Amelio, A, Damian, E, Damianik, K, Danel, L, Daniels, C, Daniels, T, Darbeau, S, Darius, H, Dasgupta, T, Davies, J, Davies, L, Davis, A, Davis, J, Davis, L, Dayanandan, R, Dayi, S, Dayrell, R, De Nicola, L, Debnath, S, Deeb, W, Degenhardt, S, DeGoursey, K, Delaney, M, DeRaad, R, Derebail, V, Dev, D, Devaux, M, Dhall, P, Dhillon, G, Dienes, J, Dobre, M, Doctolero, E, Dodds, V, Domingo, D, Donaldson, D, Donaldson, P, Donhauser, C, Donley, V, Dorestin, S, Dorey, S, Doulton, T, Draganova, D, Draxlbauer, K, Driver, F, Du, H, Dube, F, Duck, T, Dugal, T, Dugas, J, Dukka, H, Dumann, H, Durham, W, Dursch, M, Dykas, R, Easow, R, Eckrich, E, Eden, G, Edmerson, E, Edwards, H, Ee, LW, Eguchi, J, Ehrl, Y, Eichstadt, K, Eid, W, Eilerman, B, Ejima, Y, Eldon, H, Ellam, T, Elliott, L, Ellison, R, Epp, R, Er, A, Espino-Obrero, M, Estcourt, S, Estienne, L, Evans, G, Evans, J, Evans, S, Fabbri, G, Fajardo-Moser, M, Falcone, C, Fani, F, Faria-Shayler, P, Farnia, F, Farrugia, D, Fechter, M, Fellowes, D, Feng, F, Fernandez, J, Ferraro, P, Field, A, Fikry, S, Finch, J, Finn, H, Fioretto, P, Fish, R, Fleischer, A, Fleming-Brown, D, Fletcher, L, Flora, R, Foellinger, C, Foligno, N, Forest, S, Forghani, Z, Forsyth, K, Fottrell-Gould, D, Fox, P, Frankel, A, Fraser, D, Frazier, R, Frederick, K, Freking, N, French, H, Froment, A, Fuchs, B, Fuessl, L, Fujii, H, Fujimoto, A, Fujita, A, Fujita, K, Fujita, Y, Fukagawa, M, Fukao, Y, Fukasawa, A, Fuller, T, Funayama, T, Fung, E, Furukawa, M, Furukawa, Y, Furusho, M, Gabel, S, Gaidu, J, Gaiser, S, Gallo, K, Galloway, C, Gambaro, G, Gan, CC, Gangemi, C, Gao, M, Garcia, K, Garcia, M, Garofalo, C, Garrity, M, Garza, A, Gasko, S, Gavrila, M, Gebeyehu, B, Geddes, A, Gentile, G, George, A, George, J, Gesualdo, L, Ghalli, F, Ghanem, A, Ghate, T, Ghavampour, S, Ghazi, A, Gherman, A, Giebeln-Hudnell, U, Gill, B, Gillham, S, Girakossyan, I, Girndt, M, Giuffrida, A, Glenwright, M, Glider, T, Gloria, R, Glowski, D, Goh, BL, Goh, CB, Gohda, T, Goldenberg, R, Goldfaden, R, Goldsmith, C, Golson, B, Gonce, V, Gong, Q, Goodenough, B, Goodwin, N, Goonasekera, M, Gordon, A, Gordon, J, Gore, A, Goto, H, Gowen, D, Grace, A, Graham, J, Grandaliano, G, Gray, M, Greene, T, Greenwood, G, Grewal, B, Grifa, R, Griffin, D, Griffin, S, Grimmer, P, Grobovaite, E, Grotjahn, S, Guerini, A, Guest, C, Gunda, S, Guo, B, Guo, Q, Haack, S, Haase, M, Haaser, K, Habuki, K, Hadley, A, Hagan, S, Hagge, S, Haller, H, Ham, S, Hamal, S, Hamamoto, Y, Hamano, N, Hamm, M, Hanburry, A, Haneda, M, Hanf, C, Hanif, W, Hansen, J, Hanson, L, Hantel, S, Haraguchi, T, Harding, E, Harding, T, Hardy, C, Hartner, C, Harun, Z, Harvill, L, Hasan, A, Hase, H, Hasegawa, F, Hasegawa, T, Hashimoto, A, Hashimoto, C, Hashimoto, M, Hashimoto, S, Haskett, S, Hauske, SJ, Hawfield, A, Hayami, T, Hayashi, M, Hayashi, S, Hazara, A, Healy, C, Hecktman, J, Heine, G, Henderson, H, Henschel, R, Hepditch, A, Herfurth, K, Hernandez, G, Hernandez Pena, A, Hernandez-Cassis, C, Herzog, C, Hewins, S, Hewitt, D, Hichkad, L, Higashi, S, Higuchi, C, Hill, C, Hill, L, Himeno, T, Hing, A, Hirakawa, Y, Hirata, K, Hirota, Y, Hisatake, T, Hitchcock, S, Hodakowski, A, Hodge, W, Hogan, R, Hohenstatt, U, Hohenstein, B, Hooi, L, Hope, S, Hopley, M, Horikawa, S, Hosein, D, Hosooka, T, Hou, L, Hou, W, Howie, L, Howson, A, Hozak, M, Htet, Z, Hu, X, Hu, Y, Huang, J, Huda, N, Hudig, L, Hudson, A, Hugo, C, Hull, R, Hume, L, Hundei, W, Hunt, N, Hunter, A, Hurley, S, Hurst, A, Hutchinson, C, Hyo, T, Ibrahim, FH, Ibrahim, S, Ihana, N, Ikeda, T, Imai, A, Imamine, R, Inamori, A, Inazawa, H, Ingell, J, Inomata, K, Inukai, Y, Ioka, M, Irtiza-Ali, A, Isakova, T, Isari, W, Iselt, M, Ishiguro, A, Ishihara, K, Ishikawa, T, Ishimoto, T, Ishizuka, K, Ismail, R, Itano, S, Ito, H, Ito, K, Ito, M, Ito, Y, Iwagaitsu, S, Iwaita, Y, Iwakura, T, Iwamoto, M, Iwasa, M, Iwasaki, H, Iwasaki, S, Izumi, K, Izumi, T, Jaafar, SM, Jackson, C, Jackson, Y, Jafari, G, Jahangiriesmaili, M, Jain, N, Jansson, K, Jasim, H, Jeffers, L, Jenkins, A, Jesky, M, Jesus-Silva, J, Jeyarajah, D, Jiang, Y, Jiao, X, Jimenez, G, Jin, B, Jin, Q, Jochims, J, Johns, B, Johnson, C, Johnson, T, Jolly, S, Jones, L, Jones, S, Jones, T, Jones, V, Joseph, M, Joshi, S, Judge, P, Junejo, N, Junus, S, Kachele, M, Kadoya, H, Kaga, H, Kai, H, Kajio, H, Kaluza-Schilling, W, Kamaruzaman, L, Kamarzarian, A, Kamimura, Y, Kamiya, H, Kamundi, C, Kan, T, Kanaguchi, Y, Kanazawa, A, Kanda, E, Kanegae, S, Kaneko, K, Kang, HY, Kano, T, Karim, M, Karounos, D, Karsan, W, Kasagi, R, Kashihara, N, Katagiri, H, Katanosaka, A, Katayama, A, Katayama, M, Katiman, E, Kato, K, Kato, M, Kato, N, Kato, S, Kato, T, Kato, Y, Katsuda, Y, Katsuno, T, Kaufeld, J, Kavak, Y, Kawai, I, Kawai, M, Kawase, A, Kawashima, S, Kazory, A, Kearney, J, Keith, B, Kellett, J, Kelley, S, Kershaw, M, Ketteler, M, Khai, Q, Khairullah, Q, Khandwala, H, Khoo, KKL, Khwaja, A, Kidokoro, K, Kielstein, J, Kihara, M, Kimber, C, Kimura, S, Kinashi, H, Kingston, H, Kinomura, M, Kinsella-Perks, E, Kitagawa, M, Kitajima, M, Kitamura, S, Kiyosue, A, Kiyota, M, Klauser, F, Klausmann, G, Kmietschak, W, Knapp, K, Knight, C, Knoppe, A, Knott, C, Kobayashi, M, Kobayashi, R, Kobayashi, T, Koch, M, Kodama, S, Kodani, N, Kogure, E, Koizumi, M, Kojima, H, Kojo, T, Kolhe, N, Komaba, H, Komiya, T, Komori, H, Kon, SP, Kondo, M, Kong, W, Konishi, M, Kono, K, Koshino, M, Kosugi, T, Kothapalli, B, Kozlowski, T, Kraemer, B, Kraemer-Guth, A, Krappe, J, Kraus, D, Kriatselis, C, Krieger, C, Krish, P, Kruger, B, Ku Md Razi, KR, Kuan, Y, Kubota, S, Kuhn, S, Kumar, P, Kume, S, Kummer, I, Kumuji, R, Küpper, A, Kuramae, T, Kurian, L, Kuribayashi, C, Kurien, R, Kuroda, E, Kurose, T, Kutschat, A, Kuwabara, N, Kuwata, H, La Manna, G, Lacey, M, Lafferty, K, LaFleur, P, Lai, V, Laity, E, Lambert, A, Langlois, M, Latif, F, Latore, E, Laundy, E, Laurienti, D, Lawson, A, Lay, M, Leal, I, Lee, AK, Lee, J, Lee, KQ, Lee, R, Lee, SA, Lee, YY, Lee-Barkey, Y, Leonard, N, Leoncini, G, Leong, CM, Lerario, S, Leslie, A, Lewington, A, Li, N, Li, X, Li, Y, Liberti, L, Liberti, ME, Liew, A, Liew, YF, Lilavivat, U, Lim, SK, Lim, YS, Limon, E, Lin, H, Lioudaki, E, Liu, H, Liu, J, Liu, L, Liu, Q, Liu, X, Liu, Z, Loader, D, Lochhead, H, Loh, CL, Lorimer, A, Loudermilk, L, Loutan, J, Low, CK, Low, CL, Low, YM, Lozon, Z, Lu, Y, Lucci, D, Ludwig, U, Luker, N, Lund, D, Lustig, R, Lyle, S, Macdonald, C, MacDougall, I, Machicado, R, MacLean, D, Macleod, P, Madera, A, Madore, F, Maeda, K, Maegawa, H, Maeno, S, Mafham, M, Magee, J, Mah, DY, Mahabadi, V, Maiguma, M, Makita, Y, Makos, G, Manco, L, Mangiacapra, R, Manley, J, Mann, P, Mano, S, Marcotte, G, Maris, J, Mark, P, Markau, S, Markovic, M, Marshall, C, Martin, M, Martinez, C, Martinez, S, Martins, G, Maruyama, K, Maruyama, S, Marx, K, Maselli, A, Masengu, A, Maskill, A, Masumoto, S, Masutani, K, Matsumoto, M, Matsunaga, T, Matsuoka, N, Matsushita, M, Matthews, M, Matthias, S, Matvienko, E, Maurer, M, Maxwell, P, Mazlan, N, Mazlan, SA, Mbuyisa, A, McCafferty, K, McCarroll, F, McCarthy, T, McClary-Wright, C, McCray, K, McDermott, P, McDonald, C, McDougall, R, McHaffie, E, McIntosh, K, McKinley, T, McLaughlin, S, McLean, N, McNeil, L, Measor, A, Meek, J, Mehta, A, Mehta, R, Melandri, M, Mené, P, Meng, T, Menne, J, Merritt, K, Merscher, S, Meshykhi, C, Messa, P, Messinger, L, Miftari, N, Miller, R, Miller, Y, Miller-Hodges, E, Minatoguchi, M, Miners, M, Minutolo, R, Mita, T, Miura, Y, Miyaji, M, Miyamoto, S, Miyatsuka, T, Miyazaki, M, Miyazawa, I, Mizumachi, R, Mizuno, M, Moffat, S, Mohamad Nor, FS, Mohamad Zaini, SN, Mohamed Affandi, FA, Mohandas, C, Mohd, R, Mohd Fauzi, NA, Mohd Sharif, NH, Mohd Yusoff, Y, Moist, L, Moncada, A, Montasser, M, Moon, A, Moran, C, Morgan, N, Moriarty, J, Morig, G, Morinaga, H, Morino, K, Morisaki, T, Morishita, Y, Morlok, S, Morris, A, Morris, F, Mostafa, S, Mostefai, Y, Motegi, M, Motherwell, N, Motta, D, Mottl, A, Moys, R, Mozaffari, S, Muir, J, Mulhern, J, Mulligan, S, Munakata, Y, Murakami, C, Murakoshi, M, Murawska, A, Murphy, K, Murphy, L, Murray, S, Murtagh, H, Musa, MA, Mushahar, L, Mustafa, R, Mustafar, R, Muto, M, Nadar, E, Nagano, R, Nagasawa, T, Nagashima, E, Nagasu, H, Nagelberg, S, Nair, H, Nakagawa, Y, Nakahara, M, Nakamura, J, Nakamura, R, Nakamura, T, Nakaoka, M, Nakashima, E, Nakata, J, Nakata, M, Nakatani, S, Nakatsuka, A, Nakayama, Y, Nakhoul, G, Naverrete, G, Navivala, A, Nazeer, I, Negrea, L, Nethaji, C, Newman, E, Ng, TJ, Ngu, LLS, Nimbkar, T, Nishi, H, Nishi, M, Nishi, S, Nishida, Y, Nishiyama, A, Niu, J, Niu, P, Nobili, G, Nohara, N, Nojima, I, Nolan, J, Nosseir, H, Nozawa, M, Nunn, M, Nunokawa, S, Oda, M, Oe, M, Oe, Y, Ogane, K, Ogawa, W, Ogihara, T, Oguchi, G, Ohsugi, M, Oishi, K, Okada, Y, Okajyo, J, Okamoto, S, Okamura, K, Olufuwa, O, Oluyombo, R, Omata, A, Omori, Y, Ong, LM, Ong, YC, Onyema, J, Oomatia, A, Oommen, A, Oremus, R, Orimo, Y, Ortalda, V, Osaki, Y, Osawa, Y, Osmond Foster, J, O'Sullivan, A, Otani, T, Othman, N, Otomo, S, O'Toole, J, Owen, L, Ozawa, T, Padiyar, A, Page, N, Pajak, S, Paliege, A, Pandey, A, Pandey, R, Pariani, H, Park, J, Parrigon, M, Passauer, J, Patecki, M, Patel, M, Patel, R, Patel, T, Patel, Z, Paul, R, Paulsen, L, Pavone, L, Peixoto, A, Peji, J, Peng, BC, Peng, K, Pennino, L, Pereira, E, Perez, E, Pergola, P, Pesce, F, Pessolano, G, Petchey, W, Petr, EJ, Pfab, T, Phelan, P, Phillips, R, Phillips, T, Phipps, M, Piccinni, G, Pickett, T, Pickworth, S, Piemontese, M, Pinto, D, Piper, J, Plummer-Morgan, J, Poehler, D, Polese, L, Poma, V, Postal, A, Pötz, C, Power, A, Pradhan, N, Pradhan, R, Preiss, E, Preston, K, Prib, N, Price, L, Provenzano, C, Pugay, C, Pulido, R, Putz, F, Qiao, Y, Quartagno, R, Quashie-Akponeware, M, Rabara, R, Rabasa-Lhoret, R, Radhakrishnan, D, Radley, M, Raff, R, Raguwaran, S, Rahbari-Oskoui, F, Rahman, M, Rahmat, K, Ramadoss, S, Ramanaidu, S, Ramasamy, S, Ramli, R, Ramli, S, Ramsey, T, Rankin, A, Rashidi, A, Raymond, L, Razali, WAFA, Read, K, Reiner, H, Reisler, A, Reith, C, Renner, J, Rettenmaier, B, Richmond, L, Rijos, D, Rivera, R, Rivers, V, Robinson, H, Rocco, M, Rodriguez-Bachiller, I, Rodriquez, R, Roesch, C, Roesch, J, Rogers, J, Rohnstock, M, Rolfsmeier, S, Roman, M, Romo, A, Rosati, A, Rosenberg, S, Ross, T, Roura, M, Roussel, M, Rovner, S, Roy, S, Rucker, S, Rump, L, Ruocco, M, Ruse, S, Russo, F, Russo, M, Ryder, M, Sabarai, A, Saccà, C, Sachson, R, Sadler, E, Safiee, NS, Sahani, M, Saillant, A, Saini, J, Saito, C, Saito, S, Sakaguchi, K, Sakai, M, Salim, H, Salviani, C, Sampson, A, Samson, F, Sandercock, P, Sanguila, S, Santorelli, G, Santoro, D, Sarabu, N, Saram, T, Sardell, R, Sasajima, H, Sasaki, T, Satko, S, Sato, A, Sato, D, Sato, H, Sato, J, Sato, T, Sato, Y, Satoh, M, Sawada, K, Schanz, M, Scheidemantel, F, Schemmelmann, M, Schettler, E, Schettler, V, Schlieper, GR, Schmidt, C, Schmidt, G, Schmidt, U, Schmidt-Gurtler, H, Schmude, M, Schneider, A, Schneider, I, Schneider-Danwitz, C, Schomig, M, Schramm, T, Schreiber, A, Schricker, S, Schroppel, B, Schulte-Kemna, L, Schulz, E, Schumacher, B, Schuster, A, Schwab, A, Scolari, F, Scott, A, Seeger, W, Segal, M, Seifert, L, Seifert, M, Sekiya, M, Sellars, R, Seman, MR, Shah, S, Shainberg, L, Shanmuganathan, M, Shao, F, Sharma, K, Sharpe, C, Sheikh-Ali, M, Sheldon, J, Shenton, C, Shepherd, A, Shepperd, M, Sheridan, R, Sheriff, Z, Shibata, Y, Shigehara, T, Shikata, K, Shimamura, K, Shimano, H, Shimizu, Y, Shimoda, H, Shin, K, Shivashankar, G, Shojima, N, Silva, R, Sim, CSB, Simmons, K, Sinha, S, Sitter, T, Sivanandam, S, Skipper, M, Sloan, K, Sloan, L, Smith, R, Smyth, J, Sobande, T, Sobata, M, Somalanka, S, Song, X, Sonntag, F, Sood, B, Sor, SY, Soufer, J, Sparks, H, Spatoliatore, G, Spinola, T, Squyres, S, Srivastava, A, Stanfield, J, Staylor, K, Steele, A, Steen, O, Steffl, D, Stegbauer, J, Stellbrink, C, Stellbrink, E, Stevenson, A, Stewart-Ray, V, Stickley, J, Stoffler, D, Stratmann, B, Streitenberger, S, Strutz, F, Stubbs, J, Stumpf, J, Suazo, N, Suchinda, P, Suckling, R, Sudin, A, Sugamori, K, Sugawara, H, Sugawara, K, Sugimoto, D, Sugiyama, H, Sugiyama, T, Sullivan, M, Sumi, M, Suresh, N, Sutton, D, Suzuki, H, Suzuki, R, Suzuki, Y, Swanson, E, Swift, P, Syed, S, Szerlip, H, Taal, M, Taddeo, M, Tailor, C, Tajima, K, Takagi, M, Takahashi, K, Takahashi, M, Takahashi, T, Takahira, E, Takai, T, Takaoka, M, Takeoka, J, Takesada, A, Takezawa, M, Talbot, M, Taliercio, J, Talsania, T, Tamori, Y, Tamura, R, Tamura, Y, Tan, CHH, Tan, EZZ, Tanabe, A, Tanabe, K, Tanaka, A, Tanaka, N, Tang, S, Tang, Z, Tanigaki, K, Tarlac, M, Tatsuzawa, A, Tay, JF, Tay, LL, Taylor, J, Taylor, K, Te, A, Tenbusch, L, Teng, KS, Terakawa, A, Terry, J, Tham, ZD, Tholl, S, Thomas, G, Thong, KM, Tietjen, D, Timadjer, A, Tindall, H, Tipper, S, Tobin, K, Toda, N, Tokuyama, A, Tolibas, M, Tomita, A, Tomita, T, Tomlinson, J, Tonks, L, Topf, J, Topping, S, Torp, A, Torres, A, Totaro, F, Toth, P, Toyonaga, Y, Tripodi, F, Trivedi, K, Tropman, E, Tschope, D, Tse, J, Tsuji, K, Tsunekawa, S, Tsunoda, R, Tucky, B, Tufail, S, Tuffaha, A, Turan, E, Turner, H, Turner, J, Turner, M, Tye, YL, Tyler, A, Tyler, J, Uchi, H, Uchida, H, Uchida, T, Udagawa, T, Ueda, S, Ueda, Y, Ueki, K, Ugni, S, Ugwu, E, Umeno, R, Unekawa, C, Uozumi, K, Urquia, K, Valleteau, A, Valletta, C, van Erp, R, Vanhoy, C, Varad, V, Varma, R, Varughese, A, Vasquez, P, Vasseur, A, Veelken, R, Velagapudi, C, Verdel, K, Vettoretti, S, Vezzoli, G, Vielhauer, V, Viera, R, Vilar, E, Villaruel, S, Vinall, L, Vinathan, J, Visnjic, M, Voigt, E, von-Eynatten, M, Vourvou, M, Wada, J, Wada, T, Wada, Y, Wakayama, K, Wakita, Y, Walters, T, Wan Mohamad, WH, Wang, L, Wang, W, Wang, X, Wang, Y, Wanninayake, S, Watada, H, Watanabe, K, Watanabe, M, Waterfall, H, Watkins, D, Watson, S, Weaving, L, Weber, B, Webley, Y, Webster, A, Webster, M, Weetman, M, Wei, W, Weihprecht, H, Weiland, L, Weinmann-Menke, J, Weinreich, T, Wendt, R, Weng, Y, Whalen, M, Whalley, G, Wheatley, R, Wheeler, A, Wheeler, J, Whelton, P, White, K, Whitmore, B, Whittaker, S, Wiebel, J, Wiley, J, Wilkinson, L, Willett, M, Williams, A, Williams, E, Williams, K, Williams, T, Wilson, A, Wilson, P, Wincott, L, Wines, E, Winkelmann, B, Winkler, M, Winter-Goodwin, B, Witczak, J, Wittes, J, Wittmann, M, Wolf, G, Wolf, L, Wolfling, R, Wong, C, Wong, E, Wong, HS, Wong, LW, Wong, YH, Wonnacott, A, Wood, A, Wood, L, Woodhouse, H, Wooding, N, Woodman, A, Wren, K, Wu, J, Wu, P, Xia, S, Xiao, H, Xiao, X, Xie, Y, Xu, C, Xu, Y, Xue, H, Yahaya, H, Yalamanchili, H, Yamada, A, Yamada, N, Yamagata, K, Yamaguchi, M, Yamaji, Y, Yamamoto, A, Yamamoto, S, Yamamoto, T, Yamanaka, A, Yamano, T, Yamanouchi, Y, Yamasaki, N, Yamasaki, Y, Yamashita, C, Yamauchi, T, Yan, Q, Yanagisawa, E, Yang, F, Yang, L, Yano, S, Yao, S, Yao, Y, Yarlagadda, S, Yasuda, Y, Yiu, V, Yokoyama, T, Yoshida, S, Yoshidome, E, Yoshikawa, H, Young, A, Young, T, Yousif, V, Yu, H, Yu, Y, Yuasa, K, Yusof, N, Zalunardo, N, Zander, B, Zani, R, Zappulo, F, Zayed, M, Zemann, B, Zettergren, P, Zhang, H, Zhang, L, Zhang, N, Zhang, X, Zhao, J, Zhao, L, Zhao, S, Zhao, Z, Zhong, H, Zhou, N, Zhou, S, Zhu, L, Zhu, S, Zietz, M, Zippo, M, Zirino, F, and Zulkipli, FH
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3. Impact of primary kidney disease on the effects of empagliflozin in patients with chronic kidney disease: secondary analyses of the EMPA-KIDNEY trial
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Judge, PK, Staplin, N, Mayne, KJ, Wanner, C, Green, JB, Hauske, SJ, Emberson, JR, Preiss, D, Ng, SYA, Roddick, AJ, Sammons, E, Zhu, D, Hill, M, Stevens, W, Wallendszus, K, Brenner, S, Cheung, AK, Liu, ZH, Li, J, Hooi, LS, Liu, WJ, Kadowaki, T, Nangaku, M, Levin, A, Cherney, D, Maggioni, AP, Pontremoli, R, Deo, R, Goto, S, Rossello, X, Tuttle, KR, Steubl, D, Massey, D, Landray, MJ, Baigent, C, Haynes, R, Herrington, WG, Abat, S, Abd Rahman, R, Abdul Cader, R, Abdul Hafidz, MI, Abdul Wahab, MZ, Abdullah, NK, Abdul-Samad, T, Abe, M, Abraham, N, Acheampong, S, Achiri, P, Acosta, JA, Adeleke, A, Adell, V, Adewuyi-Dalton, R, Adnan, N, Africano, A, Agharazii, M, Aguilar, F, Aguilera, A, Ahmad, M, Ahmad, MK, Ahmad, NA, Ahmad, NH, Ahmad, NI, Ahmad Miswan, N, Ahmad Rosdi, H, Ahmed, I, Ahmed, S, Aiello, J, Aitken, A, AitSadi, R, Aker, S, Akimoto, S, Akinfolarin, A, Akram, S, Alberici, F, Albert, C, Aldrich, L, Alegata, M, Alexander, L, Alfaress, S, Alhadj Ali, M, Ali, A, Alicic, R, Aliu, A, Almaraz, R, Almasarwah, R, Almeida, J, Aloisi, A, Al-Rabadi, L, Alscher, D, Alvarez, P, Al-Zeer, B, Amat, M, Ambrose, C, Ammar, H, An, Y, Andriaccio, L, Ansu, K, Apostolidi, A, Arai, N, Araki, H, Araki, S, Arbi, A, Arechiga, O, Armstrong, S, Arnold, T, Aronoff, S, Arriaga, W, Arroyo, J, Arteaga, D, Asahara, S, Asai, A, Asai, N, Asano, S, Asawa, M, Asmee, MF, Aucella, F, Augustin, M, Avery, A, Awad, A, Awang, IY, Awazawa, M, Axler, A, Ayub, W, Azhari, Z, Baccaro, R, Badin, C, Bagwell, B, Bahlmann-Kroll, E, Bahtar, AZ, Bains, D, Bajaj, H, Baker, R, Baldini, E, Banas, B, Banerjee, D, Banno, S, Bansal, S, Barberi, S, Barnes, S, Barnini, C, Barot, C, Barrett, K, Barrios, R, Bartolomei Mecatti, B, Barton, I, Barton, J, Basily, W, Bavanandan, S, Baxter, A, Becker, L, Beddhu, S, Beige, J, Beigh, S, Bell, S, Benck, U, Beneat, A, Bennett, A, Bennett, D, Benyon, S, Berdeprado, J, Bergler, T, Bergner, A, Berry, M, Bevilacqua, M, Bhairoo, J, Bhandari, S, Bhandary, N, Bhatt, A, Bhattarai, M, Bhavsar, M, Bian, W, Bianchini, F, Bianco, S, Bilous, R, Bilton, J, Bilucaglia, D, Bird, C, Birudaraju, D, Biscoveanu, M, Blake, C, Bleakley, N, Bocchicchia, K, Bodine, S, Bodington, R, Boedecker, S, Bolduc, M, Bolton, S, Bond, C, Boreky, F, Boren, K, Bouchi, R, Bough, L, Bovan, D, Bowler, C, Bowman, L, Brar, N, Braun, C, Breach, A, Breitenfeldt, M, Brettschneider, B, Brewer, A, Brewer, G, Brindle, V, Brioni, E, Brown, C, Brown, H, Brown, L, Brown, R, Brown, S, Browne, D, Bruce, K, Brueckmann, M, Brunskill, N, Bryant, M, Brzoska, M, Bu, Y, Buckman, C, Budoff, M, Bullen, M, Burke, A, Burnette, S, Burston, C, Busch, M, Bushnell, J, Butler, S, Büttner, C, Byrne, C, Caamano, A, Cadorna, J, Cafiero, C, Cagle, M, Cai, J, Calabrese, K, Calvi, C, Camilleri, B, Camp, S, Campbell, D, Campbell, R, Cao, H, Capelli, I, Caple, M, Caplin, B, Cardone, A, Carle, J, Carnall, V, Caroppo, M, Carr, S, Carraro, G, Carson, M, Casares, P, Castillo, C, Castro, C, Caudill, B, Cejka, V, Ceseri, M, Cham, L, Chamberlain, A, Chambers, J, Chan, CBT, Chan, JYM, Chan, YC, Chang, E, Chant, T, Chavagnon, T, Chellamuthu, P, Chen, F, Chen, J, Chen, P, Chen, TM, Chen, Y, Cheng, C, Cheng, H, Cheng, MC, Ching, CH, Chitalia, N, Choksi, R, Chukwu, C, Chung, K, Cianciolo, G, Cipressa, L, Clark, S, Clarke, H, Clarke, R, Clarke, S, Cleveland, B, Cole, E, Coles, H, Condurache, L, Connor, A, Convery, K, Cooper, A, Cooper, N, Cooper, Z, Cooperman, L, Cosgrove, L, Coutts, P, Cowley, A, Craik, R, Cui, G, Cummins, T, Dahl, N, Dai, H, Dajani, L, D'Amelio, A, Damian, E, Damianik, K, Danel, L, Daniels, C, Daniels, T, Darbeau, S, Darius, H, Dasgupta, T, Davies, J, Davies, L, Davis, A, Davis, J, Davis, L, Dayanandan, R, Dayi, S, Dayrell, R, De Nicola, L, Debnath, S, Deeb, W, Degenhardt, S, DeGoursey, K, Delaney, M, DeRaad, R, Derebail, V, Dev, D, Devaux, M, Dhall, P, Dhillon, G, Dienes, J, Dobre, M, Doctolero, E, Dodds, V, Domingo, D, Donaldson, D, Donaldson, P, Donhauser, C, Donley, V, Dorestin, S, Dorey, S, Doulton, T, Draganova, D, Draxlbauer, K, Driver, F, Du, H, Dube, F, Duck, T, Dugal, T, Dugas, J, Dukka, H, Dumann, H, Durham, W, Dursch, M, Dykas, R, Easow, R, Eckrich, E, Eden, G, Edmerson, E, Edwards, H, Ee, LW, Eguchi, J, Ehrl, Y, Eichstadt, K, Eid, W, Eilerman, B, Ejima, Y, Eldon, H, Ellam, T, Elliott, L, Ellison, R, Emberson, J, Epp, R, Er, A, Espino-Obrero, M, Estcourt, S, Estienne, L, Evans, G, Evans, J, Evans, S, Fabbri, G, Fajardo-Moser, M, Falcone, C, Fani, F, Faria-Shayler, P, Farnia, F, Farrugia, D, Fechter, M, Fellowes, D, Feng, F, Fernandez, J, Ferraro, P, Field, A, Fikry, S, Finch, J, Finn, H, Fioretto, P, Fish, R, Fleischer, A, Fleming-Brown, D, Fletcher, L, Flora, R, Foellinger, C, Foligno, N, Forest, S, Forghani, Z, Forsyth, K, Fottrell-Gould, D, Fox, P, Frankel, A, Fraser, D, Frazier, R, Frederick, K, Freking, N, French, H, Froment, A, Fuchs, B, Fuessl, L, Fujii, H, Fujimoto, A, Fujita, A, Fujita, K, Fujita, Y, Fukagawa, M, Fukao, Y, Fukasawa, A, Fuller, T, Funayama, T, Fung, E, Furukawa, M, Furukawa, Y, Furusho, M, Gabel, S, Gaidu, J, Gaiser, S, Gallo, K, Galloway, C, Gambaro, G, Gan, CC, Gangemi, C, Gao, M, Garcia, K, Garcia, M, Garofalo, C, Garrity, M, Garza, A, Gasko, S, Gavrila, M, Gebeyehu, B, Geddes, A, Gentile, G, George, A, George, J, Gesualdo, L, Ghalli, F, Ghanem, A, Ghate, T, Ghavampour, S, Ghazi, A, Gherman, A, Giebeln-Hudnell, U, Gill, B, Gillham, S, Girakossyan, I, Girndt, M, Giuffrida, A, Glenwright, M, Glider, T, Gloria, R, Glowski, D, Goh, BL, Goh, CB, Gohda, T, Goldenberg, R, Goldfaden, R, Goldsmith, C, Golson, B, Gonce, V, Gong, Q, Goodenough, B, Goodwin, N, Goonasekera, M, Gordon, A, Gordon, J, Gore, A, Goto, H, Gowen, D, Grace, A, Graham, J, Grandaliano, G, Gray, M, Greene, T, Greenwood, G, Grewal, B, Grifa, R, Griffin, D, Griffin, S, Grimmer, P, Grobovaite, E, Grotjahn, S, Guerini, A, Guest, C, Gunda, S, Guo, B, Guo, Q, Haack, S, Haase, M, Haaser, K, Habuki, K, Hadley, A, Hagan, S, Hagge, S, Haller, H, Ham, S, Hamal, S, Hamamoto, Y, Hamano, N, Hamm, M, Hanburry, A, Haneda, M, Hanf, C, Hanif, W, Hansen, J, Hanson, L, Hantel, S, Haraguchi, T, Harding, E, Harding, T, Hardy, C, Hartner, C, Harun, Z, Harvill, L, Hasan, A, Hase, H, Hasegawa, F, Hasegawa, T, Hashimoto, A, Hashimoto, C, Hashimoto, M, Hashimoto, S, Haskett, S, Hawfield, A, Hayami, T, Hayashi, M, Hayashi, S, Hazara, A, Healy, C, Hecktman, J, Heine, G, Henderson, H, Henschel, R, Hepditch, A, Herfurth, K, Hernandez, G, Hernandez Pena, A, Hernandez-Cassis, C, Herzog, C, Hewins, S, Hewitt, D, Hichkad, L, Higashi, S, Higuchi, C, Hill, C, Hill, L, Himeno, T, Hing, A, Hirakawa, Y, Hirata, K, Hirota, Y, Hisatake, T, Hitchcock, S, Hodakowski, A, Hodge, W, Hogan, R, Hohenstatt, U, Hohenstein, B, Hooi, L, Hope, S, Hopley, M, Horikawa, S, Hosein, D, Hosooka, T, Hou, L, Hou, W, Howie, L, Howson, A, Hozak, M, Htet, Z, Hu, X, Hu, Y, Huang, J, Huda, N, Hudig, L, Hudson, A, Hugo, C, Hull, R, Hume, L, Hundei, W, Hunt, N, Hunter, A, Hurley, S, Hurst, A, Hutchinson, C, Hyo, T, Ibrahim, FH, Ibrahim, S, Ihana, N, Ikeda, T, Imai, A, Imamine, R, Inamori, A, Inazawa, H, Ingell, J, Inomata, K, Inukai, Y, Ioka, M, Irtiza-Ali, A, Isakova, T, Isari, W, Iselt, M, Ishiguro, A, Ishihara, K, Ishikawa, T, Ishimoto, T, Ishizuka, K, Ismail, R, Itano, S, Ito, H, Ito, K, Ito, M, Ito, Y, Iwagaitsu, S, Iwaita, Y, Iwakura, T, Iwamoto, M, Iwasa, M, Iwasaki, H, Iwasaki, S, Izumi, K, Izumi, T, Jaafar, SM, Jackson, C, Jackson, Y, Jafari, G, Jahangiriesmaili, M, Jain, N, Jansson, K, Jasim, H, Jeffers, L, Jenkins, A, Jesky, M, Jesus-Silva, J, Jeyarajah, D, Jiang, Y, Jiao, X, Jimenez, G, Jin, B, Jin, Q, Jochims, J, Johns, B, Johnson, C, Johnson, T, Jolly, S, Jones, L, Jones, S, Jones, T, Jones, V, Joseph, M, Joshi, S, Judge, P, Junejo, N, Junus, S, Kachele, M, Kadoya, H, Kaga, H, Kai, H, Kajio, H, Kaluza-Schilling, W, Kamaruzaman, L, Kamarzarian, A, Kamimura, Y, Kamiya, H, Kamundi, C, Kan, T, Kanaguchi, Y, Kanazawa, A, Kanda, E, Kanegae, S, Kaneko, K, Kang, HY, Kano, T, Karim, M, Karounos, D, Karsan, W, Kasagi, R, Kashihara, N, Katagiri, H, Katanosaka, A, Katayama, A, Katayama, M, Katiman, E, Kato, K, Kato, M, Kato, N, Kato, S, Kato, T, Kato, Y, Katsuda, Y, Katsuno, T, Kaufeld, J, Kavak, Y, Kawai, I, Kawai, M, Kawase, A, Kawashima, S, Kazory, A, Kearney, J, Keith, B, Kellett, J, Kelley, S, Kershaw, M, Ketteler, M, Khai, Q, Khairullah, Q, Khandwala, H, Khoo, KKL, Khwaja, A, Kidokoro, K, Kielstein, J, Kihara, M, Kimber, C, Kimura, S, Kinashi, H, Kingston, H, Kinomura, M, Kinsella-Perks, E, Kitagawa, M, Kitajima, M, Kitamura, S, Kiyosue, A, Kiyota, M, Klauser, F, Klausmann, G, Kmietschak, W, Knapp, K, Knight, C, Knoppe, A, Knott, C, Kobayashi, M, Kobayashi, R, Kobayashi, T, Koch, M, Kodama, S, Kodani, N, Kogure, E, Koizumi, M, Kojima, H, Kojo, T, Kolhe, N, Komaba, H, Komiya, T, Komori, H, Kon, SP, Kondo, M, Kong, W, Konishi, M, Kono, K, Koshino, M, Kosugi, T, Kothapalli, B, Kozlowski, T, Kraemer, B, Kraemer-Guth, A, Krappe, J, Kraus, D, Kriatselis, C, Krieger, C, Krish, P, Kruger, B, Ku Md Razi, KR, Kuan, Y, Kubota, S, Kuhn, S, Kumar, P, Kume, S, Kummer, I, Kumuji, R, Küpper, A, Kuramae, T, Kurian, L, Kuribayashi, C, Kurien, R, Kuroda, E, Kurose, T, Kutschat, A, Kuwabara, N, Kuwata, H, La Manna, G, Lacey, M, Lafferty, K, LaFleur, P, Lai, V, Laity, E, Lambert, A, Langlois, M, Latif, F, Latore, E, Laundy, E, Laurienti, D, Lawson, A, Lay, M, Leal, I, Lee, AK, Lee, J, Lee, KQ, Lee, R, Lee, SA, Lee, YY, Lee-Barkey, Y, Leonard, N, Leoncini, G, Leong, CM, Lerario, S, Leslie, A, Lewington, A, Li, N, Li, X, Li, Y, Liberti, L, Liberti, ME, Liew, A, Liew, YF, Lilavivat, U, Lim, SK, Lim, YS, Limon, E, Lin, H, Lioudaki, E, Liu, H, Liu, J, Liu, L, Liu, Q, Liu, X, Liu, Z, Loader, D, Lochhead, H, Loh, CL, Lorimer, A, Loudermilk, L, Loutan, J, Low, CK, Low, CL, Low, YM, Lozon, Z, Lu, Y, Lucci, D, Ludwig, U, Luker, N, Lund, D, Lustig, R, Lyle, S, Macdonald, C, MacDougall, I, Machicado, R, MacLean, D, Macleod, P, Madera, A, Madore, F, Maeda, K, Maegawa, H, Maeno, S, Mafham, M, Magee, J, Mah, DY, Mahabadi, V, Maiguma, M, Makita, Y, Makos, G, Manco, L, Mangiacapra, R, Manley, J, Mann, P, Mano, S, Marcotte, G, Maris, J, Mark, P, Markau, S, Markovic, M, Marshall, C, Martin, M, Martinez, C, Martinez, S, Martins, G, Maruyama, K, Maruyama, S, Marx, K, Maselli, A, Masengu, A, Maskill, A, Masumoto, S, Masutani, K, Matsumoto, M, Matsunaga, T, Matsuoka, N, Matsushita, M, Matthews, M, Matthias, S, Matvienko, E, Maurer, M, Maxwell, P, Mazlan, N, Mazlan, SA, Mbuyisa, A, McCafferty, K, McCarroll, F, McCarthy, T, McClary-Wright, C, McCray, K, McDermott, P, McDonald, C, McDougall, R, McHaffie, E, McIntosh, K, McKinley, T, McLaughlin, S, McLean, N, McNeil, L, Measor, A, Meek, J, Mehta, A, Mehta, R, Melandri, M, Mené, P, Meng, T, Menne, J, Merritt, K, Merscher, S, Meshykhi, C, Messa, P, Messinger, L, Miftari, N, Miller, R, Miller, Y, Miller-Hodges, E, Minatoguchi, M, Miners, M, Minutolo, R, Mita, T, Miura, Y, Miyaji, M, Miyamoto, S, Miyatsuka, T, Miyazaki, M, Miyazawa, I, Mizumachi, R, Mizuno, M, Moffat, S, Mohamad Nor, FS, Mohamad Zaini, SN, Mohamed Affandi, FA, Mohandas, C, Mohd, R, Mohd Fauzi, NA, Mohd Sharif, NH, Mohd Yusoff, Y, Moist, L, Moncada, A, Montasser, M, Moon, A, Moran, C, Morgan, N, Moriarty, J, Morig, G, Morinaga, H, Morino, K, Morisaki, T, Morishita, Y, Morlok, S, Morris, A, Morris, F, Mostafa, S, Mostefai, Y, Motegi, M, Motherwell, N, Motta, D, Mottl, A, Moys, R, Mozaffari, S, Muir, J, Mulhern, J, Mulligan, S, Munakata, Y, Murakami, C, Murakoshi, M, Murawska, A, Murphy, K, Murphy, L, Murray, S, Murtagh, H, Musa, MA, Mushahar, L, Mustafa, R, Mustafar, R, Muto, M, Nadar, E, Nagano, R, Nagasawa, T, Nagashima, E, Nagasu, H, Nagelberg, S, Nair, H, Nakagawa, Y, Nakahara, M, Nakamura, J, Nakamura, R, Nakamura, T, Nakaoka, M, Nakashima, E, Nakata, J, Nakata, M, Nakatani, S, Nakatsuka, A, Nakayama, Y, Nakhoul, G, Naverrete, G, Navivala, A, Nazeer, I, Negrea, L, Nethaji, C, Newman, E, Ng, TJ, Ngu, LLS, Nimbkar, T, Nishi, H, Nishi, M, Nishi, S, Nishida, Y, Nishiyama, A, Niu, J, Niu, P, Nobili, G, Nohara, N, Nojima, I, Nolan, J, Nosseir, H, Nozawa, M, Nunn, M, Nunokawa, S, Oda, M, Oe, M, Oe, Y, Ogane, K, Ogawa, W, Ogihara, T, Oguchi, G, Ohsugi, M, Oishi, K, Okada, Y, Okajyo, J, Okamoto, S, Okamura, K, Olufuwa, O, Oluyombo, R, Omata, A, Omori, Y, Ong, LM, Ong, YC, Onyema, J, Oomatia, A, Oommen, A, Oremus, R, Orimo, Y, Ortalda, V, Osaki, Y, Osawa, Y, Osmond Foster, J, O'Sullivan, A, Otani, T, Othman, N, Otomo, S, O'Toole, J, Owen, L, Ozawa, T, Padiyar, A, Page, N, Pajak, S, Paliege, A, Pandey, A, Pandey, R, Pariani, H, Park, J, Parrigon, M, Passauer, J, Patecki, M, Patel, M, Patel, R, Patel, T, Patel, Z, Paul, R, Paulsen, L, Pavone, L, Peixoto, A, Peji, J, Peng, BC, Peng, K, Pennino, L, Pereira, E, Perez, E, Pergola, P, Pesce, F, Pessolano, G, Petchey, W, Petr, EJ, Pfab, T, Phelan, P, Phillips, R, Phillips, T, Phipps, M, Piccinni, G, Pickett, T, Pickworth, S, Piemontese, M, Pinto, D, Piper, J, Plummer-Morgan, J, Poehler, D, Polese, L, Poma, V, Postal, A, Pötz, C, Power, A, Pradhan, N, Pradhan, R, Preiss, E, Preston, K, Prib, N, Price, L, Provenzano, C, Pugay, C, Pulido, R, Putz, F, Qiao, Y, Quartagno, R, Quashie-Akponeware, M, Rabara, R, Rabasa-Lhoret, R, Radhakrishnan, D, Radley, M, Raff, R, Raguwaran, S, Rahbari-Oskoui, F, Rahman, M, Rahmat, K, Ramadoss, S, Ramanaidu, S, Ramasamy, S, Ramli, R, Ramli, S, Ramsey, T, Rankin, A, Rashidi, A, Raymond, L, Razali, WAFA, Read, K, Reiner, H, Reisler, A, Reith, C, Renner, J, Rettenmaier, B, Richmond, L, Rijos, D, Rivera, R, Rivers, V, Robinson, H, Rocco, M, Rodriguez-Bachiller, I, Rodriquez, R, Roesch, C, Roesch, J, Rogers, J, Rohnstock, M, Rolfsmeier, S, Roman, M, Romo, A, Rosati, A, Rosenberg, S, Ross, T, Roura, M, Roussel, M, Rovner, S, Roy, S, Rucker, S, Rump, L, Ruocco, M, Ruse, S, Russo, F, Russo, M, Ryder, M, Sabarai, A, Saccà, C, Sachson, R, Sadler, E, Safiee, NS, Sahani, M, Saillant, A, Saini, J, Saito, C, Saito, S, Sakaguchi, K, Sakai, M, Salim, H, Salviani, C, Sampson, A, Samson, F, Sandercock, P, Sanguila, S, Santorelli, G, Santoro, D, Sarabu, N, Saram, T, Sardell, R, Sasajima, H, Sasaki, T, Satko, S, Sato, A, Sato, D, Sato, H, Sato, J, Sato, T, Sato, Y, Satoh, M, Sawada, K, Schanz, M, Scheidemantel, F, Schemmelmann, M, Schettler, E, Schettler, V, Schlieper, GR, Schmidt, C, Schmidt, G, Schmidt, U, Schmidt-Gurtler, H, Schmude, M, Schneider, A, Schneider, I, Schneider-Danwitz, C, Schomig, M, Schramm, T, Schreiber, A, Schricker, S, Schroppel, B, Schulte-Kemna, L, Schulz, E, Schumacher, B, Schuster, A, Schwab, A, Scolari, F, Scott, A, Seeger, W, Segal, M, Seifert, L, Seifert, M, Sekiya, M, Sellars, R, Seman, MR, Shah, S, Shainberg, L, Shanmuganathan, M, Shao, F, Sharma, K, Sharpe, C, Sheikh-Ali, M, Sheldon, J, Shenton, C, Shepherd, A, Shepperd, M, Sheridan, R, Sheriff, Z, Shibata, Y, Shigehara, T, Shikata, K, Shimamura, K, Shimano, H, Shimizu, Y, Shimoda, H, Shin, K, Shivashankar, G, Shojima, N, Silva, R, Sim, CSB, Simmons, K, Sinha, S, Sitter, T, Sivanandam, S, Skipper, M, Sloan, K, Sloan, L, Smith, R, Smyth, J, Sobande, T, Sobata, M, Somalanka, S, Song, X, Sonntag, F, Sood, B, Sor, SY, Soufer, J, Sparks, H, Spatoliatore, G, Spinola, T, Squyres, S, Srivastava, A, Stanfield, J, Staylor, K, Steele, A, Steen, O, Steffl, D, Stegbauer, J, Stellbrink, C, Stellbrink, E, Stevenson, A, Stewart-Ray, V, Stickley, J, Stoffler, D, Stratmann, B, Streitenberger, S, Strutz, F, Stubbs, J, Stumpf, J, Suazo, N, Suchinda, P, Suckling, R, Sudin, A, Sugamori, K, Sugawara, H, Sugawara, K, Sugimoto, D, Sugiyama, H, Sugiyama, T, Sullivan, M, Sumi, M, Suresh, N, Sutton, D, Suzuki, H, Suzuki, R, Suzuki, Y, Swanson, E, Swift, P, Syed, S, Szerlip, H, Taal, M, Taddeo, M, Tailor, C, Tajima, K, Takagi, M, Takahashi, K, Takahashi, M, Takahashi, T, Takahira, E, Takai, T, Takaoka, M, Takeoka, J, Takesada, A, Takezawa, M, Talbot, M, Taliercio, J, Talsania, T, Tamori, Y, Tamura, R, Tamura, Y, Tan, CHH, Tan, EZZ, Tanabe, A, Tanabe, K, Tanaka, A, Tanaka, N, Tang, S, Tang, Z, Tanigaki, K, Tarlac, M, Tatsuzawa, A, Tay, JF, Tay, LL, Taylor, J, Taylor, K, Te, A, Tenbusch, L, Teng, KS, Terakawa, A, Terry, J, Tham, ZD, Tholl, S, Thomas, G, Thong, KM, Tietjen, D, Timadjer, A, Tindall, H, Tipper, S, Tobin, K, Toda, N, Tokuyama, A, Tolibas, M, Tomita, A, Tomita, T, Tomlinson, J, Tonks, L, Topf, J, Topping, S, Torp, A, Torres, A, Totaro, F, Toth, P, Toyonaga, Y, Tripodi, F, Trivedi, K, Tropman, E, Tschope, D, Tse, J, Tsuji, K, Tsunekawa, S, Tsunoda, R, Tucky, B, Tufail, S, Tuffaha, A, Turan, E, Turner, H, Turner, J, Turner, M, Tye, YL, Tyler, A, Tyler, J, Uchi, H, Uchida, H, Uchida, T, Udagawa, T, Ueda, S, Ueda, Y, Ueki, K, Ugni, S, Ugwu, E, Umeno, R, Unekawa, C, Uozumi, K, Urquia, K, Valleteau, A, Valletta, C, van Erp, R, Vanhoy, C, Varad, V, Varma, R, Varughese, A, Vasquez, P, Vasseur, A, Veelken, R, Velagapudi, C, Verdel, K, Vettoretti, S, Vezzoli, G, Vielhauer, V, Viera, R, Vilar, E, Villaruel, S, Vinall, L, Vinathan, J, Visnjic, M, Voigt, E, von-Eynatten, M, Vourvou, M, Wada, J, Wada, T, Wada, Y, Wakayama, K, Wakita, Y, Walters, T, Wan Mohamad, WH, Wang, L, Wang, W, Wang, X, Wang, Y, Wanninayake, S, Watada, H, Watanabe, K, Watanabe, M, Waterfall, H, Watkins, D, Watson, S, Weaving, L, Weber, B, Webley, Y, Webster, A, Webster, M, Weetman, M, Wei, W, Weihprecht, H, Weiland, L, Weinmann-Menke, J, Weinreich, T, Wendt, R, Weng, Y, Whalen, M, Whalley, G, Wheatley, R, Wheeler, A, Wheeler, J, Whelton, P, White, K, Whitmore, B, Whittaker, S, Wiebel, J, Wiley, J, Wilkinson, L, Willett, M, Williams, A, Williams, E, Williams, K, Williams, T, Wilson, A, Wilson, P, Wincott, L, Wines, E, Winkelmann, B, Winkler, M, Winter-Goodwin, B, Witczak, J, Wittes, J, Wittmann, M, Wolf, G, Wolf, L, Wolfling, R, Wong, C, Wong, E, Wong, HS, Wong, LW, Wong, YH, Wonnacott, A, Wood, A, Wood, L, Woodhouse, H, Wooding, N, Woodman, A, Wren, K, Wu, J, Wu, P, Xia, S, Xiao, H, Xiao, X, Xie, Y, Xu, C, Xu, Y, Xue, H, Yahaya, H, Yalamanchili, H, Yamada, A, Yamada, N, Yamagata, K, Yamaguchi, M, Yamaji, Y, Yamamoto, A, Yamamoto, S, Yamamoto, T, Yamanaka, A, Yamano, T, Yamanouchi, Y, Yamasaki, N, Yamasaki, Y, Yamashita, C, Yamauchi, T, Yan, Q, Yanagisawa, E, Yang, F, Yang, L, Yano, S, Yao, S, Yao, Y, Yarlagadda, S, Yasuda, Y, Yiu, V, Yokoyama, T, Yoshida, S, Yoshidome, E, Yoshikawa, H, Young, A, Young, T, Yousif, V, Yu, H, Yu, Y, Yuasa, K, Yusof, N, Zalunardo, N, Zander, B, Zani, R, Zappulo, F, Zayed, M, Zemann, B, Zettergren, P, Zhang, H, Zhang, L, Zhang, N, Zhang, X, Zhao, J, Zhao, L, Zhao, S, Zhao, Z, Zhong, H, Zhou, N, Zhou, S, Zhu, L, Zhu, S, Zietz, M, Zippo, M, Zirino, F, and Zulkipli, FH
- Published
- 2024
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4. Amanda Said I Should Go to Cuba
- Author
Bushnell, J. T.
- Published
- 2006
5. Paediatric acute care cardiology collaborative data registry validation
- Author
Khadr, L., primary, Hart, S.A., additional, Schachtner, S., additional, Graupe, M., additional, Veneziale, K.L., additional, Bushnell, J., additional, Roberts, F., additional, Jolly-Passerini, H., additional, and Madsen, N., additional
- Published
- 2022
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6. Dormant or Quiescent Stages and Structures among the Ectoprocta: Physical and Chemical Factors Affecting Viability and Germination of Statoblasts
- Author
Bushnell, J. H. and Rao, K. S.
- Published
- 1974
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7. Wholesale price list, 1931--1932 /
- Author
J.F. Bushnell (Firm), Bushnell, J. F., Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection, U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library, J.F. Bushnell (Firm), Bushnell, J. F., and Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection
- Subjects
Bulbs (Plants) ,Gladiolus ,Mansfield ,Massachusetts ,Nurseries (Horticulture) ,Nursery stock ,Prices ,Varieties - Published
- 1931
8. Perceived barriers to care in St. Louis (USA) and Christchurch (NZ): reasons for not seeking professional help for psychological distress
- Author
Wells, J. E., Robins, L. N., Bushnell, J. A., Jarosz, D., and Oakley-Browne, M. A.
- Published
- 1994
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9. David Joravsky (1925–2020)
- Author
Bushnell, John and Fitzpatrick, Sheila
- Published
- 2023
10. Upstream vs. Downstream CO2 Trading: A Comparison for the Electricity Context
- Author
Hobbs, B.F., Bushnell, J., and Wolak, F.A.
- Subjects
greenhouse gas regulation ,electricity market models ,Emissions trading - Abstract
In electricity, “downstream” CO2 regulation requires retail suppliers to buy energy from a mix of sources so that their weighted emissions satisfy a standard. It has been argued that such “load-based” regulation would solve emissions leakage, cost consumers less, and provide more incentive for energy efficiency than traditional source-based cap-andtrade programs. Because pure load-based trading complicates spot power markets, variants (GEAC and CO2RC) that separate emissions attributes from energy have been proposed. When all energy producers and consumers come under such a system, these load-based programs are equivalent to source-based trading in which emissions allowances are allocated by various rules, and have no necessary cost advantage. The GEAC and CO2RC systems are equivalent to giving allowances free to generators, and requiring consumers either to subsidize generation or buy back excess allowances, respectively. As avoided energy costs under source-based and pure load-based trading are equal, the latter provides no additional incentive for energy efficiency. The speculative benefits of load-based systems are unjustified in light of their additional administrative complexity and cost, the threat that they pose to the competitiveness and efficiency of electricity spot markets, and the complications that would arise when transition to a federal cap-and-trade system occurs.
- Published
- 2016
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- Author
Bushnell, J. C.
- Published
- 1919
- Author
Bushnell, J. E., Baxter, A. A., and Montgomery, James
- Published
- 1893
- Author
- Published
- 1893
14. The Thousand Pages.
- Author
- Subjects
- *
AMERICAN authors , *SHORT story writing - Published
- 2021
15. Laser-Induced Infrared Absorption in Silicon.
- Author
Gauster, W. B. and Bushnell, J. C.
- Published
- 1970
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16. Thermoelastic Stress Production in Solids.
- Author
Bushnell, J. C. and McCloskey, D. J.
- Published
- 1968
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17. Child of Steens Mountain Eileen O'Keefe McVicker Barbara Scot
- Author
Bushnell, J. T.
- Published
- 2010
- Author
Bushnell, J. T.
- Subjects
HUMAN behavior ,AMYOTROPHIC lateral sclerosis ,MIRACLES ,MENTAL health - Published
- 2020
19. Effect of dimethyl sulphoxide on growth, sporulation and spore germination ofRhizopus arrhizus Fischer
- Author
Gunasekaran, M., Weber, D. J., and Bushnell, J. L.
- Published
- 1972
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20. Frost Resistance and Pentosan Colloids
- Author
Bushnell, J. W.
- Published
- 1923
21. The big city by-pass: Origin is important in medical students' preference for future practice in regional cities and large towns.
- Author
Weston, K. M., Garne, D. L., Bushnell, J. A., and Hudson, J. N.
- Subjects
TRAINING of medical students ,MEDICAL students ,GRADUATE education ,RURAL medicine ,ATTITUDE (Psychology) - Abstract
Background: Rural clinical placement during medical training has been identified as important in addressing workforce mal-distribution in Australia. The University of Wollongong (UOW) medical school is unique in Australia in that all students undertake a 12-month continuous longitudinal-integrated-clerkship (LIC) placement in rural or regional NSW, or in the non-capital city urban centre where the university main campus is located. This paper investigates whether origin is important in medical students' intentions and preferences for future practice. Methods: Between 2010 and 2015, rural clinical school (RCS) students from Australian medical school programmes, including UOW, completed the same survey. The responses from UOW students were compared to other students. The main outcome measures investigated were preference for location of future practice and training, and career preferences. These were investigated with respect to location of origin of students. Results: UOW students preferred regional city/large town locations for future practice compared to other RCS students. This finding strongly correlated with the non-capital city origin of UOW students. General practice/rural medicine was the career preference for one third of UOW students compared to one quarter of other students. Generalist specialist was the preference for almost half of other students. Skills development experiences and outcomes were similar in both groups. Conclusions: Many students who have experienced a LIC placement in a regional or rural setting during training prefer smaller regional cities, towns or rural locations for future practice. Augmenting the rural clinical experience by affirmative action in preferential selection of students of non-capital city origin can result in more medical graduates wanting to "by-pass" the big cities. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
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22. The Magic Tablet.
- Author
Bushnell, J. T.
- Published
- 2017
23. Why We Write.
- Author
- Subjects
- *
POLICE brutality , *PUBLIC demonstrations , *COVID-19 pandemic ,WRITING - Published
- 2020
24. Assessment of psychology competencies in field placements: Standardized vignettes reduce rater bias
- Author
Gonsalvez, CJ, Bushnell, J, Blackman, R, Deane, F, Bliokas, V, Nicholson-Perry, K, Shires, A, Nasstasia, Y, Allan, C, Knight, R, Gonsalvez, CJ, Bushnell, J, Blackman, R, Deane, F, Bliokas, V, Nicholson-Perry, K, Shires, A, Nasstasia, Y, Allan, C, and Knight, R
- Abstract
Supervisors' ratings of psychology trainees' competence in field settings are a critical component of training assessment. There has been little systematic research regarding the validity of these assessments, but the available evidence suggests we have a problem! Supervisors' judgments may be affected by systemic biases that pose a serious threat to assessment credibility. The current study is part of a research collaboration among six universities that endeavors to develop and evaluate a new method-the use of vignettes-against outcomes derived from a conventional rating scale. Individual vignettes were designed and subjected to a rigorous process of peer-review and revisions, before final vignettes were assigned calibration scores by a group of experts. A catalogue of vignettes (n = 41) that represent various domains of competence across several developmental stages was compiled. University and field super-visors used the conventional rating scale and the vignette-matching procedure (VMP) to evaluate competencies at end-placement. Data from a pilot (n = 20) and a follow-up study (n = 57) suggest that compared with a conventional rating scale, the VMP reduced leniency and halo biases. The VMP has the potential to improve outcomes of competency assessments in field placements and merits further research and development. © eat to assessment credibility. The current study is part of a research collaboration among six universities that endeavors to develop and evaluate a new method-the use of vignettes-against outcomes derived from a conventional rating scale. Individual vignettes were designed and subjected to a rigorous process of peer2013 American Psychological Association.
- Published
- 2013
25. Comparison of assessment performance of rural and regional students in a unique Australian graduate-entry medical program
- Author
Garne, David L, Bushnell, J, Lethbridge, A, Douglas, J, Garne, David L, Bushnell, J, Lethbridge, A, and Douglas, J
- Abstract
The Graduate School of Medicine at the University of Wollongong is one of Australia's newest medical schools, with a regional/rural focus and a distributed campus, and students are all expected to spend a significant proportion of their training in a rural setting. Due to the diverse learning environments that students are exposed to, we sought to determine by phase if there was any difference in examination results between groups who were located in rural settings and those in regional settings.
- Published
- 2012
26. Evolution of reciprical teaching and learning: medical students and simulated patients training in partnership
- Author
Ashcroft, E, Potter, I, Bushnell, J, Ashcroft, E, Potter, I, and Bushnell, J
- Abstract
Training simulated patients effectively is vital for the success of the patient volunteer programme in the Graduate School of Medicine at the University of Wollongong. Globally, simulated patients play an essential role in contemporary medical education. Yet, there is a significant gap in the research literature regarding their training and the impact of their feedback on student learning. In 2010, our 2nd and 3rd year medical students replicated realistic interview situations as part of our simulated patient training. This intervention allowed patient volunteers to give feedback but also to receive feedback on their feedback giving skills from students. During these interactions, a strong sense of reciprocal teaching and learning between the incumbent simulated patients and the participating students emerged. Based on these observations, we conducted focus group interviews with both parties. Participants reported an enriched educational experience and better understanding of each other's role in the teaching relationship. Volunteers commented that the approach has given them a better comprehension of the expectations placed upon them by students. Students appreciated the opportunity to support volunteers in what they see as a vital aspect of their medical training.
- Published
- 2011
27. Why do medical students volunteer to train simulated patients? A qualitative evaluation of motivations and incentives
- Author
Ashcroft, E, Potter, I, Bushnell, J, Ashcroft, E, Potter, I, and Bushnell, J
- Abstract
The willingness to actively volunteer is an expected trait of medical students. Their compliance to participate in teaching and learning interventions is well described in the medical education literature The purpose of this investigation is to determine whether medical students' motivations to volunteer are congruent with motivational drives of other community members. We recruited eighteen (18) medical students, who contributed to the 2010 patient volunteer training as interview partners. One focus of their involvement was to develop feedback skills in newly recruited simulated patients. Ten (10) of these students participated in our audio-recorded focus group interviews. A thematic analysis of the transcripts revealed three main themes emerging from the data. The main motives for participating are primarily reciprocity, gaining an additional opportunity for own skill development and the associated social interaction with simulated patients and peers. The supply of food and refreshments constituted a strong incentive, whilst unsuitable timing of the training session presented the major barrier. Medical students are motivated to be involved in the training of simulated patients provided timetabling of the activity recognises their needs and refreshments are provided.
- Published
- 2011
28. An unusual presentation of atrial myxoma with haematuria and proteinuria
- Author
Bushnell, J. R., primary, Weston, C., additional, and Karamadoukis, L., additional
- Published
- 2011
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29. P.1.i.02l Neuroendocrine and psychological factors in chronic fatigue syndrome
- Author
Bushnell, J., primary, Harvey, J.A., additional, and Ellis, P.M., additional
- Published
- 2009
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30. Is load-based carbon trading less costly than source-based trading?
- Author
Hobbs, B.F., Bushnell, J., and Wolak, F.A.
- Published
- 2010
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31. Bolsheviks and the Bottle: Drink and Worker Culture in St. Petersburg, 1900-1929. By Laura L. Phillips (DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press, 2000. viii plus 212 pp.)
- Author
Bushnell, J., primary
- Published
- 2002
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32. This Is Your Brain on Fear.
- Author
- Subjects
- *
The article explores how the brain functions when in the state of fear, and emphasizes the need for authors to understand the formation of traumatic memories when they attempt to re-create those moments. Topics covered include the impact of fear on attention, the survival mechanisms of stress chemicals known as catecholamines, and the use of imaginations or fabrications to address narrative incoherence. Also discussed is the selective description of external details as a narrative technique.
- Published
- 2016
33. Transmission pricing in California's proposed electricity market
- Author
Bushnell, J., primary and Oren, S., additional
- Published
- 1997
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34. Impulsivity in Disordered Eating, Affective Disorder and Substance use Disorder
- Author
Bushnell, J. A., primary, Wells, J. E., additional, and Oakley-Browne, M. A., additional
- Published
- 1996
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35. Disruptions in Childhood Parental Care as Risk Factors for Major Depression in Adult Women
- Author
Browne, Oakley M. A., primary, Joyce, P. R., additional, Wells, J. E., additional, Bushnell, J. A., additional, and Hornblow, A. R., additional
- Published
- 1995
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36. Adoption as a risk factor for mental disorders
- Author
Sullivan, P. F., primary, Wells, J. E., additional, and Bushnell, J. A., additional
- Published
- 1995
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37. Workers, Strikes, and Pogroms: The Donbass-Dnepr Bend in Late Imperial Russia, 1870-1905. By Charters Wynn (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1992. xv plus 289pp.)
- Author
Bushnell, J., primary
- Published
- 1994
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38. Antisocial Women
- Author
Mulder, R. T., primary, Wells, J. E., additional, Joyce, P. R., additional, and Bushnell, J. A., additional
- Published
- 1994
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39. Bulimia comorbidity in the general population and in the clinic
- Author
Bushnell, J. A., primary, Wells, J. E., additional, McKenzie, J. M., additional, Hornblow, A. R., additional, Oakley-Browne, M. A., additional, and Joyce, P. R., additional
- Published
- 1994
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40. Insulin and plasma magnesium in normal and obese subjects
- Author
Ng, L. L., McLean-Bushnell, J., and Hockaday, T. D. R.
- Published
- 1987
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41. Writing on Water
- Author
Bushnell, Jack
- Published
- 2017
42. Long‐term effects of intrafamilial sexual abuse in childhood
- Author
Bushnell, J. A., primary, Wells, J. E., additional, and Oakley‐Browne, M. A., additional
- Published
- 1992
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43. From Serf to Russian Soldier. By Elise Kimerling Wirtschafter (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1990. xix + 214 pp. $32.50)
- Author
Bushnell, J., primary
- Published
- 1991
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44. The Evacuation.
- Author
Bushnell, J. T.
- Subjects
- EVACUATION, The (Short story), BUSHNELL, J. T.
- Abstract
Presents the short story "The Evacuation," by J. T. Bushnell.
- Published
- 2009
45. Preventing alcohol problems: the implications of a case-finding study in Christchurch, New Zealand
- Author
Wells, J. E., primary, Bushnell, J. A., additional, Joyce, P. R., additional, Oakley-Browne, M. A., additional, and Hornblow, A. R., additional
- Published
- 1991
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46. 'It puts things out of your control': fear of consequences as a barrier to patient disclosure of mental health issues to general practitioners.
- Author
Dew K, Morgan S, Dowell A, McLeod D, Bushnell J, and Collings S
- Published
- 2007
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- Author
Bushnell, J. T.
- Subjects
MAN-woman relationships -- Fiction - Published
- 2013
48. The Jerks.
- Author
Bushnell, J. T.
- Subjects
- *
The article offers advice on how writers can avoid creating jerk characters. The author stresses that readers do not like nice people because they feel sympathy if the characters are vulnerable, such as Ned Flanders in the television show "The Simpsons." Author Charles Baxter suggests that writers create characters that get into troubles they created and fell remorse for them. Other writers also give importance to description as it where readers see the characters' consciousness.
- Published
- 2012
49. The Unreliable Narrator.
- Author
- Subjects
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UNRELIABLE narration , *AUTHORS , *LITERARY characters , *POINT of view (Literature) , *LITERATURE - Abstract
The author discusses unreliable narration as a factor to find a writer's voice. He presents two sample passages to show the real voice of author Holden Caulfield. He states that unreliable narration pertains to the way a writer build a disparity between the characters' belief and the real case. He notes that unreliable narration necessarily involves characterization, point of view and theme. He explains that a clarity of purpose allows some authors to have voices with confidence and ease.
- Published
- 2011
50. Epidemiology of pain in New Zealand.
- Author
James, F R, Large, R G, Bushnell, J A, Wells, J E, James, Frances R, Large, Robert G, Bushnell, John A, and Wells, Elisabeth J
- Published
- 1991
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